Matlab Tips
Matlab Tips
Matlab Tips
Gabriel Peyré
CEREMADE, Université Paris Dauphine
November 18, 2007
First keep in mind that this is not a Matlab tutorial. This is just a list of
tricks I have found useful while writing my toolboxes available on the Matlab
Central repository
You can e-mail me if you have corrections about these pieces of code, or if you
would like to add your own tips to those described in this document.
1 General Programming Tips 1
2 Input/Output tips 4
Reverse a vector.
x = x(end:-1:1);
Access a matrix from a list of entries. Here, we have I = [I1; I2] and y(i)
= M( I1(i), I2(i) )
J = sub2ind(size(M), I(1,:),I(2,:) );
y = M(J);
% all the optional arguments are in options
function fun(x,y,options)
arg = getoptions(options, ’arg’, ’default’);
Find the angle that makes a 2D vector x with the vector [1,0]
% just the angle
theta = atan2(x(2),x(1));
% if you want to compute the full polar decomposition
[theta,r] = cart2pol(x);
n = 10000; a = [];
for i=1:n
a(i) = 1; % this will reallocate size
toc; tic;
for i=1:n
a(i) = 1;
toc; % should be 15 times faster
Enlarging the size of the line and markers for the plot display.
h = plot(...);
set(h, ’LineWidth’, 2);
set(h, ’MarkerSize’, 10);
2 Input/Output tips
[n,p] = size(M); % saving
str = ’my file’; % name of the file
fid = fopen(str,’wb’);
if fid<0
error([’error writing to file ’, str]);
fwrite(fid,M’,’double’); % store it row-wise format
% loading
fid = fopen(str,’rb’);
if fid<0
error([’error reading file ’,str]);
[M, cnt] = fread(fid,[n,p],’double’); M = M’;
if cnt =n*p
error([’Error reading file ’, str]);
m = sum(x(:).ˆ2);
Shuffle an array x.
y = x( randperm(length(x)) );
Construct a polygon x whose ith sidelength is s(i). Here x(i) is the complex
affix of the ith vertex.
theta = [0;cumsum(s)];
theta = theta/theta(end);
theta = theta(1:(end-1));
x = exp(2i*pi*theta);
L = abs(x(1)-x(2));
x = x*s(1)/L; % rescale the result
Compute y, the inverse of an integer x modulo a prime p.
% use Bezout thm
[u,y,d] = gcd(x,p);
y = mod(y,p);
Compute the curvilinear abscise s of a curve c. Here, c(:,i) is the ith point
of the curve.
D = c(:,2:end)-c(:,1:(end-1));
s = zeros(size(c,2),1);
s(2:end) = sqrt( D(1,:).ˆ2 + D(2,:).ˆ2 );
s = cumsum(s);
% compute the thresholded L1 norm at each sampled value
s0 = sort( abs(x(:)) );
s = cumsum( s0(end:-1:1) ); s = s(end:-1:1);
s = s - s0 .* (length(x(:)):-1:1)’;
% compute the optimal threshold by interpolation
[i,tmp] = max( find(s>lambda) );
if isempty(i)
y = x; return;
i = i(end);
t = ( s(i+1)-lambda )/( s(i+1)-s(i) ) * (s0(i)-s0(i+1)) + s0(i+1);
% do the actual thresholding
y = x; y(abs(x)<t) = 0;
y(abs(x)>=t) = y(abs(x)>=t) - sign(x(abs(x)>=t))*t;
Keep only the n biggest coefficients of a signal x (set the others to 0).
[tmp,I] = sort(abs(x(:))); x( I(1:end-n) ) = 0;
Draw a 3D sphere.
p = 20; % precision
t = 0:1/(p-1):1;
[th,ph] = meshgrid( t*pi,t*2*pi );
x = cos(th);
y = sin(th).*cos(ph);
z = sin(th).*sin(ph);
surf(x,y,z, z.*0);
% some pretty rendering options
shading interp; lighting gouraud;
camlight infinite; axis square; axis off;
Project 3D points on a 2D plane (best fit plane). P(:,k) is the kth point.
for i=1:3 % substract mean
P(i,:) = P(i,:) - mean(P(i,:));
C = P*P’; % covariance matrix
% project on the two most important eigenvectors
[V,D] = eigs(C);
Q = V(:,1:2)’*P;
5 Signal Processing Tips
Evaluate a cubic spline at value t (can be a vector).
x = abs(t) ;
I12 = (x>1)&(x<=2); I01 = (x<=1);
y = I01.*( 2/3-x.ˆ2.*(1-x/2) ) + I12.*( 1/6*(2-x).ˆ3 );
Compute the approximation error err= ||f − fM ||/||f || obtained when keeping
the M best coefficients in an orthogonal basis.
