Benefits of Australian Immigration: 1. Serenity That's Beyond Imagination

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The key takeaways are the various benefits of Australian immigration such as high standard of living, employment prospects, flexible immigration rules, and vibrant culture.

Some of the benefits of Australian immigration mentioned are high standard of living, employment prospects, flexible immigration rules, and vibrant culture with diverse food and art.

Migrants and refugees face barriers such as lack of recognition of overseas qualifications, lack of local work experience, lack of English proficiency, and lack of knowledge about the Australian job market. Refugees may also face additional challenges from pre-migration trauma.

Benefits of Australian Immigration

Australia is a land with a culturally diverse society, exhibiting strong economic growth every single day
making it an ideal place for immigrants to settle in and lead their life. The country takes immense pleasure
in welcoming skilled workers from all parts of the world and encourages them to settle in the Australian
Continent & contribute to the economic growth of Australia in turn offering the immigrants an abundant
number of benefits & a high standard of life which they could only imagine. Immigration to Australia could
be one of the best things that could happen to you and we highly recommend you to consider it. Listed
below are the benefits of Australian Immigration.

1. Serenity That’s Beyond Imagination:-

The Australian continent possesses a natural beauty that could really make you feel awestruck. The
continent has a diverse range of flora & fauna which are found only in the soils of Australia, making it more
special & exclusive. The climate is quite warm around the year (not scorching hot)which makes it the perfect,
ideal location to carry out outdoor activities. The country attracts tourists from all over the world with its
abundant number of national parks & wilderness zones.
2. Standard of Living That’s Quite High: –

By providing schools & universities that are of high standard, the continent serves as a perfect example of
how a country should be. The Australian continent offers an excellent education system to its immigrants
& a world-class education system adds credits to its worldwide reputation. You should definitely consider
Australian Immigration if you want to live & experience the best.

3. High Employment Prospects:-

The Australian economy is quite strong and growing every single day which means the prospects of
employment are also quite high. Australia has a wide range of opportunities for skilled workers from all over
the world. The benefits extend to spouses of skilled workers and also entrepreneurs can be benefited by
migrating to Australia.

4. Flexible Immigration Rules: –

Australia is known for its immigration programs that are simple & effective and does not impose much
restrictions on the immigrant. The country offers unrestricted work rights to skilled workers and also to their
spouses. Immigrants who reside with temporary visas can also apply for permanent visas provided they
are eligible.

5. A Vivid Culture to Live With: –

Out of the total Australian population, an approximate of 20% are people who live outside their native
country. The Australian residents know how to enjoy life and the continent is known for its culture, concerts,
art exhibitions and to add more to the list, the nation produces some of the best wine the world has ever
seen. The continent houses many world-famous restaurants and is known for its rich quality food it serves
to its people. Culture is one of the important benefits of Australian Immigration you should consider.

Australia is an immigrant-friendly country promoting the immigration of people around the world irrespective
of the reason they want to migrate to Australia. You can be an individual looking forward to studying at one
of the best universities or a skilled worker looking for employment opportunities or an entrepreneur looking
forward to starting off with a new business. It really doesn’t matter because Australia welcomes you with
its open arms!

On knowing the benefits of Australian Immigration, you would be sure that you want to migrate to Australia.
To know more about benefits of Australian Immigration, get in touch with our team of experts!

The Economic, Social and Cultural Impacts of Migration in Australia

1. Multiculturalism, Social Inclusion and Globalization
It is common knowledge that migration has had a positive economic,
social and cultural impact on
Australia. Generally speaking, migrants and refugees show strong
resilience and adaptability to new
challenges and surroundings. They are willing to take menial job when
first settling. Also, many
migrants and refugees show a disposition for hard work and sacrifices
in order to establish
themselves in a new country. Their willingness to take hold of
opportunities handed to them is
shown in the way that their participation in TAFE and University Life as
well as new business has
increased in the last 30 years. In addition, there is evidence that in
spite of adverse circumstances,
they may continue to regard the safety and freedom offered to them in
Australia in high regard.
Evidence of this is that in spite of the city of Fairfield being considered
the second lowest socio‐
economic and health area by the SEIFA measure, the majority of its
residents consider themselves
happy to live in this area and believe that one of the strongest assets in
the city is its diverse make
up and community life according to the city wide customer service
survey conducted yearly by
Fairfield City Council.
However, in order to feel safe and secure as well as a feeling of
belonging, Fairfield residents also
state in numerous consultations and surveys that they rely on goods
and services that remind them
a little of their countries of origin and that they need support from
language specific and cultural
friendly organizations in areas where they don’t have expertise or skills.
NSW SLASA clients have commented many times that having their
ethnic organization give them the
confidence to participate in Australian society and connect with the
mainstream on a regular basis,
while at the same time they could have the pleasure of enjoying
cultural and language specific
programs and events and seek friendly services when needed.
The Social Inclusion agenda will not be fairly implemented is
multiculturalism is not recognized as
the underpinning concepts of the social inclusion agenda. Social
cohesion will not be a reality unless
the principles of multiculturalism and social inclusion will be
implemented. The recognition of
Australia as a multicultural society and the recent released of the
Multicultural Policy have laid the
foundation of a more fair and equal society.
2. Settlement and Participation
For many years the Federal Government via the Department of
Immigration has allocated funding
support to ethno specific organizations to provide settlement services
to migrants, refugees and
humanitarian entrants. This funding scheme has been of great benefit
to our communities and
people in assisting t in their settlement process in Australia.
In addition, thanks to these funds, a large number of ethno specific
organizations have been
established through the years, building a social/community structure
that has played a vital role in
the successful settlement of many migrants and refugees. Communities
which are younger than
three generation of settlers find it difficult to be self sufficient or build
sustainable structures to exist
on their own without external support.

