Extended Exponence in Isindebele Morphology
Extended Exponence in Isindebele Morphology
Extended Exponence in Isindebele Morphology
Mbulisi Ndlovu
Department of Languages, Lupane State University, P.O. Box 170, Lupane, Zimbabwe
E-mail: mndlovu@lsu.ac.zw
Progress Dube
Department of Languages, Lupane State University, P.O. Box 170, Lupane, Zimbabwe
E-mail: prdube@lsu.ac.zw
This article discusses extended exponence and headedness in the context of isiNdebele
morphology. An attempt will be made to distinguish extended exponence from circumfixes.
Headedness will be discussed in general, and how it is expressed in extended exponence. The
main submission in this article is that isiNdebele has derivational and inflectional extended
exponents, and that extended exponents are predominantly left-handed in nature. This assumption
is founded on the premise that the terminal affixes of extended exponents can be done away with
in some contexts. The study also establishes that morphological heads can either be right members
of a word or left members.
Keywords: Extended exponence, circumfix, right-hand head rule, left-hand head rule.
1. Introduction
IsiNdebele is a Bantu language that belongs to the Nguni language family, and is spoken in
Matabeleland and in some parts of Midlands in Zimbabwe. The term “isiNdebele” will be used in
this article to refer to this language spoken in Zimbabwe. This paper focuses on headedness and
extended exponence in isiNdebele. The aims of the paper are to investigate headedness in
isiNdebele morphology in general, to discuss the notion of ‘extended exponence’, to identify types
of extended exponents, and to ascertain whether extended exponents are left-headed or right-headed
in isiNdebele. This article is made up of four sections: in section 1, we discuss extended exponence
and circumfixes. Section 2 is a discussion of Williams’ (1981) right-hand head rule and the criticism
it has received. IsiNdebele data is used to test the applicability of this rule and the relevance of the
criticism in relation to this data. Section 3 deals with isiNdebele data on extended exponence, and
section 4 presents a summary of the whole discussion.
© 2019 The authors. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Extended exponence in isiNdebele morphology 48
2. Extended exponents
This quote indicates that a single grammatical function can be marked by non-contiguous
realisations in a word, although there are instances where the morphological realisations can be
contiguous. If a morphological property is realised in a word by affixing A … B to a base C
(i.e. ACB) such that either AC or CB are complete words, we can say that A … B is an extended
exponent. The implication here is that, although the prefixal element and the suffixal element
appear as if they are always interdependent, there are instances where the one element can occur
in the absence of the other.
3. Circumfixes
A circumfix is made up of a prefix and a suffix, and these latter two are simultaneously affixed
to a base (Marušič 2003). Mbah (2012) argues that “circumfixation is a process in which
discontinuous affixes comprising two dissimilar parts surround an otherwise free morpheme”.
Parts of a circumfix are different from each other, non-contiguous, and are simultaneously
affixed to a free morpheme. Kosch (2005) posits that circumfixation “describes the
simultaneous affixation of a prefix and a suffix to a base to express a single meaning, category
or process conjointly”. Like extended exponents, the prefix and the suffix of a circumfix are
discontinuous, different, and express the same morphosyntactic value. Rio-Torto (2002: 4)
reiterates this by saying “[…] the aspectual properties related to the prefixed and suffixed
constituents tend [in a circumfix] to have a mutual reinforcement, converging to the same or to
complementary values”. Similarities between extended exponents and circumfixes could be an
indication that the two exist in a continuum. Linguists usually confuse circumfixes for extended
exponents (Spencer 1991: 13). Kosch (2005: 166) contends that circumfixes are a type of
extended exponence. The fundamental difference between the two is that the prefix and the
suffix of a circumfix are mutually obligatory in all instances, whereas either a prefixal element
or a suffixal element of the extended exponent can function in the absence of the other.
Ruszkiewicz (2003: 160) defines a circumfix as a “[…] discontinuous affix X … Y such that
XZY is a complete word formed by affixing X … Y to some Z belonging to a specified category,
and neither XZ nor ZY are words”. Note that if X … Y in Ruszkiewicz’s quotation is an
extended exponent affixed to the base Z (i.e. XZY), then XZ and ZY can be regarded as
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grammatical and acceptable words. This is due to the fact that, with extended exponence, either
the prefix or the suffix can combine with a base to form an acceptable word.
