Endometriosis: Occurrence

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 Endometriosis is a benign condition in which endometrial glands and stroma are present outside
the uterine cavity and walls.
 Endometriosis is important in gynecology because of its frequency, distressing symptomatology,
association with infertility, and potential for invasion of adjacent organ systems, such as the
gastrointestinal and urinary tracts.

 The prevalence of endometriosis in the general population is not known, but it is estimated
that 5-15% of women have some degree of the disease.
 At least one-third of women with chronic pelvic pain have visible endometriosis, as do a
significant number of infertile women. Interestingly, endometriosis is noted in 5-15% of women
undergoing gynecologic laparotomies, and it is an unexpected finding in approximately half of
these cases.
 The typical patient with endometriosis is in her 30s, nulliparous, and infertile. However, in
practice, many women with endometriosis do not fit the classic picture. Occasionally,
endometriosis may occur in infancy, childhood, or adolescence, but at these early ages, it is
usually associated with obstructive genital anomalies such as a uterine or vaginal septum.
Although endometriosis should regress following menopause unless estrogens are prescribed,
5% of new cases develop in that age group. In addition, the scarifying involution from
preexisting lesions may result in obstructive problems, especially in the gastrointestinal and
urinary tracts.

 The pathogenesis of endometriosis is not completely understood. Genetic predisposition clearly
plays a role.
 The following three hypotheses have been used to explain the various manifestations of
endometriosis and the different locations in which endometriotic implants may be found:
1. The retrograde menstruation theory of Sampson proposes that endometrial fragments
transported through the fallopian tubes at the time of menstruation implant and grow in
various intraabdominal sites. Endometrial tissue, which is normally shed at the time of
menstruation, is viable and capable of growth in vivo or in vitro. To explain some rare examples
of endometriosis in distant sites, such as the lung, forehead, or axilla, it is necessary to postu-
late hematogenous spread.
2. The müllerian metaplasia theory of Meyer proposes that endometriosis results from the
metaplastic transformation of peritoneal mesothelium into endometrium under the influence
of certain generally unidentified stimuli.
3. The lymphatic spread theory of Halban suggests that endometrial tissues are taken up into the
lymphatics draining the uterus and are transported to the various pelvic sites where the tissue
grows ectopically. Endometrial tissue has been found in pelvic lymphatics in up to 20% of
patients with the disease.
 Most authorities believe that several factors are involved in the initiation and spread of
endometriosis, including retrograde menstruation, coelomic metaplasia, immunologic changes,
and genetic predisposition
 A fundamental question is why all menstruating women do not develop endometriosis, given that
most, if not all, women have retrograde flow into the pelvic peritoneum during menstruation.
 The amount of exposure to retrograde flow and the woman’s immunologic response seem to be
 Researchers have identified differences in the chemical composition and biologic pathways of
endometrial cells from women with endometriosis compared with those of unaffected women.
They have also found significant differences in the inflammatory and growth factors in the
peritoneal fluid of affected women.
 A clearer understanding of the pathophysiology of endometriosis would provide insights into more
effective strategies for prevention and treatment.

 Endometriosis occurs most commonly in the dependent portions of the pelvis.
 Specifically, implants can be found on the ovaries, the broad ligament, the peritoneal surfaces of
the cul-de-sac (including the uterosacral ligaments and posterior cervix), and the rectovaginal
 Quite frequently, the rectosigmoid colon is involved, as is the appendix and the vesicouterine fold
of peritoneum.
 Endometriosis is occasionally seen in laparotomy scars, developing especially after a cesarean
delivery or myomectomy in which the endometrial cavity has been entered. It is probable that
endometrial tissue is seeded into the surgical incision.
 Two of three women with endometriosis have ovarian involvement.

