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BTCS-403 Computer Networks
Internal Marks: 40 L T P
External Marks: 60 3 1 0
Total Marks: 100
Unit-I Introduction
Introduction, Network Topologies, Wired Vs wireless Networks, LAN, MAN, WAN, Internet,
Intranet & Extranet, Connection-Oriented and Connectionless Services, Need of Protocols, TCP/IP
reference Model, comparison of OSI & TCP/IP. Bridges, Hubs and Switches, Virtual LANs
Reference Books:
1. William Stallings ―Computer Networking with Internet Protocols And Technology‖,
Pearson Education.
2. Andrew S. Tanenbaum ―Computer Networks‖, PHI
3. Keneth C. Mansfield, Jr. James L. Antonakos ―An Introduction to Computer Networking‖, PHI.
4. Behrouz A. Forouzan ―Data Communications and Networking‖, McGraw Hill
BTEC-701 Embedded Systems
Internal Marks: 40 L T P
External Marks: 60 3 1 0
Total Marks: 100
Architecture, Registers, Interrupts & Vector Table, I/O Ports, ARM Processor family, JTAG, I2C
Instruction Set: Data processing instructions, Addressing modes, Load Store Instructions, PSR
(Program Status Register) Instructions, Conditional Instructions, Interrupt Instructions
Unit-III: C Programming
Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for C/C++ Programming, C/C++ Programs using
Function Calls, Pointers, Structures, Integers & Floating Point Arithmetic, Assembly Code using
Instruction Scheduling, Register Allocation, Conditional Execution & Loops
Interfacing: ADC & DAC, Sensors, Memory, LCD Display, Stepper Motor, DC Motor, SD-MMC
Card, Biometric & RFID, ZIGBEE, GSM Interfaces, Debugging Tools
References Books:
1. Andrew N. Sloss, Dominic Symes, Chris Wright, John Rayfield, ―ARM System Developer’s
Guide Designing and Optimizing System Software‖, Elsevier 2008.
2. Brooks, Cole, ―Embedded Microcontroller Systems, Real Time Interfacing‖, Thomson Learning
3. Steve Furber, ―ARM system on Chip Architecture‖, Addision Wesley
4. Trevor Martin, ―The Insider's Guide to The Philips ARM7 - Based Microcontrollers, An
Engineer's Introduction To The LPC2100 Series‖ Hitex Ltd.
5. ARM Architecture Reference Manual
6. Website www.arm.com
BTEC-702 Optical Communication
Internal Marks: 40 L T P
External Marks: 60 3 1 0
Total Marks: 100
Unit-I Introduction
Need of Fiber Optic Communications, Evolution of Light wave Systems, Basic Concepts; Analog
& Digital Signals, Channel Multiplexing, Modulation Formats, Optical Communication Systems,
Light wave System Components; Optical Fibers as a Communication Channel, Optical
Transmitters, Optical Receivers.
Reference Books:
1. Senior J. Optical Fiber Communications, Principles & Practice, PHI.
2. Keiser G., Optical Fiber Communication Mc graw-hill.
3. Govind P. Agrawal, Fiber Optics Communication Systems John Wiley & Sons (Asia) Pvt. Ltd.
4. Djafar K. Mynbeav, ―Fiber-Optics Communications Technology‖ Pearson.
BTEC-703 Lab Wireless and Optical Systems & Networks
Internal Marks: 30 L T P
External Marks: 20 0 0 2
Total Marks: 50
List of Experiments
1. Study of ARM7 & ARM9 Bit Processor Architecture and Pin Diagram.
CMOS technologies, wafer formation photolithography channel formation, isolation, gate oxide,
gate source, drain formation, contacts and metallization, layout design rules, design rule checking,
Delay estimation, transistor sizing, power dissipation, Sheet resistance, area capacitance, design
margin, reliability, Scaling models, scaling factor for device parameters, Advantages and
Limitations of scaling.
