2010-11 Arkansas Hunting Guidebook
2010-11 Arkansas Hunting Guidebook
2010-11 Arkansas Hunting Guidebook
To Be Updated
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Arkansas Game and Fish Commission
Main Office Contact Information
This publication is an interpretive summary of the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission’s hunting
regulations and contains those rules which affect most hunters. It is not a legal document. Copies of the
official Arkansas Game and Fish Commission Code of Regulations are available at
http://www.agfc.com, by calling 501-223-6351 or writing to the Communications Division of the Arkansas
Game and Fish Commission at 2 Natural Resources Drive, Little Rock, AR 72205. The regulations in this
publication are those passed by the Commission as of May 2011. The Commission reserves the right to
close seasons, and all regulations, dates and limits in this guidebook are subject to change. If any variation
occurs at a Commission meeting after this guidebook goes to press, it will be widely publicized. Always
check http://www.agfc.com or call our hotline for the up-to-date information.
Any and all advertisements in this publication are strictly paid advertisements and are in no way to be
construed as an official endorsement by the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission of the products and/or
services advertised.
2010 Hunting Guidebook Staff AGFC Contacts and Information ....... 1-2
General Hunting this Year..................5-8
William Merriott: Designer New this Year.....................................................5
Season Dates Summary.................................7
Janet Greenwood: Editor Regulations Schedule.....................................8
Licensing and Permits.................... 12-17
Keith Stephens: Editor License Costs.................................................. 14
Lifetime Licenses............................................ 15
Guidebook Task Force: Reciprocal Licenses...................................... 16
Wildlife: David Goad, Janet Greenwood Deferred Hunter Education Licenses..... 16
Mobility Impaired Access Permits.......... 16
Enforcement: Andy Tackett Leased Lands Permits.................................. 17
Fiscal: Susan Porter Game Tags................. Center Pull-Out Section
Legal: Robert Jackson General Hunting Regulations.........22-30
Violation Points..............................................23
Fisheries: Andrea Daniel Transfer Game Card......................................22
Communications: Nancy Ledbetter, Carcass Importation..................................... 24
Keith Stephens, Randy Zellers, William Merriott Legal Hunting Equipment......................... 24
Hunting Orange Requirements............... 26
Operations: Jack Huckaby Hunting Dogs................................................. 26
Nuisance Animals.......................................... 26
Cover photo by Mike Wintroath. Hunting on Private Property.................... 27
Permission to Hunt Card............................ 27
Hunting Near a Residence.........................28
Posting Land Requirements.....................28
Arkansans with Disabilities USDA Forest Service Regulations
and Permits...................................................28
The Arkansas Game and Fish Commission Natural Heritage Commission..................30
is committed to providing equal access to Wildlife Regulations.......................33-49
programs and facilities. If you would like to Checking Game.............................................36
suggest how we can better provide more Feral Hogs........................................................ 37
reasonable accommodations for disabled Deer....................................................................38
persons at any AGFC-owned property or Bear....................................................................44
facility, please write to: Other Big Game............................................. 45
Quail, Rabbit and Squirrel..........................46
Compliance Officer - Human Resources Migratory Game Birds.................................46
Arkansas Game and Fish Commission Crow...................................................................46
2 Natural Resources Drive Furbearer Hunting........................................ 47
Little Rock, AR 72205. Furbearer Trapping......................................48
Flood Prone Regions.......................55-57
Wildlife Managment Areas .......... 62-125
WMA Zone Index........................................... 63
General WMA Regulations........................ 67
WMA-specific Regulations......................... 71
NWR Regulations........................................120
Index........................................... 126-128
● Youths are allowed to ● Eliminated the current been added into the WMA
harvest either-sex deer elk zone structure and system. See Page 97.
during the January hunt in instituted a county based ● Many changes have been
all deer zones. See Page 42. zone system for the private made to regulations on
● The doe archery bag limit in land elk hunt. Public land specific WMAs. Be sure to
deer zones 2, 6, 6A, 7, 8, 8A hunters will hunt on Buffalo review the WMA-specific
and 10 has been increased National River and Gene regulations on pages 71-125
from up to two does to up Rush WMAs. See Page 45. before hunting.
to three does. See Page 39. ● Reinstated the bear harvest ● Eliminate the leased land
● The doe archery bag limit quota of 200 bears for permit requirement on
in deer zones 1 and 1A has bear zone 1 and the WMAs Moro Big Pine Natural Area
been increased from up to within bear zone 1. See WMA. See Page 100.
two does to up to four does. Page 45. ● Allow bobcat, fox and
See Page 39. ● Decreased the bear harvest coyote to be taken with
● Eliminated the use of check quota for bear zone 5 from firearms of any caliber
sheets for checking deer on 35 to 10 and bear zone 5A on all U.S. Forest Service
WMAs, NWRs and DMAP from 15 to five. See Page 45. lands, including WMAs
clubs. See Page 36. ● Firearms are allowed to be lying within the Ouachita
used during the first two National Forest and the
● The doe muzzleloader and
days of archery season in Ozark-St. Francis National
modern gun bag limit in Forests and Camp Robinson
deer zones 1 and 1A has bear zone 2. See Page 44.
WMA. See Page 68.
been increased from up to ● The 2010 spring and fall
● All caves are closed to
one to up to two does and squirrel seasons have been
allow doe harvesting during merged into one squirrel access on all WMAs.
the entire muzzleloader season that runs May 15-
season. See Page 40. Feb. 28. See Page 46.
● The deer bag limit has been ● The regular furbearer
increased from four to five trapping season has been
deer with no more than two extended to the end of
bucks or up to five does in February. See Page 48.
deer zone 12 and certain
Bear Page 44
Archery: Bear zone 2: Sept. 15-16 and Nov. 8-30, 2010.
Bear zone 1: Oct. 1-Nov. 30, 2010 (closes earlier Bear zone 5: Dec. 4-12, 2010 (closes earlier if
if quota is reached). quota is reached).
Bear zone 2: Sept. 15-Nov. 30, 2010. Bear zone 5A: Nov. 27-Dec. 12, 2010 (closes
Bear zones 3, 4, 5, 5A, 6 and 7: closed. earlier if quota is reached).
Muzzleloader: Bear zones 3, 4, 6 and 7: closed.
Bear zone 1: Oct. 16-24, 2010 (closes earlier if Special Youth Modern Gun Bear Hunt:
quota is reached). Bear zone 1: Nov. 6-7, 2010 (closes earlier if
Bear zone 2: Oct. 16-24, 2010. quota is reached).
Bear zones 3, 4, 5, 5A, 6 and 7: closed. Bear zone 2: Nov. 6-7, 2010.
Modern Gun: Bear zones 3, 4, 5, 5A, 6 and 7: closed.
Bear zone 1: Nov. 8-30, 2010 (closes earlier if
quota is reached).
Furbearers Page 47
Trapping: Raccoon day or night hunting: sunrise, Sept.
Furbearer trapping (other than coyote, 1, 2010-sunset, March 31, 2011.
beaver, muskrat, nutria): sunrise, Nov. 13,
Bobcat hunting: sunrise, Oct. 1, 2010-sunset
2010-sunset, Feb. 28, 2011.
Feb. 28, 2011 and from the first day of Spring
Coyote trapping: sunrise, Aug. 1, 2010-sunset, Turkey Season through June 13.
March 31, 2011.
Coyote hunting: sunrise, July 1, 2010-sunset
Beaver, muskrat, nutria trapping: sunrise, Nov. Feb. 28, 2011 and from the first day of Spring
13, 2010-sunset, March 31, 2011. Turkey Season through June 13.
Hunting: River otter hunting: sunrise, Nov. 13,
Gray fox, mink, opossum, red fox, striped 2010-sunset, Feb. 28, 2011.
skunk hunting: sunrise, Sept. 1, 2010-sunset,
Feb. 28, 2011. Muskrat, nutria, beaver hunting: sunrise, Sept.
1, 2010-sunset, March 31, 2011.
Raccoon night hunting: sunset, July 1-sunrise,
Aug. 31, 2010. Badger, spotted skunk and weasel hunting:
Regulations Schedule
Commission meetings are usually held on the third Thursday of each month to consider changes
to AGFC regulations. Contact the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission for meeting times and
locations. Information regarding regulation changes is available from www.agfc.com, the Arkansas
Outdoors e-newsletter, newspapers, radio and television or by directly contacting the AGFC.
February General hunting regulations public input meetings.
March General hunting regulations proposed.
April General hunting regulations adopted.
April Fishing considerations.
May Fisheries regulations public input meetings.
June Waterfowl public input meetings. Early migratory bird
regulations proposed.
July Early migratory bird regulations adopted. Late migratory bird
regulations proposed.
August Late migratory bird regulations adopted. Fishing regulations
adopted. Spring turkey regulations public input meetings.
September Spring turkey regulations proposed.
October Spring turkey regulations adopted.
November Special fishing regulations adopted.
2011-2012 General Hunting Public Meetings will be held around the state
Tuesday, Feb. 1, 2011 from 7-9 p.m. Locations will be publicized prior to the
meetings. Call 800-364-4263, or visit www.agfc.com for details.
combination license for $35.50 (includes fishing Hunting guide licenses expire June 30 and do
privileges). Proof of 60 day’s Arkansas residency not include hunting privileges. These licenses are
and proof of 100 percent disability from the Social available from AGFC offices listed on Page 1.
Security Administration, Department of Veterans
Affairs or the Railroad Retirement Board is required. Who needs a hunter education card?
These licenses expire three years from the date of
purchase. These licenses are available through the A hunter born after 1968 must
Little Rock AGFC Office. Other required permits carry a valid hunter education
and stamps must be purchased annually. card, unless ‘HE-VERIFIED’ is
noted on your hunting license.
Hunters under 16 do not need to have a card if
Who needs to register for HIP? they are under the direct supervision of a holder
Hunters 16 or older are required to carry proof of a valid hunting license at least 21 years of age.
of Arkansas Harvest Information Program Arkansas honors the home state hunter education
(HIP) registration when hunting ducks, geese, cards of nonresidents. Call 800-482-5795 or
doves, coots, woodcocks, snipe, rails, gallinules, check www.agfc.com for a class schedule.
moorhens or crows. Available at no charge, HIP
registration can be obtained by completing a short Which commercial or wildlife-related
survey at license dealers or any AGFC office or
online at www.agfc.com and will be noted on the
activities require a license or permit?
license form. Resident Fur Dealer ($50), Nonresident Fur
Dealer ($100), Resident Trappers Permit
Which licenses do hunting (Free), Wildlife Breeder/Dealer’s Permit ($50),
Commercial Wildlife Hunting Resort Permit
guides need? ($500), Special Commercial Quail Permit ($25)
A guide is someone who guides hunters for pay and Game-bird Shooting Resort ($150). A
or other consideration. An Arkansas resident may complete list is available. Call 800-364-4263 ext.
guide hunters on land not owned or leased by the 6386 during business hours. These licenses expire
AGFC with a Resident Guide License ($25). June 30.
An Arkansas resident, who provides proof of at
least one year’s residency, may guide hunters, but Which other wildlife-related activities
not waterfowl hunters, on land owned or leased require a license or permit?
by the AGFC with the Resident Special Guide
These include falconry, alligator or alligator
License ($150). There is no nonresident equivalent
snapping turtle commerce or farming. Call
of this license.
800-364-4263 ext. 6386 during business hours
A nonresident may guide hunters on land for information about these licenses or permits.
not owned or leased by the AGFC with the
Nonresident Guide License/Hunting ($150).
License Costs
Entitles the holder to hunt all game species using modern
gun, muzzleloader or archery, and to take a total bag limit
Resident Sportsman’s
of deer. Also allows the holder to hunt furbearers. Valid
License (RS) $25
through June 30. Five deer tags and two turkey tags are
included with this license.
Resident Wildlife Entitles the holder to hunt all small game species,
Conservation License furbearers, and take one deer using modern gun. Valid
(HNT) $10.50 through June 30. One deer tag is included with this license.
Nonresident 5-Day All Entitles the holder to hunt all game species for the five-day
Game Hunting License period specified. Two deer tags and two turkey tags are
(AG5) $150 included with this license.
Nonresident 3-Day All Entitles the holder to hunt all game species for the three-
Game Hunting License day period specified. One deer tag and one turkey tag are
(AG3) $100 included with this license.
Nonresident Annual Entitles the holder to hunt all species of small game and
Small Game Hunting
furbearers. Valid through June 30.
License (NRH) $80
Nonresident 5-Day Small
Entitles the holder to hunt all species of small game and
Game Hunting License
furbearers for the five-day period specified.
(SG5) $55
Lifetime Licenses
65 Plus Lifetime Hunting License ($25) an Arkansas driver’s license or state I.D. card.
entitles Arkansas residents 65 or older to the Applications and information are available by
privileges of the Resident Sportsman’s License. calling 800-364-4263 in the Little Rock area
A Resident Trapper’s Permit is required to trap Monday-Friday, between 8 a.m. and 4:30 p.m
furbearers. HIP registration is required to hunt or online at www.agfc.com. Lifetime licenses are
migratory game birds. To hunt waterfowl, a not available by phone or online.
state lifetime waterfowl permit (purchased once
Nonexpiring Lifetime Resident Hunting
after age 65) and federal waterfowl stamps are
and Fishing Sportsman’s Permit ($1,000)
required in addition to HIP. Proof of applicant’s
entitles purchasers of any age to the privileges
age and 60 days of Arkansas residency are
of the Resident Sportsman’s License (hunting)
required to apply for this license. See Page 12.
and the Resident Fisheries Conservation License
65 Plus Lifetime Combination License (fishing). Fees for trout permits, leased lands
($35.50) entitles Arkansas residents 65 or older permits, alligator permits, elk permits, state
to the privileges of the resident Sportsman’s waterfowl stamps and wildlife management
License (hunting) and the Resident Fisheries area permit hunts are waived with this license.