 Islands of endometriosis respond cyclically to ovarian steroidal hormone production.
 The implants proliferate under estrogenic stimulation and slough when support from estrogen and
progesterone is removed with involution of the corpus luteum.
 The sloughed material induces a profound inflammatory response, resulting in pain immediately
and fibrosis in the longer term. The macroscopic appearance of endometriosis depends on the site
of the implant, the activity of the lesion, the day of the menstrual cycle, and the time since
 Lesions may be raised and flat with red, black, or brown coloration; fibrotic, scarred areas that are
yellow or white in hue; or vesicles that are pink, clear, or red
 The color of the implant is generally determined by its vascularity, the size of the lesion, and the
amount of residual sloughed material. Newer implants tend to be red, blood-filled, active lesions.
 Older lesions tend to be much less active hormonally, scarred, and bluish gray in color, with a
 These older, inactive lesions have been called the tattooing of endometriosis.
 Endometriomas of the ovary are cysts filled with thick, chocolate-colored fluid that sometimes has
the black color and tarry consistency of crankcase oil. This characteristic fluid represents aged,
hemolyzed blood and desquamated endometrium. Usually, endometrial glands and stroma are present
in the cyst wall.
 Sometimes, however, the pressure of the enclosed fluid destroys the endometrial lining of the
endometrioma, leaving only a fibrotic cyst wall infiltrated with large numbers of hemosiderin-laden
macrophages. Generally, ovarian implants are associated with significant scarring of the ovary to the
pelvic sidewall or broad ligament.
 Histologically, two of four characteristics must be found in the endometrioma specimen to confirm
the diagnosis: endometrial epithelium, endometrial glands, endometrial stroma, and hemosiderin-
laden macrophages.
 Although endometriosis is a benign process, it shares many characteristics with malignancy. It is locally
infiltrative, invasive, and widely disseminated. It is also curious that cyclic hormones tend to induce
growth, whereas continuous hormonal exposure, especially in high doses, generally induces significant

 The American Society of Reproductive Medicine employs a staging protocol in an attempt to
correlate fertility potential with a quantified stage of endometriosis.
 This staging, which was initially based on the allocation of points depending on the sites involved
and the extent of visualized disease , was modified to include a description of the color of the
lesions and the percentage of surface involved in each lesion type, as well as a more detailed
description of any endometrioma.
 The lower portion of Figure 25-3 provides sketches of normal and abnormal uterine and adnexal
anatomy where mapping of implants of endometriosis and adhesions can be documented for accu-
rate staging.

 The characteristic triad of symptoms associated with endometriosis is dysmenorrhea, dyspareunia,
and, less frequently, dyschezia.
 The pain that women experience with endometriosis varies with the time since the onset of the
disease. Early in the clinical course, women tend to have cyclic pelvic pain, which starts 1 to 2 days
before the menstrual flow and resolves at the end of the menses.
 This secondary dysmenorrhea is thought to be related to the premenstrual swelling and extravasation
of blood and menstrual debris, which induces an intense inflammatory reaction in the surrounding
tissue mediated by prostaglandins and cytokines that are more directly responsible for triggering the
pain sensation.
 Deep, infiltrating implants, especially those in the retroperitoneal space, are associated with more pain
than are superficial lesions.
 Over time, the pain may become more chronic, with exacerbations at the time of the menses.
Interestingly, there is no clear relationship between the stage of endometriosis and the frequency
and severity of pain symptoms.
 Dyspareunia is generally associated with deep-thrust penetration during intercourse and occurs
mainly when the cul-de-sac, uterosacral ligaments, and portions of the posterior vaginal fornix are
involved. Deep-thrust dyspareunia can also result from uterine immobility caused by significant internal
scarring caused by endometriosis. Endometriomas in these circumstances may be exquisitely tender to
 Dyschezia is experienced with uterosacral, cul-de-sac, and rectosigmoid colon involvement. As the
stool passes between the uterosacral ligaments, the characteristic dyschezia is experienced.
 Premenstrual and postmenstrual spotting is a characteristic symptom of endometriosis. Heavy
menstruation is uncommon, with the amount of flow usually diminishing with endometriosis. If the
ovarian capsule is involved with endometriosis, ovulatory pain and midcycle vaginal bleeding often
occur. Rarely, as other organ systems are involved, menstrual hematochezia, hematuria, and other
forms of endometriotic sloughing become evident.

 The association between mild to moderate endometriosis and infertility is not clear. When more
advanced stages of endometriosis distort the pelvic structures, the role of endometriosis in infertility
is more predictable.

