Sapsprow V19: Programming of NC Cutting Machines
Sapsprow V19: Programming of NC Cutting Machines
Sapsprow V19: Programming of NC Cutting Machines
Chapter I SAPSproW 21
1 Introduction
................................................................................................................................... 21
2 Contact
................................................................................................................................... 21
3 Terminology,
user interface 21
4 Programs
in SAPSproW 22
SAPSW program
.......................................................................................................................................................... 22
SCADW module
.......................................................................................................................................................... 23
TABLES ..........................................................................................................................................................
module 23
VIEWER ..........................................................................................................................................................
module 23
Chapter II Installation 26
1 Hardware
................................................................................................................................... 26
2 Installation
................................................................................................................................... 26
3 Limitations
................................................................................................................................... 26
4 Setting
................................................................................................................................... 26
Before the
first start 26
Before the
first start of SAPSproW 26
windows on more monitors 27
file 27
5 Update
................................................................................................................................... 27
2 Working
directory 33
3 Standard
data 33
4 Labeling
of parts 33
5 Automatic
labeling 34
6 Label...................................................................................................................................
of nesting layout 34
7 In the...................................................................................................................................
sphere of cutting 34
of cutting 34
Lead-in .......................................................................................................................................................... 34
Hole with..........................................................................................................................................................
a lead-in 34
Lead-out.......................................................................................................................................................... 35
Chain cutting
.......................................................................................................................................................... 35
"Tree" chain
cutting 35
edge cutting 35
Kerf compensation
.......................................................................................................................................................... 35
Stitch .......................................................................................................................................................... 36
Bridge .......................................................................................................................................................... 36
of shortening 36
plate 36
Part - only
holes 37
8 In the...................................................................................................................................
area of NC-programming 37
Pull the ..........................................................................................................................................................
window 37
.......................................................................................................................................................... 37
ISO/DIN format
.......................................................................................................................................................... 37
.......................................................................................................................................................... 38
Nesting layout
.......................................................................................................................................................... 38
Number of
plates 38
Contour .......................................................................................................................................................... 38
contour 38
Profile - uncontinuous
contour 39
without compensation 39
control 39
Number of
drawing 39
Databank.......................................................................................................................................................... 39
GEO files.......................................................................................................................................................... 39
DXF files.......................................................................................................................................................... 39
VYK files.......................................................................................................................................................... 40
DTL files.......................................................................................................................................................... 40
ZBY files .......................................................................................................................................................... 40
PLA files.......................................................................................................................................................... 40
NCP files.......................................................................................................................................................... 40
MKR files.......................................................................................................................................................... 40
9 SAPSproW
files 40
Files in the
SAPSproW 40
System files
.......................................................................................................................................................... 40
User´s files
.......................................................................................................................................................... 41
10 Data in
tables 41
table 41
SHEETS ..........................................................................................................................................................
table 41
PARTS table
.......................................................................................................................................................... 42
table 42
table 43
4 SAPSproW v19
Chapter VI Settings 59
1 Types...................................................................................................................................
of settings 59
2 Save settings
................................................................................................................................... 59
3 Main window
of the program 59
Main menu
.......................................................................................................................................................... 59
lists 59
directory 59
- standard data 59
of parts 59
Check boxes
.......................................................................................................................................................... 59
More......................................................................................................................................................... 59
......................................................................................................................................................... 59
List ......................................................................................................................................................... 60
......................................................................................................................................................... 60
......................................................................................................................................................... 60
......................................................................................................................................................... 60
......................................................................................................................................................... 60
......................................................................................................................................................... 60
......................................................................................................................................................... 60
Over......................................................................................................................................................... 60
......................................................................................................................................................... 60
6 SAPSproW v19
4 Print setting,
DXF 60
Basic possibilities
.......................................................................................................................................................... 60
Drawing ..........................................................................................................................................................
layout 61
title 61
of cutting 61
......................................................................................................................................................... 61
- centre sign 61
shift 61
.......................................................................................................................................................... 61
of lines 61
for DXF 61
of the text 61
Texts .......................................................................................................................................................... 61
title 61
Texts......................................................................................................................................................... 61
ECO .......................................................................................................................................................... 61
for the machine operator 61
change of cutting heads 61
length of 1 piece 61
time to the ECO 62
time to TXT file 62
Lines .......................................................................................................................................................... 62
of lines 62
5 Machine
independent settings 62
.......................................................................................................................................................... 62
......................................................................................................................................................... 62
Language of.........................................................................................................................................
help 62
Languages ......................................................................................................................................... 62
Not translated
rows 62
the text of NC program 62
the distance 62
box of parts 63
......................................................................................................................................................... 63
Percent ......................................................................................................................................... 63
Font size ......................................................................................................................................... 63
Monitor ......................................................................................................................................... 63
Length of the
screen 63
Height of the.........................................................................................................................................
screen 63
Distance from
the X edge 63
Distance from
the Y edge 63
Icons ......................................................................................................................................... 63
Colour palette
......................................................................................................................................... 63
Setting of special
colours 63
of cutting head 63
of the mouse cursor 63
width 64
Cross for the.........................................................................................................................................
lead-ins control 64
Cross for nonexistent
lead-ins 64
Cross for a joint
cut 64
Hints......................................................................................................................................................... 64
Hint time ......................................................................................................................................... 64
Font size for.........................................................................................................................................
hints 64
Flat .........................................................................................................................................................
buttons 64
tab 64
saving 64
in repeatedly 64
repeatedly 64
next to/over each other 64
drawing scale 64
for system tests 64
for the machine operator 65
the print window 65
VIEWER with a single click 65
about torches 65
Pull the
chain cutting 65
of PARTS 65
pieces on the plate 65
up the dulications 65
......................................................................................................................................................... 65
of dyn.shift 65
of scale change 65
number of layouts 66
to the basket 66
signal 66
Inhibit beep ......................................................................................................................................... 66
System sound
......................................................................................................................................... 66
Length of tone
......................................................................................................................................... 66
Height of tone
......................................................................................................................................... 66
.......................................................................................................................................................... 66
in parts 66
inside points 66
endpoints 66
part rotate 66
drawing 67
GEO-file name
......................................................................................................................................... 67
Drawing number
......................................................................................................................................... 67
Order ......................................................................................................................................... 67
Order according
to various parts 67
Distance of .........................................................................................................................................
lines 67
Font size ......................................................................................................................................... 67
Text in the middle
......................................................................................................................................... 67
Bold font ......................................................................................................................................... 67
the direction 67
Draw the direction
......................................................................................................................................... 67
Min.length of.........................................................................................................................................
section 67
Arrow length......................................................................................................................................... 67
Length for arrows
......................................................................................................................................... 67
Line .........................................................................................................................................................
width 67
position of a part 68
Division number
......................................................................................................................................... 68
Position exactness
......................................................................................................................................... 68
Control of the
last burner 68
lead-ins 68
Lead-in deviation
......................................................................................................................................... 68
Lead-ins control
......................................................................................................................................... 68
Lead-in in a .........................................................................................................................................
section 68
Flash - lead-in
......................................................................................................................................... 68
8 SAPSproW v19
tab 68
order 68
"X-strip : table
width" window 68
"Referential .........................................................................................................................................
point" choice 68
"Multiplier for
X" window 69
Overlap in %......................................................................................................................................... 69
......................................................................................................................................................... 69
Create ......................................................................................................................................... 69
Create remnants
from holes 69
Separation of
the remnants 69
Global remnant
plates 69
Filename - running
number 69
Distance of .........................................................................................................................................
strips 69
Distance from
edges 69
Minimal area......................................................................................................................................... 70
Minimal area.........................................................................................................................................
for flattening 70
message time 70
font 70
division 70
tab 71
of parts 71
Step ......................................................................................................................................... 71
Ban on mirroring
......................................................................................................................................... 71
Number of turnings
......................................................................................................................................... 71
Analytical location
......................................................................................................................................... 71
......................................................................................................................................................... 71
Aut.lead-ins......................................................................................................................................... 71
NC-program......................................................................................................................................... 71
Aut.order of.........................................................................................................................................
parts 71
statement 71
ECO tab .......................................................................................................................................................... 71
size 71
data into XLS file 72
data into TXT file 72
management 72
directory 72
NC PROG..........................................................................................................................................................
tab 72
Draw......................................................................................................................................................... 72
Multi-heads ......................................................................................................................................... 72
High-speed .........................................................................................................................................
shift 72
Square ......................................................................................................................................... 72
Slow down ......................................................................................................................................... 72
step 72
chain cutting 72
Angle of the.........................................................................................................................................
chain cutting's side 72
Distance of .........................................................................................................................................
chain cutting 73
......................................................................................................................................................... 73
Proportions .........................................................................................................................................
of sides 73
directory 73
BAT-file ......................................................................................................................................... 73
Display MSDOS
......................................................................................................................................... 73
after the prog.stop 73
NET tab .......................................................................................................................................................... 73
path 73
Test ......................................................................................................................................................... 73
......................................................................................................................................................... 73
files to a cache 74
connection 74
key 74
UPDATE ..........................................................................................................................................................
tab 74
of SAPSproW 74
File .........................................................................................................................................................
list 74
tab 74
in TXT format 74
......................................................................................................................................................... 74
Status of tables
......................................................................................................................................... 74
of tables 74
Verification of
......................................................................................................................................... 75
......................................................................................................................................... 75
......................................................................................................................................... 75
tab 75
of presentation 75
......................................................................................................................................................... 75
of times 75
6 Settings,
dependent on the machine 75
and control data 75
Base settings
.......................................................................................................................................................... 76
1 76
Kind of NC machine
......................................................................................................................................... 76
Machine ......................................................................................................................................... 76
move 76
Step in the NC
program 76
Direction of...................................................................................................................................
cutting 76
Direction of...................................................................................................................................
holes cutting 76
Thickness ................................................................................................................................... 76
Direct connection
................................................................................................................................... 76
Remnant plates
in the machine 76
NC programs
in the machine 77
Zero of NC-machine
................................................................................................................................... 77
Cutting parameters
................................................................................................................................... 77
Time of lifting
the cutting head 77
Cutting heads
......................................................................................................................................... 77
Cutting heads
................................................................................................................................... 77
Driven cutting
head 77
Auxiliary equipments
................................................................................................................................... 77
2 77
Cutting bench
......................................................................................................................................... 77
Working width
................................................................................................................................... 77
Bench of NC
machine 77
Aut.torch span
......................................................................................................................................... 77
Switch on ................................................................................................................................... 77
Move to zero
................................................................................................................................... 77
|Head code ......................................................................................................................................... 77
Adressing of...................................................................................................................................
heads 77
3 78
NC program......................................................................................................................................... 78
Control ................................................................................................................................... 78
10 SAPSproW v19
Maximum length
of NC program 78
Extension for
Error in arcs...................................................................................................................................
in NC programs 78
Height of heads
................................................................................................................................... 78
Point of lead-in
... 78
Velocity ................................................................................................................................... 78
Change of kerf
compensation 78
of holes 79
Value of kerf
compensation 79
Minimum arc
................................................................................................................................... 79
Control sign................................................................................................................................... 79
Comment ................................................................................................................................... 79
Numbering ...................................................................................................................................
of Nxxx lines 79
Start of NC-program
................................................................................................................................... 79
Finish of NC-program
................................................................................................................................... 79
Parity ................................................................................................................................... 79
NC code ......................................................................................................................................... 79
Control codes
................................................................................................................................... 79
NC code for...................................................................................................................................
transposition 79
4 80
Marker ......................................................................................................................................... 80
Marking ................................................................................................................................... 80
Offset ................................................................................................................................... 80
Cutted mark...................................................................................................................................
length 80
Quick marking
................................................................................................................................... 80
Stop after marking
................................................................................................................................... 80
Mark in advance
................................................................................................................................... 80
Marker MikroSchlage
......................................................................................................................................... 80
Allow "MikroSchlage"
................................................................................................................................... 80
Offset ................................................................................................................................... 80
Marking at ...................................................................................................................................
first 80
Stop before...................................................................................................................................
marking 80
Stop after marking
................................................................................................................................... 80
Speed ................................................................................................................................... 80
Length ................................................................................................................................... 80
Width ................................................................................................................................... 80
Type of marking
................................................................................................................................... 80
ArcWriter 81
Power control
......................................................................................................................................... 81
5 81
Three-torch .........................................................................................................................................
cutting 81
Drilling machine
......................................................................................................................................... 81
BAZ machine
......................................................................................................................................... 81
.......................................................................................................................................................... 81
and specific weight 81
Jet cleaning
time 81
of the machine time 82
of table 82
shift 82
openings 82
Control .......................................................................................................................................................... 82
......................................................................................................................................................... 82
Notes ......................................................................................................................................... 82
Start-finish in
NC 82
Comment 3-4
......................................................................................................................................... 82
Draw the sequence
in successive steps 82
Points for the
drilling gauge 83
Automatic joint
cuts 83
Using plate edges
......................................................................................................................................... 83
Program user
......................................................................................................................................... 83
NC program.........................................................................................................................................
without compensation 83
restriction 83
According to.........................................................................................................................................
parameters 83
Small holes ......................................................................................................................................... 83
On contour end
......................................................................................................................................... 83
Corner slow-down
......................................................................................................................................... 83
the layouts name 83
to DXF too 84
remnant plate directory 84
of LINK directory 84
EXE or BAT- file 84
details directory 84
Control 2.......................................................................................................................................................... 84
burners away 84
of stitches 85
of table 85
Create ......................................................................................................................................... 85
Kind of by-pass
......................................................................................................................................... 85
Direction of .........................................................................................................................................
by-pass 85
Program tracks
......................................................................................................................................... 85
in the end 85
order of holes 85
automatic changing... 86
with arcs 86
Cut the
scrap 86
Cut the
scrap on plate edge 86
detaching length 86
length of label 86
the amount 86
to the base side 86
Lead-in /..........................................................................................................................................................
lead-out / transition 86
Aut. .........................................................................................................................................................
lead-in 86
Aut. lead-ins......................................................................................................................................... 86
Kind of lead-in
......................................................................................................................................... 87
Preferred direction
......................................................................................................................................... 87
... 87
......................................................................................................................................................... 87
......................................................................................................................................................... 87
Elongation, .........................................................................................................................................
in holes 87
Elongation, in
outer contour 87
Min. angle of.........................................................................................................................................
corner 88
Min. angle of.........................................................................................................................................
transition 88
Transition with
lead-out 88
Direction in holes
......................................................................................................................................... 88
Direction in outer
contour 88
After common
edge cut 88
Deflexion ......................................................................................................................................... 88
Import .......................................................................................................................................................... 89
12 SAPSproW v19
setup 89
......................................................................................................................................................... 89
control 89
sign 89
in the NC program 89
error ESSI 89
error ISO/DIN 89
GEO 89
Kerf ......................................................................................................................................................... 90
Min. .........................................................................................................................................................
width of stitch 90
of stitch 90
Sort .........................................................................................................................................................
of stitch 90
zoom-in, shift 103
shift 103
zoom-in 103
Burners.......................................................................................................................................................... 103
of cutting heads 103
for new parts 104
for saved parts 104
of layout's data 104
Save a layout
and NC-program 105
Move a ..........................................................................................................................................................
layout to other directory 105
Move many
layouts to other directory 105
data 105
One step
UnDo 106
Groups ..........................................................................................................................................................
in the VIEWER 106
Insert a ..........................................................................................................................................................
part 106
a part into the layout 106
a part from the VIEWER 106
according to the name 107
the part´s position in the layout 107
a part of the layout 107
of material 107
handling 107
Add a part
.......................................................................................................................................................... 107
automatically 107
interactively 108
in a column/line of parts 108
......................................................................................................................................................... 108
the position of the part 108
the position 108
of the last head 109
distances automatically 109
distances automatically 109
of changes 109
Pull a part ......................................................................................................................................... 109
Mirror a part
......................................................................................................................................... 109
Turn up a part
......................................................................................................................................... 109
Turn up by.........................................................................................................................................
one step 109
Shift to the.........................................................................................................................................
stop 109
Shift by one
step 110
exact position of parts 110
Shift exactly
to the corner of the plate 110
Shift exactly
to the edge of the plate 110
Shift exactly
to another part 110
From a ..........................................................................................................................................................
layout to another layout 110
a part or a group 110
Erase parts
.......................................................................................................................................................... 111
parts 111
the last part 111
by ordinal number 111
Work with
layouts in the table 111
a line of the layout 111
out layouts 111
a list 111
of parts 112
14 SAPSproW v19
layouts from the table 112
layouts with files 112
2 TLG...................................................................................................................................
tab - technology of cutting 112
Lead-ins.......................................................................................................................................................... 112
......................................................................................................................................................... 112
a lead-in 112
lead-ins 113
Setting aut.lead-ins
......................................................................................................................................... 113
Automatic .........................................................................................................................................
lead-ins 113
lead-ins 113
Abscissa lead-ins
......................................................................................................................................... 113
Arc lead-ins
......................................................................................................................................... 114
Flash - lead-in
for plasma 114
Lead-ins for
thick sheets 115
Lead-ins for
thick plates 115
Lead-in with
a triangle 115
Lock - profile
................................................................................................................................... 115
Lock - transfer
................................................................................................................................... 116
"Redrill" for...................................................................................................................................
advance 116
"Overfire" for
advance 116
Chain cutting
.......................................................................................................................................................... 117
chain cutting 117
chain cutting 117
in a column/line of parts 117
chain cutting 118
cutting in a hole 119
of cutting 119
Stitch .......................................................................................................................................................... 119
Bridges.......................................................................................................................................................... 120
......................................................................................................................................................... 120
for a cut-off 120
by one line 120
between circles 120
.......................................................................................................................................................... 121
lead-out 121
lead-out 121
edge cutting 121
Cancel the
technology of cutting 121
Cutting ..........................................................................................................................................................
order 122
order 122
cutting order 122
cutting order 122
order in a window 122
cutting order 122
Cut scrap
.......................................................................................................................................................... 123
cutting 123
3 Technologie
řezání 123
of the curf compensation 123
of the cutting speed 123
Kerf compensation
.......................................................................................................................................................... 124
by cutting 124
of last segment 124
common edge cuttings 124
4 Controls,
measurements 126
control 126
Check of
torch collision 126
Piece control
.......................................................................................................................................................... 126
Control ..........................................................................................................................................................
of the geometry change 127
in the plan 127
in NC-program 127
name of a part 127
and distance of burners 127
contour round a part 128
of finished layouts 128
5 NC programs
................................................................................................................................... 128
.......................................................................................................................................................... 128
in NC-program 128
in NC-program 128
Draw NC-program
.......................................................................................................................................................... 128
weight 129
before print 129
Print an..........................................................................................................................................................