Static CMOS design, complementary CMOS, static properties, complementary CMOS design, Power
consumption in CMOS logic gates, dynamic or glitching transitions, Design to reduce switching
activity, Radioed logic, DC VSL, pass transistor logic, Differential pass transistor logic, sizing of level
restorer, sizing in pass transistor, Dynamic CMOS design, Domino logic, optimization of Domino logic,
NPCMOS, Designing logic for reduced supply voltages
Reference Books:
1. Nail H.E. Weste, David Harris, Ayan Banerjee, ―CMOS VLSI DESIGN‖, Pearson
2. Kang and Leblebici ―CMOS Digital integrated circuits‖, TMH 2003.
3. Wayne Wolf, ―Modern VLSI Design ", 2nd Edition, Prentice Hall, 1998.
4. Weste & Harris, ―CMOS VLSI Design: A Circuits and Systems Perspective‖, 3rd ed,
Addison Wesley, 2005.
BTEC 909 Biomedical Signal Processing
Internal Marks: 40 L T P
External Marks: 60 3 1 0
Total Marks: 100
Unit-I Introduction to Biomedical Signals
Tasks in Biomedical Signal Processing, Computer Aided Diagnosis, Examples of Biomedical
signals: ECG, EEG, EMG etc., Review of linear systems, Fourier Transform and Time Frequency
Analysis (Wavelet) of biomedical signals, Processing of Random & Stochastic signals, spectral
estimation, Properties and effects of noise in biomedical instruments, Filtering in biomedical
Reference Books:
1. D.C.Reddy,―Biomedical Signal Processing: Principles and techniques‖, Tata McGraw Hill,
New Delhi, 2005.
2. Willis J Tompkins, Biomedical Signal Processing, Prentice Hall, 1993
3. R. Rangayan, ―Biomedical Signal Analysis‖, Wiley 2002.
4. Bruce, ―Biomedical Signal Processing & Signal Modeling,‖ Wiley, 2001.
5. K. Najarian and R. Splinter, ―Biomedical Signal and Image Processing‖, Second Edition,
The CRC Press,
BTEC 910 Satellite Communication
Internal Marks: 40 L T P
External Marks: 60 3 1 0
Total Marks: 100
Origin, Brief History, Current state and advantages of Satellite Communication, Active & Passive
satellite, Orbital aspects of Satellite Communication, Angle of Evaluation, Propagation Delay,
Orbital Spacing, System Performance
Unit-II Satellite Link Design
Link design equation, system noise temperature, C/N & G/T ratio, atmospheric & econospheric
effects on link design, complete link design, interference effects on complete link design, earth
station parameters, Earth space propagation effects, Frequency window, Free space loss,
Atmospheric absorption, Rainfall Attenuation, Ionospheric scintillation, Telemetry, Tracking and
command of satellites.
FDMA techniques, SCPC & CSSB systems, TDMA frame structure, burst structure, frame
efficiency, super-frame, frame acquisition & synchronization, TDMA vs FDMA, burst time plan,
beam hopping, satellite switched, Erlang call congestion formula, DA-FDMA, DA-TDMA.
Unit-IV Satellite Services
INTELSAT, INSAT Series, VSAT, Weather forecasting, Remote sensing, LANDSAT, Satellite
Navigation, Mobile satellite Service.
Unit-V Laser & Satellite Communication
Link analysis, optical satellite link Tx & Rx, Satellite, beam acquisition, tracking & pointing, cable
channel frequency, head end equation, distribution of signal, n/w specifications and architecture,
optical fibre CATV system.
Reference Books:
1. Trimothy Pratt, Charles W. Bostian, ―Satellite Communications‖, John Wiley & Sons, 1986.
2. Dr. D.C. Aggarwal, ―Satellite Communications‖, Khanna Publishers, 2001.
3. Dennis Roddy, ―Satellite Communications‖, McGraw Hill, 1996.
BTEC-911 Artificial Intelligence Techniques & Applications
Internal Marks: 40 L T P
External Marks: 60 3 1 0
Total Marks: 100
Unit-I: Introduction
Approaches to intelligent control, Architecture of intelligent control, Linguistic reasoning, Rule-
base, Knowledge representation.