 Endometriosis presents with a wide variety of signs, ranging from the presence of a small, exquisitely
tender nodule in the cul-de-sac or on the uterosacral ligaments to a huge, relatively nontender, cystic
abdominal mass.
 Occasionally, a small, tender, mulberry-like spot may be seen in the posterior fornix of the vagina.
Characteristically, a tender, fixed adnexal mass is appreciated on bimanual examination. The uterus
is fixed and retroverted in a substantial number of women with endometriosis. Occasionally, no signs
at all are appreciated during a physical examination.

The main differential diagnoses in the acute phase of endometriosis are (1) chronic pelvic inflammatory
disease or recurrent acute salpingitis, (2) hemorrhagic corpus luteum, (3) benign or malignant ovarian neo-
plasm, and, occasionally, (4) ectopic pregnancy.

 The diagnosis of endometriosis should be suspected in an afebrile patient with the characteristic
triad of pelvic pain; a firm, fixed, tender adnexal mass; and tender nodularity in the cul-de-sac and
uterosacral ligaments.
 The characteristic sharp, firm, exquisitely tender “barb” (so called because it is reminiscent of barbed
wire) felt in the uterosacral ligament is the diagnostic sine qua non of endometriosis, but this finding
is generally present only in severe cases.
 An ultrasonic evaluation may indicate an adnexal mass of complex echogenicity, with internal echoes
consistent with old blood.
 Imaging studies are of limited value in most cases. Serum levels of the cancer antigen CA-125 are
frequently elevated in women with endometriosis. However, the positive predictive value of CA-125 for
detecting endometriosis is low (about 20%), and this test should not be used to diagnose
 The definitive diagnosis is generally made on the basis of the characteristic gross and histologic
findings obtained at laparoscopy or laparotomy. Unfortunately, even the most experienced surgeon
may fail to identify endometriotic implants visually,
because the older implants may have a very subtle appearance and the deeper infiltrating lesions may
not be visible at the peritoneal surface. Biopsy of any suspicious lesions improves diagnostic accuracy.

 The management of endometriosis depends on certain key considerations: (1) the certainty of the
diagnosis, (2) the severity of the symptoms, (3) the extent of the disease, (4) the desire for future
fertility, (5) the age of the patient, and (6) the threat to the gastrointestinal or urinary tract or both.
 Treatment is indicated for endometriosis-associated pelvic pain, dysmenorrhea, dyspareunia,
abnormal bleeding, ovarian cysts, and infertility caused by gross distortion of tubal and ovarian
 Surgical intervention is required for an endometrioma larger than 3 cm, gross distortion of pelvic
anatomy, involvement of bowel or bladder, and adhesive disease. Surgery may improve fertility for
women with severe endometriosis. Medical therapy is generally the first-line treatment for other
symptomatic women.
 There is no convincing evidence that treatment significantly improves fertility in women with mild
 Asymptomatic women found incidentally to have endometriosis may not require any therapy. Some
women who have minimal symptoms may choose to be managed expectantly if they are trying to
conceive or if they are approaching menopause, when endometriosis generally becomes less

Medical Treatments
 Therapy should be targeted toward relieving the patient’s individual complaints and reducing the
risk of disease progression.
 Dysmenorrhea that results from endometriosis can be approached as outlined in Chapter 21, using
nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and reduction of menstrual flow with hormonal
regimens such as low-dose oral contraceptives (OCs).
 For relief of noncyclic pelvic pain, short-term medical treatment may be used. NSAIDs, OCs, and
progestins (e.g., medroxyprogesterone acetate) should be considered the appropriate first-line
medical treatments for symptomatic endometriosis. When an inadequate response occurs,
second-line medical treatment with a gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) agonist, higher-
dose progestins, or danazol appears to be equally effective. Cost, individual patient response, and
potential side effects generally guide selection of one agent or the other.
 Danazol is an androgenic derivative that may be used in a “pseudomenopause” regimen to
suppress symptoms of endometriosis if fertility is not a present concern. It is given over a period
of 6 to 9 months, and doses of 600 to 800 mg daily are generally necessary to suppress
menstruation. Through its weak androgenic properties, danazol decreases the plasma levels of sex
hormone–binding globulin. The resulting increase of free testosterone may cause hirsutism and
 Three years after cessation of danazol, 40% of patients will have recurrence of endometriosis.
After a full course of danazol therapy, use of a cyclic OC may help to delay or prevent such
 GnRH agonists cause a temporary medical castration, thereby bringing about a marked, albeit
temporary, regression of endometriosis. Treatment of women with endometriosis with GnRH
agonists usually produces relief of pain and involution of implants.
 The disadvantages of these agonists are related to cost, hot flashes, and side effects, including
vaginal dryness.
 They also cause calcium loss from bone and an unfavorable lipid profile. If treatment with a GnRH
agonist is effective in relieving chronic pelvic pain and if surgery is not indicated, low-dose
estrogen-progestin add-back therapy can permit longer-term use of GnRH agonists by mitigating
the adverse impact of estrogen deficiency without reducing the efficacy of GnRH agonists.
 OCs and oral medroxyprogesterone acetate are more effective than placebos in treatment of
endometriosis-associated pelvic pain. The levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine system reduces
dysmenorrhea and may be helpful for inducing regression of cul-de-sac implants without
diminishing circulating estrogen levels in the serum.