NC-program 129
Print more
NC-programs 129
Import NC-programs
.......................................................................................................................................................... 130
Edit NC-programs
.......................................................................................................................................................... 130
NC-programs into NC-machine 130
into the LINK directory 130
from the LINK directory 131
6 Ending
of SAPS 131
16 SAPSproW v19
Shift of sections
.......................................................................................................................................................... 137
Open polygons
.......................................................................................................................................................... 137
.......................................................................................................................................................... 138
Point of..........................................................................................................................................................
intersection 138
to the point of intersection 138
Corner ..........................................................................................................................................................
chamfer 138
Corner cut-out
.......................................................................................................................................................... 139
Corner cut-off
.......................................................................................................................................................... 139
Corner refresh
(COPY) 139
under an angle 139
arc 139
Axis, vertical
line 139
4 Second
row of buttons 139
Point .......................................................................................................................................................... 139
of abscissae 140
of curves 140
Plasma ..........................................................................................................................................................
arc 140
Plasma ..........................................................................................................................................................
triangle 140
Lead-ins.......................................................................................................................................................... 140
Ellipsis .......................................................................................................................................................... 141
Text drawing
.......................................................................................................................................................... 141
Text cutting
.......................................................................................................................................................... 141
Text marking
.......................................................................................................................................................... 141
Grid .......................................................................................................................................................... 142
Grid with
more parts 142
The order
of marking and holes cutting 142
order in a part 142
the geometry, correct 143
Lower the
point count 143
of dimensions 143
.......................................................................................................................................................... 143
for shortening 143
Kerf compensation
.......................................................................................................................................................... 144
.......................................................................................................................................................... 144
dimensioning 144
dimensioning 144
or arc dimensioning 144
of the arc length 144
dimensioning 144
dimensioning 145
of a point 145
of parallel sections 145
PAR - cutting
speed 145
Print of ..........................................................................................................................................................
drawings 145
of line type 146
5 Side...................................................................................................................................
panel 146
Line types
.......................................................................................................................................................... 146
types 147
6 Upper
panel 147
"Last" button
.......................................................................................................................................................... 147
"Paint" ..........................................................................................................................................................
button 147
7 Saving
and correction of parts 147
Quality ..........................................................................................................................................................
of material 147
in the part 148
Saving a
part 148
of part's geometry 148
GEO file 149
with temporary dimensions 149
8 Macros
................................................................................................................................... 149
with macros 149
.......................................................................................................................................................... 150
.......................................................................................................................................................... 150
coordinates 151
P - point 151
L - abscissae 151
C - circle 151
LOG - testing 152
IF - condition 152
I - intersection 153
T - tangent 153
A - tangential arc 154
ROT - rotation 154
MOV - move, copy 154
ROTMOV - rotation and move 155
PAR - paralell abscissaes 155
MIR - mirroring 155
GEO - cutting contour 155
pipe 155
piece 155
setting 156
"Look" tab
.......................................................................................................................................................... 156
......................................................................................................................................................... 156
dimensioning 156
coord. 156
......................................................................................................................................................... 156
lines length 156
design 156
the temporary dimensions 156
tab 157
......................................................................................................................................................... 157
......................................................................................................................................................... 157
the identificators 157
of move (COPY) 157
of scale (COPY) 157
of the referential point 157
hand drawing 158
straight lines 158
......................................................................................................................................................... the min.area 158
the drawing number 158
label 158
the ACT number 158
the modified GEO 158
......................................................................................................................................................... 158
length 158
count of parts 158
tab 159
18 SAPSproW v19
machine's function 159
of layers 159
Do .........................................................................................................................................................
not import points 159
directory 159
......................................................................................................................................................... 159
to the 1.quadrant 159
tab 159
error 159
......................................................................................................................................................... 159
......................................................................................................................................................... 160
Draw ellipsis
by arcs 160
Permitted tolerance
......................................................................................................................................... 160
open polygons 160
compensating 160
multiplier 160
of nods 160
arcs 160
Max.radius......................................................................................................................................... 160
Permitted tolerance
......................................................................................................................................... 160
name 165
number 165
......................................................................................................................................................... 165
number 165
......................................................................................................................................................... 165
SAPSproW 21
1 SAPSproW
1.1 Introduction
SAPSproW is a program system for programming NC-cutting machines. It is used in working places in
24 states of Europe and Asia, and can be handled in 11 languages. The continual maintenance and
development of the program system is ensured (training, hotline, e-mail, www).
SAPSproW can run independently, or as a group of SAPSproW applications in a Windows net. User
´s data (parts file, cutting layouts, NC-programs...) can be concentrated in the only computer, or they
can be divided into various computers in a group. Every member of the group can work with data of
another SAPSproW system.
1.2 Contact
ANTAL Software EHTi
Datelinova c.528
00421 / 35 / 785-3015
SKYPE name:
You can see on the next picture 2 drop-down lists. The drop-down list "WorkDir" is not opened, the
"Machine" is opened and you can see the options in the list. It is the ACETYLEN option selected.
On the next picture is an unchecked check box "Analyse" and a checked check box "Piece control".
There is a text box named "Prefix GEO" too.
The next picture shows 2 option buttons, the "in the QUALITY.TXT" one is selected
Some data are present in the tables. Various elements can be placed on tabs.
On the "Parts" tab there is a button bar with the , "Ps GEO", "Recall pieces" buttons. The table
contains in its heading the title names of the "?", "Label?", "Name?" columns.
SAPS presents the actual state of its performing in the status bar, down on the bottom side of the main
program window.
- parts in SAPSW are independent objects, that is why all existing cutting layouts with a part change
automatically with the change of the shape of this part
- it is possible to work at the same time with more cutting layouts on the screen of your computer and
transfer a part or a group of parts from one cutting layout into another one
- remnant plates can be easily used and new remnants can be registered in the databank
- it is possible to change the number of heads and the head spacing in the cutting layouts any time
- it is possible to cut profiles (unclosed contours)
- it is possible to cut holes into plates with straight sides for an exact dimension
NC-program creation :
- enables both interactive and automatic creation of NC-program
- in each cutting layout and NC-program, there is always possible to erase parts, correct them, create
groups, change the cutting technology (lead-ins, direction of cutting, bridges, stitches, common edge
cutting, chain cutting, profile compensation, order of cutting of holes and contours, marking with
powder or with a centre-punch,...)
- the speed of cutting can be automatically changed in accordance with geometric dimensions of
- a different speed of cutting can be interactively matched to every contour of the parts in accordance
with the need of the exactness and the quality of cuts
- in one cutting layout there can be parts with uncorrected geometry as well as parts with a kerf
compensation (created in SCADW)
- it can create a chart for a drilling pattern for cutting of thick metallic plates
- it creates detailed technologic-economic information about each NC-program
- it is possible to draw the NC-program in a slower way (cutting simulation)
- for the exact control of NC-program it is possible to draw either only the contours of parts, or the
contours and the width of kerf too
- with the help of the VIEWER, parts and cutting layouts are recalled by a click to the picture of the
appropriate file
26 SAPSproW v19
2 Installation
2.1 Hardware
You need for the SAPSproW system operation (recommended data in brackets):
· IBM PC compatible computer minimal 1 GHz
· computer monitor (17"-19"), resolution of min. 1024x768 pixels (1280x1024), min. 65536 colors i.
e. High color
· memory minimum 256 Mbyte (512 Mbyte or more)
· mouse (IntelliMouse with a wheel)
· printer (laser)
· network card (for programming on a network)
· operating system WINDOWS XP (Home Edition is enough), 2000, Vista
2.2 Installation
SAPSproW install files are divided into two parts, the SAPSproW part itself and the driver of the
hardware key.
You can carry out the SAPSproW installation by starting of SAPSproW.EXE. The driver installation can
you perform with the Sentinel Install Utility.
After installation:
· before the first start of SAPSproW carry out the Windows settings
· at the first start of SAPSproW carry out the SAPSrpoW's basic settings (the settings can be
changed according to your needs at the next program starts)
2.3 Limitations
It can be displayed from the "Program" menu. A demo version offers all possibilities of the full version.
The size of the part geometry and the length of NC-program may be considerably smaller.
2.4 Setting
2.4.1 Before the first start
Set up Windows before the first start of SAPSproW.
1. Set up the screen resolution to min. 1024 x 768 pixels.
2. Set up the number of viewable colors to 65536 or more (High Color or True Color).
3. Set the size of system fonts in the Windows Control Panel, the Display panel - Setting, if possible to
Large Fonts. In this way you will improve readability of small texts, mainly on 15-inch screens.
4. It is advantageous to set from the "Start" panel the "Auto hide" mode for the main panel with active
programs (the panel then ejects if you move the mouse to the lower edge of the screen and it
disappears if the cursor leaves the panel area).
5. Make sure you have installed at least one printer in Windows. If not, you can install a printer from
Windows on the "Printers" panel. The printer does not need to be physically connected to the
6. Before starting a network with SAPSproW, set up a full sharing of the SAPSproW install directory
on the computers (sharing for reading and entry), implicitly C:\SAPSproW). You can set it up with
the help of the "My computer" Window icon or "Net". If you use SAPSproW at working stations and
all user´s data are transmitted on the net and saved in the server, then SAPSproW must be installed
on the server as well. You need not to set up the program there and the local key does not need to
be connected.
-maximum number of cutting layouts that can be loaded and displayed at the same time (2-3)
-set up the NC-machine zero position
-in the case of a net SAPSproW work click at button and in the "Net" tab enter paths to individual
2.5 Update
It is possible to update the SAPSproW on the UPDATE tab of the SAPSW-SYSTEM SETUP. This
automatic update can be used on computers with Internet connection. Always make a backup of the old
With updating to a newer SAPSproW version, the old setup data as well as the old parts and cutting
layouts remain unchanged.
First steps 29
3 First steps
3.1 Introduction
The aim of this chapter is to quickly show several of the most often used working methods. You need
not use anything else as the mouse and you will go step by step through the operations mentioned here:
· recalling of the last existing cutting layout, creation and drawing of the NC-program
· automatic creation of lead-ins
· automatic determination of the order of cutting
· the change of the SAPSW setting (drawing of the high-speed shift)
· the change of the lead-ins in the whole cutting layout
· automatic creation of the cutting layout
· work with a table (only data viewing)
· interactive creation of the cutting layout
· technologic-economic data
· recalling of the old cutting layout
· addition of parts
click, a new window with the description of the next procedure will appear.
What is it? 33
4 What is it?
4.1 Main program window
After starting the SAPS, you see the main program window. You can control from this window every
function in the SAPS.
Left on the topside is a group of check boxes. If you check the "More", then more check boxes will
The "Thick/Qual" check box has 3 possible states. If the check box is checked and it has silver color,
then SAPS will control only the material thickness, but not the material quality.
If there is no cutting layout for the chosen standard data in the working directory, the text "WorkDir" will
be depicted in red color.
-it is useful to depict a geometric shape of parts by the VIEWER program that is able to depict the
shape of the part in lines and columns in small windows on the screen. For example for 500 parts in
the raster 2 x 5 there will be 50 depicted pages of shapes of parts.
If you need to create new NC-programs, you save in the cutting layouts only a definite portion of all
existing parts. That is why it is sufficient to label the needed parts only once with a 30-sign alfa-numeric
text that will be inscribed to other data into the PARTS table by SAPSW. At the depiction of the data in
the PARTS databank and the shape of geometry in the VIEWER only the group of parts labeled in this
way will be depicted. It is possible to have more differently labeled groups in the databank at the same
time, it is possible to choose different groups comfortably from the drop-down list.
4.7.2 Lead-in
If you cut the material through, there will be an irregular hole of different shape and diameter in the
plate. If you do not want to debase the part by this hole, start the lead in the plate outside the area of the
part. A lead in is the name of the track that the machine cutting head makes from the point of cutting to
the first cut point of the part.
4.7.4 Lead-out
It is true that cutting of parts ends in a mathematically exact point, but it is possible that in practise the
division of parts from the plate is not perfect. That is why SAPSW enables the automatical generation of
a short abscissa or arc, i.e. a lead-out which ensures loosening of the part and a good quality of the
cut, before the cutting head goes up.
compensation (ESSI-code 29) or on the right (ESSI-code 30) from the exact contour of the parts, for
Sometimes it is not useful to switch on the curf compensation, because the concrete control unit does
not enable the automatic compensation. In this case it is necessary to enlarge the dimensions of the
part contour or lessen the dimensions of the holes by a half of the cutting crack.
4.7.9 Stitch
The temperature load of the material can cause a shift of the part at the end of cutting, that is why the
dimensions of the part can be incorrect. It can happen at the classic NC-machines with oxyfuel cutting
up to approx. 10 mm width of the material, while the rate of the width to the length of the part is smaller
than appr. 1:6. That is why SAPSW enables to add a convenient interruption of the cut, a so called
stitch, into the contour. It keeps the part at cutting (even after the cutting) joined to the plate, which
protects it from a shift.
4.7.10 Bridge
A bridge joins more parts by cutting, that is why it is similar to the chain cutting. The difference is in the
cutting steps. With bridges, parts are not cut at once, but at first one half of the part, then the cutting
goes on with the following part and in the end the cutting goes back to the first part.
You can create 2 kinds of bridges:
-a current bridge, and ...
-a bridge for a cut-off
the right.
-the edge of the remnant on the left side can stay formed according to the shape of the cut parts. If it is
arranged by hand after the cutting, then it possible to correct the automatically saved geometry of the
remnant in accordance with the real shape of the remnant in SCADW program.
Parts are chosen by window in the direction you pulled the window:
- if the final corner of the window was on the right of the first corner, then only those parts lying restless
inside the window will be chosen in the window.
- if the final corner of the window is on the left of the first corner, then even those parts lying partly
inside the window will be chosen.
If you need to choose the parts into a group, then use the ALT key and the mouse for a choice of parts
step by step instead of pulling the window.
4.8.2 ESSI-format
It is a standard format NC-program that is created by SAPSW and is used for controlling the work of
the cutting machine. The format is used in their control units by most producers of cutting machines, e.
g. the firm MESSER, ESAB, SCHWEISSTECHNIK and others.
An example of the program:
ESSI-macros can appear in NC-programs.
4.8.4 ESSI-macro
ESSI-macro is a part of the NC-program in ESSI-format, e.g. in the following macro there is a defined
cutting of a rectangle with the dimensions of 100x50 mm, as macro No.3:
Macro can be recalled in the NC-program, for example after carrying out the following command the
NC-machine will cut altogether 9 rectangles:
Macros are worth using where the same part or a group of parts are repeated in the cutting layout in
regular distances without a change of technology of cutting. With the use of the technology of macro
the length of NC-program file at these cutting layouts is much shorter. When reading the NC-program,
NC-machine saves the definition of the macro into its memory and when recalling the macro it reads it
from there several times and carries out the commands for cutting.