Conservation License. A Resident Trapper’s License holders must apply, however, for
Permit is required to trap furbearers. HIP WMA hunts, be successfully drawn and return
registration is required to hunt migratory notification of acceptance before being issued
game birds. To hunt waterfowl, a state lifetime a permit. HIP registration is required to hunt
waterfowl permit (purchased once after age migratory game birds. To hunt waterfowl,
65) and federal waterfowl stamps are required federal waterfowl stamps are required in
in addition to HIP. A lifetime trout permit addition to HIP.
(purchased once after age 65) must be purchased
This permit is available from the AGFC Little
to fish in certain waters. Proof of age and proof of
Rock Office. If you wish to apply in person,
residency for the past 60 days must be furnished.
bring proof of identification and residency, in
The lifetime waterfowl permit and lifetime trout the form of an Arkansas driver’s license or state
permit are available from the AGFC Little Rock I.D. card. Applications are available at AGFC
Office and AGFC regional offices (Page 1). If regional offices or by calling 800-364-4263 or
you wish to purchase a license in person, bring 501-223-6388 in the Little Rock area. Lifetime
proof of your age, such as a driver’s license, licenses are not available by phone or online.
birth certificate or military record and proof of Proof of 60 days of Arkansas residency is
60 days of Arkansas residency, in the form of required to apply for this license.
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Reciprocal Licenses
Mississippi and Arkansas recognize the validity of Arkansas resident hunting licenses on Mississippi lands
that lie west of the main channel of the Mississippi River. Mississippi resident hunting licenses are valid on
Arkansas lands that lie east of the main channel. Resident license holders of either state may hunt migratory
waterfowl on flowing waters of the Mississippi River, on waters accessible by boat from the main channel
of the Mississippi River or on state line lakes when the season is open in both states. The St. Francis, White
and Arkansas rivers and their oxbows are excluded from this agreement. Floodwater is not included in this
agreement. Hunters must obey the regulations of the state where they’re hunting. See Page 36 and the
tags insert for tagging requirements.
Tennessee and Arkansas recognize the hunting licenses of both states on the flowing waters of the
Mississippi River, adjacent waters which are accessible by boat from the river proper and the old river chutes
that form a common boundary. Excluded are wildlife management areas established by either state and
the Wolf, Loosahatchie, Hatchie, Forked Deer and Obion rivers. Migratory waterfowl may be hunted on
these waters by a license holder of either state when the season is open in both states. Hunters may not hunt
from, nor attach any device or equipment to, land under the jurisdiction of the state in which they are not
licensed. Hunters must obey regulations of the state that issues the license. Holders of nonresident licenses
issued by either state have the same privileges as a licensed resident.
• A permanent physical condition requiring the use of • A permanent physical condition requiring portable
a brace, cane, crutch, prosthetic device, wheelchair oxygen
or walker
• A permanent cardiac condition classified as Class III
• Permanent lung disease which severely restricts or IV by the American Heart Association
respiration to the levels stipulated on the application
3— Cherokee WMA
3A— Jim Kress WMA SEVIER
Permits are available for $20 which entitle the regulations outlined on Page 69. Youths under
holder to hunt, trap and camp on the leased 16 are not required to have a permit. Permits
lands listed above. Each leased lands WMA are valid for one year from the date of purchase.
requires a separate permit. Maps of leased properties are provided when
Recreational use of all ATVs, motorcycles, permits are purchased.
bicycles and ORVs is prohibited on Cherokee Hunters must get permission from landowners
and Jim Kress WMAs. Hunters in possession to travel through neighboring private lands.
of a valid Cherokee or Jim Kress leased lands Shooting across or hunting within 100 feet
permit are allowed to use ATVs, motorcycles or of any private road controlled by the AGFC
bicycles on open, maintained roads during an through a recreational public hunting lease or
open hunting season while traveling to or from conservation easement agreement on any WMA
a camp site or hunting location only. The use is prohibited (see exceptions on page 68).
of horses and mules must comply with WMA
Page Ad
Hunting, Fishing or Driver’s License No.*
give possession to
Signature of Giver
Address of Giver
• hunt or possess a hunting device in state or taker, stating name, address, species, date
national parks. Exceptions are Buffalo National taken and license number. This requirement
River WMA (Page 76) and Hobbs State Park- also applies to deer camps, commercial
Conservation Area (Page 92). storage/processing facilities, fur buyers and
taxidermists. See example on previous
• possess wildlife taken by someone else, unless
accompanied by a signed statement from the
Violation Points
Violation points are assigned to hunters turkey, alligator, waterfowl or elk permits. A
convicted of fish and wildlife violations. The conviction for selling wildlife may result in
accumulation of 18 points for violations within lifetime revocation of hunting and fishing
three years may result in the revocation of licenses. Double points are assessed: when an
hunting and fishing privileges for one year. The adult 21 or older is convicted of committing a
accumulation of 30 points within five years may violation while accompanying a youth under
result in the loss of licenses and privileges for 16; for violations committed by a Guide License
three years. Access to AGFC-owned lands will holder; for any violation of trout harvest
be prohibited if hunting privileges are revoked regulations committed in a trout catch-and-
as a result of violations. Boating violations are release area; for bass-related violations on lakes
not considered toward revocation. Monticello, Lower White Oak, Columbia,
SWEPCO, Pickthorne and Austell.
A hunter who has accumulated 12 points within
three years will be ineligible to apply for deer,
Page Ad
This list also includes any other state or province where a positive case of CWD has been detected as
confirmed by United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) or Canadian Food Inspection
Agency (CFIA).
To be used for deer hunting, muzzleloading Hunters may use muzzleloading handguns as
rifles must have a barrel at least 18 inches long long as the barrels are at least 9 inches long and
and be at least .40 caliber. Magnifying sights at least .45 caliber if they shoot conical bullets
may be used. The use of shot is not legal. Legal (200 grains or heavier). If round balls are used,
muzzleloaders use flintlock, percussion cap or the minimum caliber is .530. A hunter may
primers, are loaded through the muzzle and carry a muzzleloading handgun of any caliber as
are not capable of firing a cartridge. Electronic backup to a muzzleloading rifle.
pulse ignition muzzleloaders are allowed.
Modern Gun
All modern guns may be used for deer hunting during modern
gun season with the following exceptions. You may not use:
• buckshot in a .410 shotgun.
• shot smaller than No. 4 buckshot in any shotgun.
• rimfire cartridges, military or full metal jacketed ammunition.
• any centerfire rifle or pistol smaller than .22 caliber. A B
• handguns with barrels shorter than 4 inches. See
illustration, right.
In zones 4, 4B, 5 and 5B, modern guns are restricted to
shotguns .410 or larger with slugs. Pistols having barrels that
are no less than 4 inches nor longer than 10 inches in length
chambered specifically for straight wall centerfire cartridge A B
cases and hunting with lead, lead alloy, soft nose and/or hollow The barrel of a handgun
point bullets no less than .30 caliber in diameter also may be must be at least 4 inches
used. Muzzleloading rifles also are allowed. measured from A to B
Hunting Dogs
Each hunting dog must have a collar with its owner’s name, phone number and address. Waterfowl
retrievers do not need to wear collars while hunting or retrieving so long as the collar bearing the
owner’s name, address and phone number is carried. Handguns or shotguns with blank ammunition
may be used while training bird dogs.
Individuals or organizations may hold captive on a temporary basis raccoons, foxes, coyotes or pen-
raised quail for the purposes of dog training or sanctioned field trials with the approval of the AGFC
Chief of Wildlife Management.
Using dogs to chase wildlife for pleasure is prohibited April 1-May 15 with these exceptions: 1)
hunting within fox and coyote enclosures, 2) during sanctioned field trials, and 3) chasing for pleasure
is allowed from 60 minutes after sunset until 60 minutes before sunrise, from April 1-May 15.
Coyotes and foxes may not be chased for pleasure during a firearms deer season where dogs are
When chasing wildlife for pleasure, killing devices may only be possessed in compliance with declared
open seasons for the taking of game or fubearing animals.
During the spring youth turkey hunt, the use of dogs to chase wildlife is prohibited from 60 minutes
before sunrise until 60 minutes after sunset.
Dogs may be used to chase deer for training purposes Oct. 1-Dec. 31, from 30 minutes before
sunrise until 30 minutes after sunset, only in deer zones where dogs can legally be used for hunting
deer during the modern gun deer seasons. Possession of a killing device is prohibited when using
dogs to chase wildlife for pleasure or when training/allowing dogs to chase deer unless a modern gun
deer season is open when and where dogs are allowed.
Nuisance Animals
Beaver, coyote, muskrat, nutria, striped skunk of the trapping season. A Depredation Permit is
and nongame wildlife other than migratory birds required to shoot any nuisance wildlife at night.
and endangered species that are causing damage Landowners or their designees with Depredation
to property may be taken during daylight hours Permits may use any trapping method legal
or trapped the entire year. for use in the fur-trapping season. Conibear or
comparable body-gripping traps with jaw spreads
A Depredation Permit from the AGFC, 501-223-
of up to 10 inches may be used inside buildings.
6381 or available from all AGFC regional offices
Cage-style live traps may be used. Traps set in
(found on Page 1), is required to kill, trap or
the outdoors must be marked with name and
shoot nuisance game animals other than beaver,
address, vehicle operator’s license number or
muskrat, nutria, coyote and striped skunk outside
current vehicle license number (registered to traps. Trapping in towns must be in compliance
the trapper). Firearms may be used day or night with municipal ordinances. Wildlife must be
if specifically approved by the Commission released unharmed outside the municipality’s
employee issuing the Depredation Permit. boundaries within 24 hours. Live traps must
have the trapper’s name and address or his vehicle
Live traps: Nuisance animals may also be
operator’s license number or the current vehicle
removed by landowners (or their designees) at
license number registered to the trap user.
any time without a Depredation Permit using live
permission to on my land
state beginning and ending days, months and years
landowner or lessee signature
landowner or lessee name, printed
For controlled burn information and to receive a schedule of controlled burns on USFS lands,
please call 501-321-5232. Checking on controlled burns before visiting a USFS area is advised.
State and federal game and fish laws are applicable campsites. Undeveloped campsites may not be
to National Forest lands. Forest Service law reserved by any method. Camping or operating/
enforcement officers enforce these laws. Listed parking motorized vehicles is not allowed in
below are additional regulations that apply to these wildlife openings/food plots.
forests. For more information, contact the offices
The following acts are prohibited and
above or the local district ranger.
are located within the 36 Code of Federal
Camping facilities are provided in designated sites. Regulations (36 CFR):
Some campgrounds require a fee. Camping in
Leaving a campfire without extinguishing it.
primitive campsites with no facilities is allowed on
This includes leaving a fire unattended, or allowing
a first come/first served basis. Starting the day the
a fire to escape. Note: The person or persons
camp is set up, campsite use is restricted to 30 days
responsible for allowing a fire to escape could be
in undeveloped campsites and 14 days in developed
liable for suppression and damage costs.
Removing any forest product without permit Interfering with the use of a road, trail or gate.
or contract. The gathering of firewood that is dead This includes placing a campsite, vehicle or other
and down for camp use is allowed. structure in front of a gate or open road.
Damaging a natural feature or other property Violation of any state traffic law. This regulation
of the U.S. This includes any vegetation, soil, applies to all National Forest roads and any state
timber or other property. highways or county roads within the transportation
Removing a natural feature or other property system crossing National Forest lands.
of the U.S. Digging in, excavating, disturbing, Possessing a beverage defined by state law as
injuring or destroying any prehistoric, historic or an alcoholic beverage. This includes possessing
archaeological resource, structure, site or artifact. an open container of alcohol in a motor vehicle, or
(The possession or use of metal detectors within while in the act of hunting.
a prehistoric, historic or archaeological site is On Ouachita National Forest:
prohibited.) Operating any motorized vehicle on a forest
Constructing roads or structures without development road or any portion thereof that is
authorization. This includes using All Terrain posted as closed, or closed by an earthen mound,
Vehicles (ATVs), Off Highway Vehicles (OHVs) gate or other object is prohibited. This includes all
or other vehicles to make new trails or roads. motorized vehicles including ATVs and OHVs. All
Permanent structures such as permanent tree stands trails going around the gate, sign or over an earthen
or buildings are prohibited. Portable tree stands mound are not legal trails and are in violation of
are allowed but must be removed by season’s end. this regulation. The Ouachita National Forest has
Note: The Ouachita National Forest requires all a designated system of roads and trials for public
tree stands to be moved within 14 days of their motor vehicle use. Once maps are published, it
original placement. will be unlawful to travel off designated routes.
Baiting of game species is prohibited. Check with the Forest Service to obtain these
motor vehicle use maps.
Discharging a firearm or other implement
capable of taking human life on or across a On Ozark National Forest:
Forest Service road or within 150 yards of a Operating any motorized vehicle on a forest
campsite, residence or occupied area. development road or any portion thereof that is
posted as closed, or closed by an earthen mound,
Abandoning personal property. This includes gate or other object is prohibited. This includes all
deer stands, campsites or other personal property. motorized vehicles including ATVs and OHVs.
Placing a vehicle or other object as an All trails going around the gate, sign or over an
impediment or hazard to others. earthen mound are not legal trails and are in
violation of this regulation. The Ozark National
Failing to properly dispose of all garbage,
Forest has a designated system of roads and trials
including any paper, can, bottle or sewage.
for public motor vehicle use. Any road or trail in
Sanitary dump stations are at the following
the Ozark National Forest not classified as a
recreation areas: Albert Pike, Blanchard Springs,
designated route or trail is closed to motorized
Cedar Lake, Charlton, Lake Sylvia, Lake
vehicle use, including ATVs and OHVs. Maps
Wedington, Little Pines, Long Pool and Shady
of the designated routes are available at www.
