Emergencias Oncológicas
Emergencias Oncológicas
Emergencias Oncológicas
The development of medical emergencies related to the underlying disease or as a result of complications
of therapy are common in patients with hematologic or solid tumors. These oncological emergencies can
occur as an initial presentation or in a patient with an established diagnosis and are encountered in all
medical care settings, ranging from primary care to the emergency department and various subspecialty
environments. Therefore, it is critically important that all physicians have a working knowledge of the
potential oncological emergencies that may present in their practice and how to provide the most effective
care without delay. This article reviews the most common oncological emergencies and provides practical
guidance for initial management of these patients.
ª 2017 Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research n Mayo Clin Proc. 2017;92(4):609-641
ancer is expected to be diagnosed in the large number of patients with active can-
more than 1.6 million people in the cer, many practicing physicians can expect to
United States in 2017. A small per- encounter patients with a cancer-related emer-
centage of these patients will experience an gency. It is therefore imperative that practi-
emergent cancer-related complication at tioners, especially primary and emergency
some point during the disease course. For care physicians, are able to rapidly recognize
some patients, an emergent complication is and effectively manage patients with these
the first manifestation of the cancer.1 Given complications. Emergencies in hematology
and oncology can be broadly classified as con- and subsequently releases calcium into the cir-
ditions resulting from the cancer itself and culation.8,10,11 The presence of elevated PTHrP
complications related to therapy directed in humoral hypercalcemia of malignancy por-
against the malignant disease, although there tends poorer prognosis and decreased response
can be some overlap between the 2 categories. to therapy with bisphosphonates.12-14 Osteol-
The emergencies can also be classified accord- ysis as a cause of hypercalcemia is commonly
ing to organ systems, which is the approach seen in patients with breast cancer, lung cancer,
taken in this review. and multiple myeloma. Several cytokines have
been implicated in the pathogenesis of cancer-
METABOLIC EMERGENCIES induced osteolysis, including tumor necrosis
factor, macrophage inflammatory protein 1a,
Hypercalcemia of Malignancy and lymphotoxin.15,16 Local production of
Hypercalcemia is common in patients with PTHrP may also result in osteolysis, which is
advanced cancer and has been reported in in part mediated through the RANKL
up to 30% of patients with cancer.2 The inci- pathway.17,18 Extrarenal production of 1,25-
dence varies greatly among cancer types, and dihydroxyvitamin D (calcitriol) can occur in
hypercalcemia is most commonly associated patients with both Hodgkin and non-Hodgkin
with multiple myeloma, nonesmall cell lung lymphomas as well as nonmalignant granulo-
cancer (especially squamous cell cancer), renal matous diseases such as sarcoidosis.19,20 Very
cell carcinoma, breast cancer, non-Hodgkin rarely, ectopic production of PTH by tumors
lymphoma, and leukemia but can also be causes hypercalcemia.21 Hypercalcemia of
seen in multiple other malignant disorders.3 malignancy can also be exacerbated by factors
The presence of hypercalcemia in a patient unrelated to the malignant disorder itself such
with cancer is an adverse prognostic factor as the intake of calcium, vitamin D, lithium, and
predicting a shorter survival, but effective ther- thiazides. Thiazides are thought to reduce
apy, both for the hypercalcemia and the un- urinary calcium excretion as a result of
derlying cancer, may improve outcomes.4-7 increased passive calcium reabsorption at the
proximal tubule and increased distal reabsorp-
Pathophysiology. The pathophysiology of hy- tion at a thiazide sensitive site.
percalcemia of malignancy can be divided into
3 major categories.8 The first category, often Clinical Presentation and Diagnosis. Hyper-
called humoral hypercalcemia of malignancy, calcemia is caused by either primary hyper-
usually results from tumor production of parathyroidism or malignant disease more
parathyroid hormoneerelated peptide (PTHrP) than 90% of the time. Therefore, it is impor-
and less commonly intact parathyroid hormone tant to distinguish between these 2 entities
(PTH). It is the most common underlying cause early on. In hypercalcemia associated with
of hypercalcemia of malignancy. The second cancer, there are frequently overt signs of
category is hypercalcemia from bone destruc- malignant disease at presentation. Hypercalce-
tion and dissolution (osteolysis) from extensive mia can cause a multitude of nonspecific
bone metastases. The third and least common symptoms. Lethargy, confusion, anorexia,
category is excess production of vitamin D nausea, constipation, polyuria, and polydipsia
analogues by the malignant cells. Humoral are all common symptoms of hypercalcemia,
hypercalcemia of malignancy accounts for up to and the severity may correlate with the
80% of hypercalcemia that occurs in patients degree of hypercalcemia and the rapidity of
with cancer and is the dominant cause in onset.22,23 Severe hypercalcemia, especially of
patients with solid tumors.2,9 Structurally, rapid onset, may cause cardiac dysrhythmias
PTHrP is closely related to PTH and exerts many such as bradycardia, shortening of the QT
of the functions of PTH itself. It binds to interval, and even cardiac arrest.24 The phys-
receptors on osteoblasts and stimulates their ical examination is generally not helpful in
activity through receptor activator of nuclear making the diagnosis but can reveal signs of
factor kB ligand (RANKL) signaling. This volume depletion and impaired cognitive
process in turn stimulates the osteoclasts, function as well as signs of the underlying
increasing their activation and proliferation cancer such as enlarged lymph nodes.