% as an example we take the decomposition in the cosine basis
M = 500;
x = peaks(128); y = dct(x); % a sample function
[tmp,I] = sort(abs(y(:)));
y(I(1:end-M)) = 0;
err = norm(y,’fro’)/norm(x,’fro’); % the relative error
xx = idct(y); imagesc(xx); % the reconstructed function
Evaluate the number of bits needed to code a vector v with arithmetic coding.
h = hist(v,100); % use 100 bins for histogram
% use Shannon’s upper bound
nbr bits = - length(v(:)) * sum( h.*log2(h) );
[p,q] = size(M); % the original image
[X,Y] = meshgrid( (0:p-1)/(p-1), (0:q-1)/(q-1) );
% new sampling location
[XI,YI] = meshgrid( (0:p1-1)/(p1-1) , (0:q1-1)/(q1-1) );
M1 = interp2( X,Y, M, XI,YI ,’cubic’); % the new image
Extract all 0th level curves from an image M an put these curves into a cell array
c list.
c = contourc(M,[0,0]);
k = 0; p = 1;
while p < size(c, 2) % parse the result
lc = c(2,p); % length of the curve
cc = c(:,(p+1):(p+lc));
p = p+lc+1;
k = k+1;
c list{k} = cc;
and a square.
n = 100; x = -1:2/(n-1):1;
[Y,X] = meshgrid(x,x);
c = [0,0]; r = 0.4; % center and radius of the disk
D = (X-c(1)).ˆ2 + (Y-c(2)).ˆ2 < rˆ2; Draw
imagesc(D); % a disk
C = max(abs(X-c(1)),abs(Y-c(2)))<r;
imagesc(C); % a square
c(ω) = ω −α .
a noisy cloud-like image M whose Fourier spectrum amplitude is M
x = -n/2:n/2-1;
[Y,X] = meshgrid(x,x);
d = sqrt(X.ˆ2 + Y.ˆ2) + 0.1;
f = rand(n)*2*pi;
M = (d.ˆ(-alpha)) .* exp(f*1i);
M = real( ifft2( ifftshift(M) ) );
Compute the boundary points of a shape represented as a binary image M.
M1 = conv2(M,ones(3)/9, ’same’);
% A indicates with 1 the location of the boundary A = Mh>0 & Mh<9 & M==1;
I = find(A); % index of the boundary
[x,y] = ind2sub(size(A),I);
plot(x,y); % display the boundary
Solve the Poisson equation ∆G =div(f ) where div(f ) is stored in image d and
G in image G.
% Compute the Laplacian filter in Fourier [Y,X] = meshgrid(0:n-1,0:n-1);
mu = sin(X*pi/n).ˆ2; mu = -4*( mu+mu’ );
mu(1) = 1; % avoid division by 0
% Inverse the Laplacian convolution
G = fft2(d) ./ mu; G(1) = 0;
G = real( ifft2( G ) );
Compute the shortest distance between all pair of nodes (D is the weighted
adjacency matrix).
% non connected vectices must have Inf value
N = length(D);
for k=1:N
D = min(D,repmat(D(:,k),[1 N])+repmat(D(k,:),[N 1]));
D1 = D;
nvert = max(max(face));
nface = length(face);
A = zeros(nvert);
for i=1:nface
A(face(i,1),face(i,2)) = 1; A(face(i,2),face(i,3)) = 1;
A(face(i,3),face(i,1)) = 1;
% make sure that all edges are symmetric
A(face(i,2),face(i,1)) = 1; A(face(i,3),face(i,2)) = 1;
A(face(i,1),face(i,3)) = 1;
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