AOKForests.com or at any Forest Service office.
Leaving the road or trail in a damaged
condition. Forest Service maps can be purchased from the
Forest Supervisor’s and District Ranger’s Offices.
c=85 m=19 y=0 k=0 c=57 m=80 y=100 k=45 c=20 m=0 y=40 k=6
c=15 m=29 y=33 k=0 c=100 m=0 y=91 k=42 c=30 m=0 y=5 k=0
Wildlife Regulations
You may not hunt wildlife:
• except during open • from a moving motorized • using electronic tracking
hunting seasons. land vehicle. or telemetry equipment to
locate wildlife.
• from a boat at night. • from or across the main
levee of the Mississippi • using computer-assisted
• from an aircraft.
River and Arkansas River hunting equipment.
• that is fleeing from floods from the Louisiana border
or fires. to the intersection of state
• using deadfalls, drugs, Highway 11 (north of
chemicals, poisons, booby Grady in Lincoln County).
traps or explosives.
Closed Seasons
There are no open seasons for any species not discussed in this or any other Arkansas Game and Fish
Commission regulations guidebook.
Importing Wildlife
It is illegal to import native or exotic wildlife into Arkansas without an Arkansas Game and Fish
Commission Wildlife Importation Permit. Permits will not be issued to import the following wildlife:
Members of the cervid family, including white-tailed deer, black-tailed deer, mule deer or elk; raccoons;
bats; skunks; coyotes that originate or have lived in Alaska, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Minnesota,
Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota, Texas, Wisconsin, Wyoming or
Canada; gray and red foxes that originate or have lived in Alaska, Arizona, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana,
Iowa, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New York, North Dakota, Ohio,
South Dakota, Texas, Vermont, Wisconsin, Wyoming or Canada; and rodents captured in the wild
from Arizona, California, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, North Dakota, Oklahoma,
Oregon, Texas, Utah or Wyoming.
Endangered Species
State and federal laws prohibit the importing, MOLLUSKS: Curtis’ pearly mussel (Epioblasma
transporting, possessing, disturbing or taking florentina curtisi), fat pocketbook pearly mussel
of threatened and endangered species or (Potamilus capax), pink mucket mussel (Lampsilis
destruction of their habitat. Fines can range up abrupta), turgid blossom mussel (Epioblasma
to $100,000. For more information about the turgidula), speckled pocketbook mussel
threatened and endangered species of Arkansas, (Lampsilis streckeri), Arkansas fatmucket mussel
visit www.agfc.com. The threatened and (Lampsilis powelli), Ouachita rock pocketbook
endangered species of Arkansas: mussel (Arkansia wheeleri), winged mapleleaf
MAMMALS: gray bat (Myotis grisescens), mussel (Quadrula fragosa), scaleshell mussel
Indiana bat (Myotis sodalis), Ozark big-eared bat (Leptodea leptodon) and Magazine Mountain
(Corynorhinus townsendii ingens) shagreen land snail (Inflectarius magazinensis)
Checking Game
Tagging and Checking a Deer
Step 1. Immediately upon taking a deer (before Step 2. Call 866-305-0808, visit www.agfc.com
moving it), remove the appropriate deer tag from the or use our iPhone app to check your deer within 24
license and complete all information, except Check #, hours of harvest.
legibly and in ink. Fasten the tag to the ear or antler
• After checking game, record the check number on
of a deer. The tag must remain with the animal until
your tag.
final processing and storage.
• Entrails may be removed, but evidence of the
• Hunters with disability licenses, 65 Plus Lifetime
animal’s sex must remain until checked. Deer may
hunting licenses, hunters under 16 years of age
be quartered in the field, but the head must be kept
and Mississippi license holders hunting under the
with the rest of the animal until checked.
reciprocal hunting license agreement (Page 16) may
use the game tags in this guidebook or substitute a • No big game animal may be transported across state
piece of paper with their name, the date, time and lines before being checked.
zone number of harvest written legibly in ink.
• If you choose to give away all or a portion of your
• Use the deer zone map on Page 38 for deer zone game after it has been checked, you must use a
numbers. game transfer form (Page 23).
• Use the table on pages 65-68 for WMA zone
numbers for deer harvested on WMAs.
24 hours of harvest.
: 000 ___
009 ___
127 ___
09 1
Remember that three deer tags supplied with the Sportsman’s license are
for tagging does only. The other deer tags may be used for bucks or does.
Feral Hogs
A Growing Threat to Arkansas Wildlife
Feral hogs are not native to North America, but many feral hogs live in Arkansas because of illegal releases
and high reproductive success. Hogs compete directly with many native game animals for food and destroy
habitat for many other wildlife species. The Arkansas Game and Fish Commission tries to eradicate feral
hogs from its wildlife management areas and encourages private landowners to kill all free-ranging feral
hogs on their property.
If you are hunting on public land in Arkansas refer to pages 71-125 for season and bag limit infor-
mation. Regulations on public lands vary from statewide regulations.
Deer zones 4, 4B, 5 and 5B: Seasonal bag limit of 6-7 (youths and 65 years of age or older only while
three deer, no more than two legal bucks. No more accompanying a youth) or Nov. 13-17, Dec. 26-28,
than two legal bucks or up to three does may be 2010 or Jan. 1-2, 2011 (youths and 65 years of age or
taken with archery tackle. No more than two legal older only while accompanying a youth)).
bucks and one doe may be taken with firearms. Deer zone 11: Seasonal bag limit of three deer, no
Deer zones 4A and 5A: Seasonal bag limit of three more than two legal bucks. No more than two legal
deer, no more than two legal bucks. No more than bucks or up to three does may be taken with archery
two legal bucks or up to three does may be taken tackle. No more than two legal bucks and one doe
with archery tackle. No more than two legal bucks may be taken with firearms (doe may be taken with
or up to two does may be taken with firearms. muzzleloader Oct. 16-20 or with modern gun Nov.
6-7 (youths and 65 years of age or older only while
Deer zones 9, 16 and 16A: Seasonal bag limit of
accompanying a youth) or Nov. 13-14, 2010 or Jan.
three deer, no more than two legal bucks. No more
1-2, 2011 (youths and 65 years of age or older only
than two legal bucks or up to three does may be
while accompanying a youth)).
taken with archery tackle. No more than two legal
bucks or up to two does may be taken with firearms. Deer zone 12: Seasonal bag limit of five deer, no
more than two legal bucks. No more than two legal
Deer zones 6A and 8A: Seasonal bag limit of three
bucks or up to five does may be taken with archery
deer, no more than two legal bucks. No more than
tackle. No more than two legal bucks or up to five
two legal bucks or up to three does may be taken with
does may be taken with firearms.
archery tackle. No more than two legal bucks and one
doe may be taken with firearms (doe may be taken Deer zones 13, 14 and 15: Seasonal bag limit of four
with muzzleloader Oct. 16-20 or with modern gun deer, no more than two legal bucks. No more than
Nov. 6-7 (youths and 65 years of age or older only two legal bucks or up to four does may be taken with
while accompanying a youth) or Nov. 13-17, 2010 or archery tackle. No more than two legal bucks and
Jan. 1-2, 2011 (youths and 65 years of age or older two does may be taken with firearms.
only while accompanying a youth)).
Deer zone 17: Seasonal bag limit of four deer, no
Deer zone 10: Seasonal bag limit of three deer, no more than two legal bucks. No more than two legal
more than two legal bucks. No more than two legal bucks or up to four does may be taken with archery
bucks or up to three does may be taken with archery tackles. No more than two legal bucks or up to four
tackle. No more than two legal bucks and one doe does may be taken with firearms.
may be taken with firearms (doe may be taken with
muzzleloader Oct. 16-20 or with modern gun Nov.
Archery Season
Zones 1, 1A, 13, 14, 15 and 17: Zones 2, 3, 4, 4A, 4B, 5, 5A, Zone 12: Oct. 1-Feb. 28. Limit
Oct. 1-Feb. 28. Limit four, no 5B, 6, 6A, 7, 8, 8A, 9, 10, 11, 16 five, no more than two legal
more than two legal bucks. No and 16A: Oct. 1-Feb. 28. Limit bucks. No more than two legal
more than two legal bucks or up three, no more than two legal bucks or up to five does may be
to four does may be taken with bucks. No more than two legal taken with archery tackle. Dogs
archery tackle. Dogs may not be bucks or up to three does may may not be used. Hunting deer
used. Hunting deer over bait is be taken with archery tackle. over bait is prohibited from Feb.
prohibited from Feb. 1-28. Dogs may not be used. Hunting 1-28.
deer over bait is prohibited from
Feb. 1-28.
Muzzleloader Season
Zones 1 and 1A: Oct. 16-24 and Dec. 18-20 Zone 12: Oct. 16-24 and Dec. 29-31 Limit of five
Limit of four deer, no more than two legal bucks. deer, no more than two legal bucks. No more than
No more than two legal bucks or up to two does two legal bucks or up to five does may be taken
may be taken with muzzleloaders (doe may be taken with muzzleloaders. Dogs may not be used.
any time during the muzzleloader season). Dogs
Zone 13: Oct. 16-24 and Dec. 29-31 Limit of four
may not be used.
deer, no more than two legal bucks. No more than
Zones 2, 3, 6, 6A, 7, 8, 8A, 10 and 11: Oct. 16-24 two legal bucks and two does may be taken with
and Dec. 18-20 Limit of three deer, no more than muzzleloaders. Dogs may not be used.
two legal bucks. No more than two legal bucks and
Zones 14 and 15: Oct. 16-24 and Dec. 18-20
one doe may be taken with muzzleloaders (doe may
Limit of four deer, no more than two legal bucks.
be taken with muzzleloader Oct. 16-20). Dogs may
No more than two legal bucks and two does may be
not be used.
taken with muzzleloaders. Dogs may not be used.
Zones 4, 4B, 5 and 5B: closed
Zone 17: Oct. 16-24 and Dec. 29-31 Limit of four
Zones 4A and 5A: Oct. 16-24 and Dec. 18-20 deer, no more than two legal bucks. No more than
Limit of three deer, no more than two legal bucks. two legal bucks or up to four does may be taken
No more than two legal bucks or up to two does with muzzleloaders. Dogs may not be used.
may be taken with muzzleloaders. Dogs may not
be used.
Zones 9, 16 and 16A: Oct. 16-24 and Dec. 29-31
Limit of three deer, no more than two legal bucks.
No more than two legal bucks or up to two does
may be taken with muzzleloaders. Dogs may not
be used.
Zone 9: Nov. 13-Dec. 19 Limit legal bucks or up to five does Zones 16 and 16A: Nov. 13-
of three deer, no more than two may be taken with modern guns. Dec. 24 Limit of three deer, no
legal bucks. No more than two Dogs allowed. more than two legal bucks. No
legal bucks or up to two does Zone 13: Nov. 13-Dec. 19 Limit more than two legal bucks or up
may be taken with modern guns. of four deer, no more than two to two does may be taken with
Dogs are not allowed. legal bucks. No more than two modern guns. Dogs allowed in
Zone 10: Nov. 13-Dec. 5 Limit legal bucks and two does may be deer zone 16A, but not in deer
of three deer, no more than two taken with modern guns. Dogs zone 16.
legal bucks. No more than two allowed. Zone 17: Nov. 13-Dec. 24 Limit
legal bucks and one doe may be Zones 14 and 15: Nov. 13-Dec. of four deer, no more than two
taken with modern guns (doe 12 Limit of four deer, no more legal bucks. No more than two
may be taken with modern gun than two legal bucks. No more legal bucks or up to four does
Nov. 13-17). Dogs allowed. than two legal bucks and two may be taken with modern guns.
Zone 12: Nov. 13-Dec. 19 Limit does may be taken with modern Dogs allowed.
of five deer, no more than two guns. Dogs allowed.
legal bucks. No more than two
All concealed handgun permit holders must identify themselves to a Wildlife Officer when
complying with an inspection pertaining to birds, fish, game or other wildlife resources.
The special modern gun youth hunt is closed during a deer permit hunt (unless
otherwise specified).
• at least one beam 18 inches or more in length. • one antler with at least four points including the tip
Button bucks may be taken. of the main beam.
4x4 slot: Cut-off Creek, Bayou Meto, Sheffield 2 inches (button buck included) or an inside spread of
Nelson Dagmar, Henry Gray Hurricane Lake, Little 15 inches or more in width or at least one main beam
Bayou, Rex Hancock Black Swamp, Trusten Holder, 18 inches or more in length.
Seven Devils, Mike Freeze Wattensaw WMAs and UA
On Moro Big Pine Natural Area WMA a buck must
Pine Tree Experimental Station WDA require that a
have both antlers under two inches (button buck
legal buck must have:
included), an inside spread of 12 inches or more in
• four or more points on one side of the deer’s rack, or width or at least one main beam 15 inches or more in
• four or fewer total points on both sides of the deer’s
rack (button bucks included). On Greers Ferry Lake and DeGray Lake WMAs
any buck may be legally harvested during the deer
Other legal definitions
muzzleloader Mobility Impaired hunt.
On Freddie Black Choctaw Island WMA Deer
On Hobbs State Park Conservation Area any buck
Research Area East Unit (including youths during the
may be legally harvested during the deer modern gun
youth permit hunt) and Rick Evans Grandview Prairie
Mobility Impaired hunt.
WMA, a legal buck is a buck with both antlers under
Bear Zone Map
Checking Requirements
See Page 36.
Special Bear Regulations
• It is unlawful to take a denned bear or one
that is being pursued by dogs.
• Hunting equipment legal for taking bear is
the same as that legal for taking deer (Page
24) except that shotguns must be 20-gauge or
Please don’t shoot bears with cubs or collars. larger and use rifled slugs.