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of normal saline, an IV infusion of 250 to lowered the calcium levels in most patients
500 mL/h can be used until urine output and had a prolonged duration of response.44
and euvolemia are established. Denosumab was given as 120 mg subcutane-
Calcitonin can lower calcium levels by ously weekly for 4 weeks and then every 4
inhibiting osteoclasts and can enhance urinary weeks thereafter. It is well tolerated but may
excretion of calcium.28 The onset of action of result in symptomatic hypocalcemia.43,44
calcitonin is quick, but tachyphylaxis develops Denosumab can safely be given to patients
within days of use.29,30 It is therefore of most with renal insufficiency, but the risk of hypocal-
use when a prompt reduction in calcium levels cemia may be increased.45 The dose should be
is required. Calcitonin is given as a subcutane- reduced in patients with renal insufficiency, but
ous injection, and no dosage adjustment is the optimal dose has not been established. A
needed in patients with renal insufficiency.31 fixed single dose of 60 mg subcutaneously has
The use of loop diuretics is strongly dis- resulted in symptomatic hypocalcemia, and a
couraged because they may exacerbate the weight-based dose of 0.3 mg/kg may be a safer
hypovolemia and therefore impair calcium alternative followed by careful monitoring and
excretion.32 Loop diuretics should be reserved repeated administration in a week if needed.45
only for patients with clinical evidence of The calcimimetic cinacalcet has been reported
volume overload. Bisphosphonates are the to lower serum calcium levels in patients with
mainstay of the treatment and are able to con- hypercalcemia secondary to PTH production
trol the hypercalcemia in most patients.33-36 of parathyroid carcinoma but is not recommen-
Bisphosphonates block osteoclastic bone ded in hypercalcemia of other etiologies.46
resorption, but the onset of action is slow Hemodialysis can be used in refractory cases
and it may take 2 to 3 days to see a full effect. and situations in which other methods cannot
The most commonly used bisphosphonates in be used safely but should be considered as a
the United States are pamidronate (60-90 mg last-resort therapy.47,48 Effective systemic ther-
IV over 2-4 hours) and zoledronic acid apy or radiotherapy for the underlying disease,
(4 mg IV over 15 minutes), but zoledronic if available, can further help decrease the serum
acid is often preferred because it can be given calcium levels.
as a short IV infusion and may be more effec-
tive than pamidronate.33 Ibandronate is also Tumor Lysis Syndrome
effective but infrequently used in the United Tumor lysis syndrome (TLS) is a constellation
States.37,38 Bisphosphonates are potentially of metabolic derangements resulting from the
nephrotoxic and should be used with caution death of neoplastic cells which then release
in patients with renal insufficiency. their intracellular contents into the circula-
Glucocorticoids are useful in patients tion.49 It is most commonly seen in patients
whose hypercalcemia is driven by overproduc- with very aggressive hematologic cancers
tion of calcitriol because they inhibit the such as high-grade lymphomas and acute leu-
conversion of calcidiol to calcitriol.30,39 kemias.50,51 Tumor lysis syndrome is occa-
Commonly used glucocorticoids include sionally seen in patients with aggressive solid
prednisone (60 mg orally daily) and hydrocor- tumors such as small cell carcinoma of the
tisone (100 mg IV every 6 hours). Gallium lung.52 It usually occurs after effective therapy
nitrate and mithramycin (plicamycin) have has begun but can also occur spontaneously.53
been used in the past but are not readily avail- It is most commonly seen after the initiation of
able now and have been replaced by safer cytotoxic chemotherapy but can also result
agents.40,41 Denosumab, a humanized mono- from glucocorticoid therapy for lymphoma,
clonal antibody directed against the RANKL endocrine therapy for advanced breast cancer,
that inhibits osteoclast activation and function, various targeted agents, and radiotherapy for
was recently approved for use in hypercalcemia radiosensitive malignant diseases.54
of malignancy. Denosumab has been used
successfully in hypercalcemia refractory to Pathophysiology. Tumor lysis syndrome is
bisphosphonate therapy.42,43 In a single-arm caused by massive release of intracellular con-
trial in patients who remained hypercalcemic tents into the bloodstream at the time of the
after bisphosphonate therapy, denosumab death of neoplastic cells.50,55 The catabolism
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Clinical Presentation and Diagnosis. Patients Prevention and Treatment. Tumor lysis
with TLS can present with symptoms (clinically syndrome can often be prevented, and it is
evident TLS) or with abnormal laboratory test therefore of utmost importance to identify
results in the absence of symptoms (laboratory patients at risk and initiate prophylactic
TLS).58 The presenting symptoms of TLS are therapy because TLS is associated with
nonspecific, and a high index of suspicion increased mortality and morbidity as well as
is needed for a timely diagnosis. Decreased increased cost.51,60-63 Adequate hydration
urine output followed by symptoms of uremia and the appropriate use of uric acidelowering
and volume overload may occur. Seizures, (uricosuric) drugs can effectively reduce uric
arrhythmias, and even sudden death are known acid levels and reduce the risk of renal injury.