The Right-Hand Head rule (RHHr) is a morphological rule associated with generative
morphology. The rule was proposed by Williams in 1981, and posits that in a word structure there
is always a head morpheme. Williams (1981: 248) notes that, “in morphology, we define the head
of a morphologically complex word to be the right-hand member of that word”. Thus, the
morpheme on the right of a word is the head of that particular structure. Taiwo (2009: 50) argues
that the head of a word must be that which belongs to the same syntactic class of the word, and it
must represent the core sense of the constructed word. Consequently, the assumption of the RHHr
is that the right member of a word is the one that projects basic syntactic and semantic information
in a complex word construction. The morphological heads can either be derivational or
inflectional. Generally, the RHHr holds for some word constructions in isiNdebele. The following
examples are instances of right-hand headedness in isiNdebele:
The morphemes in bold in the examples above project the syntactic and semantic information
of the words in reference. The morpheme –iyane in 1(i) and 1(ii) derives ideophones from verbs
whereas –za and –la in 2(i) and 2(ii) respectively, derive verbs from ideophones. The verbalisers
–sa and –za in 3(i) and (ii) respectively, are used in the derivation of verbs from nouns. The
RHHr is also applicable in isiNdebele as is evident in the preceding examples.
The RHHr has been dismissed as inadequate in dealing with the morphology of English and
other related/unrelated languages. Selkirk (1982: 20) notes that the RHHr is inadequate in
describing headedness of English word structure mainly because there are some instances
where the basic syntactic and semantic information of a word is projected by a prefix rather
than a suffix. Consequently, Selkirk (1982: 20) notes that the RHHr “[…] is not universal; it
must be stated as part of grammar of English, a parameter which is set for the language, just
like the head first/ head last parameter in syntax”. There are studies that have been done which
disprove Williams’ (1981) claim of the RHHr in morphology. Taiwo (2009: 49) states that
Williams’ (1981) RHHr, and Selkirk’s (1982) revision of the same, cannot be generalised to
include languages such as Yoruba, where the head is the left-hand member of a word. In
isiNdebele, there are cases where the head is a right-hand member of a word, and some cases
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where the head is a left-hand member of a word. The following examples illustrate left-hand
headedness in isiNdebele:
The heads in the above examples are left-hand members of the word constructions contrary to
the RHHr’s prediction that heads are right-hand members of word constructions. This implies
that morphological heads in isiNdebele are either left-hand members or right-hand members of
word forms. Although Zwicky (1985), Bauer (1990), and Anderson (1992) posit that heads
have no place in morphology, and that there is no need to refer to the head of a word to explain
the presence of inflectional and derivational affixes, the present study seeks to explain
headedness in isiNdebele extended exponents. If isiNdebele words are either left-headed or
right-headed, then it is important to investigate headedness in extended exponence – are the
extended exponents left-headed, right-headed, or both?
The locative prefix (LocPre) and locative suffix (LocSuf), noun-class prefix, noun deverbaliser
morpheme (NDM), and negation markers are treated by Nguni linguists as circumfixes. For
example, Pretorius and Bosch (2012), and Kosch (2005) argue that the LocPre and its
corresponding LocSuf is a circumfix used in the derivation of locatives from nouns. In the
following section, we will present data on isiNdebele locatives. It should be noted that we only
discuss the segmentals rather than the suprasegmentals here. As a result, the relation between
headedness and the location word-stress in isiNdebele is not discussed in this study.
Some locatives are derived from nouns using derivational pairs of affixes. The locative pairs
include e…eni, e…ini, and o…eni. Locativisation involves the affixation of two locative
markers to a noun. The first locative marker occurs before the noun as a prefix, while the second
locative marker occurs after the noun as a suffix. Consider the following examples:
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In the examples above, the prefixes and suffixes in reference appear as if they are indispensable.
For example, if either the prefix or suffix is absent, we get an ungrammatical word form. One
might think that this is an indication that the prefixes and suffixes in reference are instances of
continuous affixes which are interruptible, as claimed by Kosch (2005), and Pretorius and
Bosch (2012). Compare the examples below with the preceding examples:
The above word forms that start with a locative prefix e– [i.e. 10(i) and 11(i)] are potential
isiNdebele forms in the sense that some nouns do not require locative extended exponents.
Locativisation of nouns that do not take the extended exponent is achieved by affixing the
LocPre to the noun. The ungrammaticality of the constructions above is due to the fact that
nominal bases require extended exponents. This shows that these paired affixes appear to
behave like circumfixes. However, it should be clarified that they are not circumfixes. With
circumfixes, the prefix and the suffix always co-occur (Lieber 1992), whereas with extended
exponents the opposite is true. In isiNdebele, you will find that in some circumstances the prefix
of the paired affixes can function without the suffix component. We find this in the
locativisation of certain nouns. Here are the examples:
In these examples, there are no immediate instances where the suffix is used on its own. This
could be evidence that locative extended exponents are left-headed in isiNdebele. Accordingly,
one may contend that locative extended exponents are left-headed in isiNdebele because it
seems the prefix element can do without the suffixal element, but not vice versa.
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The property ‘habitual’ is usually marked by a prefixal element and a suffixal element in isiNdebele.