Reference Books:
1. Jacek M. Zurada – Introduction to Artificial Neural Systems
2. S N Sivanandam, S N Deepa – Principles of Soft Computing, Wiley Publications
3. John Yen, Reza Langari – Fuzzy Logic Intelligence, Control, and Information
BTEC 912 Speech & Image Processing
Internal Marks: 40 L T P
External Marks: 60 3 1 0
Total Marks: 100
Unit-I Introduction to Image Processing
Historical background, visual perception, image formation, Elements of Storage, sampling &
Quantization, Relationships between pixels-neighbors of pixel, connectivity labeling of connected
components, Relations, equivalence and Transitive closure, Distance measures, Arithmetic/ Logic
operation, Imaging Geometry Basic and perspective transformation stereo imaging, application of
image Processing.
Unit-II Image Enhancement
Spatial and frequency domain methods point processing, intensity transformation, Histogram
processing image substation and Averaging spatial filtering, LP, HP and homo-morphic felling,
generation of spatial marks, Color image processing.
Unit-III Image Compression
Redundancy models, error free compression, Lossy compression, Image compression standards.
Unit-IV Image Segmentation
Detection of Discontinuity, Edge detection, Boundary detection, Thresholding, Regional oriented
segmentation, use of motion in segmentation.
Unit-V Speech Processing
Review of human speech and Acoustic theory, nature of sound, harmonics, resonance measurement,
virtual display. Music theory, pitch, duration, intervals, rhythm. Human speech production, the
vocal tract, the Larynx, the source filter. Speech signal processing-the phasor mode, Fourier
transfer, DFT, FFT. The hardware use of FIR & IIR filters. Software, Elements of speech Synthesis-
speech Recognition-speech in the computer-human interface.
Reference Books:
1. Digital Image Processing - by Rafact Gonzalez and Richard E. Woods, Pearson Education
2. Digital Image Processing - by Keenneth R Castleman, Pearson Education Society.
3. A. K. Jain, ―Fundamental of Digital Image Processing‖, PHI
4. Speech and Audio Processing for multimedia PC’s - by Iain Murray
BTEC 913 Human Resource Management
Internal Marks: 40 L T P
External Marks: 60 3 1 0
Total Marks: 100
Definition, Role and Functions of Human Resource Management, Concept and Significance of HR,
Changing role of HR managers, HR functions and Global Environment, role of a HR Manager.
Unit-II Human Resources Planning
Need and Process for Human Resource Planning, Methods of Recruitment, Planning Process,
Planning at different levels, Recruitment and selection processes, Sources of Recruitment,
Restructuring strategies, Placement and Induction, Retention of Employees, , Employment
Exchanges (Compulsory Notification of vacancies).
Unit-III Training and Development
Principles of Training, Employee Development, Need for skill up gradation, Assessment of training
needs, Retraining and Redeployment methods and techniques of training employees and executives,
performance appraisal systems Career Development & Planning.
Unit-IV Job analysis, Design and Satisfaction
Job Analysis: Job Description & Job Description, Job Specification, Job satisfaction and its
importance; Motivation, Factors affecting motivation, introduction to Motivation Theory; Workers '
Participation, Quality of work life.
Unit-V Industrial Relations
Factors influencing industrial relations, State Interventions and Legal Framework, Role of Trade
unions, Collective Bargaining, Worker’s participation in management.
Reference Books:
1. T.N.Chhabra- Human Resource Management (Dhanpat Rai & Co.).
2. Gary Dessler, Human Resource Management (8th ed.), Pearson Education, Delhi
3. Biswajeet Patanayak, Human Resource Management, PHI, New Delhi
4. A Minappa and M. S. Saiyada - Personnel Management (Tata Mc. Graw-Hill)
BTEC 914 Computer organization and Architecture
Internal Marks: 40 L T P
External Marks: 60 3 1 0
Total Marks: 100
Unit-I Introduction
Organization and Architecture, Structure and Function, Brief History of Computers, Designing for
Performance, Performance metrics; MIPS, MFLOPS, Computer Components and Functions,
Interconnection Structures, Bus Interconnection, Point-To-Point Interconnect, PCI Express, Flynn’s
classification of computers (SISD, MISD, MIMD.