presentations of TLS. The choice of uricosuric drugs depends on the
Typical laboratory findings include risk of TLS for the given patient (Tables 3 and
elevated uric acid, phosphorus, potassium, 4). The most commonly used drugs are allo-
and lactate dehydrogenase levels as well as purinol and rasburicase. Allopurinol is an in-
low calcium concentrations. The diagnostic hibitor of xanthine oxidase and reduces the
criteria and definition of TLS have evolved, production of uric acid by decreasing the rate
but the most commonly used definition is of conversion of hypoxanthine to xanthine
the that of Cairo and Bishop59 (Table 2). and xanthine to uric acid. Both xanthine and
hypoxanthine are more water soluble than uric
Risk Stratification. The risk factors for devel- acid. Allopurinol does not facilitate the
opment of TLS are well known.51 The risk is breakdown of the uric acid that has already
determined by the type of cancer as well as been produced. Allopurinol is an appropriate
the treatment given and underlying condi- uricosuric drug in patients with low or inter-
tions. Tumor-specific risk factors include mediate risk of TLS. The prophylactic dose
high tumor burden, high tumor grade with of allopurinol is 200 to 400 mg/m2 daily in
rapid cell turnover, and treatment-sensitive 1 to 3 divided doses, up to a maximum of
tumor. Age, preexisting renal impairment, 800 mg daily.51 Febuxostat is a selective
and concomitant use of drugs known to in- inhibitor of xanthine oxidase that is approved
crease uric acid are patient-specific risk fac- for treatment of gout. It has fewer drug-drug
tors. Aspirin, alcohol, thiazide diuretics, and interactions than allopurinol, and dose
caffeine are known to increase uric acid adjustment is not needed in patients with
levels. The risk can be categorized on the mild to moderate renal impairment.64
basis of the characteristics of the underlying Febuxostat has been compared to allopurinol
TABLE 3. Risk Stratification of Tumor Lysis Syndrome and Recommendations for Prophylaxisa,b
Risk category Malignant disease Prophylaxis
Low-risk disease Solid tumor Monitoring (daily laboratory tests)
Multiple myeloma Intravenous hydration (3 L/m2 daily)
CML Consider allopurinol
Indolent NHL
Hodgkin lymphoma
AML (WBC <25,000/mL and LDH <2 ULN)
Intermediate-risk disease AML (WBC 25,000-100,000/mL) Monitoring (laboratory tests every 8-12 h)
AML (WBC <25,000/mL and LDH 2 ULN) Intravenous hydration (3 L/m2 daily)
Intermediate-grade NHL (LDH 2 ULN) Allopurinol for up to 7 d
ALL (WBC <100,000/mL and LDH <2 ULN)
Burkitt lymphoma (LDH <2 ULN)
Lymphoblastic NHL (LDH <2 ULN)
High-risk disease ALL (WBC 100,000/mL and/or LDH 2 ULN) Monitoring (laboratory tests every 6-8 h)
Burkitt lymphoma (stages III/IV and/or LDH 2 ULN) Intravenous hydration (3 L/m2 daily)
Lymphoblastic NHL (stages III/IV and/or LDH 2 ULN) Rasburicase (consider 3 mg fixed dose)
IRD with renal dysfunction and/or renal involvement
IRD with elevated uric acid, potassium, and/or phosphate
ALL ¼ acute lymphoblastic leukemia; AML ¼ acute myeloid leukemia; CLL ¼ chronic lymphoid leukemia; CML ¼ chronic myeloid leukemia; IRD ¼ intermediate-risk
disease; LDH ¼ lactate dehydrogenase; NHL ¼ non-Hodgkin lymphoma; ULN ¼ upper limit of normal; WBC ¼ white blood cell count.
SI conversion factors: To convert WBC to 109/L, multiply by 0.001.
Rare solid tumors such as small cell carcinoma, germ cell tumors, or others with bulky or advanced disease can be classified as IRD.
CLL treated with fludarabine and rituximab and/or those with a high WBC (50 109/L) can be classified as IRD.
Adapted from Br J Haematol,53 with permission. Copyright ª1999-2017 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. All rights reserved.
for prevention of TLS. It was found to be more rasburicase is recommended in all patients
effective in lowering uric acid levels, but it is with high risk of TLS. The recommended dose
uncertain if it reduces clinically important of rasburicase is 0.2 mg/kg once daily for up to
TLS, at least when compared with high doses 5 to 7 days, but lower doses and shorter
of allopurinol, and its role in management duration of therapy are commonly used.