SAPSW can create macro at multiplying of the group of parts.
4.8.7 Contour
It is an uninterrupted sequence of abscissas or circular arcs which is automatically created by SCADW
at the interactive creation of a part.
4.8.13 Databank
It is a group of files in a DBISAM database system from the Elevate Software company (file extensions
DAT and IDX). The saved data enables the registering and automatic control of quantity of parts in the
cutting layouts and makes the whole process of programming work easier.
There are altogether 5 main database files:
· a database of standard data, it contains the data typical for a concrete way of cutting (oxyfuel,
plasma, laser, water jet) and for a concrete NC-machine and cutting heads
· a database of plates, with the data about whole plates of material for cutting
· a database of parts which contains the data about the number of drawing, material, number of
pieces, dimensions etc. for each part
· a database of remnant plates with the data about the existing remnants
· a database of finished cutting layouts where are the data about the created cutting layouts and
· LOKALIZ.TXT, a text file for languages (English, Czech, Slovak, German, Hungarian, Polish,
Romanian, Croatian, Slovenian, Russian)
· files in the _INI directory, data changed by the user at setting up of programs with buttons
· REMARK.TXT, a text file for short notes
We recommend to set the 14th-18th data to zero. In this case SAPSW will use the data from the
Standard table for new cutting layouts.
12. Note
How to use? 45
5 How to use?
5.1 Interactive help
SAPSW program informs the user in 5 possible ways:
1. The menu displays the help after pressing the F1 key or after clicking at "Help" in the line
2. Click to "Search" in the menu opens the window to search the text of the whole helpfile
3. In some windows (the basic side of SAPSW, SAPSW and SCADW setting ...) you can see
there the button for so-called question-mark help, in the upper right corner. After clicking at
and then at an operating element of the program a help window for this element will appear. The
same window appears if you click at the operating element and then you press the F1 key.
4. If you set the mouse cursor at an operating element, a brief piece of information will be displayed for
a moment. Time of display of the information text is possible to be set.
5. It displays the status information before each needed action of the user in the lower status line
- if a question-mark help is possible (i.e. is visible), then except the basic side of SAPSW no
buttons for minimalization and maximalization of the window are visible in the upper right corner of the
- the question-mark kind of help is not displayed for the buttons
5.4 Notes
Click "NOTEPAD" or press F8 in the menu in the "Program" menu. If you do so after the search for the
cutting layouts (F7 key or from the Nestings menu), then NOTEPAD will automatically display the last
created text file with the description of the search result.
1. If in a data line is no "machine" listed in the file, then this actual quality will be presented in the
material quality selection drop-down lists regardless of the currently selected NC "machine" from the
2. A new line in the QUALITY.TXT will be created, if at saving a new part (GEO file) or at creating a new
cutting layout, you fill up an unknown new material quality. If at following question You answer only with
the value of the specific weight, then the new material quality will be shown in the material quality
selection boxes for every existing NC "machines". If You answer with value of spec.weight and the "/"
character (e.g. 7,85 / ), then the new quality will be in the future shown only for the presently selected
NC "machine".
In VIEWER program:
· click at a drawing ... display the part and data to the whole screen, second click shows the
VIEWER again
¬[a] [s]- [d]+ [f] ®
The items in the line are divided by characters ";" or "|". After loading the file, in the VIEWER appear
the data (if the GEO file of the part does not exist yet, then only as an empty window with a text) and in
SCADW there is possible to draw or import appropriate geometric shapes of parts.
PlatNum | ID | Remnant name | Item | thickness | quality | piece count | length | width | DimNorm |
CommitNorm | Certificate | notes.
Creating a LOG-file:
At click to the OK+LINK button will be a special LOG file created or modified. This file includes date,
time, computer name, full filename of the cutting layout, full name of the TXT and XLS files. In case that
any from the both file types are not allowed in the SAPSW setup, instead of the filename will be there
the "" characters. You can specify the directory for the LOG file in the machine independent settings on
the ECO tab.
ECO files:
SAPS creates for every NC program a single ECO data file. The data structure is commented in the file.
save, etc. At the end it should delete the processed lines from the LOGFILE.TXT.
From the program developer can be requested a Delphi Pascal example for reading the TXT file
5.13.1 VIEWER
It is a program module, it works with 6 kinds of files:
· geometric files of parts (GEO)
· geometric files of parts (DXF)
· drawing files (VYK))
· drawing files of details (DTL)
· geometric files of remnant plates (ZBY)
· NC-programs (NCP)
-the geometric shape of files is displayed on the screen in several lines and columns in the form of
pictures of optional size, from which the user can choose his needed file by a click (e.g.he can choose
a cutting layout for correction or choose another part to insert it into the cutting layout)
-the VIEWER in the case of parts (GEO) automatically controls the number of parts while inserting them
into cutting layouts and erasing them from cutting layouts. You do not have to count the pieces in
cutting layouts and it cannot happen that parts are uselessly cut, or on the other hand that some parts
are missing.
-the VIEWER disappears when the mouse leaves the area of the VIEWER window or at inserting of a
part into the cutting layout
-the VIEWER is permanently visible when the "Max.dimension" check box on the basic side of SAPSW
is unchecked
Beside of drop-down list are two buttons, with these can You select after the start of SAPS already
selected working directories. Previous directory - arrow up, next directory - arrow down.
5.15 Tables
5.15.1 Columns width
In all tables, after their depiction on the screen, there is possible to set the width of columns if you click
at the right side of the rectangle with the name of the column and you pull the mouse.
In the tables is a button of "Columns width" name. The SAPS after a click to this button recreate the
standard old order of columns in the table. In addition SAPS changes the width of columns in that
manner, that as the names of columns so the data will be completely shown in the column.
It is not possible to interrupt the print directly in SAPSW. That is why it is useful before the print to
install the printer from the control panel into the lower panel of the current WINDOWS programs. In
case of emergency the print can be then interrupted and canceled.
For "Nestings" the data table can be sorted according to the column:
-name of the cutting layout
-date of creation
5.15.7 "Standard" Choose the standard data
Click at the button of the drop-down list on the basic side, the names of the existing standard data
will be displayed
· click at the needed line, or …
· set the needed line with the help of or { keys. Standard data are changed automatically so that it
is not necessary to click or to press ENTER. Erase the standard data
-click at on the basic side
-click at "Standard"
-check "Corrections"
-click at . The current standard data will be canceled and another existing group of standard data
will be displayed in the table.
It is possible to let print out the price into ECO, this price is calculated from the time of the NC-machine
running. New standard data New standard data
-put away all cutting layouts in-process from the screen
-write a new name of standard data in the drop-down list and press Enter
-click at and "Standard" tab. There is just one line of data in the displayed table. The table can be
filled in with data in two ways:
· addition of lines from another already existing table and the following correction of lines
· copying of particular lines step by step and their correction
1. The set item for the length of lead-in has usually a different meaning for particular kinds of lead-ins.
2. The lead-out after cutting can have a different length for holes and a different one for the outer
contour. If a zero value is set, then there will be none. Add the lines of another table
In the newly established table there is just one line of data. After addition all lines of the existing table will
be transferred into this new current table of standard data. You can erase the original line or correct it
together with the correction of other lines.
-press the button of the drop-down list
-click at the line with the name of a suitable standard data table
5.15.8 "Plates" Erase plates
The ERASE button erase the lines from the table, which has already null pieces in the ACT column. A new plate into the table
-click at on the basic side and click at the "Plates" tab
-check the "Corrections" check box
-set the pointer at a line. This line will be copied into the table.
-click at button
-correct the new line according to your requirements
5.15.9 "Parts" Erase parts
The ERASE button erase the lines from the table, which has already null pieces in the ACT column.
SAPS afterwards asks, if it can erase the corresponding GEO files too. Reset the actual quantities
SAPSW shows the number of parts pieces which can be inserted into cutting layouts in the "Act"
column. When the parts are saved, The "Act" number is zero. The number can be interactively
corrected for a particular part or for all visible parts by the "Recall pieces" button.
-click at on the basic side and click at "Parts"
-click with the left mouse button at the "Recall pieces" button, or...
-click with the right mouse button at the "Recall pieces" button. The ACT pieces will be changed in every
visible line to a multiply of PS number. The multiplier can be smaller or greater as 1. Get GEO data
-click at on the basic side and the "Parts" tab
-click at "Get GEO data" and then at a suitable menu line
-if you want to refresh the table completely, then choose a menu line with the table erasing. SAPSW will
erase all data in the table, then in the current file it will search and start to read particular files of GEO
parts. It will find out the parts´ data in the found files (drawing, thickness, quality, number...) and it will
insert them in "Parts". With the complete data refreshment the information about the number of pieces
of earlier saved parts in cutting layouts will be lost.
-if you want to keep the old data in the databank, choose the possibilities without erasure. SAPSW will
search GEO files and in the case that the part has not had its data in the "Parts" databank yet, it will
insert them.
-it is possible to sort the lines of the table by clicking at the heading of the columns that are finished with
a question mark
-the order of columns can be changed by pulling with the mouse (click at the column heading, hold
pressed and pull the mouse)
-you need to create the whole new "Parts" table only in an extraordinary situation. e,g, for the transfer
of GEO-files from the SAPS program system for MSDOS into SAPSproW.
-the data of parts are in the common inserted into the PARTS table automatically by the SCADW
program. Get REQ data
The "Get REQ data" button in the PARTS table read the data of parts from a text file with REQ file name
attachment. The data divider character is the "|", or the ";" character. Consequently, for creating a REQ
file you can use every utility program which is able to create the CSV file format.
The structure of lines in the file is simple. The first line is only comment. In the other lines it is enough to
type the material thickness, quality, piece count, part name. The count of ";" characters should be
remained. On every place in the line can be any number of spaces.
The creation of the REQ file may be useful also at importing large number of files in form of CAD
drawings. The SCADW program module at saving the drawings to the form of GEO parts first searches
for part name in the PARTS table, and if it finds the name, then it will fill at saving the GEO file every text
box with values from the table. So it is not needed every data to interactively type, or search and find
them in various part lists. Label the parts
Label is an alphanumeric text, max. 30 signs and it is saved in the line of "PARTS" table. Label can be
entered after drawing of part at saving at the disk. Label will be inserted into the table automatically by
SCADW program.
It is possible to change or enter label straight in the "Parts" databank as well. Before creating label, it is
possible to sort out the table with the FILTER button to limit the number of visible lines.
- remove all cutting layouts from the screen
- click at on the basic side, click at the "Parts" tab and at the LABEL button
- click at a suitable line in the "New label" drop-down list or write a suitable label (except "~" which is
reserved for parts created on the same day "today´s parts").
4. Automatic labels
The AUT.LABEL button will label every visible line, according to the combination of thickness and
quality. In the "SCADW - setting", "Control" tab, "Aut.label" is possible to set the maximal number of
characters in the labels.
5.15.10 "Nestings" Select, search out... the layouts
In the "Nestings" databank there is possible to bring the following activities into effect:
-select the cutting layouts
-search out the cutting layouts
-archive the cutting layouts
-erase the cutting layouts from the table
-erase the cutting layouts with files Reset the table
Look up the tab with the NESTINGS table and erase all lines by button. Call the window for
searching out cutting layouts (F7 or from the menu). SAPSW at the basis of existing PLA files will insert
partly filled-in lines into the table and select them. It is possible to complete the missing data by a
successive calling of all cutting layouts with the help of "List". In so doing you needn´t save the cutting
layouts , it is sufficient to close them after their display. Cancel the nesting layouts
In the NESTINGS table there is possible to erase the cutting layouts which are for some or other
reasons inconvenient, and again let reset automatically the previous number of pieces of parts and
plates, in some case of remnant plates. Numbers of parts will come back into the VIEWER and into
appropriate tables. Select the needed lines in the NESTINGS table, click at the ERASE button and
choose the third line of the offer.
5.15.11 "Remnants" Erase remnants
The ERASE button erase the lines from the table, which has already null pieces in the ACT column.
SAPS afterwards asks, if it can erase the corresponding ZBY files too. Remnants
-the content of the table is automatically up-dated by SAPSW program
-if the table was automatically opened, i.e.a new cutting layout for a remnant plate is just being created,
then it is possible to choose the needed remnant by a double click.
Settings 59
6 Settings
6.1 Types of settings
- for changing of set-up data of the SAPSproW, without considering the selected NC machine, click
with left mouse button to
- for specific set-up of data of the selected NC machine click with the right mouse button to
If SAPS in time of executing detects a system error, then it offer the possibility of automatic creation of
the error message and of the ZIP file. List
The cutting layouts can be successively recalled one after another on the screen from a list of selected
cutting layouts. After closing the opened cutting layout another cutting layout from the list will be
automatically depicted on the screen. You will create the list with help of searching cutting layouts (the
F7 key), or directly by selecting cutting layouts in the NESTINGS table. Viewer
The cutting layout will be displayed in the max. scale on the whole free part of the screen, a cutting
layout and the VIEWER can overlap. If it is not checked, the screen will be divided between the cutting
layout and the VIEWER window. Pieces
It will switch on/off the piece control. If it is switched on, the program controls the user at inserting a
part into the cutting layout (from the VIEWER, by addition, by shift...) on basis of the pieces number in
the "Parts" databank. At the cutting layouts correction the erased number of pieces comes back again
into the table. Thick./Qual
It will switch on/off the thickness and quality control of material. If it is switched on, the program will not
allow to insert a part with a different quality or thickness into the cutting layout. Width
The check box can switch on/off the draw of NC machine's working width. The function of this switch
can be in the setup of SAPSW generally prohibited. Bench
Switch on/off the drawing of the NC machine's cutting bench. Lamellas
Switch on/off the drawing of lamellas in the NC machine's cutting bench. Over
If more cutting layouts are displayed, it will arrange the cutting layouts over or next to each other. If less
than 2 cutting layouts are displayed, the check box cannot be seen. Same
If more cutting layouts are displayed, it will display the cutting layouts in the mutually same scale. If less
than 2 cutting layouts are displayed, the check box cannot be seen.
6.4.3 DXF/DWG Length of lines
You will determine the length of lines in DXF-file. Directory for DXF
You will determine a place where the output will pointed. There are two possibilities:
· into DXF directory which is in each working directory
· into any other directory which is then common for all working directories. Height of the text
It is entered in mm.
6.4.4 Texts Parts´ title
It is possible to set up different kinds of print of the parts´ text in the cutting layout (ordinal number in the
ECO table, order of cutting, name, drawing...) and the height of the text in parts. Texts
It is possible to appoint in which parts the text should be drawn. If "Into one" is chosen, it is drawn in
the cutting layout only into the first part of each kind of parts.
6.4.5 ECO Notes for the machine operator
If it is checked, even a note for the cutter will be printed under the drawing. Every change of cutting heads
If You check this setting, then SAPSW will write out every change of distance or number of cutting
heads during the cutting.
If You uncheck it, then SAPSW will write out only the different combinations of distance and number of
cutting heads. Cutting length of 1 piece
If checked, then the CUTT (m/1) value in the table of parts in the ECO printout will show the cutting
length of 1 part. This value is computed from other existing values in this way:
"Cutting by 1 burner" divided by ("PCS" div by plate count div by "BUR" count).
The state of the check box does not influence the ECO text file, nor the EXCEL file (that means, in the
files are always the whole cutting length is written out).
6.4.6 Lines Thickness of lines
Determine the thickness of lines for different kinds of lines.
will change to 11, 12.1,... for a mouse shift. Or with the contrariwise mouse movement it will change to
9, 8.1,... Maximum number of layouts
The maximum number of cutting layouts which can be loaded and displayed at once depends on the
extent of the computing memory. If the memory is only 32 Mbyte, set up the item to 2, otherwise
SAPSW will often use a swap file, which will make the program activity slower. Files to the basket
If checked, then the files which are deleted directly in the SAPSproW (in the VIEWER with the DEL
button, or in the TABLES), are sent at first to the basket (RecycleBin).
If you wish to restore some deleted files, then after restoring the files physically from the basket:
- for GEO files, in the PARTS table click to the "Get GEO data" and select an appropriate mode of
restoring to the table
- for PLA files, click to the button, select and open the previosly deleted layout to the screen.
