Unit II

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Energy management is the science involving planning, directing, controlling the
supply and consumption of energy to maximize the productivity and comforts and
minimize the energy cost and pollution, judicious and effective use of energy.
With increasing population, industrialization, transport and standard of living ,the
demand for energy is increasing, while available resources of energy are
diminishing. So energy management is important.
Energy is now considered as important resource for industry, transportation,
agriculture, commercial and domestic sector.
a) Strategy and policy and planning
b) Energy udit !for maximize the productivity, minimize the energy cost)
c) Energy conservation opportunity
d) Supply side Energy management
e) "ser side Energy management
f) Waste #ecycling
g) $raining and %uman resource management
Energy strategy refers to the selection of course to be followed from available
alternatives under prevailing constraints. Strategy gives guidelines to policy ma&ers
and planners. Strategy is based on Experience, 'udgment, Status and (onstraints.
)ndia*s energy strategy is to explore oil reserves, consume coal and encourage
)ndia is an agricultural country and the strategy is to ma&e rural sector energy
sufficient through renewable energy sources.
Energy policy is the official, declared guidelines for purpose of planning and actions.
Energy policy is declared by higher level and followed by lower level.
Energy planning is deciding various activities in advance with reference to
timeframe and resources. ,lanning is an essential management tool. ,lanning
several activities within given time frame and include fore budget, infrastructure
planning, material and e-uipment planning, financial resource planning, %uman
resource planning, #esearch and .evelopment planning etc.
Energy audit is an official scientific study !or) survey of energy consumption of
process/plant/e-uipment aimed at reduction of energy consumption and energy cost
without affecting -uality and productivity and comfort and suggesting the methods for
energy conservation and reduction in energy cost.
Energy conservation opportunities are the avenues open to implement energy
conservation activities.
0.)reducing electrical energy consumption by switching off the lights when not
1.)use of holding furnace in steel melting furnace in 2oundry industry
$he objective of supply side energy management is to deliver high -uality energy to
users at lowest possible cost at re-uired time.
Energies include+
,etroleum oil
Electric power
2irewood, charcoal
Solid, li-uid, gaseous fuels
%uman and animal energy
,lanning of supply side of electrical power sector includes generation planning,
$ransmission planning and .istribution planning.
,lanning of load side !user side) of electrical power sector includes + short term, mid
term and long term demand management of electrical of consumers in following
0. )ndustry Sector
1. .omestic Sector
5. (ommercial Sector
6. $ransport Sector
7. .efense Sector
8. gricultural and #ural Sector
$he useful materials/energy in the discharge from the process outlet may be
reclaimed and recycled resulting in substantial economy and energy conservation.
#ecycling includes+
#ecycling of scrap metals, plastics, waste paper
#ecycling of 9iomass !animal, forest, agricultural, municipal waste)
#ecycling of waste heat recovered from outlets of industrial process
#ecycling or reuse of slid/li-uid/gaseous wastes for useful purpose