Computer Memory System Overview, Cache Memory Principles, Elements of Cache Design,
Pentium 4 Cache Organization, Semiconductor Main Memory, Advanced Dram Organization
Multiple Processor Organizations, Symmetric Multiprocessors, Cache Coherence and the MESI
Protocol, Multithreading and Chip Multiprocessors, Clusters, Non-uniform Memory Access, Vector
Computation, Multi-core Computers, Hardware and Software Performance Issues, Multi-core
Organization, Intel x86 Multi-core Organization.
Reference Books:
1. William Stallings, Computer Organization and Architecture, 9/E, Pearson, Delhi.
2. Computer Architecture and Organization, 3rd Edi, by John P. Hayes, 1998, TMH.
3. Chaudhuri P. Pal, ―Computer Organisation &Design‖, PHI,
4. Mano, M.M., ―Computer System Architecture‖, PHI.
BTIT 504 Cyber Law & IPR
Internal Marks: 40 L T P
External Marks: 60 3 1 0
Total Marks: 100
Internet, ISP & domain name; Network Security; Encryption Techniques and Algorithms; Digital
Unit-III E-Commerce
Introduction to E-Commerce; Different E-Commerce Models; E-Commerce Trends and Prospects;
E-Commerce and Taxation; Legal Aspects of E-Commerce.
Reference Books:
1. Nandan Kamath, ―A Guide to Cyber Laws & IT Act 2000 with Rules & Notification‖.
2. Law and practice of intellectual property in India by Vikas Vashishth
3. Intellectual property- patents, copyrights, trademarks and allied rights by Cornish W R
4. Keith Merill & Deepti Chopra (IK Inter.), Cyber Cops, Cyber Criminals & Internet
Vakul Sharma (Mc Millian), Handbook of Cyber Laws
BTEC-915 Electromagnetic Interference & Compatibility
Internal Marks : 40 L T P
External Marks : 60 3 1 0
Electromagnetic emissions, noise from relays and switches, Nonlinearities in circuits, passive inter-
modulation, cross talk in transmission lines, transients in power supply lines, Conducted, Radiated
and Transient Coupling, Common Impedance Ground Coupling, Radiated Common Mode and
Ground Loop Coupling, Radiated Differential Mode Coupling, Cable to Cable Coupling, Power
Mains and Power Supply coupling.
EMI Test Instruments/ Systems, Anechoic chamber, TEM cell, GH TEM Cell, characterization of
conduction currents/voltages, conducted EM noise on power lines, conducted EMI from equipment,
Immunity to conducted EMI, detectors and measurements, EMI Shielded Chamber, Open Area Test
Site, TEM Cell, Sensors/ Injectors/ Couplers, Test beds for ESD and EFT.
Principles and types of grounding, shielding and bonding, characterization of filters, power lines
filter design shielding, Isolation Transformer, Transient Suppressors, Cable Routing, Signal
Control, Component Selection and Mounting, PCB Traces Cross Talk, Impedance Control, Power
Distribution Decoupling, Zoning, Motherboard Designs and Propagation Delay Performance
Reference Books:
1. V.P.Kodali, "Engineering EMC Principles, Measurements and Technologies", IEEE Press,1996.
2. Henry W.Ott, "Noise Reduction Techniques in Electronic Systems", John Wiley and Sons, New
York, 1988.
3. C.R.Paul, ―Introduction to Electromagnetic Compatibility‖ , John Wiley and Sons, Inc, 1992
4. Bernhard Keiser, "Principles of Electromagnetic Compatibility", Artech house, 3rd Ed, 1986.
BTECH-916 Neural Networks And Fuzzy Logic
Internal Marks: 40 L T P
External Marks: 60 3 1 0
Total Marks: 100
Reference Books:
1. Timothy J. Ross, Fuzzy Logic with Engineering Applications, Wiley publications.
2. Yagna Narayanan – Artificial Neural Networks
3. Bart Kosko – Neural Networks & Fuzzy logic
4. Simon Haykin – Neural Networks
BTEC 917 Robotics
Internal Marks: 40 L T P
External Marks: 60 3 1 0
Total Marks: 100
Unit-I Introduction
Definition and Need for Robots, Robot Anatomy, Co-ordinate Systems, Work Envelope, types and
classification, Specifications, Pitch, Yaw, Roll, Joint Notations, Speed of Motion, Pay Load, Robot
Parts and Their Functions, Different Applications
Unit-II Sensors
Principles and Applications and need of a sensor, Principles, Position of sensors, Piezo-Electric
Sensor, LVDT, Resolvers, Optical Encoders, Pneumatic Position Sensors, Range Sensors,
Triangulation Principle, Structured, Lighting Approach, Time of Flight Range Finders, Laser Range
Meters, Proximity Sensors, Inductive, Hall Effect, Capacitive, Ultrasonic and Optical Proximity
Sensors, Touch Sensors, (Binary Sensors, Analog Sensors), Wrist Sensors, Compliance Sensors,
Slip Sensors,
Unit-III Drive Systems & Grippers for Robot
Drives systems (Mechanical, Electrical, Pneumatic Drives, Hydraulic), D.C.Servo Motors, Stepper
Motor, A.C. Servo Motors, Comparison of all Drives, End Effectors, Grippers (Mechanical,
Pneumatic, Hydraulic, Magnetic, Vacuum Grippers), Two Fingered and Three Fingered Grippers,
Internal Grippers and External Grippers, Selection and Design Considerations
Reference Books:
1. M.P.Groover, ―Industrial Robotics – Technology, Programming and Applications‖,
McGraw-Hill, 2001.
2. Ghosal, A., Robotics: Fundamental Concepts and Analysis, Oxford University Press, 2nd
reprint, 2008.
3. Yoram Koren, ―Robotics for Engineers‖, McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1992.
4. Fu, K., Gonzalez, R. and Lee, C.S. G., Robotics: Control, Sensing, Vision and Intelligence¸
McGraw- Hill, 1987.
BTEC 918 Operation Research
Internal Marks: 40 L T P
External Marks: 60 3 1 0
Total Marks: 100
Unit-I Introduction to Operations Research
Definition, scope, objectives, phases, models and limitations of Operations Research, Linear
Programming Problem, Formulation of LPP, Graphical solution of LPP, Simplex method, slack,
surplus and artificial variables, Concept of duality, big-M method two phase method, dual simplex
method, degeneracy and unbound solutions, procedure for resolving degenerate cases.
Unit-II Transportation Problem
Formulation of transportation model, Optimality Methods, Unbalanced transportation problem,
Basic feasible solution, Northwest corner rule, least cost method, Vogel’s approximation method,
Applications of Transportation problems, Assignment Problem, Formulation, unbalanced
assignment problem, Traveling salesman problem, Optimality test, the stepping stone method,
MODI method.
Unit-III Sequencing Models
Johnsons algorithm, Processing n Jobs through 2 Machines, Processing n Jobs through 3 Machines,
Processing 2 Jobs through m machines, Processing n Jobs through m Machines, Graphical solutions
priority rules.
Reference Books:
1. Operations Research and Introduction, Taha H. A. – Pearson Education edition.
2. P. Sankara Iyer, Operations Research, Tata McGraw-Hill, 2008.
3. A.M. Natarajan, P. Balasubramani, A. Tamilarasi, ―Operations Research‖, Pearson
Education, 2005.
4. Operations Research, S. D. Sharma –Kedarnath Ramnath & Co 2002.
BTEC 919 Mobile Computing
Internal Marks: 40 L T P
External Marks: 60 3 1 0
Total Marks: 100
Unit-I Introduction
Introduction, issues in mobile computing, overview of wireless telephony: cellular concept, GSM:
air-interface, channel structure, location management: HLR-VLR, hierarchical, handoffs, channel
allocation in cellular systems
Unit II Mobile Network & Transport Layer
Mobile IP Goals, assumptions, entities and terminology, IP packet delivery, agent advertisement
and discovery, registration, tunneling and encapsulation, Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
(DHCP), Traditional TCP, Indirect TCP, Snooping TCP, Mobile TCP, Fast retransmit/fast recovery,
Transmission /time-out freezing, Selective retransmission, Transaction oriented TCP.
Mobile Agents computing, security and fault tolerance, transaction processing in mobile computing
environment, Mobile Ad hoc Networks (MANETs): Overview, Properties of a MANET, spectrum
of MANET applications, routing and various routing algorithms, security in MANETs.