Afterwards you can without any change close the layout. Sound signal Inhibit beep
SAPS alert the user in many cases, e.g. at click to an NC segment in the picture of the NC program
and at finding the appropriate line in the text file of that NC program. Some properties of the beep may
be set. Every beep and other sounds can be forbidden. System sound
If checked, then SAPS will use on every requested place the standard Windows sound signal. Length of tone
SAPS alert the user in many cases, e.g. at click to an NC segment in the picture of the NC program
and at finding the appropriate line in the text file of that NC program. Some properties of the beep may
be set. Height of tone
The height of tone which will be used for particular plus lengths of the tone duration. For minus values of
the beep duration the tone height is constant (system beep, a minus value in the text box for the beep
duration means the number of beeps).
If you do not check the setting, each working directory will have its own remnants and you will be able
to use only the remnants from the actual working directory to create a new cutting layout.
Location of the remnant in the face of the chosen way can be changed even in the NOTES FOR THE
MACHINE OPERATOR window at saving the cutting layout. Filename - running number
With the check box you can set up the way of calling remnants with the automatic ordinal number or
with an adjustable file name which you can enter in the NOTES FOR THE MACHINE OPERATOR
window. In the _RESTPLATE\COUNT.TXT file there is the last remnant whose name was created by
SAPS as an ordinal number. Each remnant has its own number, irrespective the directory and
eventually the network computer where the remnant is situated. Distance of strips
Division of the plate into horizontal strips, the maximum X-coordinate of parts will be determined in the
strips. The shape of the remnant plate will arise after the connection of max. coordinates. Distance from edges
Narrow useless strips of the plate will be removed from the geometry on the lower and upper sides. The
item will determine the maximum width of strips in mm which will be still removed.
Influence of the item setting on straightening up the left side of the remnant plate:
Item=0 m2
Item = 0,005 m2
1. With updating to a newer SAPSproW version, the old setup data as well as the old parts and cutting
layouts remains unchanged.
2. If the computer is not connected to the Internet, then update the SAPS according to the chapter
Installation. File list
SAPS write into the table the filenames of files in the Internet, which are newer as the files in the
computer. The values in columns SIZE and DOWNL.SIZE has to match in case of successful
The corrected base settings (correction of which must be permitted by the ENABLE switch) will be
saved only if the ENABLE THE BASE SETTINGS check box is checked ! Page 3 NC program Control
The output ESSI program format is being elected, either ESSI or DIN (ISO). Maximum length of NC program
In the text box there is the maximum length of NC-program in kbytes, which can be accepted by the
control system of NC-machine. The value serves only for caution and it has no influence on whether the
NC-program will be created or not. If you do not want SAPSW to control the length, write zero into the
text box. Extension for LINK
The extension of the ready NC-program's name in a form suitable for the direct NC-machine control. Error in arcs in NC programs
Here You can enter the maximal allowed error on arcs (difference of radius in the beginning and the
ending point of arc) in the NC program. In NC programs in ESSI format the value can be e.g. 0.15 mm.
SAPS checks the arcs to this value in the NC program by drawing them. In the SCADW set up, there is
a text box on the TECHNOLOGY tab, which hold the value of the maximal permitted error of arcs in
parts. This value has to be smaller as the first one, otherwise SAPS would report more errors in the NC
programs. Height of heads
For machines with ESSI form of programs You set here the dimensions of holes in the part. If at cutting
the part both dimensions of a hole are smaller, then in the ESSI program the code 45-46 will be used to
switch on - off the head height control. Point of lead-in ...
The NC-machine keeps the optimal distance of cutting heads from the plate usually by the help of
cutting head´s height capacity transducers. To work properly the transducers must be situated over the
plate and that´s why it is necessary to keep a minimum distance of the cutting head´s centre from the
edges of the plate if you are choosing the point of lead-in. After the lead-in it is possible to drive the
burner even closer to the edges.
-by ticking "Remove" it is possible to order SAPSW at lead-in creation with AUT button not to insert the
lead-in point of the plate into the forbidden zone
-by ticking "Warn" it is possible to ask SAPSW after clicking "OK?" on the basic side of SAPSW to call
attention to all lead-ins whose lead-in point of plate is situated in the forbidden zone. In the cutting
layout window a circle with the radius equal to the forbidden zone is depicted, in NC-program window a
red cross is depicted.
-in "Min.distance" text box there is possible to set the size of the forbidden zone at the edges of the
plate in millimetres Velocity
In the NC-program, there can be information for the setting of the standard speed of cutting. If you
check the "Speed of cutting" check box in SAPSW settings, NC-program will be cut in accordance
with the thickness of material according to the value set in STANDARD table. It is still possible to change
this standard speed in a certain extent on the control unit panel, e.g. minus 40 up to plus 20 per cent
(different NC-machine control units have different extents). Change of kerf compensation
After cutting of several couples of parts in the common edge cutting, there must be a change of the kerf
compensation. If the control unit enables the compensation change in the course of cutting, then check
the check box. Otherwise it is not possible to create common edge cuttings with the cutting
compensation. On the other hand it is possible to create common edge cuttings with parts whose
dimensions are geometrically compensated in advance in SCADW program. Parts with the
compensation in SCADW are automatically cut without the kerf compensation being switched-on. Page 4 Marker Marking
-choice of the marking machine (marking with zinc-oxide powder or with the centre-punch. A special
kind is marking by cutting, when the NC-machine does not have its own marking equipment).
-time for changing the marking head for the cutting head aggregate. Set in seconds.
-time of 1 punch for centre-punching of an individual point
-speed of an uninterrupted marking in [m/s] Offset
If the NC-machine is equipped with a marking equipment and if the machine can automatically
transpose cutting heads for markers, then check the check box. Cutted mark length
In the "Marker" box in the "Length" text box (if selected "cutting points"), you can set the length of the
line which will be created in the NC program to mark a point on the plate. Quick marking
If it is checked, the machine carries out marking at the speed of a quick crossing of the machine
(generally 6-15 m/min). Stop after marking
If it is checked, the machine stops after the fulfillment of marking before the following cutting. Mark in advance
In the setting, on the side "MACHINE" - "Mechanics" - "Mark in advance", there is possible to set the
fulfillment of all marking operations at the same time, at the beginning of the NC-program. Marker MikroSchlage Allow "MikroSchlage"
Allow the using of MikroSchlage unit in the NC program. Offset
Put the codes to the NC program for switching the cutting head to the MikroSchlage head. Marking at first
Every marking procedure from every part in the layout perform on the NC program beginning. Stop before marking
Before start of the marking, stop the NC machine (only in case, if the "Marking at first" is checked). Stop after marking
After end of the marking, stop the NC machine (only in case, if the "Marking at first" is checked). Speed
The labeling speed, set in character per second. Length
The active length of the MikroSchlage unit. Width
The active width of the MikroSchlage unit. Type of marking
You may select here the types of texts, which will the MikroSchlage unit mark to every part on the
6.6.3 Mechanics Quality and specific weight
You can select, where will maintain the SAPS the values of material quality and the specific gravity. This
data may be in the QUALITY.TXT file, or in the STANDARD table.
If selected to maintain in QUALITY.TXT, you can direct SAPS to show only the appropriate material
11373|7.8 ...SAPS will show ever the 11373 quality
XCR32D|7.4|PLASMA ...SAPS shows the quality XCR32D only at creating NC programs for
machine named PLASMA
If at saving the GEO part in the SCADW you type a new quality (or at interactive creation of a new
layout) then SAPS automatically modify the QUALITY.TXT and add the new quality.
At autogen cutting (when you cut only standard material, which has always the same specific gravity) is
better maintain the data in the QUALITY.TXT. At this selection then in the STANDARD are the columns
with quality and specific gravity not present.
At plasma cutting (where the cutted materials can have various specific gravity) you have two
possibilities to selection:
1. for every used material create one "Machine" e.g. PLASMA-FE, PLASMA-AL, PLASMA-CU (3
various machines with 3 STANDARD tables)
2. create only one "machine" e.g. PLASMA, and to the STANDARD add lines of the 3 used materials
(you will have 3 times more data lines in the STANDARD as in case 1) Jet cleaning time
It is possible to enter data for testing the calculation of the jet cleaning time. You enter the length of the
cut in m, the number of lead-ins, the number of cutting heads, the number of plates. The time is
calculated in accordance with the polynomic function where it is possible to change 4 constants. If the
value of some constant is zero, then the time of cleaning will be zero as well and zero will appear in
ECO - printout of the NC-program, too. Price of the machine time
A constant for an approximate calculation of the price of the machine time or the tender´s wage, it is
entered in the text box in the settings , on the "NC-machine" side, "Mechanics". If it is zero, then the
price is not printed in ECO-data. The price is calculated as a total time of cutting in minutes x a
Besides this price, SAPSW can calculate the price from the length of cutting, the length of marking and
the number of lead-ins. Relay of table
It is possible to input the necessary time to relay and justify the plate on the working table of the NC
machine. In the ECO printout will be this time added to the whole cutting time. Min.high-speed shift
For NC-machine movement without cutting it is possible to enter here the minimal movement length at
which the machine high-speed shift will be already switched on. Under this limit the machine will be
moving at the working speed, without cutting. Verify openings
In the "Verify openings" frame in the "Machine" settings on the tab „Mechanics“. Here you will find the
„Multiplier“ text box. If the diameter of the openings is smaller then (material thickness * "Multiplier"),
then the SCADW according to the "Machine function" option buttons does not draw the opening, but
exchanges it to a marking, labelling or a drilling point.
The SCADW checks the not round openings as well. In these cases it compares the surface size of the
opening to the surface size of the circle with the diameter of (material thickness * "Multiplier"). The
openings are not replaced by a point, they keep their form, but the machine is set from cutting to
marking or labelling.
In the "Verify openings" frame is also the "Remove openings" text box. This function leaves out all the
circular openings, that has a smaller diameter then the defined value.
6.6.4 Control NCP-file Notes
It inserts "Notes for the machine operator" text in the NC-program file (into ESSI-format). Start-finish in NC
If it is checked, then SAPSW will label the first and last ESSI-lines of particular parts or technologically
connected groups of parts in NC-program. The label is 3 lines in the form of "3/@n-Z/4" for the first
line and "3/@n-K/4" for the last line (n...number of the part in the program) Comment 3-4
If it is checked, then comment lines will appear at the beginning of NC-program. The comment contains
the program name, dimensions and quality of the plate, number and distance of cutting heads. We
recommend to check it. Draw the sequence in successive steps
If it is checked, then SAPSW into NC-program will insert 3 - 4 codes to each part and at a slowed-down
drawing it will draw the serial number in successive steps before the drawing of part contour. If the
check box is unchecked, then there will not be any 3 - 4 codes in front of the parts in NC-program and
the serial numbers will be drawn at once after the NC-program drawing.
For example, if the PRIK.BAT file contains (copy the BAT file into the install directory, where the
SAPSW.EXE file is):
then write in the text box:
PRIK.BAT %1 %3
Or if you want to work up the ECO-data output in your own program called SezPisW, then write in the
text box e.g. :
D:\PROGRAMY\SEZPISW.EXE %1 Global details directory
In SCADW there is possible to save details (files like DTL) optionally into the global details directory.
From there SCADW can call them irrespective of the currently set working directory.
6.6.5 Control 2 Drive burners away
If you cut the same NC-program several times one after another and the working desk is equipped with
stops for the precise setting of the plate, then it is possible to set SAPSW so that after the parts´ cutting
the machine portal automatically drives away into the space outside the plate and the machine stops. It
is easier for a machine operator to change plates. Then he must let the machine finish the NC-program
from his control desk, burners move back into their new precise starting position. Finally he can start
the NC-program again from the beginning, without another setting of a new plate cutting.
An example of parts connected by a chain cutting. The holes in the order from 1st to 9th are cut at first
and the outer contours in the end. Enable automatic changing...
The "Aut.changing of direction" and "Aut.changing of order" check boxes works for drilling, marking,
labeling, profile cutting (uncontinuous) contours. If they are checked, then SAPS can automatically
change the working sequence and the direction of contours (that means the first worked point of the
contour will be the originally last point of contour) to achieve the minimal transfer path to the next
If the boxes are not checked, then the order and the direction remains the same as they were created
by part's design in the SCADW program module.(default direction and sequence created automatically,
or interactiv). Bridge with arcs
If you check this check box, then the bridges which cut themselves through (the narrow bridges) will
connect themselves to the contours of parts through arcs. The radius of the arc is equal to the actual
cutting kerf. Cut the scrap
In the text box "Cut the scrap" can you specify the length of shortening of the detaching line, if that line
runs between two parts in the layout.
chosen point
-the lead-in will be, if possible, led in the direction of the first cut section as if the "Tang" check box (on
TLG panel) was checked.
-if the chosen kind of lead-in can´t be connected without collision and the "In section" check box (TLG
panel) is checked, then the program tries to connect the lead-in also inside the part´s section. Kind of lead-in
Click at the favored shape of the automatic lead-in. SAPSW in position in the lead-in creation mode
will automatically choose this kind of lead-in. The automatically chosen kind of lead-in can be anytime
interactively changed. Preferred direction
If checked, then SAPS will prefer the creation of such lead-ins, which leads in direction of 0 or 180
degrees to the contour. The checking of the check boxes is valid only, if selected is one from the two
middle check boxes for selection the point of connection to the contour. Initial ...
You can select in the "Initial..." box the mode of overfiring (marking, labeling, drilling) for the thick
materials, where the machine is not able overfire the material in its normal mode.
Various selections:
In place of lead-ins is it possible to overfire the plate with a short abscissae or small diameter circle. The
real mode can be more precisely specified by:
- "Thickness", the overfire will be created only in case of thicker materials
- "Length", the length of line which makes the overfire
- "Cut lead-in circles", if checked, then will be shown a chart with the diameter of the small circles to
- "Overlap", a constant, it defines the lengthening of piercing circles
If the part is to the next part linked with chain cutting, then SAPS create the elongation in two cases:
1. If the "Chain cutting with lead-out" check box is checked (not preferable on autogen cutting), or...
2. If the angle between the elongation and the first segment of chain cutting is greater, as the value in
If the value in the ELONGATION IN OUTER CONTOUR text box is zero, then a small value in
DIRECTION IN OUTER CONTOUR pulls the end of lead-out to the lead-in, as it is written therein before.
If however the ELONGATION IN OUTER CONTOUR text box is not zero, then a small value cause, that
the end of lead-out will be pulled to the first cutted line in the part (so will be a salient angle achieved,
which can lead to a good separation of burnts from the plate). After common edge cut
If You check the check box, the SAPS create the lead-out after the common edge cutting. The common
edge cutting will be created only in case, when the common line length is the same in the both parts. In
other cases create interactive lead out. Deflexion
In the text box is the value of the lead-out's deflexion from the common line of the common edge cutting.
The deflexion has to be zero or a negative number.
6.6.7 Import Import setup
You can set up the importing of the NC programs from other program systems:
- Analyse
- Piece control
- Code ESSI
- Permitted error ESSI
- Code ISO/DIN
- Permitted error ISO/DIN
- Prefix GEO
- Cutting crack
- Min.width of stitch
- Width of stitch Analyse
If You check the check box, then SAPS before creating new GEO files scans in the PARTS table the
labeled lines and the corresponding existing GEO files. If it finds the same geometry, then it use the old
file and do not create a new GEO file. Piece control
If You check the check box, then SAPS increment the pieces of the used parts and into the cutting
layout put the part with piece control (underlined part's serial number). In the PARTS table in the PC
column it write in the count of parts, in the ACT column it puts zeros. Code ESSI
You should enter that codes into the text boxes, which are used in the imported NC program. Control sign
It is necessary to write in here the sign after the loading of which NC-machine will stop ignoring NC-
program. It is usually % sign. The same sign has to appear in the text box "Start of NC-program".
If the machine does not know the control sign function, then the text box must be empty, without gaps. Step in the NC program
The text box is used for NC machines with ESSI format. For standard ESSI format write in the value 0,1
mm. Permitted error ESSI
The value in the text box is used to find continuous contours in the NC program. The inputted number
may not be lower as the cumulative error in the NC program. For NC programs in ESSI format You
should use e.g. the value 0,2. This number has no influence to the precision of the new cutting layout,
the precision depend only on the original precision of the imported NC program. Code ISO/DIN
You should enter that codes into the text boxes, which are used in the imported NC program. Permitted error ISO/DIN
The number in the text box is used to find continuous contours in the NC program. The inputted number
may not be lower as the cumulative error in the NC program. For ISO/DIN format of NC programs You
can enter the number 0,1 mm. This number has no influence to the precision of the new cutting layout,
the precision depend only on the original precision of the imported NC program. Prefix GEO
The characters in the text box are used to create a new partname. Kerf
SAPS looks for couples of parts with a common edge cutting. The inputted value serves to find shorter
segments in outer contour of parts, and so to detect parts with the common edge cutting. E.g. if the
cutting kerf is 2 mm, You should enter 3 mm. For 4 mm kerf enter the value 6. Min. width of stitch
Write into the MIN.WIDTH OF STITCH and WIDTH OF STITCH text boxes the values, which serves to
detect stitches in the NC program. SAPS search the NC program for one or more cutting gaps with
length in the inputted range of lengths. Max.width of stitch
Write into the MIN.WIDTH OF STITCH and WIDTH OF STITCH text boxes the values, which serves to
detect stitches in the NC program. SAPS search the NC program for one or more cutting gaps with
length in the inputted range of lengths. Sort of stitch
Here can You select the type of stitch, which will be used in the parts in the new imported cutting layout.