Migratory game birds are regulated by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, 501-324-5643. Waterfowl
season dates for Arkansas are set according to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service guidelines –
provided in August. Dove and other migratory game bird seasons are usually available a month
earlier. The Arkansas Game and Fish Commission provides complete statewide and wildlife
management area season dates and regulations in a separate waterfowl publication
available in October.
Statewide: Sept. 4-Feb. 20. Open Thursdays through Mondays.
No limit.
Crows may not be hunted with rifles or pistols larger than .22 caliber rimfire or with muzzleloaders
larger than .40 caliber unless a modern gun or muzzleloading deer season, bear season or coyote
season is open. Crows may not be hunted with shotguns using rifled slugs, or shot larger than T
shot. Crows may not be hunted over bait.
Furbearer Hunting
Badger, beaver, bobcat, coyote, gray fox, red fox, mink, muskrat, nutria, opossum,
raccoon, river otter, spotted skunk, striped skunk and weasel are regulated as
Statewide: sunrise, Sept. 1-sunset, Feb. 28. Day or night hunting; dogs are required for hunting at
Bag limit is two per day.
Statewide: sunrise, Oct. 1-sunset, Feb. 28. Dogs allowed to hunt bobcats during the day. Dogs
required to hunt bobcats at night.
Statewide: first day of spring turkey season through June 13. Day hunting only. No dogs allowed.
Bag limit is two per day. Dogs are not allowed in deer zones where a firearms deer season is in progress
that prohibits the use of dogs. During youth turkey hunts, only youths may take bobcats.
Bobcats may be taken during daylight hours with archery equipment, firearms no larger than .30 caliber
or shotguns with shot no larger than T shot. Refer to Page 68 for hunting equipment legal on WMAs.
Bobcats also may be taken during daylight hours of any open deer, bear, or spring turkey season with
hunting equipment legal for that season.
Statewide: sunrise, July 1-sunset, Feb. 28. Dogs allowed to hunt coyote during the day. Coyote may
not be hunted at night.
Statewide: first day of spring turkey season through June 13. Day hunting only – No dogs allowed.
No bag limit on coyote. Dogs are not allowed in deer zones where a firearms deer season is in progress
that prohibits the use of dogs. During youth turkey hunts, only youths may take coyotes.
Coyotes may be taken during daylight hours with archery equipment, firearms no larger than .30 caliber
or shotguns with shot no larger than T shot. Refer to Page 68 for hunting equipment legal on WMAs.
Coyotes may also be taken during daylight hours of any open deer, bear, or spring turkey season with
hunting equipment legal for that season.
River Otter
Statewide: sunrise, Nov. 13-sunset, Feb. 28. Day hunting only.
Bag limit is two per day.
Statewide: sunset, July 1-sunrise, Aug. 31. Night hunting only. Dogs required. Bag limit four per day.
Statewide: sunrise, Sept. 1-sunset, Nov. 12. Day or night hunting. Dogs required to hunt at night. Bag
limit four per day.
Statewide: sunrise, Nov. 13-sunset, March 31. Day or night hunting. Dogs required to hunt at night.
No bag limit.
Muskrat, Nutria and Beaver
Statewide: sunrise Sept. 1-sunset Mar. 31.
Day hunting only.
No bag limit.
Badger, Spotted Skunk and Weasel
Statewide hunting: closed.
Furbearer Hunting Methods
Unless otherwise specified, furbearers may be taken with archery equipment, firearms no larger than
.22 caliber rimfire or shotguns with shot no larger than T shot. Bobcats, opossums and raccoons may be
taken at night when treed by dogs.
Furbearer Trapping
Badger, beaver, bobcat, coyote, gray fox, red fox, mink, muskrat, nutria, opossum,
raccoon, river otter, spotted skunk, striped skunk and weasel are regulated as
It shall be unlawful for any resident 16 years of age or older to trap or
attempt to trap any furbearing animals without first obtaining a current
Resident Trapper Permit in addition to a hunting license. Permits are valid
during open seasons for the year period July 1-June 30 and may be ordered
from www.agfc.com or by calling 800-364-GAME, ext. 6359.
Subscribe to Arkansas Wildlife, the bimonthly conservation magazine from the
Half Moon Meat Processing Arkansas Meat Processing T and L Meat Processing
DeWitt • 870-946-1839 Ozark • 479-667-2442 Mena • 479-243-0112
Miller Processing Burch’s Custom Butchering Ferguson’s Slaughter House
DeWitt • 870-946-1348 Salem • 870-895-3467 Atkins • 479-641-7604
V & P Grocery Griffith Custom Butchering Hoggs Meat Market and Catering
Crossett • 870-364-4931 Hot Springs • 501-321-4228 North Little Rock • 501-758-7700
Twin Lakes Packing & Processing HMS Custom Processing The Bucks Stops Here
Gassville • 870-435-6651 Sheridan • 870-942-8083 Sherwood • 501-834-4868
Benton County Processing Ridge Road Processing, Inc. Kruse Meat Market
Siloam Springs • 479-549-4115 Lafe • 870-586-0892 Alexander • 501-316-2110
Lasiter’s Slaughter House B & G Packing Lasiter Custom Meat
Warren • 870-226-5015 Nashville • 870-845-8706 Waldron • 479-637-3600
T&M Processing The Country Butcher Larry Little’s Butcher Shop
Arkadelphia • 870-246-0002 Whitehall • 870-247-4500 Cave City • 870-283-6381
Lonnie’s Meat Market C and C Packing Company Strong Meat Processing
Heber Springs • 501-362-6300 Stamps • 870-533-2251 Strong • 870-797-2001
Watson Custom Slaughter House Lynn’s Deer Processing The Choppin’ Block
Rison • 870-325-6922 Lynn • 870-528-3095 El Dorado • 870-862-0776
Razorback Packing Company The Butcher Block Clinton Meat Processor
Waldo • 870-693-2130 Foreman • 870-542-6460 Clinton • 501-745-4844
Home Ice Company Fox Slaughter and Processing Meat & Wildgame Processing
Jonesboro • 870-935-5555 Scranton • 479-938-2236 Springdale • 479-751-0268
Cocrum’s Custom Cabot Meat Market Brogan Farms
Meat Processors Cabot • 501-843-5511 Romance • 501-556-5085
Rudy • 479-474-3012
Lonnie’s Meat Market AR Quality Processors
Garner’s AMP Cabot • 501-843-7100 Dardanell • 479-576-4419
Van Buren • 479-474-1645
Tims’ Custom Meat Wild Game Processing
Wynne Meat Processing Prescott • 870-887-3362 Dardanell • 479-229-2298
Wynne • 870-318-5651
Charlie’s One Stop
Lonnie’s Meat Market Chidester • 870-685-2753
Conway • 501-450-7100
CenterPoint Schools
Mayflower Taxidermy Amity • 870-356-3621
Mayflower • 501-470-3400
Flood Prone Regions
Black River Flood Prone Region closes to deer hunting when the Black River gauge at Corning
exceeds 11 feet and reopens when it falls below 9.5 feet. This region includes Dave Donaldson Black
River WMA.
67 135
Pocahontas Knobel
St. Francis River Flood Prone Region closes to deer Paragould 412
hunting when the St. Francis River gauge at Oak Donnick
reaches 216 msl and reopens when it falls below 215 msl. This
region includes St. Francis River Sunken Lands WMA. 139
Dixie Monette
Black Oak
158 135
Trumann 135
63 Lepanto
Marked Tree
Shirey Bay Rainey Brake Flood Prone Region closes to deer hunting when the gauge at Black
Rock on the Black River reaches 23 feet and reopens when the gauge falls below 19 feet. This region
includes Shirey Bay Rainey Brake WMA.
Black Rock
25 Hoxie
Lynn Lauratown
Clover Bend
Strawberry Big Running
River Water Creek
Alicia 91
18 63
384 18
67 A
17 42
67 Tupelo
Flood Prone Region A closes to deer hunting 1
1 River
Flood Prone Region G closes to deer hunting when 1
the Mississippi River gauge at Helena reaches 44 feet. 1
This restriction is lifted when the gauge falls to or
below 42 feet. H
Flood Prone Region H closes to deer hunting when
the Mississippi River gauge at Arkansas City reaches 65
Page Ad
Area (WMA)
Area WMA
National Wildlife
Refuge (NWR)
Special Use
Area (SUA)
Contact Numbers:
Region 1 Region 6
2920 McClellan Drive, Ste. 1280 • Jonesboro, AR 72401 350 Fish Hatchery Road • Hot Springs, AR 71913
870-972-5438 • Toll-free: 877-972-5438 501-525-8606 • Toll-free: 877-525-8606
Region 2 Region 7
1201 N. Highway 49 • Brinkley, AR 72021 8000 Taylor Avenue • Fort Smith, AR 72916
870-734-4581 • Toll-free: 877-734-4581 479-478-1043 • Toll-free: 877-478-1043
Region 3 Region 8
771 Jordan Drive • Monticello, AR 71655 1266 Lock and Dam Road • Russellville, AR 72802
870-367-3553 • Toll-free: 877-367-3559 479-967-7577 • Toll-free: 877-967-7577
Region 4 Region 9
500 Ben Lane • Camden, AR 71701 1125 Hwy 56 • Calico Rock, AR 72519
870-836-4612 • Toll-free: 877-836-4612 870-297-4331 • Toll-free: 877-297-4331
Region 5 Region 10
7004 Highway 67 East • Perrytown, AR 71801 455 Dam Site Road • Eureka Springs, AR 72631
870-777-5580 • Toll-free: 877-777-5580 479-253-2506 • Toll-free: 866-253-2506
On AGFC-owned WMAs, all-terrain vehicles, dune buggies and amphibious vehicles are prohibited. Vehicles
may not be operated off any open access road or parking area, behind gated, cabled or earthen barriers, or on
levees, dams, food plots, fire lanes or roads that have been developed for wildlife.
Mobility Impaired access permit-holders may use an ATV on AGFC-owned WMAs to travel on graveled, all-
weather roads (unless posted closed to vehicles) and on designated Mobility Impaired access trails. They may use
an ATV during muzzleloader and modern gun deer seasons with the following restrictions:
• Permit holders riding ATVs • ATVs may be used only for • Permit holders must be able to
must deer hunt at least 100 feet stand placement and hunting. see their ATV at all times while
but no more than 300 feet from hunting.
graveled, all-weather roads. • ATVs may be used beyond 300
ATVs may be operated within feet from a road or Mobility • Firearms must be unloaded and
300 feet of designated Mobility Impaired access trail only to cased while being transported
Impaired access trails. retrieve big game taken by the by ATV.
permit holder.
Hunters may get an application for a Mobility Impaired access permit by following the directions listed on Page 16.
On leased lands WMAs: Lafayette County, Casey Jones and Big Timber
• ATVs, motorcycles and bicycles are allowed on open, leased lands WMAs.
maintained roads within Cherokee and Jim Kress • Hunters with a Mobility Impaired Access Permit
WMAs by hunters in possession of a valid leased may hunt from the two designated abandoned
lands permit for the purposes of traveling to and railroad rights-of-way on Moro Big Pine Natural
from hunting locations and/or camping sites only. Area WMA.
• Motorized vehicles, except for ATVs on main access On Ouachita National Forest:
roads, may not be used on Big Timber Upland
Demonstration Area. Operating any motorized vehicle on a forest
development road or any portion thereof that is
• ATVs are allowed on open roads and trailways on posted as closed, or closed by an earthen mound, gate
Gum Flats, Provo, Lake Greeson, Howard County,
continued on Page 70
or other object is prohibited. This includes all motorized vehicles including ATVs and OHVs. All trails going
around the gate, sign or over an earthen mound are not legal trails and are in violation of this regulation. In
April 2009, the Ouachita National Forest will have a designated system of roads and trails for public motor
vehicle use. Once maps are published, it will be unlawful to travel off designated routes. Check with the Forest
Service to obtain these motor vehicle use maps.
On Ozark National Forest:
Operating any motorized vehicle on a route not designated in the Motor Vehicle Use Map is prohibited. Any
road or trail in the Ozark National Forest not classified as a designated route or trail is closed to motorized
vehicle use., including ATVs and OHVs. Maps of the designated routes are available at www.AOKForests.com
or at any Forest Service office. Wildlife may not be hunted from a motorized vehicle.
Hunting Equipment
Killing devices or traps may not be possessed on WMAs unless a season is open. Rifles and pistols larger
than .22 caliber rimfire, buckshot or rifled slugs may be used only during modern gun deer or bear seasons.
Muzzleloaders may be used during firearms season, except for muzzleloaders larger than .40 caliber, which
may not be used on any WMA unless a muzzleloading or modern firearm deer, bear or elk season is open.
Firearms may be carried to and from firing ranges on WMAs. Unless otherwise prohibited, bobcat, fox and
coyote may be taken during daylight hours with firearms of any caliber during bobcat, fox and coyote seasons
on AGFC-owned WMAs and all U.S. Forest Service lands including WMA’s lying within the Ouachita
National Forest and the Ozark-St. Francis National Forest.
Concealed weapon permit holders may carry a modern handgun, except in places where otherwise prohibited
under federal, state or local law or where not allowed by the landowner. Concealed weapon permit holders are
not allowed to use their concealed weapon for any hunting purpose. All concealed handgun permit holders
must identify themselves to a wildlife officer when complying with an inspection pertaining to birds, fish,
game or other wildlife resources.
Unless otherwise noted under a specific WMA, camping is limited to no more than 14 consecutive days and
must be in a designated camping area. Camps may not remain unoccupied for more than 48 hours. Creating
a disturbance after 10 p.m. is not allowed.
Camping is restricted to permit holders during permit hunts. Waterfowl hunters and nonhunters camping
with a permit holder do not need to have a permit while camping. Loaded firearms are not allowed in
camping areas.
On USDA Forest Service lands, campers must comply with Forest Service camping regulations. See pages 28-29.
