Witnesses: Intentor: No. 685,957. Patented Nov. 5, 1901

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No. 685,957. Patented Nov. 5, 1901.

(Application filed Mar. 21, 1901.)
(No Model.)

Witnesses: Intentor

The Norris'Peress co, PHoro-LTHo, washington, D.C.

SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 685,957, dated November 5, 1901.
Application filed March.21, 1901, Serial No. 52,153, (No model.)
To all whom it 77.0/ concern: operation or control of mechanical or elec
Beit known that I, NIKOLATESLA, a citizen other trical devices or rendered useful in many
of the United States, residing at the borough In applying ways.
of Manhattan, in the city, county, and State denser, preferably my discovery I provide a con
of New York, have invented certain new and static capacity, and ofconnect considerable electro 55
one of its termi
useful Improvements in Apparatus for the
Utilization of Radiant Energy, of which the ducting-body nals to an insulated metal plate or other con
following is a specification, reference being of radiant matter. exposed to the rays or streams
had to the drawings accompanying and form ticularly in view ofItthe is very important, par
fact that electrical 6o
O ing a part of the same.
It is well known that certain radiations energy is generally supplied at a very slow
rate to the condenser, to
such as those of ultra-violet light, cathodic, with the greatest care. I use, by preference, construct the same
Roentgen rays, or the like-possess the prop the best quality of mica, as dielectric, taking
erty of charging and discharging conductors
I5 of electricity, the discharge being particu every possible precaution in insulating the 65
larly noticeable when the conductor upon stand armatures, so that the instrument may with
Which the rays impinge is negatively electri ing and great electrical pressures without leak
fied. These radiations are generally con cation when may leave no perceptible electrifi
sidered to be ether vibrations of extremely discharging instantaneously. In
20 small Wave lengths, and in explanation of the practice I have found that the best results 7 o
phenomena noted it has been assumed by are obtained with condensers treated in the
manner described in a patent granted to me
some authorities that they ionize or render February 23, 1897, No. 577,671. Obviously the
conducting the atmosphere through which
they are propagated. My own experiments above precautions should be the more rigor 75
25 and observations, however, lead me to con ously observed the slower the rate of charg
clusions more in accord with the theory here ing which
and the smaller the time interval during
the energy is allowed to accumulate in
tofore advanced by me that sources of such the condenser. The insulated plate or con
radiant energy throw off with great velocity ducting-body should
minute particles of matter which are strongly face as practicable topresent the
as large a sur
rays or streams of
electrified, and therefore capable of charging
an electrical conductor, or, even if not so, of matter, I having ascertained that the amount
may at any rate discharge an electrified con energy conveyed to it per unit of time is
ductor either by carrying off bodily its charge tionate under otherwise identical conditions propor
or otherwise. to the area exposed, or nearly so.
35 My present application is based upon a dis Furthermore, the surface should be clean and
preferably highly polished or amalgamated.
covery which I have made that when rays or The second terminal or armature of the con
radiations of the above kind are permitted to denser may be connected to one of the poles
fall upon an insulated conducting-body con of a battery or other source of electricity or
nected to one of the terminals of a condenser to any conducting
while the other terminal of the same is made such properties or body so
or object whatever of 90
conditioned that by its
by independent means to receive or to carry means electricity of the required sign will be
away electricity a current flows into the con supplied to the terminal. A simple way of
denser so long as the insulated body is ex
posed to the rays, and under the conditions supplying positive or negative electricity to
45 hereinafter specified an indefinite accumu the insulated terminal is to connect the same either to
lation of electrical energy in the condenser an conductor supported at Some
height in the atmosphere or to a grounded con
takes place. This energy after a suitable ductor, the former, as is well known, furnish
time interval, during which the rays are al
lowed to act, may manifest itself in a pow ing positive and the latter negative electric Od
So erful discharge, which may be utilized for the ity. As the rays or supposed streatms of mat
2 685,957
ter generally convey a positive charge to the device d be of such character that it will op
first condenser-terminal, which is connected erate to close the circuit in which it is in
to the plate or conductor above mentioned, I cluded when the potential in the condenser
usually connect the second terminal of the has reached a certain magnitude, the accumu 7o
5 condenser to the ground, this being the most lated charge will pass through the circuit,
convenient way of obtaining negative elec which also includes the receiver R, and oper
tricity, dispensing with the necessity of pro ate the latter.
viding an artificial source. In order to util In illustration of a particular form of ap
ize for any useful purpose the energy accu paratus which may be used in carrying out 75