Reference Books:
1. J. Schiller, Mobile Communications, Addison-Wesley, second edition, 2004.
2. Raj Pandya, Mobile & Personal Communication Systems and Service, PHI.
3. Asoke k Talukder , Roopa R Yavagal, Mobile Computing , Technology, Application &
Service Creation. Tata Mc Graw Hill
4. Stojmenovic and Cacute, ―Handbook of Wireless Networks and Mobile Computing‖, Wiley,
BTEC 920 Wireless Sensor Network
Internal Marks: 40 L T P
External Marks: 60 3 1 0
Total Marks: 100
Unit-I Introduction to Wireless Sensor Networks
Constraints and Challenges of sensor networks, Emerging technologies for wireless sensor
networks, Node architecture, Hardware components overview, Energy consumption of Sensor
nodes, Dynamic energy and power management on System level, some examples of Sensor nodes,
Optimization goals and figures of merit, QOS, Energy Efficiency, scalability, robustness
Advantages of sensor networks, Sensor network applications.
Location driven, Geographic Adaptive Fidelity (GAF), Geographic Random Forwarding (GeRaF),
GEAR, Connectivity driven, SPAN, ASCENT.
Unit-III WSN Sensors
Physical Layer Design, Transceiver Design, MAC Protocols for WSN, Low Duty Cycle Protocols
& Wakeup Concepts, S-MAC, Mediation Device Protocol, Wakeup Radio Concepts, Address &
Name Management, Assignment of MAC Addresses, Routing Protocols, Energy Efficient Routing,
Geographic Routing.
Sensor Node Hardware, Berkeley Motes, Programming Challenges, Node-level software platforms,
Node level Simulators, State-centric programming.
Reference Books:
1. Holger Karl & Andreas Willig, "Protocols & Architectures for Wireless Sensor Networks",
John Wiley, 2005.
2. Feng Zhao & Leonidas J. Guibas, ―Wireless Sensor Networks- An Information Processing
Approach", Elsevier, 2007.
3. Waltenegus Dargie and Christian Poellabauer, ―Fundamentals of Wireless Sensor Networks
– Theory and Practice‖, John Wiley and Sons, first edition, 2010.
4. Holger Karl and Andreas Willig, ―Protocols and Architectures for Wireless Sensor
Networks‖, John Wiley and Sons, 2007.
BTEC 921 Numerical Methods
Internal Marks: 40 L T P
External Marks: 60 3 1 0
Total Marks: 100
Unit-I Errors in Numerical Calculation
Numbers and their accuracy, Mathematical preliminaries, Errors and their computation, General
error formula, Error in a series approximation. Zeroes of transcendental and polynomial equation
using Bisection method, Regula-falsi method and Newton-Raphson method, Rate of convergence of
above methods.
Unit-II Solution of Equations
Linear interpolation methods, Newton’s method, Statement of Fixed Point Theorem, Fixed point
iteration, Gaussian elimination and Gauss-Jordon methods, Gauss Jacobi and Gauss-Seidel
methods, Inverse of a matrix by Gauss Jordon method.
Unit-III Interpolation
Interpolation: Finite differences, difference tables, Newton’s forward and backward interpolation,
Lagrange’s and Newton’s divided difference formula for unequal intervals, Numerical
differentiation, Numerical integration: Newton-Cotes formula, Trapezoidal, Simpson’s one third
and three-eight rules,
Unit-IV Numerical Solution of Ordinary Differential Equations
Single step methods: Taylor series method – Euler and modified Euler methods – Fourth order
Runge – Kutta method for solving first and second order equations – Multistep methods: Milne’s
and Adam’s predictor and corrector methods.
Reference Books:
1. Gerald, C.F, and Wheatley, P.O, ―Applied Numerical Analysis‖, Sixth Edition, Pearson
Education Asia, New Delhi, 2002.
2. Balagurusamy, E.,―Numerical Methods‖, Tata McGraw-Hill Pub. Co. Ltd, Delhi, 1999.
3. S. S. Sastry, Introductory Methods of Numerical Analysis, 3rd ed. PHI, Delhi (2002).
4. B. S. Grewal, Numerical Methods in Engineering and Science, Khanna Publishers, Delhi.