,ersons wor&ing in various capacities must to be made aware about
the energy consumed, energy conservation re-uirements and optimum
methods to be used for operation and energy conservation.
Since Energy management is the online function, managers,
supervisors, wor&ers must be trained to identify the energy inputs and
elements of energy conservation opportunities.
Specialized training in the following areas.
0. Energy udit
1. $esting and evaluation
5. Energy (onservation measures
6. Energy Engineering and documentation
7. Energy monitoring
$he organization may conduct the training programme for energy
management for various levels.
O$!a%&'a(&)% c*a$( f)$ e%e$!+ ,a%a!e,e%( )f a% e%e$!+ &%(e%'&-e
$here is an acute shortage of energy in the world nowadays.
$he demand for energy is increasing rapidly as listed below.
:ear 0;8< 0;87 0;=< 0;=7 0;>< 0;>7 0;;<
consumed in
05.0= 08.56 10.8; 15.5; 1;.85 57.<; 60.87
)n view of limited resources ever increasing demand of energy, it is essential
to find out the major areas for use of energy so that the capability of energy
conservation in various field can be analyzed and insufficient energy
consumption can be minimized.
Ane of the most effective way to meet the growing gap between demand and
supply of power is to implement energy conservation techni-ues.
Energy conservation is a single step which can effectively contribute towards
reduction of shortages.
$his is absolutely essential at present when availability of finance is a big
constraint and investment in energy conservation measures is &nown for short
pay bac& period of only 1 to 5 days.
BEnergy audit is a technical survey of a plant in which the machine wise/section
wise/department wise pattern of energy consumption is studied and attempts to
balance the total energy input correlating with production.B
s a result of the study, the areas where the energy is wastefully used and the
improvements are felt are identified and corrective measures are recommended to
the management so that the overall plant efficiency could be improved. Energy audit
is carried out by Energy udit team headed by Energy uditor.
)t aims to chec& the energy utilization in the plant how much energy is
being used in the plant, how much should be used and to what extent
can energy re-uirement be reduced by using energy efficient
procedures and devices.
$o recommend steps to be ta&en by the management for improving the
energy efficiency of a particular plant reducing the cost and improving
the productivity of the plant without affecting -uality and -uantity of
product and environment.
$he Energy udits are classified into two categories+
0. ,reliminary Energy udit
1. .etailed Energy udit
$his study needs to be conducted by the energy management team
with the help of energy specialist.
.uration of ,reliminary Energy udit is 5 days.
(ost of ,reliminary Energy udit is low.
)nvestment cost is low.
.ata collection
.iscussions with line supervisors and technicians.
Summary of recommendations.
(ollect the data for -uantity and cost of the various energy forms used
in the plant.
Carious types of energy and material input D various types of energy
outputs are recorded.
$a&e the readings from the meters installed in the e-uipment.
)dentify energy consumption at the department/process level.
.ata collection from maintenance department log boo&s / computer
$hermal energy loss in the thermal systems.
(ompressed air lea&age in the distribution systems.
$he obvious energy wastage, raw material wastage locations.
Sub stating the prevailing energy form by more economical one.
0) %eating by using renewable energy sources rather
than costlier
petrol !or) electricity.
1) "se diesel instead of petrol.
Centilation and lighting system.
Eame plate details for all e-uipments.
.uring the preliminary energy audit ,discussion with the line
supervisors and line technicians and 'oint 9rainFStorming may be
necessary to ac-uire creative ideas and to &now the practical
difficulties in carrying out the prepared energy conservation measures .
$he prevailing process may have some salient advantages beyond
energy considerations!2or example+ )ncreased production in a given
period by using excess energy)
set of recommendations for immediate low cost actions.
)dentification of major areas / projects which re-uire a more in depth
analysis!carried out in detailed energy audit)
#ecommendations are presented in ,9,( category+
.) CATEGORY A: Gajor E(A, which give sufficient energy conservation
Example+ "se of preheated setup for charging the melting furnace
!$his will
reduce the energy consumption of melting system by 1<H)
/) CATEGORY B: Gedium E(A
Example+ #euse graphite electrode by extending length !savings 5H)
0) CATEGORY C: Ginor E(A
Example+ 0) ,lace automatic lighting control AE/A22.
1) "se solar panels for heating water.
5) (ollect fly ash and sell it to cement industry / bric&
industry / tiles industry.
6) ,rovide transport, roof sheet and use sunlight for shops.
END RESULT: Energy saving of 01H was obtained. $he electrical energy bill
reduced from #s.1 3ac to #s.0.=8 3ac per month.
)) I .etailed Energy udit+

,reliminary Energy udit has already identified the relatively
inefficient devices and e-uipments.
$he detailed study generally ta&en up only for these inefficient
devices and e-uipments.
.etailed energy audit is carried out by audit team headed by energy
.uration of the study is long ! 5 to 8 months)
(ost of the study is high, cost of implementation is high.
$he system efficiencies are evaluated and measures are identified
for improving energy efficiency.

(ollection of variation data for power consuming e-uipment,
production capacities of major e-uipment and operating
Geasurements and testing.
nalysis and develop specific energy saving proposals.
.iscussions with the plane personal on the identified proposals.
)mplementation of identified energy saving proposals.
data collection +
o Energy consumption data for previous years.
o $otal production for previous years.
o (alculate the per unit energy cost for previous years.
o $ariff for electricity, petrol, diesel, furnace oil, coal.
o Aperation schedule.
o Energy input , energy output , energy wastage , energy
consumption , energy efficiency of major power consuming
e-uipments are observed in the study.
o .aily electrical load , pea& JC demand reading for previous
years are recorded.
o ,lant documentation, e-uipment documentation, energy
efficiency curves are collected.
o $esting and measurements is the main activity for detailed audit
o $he actual energy consumption, actual energy converted into
wor& and energy wor&ed are calculated based on the testing
and measurements.
o ,lant efficiency is calculated based on the actual
o $here are different types of measurements +
i. Electrical measurements
ii. Gechanical measurements
iii. $hermal measurements
iv. ,ressure measurements
v. 2low measurements
nalysis and arrive energy saving proposals +

o nalysis of data collected, measurements, arrive the energy
saving proposals !ES,).
o Energy savings proposals should be as follows +
i. ,resent status
ii. Abservation
iii. ,rojected investments
iv. Eet annual savings
v. ,ay bac& period
vi. 9enefits
o $his energy saving proposals should be discussed with the plant
personals before implementation.
)mplementation of identified energy savings proposals +
o Geetings were held with plant manager, energy manager and
other operation and maintenance manager to decide the action
plan for executing energy saving proposals
o Ganagement gave direction and financial approvel for
implementing the energy conservation projects recommended by
the audit team.
o fter the implementation of energy saving proposals, the energy
manager and team should be continuously monitor the modified
system for energy efficiency, reducing energy wastage , reducing
pollution levels , recycling reuse of waste , improving -uality and
#A3E A2 EEE#4: GE4E#+