mulated in the condenser, I furthermore con my discovery I now refer to Fig. 2. In this
nect to the terminals of the same a circuit in figure, which in the general arrangement of
cluding an instrument or apparatus which it
is desired to operate and another instrument dtheis elements is identical to Fig. 1, the device
or device for alternately closing and opening ducting-platescomposed
shown as
it, placed
of two verythin con
in close proximity
15 the circuit. This latter may be any form of and very mobile, either by reason of extreme
circuit-controller, with fixed or movable parts flexibility or owing to the character of their
or electrodes, which may be actuated either support. To improve their action, they should
by the stored energy or by independent means. be inclosed in a receptacle, from which the
My discovery will be more fully understood
from the following description and annexed I air may be exhausted. The plates t t are
drawings, to which reference is now made, and including ainsuitable
connected series with a working circuit,
receiver, which in this
in which case is shown as consisting of an electromag
Figure 1 is a diagram showing the general net M, a movable armature
arrangement of apparatus as usually em spring b, and a ratchet-wheela, w,a retractile provided 90
25 ployed. Fig. 2 is a similar diagram illustrat with a spring-pawl 1, which is pivoted to ar
ing more in detail typical forms of the devices mature a, as illustrated. When the radia
or elements used in practice, and Figs. 3 and tions of the sun or other radiant source fall
4 are diagrammatical representations of modi upon
fied arrangements suitable for special pur denser,plate as
P, a current flows into the con
above explained, until the poten 95
As illustrative of the manner in which the bring into contactsufficiently
tial therein rises to attract and
several parts or elements of the apparatus in thereby close the circuit connected toit,
the two plates and
one of its simplest forms are to be arranged condenser-terminals. This permits a flowtwo the
and connected for useful operation, reference current which energizes the magnet M, caus
is made to Fig. 1, in which C is the condenser, ing it to draw down the armature a, and im IOC
P the insulated plate or conducting - body part a partial rotation to the ratchet-wheel
which is exposed to the rays, and P' another (U. As the current ceases the armature is
plate or conductor which is grounded, all be retracted
ing joined in series, as shown. The terminals moving thebywheel the spring b, without, however,
v. With the stoppage of I O5
TT of the condenser are also connected to a the current the plates it cease to be attracted
circuit which includes a device R to be oper and separate, thus restoring the circuit to its
ated and a circuit-controlling device d of the original condition.
character above referred to. Fig. 3 shows a modified form of apparatus
The apparatus being arranged as shown, it used in connection with an artificial source O
45 Will be found that when the radiations of the of radiant energy, which in this instance may
Sun or of any other source capable of pro be an arc emitting
ducing the effects before described fall upon A suitable reflectorcopiouslymay be
ultra-violet rays.
provided for con
the plate Pan accumulation of electrical centrating and directing the radiations. A
energy in the condenser C will result. This magnet R and circuit-controller d are ar
phenomenon, I believe, is best explained as ranged as in the previous figures; but in the II5
follows: The sun, as well as other sources of present
radiant energy, throws off minute particles of itself thecase the former instead of performing
whole Work only serves the purpose
matter positively electrified, which, impinging of alternately opening and closing a local
upon the plate P, communicate continuously circuit, containing a source of current B and
55 an electrical charge to the same. The op a receiving
posite terminal of the condenser being con controller d,orif translating device D. The
nected to the ground, which may be consid fixed electrodes separated by consist
desired, may
a minute
of two
ered as a vast reservoir of negative electricity, gap or weak dielectric film, which breaks
a feeble current flows continuously into the down more or less suddenly when a definite I 25
condenser, and inasmuch as these supposed
particles are of an inconceivably small radius difference of potential is reached at the ter
minals of the condenser and returns to its
or curvature, and consequently charged to a original state upon the passage of the dis
relatively very high potential, this charging of charge.
the condenser may continue, as I have ac Still another modification is shown in Fig.
tually observed, almost indefinitely, even to in which the source S of radiant energy is
the point of rupturing the dielectric. If the 4, a special form of Roentgen tube devised by
685,957 3
me, having but one terminal k, generally of specifically described with reference to Fig. 2
aluminium, in the form of half a sphere, with
a plain polished surface on the front side, and also that the special detailsof construction .
from which the streams are thrown off. It and arrangement of the several parts of the
5 may be excited by attaching it to one of the apparatus may be very greatly varied with
terminals of any generator of sufficiently high out departure from the invention.
electromotive force; but whatever apparatus Having
claim is described my invention, what I