The habitual (HAB) exponents used in isiNdebele are –so…se and –ma…se. These exponents
encircle the nominal base but do not change its class status. Consider the following examples:
One might think that habitual exponents –so…se are indispensable in isiNdebele. Now compare
the examples above with the following:
The examples in 17 and 18 illustrate that the use of one element of the pair in the absence of
the other element leads to the generation of ungrammatical word forms. The examples 17(i)
and 17(ii) are ungrammatical while 18(i) and 18(ii) are grammatical but differ slightly in
meaning with those in 17(i) and 17(ii). The former can be said to be variants of the latter. In
present-day isiNdebele, the paired affix –so…se is hardly used. The most words that are used,
if not the only words, are the ones in example 14(i) and (ii).
Moreover, there are some –so- noun forms that do not make use of the –se suffix. These noun
forms include the following:
Prefix of a paired affix.
Suffix of a paired affix.
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It seems –so- can function independently of the suffix –se, as is evident in the examples above.
These examples further point to the fact that habitual extended exponents are also left-headed,
like locativisers, and that extended exponents are not instances of one morpheme.
Negation markers do not change the grammatical class of a base although they do alter its
meaning. Negation in isiNdebele is usually done with inflectional pairs. Negation exponents in
isiNdebele include –nga…i, ka/a…i, ka/a…anga, ka/a…o, and ka/a…ongo. The present-tense
negation morphemes are –nga…i, ka/a…i, and ka/a…o. Consider the following examples:
Verbs that end with the vowel –o take the paired affix a/ka…o and a/ka…ongo, depending on
tense. The dominant negation paired affixes are a/ka…i and a/ka…anga. The initial and the
terminal elements of negation exponents are, arguably, not always mutually obligatory in all
circumstances. The fact that the suffixes –i and –anga are used in both the indicative negative
(with prefix a–) and in the participial negative (with prefix –nga-) is a clear indication that
negation is expressed by extended exponence in isiNdebele. Moreover, negation suffixes are
suppressed in the negation of passivised verb forms, which could indicate that the negation
function is usually expressed by two realisations that are not mutually obligatory. A passive
morpheme seems to block the terminal element of the negation exponent. As a result, a negated
passive form ends with a terminal vowel –a instead of either negation suffix –i or –o. Consider
the following examples:
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The verbal forms above are negated although they end with a final vowel –a instead of an
expected second negation marker that usually assumes the terminal position in verbs. This could
mean that a negation exponent is not a single affix, and that negation involves prefixation and
concomitant suffixation.
Moreover, multiple negation markers do occur in negated nominal predicates, and in relativised
negative nominal predicates. Negation is expressed by a single negation marker in the
constructions in reference. Consider the following examples:
The preceding examples indicate that negation can be marked by a single marker (the prefixal
component) which might also imply that the negation extended exponents are left-headed just
like locative exponents.
5.4 Nominalisation
Nouns may be derived from other parts of speech by affixing the nominaliser extended
exponents. Nominal extended exponents are employed in the nominalisation of verbs. The
constructed forms are personal/impersonal nouns (Doke 1931: 63), agentive nouns (Spencer
1991: 84), and deverbative nouns (Matambirofa 2001: 48).
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The prefixes and suffixes in bold in the preceding examples express nominalisation. One might
think that nominalisation is expressed by circumfixes in isiNdebele. However, the
nominalisation of ideophones indicates that the noun-class prefix can express nominalisation
without being aided by the nominaliser suffix. Consider the following examples:
If the terminal exponents of nominalisers were always co-occurring with their prefixal
exponents, we could be talking about circumfixes in isiNdebele. Nonetheless, the absence of
the suffix component in the preceding examples suggests that nominalisation is expressed by
extended exponence rather than circumfixes, and also that the noun-class prefix heads the
nominalised word form. Thus, nominalised nouns are headed by a class prefix.
6. Conclusion
This study focused on headedness and instances where a grammatical function is expressed by
two non-contiguous morphological realisations in an isiNdebele word form. The study
established that morphological heads can either be right-hand members of a word or left-hand
members. Verbalisers and affixes that derive ideophones from other parts of speech are
immediate examples of right-hand morphological heads in isiNdebele, whereas locative
prefixes, noun-class prefixes, and subject markers serve as left-hand morphological heads in
the derivation of locatives from nouns, nouns from ideophones, and nominal predicates from
locatives. Extended exponents are sometimes used to express location, nominalisation, habitual,
and negation in isiNdebele. There are no immediate instances where a suffix of an extended
exponent is used in the absence of the prefix, however the opposite is true. The fact that the
prefix component of an extended exponent expresses the function, location, habitual, nominal,
and negation without the aid of a suffix indicates that extended exponents in isiNdebele are left-
headed or simply that they are more important than their suffix counterparts.
AGR: Agreement
ASP: Aspect
CL: Noun Class
HAB: Habitual Morpheme Marker
IDEO: Ideophone
LocPre: Locative Prefix
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