of TLS needs to be determined with further A single fixed dose of 3 mg has been studied
trials.65 The dose of febuxostat is 120 mg and seems to be very effective in preventing
daily. Rasburicase is a recombinant form of TLS, and the dose can be repeated later if
urate oxidase and metabolizes uric acid to needed.75-78 Recently published guidelines
allantoin, which is much more soluble than from the British Committee for Standards in
uric acid.66 The use of rasburicase is contra- Haematology have endorsed the use of a single
indicated in patients with glucose-6- fixed 3-mg dose of rasburicase as adequate
phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiency. prophylactic therapy for TLS in the absence of
Unlike allopurinol, rasburicase also lowers established clinical or laboratory TLS.51 The
already formed uric acid. Rasburicase is dose should be repeated daily if there is any
generally reserved as prophylaxis for patients evidence of progressive TLS, and if clinical
at high risk of TLS or patients already expe- TLS develops on the fixed-dose regimen, the
riencing TLS. Rasburicase is effective as TLS treatment should be changed to the standard
prophylaxis in both adults and children.67-71 dose of 0.2 mg/kg per day. Urinary alkalin-
Despite the efficacy of rasburicase in ization is not recommended because it can
lowering uric acid levels and preventing TLS, decrease the solubility of xanthine. Normal
it has not been proven to be superior to allo- saline is recommended as the IV fluid of
purinol in preventing clinical TLS and related choice in the management of TLS.
complications.72-74 Despite the lack of data on Patients with established TLS should
hard clinical end points, treatment with receive multidisciplinary care to ensure the
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Mayo Clin Proc. n April 2017;92(4):609-641
0.2 mg/kg/d IV for up to 7 d for established TLS Transfer blood samples to the laboratory on ice
Risk of sensitization and allergic reactions
Febuxostat 120 mg PO daily Expensive
Uncertain if more effective than allopurinol
No need to adjust doses in mild to moderate
renal insufficiency
Hyperphosphatemia (phosphate Minimize phosphate intake NA Low phosphorus diet
>6.5 mg/mL [>2.1 mmol/L]) Phosphorus-free IV fluids
Phosphate binders (aluminum hydroxide) PO 50-150 mg/kg/d May interfere with drug absorption
Dialysis NA If no response to medical therapy
Hyperkalemia Insulin (regular) IV 10 U .
Dextrose (50%) IV 50-100 mL .
Calcium gluconate (10%; IV 10 mL (1000 mg) Do not give with bicarbonate
10% ¼ 100 mg/mL) Use if arrhythmias or ECG changes
Can repeat as needed
Sodium bicarbonate IV 150 mEq in 1 L of D5W over 2-4 h Use if acidosis
Can repeat in 30 min
Sodium polystyrene sulfonate PO 15-30 g every 6 h (can be used rectally) Can be given with sorbitol
Albuterol Inhaled 10-20 mg For severe hyperkalemia
Dialysis NA Severe hyperkalemia not responsive to other
Renal failure
Volume overload
Hypocalcemia Calcium gluconate (10%; IV 10 mL (1000 mg) as an infusion over Only if symptomatic
10% ¼ 100 mg/mL) 10-20 minutes Repeat as necessary
Caution in patients with severe
CHF ¼ congestive heart failure; D5W ¼ 5% dextrose in water; ECG ¼ electrocardiogram; G6PD ¼ glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase; IV ¼ intravenous; NA ¼ not applicable; NaHCO3 ¼ sodium bicarbonate; NS ¼ normal
FIGURE 3. Photomicrographs showing hyperleukocytosis in a patient with chronic myeloid leukemia (A)
and a blood smear from a normal individual (B) as a comparison (both peripheral blood, Wright-Giemsa,
original magnification 400). Images courtesy of Dr Phuong Nguyen, Department of Laboratory Medicine
and Pathology, Mayo Clinic.
FIGURE 4. Metastatic spinal cord compression. Sagittal (A) and cross-sectional (B) views show metastasis
to the thoracic spine in a patient with lung cancer resulting in symptomatic cord compression.
because the predetermined criteria were met, Radiation therapy remains the mainstay of
with surgical patients more likely to be able the treatment for most patients with MSCC,
to walk after therapy compared with those whether they do or do not undergo a decom-
who received radiation and dexamethasone pressive surgical procedure. Multiple radiation
alone (84% vs 57%; P¼.003). Furthermore, regimens are in use, but none has emerged as
patients in the surgical group remained ambu- the standard.155,160,161 Shorter courses of radi-
latory for a longer period (122 days vs 13 ation therapy may be as effective as longer
days) and had better survival. An unplanned courses, especially for patients with poor
subgroup analysis suggested that the benefit prognosis.162-164 Stereotactic radiosurgical
was related to age, with younger patients being procedures may be considered in selected
more likely to benefit.157 Other researchers cases, especially after resection.165-167
have questioned the generalizability of the
results of the trial to a broader cohort of Brain Metastases
patients because the study patients were high- Brain metastases are a common complication
ly selected. Moreover, the outcome in the in cancer, occurring in up to 20% of pa-
nonsurgical group was inferior to that found tients.168 The incidence of symptomatic brain
in other studies. A matched pair analysis metastases is not well known, but autopsy
comparing patients who underwent surgical studies have found that the prevalence of brain
intervention plus radiotherapy with patients metastases is higher than clinically appreciated
receiving radiotherapy alone did not show a antemortem.169,170 The cancers most likely to
benefit from surgical intervention.158 Until metastasize to the brain are lung cancer (both
more data become available, it is appropriate nonesmall cell and small cell), breast cancer,
to have most patients evaluated for a decom- renal cell cancer, and malignant mela-
pressive surgical procedure, especially younger noma.171,172 About 50% of brain metastases
patients and those with better performance are solitary.171
status, evidence of spinal instability, or rapidly
progressive symptoms. A scoring system has Pathophysiology. Brain metastases arise sec-
been proposed to predict the prognosis of ondary to hematogenous dissemination of tu-
patients with MSCC, and those in the poorest mor cells to the brain. The biology of brain