Vegetation Destruction
On property owned by the AGFC and Maumelle Hunting knives, pocketknives and pocket saws are
River WMA, with the exception of campers in allowed. Chemical defoliants are prohibited.
designated campgrounds, it is illegal to use or The gathering of firewood that is dead and down for
possess chainsaws, handsaws, hatchets, axes, weed camp use is allowed.
trimmers, string trimmers or other cutting devices.
Hunting Dogs
Unless noted on specific areas, wildlife management areas are closed to dogs, except in the following instances:
• Quail and rabbit dog training • Woodcock hunting is allowed • Dogs are required for raccoon
is allowed Sept. 1-April 1, with bird dog breeds when hunting at night from July 1
except during firearms deer woodcock season is open. until March 31.
hunts when dogs are not • UKC, AKC and ACHA • Dogs may be used for hunting
allowed. field trials are allowed when squirrel and rabbit in season
• Quail hunting is allowed with approved by the AGFC. except during firearms deer
bird dog breeds when quail • Waterfowl retrievers may be hunts when dogs are not
season is open. used during open migratory allowed.
bird seasons.
Feral Hogs
For information on feral hogs in Arkansas, please see page 37.
WMA-specific Regulations
Bayou Des Arc WMA Deer Modern Gun (permit hunt): Nov. 13-17.
AGFC 877-734-4581 • 450 acres (plus 503 acre lake) • Prairie Deer Notes: No dogs allowed. Seasonal bag limit
County, WMA zone 005 of three deer; no more than two legal bucks. No
more than two legal bucks or up to three does may
CLOSED: bear archery, bear muzzleloader, be taken with archery tackle. No more than one
bear modern gun, alligator and elk. legal buck or one doe may be taken during the
Deer Archery: Oct. 1-Feb. 28. muzzleloader permit hunt. No more than one legal
buck and one doe may be taken during the modern
Deer Muzzleloader: Oct. 16-24 and Dec. 29-31. gun permit hunt.
Deer Modern Gun: Nov. 13-Dec. 19 and Dec. Quail: Nov. 1-Feb. 6. Daily limit - 6, possession
26-28. limit -12. Bird dogs allowed.
Deer Modern Gun Special Youth Hunt: Rabbit: Sept. 1-Feb. 28. Dogs allowed except
Nov. 6-7 and Jan. 1-2. during firearms deer hunts. Daily limit - 8,
Deer Notes: No dogs allowed. Seasonal bag limit possession limit - 16.
of three deer; no more than two legal bucks. No Squirrel: May 15-Feb. 28. Dogs allowed except
more than two legal bucks or up to three does may during firearms deer hunts. Daily limit - 8,
be taken with archery tackle. No more than two possession limit - 32.
legal bucks or up to two does may be taken during
the muzzleloader and modern gun seasons. Bag Crow: Sept. 4-Feb. 20. Open Thursdays through
limit during the modern gun special youth hunt Mondays. No limit.
is three deer, no more than two bucks (no antler Area Notes: Check antler restrictions on pages 42-43
restrictions) or up to two does. These are not bonus for important additional information. Wrape Plantation
deer and will count towards the seasonal bag limit. Waterfowl Rest Area and Halowell Reservoir are closed
to access November 1 and will reopen to access Feb.
Quail: Nov. 1-Feb. 6. Daily limit - 6, possession 16. Check the latest Arkansas Waterfowl Regulations
limit -12. Bird dogs allowed. Guidebook for details. Bayou Meto WMA is closed
Rabbit: Sept. 1-Feb. 28. Dogs allowed except to the public (except in designated campsites, parking
during firearms deer hunts. Daily limit - 8, areas and boat launch ramps) from 2 a.m.-4 a.m.
possession limit - 16. during duck season. No boats allowed on Bayou Meto
WMA from 1 p.m.-4 a.m. during the duck season
Squirrel: May 15-Feb. 28. Dogs allowed except except as follows: (1) during the last three days of the
during firearms deer hunts. Daily limit - 8, last duck season and during the special youth waterfowl
possession limit - 32. hunts when boats may be used from 4 a.m.-6:30
p.m. daily; (2) boating access during the duck season
Crow: Sept. 4-Feb. 20. Open Thursdays through only from 1 p.m.-6:30 p.m. at the following streams
Mondays. No limit. - Mulberry Access (including all of the Salt Bayou
Area Notes: Check flood prone region B on Page 56 Ditch to the confluence of Little Bayou Meto) and
for important additional information. Buckingham Flats Access (including Big Bayou Meto
and Cannon Brake Access including Little Bayou Meto
only within the Cannon Brake Impoundment).
Bayou Meto WMA
AGFC 877-367-3559 • 33,832 acres • Arkansas, Jefferson counties, Beaver Lake WMA
WMA zone 010 Corps of Engineers 866-253-2506 • 5,827 acres • Benton, Carroll,
CLOSED: bear archery, bear muzzleloader, Madison, Washington counties, WMA zone 020
bear modern gun, alligator and elk. CLOSED: alligator and elk.
Deer Archery: Oct. 1-Feb. 28. Deer Archery: Oct. 1-Feb. 28.
Deer Muzzleloader (permit hunt): Oct. 23-27.
Consult pages 67-69 for additional WMA general regulations and Page 70 for furbearer WMA regulations.
Deer Muzzleloader: Oct. 16-24 and Dec. 18-20. Bell Slough WMA
Deer Modern Gun: Nov. 13-Dec. 5 and Dec. AGFC 877-525-8606 • 2,040 acres • Faulkner county, WMA zone 022
26-28. This area has special firearms restrictions; see
Area Notes. CLOSED: deer muzzleloader, deer modern gun,
bear muzzleloader, bear modern gun, alligator
Deer Modern Gun Special Youth Hunt: Nov. and elk.
6-7 and Jan. 1-2. This area has special firearms
restrictions; see Area Notes. Deer Archery: Oct. 1-Feb. 28.
Deer Notes: No dogs allowed. Seasonal bag limit Deer Notes: No dogs allowed. Seasonal bag limit
two deer; no more than one legal buck. No more than of two deer; no more than one legal buck. No more
one legal buck or up to two does may be taken with than one legal buck or up to two does may be taken
archery tackle. No more than one legal buck may with archery tackle only.
be taken during the muzzleloader and modern gun Bear Archery: Oct. 1-Nov. 30. Statewide bag limit.
seasons. Bag limit during the modern gun special No dogs.
youth hunt is two deer, no more than one buck (no
antler restrictions) or one doe. These are not bonus Bear Notes: Bear seasons close earlier if bear zone
deer and will count toward the seasonal bag limit. quota is reached.
Bear Archery: Oct. 1-Nov. 30. Statewide bag limit. Quail: Nov. 1-Feb. 6. Daily limit - 6, possession
No dogs. limit -12. Bird dogs allowed.
Bear Muzzleloader: Oct. 16-24. Statewide bag Rabbit: Sept. 1-Feb. 28. Dogs allowed. Daily limit -
limit. No dogs. 8, possession limit - 16.
Bear Modern Gun: Nov. 8-30. Statewide bag limit. Squirrel: May 15-Feb. 28. Dogs allowed. Daily
No dogs. This area has special firearms restrictions; limit - 8, possession limit - 32.
see Area Notes. Crow: Sept. 4-Feb. 20. Open Thursdays through
Bear Modern Gun Youth Hunt: Nov. 6-7. Mondays. No limit.
Statewide bag limit. No dogs. This area has special Area Notes: The Palarm Creek Waterfowl Rest Area
firearms restrictions; see Area Notes. closes to access Nov. 1 and reopens to access Feb. 16.
Bear Notes: Bear seasons close earlier if bear zone Firearms are restricted to shotguns and rimfire rifles.
quota is reached.
Quail: Nov. 1-Feb. 6. Daily limit - 6, possession Benson Creek Natural
limit -12. Bird dogs allowed.
Area WMA
Rabbit: Sept. 1-Feb. 28. Dogs allowed except
during firearms deer hunts. Daily limit - 8, Natural Heritage Comm. 877-734-4581 • 610 acres • Monroe county,
possession limit - 16. WMA zone 023
Squirrel: May 15-Feb. 28. Dogs allowed except CLOSED: deer muzzleloader, deer modern gun,
during firearms deer hunts. Daily limit - 8, bear archery, bear muzzleloader, bear modern
possession limit - 32. gun, alligator and elk.
Crow: Sept. 4-Feb. 20. Open Thursdays through Deer Archery: Oct. 1-Feb. 28.
Mondays. No limit. Deer Notes: No dogs allowed. Seasonal bag limit of
Area Notes: Includes lands within the Corps of Engineers three deer; no more than two legal bucks. No more
boundary, including islands and shoreline acreage. than two legal bucks or up to three does may be taken
Hunting with dogs is not allowed on islands during deer with archery tackle only.
season. Use of bird dogs is restricted to quail season; Quail: Nov. 1-Feb. 6. Daily limit - 6, possession limit
retrievers to waterfowl season. Only shotguns (.410 and -12. Bird dogs allowed.
larger) with slugs (no buckshot allowed) or muzzleloading
rifles shooting a single projectile are allowed. Rabbit: Sept. 1-Feb. 28. Dogs allowed. Daily limit -
8, possession limit - 16.
Consult pages 67-69 for additional WMA general regulations and Page 70 for furbearer WMA regulations.
Squirrel: May 15-Feb. 28. Dogs allowed. Daily Big Creek WMA
limit - 8, possession limit - 32.
AGFC 877-734-4581 • 280 acres • Lee county, WMA zone 027
Crow: Sept. 4-Feb. 20. Open Thursdays through
Mondays. No limit. CLOSED: bear archery, bear muzzleloader, bear
modern gun, alligator and elk.
Area Notes: Motorized vehicles, horses, camping
and construction of hunting stands are prohibited. Deer Archery: Oct. 1-Feb. 28.
Check flood prone region D on Page 56 for important Deer Muzzleloader: Oct. 16-24 and Dec. 18-20.
additional information.
Deer Modern Gun: Nov. 13-Dec. 12 and Dec. 26-28.
Deer Modern Gun Special Youth Hunt: Nov. 6-7
Beryl Anthony Lower and Jan. 1-2.
Ouachita WMA Deer Notes: No dogs allowed. Seasonal bag limit of
AGFC / Natrual Heritage Comm. 877-836-4612 • 7,020 acres (includes three deer; no more than two legal bucks. No more
Coffee Prairie Natural Area) Ashley, Union counties, WMA zone 025 than two legal bucks or up to three does may be taken
with archery tackle. No more than two legal bucks
CLOSED: bear archery, bear muzzleloader, bear and no more than one doe may be taken during the
modern gun, alligator and elk. muzzleloader and modern gun seasons. Bag limit
Deer Archery: Oct. 1-Feb. 28. during the modern gun special youth hunt is three
deer, no more than two bucks (no antler restrictions)
Deer Muzzleloader: Oct. 16-24 and Dec. 29-31. and one doe. These are not bonus deer and will
Deer Modern Gun: Nov. 13-Dec. 19 and Dec. 26-28. count towards the seasonal bag limit.
Deer Modern Gun Special Youth Hunt: Nov. 6-7 Quail: Nov. 1-Feb. 6. Daily limit - 6, possession
and Jan. 1-2. limit -12. Bird dogs allowed.
Deer Notes: No dogs allowed. Seasonal bag limit Rabbit: Sept. 1-Feb. 28. Dogs allowed except
of five deer; no more than two legal bucks. No more during firearms deer hunts. Daily limit - 8,
than two legal bucks or up to five does may be taken possession limit - 16.
with archery tackle. No more than two legal bucks Squirrel: May 15-Feb. 28. Dogs allowed except
and three does may be taken during the muzzleloader during firearms deer hunts. Daily limit - 8,
and modern gun seasons. Bag limit during the possession limit - 32.
modern gun special youth hunt is five deer, no
more than two bucks (no antler restrictions) and Crow: Sept. 4-Feb. 20. Open Thursdays through
three does. These are not bonus deer and will count Mondays. No limit.
towards the seasonal bag limit.
Quail: Nov. 1-Feb. 6. Daily limit - 6, possession Big Lake WMA
limit -12. Bird dogs allowed.
AGFC 877-972-5438 • 12,320 acres • Mississippi county, WMA
Rabbit: Sept. 1-Feb. 28. Dogs allowed except zone 040
during firearms deer hunts. Daily limit - 8,
possession limit - 16. CLOSED: deer muzzleloader, bear archery, bear
muzzleloader, bear modern gun, alligator and elk.
Squirrel: May 15-Feb. 28. Dogs allowed except
during firearms deer hunts. Daily limit - 8, Deer Archery: Oct. 1-Feb. 28.
possession limit - 32.
Deer Modern Gun: Nov. 13-14. This area has
Crow: Sept. 4-Feb. 20. Open Thursdays through special firearms restrictions; see Area Notes.
Mondays. No limit.
Deer Modern Gun Special Youth Hunt: Nov.
Area Notes: Only Arkansas-approved nontoxic shot 6-7 and Jan. 1-2. This area has special firearms
must be possessed and used while hunting small game restrictions; see Area Notes.
with shotguns.
Consult pages 67-69 for additional WMA general regulations and Page 70 for furbearer WMA regulations.
Deer Notes: No dogs allowed. Seasonal bag limit of Deer Notes: No dogs allowed. Seasonal bag limit
three deer; no more than two legal bucks. No more of five deer; no more than two legal bucks. No more
than two legal bucks or up to three does may be than two legal bucks or up to five does may be taken
taken with archery tackle. No more than two legal with archery tackle. No more than two legal bucks
bucks may be taken during the modern gun season. and three does may be taken during the muzzleloader
Bag limit during the modern gun special youth and modern gun seasons. Bag limit during the
hunt is two deer, no more than two bucks (no antler modern gun special youth hunt is five deer, no more
restrictions) or up to one doe. These are not bonus than two bucks (no antler restrictions) and three does.
deer and will count towards the seasonal bag limit. These are not bonus deer and will count towards the
seasonal bag limit.