92 SAPSproW v19
7.1 Nesting of layouts
7.1.1 A new nesting layout creation Plates on the working table
When the NC machine is cutting together more plates with more heads, then in the text boxes besides
other values has to be written:
- number of plates on the benches
- distance of first plate's border from bench's border
- distance between the plates
Following the input values and the setup data SAPS shows the initial position of plates on the machine.
- number of plates on the machine is greater as 1 and...
- number of heads is greater as 1 on 1 plate and...
- the NC program is designed so, that the initial count of cutting heads is decreased at cutting and...
- the plates on the bench are not in the same position as designed in SAPS, ...
then in accordance the position of the parts on the cutting layout can happen, that the machine will be
driven to a limit switch.
In the case that on the machine is only one plate, or the head count is constant in cutting process, then
it is not necessary to assure the precise mutual distance of plates. It is enough to position the heads on
every plate to the initial starting point designed in the cutting layout.
Setup data:
- displayed data can be corrected from the keyboard, the program calculates and displays a new
distance of cutting heads according to new values.
- if You double click the NAME OF cutting layout input window, the SAPS find the last used cutting
layout's name. If this name ends to a number, then SAPS create the same new name, but add a one
to the ending number. If the name ends to a character, the SAPS adds a "1" to the name. After that
SAPS write in every input window the same data as are used with the old cutting layout.
- if You write a material thickness or quality at input, which is not yet in the STANDARD table, then
SAPS offer the possibility to automatically create a new line in the STANDARD. At positive answer it
look up a line in the STANDARD with the same or greater value of thickness and set accordingly the
value in the new line. If finds farther a line with the same material quality, then set the specific gravity
too. If not, then SAPS ask the proper new value. Working with remnants
SAPS can maintain the remnants in more ways, the most appropriate are:
1. For every working directory it creates a remnant's directory and table of remnants, but common for
various NC machines (it corresponds to the case, when the user saves the material for every single
external cutting order in an own store of plates, later the remnants)
2. Common for every working directory, but apart for every NC machine (case of own store for every
single NC machine)
3. Common for every working directory and for every NC machine (only one common store)
4. Common for every working directory and for every NC machine and for every SAPS in the network
(only one common store
At selection of 2 - 4 (setting on NC MACHINE, CONTROL tab) may be collected in the same common
remnant's directory large number of remnant files, which would the SAPS repeatedly read in (at
creating of new layouts, at displaying the remnants in the VIEWER, etc.), what would be on the network
a slow process. That's why by working in the network, the actual state of the VIEWER is not updated
immediately automatically, but instead of it if the state of the remnants changes, then the VIEWER
enables the "REFR." button and the REFR text changes its color to red on every computer in the
network. The text in the hint of the "REFR." button then shows the reason of the enabling. The user can
click the button, and so update the state of the remnant's table and the VIEWER only when it is needed. Nesting layout for a remnant plate
-click at . The remnant can be chosen in two ways:
· click at the arrow in the "Name of remnant plate" drop-down list. Click at the line with the remnant
name. Or...
· click at button next to the window. Find a suitable line in the "Remnants" table and transmit the
data with a double click from the table's line.
· it is possible to choose a corner for the best turning of the remnant plate on the NC-machine
working desk (the window with the data about the distance of parts from the edge). The item can
be entered for a new cutting layout or changed in the course of the cutting layout creation. The
remnant plate is turned over for the "lower right" and "upper left" corner choice, that is why, in the
case of one-side rastered plates, it is necessary to mirror the parts where it is specified which
side should be rastered.
-then follow the instructions of the cutting layout for a whole plate
1.In SCADW the remnant shape can be corrected before a cutting layout creation. But the remnant can
also be drawn from the total beginning in SCADW and you can save it as a ZBY type file. The
remnant can have any shape and you can even draw arcs, circles and holes in it.
2.For a remnant plate the initial position of the cutting head is in the left lower or upper corner of the
remnant. The corner point need not be always equal to the corner of a enclosed rectangle for a
remnant. Coordinates of the point with regards to the upper or lower corner of the enclosed rectangle
are set in ECO.
3.The initial position of the cutting head can be later interactively changed with the icon. Duplicate from a layout
It is possible to create a new cutting layout as a copy of an existing cutting layout from the "Nestings"
menu. If you switch on the piece control in SAPSW and there are not enough pieces for the new
cutting layout, you can decide whether to let the cutting layout create or not and how to control the
number of pieces in particular parts.
If the control of pieces is switched off at the moment of a cutting layout duplicate creation, not the only
number of pieces of a part will be controlled in future. A copy of the nesting for another machine
A cutting layout created for a particular machine can be used for NC-program creation of another
machine. Display the cutting layout on the screen, click the line of the needed new machine in the
drop-down list and click "Yes". SAPSW will copy the cutting layout into the PLA directory of the
requested machine and it will load necessary standard data. Layout from circles
The button will find the best layout with the maximal material utilisation. First select in the "?" column
of the PLATES table the plates, from which can SAPS compute the best layout. Afterwards place the
mouse cursor in the PARTS table to the line with the part which has the outer contour in form of a circle
(it may be a flange, or it may have more openings). Afterwards click the button.
For the automatic nesting it is not always possible to use parts with plasma arcs and triangles, because
a part of the arc or triangle can reach into the body of another part. If you still want to use such parts,
make a control of the plasma arc and triangle position after the cutting layout creation and, if it is
necessary, correct the position of the part on the cutting layout. Automatic nesting of all layouts Automatic nesting of all layouts
Sphere of use:
Typically you will use this possibility in cases when your aim is to work out quickly a big group of parts
many various kinds but small numbers of pieces (e.g a group of 105 parts with 183 pieces in total, 23
different cutting layouts will arise). For the case when you have only few kinds with a big number of
pieces (3 different parts with 826 pieces in total, 2 different cutting layouts will arise that are cut 6
times), it is more suitable to solve the problem with an interactive cutting layout creation.
The need of a quick preparation arises as a request for:
- a calculation of a standard of plate material consumption, on the basis of which you can calculate the
prices and make orders for material
- NC programs for cutting. You can anytime change the automatically created cutting layouts before
transmitting them into NC-programs with help of all SAPS means.
Preparation for start:
- appoint (with a double click or with CTRL) the suitable lines in REMNANTS, PLATES, NESTINGS
tables. SAPS will nest at first to the partly filled old cutting layouts and remnants with parts (if you have
appointed such lines), and then it goes on to whole plates.
- appoint the lines in the PARTS table
- set up a suitable order for the parts sorting in the VIEWER. The best use of material usually arises
after sorting according to the area, in some cases after sorting according to the length of parts.
- switching off of the PIECE CONTROL switch has no influence to the nesting process, the piece
control is on
- after recalling the window for the automatic creation, in the line of particular parts, you can still
selectively change some permitted angles under which SAPS will try to insert the parts into the cutting
- click at in the window (not in the main window of SAPSproW). It is possible to interrupt the
cutting layout creation by pressing ESC. Preparing for the nesting
- select appropriate lines in the PLATES table (or also in the REMNANTS or the LAYOUTS table). SAPS
starts the nesting at first to the old existing layouts and the remnants (if they were selected), afterward
starts the nesting to new whole plates.
- select in the PARTS table the requested parts (or every part, various material thickness or quality may
be selected too)
- in the VIEWER appropriately sort the parts. The best material utilisation can be achieved, if the parts
in the VIEWER are sorted by area or by length. In the VIEWER settings there is the "Slender parts"
check box. You can try to check it, sometimes it helps to achieve better utilisation. If checked, then
the sort algorithm prefers the parts, which are longer as 1 m, and the proportion of length : width is
greater as 6.
- if you need to create all layouts for every part with various material widths and qualities, then the
"Thick/qual" and the "Piece" check boxes should be checked.
At the end click the button, and the nesting window will open. Here can you set the nesting
parameters on the "In", "Pair", "TLG", "Out" tabs.
After some testing and probing the user gets enough practice, to set the parameters to appropriate
values, which are appropriate to the most of nesting tasks. Afterwards it is enough to use the SPEC,
CYCLE, SPEED, NORM, PAIRS buttons to achieve good nesting results by various cutting orders.
If the length of the part is greater as the width of the plate, and the proportion of "length : width" is
greater as 6, then the nesting automat will select the "2x180" rotation, independently from that, what is
selected in the "Rotation" drop-down list Setting "In" tab
Names :
The base of the new file names of layouts, it will be expanded with a running number.
Angle :
Number and angle of rotation on one place at finding a good position. It is not through, that a greater
number of rotations will always achieve better material utilisation. Optimum is 4x90 degrees.
Corner :
Choice of the corner of the plate for final positioning of the part. At first the nesting automat roughly
place the part to the layout (with "Step" resolution), then if the "to 2 corn." is selected and the part is
enough near to the left upper plate corner, then it will move the part into that corner direction.
Step : Step in mm for finding a good position of the part on the layout. A smaller step will achieve
sometimes (not always) better material utilisation, but the nesting time is longer. Optimal setting is 5 mm.
Plates :
Requested number of plates (how many times will be the NC program cutted). SAPS will inspect the
value, and if it is not possible with this plate count achieving of good material utilisation, then SAPS
automatically set down the number.
Percentage :
To begin with the nesting, the summed area of parts to area of every plate must be greater as the
If e.g. you set the percentage to 150, then SAPS will compute check the "Plates" number so, that for
every plate should be the area of parts minimally 1,5 x more as the area of the plate. If not, than SAPS
decreases the "Plate" number.
Tiny parts :
Nesting of tiny parts into one streak on the left side of plate. Black checking label will nest the other
parts into a new streak on the right side. Gray checking label enables the nesting of other parts closely
to the tiny parts.
without caption : Limit of tiny parts, which will be nested to the left side of plate [m2]
without caption : Streak width for tiny parts on the left side of plate [mm]
Forbid mirroring :
Forbid mirroring for all kinds of parts. If not checked, than the mirroring enable/disable status which
was executed at creating of the GEO file comes to existence.
16x22,5° :
Rotate parts with less area/length of circumscribed rectangle 16 times by 22,5 degrees [m2]|The
selection depends on the used sorting mode in the VIEWER settings.
As rectangle :
The automatic nesting sometimes creates visually better ordered layouts if checked this check box.
SAPS will place the parts, at which the proportion of the outer contour area and the umscribed
rectangle area is higher as the set percentage, as rectangles. min.area :
GEO rotation in accordance with the area of the minim.circumscribed rectangular "Pair" tab
Create :
Create pairs of parts. In the pair are the parts rotated at 180 degrees to each other. Creating of pairs is
recommended for long slim parts.
m2 :
The part's area should stand in the selected range, otherwise the pair will be not created
SAPS will create the couple, if the distance of centerpoints of the parts in the couple will be percentile
less in ratio to the part's length as the value.
Cusped lead-in :
Cusped lead-in from two abscissas
without caption :
Minimal angle between of 1. segment of lead-in and 1. segment of the part, to create cusped lead-in "TLG" tab
Aut.lead-ins :
Create automatic lead-ins after layout creation
Aut.order :
Set the order of cutting after layout creation
without caption :
Number of requested active burners; "Out" tab
Less plates :
Decrease the number of plates, when bad material utilisation was achieved and try create a new layout.
"%" :
Minimal material utilisation percentage, to book a not last cutting layout as a good cutting layout;
"%" :
Minimal material utilisation percentage, to book the cutting layout on the last plate as a good cutting
Create remnant :
Automatically create the remnant. The remnant can be modified in SCADW.;
Sum : Shows the piece list of created nestings, shows the tables
Price : In the piece list show the price list of parts too
Disallow speed-up :
If not checked, then SAPS create to every part or pair a compulsory file, which enables at repeating of
the nesting to spead-up the nesting time 2x - 3x. If you perform the nesting once, than there is no
reason to uncheck the box. List of parts, plates
In the nesting window there are the plates list and the parts list.
List of parts:
- it is possible to change the order of lines. Right click to the "Name" column in the requested line, then
to the target line. The nesting will be performed in the actual order of lines in the list.
- it is possible to change the number of rotations. Click to the "Rotate" column, and select the
appropriate value.
- the other data can be change to, with retyping the data
- the other data can be changed to, with retyping the data Start of nesting
The automatic nesting can be started with 5 buttons, every button performs the nesting with other control
It starts the nesting with that settings, which are actually set in the moment (on the In, Pairs, TLG, Out
The button starts the nesting more times, with various by user requested parameters. These are in the
AUTONESTPARAMS.TXT file. The file may be corrected directly in the SAPS, or by any text
processing program e.g. the NOTEPAD.
At nesting end, the SAPS select the best resulted layouts. The CYCLE creates layouts only to whole
It is a normal set of nesting parameters.
The nesting will be ready at shortest time. The material utilisation is not the best.
It is a normal set of nesting parameters, but pairs of parts will be created too.
· Right click to the SPEC, NORM, SPEED, PAIRS shows the nesting parameters in the
AUTONESTPARAMS, and you can change then interactively
· The AUTONESTPARAMS.TXT file is created at the first click to the CYCLE button, and it becomes
some standard parameters. Right click shows the content of the file, and you can change the
· The CYCLE button is active only in case, that the selected material are only whole plates. End of nesting
The SAPS creates and shows a summarizing list (if the "Sum" check box is checked).
On the results can you decide, if the layouts are okay, or not. If not, then you can click the "Erase"
button, which:
· erases every new layout
· the number of plates and parts in the tables sets to the original values
· set the original piece count in the VIEWER
Afterwards can you let start the nesting with another button, or with the same button but with other
nesting parameter.
If there were one or more cutting layouts displayed on the screen at the moment of the previous
SAPSW program ending, this cutting layout or more cutting layouts (or the same cutting layout cut out)
will be displayed automatically after a new SAPSW start.
7.1.4 Remnants Remnants creation
It is possible to create remnants in these ways:
1.Automatically in the NOTES FOR THE MACHINE OPERATOR window by clicking at OK or OK+LINK.
A remnant can be created even from bigger holes.
2.Straight by drawing in SCADW and saving as a ZBY type file.
3.Interactively, in TLG window, REMNANT tab. It is possible to choose the kind of remnant, like the main
remnant (the biggest,k on the right side of the cutting layout), or other remnants (usually smaller
ones). Several remnants can be created in one cutting layout. A remnant be created on a remnant
plate as well (remnant from remnant).
The main remnant:
- click the initial point of the new remnant on the contour of the plate or of the remnant plate, then create
an angle line arcing the left side of the remnant contour. It is possible to handle only the edges of the
plate while drawing the lines of the remnant, it is not possible to handle parts. Collision of the line with
the parts on the cutting layout is not controlled. It is possible to change the direction of the line, after a
click with the left mouse button an orthogonal line stretches, after a click with the right button an
oblique line stretches. Finish the last section of the line on the plate contour again, let us say on the
remnant plate contour. After a click at the endpoint SAPSW will complete the other points so as the
line runs from the initial point anticlockwise.
Other remnants:
- click at the initial point of the remnant, then create an angle line arcing the whole contour of the
remnant. The last section of the line should finish in the initial point of the remnant.
4.By a correction in SCADW. Click at in TLG window. SCADW will be called out and all lines from
the cutting layout will be displayed. Create the remnant by erasing the unnecessary lines, let us say
the correction of the lines into the remnant shape. Interactive remnant
On the TLG panel in the "Remnant" tab there are the check boxes:
· "Follow the plate". If checked, then it enables to catch a corner or catch a point on the sides of the
plate or remnant
· "Paralell contour". If checked, then you can catch a first point on the plate side, then you can click
any number of corner points of the new remnant, and finally the ending second point of the remnant
on other side of the plate. SAPS will automatically create the remnant in such a way, that the two
points will lay on the remnant in counterclockwise position .
· "Follow the contour", it enables using of the lines in the parts of the layout, to build the sides of the
new remnant. The beginning and the ending point can you click as in the former description, in
between you can click to any two points on the appropriate parts in the layout. Remnant from a hole
can you create easily, by clicking one point of the hole.