prognosis group may best be served with cor- metastases is complex.173 The distribution
ticosteroids, short-course radiation therapy, within the brain reflects the distribution of
and best supportive care.159 blood flow, with 80% of brain metastases
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The treatment of refractory seizures in patients Typical symptoms of large or rapidly accumu-
with cancer is no different than that in patients lating effusions include dyspnea, cough, and
without cancer.189 More definitive therapy for chest pain. A physical examination may reveal
brain metastases, including resection, radia- tachycardia, hypotension, distant heart
tion, and chemotherapy, is offered to patients sounds, fixed jugular venous distention, pe-
with good performance status and more ripheral edema, and pulsus paradoxus. In
favorable prognosis.168,190 Surgical resection addition, patients with tamponade can have
can rapidly decrease the intracranial pressure, hypotension and shock.193,194 Electrocardi-
especially in patients with tumors in the pos- ography frequently reveals low-voltage and
terior fossa. A neurosurgeon should be con- nonspecific ST-T changes. Electrical alternans
sulted for all cases in which an operative (beat-to-beat variations in the QRS complex
intervention may be indicated. size and shape) is thought to be caused by the
heart moving within the enlarged and fluid-
CARDIOVASCULAR EMERGENCIES filled pericardium but can be seen in other
cardiac conditions (Figure 6).195 The diagnosis
Malignant Pericardial Effusion and Cardiac of pericardial effusions and tamponade is best
Tamponade made by echocardiography, which confirms
Pericardial effusions are commonly seen in pa- the presence of the effusion but also provides
tients with advanced and metastatic malignant hemodynamic information (Figure 7).196
diseases, but most patients are asymptomatic Computed tomography and MRI can also
and do not require urgent therapy. Pericardial provide valuable information, especially
effusions in patients with cancer are not regarding tumor invasion and metastases to
always related to the malignant disease itself the pericardium.197 Cytological examination
and may also be secondary to cancer therapy, of the pericardial fluid may reveal malignant
especially radiotherapy, or a manifestation cells, but occasionally a pericardial biopsy is
of either an infection or an autoimmune needed to establish the diagnosis.
Treatment. Small and asymptomatic pericar-
Pathophysiology. Pericardial effusions in pa- dial effusions do not need to be treated. Pa-
tients with cancer can be secondary to metas- tients with symptomatic effusions, especially
tases to the pericardium, tumor invasion of the with rapidly developing symptoms and hemo-
pericardium, or treatment related. Large effu- dynamic instability, may need urgent interven-
sions, especially if they accumulate rapidly, tions. Therapeutic echocardiographically
can impair ventricular filling and reduce car- guided pericardiocentesis is a safe procedure
diac output.193 Patients with slowly accumu- that can immediately relieve symptoms and
lating effusions are frequently asymptomatic improve hemodynamics, but a more durable
despite large effusions. treatment is usually needed.198 A pericardial
drain can be placed for drainage, and in
Clinical Presentation and Diagnosis. Small selected cases, surgical procedures or instilla-
pericardial effusions are often asymptomatic. tion of a sclerosing agent may be used.199,200
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FIGURE 6. Electrocardiogram showing electrical alternans in a patient with malignant pericardial effusion. Image courtesy of
Dr Donald Brown, Division of Cardiology, University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics.
Systemic chemotherapy and/or radiotherapy compression below the azygos vein can result
may prevent reaccumulation in some in more severe symptoms, highlighting the
patients.192 importance of the azygos vein as a collateral
Superior Vena Cava Syndrome
Superior vena cava syndrome (SVCS) occurs Clinical Presentation and Diagnosis. Superior
in the setting of an extrinsic compression or vena cava syndrome can be acute, subacute, or
other occlusion of the superior vena cava more insidious and sometimes occurs with
(SVC). It is a common complication of cancer, minimal symptoms. Very highly proliferative
and thoracic malignant disorders are the most tumors and SVC thrombosis can result in a
common cause of SVCS.201,202 Superior vena rapid onset of symptoms. Common symptoms
cava syndrome can also be seen as a complica- include dyspnea, orthopnea, cough, sensation
tion of benign conditions such as SVC throm- of fullness in the head and face, and headache,
bosis secondary to indwelling venous lines or often exacerbated by stooping. Less common
pacemaker leads as well as a complication of symptoms are chest pain, hemoptysis, hoarse-
fibrosing mediastinitis and histoplasma ness, dizziness, light-headedness, and even
infection.201,203,204 syncope. The most common physical findings
are facial and neck swelling, arm swelling, and
Pathophysiology. The thin-walled SVC can dilated veins in the chest (Figure 8, A), neck,
easily be compressed by tumors outside of the and proximal part of the arms. Stridor and
vessel, resulting in impaired venous drainage mental status changes are worrisome signs
from the head, neck, and upper extremities. and indicate laryngeal edema and increased
The compressing tumors are frequently in the intracranial pressure, respectively. A grading
middle or anterior mediastinum and the right system for SVCS has been proposed that can
paratracheal and precarinal nodal regions. The easily be applied in clinical practice
compression results in the formation of (Table 8).206 Computed tomography with IV
venous collaterals, including the azygos vein. contrast is the most useful method of diag-
Superior vena cava syndrome secondary to a nosing SVCS (Figure 8, B).202,207 A plain chest
FIGURE 8. Superior vena cava syndrome in a patient with a large malignant mediastinal mass. A, Extensive
venous collaterals can be seen on the right side of the chest wall and the right arm. B, Computed
tomogram shows dilated superficial veins in the anterior chest wall.