Quail: Nov. 1-Feb. 6. Daily limit - 6, possession
limit -12. Bird dogs allowed. Bear Archery: Sept. 15-Nov. 30 (only on that part of
the area that lies in zone 2). Statewide bag limit. No
Rabbit: Sept. 1-Feb. 28. Dogs allowed except
during firearms deer hunts. Daily limit - 8,
possession limit - 16. Bear Muzzleloader: Oct. 16-24 (only on that part
Squirrel: May 15-Feb. 28. Dogs allowed except of the area that lies in zone 2). Statewide bag limit. No
during firearms deer hunts. Daily limit - 8, dogs.
possession limit - 32. Bear Modern Gun: Sept. 15-16 and Nov. 8-30 (only
Crow: Sept. 4-Feb. 20. Open Thursdays through on that part of the area that lies in zone 2). Statewide
Mondays. No limit. bag limit. No dogs.
Furbearers: Ditch 28 closed to all trapping. Bear Modern Gun Youth Hunt: Nov. 6-7 (only on
that part of the area that lies in bear zone 2). Statewide
Area Notes: Deer hunting is closed when the water level bag limit. No dogs.
exceeds 236 msl. at Seven Mile access gauge. Mallard
Lake is closed to hunting. Any firearm being transported Quail: Nov. 1-Feb. 6. Quail permit required. Free Bird
in Ditch 28 must be dismantled or unloaded and cased. Dog Training/Quail Hunting Permit is required to
Ungravelled roads are closed to traffic from October 1 hunt quail or train dogs on the Upland Demonstration
to May 31. Only shotguns (.410 and larger) with slugs Area. Contact Camden Regional Office. Must
(no buckshot allowed) or muzzleloading rifles shooting a complete a Hunter Report Form after each hunt.
single projectile are allowed. Rabbit: Sept. 1-Feb. 28. Dogs allowed except during
firearms deer hunts. Daily limit - 8, possession limit - 16.
Big Timber WMA Squirrel: May 15-Feb. 28. Dogs allowed. Daily
limit - 8, possession limit - 32.
Private 877-836-4612 • 41,111 acres • Clark county, WMA zone 045
Crow: Sept. 4-Feb. 20. Open Thursdays through
CLOSED: alligator and elk. Mondays. No limit.
Deer Archery: Oct. 1-Feb. 28. Area Notes: The Upland WDA is closed to motor
Deer Muzzleloader: Oct. 16-24 and Dec. 18-20. vehicles (except ATVs, which may be used on the main
road). After each hunt on the Upland WDA, hunters
Deer Modern Gun: Nov. 13-Dec. 12 and Dec. 26-28. must complete a Hunter Report Form available at the
Deer Modern Gun Special Youth Hunt: Nov. 6-7 north and south gates. Hunters, trappers and campers
and Jan. 1-2. aged 16 years or older must purchase a Big Timber
WMA leased lands permit. See Page 17.
Consult pages 67-69 for additional WMA general regulations and Page 70 for furbearer WMA regulations.
Consult pages 67-69 for additional WMA general regulations and Page 70 for furbearer WMA regulations.
Squirrel: May 15-Feb. 28. Dogs allowed. Daily Buffalo National River WMA
limit - 8, possession - 32.
National Park Service 870-365-2700 • 95,730 acres • Marion Baxter,
Crow: Sept. 4-Feb. 20, open Thursday through Newton, Searcy counties, WMA zone 080
Monday, no limit.
CLOSED: alligator and furbearer trapping.
Deer Archery: Oct. 1-Feb. 28.
Brushy Creek WMA
Deer Muzzleloader: Oct. 16-24 and Dec. 18-20.
AGFC 877-734-4581 • 215 acres • Cross county, WMA zone 077
Deer Modern Gun: Nov. 13-Dec. 5 and Dec. 26-28.
CLOSED: deer muzzleloader, bear archery, bear
muzzleloader, bear modern gun, alligator and elk. Deer Modern Gun Special Youth Hunt: Nov. 6-7
and Jan. 1-2.
Deer Archery: Oct. 1-Feb. 28.
Deer Notes: No dogs allowed. Seasonal bag limit two
Deer Modern Gun: Nov. 13-21 and Dec. 26-28. This deer; no more than one legal buck. No more than one
area has special firearms restrictions; see Area Notes. legal buck or up to two does may be taken with archery
Deer Modern Gun Special Youth Hunt: Nov. tackle. No more than one legal buck may be taken
6-7 and Jan. 1-2. This area has special firearms during the muzzleloader deer season and no more than
restrictions; see Area Notes. one doe may be taken from Oct. 16-20 during the
muzzleloader deer season. No more than one legal buck
Deer Notes: No dogs allowed. Seasonal bag limit of may be taken during the modern gun seasons. Bag limit
three deer; no more than two legal bucks. No more during the modern gun special youth hunt is one deer,
than two legal bucks or up to three does may be taken buck (no antler restrictions) or doe. This is not a bonus
with archery tackle. No more than two legal bucks deer and will count towards the seasonal bag limit.
and one doe may be taken during the modern gun
season. Bag limit during the modern gun special youth Bear Archery: Oct. 1-Nov. 30. Statewide bag
hunt is three deer, no more than two bucks (no antler limit. No dogs.
restrictions) and one doe. These are not bonus deer and Bear Muzzleloader: Oct. 16-24. Statewide bag
will count towards the seasonal bag limit. limit. No dogs.
Quail: Nov. 1-Feb. 6. Daily limit - 6, possession Bear Modern Gun: Nov. 8-30. Statewide bag
limit -12. Bird dogs allowed. limit. No dogs.
Rabbit: Sept. 1-Feb. 28. Dogs allowed except during Bear Modern Gun Youth Hunt: Nov. 6-7.
firearms deer hunts. Daily limit - 8, possession limit - 16. Statewide bag limit. No dogs.
Squirrel: May 15-Feb. 28. Dogs allowed except Bear Notes: Bear seasons close earlier if bear
during firearms deer hunts. Daily limit - 8, zone quota is reached.
possession limit - 32.
Elk (permit hunt): Sept. 20-24 and Dec. 6-10.
Crow: Sept. 4-Feb. 20. Open Thursdays through
Mondays. No limit. Quail: Nov. 1-Feb. 6. Daily limit - 6, possession
limit -12. Bird dogs allowed.
Area Notes: Check flood prone region A on Page 56
for important additional information. Modern guns are Rabbit: Sept. 1-Feb. 28. Dogs allowed except
restricted to shotguns with slugs and certain revolvers during firearms deer hunts. Daily limit - 8,
and pistols. Archery equipment and muzzleloader rifles possession limit - 16.
may also be used.
Squirrel: May 15-Feb. 28. Dogs allowed except
during firearms deer hunts. Daily limit - 8,
possession limit - 32.
Crow: Sept. 4-Feb. 20. Open Thursdays through
Mondays. No limit.
Consult pages 67-69 for additional WMA general regulations and Page 70 for furbearer WMA regulations.
Area Notes: Chase for pleasure and dog training are Area Notes: Dog trainers and people horseback
not allowed. Discharging firearms across, into or from riding for pleasure must register at the Headquarters
the Buffalo River and its gravel bars is not allowed. Information Station prior to utilizing the area.
Hunting is not allowed in developed areas. Firearms and Horseback riding for pleasure is allowed year-round;
crossbows must be unloaded and cased or broken down except during scheduled events, including field trials,
when carried in or on a vehicle or boat and when in a in which the public use compartments are reserved.
developed campground. The operation of unlicensed Bird dog, rabbit dog, and waterfowl retriever training
off-road motor vehicles is not allowed on roads, lands is allowed Sept. 15-April 1 except during firearm deer
and waters within the Buffalo National River. Vehicles hunts and after supplemental quail releases. A current
may not travel off-road. Campsites may not remain Arkansas hunting license is required for dog training.
unattended for more than 24 hours. Sylamore WMA Trainers are restricted to eight dogs and may not train
seasons and regulations apply to Buffalo National River more than 3 days per week nor more than 2 consecutive
lands in Marion and Baxter counties lying east of Big days in a two week period. Waterfowl retriever training
Creek and south and east of the Buffalo River. is allowed year-round in Compartment 5. Live
ammunition is prohibited for dog training. Camping
is limited to 7 days and campers must register at the
Camp Robinson SUA sign in booth in the campground upon arrival. Please
check the current public use schedule prior to accessing
AGFC 877-525-8606 • 4,029 acres • Faulkner county, WMA zone 100 the area. A public use schedule can be obtained at the
CLOSED: deer muzzleloader, bear information station or online at www.agfc.com.
muzzleloader, bear modern gun, alligator, elk,
quail and rabbit.
Camp Robinson WMA
Deer Archery: Oct. 1-Feb. 28.
National Guard 501-212-5155 • 19,648 acres • Faulkner, Pulaski
Deer Modern Gun (permit hunt): Nov. 13-15. counties, WMA zone 110
Deer Notes: No dogs allowed. Seasonal bag limit CLOSED: bear muzzleloader, bear modern gun,
of two deer; no more than one legal buck. No more alligator, elk and furbearer trapping.
than one legal buck or up to two does may be taken
with archery tackle. No more than one legal buck Deer Archery: Oct. 1-Feb. 28.
or one doe may be taken during the modern gun Deer Muzzleloader (permit hunt): Nov. 20-21.
permit hunt.
Deer Modern Gun (permit hunt): Nov. 25-26
Bear Archery: Oct. 1-Nov. 30. Statewide bag
and Nov. 27-28.
limit. No dogs.
Deer Modern Gun Youth Hunt (permit hunt):
Bear Notes: Bear seasons close earlier if bear
Oct. 30-31.
zone quota is reached.
Deer Notes: No dogs allowed. Seasonal bag limit
Squirrel: May 15-Sept. 29. Dogs allowed. Daily of two deer; no more than one legal buck. No more
limit - 8, possession limit - 32. than one legal buck or up to two does may be taken
Crow: Sept. 4-29. No limit. with archery tackle. No more than one legal buck
and one doe may be taken during the muzzleloader
Furbearer Trapping: Only enclosed, pull-activated and modern gun permit hunts. Bag limit during the
dog-proof traps may be utilized. modern gun youth permit hunt is one deer, buck (no
antler restrictions) or doe. This is not a bonus deer
and will count towards the seasonal bag limit.
Bear Archery: Oct. 1-Nov. 30. Statewide bag
limit. No dogs.
Bear Notes: Bear seasons close earlier if bear
zone quota is reached.
Consult pages 67-69 for additional WMA general regulations and Page 70 for furbearer WMA regulations.
Quail: Nov. 1-Feb. 6. Daily limit - 6, possession Deer Notes: No dogs allowed. Seasonal bag limit of
limit -12. Bird dogs allowed. three deer; no more than two legal bucks. No more
than two legal bucks or up to three does may be taken
Rabbit: Sept. 1-Feb. 28. Dogs allowed except with archery tackle. No more than two legal bucks
during firearms deer hunts. Daily limit - 8, and one doe may be taken during the muzzleloader
possession limit - 16. and modern gun seasons. A Caney Creek WMA doe
Squirrel: Sept. 4-Feb. 28. Dogs allowed except quota permit is required to harvest a doe during the
muzzleloader and modern gun seasons. Bag limit
during firearms deer hunts. Daily limit - 8, during the modern gun special youth hunt is three
possession limit - 32. deer, no more than two bucks (no antler restrictions)
Crow: Sept. 4-Feb. 20. Open Thursdays through and one doe (a WMA doe quota permit is not
Mondays. No limit. required). These are not bonus deer and will count
towards the seasonal bag limit.
Fox, Bobcat and Coyote: In Jan.-Feb. during the
daylight hours, fox, bobcat and coyote may be taken Bear Archery: Sept. 15-Nov. 30. Statewide bag
with firearms of any caliber. limit. No dogs.
Area Notes: All areas south of Declination Road Bear Muzzleloader: Oct. 16-24. Statewide bag
and east of Cato Road, south of the pipeline and west limit. No dogs.
of Cato Road, the impact area and the drop zone Bear Modern Gun: Sept. 15-16 and Nov. 8-30.
are closed. All hunters including permit hunters are Statewide bag limit. No dogs.
required to obtain and present a sportsman’s pass upon
entry and will be required to adhere to the policy set Bear Modern Gun Youth Hunt: Nov. 6-7.
by the Military Department. Military Department Statewide bag limit. No dogs.
activities take precedence over recreational activities
and may cause changes to access requirements, dates Quail: Nov. 1-Feb. 6. Daily limit - 6, possession
and available training areas without notice. Scouting is limit -12. Bird dogs allowed.
prohibited. Feral hogs can be killed during any other Rabbit: Sept. 1-Feb. 28. Dogs allowed except during
open season. Vehicular access is limited to designated firearms deer hunts. Daily limit - 8, possession limit - 16.
roads and trails. If you have a question concerning
a sportsman’s pass please call 501-212-5155. Other Squirrel: May 15-Feb. 28. Dogs allowed except
questions can be answered by the Department of Public during firearms deer hunts. Daily limit - 8,
Safety at 501-212-5280. possession limit - 32.
Crow: Sept. 4-Feb. 20. Open Thursdays through
Mondays. No limit.
Caney Creek WMA
Area Notes: Refer to Page 28 for additional USDA
USDA Forest Service 877-478-1043 • 85,000 acres • Howard, Forest Service information.
Montgomery, Pike, Polk counties, WMA zone 120
CLOSED: alligator and elk.
Casey Jones WMA
Deer Archery: Oct. 1-Feb. 28.