During drawing the remnant can you draw lines with left click vertical or horizontal, with right click
slantwise. Remnants cancel
On the REMNANT tab in TLG panel it is possible with the REMOVE button to erase any remnant from
the cutting layout. Remnant separation
If an automatic creation of remnants and at the same time remnant separation are permitted on the
"Nestings" side in SAPSW setting, then SAPS will generate the scrap separation out of the remnant
plate into NC-program. The automatically created remnant and thereby the separation line as well can
be eventually arranged in SCADW, before the final creation of NC-program.
It is also possible to separate the remnant plate for an interactive created remnant plate.
7.1.6 Zoom in
The zoom can be changed by a click at the screen buttons, or dynamically by pressing a particular
key and pulling the mouse.
1. Click a button of 0.2, 1, or 2 rate scale and click at the cutting layout in the place which should be
zoomed. SAPSW will display a cutting layout cut out in the chosen rate scale, the place where you
have clicked at will be shifted to the middle of the screen. If you want to look at another place of the
cutting layout, press the ESC key or click the "Max" button (the whole plate will be displayed) and
then at another place in the cutting layout. Working in this way you control the mouse with your right
hand and the ESC key with your left hand.
2. It is possible to zoom the cutting layout in the maximum size by clicking at "Max" with the left mouse
button. You can overdraw the cutting layout in the current zooming with by clicking at "Max" with the
right mouse button (the screen refresh).
3. By buttons with a magnifying glass picture:
· it is possible to choose the cut out of the cutting layout after clicking at button, you create the
window for the cut out with the mouse
· button will bring back the previous drawing rate scale (it can remember 10 last zooms)
· It is possible to watch the screen with the cutting layout or with NC-program like with help of a
magnifying glass after clicking at button.
-in you can set up for the first one that the button stays still in the pressed position and then it is
sufficient to click only at the cutting layout and shift successively in the cutting layout and zoom in
several places
-the cutting layout will zoom in the whole screen and will be overdrawn after pressing the ESC key
A group choice:
-you can choose it by pulling the window over the needed parts. The parts which lie restless in the
window will be chosen. Or...
-press the ALT key and choose successively particular parts into the group
In the chosen parts of the group the color of the ordinal number will turn yellow.
7.1.10 Burners Changes of cutting heads
The number and distance of parallel cutting heads can be anytime changed in accordance with your
needs, it is not important how many times and in which order the change was carried out. Burners can
be changed by clicking at the panel button over the cutting layout window. There are two possible kinds
of changes:
- the change of the number and/or the distance of cutting heads for the new parts of the cutting layout
- the change of the number and/or the distance of cutting heads for the parts of the cutting layout which
have been already inserted
- in the NC MACHINE / MECHANICS tab have You to select the number of the driven head (from the
machine's null point numbered)
- in the or window is possible to select the active cutting heads to cutting
- in cutting layouts with more heads is possible unrestricted change the number of heads, the active
heads and span of heads
- parts cutted with the driven head are on the cutting layout colored
- with the driven head cutted parts are on the cutting layout and on the NC program numbered
- in the on the CONTROL tab is possible to select, that SAPS report inconvenient span of heads
(when the positioning of heads is unnecessary)
- the numbers of active heads are listed out in the ECO printout (the driven head is with # character
SAPS at closing the window controls the convenience of selected number of cutting heads and the
distance. If no speed traverse line of machine start on an empty place in the cutting layout, then the
machine operator need not change the distance of cutting heads, only switch on or off. Preferable
setting of cutting heads is e.g.:
4x 500 mm - 2x 1000 mm - 1 cutting head, or 6x 250 mm - 3x 500 mm - 2x 750 - 1 cutting head, and
so on... Change for new parts
- before clicking at button make sure that no part in the cutting layout has the yellow ordinal
- click at button. SAPSW will limit the extent of enterable distance values to the minimum distance of
cutting heads, let´s say the width of the plate.
- select the active heads and the number and pitch of heads
Interactive change:
Click at the needed number of cutting heads. You can change the distance for an asymmetric one by
the scroll bar. The distance can be exactly arranged in 1 mm steps with help of á or â keys. The
good position will be confirmed by pressing ENTER.
The distance will be changed into a symmetrical one, the number of cutting heads will not change. Change for saved parts
- before clicking at button choose a part or a group (the chosen parts must have yellow ordinal
- click at button. SAPSW will calculate the minimum possible distance of cutting heads for the one
chosen part or a group of parts and it will limit the extent of enterable distance values. When you have
chosen a group of parts, it will arrange the distances of individual parts to the value of the biggest
distance within the group.
- select the active heads and the number and pitch of heads
Interactive change:
Click at the requested number of cutting heads. Choose the distance by the scroll bar. The distance
can be exactly arranged in 1 mm steps with help of á or â keys or by writing a numerical value into the
text box. You will confirm the good position by pressing ENTER.
The distance of parts or a group will be changed into a symmetrical one , the number of cutting heads
will not change.
1. After a cutting layout saving or a cutting layout loading with a remnant, the remnant will be
automatically loaded after a click and it will be possible to make an interactive correction of the
remnant shape.
2. At a cutting layout saving the SAPS may automatically subtract the used number of plates from the
PLATES table for whole plates and from the REMNANTS table for remnant plates. Tables can be used
in this way even for the evidence of a plate reserve in-store.
3. The output of ECO-data into TXT or XLS files is carried out at the NC-program transfer into the LINK
directory, it means after a click at OK+LINK button in the "Notes for the machine operator" window,
or after a click with the right mouse button at icon for a cutting layout saving.
4. On clicking the OK+LINK button, the SAPS can create or modify a LOGFILE.TXT file. This file
contain the date, time, computer name, cutting layout name, and the ECO file name. You can specify
in the SAPS system settings in the ECO tab the directory name for the LOGFILE.TXT file.
-in the menu click at the "Nesting" menu, the "Techno-economic data" line. The data will be displayed
on the screen.
1. At the NC-program depiction it is possible to let even the contents of the ECO-file print out under the
cutting layout drawing, a detailed and exact production documentation arises from this.
2. The item following the "Setting of a cutting head" text in the print-out or ECO preview determines the
position of a cutting head in regard of the machine zero. In the drawing there is the cutting head
marked which the item refers to. (However the item with the position of the cutting head at the
beginning of the NC-program file is always set up in regard of the left lower corner of the plate,
regardless the chosen position of the machine zero.)
Visually these 20 states are distinguished like this: there is a double arrow at the multiplied addition.
-click with the right mouse button Add interactively
-click at button
-choose a part or a group
-pull the copy of the part or group with the right mouse button (a mouse click in any point on the plate
- keep pressed - move the mouse). As soon as the copy appears in the cutting layout, you can make
all position changes with it like at the position change of parts in a cutting layout
-confirm the position in the cutting layout Add in a column/line of parts
In the case of a big number of parts it is often advantageous to cut parts situated exactly next to each
other or over each other, connected in chain cutting. Such a cutting layout can be easily created, the
use of material is good and the number of necessary lead-ins will be minimal. Optimalization
SAPSW is able to calculate the best location of parts with the outer round contour (circle, flange and so
on) so that the biggest possible number of parts was situated in an rectangular area:
-insert one round part (there can be already other parts in the cutting layout)
-click at button
-check "Circles"
-pull a selecting rectangle with the mouse. The rectangle can be pulled partly outside the plate, only the
area within the plate will be applied. The part can be but needn´t be in the rectangle. The rectangle can
be even over the whole plate. An optimal cutting layout like this will arise:
The part or the group can be positioned analytically straight in face of:
· The edge of the plate
· A corner of the plate
· Any point of another part
Searching out cutting layouts created this day (today´s cutting layouts):
- choose " the date, today's"
Finally click the "OK" button. SAPSW will mark - select the searched out cutting layout lines with a red
rectangle at the beginning of the line and it will create a text file with the NOTESxxx.TXT name in the C:
\SAPSPROW\_TMP directory. The file can be loaded with help of the F8 key or from the Programs
menu, the NOTEPAD choice. Create a list
Layouts can let be searched out even for a group of parts. SAPSW will make a list of cutting layouts
including every part which has the entered label.
-in the "Nestings" menu in the main menu click at the "Search out cutting layouts" line, or press the F7
-choose "label of parts". Write the label of parts, whose cutting layouts you are searching into the text
-it is possible to write ":" sign and a comment that will appear on the first line of the list into the text box,
next to the label, e.g.(label is KZO): KZO:Send the list to NETW-K
-the list will be saved in the _TMP directory, in the text file with the NOTESxxx.TXT name, where xxx is
the ordinal number. It is possible to recall it from the menu, with icon, or with F8. Count of parts
In the NESTINGS table there is a button to create a list of the number of pieces. In the list there will
appear pieces of parts from the cutting layouts whose lines are selected in the NESTINGS table (the red
sign in the cutting layout line). The list can be recalled from the menu, with icon, or with F8. Erase layouts from the table
-on the basic side click at and click at "Nestings"
-check the "Corrections" check box
-with button it is possible to erase all depicted cutting layout lines at once
-with button it is possible to erase the cutting layout line where the cursor is situated. If the "Disk
files" is checked, even the proper cutting layout file of PLA type will be erased.
-lines of several cutting layouts and files can be erased also in another way Erase layouts with files
-on the basic side click at button and at the "Nestings" tab
-select the cutting layouts you want to erase
-click at button. SAPSW will erase for the selected cutting layouts:
· particular data lines in the "Nestings" and "Parts" tables
· cutting layouts in the PLA directory in the working directory
· the GEO-files in the GEO directory which are situated in the selected cutting layouts
· finished NC-programs in the NCP directory
If you don´t check the check box, another "Aut." button will appear on the - Lead-ins panel and
after clicking here it will create lead-ins in the same way as the previous one. Lead-ins into small holes
are created only for the holes of these shapes: circle, square, rectangle and slot (for slots that were
created in SCADW).
1. If you click at and check the "Tang" check box, all lead-ins created by SAPSW will at the
endpoints of the parts in the arrow direction or in the direction of the arc tangent.
2. If you don´t check the "Tang" check box, SAPSW will try to locate the lead-in:
-at the endpoint in the section direction
-if it is impossible, then at the endpoint vertically on the abscissa or the arc tangent
-if it is impossible and the "In section" check box is checked, then successively vertically at
several inner points of each abscissa or arc
All lead-ins in the cutting layout (except the lead-in of the common edge cutting) can be canceled by
the button. Automatic lead-ins
-click at button
-click at the "Lead-ins" tab
-click at the button with the requested shape of lead-in , , , or
-click at "AUT." or "Aut."
If it is not possible to create a lead-in on a contour automatically, SAPSW will mark this contour with a
cross. If more lead-ins are missing, you can try another setting aut.lead-ins,or you can also try
lead-in. This one usually needs less space than the other ones but it has specific limitations. The
missing lead-ins can be also created interactively. Interactive lead-ins Abscissa lead-ins
- click at button
- click at the "Lead-ins" tab
- if you want an abscissa lead-in from several abscissas (max.5), choose a suitable drawing scale. It is
not necessary to change the scale for a lead-in in the shape of one abscissa or a flash.
- click at . Before the creation and anytime in the course of lead-in creation it is possible to change
The lead-in is used for cutting with plasma. The sum of lengths of lead-in segments is equal to the length
entered in the STANDARD databank, the lead-in height (distance from the first to the last points) is
equal to the length of the lead-in x the value in the "Flash - lead-in" text box in (the value should be
>0 and <1).
The program will calculate the "lead-in" point so that it is on the edge of the kerf of the previous part cut
contour. In this way it is not necessary to lead in the material with an increased gas pressure, it saves
the jets and time. It is technologically similar to rough-drilling holes for a lead-in. For the first cut part on
the plate, where it is not possible to use this kind of lead-in, we can use the lock - lead-in. Lead-in with a triangle
lead-in can be created in the same way as lead-in. But in addition SAPSW will create a small
triangle and it will connect the lead-in outside the part contours to this triangle. It forecloses the
possibility of influencing the cut by a jet gust, mainly at thick plates. It is necessary to cut off the
remnants of the triangle after cutting the part. Lock - profile
Parts with big thicknesses which do not have holes can be well cut with help of the "lock - lead-in" from
plate edges, by starting in the area outside the plate. The lock can be drawn in SCADW program as a
profile from several section, for example in shape. The lock sides are approximately 20 mm long and
serves as a prevention against outstretching of the plate material.
The process of NC-program creation is as follows:
- lay down the part into the needed exact position with regards to the plate edges or to the plate corner
- in the part create an abscissae kind of help lead-in. Direct the lead-in to the real endpoint of the part,
it is not possible to connect a lock in the middle of sections. The angle oft the lead in is important, the
angle of the lead out is in the middle of lead-in and the first cutted contour section in the part.
- the lock - profile should be situated so that the endpoint of the lock blends with the connection point of
the helping lead-in (there should be zeros in DX and DY text boxes)
- if necessary change the cutting direction of the lock
- change the cutting sequence, right after the lock has to come the part
At shifting a part with a connected lock-profile only the proper part will shift and the original helping
lead-in will appear on it. The lock - profile will stay in the original place. Lock - transfer
With help of the chain cutting it is possible to cut even the outer contour of a part with holes. Draw the
"lock" as a current part, only miss one side, and connect the contour with the "interruption" line . Save
the lock to GEO file under a name, which start with "LOCK", e.g. LOCK-80. In this case the surface and
weight of the part will be zero a the part will be not inserted in the ECO list. After putting the lock on the
cutting layout, choose the direction of cutting and connect the lead-in to the "interruption". Lead the
chain cutting to the needed part from the same point (the line will then jump to the place where it should
1. The direction of cutting and the lead-in of part are necessary to be chosen so that in case of
autogen cutting the cutting couldn´t be interrupted owing to the total crossing of lead-in kerfs with
the chain cutting, eventually crossing of chain cuttings (a partial crossing till approximately the kerf
half is possible and advantageous).
2. The check box PULL THE CHAIN facilitate the drawing of chain cutting. SAPS pulls the chain
cutting's first segment to the lead-in in the previous part. Automatic chain cutting
-click at button
-create lead-ins of outer contours of the parts you want to join by chain cutting. SAPSW will connect
the automatic chain cutting to the connection point of created lead-ins in the parts, let us say if you
create lead-ins, the chain cutting will be directed to the top of the triangle.
-click at the "Chains" tab
-click at the "Aut." kind of lead-ins
-pull the window to appoint the parts which should contain the chain cutting
The original lead-in will be replaced with a lead-in consisting from two abscissae. At the other parts will
be the lead-ins replaced by the chain cutting. The interactive lead-outs will be replaced as well. The
chain cutting has a defined shape and it always consists of 3 sections. The angle of the side lines in the
chain cutting and the size can be set up in . Chain in a column/line of parts
In the case of a big number of parts it is often advantageous to cut parts situated next exactly to each
other or over each other, connected by chain cutting. Such a cutting layout can be easily created, the
use of material is good and the number of necessary lead-ins is minimal.
- change the technology of cutting in the 1st part according to your needs
- lead a chain cutting from the 1st part to the 2nd part
For the complete creation of the part tree, connected by chain cutting, we only need to:
-click "Column/line"
a. The basic parts position
b. After clicking of "Connect 2+1"
c. After clicking of "Column/line"
a. The basic parts position
b. After clicking at "Connect 4+1"
c. After clicking at "Column/line"
If "?" is set up in the "Direction of cutting..." drop-down list in the STANDARD databank, then in the
course of the interactive creation of a chain cutting SAPSW can automatically change the direction of
cutting so that there would not be a crossing of cuts.
7.2.4 Stitch
- click at button
- click at the "Stitch" tab
- click at a button to select the kind of stitches. By the stitch you can change the sides height.
- click at the contour of the part
- stitches can be also inserted into holes
- stitches can be inserted too into the common edge of parts with common edge cutting (they will be cut
without sides)
- you can, but don´t have to, create a lead-in in contours where you will use the stitches. If you do not
insert a lead-in, the machine will start cutting from the first inserted stitch.
- if there is not a lead-in on the contour, SAPSW will automatically locate a 10-mm long lead-in in the
middle of the first inserted stitch in the direction of the stitch sides. This lead-in will not be created into
NC-program, it only serves to mark the first stitch for drawing on the screen.
- if you locate any kind of lead-in interactively somewhere inside another stitch, cutting will start from
this stitch and the lead-in will not be cut.