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squamous cell cancers of the head and neck, Airway stenting, laser therapy, argon plasma
and mediastinal malignant diseases such coagulation, photodynamic therapy, and
as lymphoma and germ cell tumor, can brachytherapy have all been used in the
also cause airway obstruction. Primary management of central airway obstruction and
tracheal tumors are a rare cause of airway result in substantial relief of symptoms in most
obstruction. patients.218,219 Interventions such as stent
placement can have severe negative conse-
Clinical Presentation and Diagnosis. The quences such as subsequent airway in-
most common symptoms include dyspnea, fections.220,221 External beam radiation
cough, wheezing, hemoptysis, and stridor, therapy and systemic chemotherapy play an
and the manifestations depend on the severity important role in the subsequent management
and location of the obstruction.215,216 The of malignant airway occlusion.
symptoms of airway obstruction can resemble
symptoms of worsening chronic obstructive Acute Airway Hemorrhage
pulmonary disease, which is a common co- The etiologies of hemoptysis are diverse and
morbidity in patients with lung cancer. The vary with anatomic location. Malignant disease
physical examination frequently reveals focal is among the most common causes of hemop-
wheezing on auscultation and inspiratory tysis. Tumors eroding into the airways can
stridor. Computed tomography is the cause hemoptysis, which usually is not an
preferred method of evaluation and provides emergency. Substantial airway hemorrhage
information on the extent of the cancer as well leads to hypoxemia and can be fatal.222,223
as the airway involvement. The obstruction The definition of massive hemoptysis is not
can be visualized with bronchoscopy, and bi- well established, and definitions of 100 to
opsies can be performed at the same time if 600 mL of bloody expectoration over 24 hours
needed. have been used.224 Airway hemorrhage is
commonly divided into proximal and distal
Treatment. The treatment of airway obstruc- airway bleeding, and the causes and manage-
tion requires good visualization of the larger ment differ according to the anatomic loca-
airways, which usually necessitates the use of tion.225 Lung cancer is the most common
rigid bronchoscopy.216 The goal of therapy is cause of massive hemoptysis, but other can-
to restore airway patency, which can be ach- cers, especially squamous cell carcinoma of
ieved with a variety of modalities.217 Supple- the head and neck, can bleed profusely into
mental oxygen should be given to patients the airways.
awaiting interventions, and bronchodilator
therapy may be indicated in patients with Clinical Presentation and Diagnosis. Patients
coexisting obstructive small airways disease. usually present with expectoration of bloody
FIGURE 9. Insertion of a stent in the SVC can promptly improve the symptoms of superior vena cava
syndrome. Images courtesy of Dr Haraldur Bjarnason, Department of Radiology, Mayo Clinic.
mucus or frank blood. Other symptoms and in the unaffected lung. If the patient is intu-
signs include dyspnea, respiratory distress, bated, the bronchial main stem of the affected
hypoxia, and hemodynamic instability. It is side can also be selectively intubated to avoid
important to promptly identify the source of bleeding into the unaffected side. Administra-
bleeding in patients with hemoptysis who are tion of IV fluids and blood products may be
considered for more aggressive therapy. needed for stabilization, especially in patients
Computed tomography, especially CT angiog- with hemodynamic instability or thrombocyto-
raphy, can provide important information penia. Coagulation abnormalities should
regarding the location of the bleeding and be corrected as indicated with blood products
may help select an appropriate treatment strat- and reversal of anticoagulants if needed.
egy.226,227 Bronchial artery angiography Recombinant factor VII has been used to
frequently reveals the bleeding location, and treat massive hemoptysis in patients with
therapeutic embolization can be performed at cancer and can be considered when other mea-
the same time. sures fail.228,229 Rigid bronchoscopy is the
preferred method for control of airway hemor-
Treatment. As with acute airway obstruction, rhage, but other treatments are frequently
securing the airway is of utmost importance. needed.225 Bronchial artery angiography can
The patient should be positioned in the lateral identify the bleeding vessel(s), and embolization
decubitus position with the bleeding side can be performed during the procedure, often
down, if known, to preserve alveolar exchange with successful control of the bleeding.230-232
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628 Mayo Clin Proc. April 2017;92(4):609-641 http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.mayocp.2017.02.008
broad-spectrum antibiotics. A more detailed soft tissue infection may be erythema. The
review of the microbiology of febrile neu- oral cavity should be examined for the presence
tropenia is outside the scope of this review, of mucosal ulcers and periodontal disease. The
but it is important to understand that there are skin should be carefully evaluated. All sites of
substantial geographic variations, both in the indwelling venous devices should be thor-
type of pathogens implicated and in their oughly examined for erythema and tenderness.