Plum Creek, Inc. 877-367-3559 • 54,472 acres • Ashley, Drew
Deer Muzzleloader: Oct. 16-24 and Dec. 18-20. counties, WMA zone 125
Deer Modern Gun: Nov. 13-Dec. 5 and Dec. 26-28. CLOSED: bear archery, bear muzzleloader, bear
Deer Modern Gun Special Youth Hunt: Nov. 6-7 modern gun, alligator and elk.
and Jan. 1-2. Deer Archery: Oct. 1-Feb. 28.
Deer Muzzleloader: Oct. 16-24 and Dec. 29-31.
Deer Modern Gun: Nov. 13-Dec. 19 and Dec. 26-28.
Deer Modern Gun Special Youth Hunt: Nov. 6-7
and Jan. 1-2.
Consult pages 67-69 for additional WMA general regulations and Page 70 for furbearer WMA regulations.
Deer Notes: No dogs allowed. Seasonal bag limit Crow: Sept. 4-Feb. 20. Open Thursdays through
of five deer; no more than two legal bucks. No more Mondays. No limit.
than two legal bucks or up to five does may be taken
with archery tackle. No more than two legal bucks
and three does may be taken during the muzzleloader Cedar Creek WMA
and modern gun seasons. Bag limit during the
modern gun special youth hunt is five deer, no AGFC 877-478-1043 • 103 acres • Scott county, WMA zone 127
more than two bucks (no antler restrictions) and CLOSED: deer muzzleloader, deer modern
three does. These are not bonus deer and will count gun, bear archery, bear muzzleloader, bear
towards the seasonal bag limit. modern gun, alligator, elk, furbearer hunting and
Quail: Nov. 1-Feb. 6. Daily limit - 6, possession furbearer trapping.
limit -12. Bird dogs allowed. Deer Archery: Oct. 1-Feb. 28.
Rabbit: Sept. 1-Feb. 28. Dogs allowed except during Deer Notes: No dogs allowed. Seasonal bag limit of
firearms deer hunts. Daily limit - 8, possession limit - 16. three deer; no more than two legal bucks. No more
Squirrel: May 15-Feb. 28. Dogs allowed. Daily than two legal bucks or up to three does may be taken
limit - 8, possession limit - 32. with archery tackle only.
Crow: Sept. 4-Feb. 20. Open Thursdays through Quail: Nov. 1-Feb. 6. Daily limit - 6, possession
Mondays. No limit. limit -12. Bird dogs allowed.
Furbearers: Dogs allowed for coyote, fox and Rabbit: Sept. 1-Feb. 28. Dogs allowed. Daily limit -
bobcat hunting on Casey Jones WMA during the 8, possession limit - 16.
declared furbearer season when a firearms deer Squirrel: May 15-Feb. 28. Dogs allowed. Daily
season is closed. Dogs are required to hunt bobcat, limit - 8, possession limit - 32.
opossum and raccoon at night.
Crow: Sept. 4-Feb. 20. Open Thursdays through
Area Notes: Hunters, trappers and campers 16 years Mondays. No limit.
of age or older must purchase a Casey Jones WMA
leased lands permit.
Cherokee WMA
Green Bay Packaging, Inc. 877-297-4331 • 62,203 acres • Cleburne,
Cattail Marsh WMA Conway, Independence, Logan, Pope, Stone, Van Buren, Scott
AGFC 877-972-5438 • 78 acres • Greene county, WMA zone 126 counties, WMA zone 128
CLOSED: deer muzzleloader, deer modern gun, CLOSED: alligator and elk.
bear archery, bear muzzleloader, bear modern
Deer Archery: Oct. 1-Feb. 28.
gun, alligator and elk.
Deer Muzzleloader: Oct. 16-24 and Dec. 18-20.
Deer Archery: Oct. 1-Feb. 28.
Deer Modern Gun: Nov. 13-Dec. 5 and Dec. 26-28.
Deer Notes: No dogs allowed. Seasonal bag limit of
three deer; no more than two legal bucks. No more Deer Modern Gun Special Youth Hunt: Nov. 6-7
than two legal bucks or up to three does may be taken and Jan. 1-2.
with archery tackle only.
Deer Notes: No dogs allowed. Seasonal bag limit of two
Quail: Nov. 1-Feb. 6. Daily limit - 6, possession limit deer; no more than one legal buck. No more than one
-12. Bird dogs allowed. legal buck or up to two does may be taken with archery
tackle. No more than one legal buck may be taken
Rabbit: Sept. 1-Feb. 28. Dogs allowed. Daily limit -
during the muzzleloader and modern gun seasons. Bag
8, possession limit - 16.
limit during the modern gun special youth hunt is one
Squirrel: May 15-Feb. 28. Dogs allowed. Daily deer, buck (no antler restrictions) or doe. This is not a
limit - 8, possession limit - 32. bonus deer and will count towards the seasonal bag limit.
Consult pages 67-69 for additional WMA general regulations and Page 70 for furbearer WMA regulations.
Bear Archery: Sept. 15-Nov. 30 (only on that Deer Notes: No dogs allowed. Seasonal bag limit of
part of the area that lies in bear zone 2). Oct. three deer; no more than two legal bucks. No more
1-Nov. 30 (only on that part of the area that lies in than two legal bucks or up to two does may be taken
bear zone 1). Statewide bag limit. No dogs. with archery tackle only.
Bear Muzzleloader: Oct. 16-24. Statewide bag Quail: Nov. 1-Feb. 6. Daily limit - 6, possession
limit. No dogs. limit -12. Bird dogs allowed.
Bear Modern Gun: Sept. 15-16 (only on that Rabbit: Sept. 1-Feb. 28. Dogs allowed. Daily limit -
part of the area that lies in bear zone 2). Nov. 8-30 8, possession limit - 16.
(only on the part of the area that lies in bear zone Squirrel: May 15-Feb. 28. Dogs allowed. Daily
1). Statewide bag limit. No dogs. limit - 8, possession limit - 32.
Bear Modern Gun Youth Hunt: Nov. 6-7. Crow: Sept. 4-Feb. 20. Open Thursdays through
Statewide bag limit. No dogs. Mondays. No limit.
Bear Notes: Bear seasons close earlier if bear
zone quota is reached (for the lands that lie
within Bear Zone 1).
Cove Creek Natural Area WMA
Natural Heritage Comm. 877-525-8606 • 228 acres • Faulkner
Quail: Nov. 1-Feb. 6. Daily limit - 6, possession
county, WMA zone 134
limit -12. Bird dogs allowed.
CLOSED: deer muzzleloader, deer modern gun,
Rabbit: Sept. 1-Feb. 28. Dogs allowed except
bear archery, bear muzzleloader, bear modern
during firearms deer hunts. Daily limit - 8,
gun, alligator and elk.
possession limit - 16.
Deer Archery: Oct. 1-Feb. 28.
Squirrel: May 15-Feb. 28. Dogs allowed except
during firearms deer hunts. Daily limit - 8, Deer Notes: No dogs allowed. Seasonal bag limit
possession limit - 32. of two deer; no more than one legal buck. No more
than one legal buck or up to two does may be taken
Crow: Sept. 4-Feb. 20. Open Thursdays through
with archery tackle only.
Mondays. No limit.
Quail: Nov. 1-Feb. 6. Daily limit - 6, possession limit
Area Notes: Permanent deer stands are not allowed. A
-12. Bird dogs allowed.
Cherokee WMA leased lands permit is required to hunt
or trap wildlife on the area. Hunters in possession of a Rabbit: Sept. 1-Feb. 28. Dogs allowed. Daily limit -
valid Cherokee WMA leased lands permit are allowed 8, possession limit - 16.
to use ATVs, motorcycles or bicycles only on open,
maintained roads during an open hunting season while Squirrel: May 15-Feb. 28. Dogs allowed. Daily limit
traveling to or from a campsite or hunting location. - 8, possession limit - 32.
Dogs may be used for coyote, fox and bobcat hunting Crow: Sept. 4-Feb. 20. Open Thursdays through
when furbearer hunting season is open and firearms Mondays. No limit.
deer season is closed.
Crossett Experimental
Cherokee Prairie Natural Forest WMA
Area WMA
USDA Forest Service 870-364-8730 • 1,675 acres • Ashley county,
Natural Heritage Commission 877-478-1043 • 566 acres • Franklin WMA zone 136
county, WMA zone 130
CLOSED: deer modern gun, bear archery, bear
CLOSED: deer muzzleloader, deer modern gun, muzzleloader, bear modern gun, alligator and elk.
bear archery, bear muzzleloader, bear modern
gun, alligator and elk. Deer Archery: Oct. 1-Feb. 28.
Deer Archery: Oct. 1-Feb. 28. Deer Muzzleloader: Oct. 16-24 and Dec. 29-31.
Consult pages 67-69 for additional WMA general regulations and Page 70 for furbearer WMA regulations.
Deer Notes: No dogs allowed. Seasonal bag limit of Crow: Sept. 4-Feb. 20. Open Thursdays through
five deer; no more than two legal bucks. No more than Mondays. No limit.
two legal bucks or up to five does may be taken with
archery tackle. No more than three legal bucks and two Area Notes: Check antler restrictions on pages 42-43
does may be taken during the muzzleloader season. for important additional information. The Pigeon
Creek Waterfowl Rest Area closes to access after the
Quail: Nov. 1-Feb. 6. Daily limit - 6, possession last day of the modern gun quota deer hunt on the
limit -12. Bird dogs allowed. area and reopens to access Feb. 1. Check the latest
Arkansas Waterfowl Regulations Guidebook for details.
Rabbit: Sept. 1-Feb. 28. Dogs allowed except Travel by boat is not allowed on Latin Drain, Firehunt
during firearms deer hunts. Daily limit - 8, Slough and Third Slough except during high-water
possession limit - 16. periods when boating access is possible to the Deep
Squirrel: May 15-Feb. 28. Dogs allowed except Slough Dam. In this case, boats may be used area wide;
during firearms deer hunts. Daily limit - 8, however, boat motors may only be used on Cut-off
possession limit - 32. Creek and Deep Slough. Cut-Off Creek WMA is
closed to all trespassing (except in designated campsites,
Crow: Sept. 4-Feb. 20. Open Thursdays through parking areas and boat launch ramps) from 2 a.m. to 4
Mondays. No limit. a.m. during duck season.
Area Notes: Free permit is required to hunt on the
area and is available after Aug. 1 from the Southern
Research Station. USDA Forest Service, P. O. Box 3516, Cypress Bayou WMA
Monticello, AR 71656-3516, or from the headquarters AGFC 877-525-8606 • 1,503 acres • Lonoke, White counties, WMA
of the Crossett Experimental Forest. Refer to Page 28 zone 140
for additional USDA Forest Service information.
CLOSED: bear archery, bear muzzleloader, bear
modern gun, alligator and elk.
Cut-Off Creek WMA Deer Archery: Oct. 1-Feb. 28.
AGFC / Natural Heritage Comm. 877-367-3559 • 9,314 acres (includes Deer Muzzleloader (permit hunt): Oct. 23-27.
Cut-Off Creek Ravines Natural Area) Drew county, WMA zone 138
Deer Modern Gun (permit hunt): Nov. 13-17.
CLOSED: bear archery, bear muzzleloader, bear
modern gun, alligator and elk. Deer Notes: No dogs allowed. Seasonal bag limit
of three deer; no more than two legal bucks. No
Deer Archery: Oct. 1-Feb. 28. more than two legal bucks or up to three does may
Deer Muzzleloader (permit hunt): Oct. 23-27. be taken with archery tackle. No more than one
legal buck or one doe may be taken during the
Deer Modern Gun (permit hunt): Nov. 13-17. muzzleloader or modern gun permit hunts.
Deer Notes: No dogs allowed. Seasonal bag limit Quail: Nov. 1-Feb. 6. Daily limit - 6, possession limit
of four deer; no more than two legal bucks. No -12. Bird dogs allowed.
more than two legal bucks or up to four does may
be taken with archery tackle. No more than one Rabbit: Sept. 1-Feb. 28. Dogs allowed except during
legal buck and one doe may be taken during the firearms deer hunts. Daily limit - 8, possession
muzzleloader or modern gun permit hunts. limit - 16.
Quail: Nov. 1-Feb. 6. Daily limit - 6, possession Squirrel: May 15-Feb. 28. Dogs allowed except
limit -12. Bird dogs allowed. during firearms deer hunts. Daily limit - 8,
possession limit - 32.
Rabbit: Sept. 1-Feb. 28. Dogs allowed except
during firearms deer hunts. Daily limit - 8, Crow: Sept. 4-Feb. 20. Open Thursdays through
possession limit - 16. Mondays. No limit.
Squirrel: May 15-Feb. 28. Dogs allowed except
during firearms deer hunts. Daily limit - 8,
possession limit - 32.
Consult pages 67-69 for additional WMA general regulations and Page 70 for furbearer WMA regulations.
Consult pages 67-69 for additional WMA general regulations and Page 70 for furbearer WMA regulations.
Rabbit: Sept. 1-Feb. 28. Dogs allowed except Bear Archery: Sept. 15-Nov. 30. Statewide bag
during firearms deer hunts. Daily limit - 8, limit. No dogs.
possession limit - 16.
Bear Muzzleloader: Oct. 16-24. Statewide bag
Squirrel: May 15-Feb. 28. Dogs allowed except limit. No dogs.
during firearms deer hunts. Daily limit - 8,
possession limit - 32. Bear Modern Gun: Sept. 15-16 and Nov. 8-30.
Statewide bag limit. No dogs.
Crow: Sept. 4-Feb. 20. Open Thursdays through
Mondays. No limit. Bear Modern Gun Youth Hunt: Nov. 6-7.
Statewide bag limit. No dogs.