Energy planning
Gonitoring energy consumption
,lanning energy consumption
)mplementing energy saving proposals
Arganizing human resource programmer
ctive energy conservation objective
9ring awareness and involvement at various levels by means of
training programmer , wor&shop , communication , in house
)ntroduce suggestion scheme and award scheme
Abtain suggestion energy conservation measures !E(A),
encourage implementation at various levels.
Establish practice of monitoring energy consumption and
effectiveness of energy saving measures
#ecycling of scrap and waste material etc
#ecommendation on new technology
)mplementing the energy saving proposals
Arganizing awareness programs and training programs about
energy conservation.

EEE#4: ".)$ )E$#"GEE$S+F
n Energy udit re-uires a large number of
measurements of various electrical and mechanical parameters. $he
.ata obtained from these measurements is analyzed to as certain
energy efficiency of each device and e-uipment.
Electrical measurements and instruments+F
o Coltmeter and ammeter to measure voltage and current.
o ,ower factor to measure power factor.
o ,ower analyses. n online power analyses gives a
continuous measurement an record of real power,
apparent power !JE), voltage, current and power
o Gultimeter
o Synergy meter. $his instrument measures and record
current, voltage, power factor fre-uency, &wh and JCh

3ighting measurement+F
o "sually a sustained portion of electrical energy
re-uirements of a plant are illumination.
o lux meter is very convenient instrument to measure
level of illumination.
(hemical measurement+F
2lue gas analysis is an essential part of Energy udit
in plant emitting flue gas.
i. .ragger+ )t indicates the degree of combustion in a
boilan especially the extent carbon monoxide !(A)
in the flue gas.
ii. 2irite hit+ $his &it is used to measure peventage of
(o1 and A1 in the flue gas.
0) 2low measurement+
$he instrument for flow measurement is
anemometer. )t is used to measure air velocity
and flow in a dust.
,itot tube is used to measure pressure and
gas flow rate in big dust and chimney.
Electronic ir flow meter is for measuring
velocity and pressure of air.
%eated thermocouple anemometer is used to
measure air velocity in dust.
)mpart tube is used to measure high air velocity
in small tubes.
Smo&e pellet is used to measure low air
velocity in a room.
1) ,ressure measurement+
)nstruments used for pressure measurements are+
bsolute pressure manometer for low absolute pressure
.iaphragm gauge for low absolute pressure
9arameter is used to measure the atmospheric pressure.
Ganometer is used for medium pressure differential
Gicro manometer is used for very low pressure
differential measurements.
.raft gauge is used for low pressure differential.
9ourdon tube is used for measurement of medium and
high pressure differential.
,ressure transducer is used for remote measurement
rapidity changing pressure.
Gany pressure gauges available nowadays have digital
5) Speed !or) rpm measurement+
Eon contain tachometer and contain tachometer is used
to measure the speed !or) rpm. Example+F to measure
speed of Gotor, 4enerator, Engine.
6) Steam trap testing+F
Engineers stethoscope and electronic steam tester is
used for steam trap testing in the power plants.
7) ir lea&age testing+F
"ltrasonic lea& chec&erF )t operates by generation of
ultrasonic waves are used to chec& compressed air and
gas lea&age.
%umidity measurements+F
)nstruments available are+ ,sychrometer !similar to dry
and wet less thermometer, dew point hygrometer,
electrical conductivity humidity meter, electrolytic
$emperature measurements+F
4lass stem thermometer+ $here are two types in 4lass
stem thermometer !mercury in glass, alcohol in glass).
$hey are used for temperature measurements of gas,
air li-uids in the range of 1<deg to 7<<deg c
$hermocouple transducers+ $hey are used for
measurements of surface temperature, material
temperature, air and gas temperature. $hey are
available in seven types !for various thermocouple
metal combinations) for temperature range of 1=<deg to
0>1<deg c
#esistance thermister) )t is suitable for about 07<deg to
0<<<deg (elsius by costly than other thermometer.
9imetallic transducer !< to 7<<deg c)+ $heir accuracy is
rather poor. %ence used only for appropriate
Aptical pyrometer!for above =7<deg c)
#adiation pyrometer+ Cery accurate, by costly suitable for
very high temperature!< to 1<<deg c)

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