resistance patterns regarding antimicrobial For example, port sites and line exit sites should
therapy. be gently palpated and all dressings removed if
needed for better visualization. Abdominal
Clinical Presentation and Diagnosis. The examination may reveal tenderness suggestive
predominant sign at diagnosis is fever, but of enterocolitis, and examination of the lungs
patients may also present with localizing symp- can identify focal abnormalities or tachypnea.
toms and signs. A thorough history and phys- The perianal region should be examined for
ical examination are essential in the initial erythema and tenderness, but a digital rectal
evaluation of patients with febrile neutropenia, examination should be avoided. Central ner-
even though a focus of infection is frequently vous system infections may present with
not found. Emphasis should be placed on the nonspecific symptoms of confusion or subtle
oral cavity and oropharynx, skin, lungs, focal findings. Patients should undergo risk
abdomen, and perianal area. Because of the assessment at presentation, as factors such as
lack of neutrophils, clinical and laboratory find- advanced age, poor performance status, and
ings may be atypical. Purulence and swelling comorbidities may increase the risk of serious
are frequently absent, and the only sign of a complications.
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630 Mayo Clin Proc. April 2017;92(4):609-641 http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.mayocp.2017.02.008
A complete blood count with differential, Patients with low risk can be considered
liver chemistry tests, electrolyte panels, lactic for outpatient IV or possibly oral antibiotic
acid measurements, coagulation tests, and therapy assuming they meet certain
creatinine measurements should be performed criteria.234,235,247 A useful risk stratification
at presentation. At least 2 sets of blood spec- tool is the Multinational Association for Sup-
imens should be collected for cultures, with portive Care in Cancer risk index score
one from a peripheral vein. If the patient (Table 10).248 Other risk stratification models
has an indwelling venous access device, spec- exist, such as the National Comprehensive
imens for culture should be obtained from Cancer Network guidelines for management
each lumen in addition to a culture specimen of cancer-related infections249 and the Clinical
from a peripheral vein. Other samples should Index of Stable Febrile Neutropenia.250 Pa-
be collected as clinically indicated, such as tients with anticipated longer duration and
urine and stool samples. Very neutropenic pa- greater severity of neutropenia (>7 days,
tients may not have pyuria, pulmonary infil- ANC <0.5 109/L) as well as patients with
trates, or cerebrospinal fluid leukocytosis. major comorbidities are considered to be at
Samples should be obtained from skin lesions high risk and should be hospitalized for ther-
and sent for cultures, fungal stains, and viro- apy. Other indications for an admission
logic examation as indicated. Discharge from include the presence of renal or hepatic insuf-
any line exit sites should be submitted for ficiency, hypotension, severe mucositis, pneu-
bacterial cultures. A lumbar puncture should monia, hypoxia, new-onset abdominal pain,
be performed in patients with suspected neurologic changes including mental status
meningitis, but platelet transfusion should abnormalities, and suspected line infections.
be administered to patients with a platelet Patients with afebrile neutropenia who have
count of less than 50 109/L before the pro- new or worsening signs and symptoms of an
cedure. Chest radiography should be done in infection should be evaluated and treated as
all patients with respiratory signs and symp- being at high risk and be admitted to the hos-
toms, and CT imaging should be considered pital. For outpatient antibiotic therapy to be
in patients with high risk of complications. successful, the patient must have prompt ac-
Given its greater sensitivity, high-resolution cess to health care professionals for evaluation
CT should be performed in patients with sus- as needed; have reliable transportation and
pected respiratory infection but no abnormal- access to a telephone; and have a reliable
ities on chest radiography.240 The role of caregiver who is with them all the time. If
circulating blood markers such as C-reactive there are any doubts regarding the safety of
protein and procalcitonin is unclear. Procalci- outpatient therapy, the patient should be
tonin may have a role when used with other hospitalized. A recommended outpatient oral
predictors in risk stratification of patients regimen is a combination of amoxicillin/
with febrile neutropenia.241,242 clavulanic acid and ciprofloxacin, but this
regimen will depend on many factors includ-
Treatment. Early recognition and treatment ing clinical presentation, absence of comorbid-
of febrile neutropenia are key to successful ities, access to rapid advanced health care,
management (Figure 10). Not all patients antimicrobial prophylaxis, and resistance pat-
with neutropenic fever need to be admitted to terns.251,252 Patients previously taking a pro-
the hospital. Empirical antibiotic therapy phylactic fluoroquinolone antibiotic should
should be initiated without delay once sam- not receive fluoroquinolone-based empirical
ples for microbial cultures have been obtained. antibiotic therapy.234 Low-risk patients with
Delays in the initiation of antimicrobial ther- hematologic cancers can be treated as outpa-
apy have been associated with inferior out- tients with IV chemotherapy, often in a
comes in patients admitted to the hospital hospital-based outpatient environment.
with sepsis.243,244 A systemic and algorithmic Monotherapy with a broad-spectrum
method to identify patients with febrile neu- cephalosporin such as cefepime, a carbape-
tropenia and start appropriate therapy has nem, or an antipseudomonal b-lactam such
been found to reduce the time from triage to as piperacillin/tazobactam is recommended as
initiation of antibiotics.245,246 initial therapy by the Infectious Diseases
Are there
contraindications to Yes
Admit to hospital
outpatient therapy
(see text for details)?
