IPTC 10146 Challenges and Strategy For Increased Oil Recovery
IPTC 10146 Challenges and Strategy For Increased Oil Recovery
IPTC 10146 Challenges and Strategy For Increased Oil Recovery
C u m u la tiv e O il In P la c e (b ln b b l)
recovery factors in E&P projects from the current 1500 Average RF of 34%
RF (%)
This paper reviews this challenge by considering
portfolio aspects, target setting, EOR technologies and Figure 1: Worldwide Distribution of Recovery Factors for
enabling factors. data in the ISH data base
thermal and chemical projects especially has seen a Target setting for Recovery Factors
sharp decline over the past 10 years. However recent oil
price developments combined with the evolution of A consensus exists in industry that we can do better
advanced technologies and current outlook on in many fields by having a more proactive longer-term
supply/demand forecasts have resulted in a new minded reservoir management approach. Such
emphasis on improving Recovery Factors through approach includes gathering of key data early in the
implementation of EOR processes. production life of the field and continuously through its
life to identify boundaries, undrained/unswept oil, and
This paper reviews portfolio aspects, target setting, inflow/outflow profiles to improve well utilization.
EOR technologies and enabling factors. Production optimization is highly impacted by the ability
of the operator to create and use cost effective reservoir
management options based on that data.
Recovery Factors in the portfolio
The wide distribution of ultimate recoveries in Fig.1 is
the result of the interplay of multiple factors such as
reservoir characteristics, development costs, commercial
terms, and oil price forecasts.
A strong motivation to pursue high recovery factor resulted in a plethora of projects that share a technology
targets is the recently renewed discussion about peak base and culture.3 Figure 3 also illustrates that the
oil. Based on current proven oil volumes and production, aspirational Recovery Factors has only been achieved
the global R/P ration is about 40 years. Including the fact when there was also a good secondary development.
that expectation reserves are higher and that reserves
replacement is a key attention area, this still suggests
that within the next 20 years we may see a peak in W est Texas Ultimate Recovery Efficiencies
global oil production. World energy demand is already 90
shifting further to gas and non-conventional energy
supplies. The challenge of extracting more oil from the
Recovery, %OOIP
prim ary
known resources will help to ‘buy time’ for other energy waterflood
sources to build up and meet the ever growing energy CO2 flood
demand. IOR/EOR will play an important role. Especially
for complex EOR project this will not happen overnight
as history has shown that such projects often take 10 or
more years to be fully implemented.
injection injection CO2
25% 19% injection
Figure 4: Oil Cut in Marmul Polymer Injection Pilot 7%
A number of well technologies have reached a level Figure 10 shows the segmentation concept. Blue arrows
of maturity to be considered field proven and cost indicate watered out zones where downhole interval
effective. In particular the use of expandable clads and control valves are shut off, while other oil producing
swellable elastomers has come to the forefront in two zones are fully open for production.
important applications 23, 24,25
Alignment to meet the IOR /EOR challenges
1) To shut off high permeable zones and fractures,
Next to technology advances as discussed above,
2) To segment the well, which creates the possibility for there are a number of key factors that need to be aligned
remedial action after water/gas breakthrough in one of to realize high ultimate recoveries in all assets:
the segments. In these cases the use of packers for
zonal isolation in permeable formations is marginally - Life Cycle Planning: to provide the long term plan for
effective, as fluid will by-pass the packer through the an asset, making sure the right facilities and well
formation. provisions are made at each step not to place tertiary
reserves at risk. The application of ‘Smart EOR’ in all
fields as discussed above will require pre-investments.
Also right-time pilot testing of novel concepts is part of
life cycle planning. Some testing can only be done early
in a field life to enable key decisions later.
- Balanced financial conditions: EOR requires higher -The energy challenges facing the world today and in the
capital investment with often a delay in the net-benefits. coming decades makes a very compelling case for
Development contracts are an important consideration increasing ultimate recovery.
as they will ‘create behaviours’, e.g. they can focus
attention to short term, cheap solutions, quick wins or - Presently average recovery factors industry wide are in
lack of long-term investments. To facilitate EOR, the low 30s. They can be substantially increased by field
contracts should encourage investments in testing and optimization and EOR.
applying EOR, realising a win-win in the long run for all
stakeholders. - Advances in monitoring and control will provide
invaluable support to the success of EOR projects
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