WWW - Manaresults.Co - In: What Is Barkhausen Criteria For Sustained Oscillation?
WWW - Manaresults.Co - In: What Is Barkhausen Criteria For Sustained Oscillation?
WWW - Manaresults.Co - In: What Is Barkhausen Criteria For Sustained Oscillation?
2.a) Describe the Operating Principle involved in the integrating type digital voltmeter with
a neat block diagram.
b) List out the advantages of Digital Voltmeter over other voltmeters. [6+4]
3.a) How do you extend the range of a given ammeter and voltmeter?
b) Explain different types of errors in digital voltmeters. [5+5]
6. How does the Digital storage Oscilloscope differ from the conventional storage
oscilloscope using a storage cathode ray tube? What are the advantages of each? [10]
7. Discuss about the electrostatic focusing deflection system of a CRO with necessary
diagrams. [10]
8. What is meant by Piezo electric transducer? Explain its working with a neat block
diagram. [10]
9. Describe the construction and working of potentiometer type resistance transducer for
measuring linear displacement. [10]
10. Draw the block diagram of analog data acquisition system and explain the function of
the components. [10]
11. Explain how the Humidity and Moisture are measured. [10]