Existing research have proved that establishing links between migrants,

refugees, humanitarian
entrants and the wider community is one of the keys to 'successful'
settlement. Ethno specific
community organizations have been the key to establish these links for
many years. They have acted
as spearhead in introducing the community to the mainstream by
represented theme as well as
providing culturally and linguistically appropriate services to facilitate
the settlement process. These
organizations are the “link” between communities and mainstream;
they are also the voice and the
advocators on behalf of their needs as well as the encouragers of
communities to showcase their
culture, participate and connect with what is happening in the wider
Much of the collective knowledge and expertise of communities is
channeled through ethnic
community organizations. At the same time, much of the
understanding of the Australian culture,
society and government systems are sifted and translated through
these organizations to the ethnic
communities. Some of the reasons for this phenomenon are the lack of
language proficiency, the
focus on family, work and or studies and lack of expertise and
knowledge of the mainstream system
by a majority of people in some communities. Many first generation
ethnic people, particularly
family women and bread winners, leave their self‐actualization and
learning to the time when they
retire, thus the wide need for language specific services and training on
the part of ethnic
In addition, the existence of ethnic specific organizations is crucial to
the implementation of
government policies such as, social inclusion and social cohesion
because ethno‐specific workers
provide a channel to communities to communicate with government at
three levels (federal, state
and local), at the same time they provide a focal point for government
department to communicate
with ethnic communities. This communication process facilitates the
input and consultation in the
development and implementation of government policies and in
modelling mainstream services that
would otherwise not exist. Services and programs that ethnic
community organizations provide
foster community participation and integration and enhance
community capacity building skills. In
turn, this process supports the Federal whole‐of‐government social
inclusion agenda,
In recent years there has been much discussion about what constitutes
'settlement' and the length
of time needed for migrants and refugees to feel 'settled' in the
community. While it is agreed that
tangible factors such as income support, housing, employment,
education, health care and family
reunion are essential, it is the less tangible factors which play a vital
role in the settlement process,
including: being able to feel safe and secure; restoring a sense of self‐
worth; restoring a sense of
dignity; regaining a sense of control over one's life; resolving guilt; and
processing grief about the
loss of self and country. The settlement journey can also be
interrupted by outside factors that can
set back an individual some time so far back that they find it extremely
difficult to get back on track
on their own. Ethno specific community based organizations have the
ability and matchless
resources to provide for both migrants and refugees, tangible and less
tangible factors which are
indispensable for a person to become active members of society and
feel included. This role and or
intervention from an ethno specific organization may be needed by the
individual or community and
various points and can not be simply measured by years.
Currently the Settlement Grants Program (SGP) from the Department of
Immigration and Citizenship
(DIAC) is the only program that provides ongoing funding to small
ethnic community organizations to
deliver services and to assist in the capacity building and skilling of
communities. Since its
introduction this has been a highly successful program, however, when
the department decided to
shifted its funding priorities to favor big organizations moving funding
from the ethno‐specific
organizations to the mainstream organization, such as Migrants
Resource Centre, Anglicare, Mission
Australian, St. Vincent de Paul, many smaller organizations starter to
wither for lack of support. In
the last 2010 Settlement Grants Program (SGP)_funding round the
Department of Immigration
allocated 1.2 million to two Migrant Resource Centers in South Western
Sydney, but funding to the
Lao Community Advancement, Timorese Australian Council, Assyrian
Australian Association, Chinese
Migrant Welfare Association, Serbian Orthodox Welfare, Vietnamese
Australian Welfare Association,
NSW Spanish and Latin American Association (NSW SLASA) from the
Settlement Grants Programs
(SGP) ceased completely or was reduced heavily. This situation has
created a lot of stress and
uncertainty within Ethno‐ specific communities.
Ethnic‐specific community organisations rely heavily on the presence of
a single SGP‐funded position
to sustain their viability, when that single SGP position was lost; a
question mark is immediately
raised over the future of that organization. Particularly communities
which have established
organizations to assist their members’ longer term settlement needs
and intend to maintain a sense
of cultural identity that enable them to contribute and participate in
community life from a firm root
base. The loss of this funding was felt as a heavy loss. It has left many
ethno specific organizations
without resources to contribute to the wider community through the
provision of services tailored
to their needs.
This issue has created an imminent possibility of collapse of ethno
specific organizations. If this ever