be used it is important that the tube be ex
IO hausted to a high degree, as otherwise it might
1. An apparatus for utilizing radiant en
prove entirely ineffective. The working or ergy, comprising in combination a condenser, 75
discharge circuit connected to the terminals one armature of which is subjected to the ac
TT of the condenser includes in this case tion of rays or radiations, independent means
the primary p of a transformer and a circuit for charging the other armature, a circuit and
controller comprising a fixed terminal or apparatus therein adapted to be operated or
brush t and a movable terminal t in the shape controlled by the discharge of the condenser,
of a wheel, with conducting and insulating as set forth.
segments, which may be rotated at an arbi 2. An apparatus for utilizing radiant en
trary speed by any suitable means. In in ergy, comprising in combination, a condenser,
ductive relation to the primary wire or coil p one armature of which is subjected to the ac
is a secondary S, usually of a much greater tion of rays or radiations, independent means
number of turns, to the ends of which is con for charging the other armature, a local cir
nected a receiver R. The terminals of the cuit connected with the condenser-terminals,
condenser being connected, as indicated, one to a circuit-controller therein and means adapted
to an insulated plate P and the other to a be operated or controlled by the discharge
25 grounded plate P", when the tube S is excited of the condenser when the local circuit is
rays or streams of matter are emitted from closed, as set forth.
the same, which convey a positive charge to 3. An apparatus for utilizing radiant en
the plate P and condenser-terminal T, while one ergy, comprisingin combination, a condenser,
terminal T is continuously receiving nega terminal of which is subjected to the ac
tive electricity from the plate P'. This, as tion of rays or radiations, independent means
before explained, results in an accumulation for charging the other armature, a local cir
of electrical energy in the condenser, which cuit connected with the condenser-terminals,
goes on as long as the circuit including the a circuit-controller therein dependent for op
primary p is interrupted. Whenever the cir eration on a given rise of potential in the con
35 cuit is closed owing to the rotation of the denser, and devices operated by the discharge
terminal t, the stored energy is discharged closed,of the condenser when the local circuit is CO
through the primary p, this giving rise in the as set forth.
secondary S to induced
ate the receiver R. currents, which oper 4. An apparatus for utilizing radiant en
ergy, comprising in combination, a condenser,
It is clear from what has been stated above one terminal of which is subjected to the ac
that if the terminal T is connected to a plate tion of rays or radiations, and the other of IO5
supplying positive instead of negative elec which is connected with the ground, a circuit
tricity the rays should convey negative elec and apparatus therein adapted to be operated
tricity to plate P. The source S may be any by the discharge of the accumulated energy
45 form of Roentgen or Lenard tube; but it is in the condenser, as set forth.
obvious from the theory of action that in 5. An apparatus for utilizing radiant en
Order to be very effective the electrical im ergy, comprising in combination, a condenser,
pulses exciting it should be wholly or at least one terminal of which is subjected to the ac
preponderatingly of one sign. If ordinary tion of rays or radiations and the other of
Symmetrical alternating currents are em which is connected with the ground, a local II5
ployed, provision should be made for allow circuit connected with the condenser-termi
ing the rays to fall upon the plate P only nals, a circuit-controller therein and means
during those periods when they are product adapted to be operated by the discharge of
ive of the desired result. Evidently if the as the condenser when the local circuit is closed,
55 radiations of the source be stopped or inter set forth.
cepted or their intensity varied in any man 6. An apparatus for utilizing radiant en 20
ner, as by periodically interrupting or rythmic ergy, comprising in combination, a condenser,
ally varying the current exciting the source, one terminal of which is subjected to the ac
there will be corresponding changes in the tion of rays or radiations and the other of
action upon the receiver R, and thus signals circuitwhich is connected with the ground, a local I 25
may be transmitted and many other useful connected with the condenser-termi
effects produced. Furthermore, it will be un be nals, a circuit-controller therein adapted to
derstood that any form of circuit-closer which operated by a given rise of potential in the
will respond to or be set in operation when a condenser, and devices operated by the dis
predetermined amount of energy is stored in charge of the condenser when the local circuit I 30
the condenser may be used in lieu of the device is closed, as set forth.
7. An apparatus for utilizing radiant en
es 685,957
ergy, comprising a condenser, having one ter- adapted to be operated by a given rise of po
minal connected to earth and the other to an tential in the condenser, as set forth.
to receiveconducting-plate,
the rays from a which
5 radiant energy, a local circuit connected with Witnesses:
the condenser-terminals, a receiver therein,
and a circuit - controller therefor which is

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