Public Transport Smart Payment System
Public Transport Smart Payment System
Public Transport Smart Payment System
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Anusree K
Asst. Professor, Computer Science and Engineering Department
Sahrdaya College of Engineering and Technology
Thrissur, India
Abstract:- The usage of cash has been reduced country India, Public Transportation System especially the
drastically in our country because of the smartphone buses still use cash as their medium of exchange. The other
usage and digitalization. Nowadays it is difficult to find methods are only available for online bookings of the seat.
cash in the wallets of people especially small There are smart card systems in some cities but they too are
denominations. The inconvenience of carrying cash as not so popular as it is not convenient. The current system
well as the convenience of mobile wallets has also creates some trouble if both the traveler and the bus
contributed a lot to it. The proposed system facilitates employee doesn’t have the right denominations for
commuters to go cashless by employing some digital balancing the amount. It is the most popular problem faced
payment methods. In this project, we develop a smart by travelers using the public transportation system. The
ticket printer in the public transport like buses which proposed system solves this dilemma as it introduces
enables the commuters to pay transport fare without cashless payment system for travelers. The users will only
cash using QR codes and also a smartphone application need their smartphone to pay the cash for their travelling
which provides a platform for payment and also for and also solves the denomination problem thus easing their
tracking and maintain the details of their travel history. travelling.
The traveler scans the code generated by the machine
with respect to the details the traveler has shared with II. PROPOSED SYSTEM
the employee, using smartphone application and then
the payment process is carried forward. This reduces The proposed system has two modules: a ticket
the usage of cash thus making travelling convenient. machine to be used by the transport employee for generating
ticket and QR Code and the other a smartphone application
Keywords:- Smart Payment, Raspberry Pi, Qr Code to be used by the traveler for payment.
The traveler scans the QR code using the camera of the amount. They also can have the tickets safely in their
smartphone through the application. Then the details of the smartphone application.
journey are printed. Then is the user presses pay button the
transaction is proceeded to the payment portal and the V. FUTURE WORK
payment process is executed. If the payment is successful
the ticket is received else transaction failed is printed. Introduction of PIR sensor-based system that makes
the employee easy to identify the number of passengers
IV. CONCLUSION travelling in the transport for detecting new passengers will
be useful and also Bluetooth based location announcement
In our proposed system we have discussed another way system to help passengers to know their current location is
or method for taking tickets in the public transport system. also eases the travelling experience.
This method will be convenient for those users who doesn’t
have smaller or required denominations of cash or the
people who prefer smart payment options. People no longer
will have to wait for change as payment is done for the exact