happen will presents a major loss to the community and to
Government services at all levels. This
situation will limit access to some communities and narrow
communication channels with many
communities, particular smaller, more vulnerable communities. This
will have implications in the
planning of services and programs for many communities, reducing
their opportunities to be
consulted; to contribute and participate in the life of their local and
wider community with the
potential to marginalize and exclude many community members.
It’s a letdown to see how the discontinuation of funding is affecting the
infrastructure that has been built through all these years with the
federal government funding. The
potential collapse of ethno specific organizations will be a great loss for
the community and also for
the government who is going to lose the skills, experience and resource
that these organizations
have gained through the years. The possibility of more established
ethno specific organizations to
assist emerging migrants and refugees communities will be lost as well
through loss of connections
to ethnic community who will be left without official structure. The
discontinuation of funding also
erodes the community capacity of mature and more establish
organizations to work alongside and
mentor new and emerging ethno specific communities.
The support and continuation of funding from the Federal government
to ensure the existence of
ethnic specific organizations is a determining factor for the
implementation of Australia’s
Multicultural Policy Principle 2, which stated:
“The Australian Government is committed to a just, inclusive and
socially cohesive society
where everyone can participate in the opportunities that Australia
offers and where government
services are responsive to the needs of Australians from culturally and
linguistically diverse
backgrounds. Australians from all backgrounds will be given every
opportunity to participate in
and contribute to Australia and its social, economic and cultural life.
Australians from all
backgrounds are also entitled to receive equitable access to
government services. The
Government will strengthen its access and equity policies to ensure
that government programs
and services are responsive to the needs of Australia’s culturally and
linguistically diverse
communities. Australia’s multicultural policy aligns with the
Government’s Social Inclusion Agenda
where Australians of all backgrounds feel valued and can participate in
our society.”
3. Innovative ideas for settlement programs for new migrants, including
refugees that support their full participation and integration into the
Australian society
• There is a need for the development and implementation of funding
policies that will
comprise a fair distribution of funding among settlement service
providers to ensure a
continuation of funding for more established ethno specific
organizations for longer than 5
• There is a need for programs with a greater focus on community
development and capacity
building to increase the capacity of ethnic community leaders to
develop their leadership skills
and teach them about the Australian system and services.
• There is a need for programs that foster the relationships between
more established ethno
community organizations and new emerging communities.
• There is a need for programs that will encourage greater social and
working relationships among
settlement service providers and ethnos specific community
• There is a need for programs that would support ethnos specific
organizations financially to
establish internal infrastructures that will conform to current
government legislations and allow
them to compete for government funding, including policies and
procedures, insurances,
incorporation, management.
• There is a need for programs that will develop the leadership skills of
young emerging
community leaders.
• There is a need for programs that will provide a holistic approach to
issues affecting families.
4. Incentives to promote long term settlement patterns that achieve
greater social and economic benefits for Australian society as a whole.
The establishment of an independent body or council including
representatives from federal, state
and local government to develop a coordinated approach in funding
policies for settlement services
and ethno specific community organizations. Also, to encourage ethnic
organizations to unite, pool
resources and seek partnerships to serve their communities
better. This body could seek long term
strategies that goes beyond the believed 5 year period needed for
settlement. Currently there is no
coordination in the development of strategies to ensure a fairer
distribution of funds available and
equal access for services to migrants and refugees.
Migrants and refugees with overseas qualification would greatly benefit
from programs that provide
specialised tailored services to assist them with identification of
barriers to employment; assistance
to get their overseas qualifications recognised; help to identify skills
and experience that a client may
have and could be used to gain employment; support to access further
studies, support to establish
small businesses/company, assistance to acquire local work experience.
Additional benefits could be obtained from programs that assist
migrants and refugees to secure
and maintain economic self‐sufficiency by providing them with the skills
and resources they need to
function and compete in the Australian labour and economic
system. They would also benefit from
programs that provide them with skills to navigate the system and
obtain a permanent income that
will contribute to their successful settlement. Furthermore, they would
benefit immensely from