- some stitches (the "Zero" stitch ) can have different, adjustable heights of edges even in the same
- with help of button you can erase one particular stitch, with button you will erase all stitches
in one particular contour
7.2.5 Bridges Bridge
A group of parts can be connected by a bridge which will connect particular parts into one unit after
cutting. This type of bridge can be used for example
· for small parts which could fall through the NC-machine desk and get lost after individual cutting
· to reduce the number of lead-ins, if it is not possible to use chain cutting among parts because of
space reasons
· when the spacing of parts on the plate does not enable to choose a suitable lead-in point and a
direction of cutting (providing that the part will not be shifted at the end of cutting, the aim is to
choose always such a direction when the part is held at finishing cutting by the maximum possible
area of the not-yet cut plate)
For a bridge creation:
-click at a point in the section of the part where the bridge will start
-click at a point in the section of the part where the bridge will finish. In all parts where the bridge line is
situated there will be bridges. The original order of parts in the cutting layout is not important, SAPSW
will determine the order automatically. The direction of cutting will be determined according to the first
part in the bridge.
-you can continue with a new bridge from the last part of the bridge to another part. You will use this if it
is not possible to go through all needed parts with one straight bridge line. Bridge for a cut-off
You can create this type of bridge in the same way as a common bridge. Unlike the common bridge the
parts will not stay connected after cutting, so the main advantage is a reduction of lead-ins number. The
distance of bridge sides must be chosen on the basis of the thickness of material approximately as a
kerf width : 2. The chosen distance value must not be too big, because then the cut could cross and in
the case of oxyfuel cutting the material separation could stop. It must not be too small either, because
then the bridge could stay uncut and parts would stay connected.
If you choose right distance values, the bridge lines will cross on the screen. As the NC-machine makes
a kerf compensation at cutting, the real routes do not cross, they only overlap partly. Bridge by one line
It is similar to the cut-off bridge, it only starts in corners of parts. It connects a group of parts next to or
over one another, you should click the starting bridge point in the first part of the group and the
endpoint in the last part of the group. With this type of bridge you can connect the side of the parts
which is made of only one abscissa. Bridge between circles
The SAPS can automatically connect with bridges any number of parts which has their outer contours
in form of circles. Select on the TLG panel the BRIDGE tab. The button creates such bridges,
which remains after the cutting and holds together the parts (it is convenient at tiny parts).
The button can be used at plasma cutting, the bridges disappears after the cutting. In the left text
box can you set the greatest distance between the parts, which shall be connected with bridges. In the
right text box can you set the maximal number of parts, which can be connected together. The number
may not be to high, while the parts in process of cutting moves a little themselves.
7.2.6 Lead-outs Automatic lead-out
A lead-out is created by SAPSW automatically on each joint contour of parts, except the outer contour
of the 2nd part of the common edge cutting. In that case You should switch on the AFTER COMMON
EDGE CUTTING switch on the setup tab NC MACHINE, LEAD IN/LEAD OUT. If a lead-out is necessary
at the 2nd part of the common edge cutting, You can create it interactively too.
A lead-out is not visible at drawing a cutting layout until NC-program is depicted. In the "Standard"
databank there is possible to enter the lead-out values separately for outer contour and for holes. It is
also possible to enter a zero value, in this case the lead-out in the hole will not be created.
-an arc - lead-out is created on the contour only in the case when the lead-in is directed into the section
(except the endpoints of the part)
-the lead-out in the hole can be lengthened by a short route in an already cut contour
-the lead-out can be lengthened by a short route in the outer contour too Interactive lead-out
-click at button
-click at the "Lead-out" tab
-click at any line of the part
-by moving the mouse set up the lead-out length and angle and click
An interactive lead-out can be created on the outer contour of a part. In the case of a common edge
cutting it is not important at which part you will click, the lead-out will be always created in the final
cutting point of the 2nd part of the common edge cutting.
The second part does not have to be located in the exact position and rotation angle compared with the
first part. Nevertheless after clicking at the common edge both edges must be in the mouse cursor
circle (it is also valid for both first points at clicking at the endpoint).
you have clicked. The chain will be canceled till the end of the group.
-all technology of one parts can be canceled with the button
-all technology of all parts in the cutting layout can be canceled with button
No cutting:
With this selection you may temporarily disable the output of some parts into the NC program. The
change will be performed only in the NC program, the layout, the count of layed parts, the ECO listing,
will remain in the same condition as they are after a normal way of programming and cutting.
With "Cut every" button the output of every part will be permitted again. The "Change condition"
changes the disabled parts in the layout to enabled parts which will be output to the NC program, and on
the contrary.
If "NC-prog" is checked, apart from the change of compensation SAPSW will also seek through the
NC-program text file and it will highlight the found place (it will write a line with =signs over the searched
Firstly we inserted the parts No.1 and 2, then multiplied the group 1-2 in the X direction, added lead-ins.
In the next case we leave out the part No.3 from the previous cutting layout, the common edge cuttings
will change automatically and this NC-program will arise:
Another example:
The parts No.2÷4 were shifted to the part No.1. And here is a group of parts No.1÷4 with common edge
Another example:
At automatically created common edge cuttings is usually possible to have such a direction of cutting,
which ensures vertical edges without bevel even for the plasma cutting (in the case of ordinary
common edge cuttings in form of "eight shape" there are the edges of one of the components bevelled).
Note 1:
At saving the setting on a disk drive even the actual state of the "Act.lead-in test" and "Saved lead-ins
test" check boxes is automatically saved together with other settings.
Note 2:
In a completed cutting layout there is possible to control the collision as a control of lead-ins.
In the line in window, the "Parts" tab, there are 2 numbers of pieces for each part:
· "Num" - total requested number
· "Act" - actual number, of not-saved-yet parts in the cutting layouts on the disk drive. In this number
there are not parts in the cutting layout on the screen.
In the VIEWER there are also 2 numbers of pieces (if it is set up like this):
· not layed parts, not saved yet in cutting layouts to the disk drive neither in the cutting layout on the
screen. At the moment of saving the cutting layout on the disk drive the "Act" value in "Parts" will
change into this "not layed parts" number. On the other hand if the cutting layout is not saved, this
number in the VIEWER will come bigger, but "Act" will not change.
· the same value as in "Num" in "Parts"
SAPSW automatically after the NC-program depiction marks all contours with a missing lead-in with a
cross, "OK?" does not make this control.
7.5 NC programs
7.5.1 NC-programs
Click at button in the main window of the program. SAPSW will create and save NC-program on the
disk drive (the NCP type file). The saved NC-program will load and depict presently.
For archiving it is sufficient to save files from the GEO and PLA directories. NC-program will be created
automatically from the PLA and GEO types files after loading the cutting layout into SAPSW program.
In the LOKALIZ.TXT file you can set up the way of ECO print. We recommend to change the file only
for experts, while after a not adequate modifying of the file the SAPS may not start.
The meaning of characters:
|...columns separator
#...grid drawing, 1st sign of the line with the columns width [mm]
It is not possible to interrupt print directly in SAPSW. Before print it is advantageous to install a printer
from the Control panel into the lower panel of active WINDOWS programs. In case of need it is then
possible to interrupt or cancel printing.
- select with a double click or CTRL the cutting layouts in the "Nestings" table, or...
- search out the cutting layouts with a particular part with help of F7 or from the "Nestings" menu by the
"Search out cutting layouts" choice
- click
- if the "Today´s cutting layouts" check box is checked, uncheck it
- click button and OK.
Editing process:
-after the NC-program depiction check the "NC-window" check box and search out the line for
correction. You can arrange the width of the window by pulling it, SAPSW will remember the value.
-carry out the correction in the text window. After the first program change the button with an arrow in
the window heading will loosen
-click at the button, the changed program will be saved on the disk drive and at the same time it will be
depicted on the screen
8.1 Program control
8.1.1 Drawing scale
It is possible to change it with buttons, or you can write just the needed drawing scale into the "Scale"
window. The "1" and"0.1" scale buttons stay in buttoned position. It enables a comfortable detail viewing
of parts if you service the mouse with your right hand (you click at the needed place on the screen) and
you press the ESC button with your left hand (it displays the whole part again).
A comfortable way of zoom-in is a dynamic zoom-in with the mouse. Use the cursor to show the place
you want to zoom in, press SHIFT or ALT and keep pressed. You will zoom in the picture by moving the
mouse to the right, you will zoom it out by moving the mouse to the left. It is not necessary to press the
mouse button.
A comfortable way of depiction change is a dynamic shift with the mouse. Use the cursor to show any
place, press CTRL and keep pressed. Pull the mouse in one of the four directions. It is not necessary to
press the mouse button.
You can get rid of the erased sections by a double click at "N-<>-M" window. This usually makes some
space for drawing other valid sections (maximum number of sections is 5,000). At the same time the
memorized sections are reset.
8.1.6 Erasing Erasing sections
-click at , , , button for the choice of lines (to erase points click at ), only the chosen kind of lines is
always erased
-click at button for erasing
-use the left button to click at any place of the line in the needed section, or...
-if the section is crossed with other sections, then use the right mouse button. It is possible to cut off an
overlapping section part in this way or cut out a part of a section between two crossing points. It is not
necessary to create real points of intersection with icon. Or...
-pull the window. If the other corner of the window is to the right of the starting corner, SCADW will
erase all sections lying restlessly in the window. If the other corner is to the left of the starting corner,
SCADW will erase all sections lying restlessly or even only partly in the window.
-the button is functioning contrary as the . It erases that lines (the texts too), which are NOT
selected with the selection window. This button is useful e.g. at erasing all at once the unneeded parts
from an imported complex DXF drawing.
1.If you want to erase the last drawn section, the fastest way is to use button for a step back in
2.If you want to erase all sections of one kind, the fastest way is to press "All".
3.If you want to erase just one section, and several sections are situated under the mouse cursor, then
the program will depict the first section in red color and it asks for showing the section once again (it
is possible to point at any part of the red section). If you do not appoint this firstly offered section, the
program will offer you all sections lying previously under the mouse cursor step by step.
4.If you erase everything from the screen with the ALL button by mistake, the picture can be refreshed
from the VIEWER, the RESTORE.VYK file. Erasing dimension lines
-click at button
-click at the black dot at the end of the dimension line.
-it is also possible to erase all dimension lines at once. Click at button and then the "All" button. Erasing a text
-click at button
-click at the dot on the left over the beginning of the text.
-it is also possible to erase all texts at once. Click at button and then the "All" button.
There can be data necessary for saving into GEO format in DXF/DWG file. For example information in
AUTOCAD can be created with the TEXT command, the text string must be in the form:
SAPSPROW: number_of the drawing thickness quality number note
The order of information in the chain is important, the particular items are divided by at least one gap.
There cannot be any gaps in the middle of the particular data (except the note). Some data in the
direction from the right end can be missing, you can state e.g. only the drawing number, or the drawing
number, thickness and quality and so on.
At the output into GEO file format the SCADW will get the data from the text string and put them into the
text boxes of the saving window. There can be the data inspected and corrected if needed, still before
creating the data line in the PARTS table.
An example of the string:
SAPSPROW: RK-120C 12 11353.1 140 Spare part YAMOTO
The user can himself extend the set of usable macros.
enter it in relative coordinates, then the sign is important), or to click any existing point. Only one
particular coordinate of the clicked point will be used.
8.3.4 Duplication
You can duplicate any portion of the drawing along a straight line, or along an arc. The selection of the
lines can be made:
1. With single clicking
2. With a selection rectangle, only that lines will be selected, which totally lay in the rectangle
3. With double click to a continuous contour. Attention, click somewhere to the middle of a line in the
contour, not to an endpoint.
It has meaning, by which mouse button click you. You can see the difference on the following picture:
8.3.7 Mirroring
For mirroring you can select the lines with single click, or with a selection rectangle. If by single click,
then after the last line click to a free place on the screen. Afterwards click a straight line - the axis of
mirroring (or click 2 endpoints). It has meaning, by which mouse button click you. The difference can
you see on the picture.
If a different type of line is chosen ( , ,...) from the type of lines you point to, then the sections will not
be divided, but a helping point or a marking point will be created there.
continue from the selected first corner, until the corner where the chamfer can not be constructed
anymore. This group chamfering will be provided only for corners created from two abscissas.
-click at a circle, 2 tangent straight lines will arise
-if you need only one half line, then click at the needed part of one the straight lines. If you need two
half lines, then click outside both straight lines. Those half lines lying on the side where you clicked
(with regard to the join of the straight line tangent points) will remain on the screen.
If you use e.g. the or commands for construction of tangent sections, then the program will
depict all possibilities in red color and it is possible to choose one of them. It is similar to erasing some
already drawn objects.
The first interpolation method create arcs and they pass exactly through nodes of the open polygon.
There are always two arcs between two nodes. It is not advantageous to enter the nodes close,
because then a lot of points arise and unwanted inflexions can occur. In window in the
"Technology" bookmark there is possible to set up the deviation for leaving out close nodes of the
polygon. For example the 2nd node of the trio is left out if it has a bigger distance from the join of the
1st and 2nd points of the trio than the entered item. The minimum number of entered nodes of the
polygon is 4.
8.4.6 Lead-ins
While constructing parts it is not usually necessary to draw lead-ins. In the course of the nesting layout
creation the SAPSW program has several more comfortable possibilities how to create the missing
lead-ins automatically or interactively. It is advantageous to draw lead-ins only in the case the part has a
lot of small holes and therefore the lead-in must have a special shape or a shorter length than it is
technologically requested in the STANDARD databank.
The lead-in drawn in SCADW can have any shape and length and it may contain 3 abscissae and arcs
in maximum. A simple lead-in in the shape of one abscissa can be created in this way:
-click at button
8.4.7 Ellipsis
-the center and the dimensions of the enclosing rectangle are entered
-in button , in the "Technology" bookmark, there is possible to set up the way of ellipsis
approximation (abscissae or arcs) and the permitted deviation from the theoretical line
- click at icon for saving the file, tick the format of the DTL file, tick off the other ones, write in A as
the file name and save it with OK.
- repeat the technique for other signs. While creating the outline at small letters change the size for e.
g.60 per cent of the capital letters size.
- while drawing the gap sign choose the "cutting" line type (black) and draw a rectangle as high as the
capital letters and as long as the needed gap. Choose the ^ sign as the gap file name. the sign set can
be drawn in any size, e.g.100 mm. The text itself for marking will be created with icon by a
technique similar to writing a text into a part drawing. Choose the "marking" line, write in the text,
choose the writing size in the text box, click the position of the text. After clicking the OK icon the
written text will disappear from the screen and the text drawn with marking lines will appear.
8.4.11 Grid
The drawing function for a grid drawing enables to draw a grid with a frame or without a frame. You
enter the number of strips in X and Y directions and the dimensions of the frame.
For creating the grid at first create a new nesting layout (or call an old one), click the SCADW, from
VIEWER click an appropriate part in GEO format (not VYK !) and after that right click on the . After
creating the grid click on button ( button has to be in down position before the click to ) and
write out the GEO file under a new filename. SAPS in the nesting layout can verify the number of grids
and the number of origin parts too. In the ECO list there will be present the origin partname and the
number of cutted parts.
-if you do not click at the button, then SCADW will determine the order automatically (you can set up
the mode)
-if you want to change the order individually, then click at " Int" and then click individually in the
requested order at a endpoint of the contours. It is possible to enter a good "From - to" order of holes.
-if you want to change the order of several contours at once, create a window for a group choice. It will
ease the determination of cutting marking order in a part with many holes where there is necessary to
divide the plate temperature load in order to keep to the accuracy of cutting. SCADW will determine the
order in the window according to the first corner of the window, the hole nearest to the corner will be
cut first. The order will be appointed for all holes lying totally in the window.
A group choice by window and an individual choice by clicking can be repeated several times
according to the needs.
· will show the current order which will arise by a successive drawing of the part or by loading
the part from a disk drive
· will show the automatically determined order which will arise after geometry output of the part
onto the disk drive.
The real order will not be changed only by pressing the buttons. The order will be changed after saving
the part in the GEO-file.
This button can also change the diameter of the same round holes en masse. Click at the "XY?" icon, at
any hole with the requested diameter, overwrite the old diameter with the new item, click at "=" button
and choose the 2nd line in the menu.
8.4.18 Additions
-click at , or at the "Additions" from the main "Technology" menu
-write in the addition size in mm
-click at the first point you want to make an addition from
-click at the second point where the addition ends. The order of clicking at points is anticlockwise
following the part contour.
1.If you want to make an addition round the whole contour, click twice the same point.
2.If you enter a plus value of the addition, then the outer contour will become bigger and the holes will
become smaller (you will add material). If you enter a minus value, the contour will get smaller and the
holes will get bigger (you will take material away).
8.4.21 Dimensioning Automatic dimensioning
The button can automatically dimension a part. This dimensioning serves only for the first rough
check-up of the part. On the "Look" side in the setting window there is possible to set up the data for
aut. dimensioning. Abscissa dimensioning
- click at button
- click at the abscissa
- click under or over the abscissa in the distance where the dimension line should be situated Circle or arc dimensioning
- click at button
- click at the arc/circle. A radius is dimensioned in the arc, a diameter is dimensioned in the circle. Dimensioning of the arc length
- click at button
- click at the arc/circle with the right mouse button Proportions dimensioning
It serves for dimensioning maximum proportions of a group of sections with help of the right and lower
dimensions. Using this way you can even dimension e.g. a whole part or a hole. The distance from the
part in which the dimensions are created is determined by the criterion for print and by the dimensions
distance on the "Look" tab in the window.