Is there need for additional
Ciprofloxacin +
gram-positive coverage (Table 11)?
amoxicillin/clavulanic acid
If yes, add an appropriate antibiotic
for gram-positive bacteria such as
vancomycin as indicated
Daily follow-up by a
health care professional
Admit to hospital
FIGURE 10. Algorithm for initial management of febrile neutropenia. ANC ¼ absolute neutrophil count; MASCC ¼ Multinational
Association for Supportive Care in Cancer.
Society of America.233 Gram-positive coverage there is a high risk for or suspicion of a fungal
should be considered in selected patients and or viral infection. The role of myeloid growth
not employed routinely for all patients. Pa- factors is uncertain. They may reduce the
tients with hypotension, sepsis, or suspected duration of hospital stay but do not seem to
catheter-related infection should receive an improve mortality.253 Myeloid growth factors
antibiotic with adequate gram-positive activity can be considered in patients with neutropenic
such as vancomycin. Table 11 lists other indi- fever who are at risk of severe complications.
cations for gram-positive coverage. Knowledge Such patients include those with expected
of the susceptibility patterns in the community prolonged (>10 days) and profound neutro-
and within institutions and hospitals is impor- penia, pneumonia, hypotension, uncontrolled
tant when selecting the appropriate initial primary cancer and multiorgan dysfunction,
therapy. Empirical antifungal or antiviral ther- or sepsis and those who are older than
apy is not routinely recommended unless 65 years.254
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632 Mayo Clin Proc. April 2017;92(4):609-641 http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.mayocp.2017.02.008
TABLE 12. Emergencies and Other Urgent Adverse Events Related to Targeted Cancer Therapies
Organ system affected Class of drug Example
Congestive heart failure HER2-directed therapy Trastuzumab, pertuzumab
Immunotherapy Ipilimumab, nivolumab, pembrolizumab
Arterial thromboembolism VEGF-directed therapy Bevacizumab, aflibercept, ramucirumab
Kinase inhibitors Ponatinib, pazopanib
Venous thromboembolism Immunomodulatory drugs Thalidomide, lenalidomide
Arrhythmia Kinase inhibitors Dasatinib, vandetanib, ibrutinib, lenvatinib
Antiemetics Ondansetron, metoclopramide
Protesome inhibitors Bortezomib, carfilzomib
Pneumonitis mTOR inhibitors Everolimus, temsirolimus
Kinase inhibitors Erlotinib, gefitinib, crizotinib, idelalisib
Pleural effusions Kinase inhibitors Dasatinib
Bowel perforation VEGF inhibitors Bevacizumab
Diarrhea Kinase inhibitors Multiple TKIs
Immunotherapy Ipilimumab, nivolumab, pembrolizumab
Acute liver failure Multiple targeted agents
Adrenal insufficiency Immunotherapy Ipilimumab, nivolumab, pembrolizumab
Hypophysitis Immunotherapy Ipilimumab, nivolumab, pembrolizumab
Hyperglycemia mTOR inhibitors Everolimus, temsirolimus
Hemorrhage VEGF inhibitors Bevacizumab, aflibercept, ramucirumab
Neutropenia Multiple targeted agents
Thrombocytopenia Multiple targeted agents
HER2 ¼ human epidermal growth factor receptor 2; mTOR ¼ mammalian target of rapamycin; TKI ¼ tyrosine kinase inhibitor; VEGF ¼
vascular endothelial growth factor.
A detailed discussion of the emergent toxic- Abbreviations and Acronyms: AML = acute myeloid
ities secondary to noncytotoxic systemic leukemia; ANC = absolute neutrophil count; CNS = central
nervous system; CRS = cytokine release syndrome; CT =
therapy is outside the scope of this review.
computed tomography; IV = intravenous; MRI = magnetic
Table 12 lists examples of targeted therapies resonance imaging; MSCC = malignant spinal cord
associated with acute and life-threatening compression; PTH = parathyroid hormone; PTHrP = PTH-
complications. related peptide; RANKL = receptor activator of nuclear
factor kB ligand; SVC = superior vena cava; SVCS = SVC
syndrome; TLS = tumor lysis syndrome; WM = Walden-
CONCLUSION ström macroglobulinemia
Patients with cancer commonly present with Correspondence: Address to Thorvardur R. Halfdanarson,
emergent complications of either the malignant MD, Division of Medical Oncology, Mayo Clinic, 200 First
disease itself or the therapy they are receiving. St SW, Rochester, MN 55905 (halfdanarson.thorvardur@
Practicing clinicians can therefore expect to mayo.edu). Individual reprints of this article and a bound
encounter such patients in emergency depart- reprint of the entire Symposium on Neoplastic Hematology
and Medical Oncology will be available for purchase from
ments or outpatient offices. Prompt evaluation our website www.mayoclinicproceedings.org.
and accurate diagnosis followed by the institu-
tion of appropriate therapy can be lifesaving The Symposium on Neoplastic Hematology and Medical
and may prevent irreversible loss of organ func- Oncology will continue in an upcoming issue.
tion. A sound knowledge of oncological and
hematologic emergencies is therefore very REFERENCES
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