programs aimed at helping them to overcome personal and structural
barriers in order to become
economical self sufficient by getting into employment or establishing
their own business or
5. National productive capacity
The role migration has played and contributes to building Australia’s
long term productive
Migrants and refugees have made a substantial contribution to the
economic, social and cultural
development of Australia. They have assisted in the expanding of
consumer markets for local goods,
opening new markets; they brought skills needed by the Australian
Labor Market which has
creating employment and filling empty employment places. They have
made cultural, social and
economic contributions that have molded Australian society and impart
vitality and
multiculturalism into Australia.
Migration has been an important influence on Australian society and
the economy. Increasing skilled
migration would make a positive overall contribution to Australia's
future per capita income levels.
Migration contributes to the economy in many ways. As well as the up
skilling of the workforce,
economies of scale and the development of new export markets would
further add to the economic
benefits of migration.
Migrants have contributed to the development and expansion of small
businesses, which are the
cornerstone for the Australian economy. They have contributed to
the development of technology
bringing to the country cutting edge technology in particular from Asia
and Eastern Europe. Their
knowledge, connections and understanding of international business
markets has contributed to the
development of Australia international market.
Migrants receive benefits and goods and services from the government,
but at the same time they
pay taxes. Studies into this area shows that migrants and refugees
contribute more in taxes than
they consume in benefits and government goods and services. As
migrants generate surpluses for
government, Australia’s economic growth is significantly enhanced as
migrants directly impact on
the economy through their contribution to supply and demand and
their indirect contribution to
government surpluses.
Migration has had a great impact in the increase of demand for
infrastructure through the spending
by migrants on food, clothing, electrical appliances and housing. The
expansion of regional business
and investment links and additions to labor and skills levels brought by
migrants. Economic and
strategic relations with migrant’s country or origin, particularly with
Asia, have been strengthened by
the migration of these people to Australia.
As well as the economic benefits, skilled migrants help Australian
employers fill critical labor gaps
at a time when many businesses and industries are facing capacity
constraints. The most important
fact is that migrants and refugees intake programs are becoming vital
to keep the economy growing
as well as helping Australian businesses overcome skills and labor
One example of how much migrants contributed to Australian society in
making significant
economic, social and civic contributions is the Vietnamese community.
They arrived to Australia in a
large number mostly as refugees in the 1970s and 1980s and despite
the significant language
barriers and cultural adjustment they faced on arrival. Today, the
Vietnamese are well represented
in the business sector and also play an important role in broadening
social, cultural and business
relationships between Australia and South‐East Asia. Many former
Vietnamese refugees and/or their
children have prominent roles in their fields.
6. The profile of skilled migration to Australia and the extent to which
Australia is fully utilizing the skills of all migrants
For many years there has been an emphasis of allowing the migration
of professionals and
tradesperson to meet the shortage of skills required by the Australian
Labor Market. Migrants and
refugees have contributed with their skills, knowledge and expertise to
the development of many
professional and trades areas. Unfortunately the lack of programs
containing strategies to assist migrants and refugees professionals with
overseas qualifications to utilize their skills and fully
contributed to the development of Australia had hindered the full
utilization of the skills they
brought to the country. Currently we have situations where we find
migrants and refugees with
overseas qualifications driving taxis, working as couriers or in the
cleaning and building industry. The
lack of assistance to these professionals to gain local experience has
contributed to the wasting of a
great skills capital.
Migrants and refugees face barriers to secure employment due to their
lack of English proficiency,
lack of local work experience, lack of job seeking skills, lack of
recognition of their overseas
qualifications, lack of knowledge of the Australian labour market. In
addition refugees face different
barriers to utilize their skills due to pre‐migration experiences such as
torture, trauma and
persecution. This could be prevented by early services that are coupled
with employment support.
Potential government initiatives to better assist migrant communities
establish business enterprises.
Any initiative aiming to better assist migrant communities to establish
business enterprises should
include a mix of professional/technical and financial support. Migrants
have the potential to greatly
contribute to the economic development of Australia. Their links and
understanding of the business
culture with their country or origin will allow them to succeed in
particular businesses. It is
unrealistic to think that a migrant will be able to establish business
enterprises while his only income
is the unemployment benefit.

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