-click at button
-click at the arc/circle
-pull the window where all sections forming a group are situated. Choose the window so that no section
is situated under the cursor while clicking the corners.
The parameters will change, in the case of oxyacetylene and plasma machines, the cutting speed with
help of 39+xxxx functions for ESSI format, or Fxxxx for DIN format of the NC-program.
The parameters in the case of laser BALLIU 1500 LC machine will be used for entering R501-R506
Before printing it is possible to display the "printed" component on the screen. One component with help
of button, more components with button.
….drawing of linking lines. You usually draw the outer contour of the part with cutting lines (and
that is why you cut them later) as a closed curve. Linking lines will enable, for special cases of
cutting, to work up the parts with an unclosed outer contour.
1.Erasing is possible with the buttons for erasing ( , , …) only for that kind of lines which is
chosen by one of the four mentioned buttons.
2.If is buttoned, it is possible to draw the marking point. For other buttons the yellow (helping) point
is always drawn.
2.Relative coordinates
-the button must be set up into the "Rel" position. In this position a circlet for marking the actual
referential point will appear. The absolute coordinates are made up of a sum of the referential point
coordinates and the entered relative coordinates.
-the position of the referential point can be changed in this way:
-click at the "Abs/Rel" for the "Rel" position
-click at the "Point"
-click at the point which should be the new referential point.
-the position of the referential point can be changed even in the course of a section drawing. For
example: you will enter the first point of the abscissa in relative coordinates with regard to the actual
referential point, then you will change the referential point and at last you will enter relative coordinates
of the endpoint with regard to the new referential point.
-both the absolute and the relative coordinates can be entered as an arithmetical expression with
brackets , e.g.
782+400/3 or
(720/5+12)*5 and so on
1.It is always advantageous to save even the VYK type file. SCADW will save apart from the geometric
information even the construction state and the state of and buttons. After recalling such a
saved part it is possible to step in the part.
2.After a GEO-file creation SCADW will draw a red arrow with the movement direction of the outer
contour sections. The direction must be always anticlockwise. Make a control of the direction for very
small parts with plasma bows because if the bow area overtops the area of the part itself, then
SCADW cannot determine the direction automatically. In this case recall the window for saving into
GEO and tick the "Change direction" window.
3.SAPSW always cancels the technology of holes cutting in old nesting layouts after a part correction.
The technology is not canceled if
- you load GEO-file for correction in SCADW (it means not in VYK)
- you will not change the contour
- you will not change the total number of sections
It means it is possible to change dimensions and the type of hole sections and the position of holes in
the part and the technology of the contour cutting will stay unchanged.
The reference to other GEO file can be performed by saving the part in the SCADW module, or in the
REQ file types too. The reference is "#filename" and it should be written into the "drawing number" item.
This way created GEO files will have only 2 lines.
If You call with help of VIEWER into the SCADW a part with reference, then SCADW write out the
names of every part of the same form, and ask to change the form of them, or only to create a new
referenced part.
8.8 Macros
8.8.1 Working with macros
The user can create his specific parametric macros. The macros ease the drawing of parts in process
of creating NC programs. After calling up the appropriate macro the user need only fill in the
dimensioned values and the SAPS automatically create the drawing.
To every macro belongs 2 files, the '.MKR' and the '.TXT' file. The user can create a new macro in this
- draw a picture of the new macro in the SCADW program with arbitrary dimensions
- create the dimensioning with the button.
- save the new macro as VYK file type and as MKR file type too.
- create a new text file, where define the way of creating the macro. The user can create this file with
any editor (e.g. NOTEPAD.EXE). In the same order in which were created in the SCADW the
dimensions, in that order use in the macro description the symbolic values in form of $n - the so
called parameters.
- save the macro description as '.TXT' file type into the _MKR directory.
Macro example:
//Triangle $1...length $2...height
$1=300 ; Length
$2=100 ; Height
P1=0 0
P2=$1 0
P3=$1 $2
GEO=P1 P2 P3 P1
8.8.2 Parameters
- "$" can be used as command "$n=...", or as a symbol which substitute the user input from the
- at testing of macro description there can be at description beginning more "$n=..." commands. In this
way in course of testing you will not be repeatedly forced to fill in the parameter values from the
keyboard. After the testing phase You can erase (or comment them with "//" characters) these lines.
- if You need a parameter, to which exists no dimensionable line (e.g. number of rotations in ROT
command), then in phase of drawing in SCADW draw a short line on an appropriate free place in the
drawing and create the dimension of it.
- to increase the limpidity in the description, at the end of lines You can after a ";" character write any
comment. If the ";" comment is used in the "$n=.......; any text" lines, then the "any text" will Windows
show as a floating help on the screen.
Macro example:
$1=300 ; Length
$2=100 ; Height
P1=0 0
P2=$1 0
P3=$1 $2
GEO=P1 P2 P3 P1
8.8.3 Comment
// ...comment
p1=0 0
p2=$1 0
p3=$1 $2
p4=D-$3 $2
p5=D0 D-$4
p6=$5 D0
p7=$5 $2
p8=0 $2
geo=p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6 p7 p8 p1
P3=300 400 ... X and Y absolute coordinates
P4=D100 500 ...X relative coordinate, Y absolute
P1=0 0
P2=$1 0
L3=p1 $2 $3
GEO=P1 P2 P3 P1
P1=0 0
P2=$1 0
C3=$1 $2 $1 $2/2 1
P4=0 $2
GEO=P1 P2 C3 P4 P1
P5=$3+$5/2 $4
C5=P5 $3 $4 1
//If =, 2...triangle, hole
P1=0 0
P2=100 0
P3=100 100
P4=0 100
P5=50 50
P6=60 50
P7=50 80
P8=40 50
C6=p6 p5 1
GEO=P6 P7 P8 P6
GEO=P1 P2 P3 P4 P1
In case of 2. and 3. the computed intersection points will be saved into the points Pn and Pn+1.
P1=0 50
P2=100 50
P3=100 0
P4=250 0
P5=250 50
P6=0 $2
P7=0 $1
P8=250 $1
I9=P5 P6 P7 P8
GEO=P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P9 P7 P1
The computed intersection points will be saved into the points Pn a Pn+1.
c1=$1+$3 $2 $1 $2 1
c2=$4+$6 $5 $4 $5 1
p3=0 0
p4=$7 0
T5=p4 c2
T7=c2 c1
c2=p7 $4 $5 1
T9=c1 p3
C1=p9 $1 $2 1
GEO=p3 p4 p6 c2 p8 c1 p3
The computed tangential points will be saved into the points Pn and Pn+2, the arc centerpoint into the
c1=$1+$3 $2 $1 $2 1
c2=$4+$6 $5 $4 $5 1
p3=0 0
p4=$7 0
T5=p4 c2
A7=c2 -$8 c1
c20=p9 p8 -1
c2=p7 $4 $5 1
T10=c1 p3
c1=p10 $1 $2 1
geo=p3 p4 p6 c2 c20 c1 p3
P77=0 0
L1=P77 $1/2 -$3/2
P2=$2/2 0
L3=p77 $1/2 $3/2
GEO=P1 P2 P3
ROT=P77 W$3 360/$3-1 P1 P2 P3
P1=0 0
P2=$2 $3
P3=0 $4
GEO=P1 P2 P3
MOV=P1 P3 $5 P1 P2 P3
P11=-$1 0
P12=-$1 $4*$5+$4
P13=0 $4*$5+$4
GEO=P1 P11 P12 P13
PAR=P1 P2 deist
n...1.computed point - 1.point of abscissae - 2.point - parallel distance
The computed intersection points will be saved into the points Pn - Pn+3.
MIR=P1 P2 Pa Pb Cc
1.point of abscissae - 2.point - the mirrored points
Click to the middle of the dimension's text, and the SAPS will show a text box:
- in case of an abscissa you can change the length of that abscissa. According to that which button
click you, on that side of abscissa will change the endpoint. If you click with the middle button, then
the line will be changed on the both ends. If the line is vertical, then a left click changes the bottom end
point, a right click will change the upper endpoint. Also the next segment will be changed - if it is an
abscissa (so the contour's continuity remains preserved).
- in case of an arc the radius can be changed. The previous and the following segments will also
change - if they are abscissas (e.g. in case of corner rounding)
- in case of a circle the diameter
You can type a new value in the displayed text box, or use the basic arithmetic expressions (with "+-*/").
The input of numbers should end with the Enter key.
Changing the endpoint and the centerpoints:
You can change also the coordinates of the abscissa's endpoints or the center point of arc/circle. The
temporary dimensioning check box should be checked, and no button for selecting some drawing
function should be pushed. The coordinates can be displayed and changed in the absolute coordinate
system, or relative to any selected point. In this second case you should push first the "Abs" button (the
caption changes to "Rel"), then push the "Point" and click to select the requested reference point.
Afterwards click the point which should be changed, type the new coordinate values (the delimiter is the
";" character, the basic arithmetic expression may be used), end hit the Enter key. Ellipsis Draw ellipsis by arcs
It is possible to choose to draw an ellipsis by arcs or with help of an angled line. Permitted tolerance
NC-cutting machines are able to cut arcs and abscissae. That´s why SCADW approaches an ellipsis
with an angled line or with help of arcs. It is possible to enter the requested exactness of approximation.
Choose a real value (0.2 - 0.5 mm) in order not to create too many points or arcs. Dense open polygons
The drawing after the import from a DXF/DWG file may contain many dense open polygons with many
inner endpoints. SCADW can lower this count of points and at the same time can smooth the lines.
· The "Approximation with abscissae" check box will leave out that points, which are not needed for
achievement of the form and the accuracy of contours. An appropriate value for "Permitted
tolerance" is e.g. 0.1 mm.
· The "Approximation with arcs" check box will interleave the endpoint of the contours with arcs, and will
leave out the not needed points. An appropriate value for "Permitted tolerance" is e.g. 0.2 mm.
· It has sense to check both check boxes. The check boxes does not depends on each other and may
be checked also independently. DXF compensating
The SCADW can at group import of DXF files with the button in specific cases automatically make
the kerf compensation (changing of geometric dimensions). It is possible only in case, if every DXF file
contains only one part. The compensation can be switched on in the SCADW settings on tab
TECHNOLOGY, "DXF compensating" switch. The NC machine at cutting of so imported parts will make
no additional kerf compensation, while the parts dimensions are already compensated by the SCADW
program module. Compensation multiplier
In some specific cases you have to kerf compensate with the button already the geometry of the
part. So the geometry of the part will be changed. This is recommended only in case of that cutting
machines, which are not able automatically compute the kerf compensation in time of cutting.
In case of using the button by inner contours (little holes), the kerf compensation will be influenced
by the value in the text box. If the value is less as 1, then the compensation is less as the kerf
compensation of the outer contour. Deviation of nods
The approximation is most suitable for sparsely but well-defined curves with a smaller number of node
points. The number of points of the result curve equates to the twofold number of node points plus other
sections added into inflexion points. The result curve is connected in the first derivation and it consists
only of arcs.
-the item for the approximation of the angled line. You will determine here the value of the deviation
under which SCADW will remove a node point from the input data (it is not a value for setting the result
exactness, let´s say the real deviation from the theoretical curve). SCADW always calculates the
deviation of node points in sequence from 3 following node points. Big arcs Max.radius
The radius size in mm over which SCADW already approaches the arc with an oblique line. Permitted tolerance
It determines the maximum permitted deviation of the approaching oblique line from the arc in mm. The
smaller the value is, the more tops the oblique line will have.
162 SAPSproW v19
9.1 VIEWER program
9.1.1 Refresh the VIEWER
The VIEWER can be opened in the SAPSW window and in the SCADW window by shifting the mouse
cursor into the bottom part of the SAPSproW window - the status bar, where SAPS shows help and
status messages for the program user. If the SCADW window is displayed and there is a drawing on
the screen in SCADW, we must in addition click in the status bar.
If the depiction of GEO cutting parts is chosen, then also the "Label" check box will be displayed. Files
will be depicted from that user´s directory, which is selected in the drop-down list.
9.1.3 Control
After clicking at a picture of this type…
-in SAPSW you will insert a part in the cutting layout after clicking at the working area
-in SCADW the part will appear in the working area
-in SCADW a file in DXF-format is read and the conversion into VYK-format is carried out. Then the
part will appear in the working area. The part can be corrected and saved as a GEO-file.
-in SCADW the file appears in the working area. The part can be corrected and saved as a GEO-file.
-in SCADW there is possible to click a point in the drawing in the working area where a detail should be
added. With another click - point you will determine the rotation angle of the detail.
-in SCADW the geometry of the remnants table will be loaded and displayed. It can be corrected as well
as GEO-files.
-in SAPSW you will insert a cutting layout for correction after clicking in the working area.
-in SCADW a parametric geometric macro will be loaded and displayed.
9.2 Display...
9.2.1 Display geometry of all parts
-click at the button of the "Label"drop-down list
-click at the line with the "*" character
The VIEWER can remember the number of the last set page. After a new start this remembered page
will be displayed. Follow this technique:
-set up the needed page number in the input box
-click at and then at .
9.2.6 Lock
If you tick it, the VIEWER will remember the number of the actual, just visible page. This page will be
automatically displayed after a new start of the VIEWER. Each kind of files can have a different
remembered page.
A double click at the lower input box with the name of the chosen file or pressing the Esc key will cancel
the choice of the part and "---" signs will be inserted into the input box.
9.4 Setting
9.4.1 Set up the VIEWER
Click at
9.4.9 Sorting
It is possible to set up the sorting mode of parts. It will determine the order of picture depiction, the first
picture is the upper left corner of the VIEWER working area. The order is important for the full
automatic cutting layout creation when the parts are inserted into cutting layouts according to the order
in the VIEWER.
Tips and tricks 167
The reference to other GEO file can be performed by saving the part in the SCADW module, or in the
REQ file types too. The reference is "#filename" and it should be written into the "drawing number" item.
This way created GEO files will have only 2 lines.
If You call with help of VIEWER into the SCADW a part with reference, then SCADW write out the
names of every part of the same form, and ask to change the form of them, or only to create a new
referenced part.
With button the cutting layout and NC-program was automatically created for the remnant.
The dimensions of the plate are 2400x1200 mm, NC-machine has 3 cutting heads. The distance of
cutting heads was calculated for 437 mm. The machine tender can switch off a cutting head while
cutting the last overreaching part.
At saving to GEO SCADW will identify the inner contour as a profile, therefore at NC-program creation
SAPSW will not create a lead-in or a lead-out for this contour, and it will not even switch on the kerf
compensation. The dimensions of both parts around the joint contour are smaller by 1/2 kerf, if it makes
any problems then it is necessary to compensate it with a change of parts geometry.
For plasma or water ray separation it is possible to create flanges in an easier way. Click at icon,
check "Flanges", enter numbers and dimensions. An example of a part created in SCADW:
Correction method:
Erase the useless lines on the left side of the drawing and connect the needed points on the right side
into the shape of the left side of the remnant plate with help of the angle line function (in SCADW it is
function). If the NC-program is not too difficult (it has less than 15000 sections), then use directly
SCADW from SAPSproW for the correction. Otherwise use e.g.AUTOCAD for erasing the lines, only
then load the corrected DXF into SCADW.
The file can be corrected with any editor and the texts in SAPSproW will be changed.
Text changes:
-start SAPSW
-start the text editor and load LOKALIZ.TXT in it
-search out the text in the editor and correct it
-save the corrected LOKALIZ.TXT in the editor, but if there are more corrections, do not finish the
-switch on another language in SAPSW and switch on the previous one immediately. This way the
corrected LOKALIZ.TXT will be loaded into SAPSproW and you can see the changes immediately in
the SAPSproW environment
-arrange the position of parts with help of and buttons so that they create a unit for cutting
-the common edge, in the points where it makes a connection with both parts at both ends, must be
interrupted after the length equal with approximately a half of the kerf ( shortening the abscissa,
by function)
-save the part
A part drawn this way will be cut firstly in the place of the common edge without compensation, and then
on the contour of both parts with the compensation of the kerf. There can be compound several parts in
one unit in SCADW, not only two. Dimensions of the parts around the joint contour are smaller by a half
of the cutting kerf, if it makes any problems then it is necessary to compensate by a change of the part
The third part is compound of the first two parts, the fourth one is 2 flanges.