Surgical Treatments
 The most comprehensive procedure (extirpative surgery) includes total abdominal hysterectomy,
bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy with destruction of all peritoneal implants, and dissection of all
adhesions. Usually, an appendectomy is also performed.
 A single ovary or both ovaries may be spared only if they are free of endometriosis and all other
implants have been resected. Because of extensive adhesions, surgery for endometriosis is often
technically very challenging. If the patient’s endometriosis involves the cul-de-sac or uterosacral
ligaments, the proximity to the ureter, bladder, and sigmoid colon must be considered. If the
endometriosis obstructs the ureter, resection and ureteroplasty may be necessary to preserve renal
 Nearly 25% of kidneys are lost when endometriosis blocks the ureter. Obstruction of the
rectosigmoid, and even obstruction of the small intestine, may require resection of the involved
intestinal segment. The surgical risks must be explained carefully to the woman, as well as her
subsequent need for treatment for loss of ovarian steroids. She also needs to understand that,
postoperatively, there is a 20% recurrence rate for endometriosis, usually involving the bowel.
 Often the desire for future fertility precludes this extirpative surgical option. In such circumstances, a
more conservative laparoscopic or open surgical approach is designed to destroy all endometriotic
implants and remove all adhesive disease.
 This usually involves excision (not lysis) of all adhesions and laser ablation or electrocautery of
suspected implants. Endometriomas present a challenge when fertility is desired. Any surgery on the
ovary, particularly in women with low ovarian reserve, could adversely affect follicular function and
decrease fertility .
 Large endometriomas (>3 cm) are usually amenable only to surgical resection. Because of extensive
adhesive disease that generally surrounds these cysts, cystectomy is not always possible, and an
oophorectomy may be necessary. Extensive tubal disease, with or without ovarian involvement, may
be treated by removal of the affected organs but with uterine preservation for in vitro fertilization
when at least one ovary remains or for donor embryo transfer when both have been removed.
 Preoperative treatment with medical agents such as GnRH agonists for 3 to 6 months can improve
surgical success.
 The role of medical therapy postoperatively remains controversial, although it is indicated to treat
women who have known residual disease diagnosed at surgery.
 There is a risk of recurrence of endometriosis throughout a woman’s life, so measures should be
taken to reduce the risk of retrograde menstruation or cyclic ovarian sex steroid production. Depot
medroxyprogesterone acetate (DMPA), continuous OCs, and the levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine
device (IUD) are all attractive long-term options. Medical and surgical treatment options for
endometriosis .

 Whenever severe dysmenorrhea occurs in a young patient, the possibility of varying degrees of
obstruction to the menstrual flow must be considered.
 The possibility of a blind uterine horn in a bicornuate uterus or an obstructing uterine or vaginal
septum should be kept in mind. In more than half the patients who are noted to develop
endometriosis during childhood and adolescence, varying degrees of genital tract obstruction
may be found.
 Whenever a congenital abnormality of the urinary or intestinal tract is detected, the genital tract
should be investigated for an obstructive lesion. Infants with genital tract obstruction have been
noted to develop endometriosis even in the first year of life.
 In all women, minimization of menstrual flow and suppression of ovarian cycling can reduce the
risk of endometriosis.

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