Area Notes: Check Black River Flood Prone Region
on Page 55 for important additional information. For Quail: Nov. 1-Feb. 6. Daily limit - 6, possession limit
all hunters except deer muzzleloaders permit holders, -12. Bird dogs allowed.
the Winchester Waterfowl Rest Area (all of Section 21, Rabbit: Sept. 1-Feb. 28. Dogs allowed except for
Township 11N, Range 3E lying south of Black River) muzzleloader deer hunts, modern gun special youth
and Brookings Moist Soil Units are closed to access hunt and Dec. 26-28. Daily limit - 8, possession
Nov. 1 and reopens to access Feb. 16. Lake Ashbaugh limit - 16.
is closed to hunting. Modern guns are restricted to
shotguns with slugs and certain revolvers and pistols. Squirrel: May 15-Feb. 28. Dogs allowed. Daily limit -
Archery equipment and muzzleloader rifles may also 8, possession limit - 32.
be used. Crow: Sept. 4-Feb. 20. Open Thursdays through
Mondays. No limit.
DeGray Lake WMA Area Notes: Contact the Corps of Engineers for a
Mobility Impaired Hunt Application at 870-246-5501.
Corps of Engineers 877-836-4612 • 14,000 acres • Clark, Hot Spring
counties, WMA zone 173
CLOSED: alligator and elk. Departee Creek WMA
Deer Archery: Oct. 1-Feb. 28 (no dogs). AGFC 877-734-4581 • 450 acres • White county, WMA zone 175
Deer Muzzleloader: Oct. 16-24 and Dec. 18-20 CLOSED: bear archery, bear muzzleloader, bear
(no dogs). modern gun, alligator and elk.
Deer Muzzleloader Mobility Impaired (permit Deer Archery: Oct. 1-Feb. 28.
hunt): Oct. 25-27 (no dogs). Deer Muzzleloader: Oct. 16-24 and Dec. 29-31.
Deer Modern Gun: Nov. 13-Dec. 12 (dogs allowed) Deer Modern Gun: Nov. 13-Dec. 19 and Dec. 26-28.
and Dec. 26-28 (no dogs).
Deer Modern Gun Special Youth Hunt: Nov. 6-7
Deer Modern Gun Special Youth Hunt: Nov. 6-7 and Jan. 1-2.
and Jan. 1-2 (no dogs).
Deer Notes: No dogs allowed. Seasonal bag limit
Deer Notes: Seasonal bag limit of four deer; no more of three deer; no more than two legal bucks. No
than two legal bucks. No more than two legal bucks or more than two legal bucks or up to three does may
up to four does may be taken by archery tackle. No more be taken with archery tackle. No more than two
than two legal bucks and two does may be taken during legal bucks or up to two does may be taken during
the muzzleloader and modern gun seasons. No more the muzzleloader or modern gun seasons. Bag limit
than one buck (no antler restrictions) or one doe may be during the modern gun special youth hunt is three
taken during the muzzleloader mobility impaired permit deer, no more than two bucks (no antler restrictions)
hunt. Bag limit during the modern gun special youth or up to two does. These are not bonus deer and will
hunt is four deer, no more than two bucks (no antler count towards the seasonal bag limit.
restrictions) and two does. These are not bonus deer and Quail: Nov. 1-Feb. 6. Daily limit - 6, possession
will count towards the seasonal bag limit. limit -12. Bird dogs allowed.
Consult pages 67-69 for additional WMA general regulations and Page 70 for furbearer WMA regulations.
Rabbit: Sept. 1-Feb. 28. Dogs allowed except during Rabbit: Sept. 1-Feb. 28. Dogs allowed except
firearms deer hunts. Daily limit - 8, possession limit - 16. during firearms deer hunts. Daily limit - 8,
possession limit - 16.
Squirrel: May 15-Feb. 28. Dogs allowed except
during firearms deer hunts. Daily limit - 8, Squirrel: May 15-Feb. 28. Dogs allowed except
possession limit - 32. during firearms deer hunts. Daily limit - 8,
possession limit - 32.
Crow: Sept. 4-Feb. 20. Open Thursdays through
Mondays. No limit. Crow: Sept. 4-Feb. 20. Open Thursdays through
Mondays. No limit.
Area Notes: Check flood prone region B on Page 56
for important additional information.
Dr. Lester Sitzes III Bois D’Arc WMA
Devil’s Knob Natural Area WMA AGFC 877-777-5580 • 13,646 acres • Hempstead county, WMA
zone 180
Natural Heritage Commission 877-297-4331 • 519 acres • Izard
county, WMA zone 177 CLOSED: bear archery, bear muzzleloader, bear
modern gun, and elk.
CLOSED: alligator and elk.
Deer Archery: Oct. 1-Feb. 28. Red Slough
Deer Archery: Oct. 1-Feb. 28.
Waterfowl Rest Area: Oct. 1-Nov. 5.
Deer Muzzleloader: Oct. 16-24 and Dec. 18-20.
Deer Muzzleloader (permit hunt): Oct. 23-27.
Deer Modern Gun: Nov. 13-Dec. 5 and Dec.
Deer Modern Gun (permit hunt): Nov. 13-17.
Deer Notes: No dogs allowed. Seasonal bag limit
Deer Modern Gun Special Youth Hunt: Nov. 6-7
of four deer; no more than two legal bucks. No
and Jan. 1-2.
more than two legal bucks or up to four does may
Deer Notes: No dogs allowed. Seasonal bag limit of be taken with archery tackle. No more than one
three deer; no more than two legal bucks. No more legal buck and two doe may be taken during the
than two legal bucks or up to three does may be muzzleloader or modern gun permit seasons.
taken with archery tackle. No more than two legal
bucks may be taken during the muzzleloader and Alligator (permit hunt): Sept. 17-20 and Sept.
modern gun seasons. Bag limit during the modern 24-27.
gun special youth hunt is two deer, no more than Quail: Nov. 1-Feb. 6. Daily limit - 6, possession limit
two bucks (no antler restrictions) or up to one doe. -12. Bird dogs allowed.
These are not bonus deer and will count towards
the seasonal bag limit. Rabbit: Sept. 1-Feb. 28. Dogs allowed except during
Bear Archery: Oct. 1-Nov. 30. Statewide bag firearms deer hunts. Daily limit - 8, possession limit - 16.
limit. No dogs. Squirrel: May 15-Feb. 28. Dogs allowed except
during firearms deer hunts. Daily limit - 8,
Bear Muzzleloader: Oct. 16-24. Statewide bag
possession limit - 32.
limit. No dogs.
Crow: Sept. 4-Feb. 20. Open Thursdays through
Bear Modern Gun: Nov. 8-30. Statewide bag Mondays. No limit.
limit. No dogs.
Area Notes: Red Slough Waterfowl Rest Area closes
Bear Modern Gun Youth Hunt: Nov. 6-7. to access Nov. 6 and will reopen to access Feb. 16,
Statewide bag limit. No dogs. although it is open to archery deer hunting Oct. 1-Nov.
Bear Notes: Bear seasons close earlier if bear 5. Dr. Lester Sitzes III Bois D’Arc Lake is open for
zone quota is reached. fishing and non-hunting access.
Quail: Nov. 1-Feb. 6. Daily limit - 6, possession
limit -12. Bird dogs allowed.
Consult pages 67-69 for additional WMA general regulations and Page 70 for furbearer WMA regulations.
Earl Buss Bayou DeView WMA Bear Modern Gun: Oct. 30-31 and Nov. 6-7
(deer permit holders only). Statewide bag limit.
AGFC 877-972-5438 • 4,435 acres • Poinsett county, WMA zone 210 No dogs.
CLOSED: deer muzzleloader, deer modern gun, Bear Notes: Bear seasons close earlier if bear
bear archery, bear muzzleloader, bear modern zone quota is reached.
gun, alligator and elk.
Quail: Nov. 1-Feb. 6. Weekends only. Limit 4.
Deer Archery: Oct. 1-Jan. 31. Bird dogs allowed.
Deer Notes: No dogs allowed. Seasonal bag limit of Rabbit: Sept. 1-Feb. 28. Dogs allowed except
three deer; no more than two legal bucks. No more during firearms deer hunts. Daily limit - 8,
than two legal bucks or up to three does may be possession limit - 16. Closed on Wylie Cox Special
taken with archery tackle only. Use Area.
Quail: Nov. 1-Feb. 6. Daily limit - 6, possession Squirrel: May 15-Feb. 28. Dogs allowed except
limit -12. Bird dogs allowed. during firearms deer hunts. Daily limit - 8,
Rabbit: Sept. 1-Feb. 28. Dogs allowed. Daily limit - possession limit - 32. Closed on Wylie Cox Special
8, possession limit - 16. Use Area.
Squirrel: May 15-Feb. 28. Dogs allowed. Daily Crow: Sept. 4-Feb. 20. Open Thursdays through
limit - 8, possession limit - 32. Mondays. No limit.
Crow: Sept. 4-Feb. 20. Open Thursdays through Bobcat and Coyote: Closed to hunting unless other
Mondays. No limit. hunting seasons are open.
Area Notes: Check flood prone region A on Page 56 Area Notes: Check antler restrictions on pages 42-43
for important additional information. Lake Hogue is for important additional information. The Steve Frick
closed to hunting. Waterfowl Rest Area is closed to access the day after
the modern gun deer hunt and will reopen to access
Feb. 1. The Wylie Cox SUA is closed to hunting except
Ed Gordon Point Remove WMA for dove hunting the first week of the statewide season.
Dog training is from Sept. 1-April 1. Dog trainers
AGFC / Natural Heritage Comm. 877-967-7577 • 8,694 acres (includes must possess a current Arkansas hunting license. The
Goose Pond Natural Area) Conway, Pope counties, WMA zone 213 area closes to dog training during field trials. Signs
CLOSED: deer muzzleloader, bear are posted when a field trial is in progress. The SUA
muzzleloader, alligator and elk. includes 140 acres east of Cargile Lake and south and
west of County Road 26. Boats are not allowed from
Deer Archery: Oct. 1-Feb. 28. 1 p.m. until 4 a.m. during duck season although boats
Deer Modern Gun (permit hunt): Oct. 30-31 and boat motors may be used from 4 a.m. until 6:30
p.m. during the statewide youth waterfowl hunt and
and Nov. 13-14.
during the last three days of the last duck season.
Deer Notes: No dogs allowed. Seasonal bag limit of
two deer; no more than one legal buck. No more than
one legal buck or up to two does may be taken with Electric Island WMA
archery tackle. No more than one buck (no antler
restrictions) and one doe may be taken during the AGFC 877-525-8606 • 118 acres • Garland county, WMA zone 215
modern gun permit hunts. Doe harvested during the CLOSED: all hunting, trapping, camping, dogs and
modern gun permit hunts are bonus deer and do not fires of any kind. Possession of firearms prohibited.
count against the statewide seasonal bag limit. A doe
must be harvested and checked before a buck may be
harvested during both modern gun permit hunts.
Bear Archery: Oct. 1-Nov. 30. Statewide bag
limit. No dogs.
Consult pages 67-69 for additional WMA general regulations and Page 70 for furbearer WMA regulations.
Quail: Nov. 1-Feb. 6. Daily limit - 6, possession Deer Notes: No dogs allowed. Seasonal bag limit
limit -12. Bird dogs allowed. of three deer; no more than two legal bucks. No
more than two legal bucks or up to two does may
Rabbit: Sept. 1-Feb. 28. Dogs allowed. Daily limit - be harvested with archery tackle. No more than
8, possession limit - 16. one legal buck or one doe may be taken during the
muzzleloader or modern gun permit hunts.
Squirrel: May 15-Feb. 28. Dogs allowed. Daily
limit - 8, possession limit - 32. Quail: Dec. 1-Feb. 6. Daily limit - 6, possession limit
-12. Bird dogs allowed.
Crow: Sept. 4-Feb. 20. Open Thursdays through
Mondays. No limit. Rabbit: Sept. 1-Feb. 28. Dogs allowed except
during firearms deer hunts. Daily limit - 8,
possession limit - 16.
Falcon Bottoms Natural Squirrel: May 15-Feb. 28. Dogs allowed except
Area WMA during firearms deer hunts. Daily limit - 8,
Natural Heritage Comm. 877-836-4612 • 2,787 acres • Columbia, possession limit - 32.
Lafayette, Nevada counties, WMA zone 219 Crow: Sept. 4-Feb. 20. Open Thursdays through
CLOSED: deer muzzleloader, deer modern gun, Mondays. No limit.
bear archery, bear muzzleloader, bear modern
gun, alligator and elk.
Deer Archery: Oct. 1-Feb. 28.
Deer Notes: No dogs allowed. Seasonal bag limit
of five deer; no more than two legal bucks. No more
than two legal bucks or up to five does may be taken
by archery tackle only.
Quail: Nov. 1-Feb. 6. Daily limit - 6, possession
limit -12. Bird dogs allowed.
Rabbit: Sept. 1-Feb. 28. Dogs allowed. Daily limit -
8, possession limit - 16.
Squirrel: May 15-Feb. 28. Dogs allowed. Daily
limit - 8, possession limit - 32.
Crow: Sept. 4-Feb. 20. Open Thursdays through
Mondays. No limit.
Consult pages 67-69 for additional WMA general regulations and Page 70 for furbearer WMA regulations.
Area Notes: The Fort Chaffee Maneuver Training Deer Modern Gun Youth Hunt:
Center (FCMTC) has updated the Policy Statement East Unit: Nov. 26-28.
and the Sportsman’s Map. The updated documents
are available from the Environmental Office (Building West Unit: Nov. 20-21, Nov. 26-28, Dec. 4-5 and
1370) on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 7 a.m. to 3 Dec. 11-12.
p.m. and are displayed on the legal access gate bulletin Deer Modern Gun Mobility Impaired
boards. Persons entering FCMTC must attend a (permit hunt):
Sportsman’s Orientation class and comply with post East Unit: Oct. 30-Nov. 1.
regulations. Class schedule and locations are available
by calling 479-484-3995, ext 2. Consumptive users West Unit: Closed.
must purchase a biannual sportsman’s permit ($20) Deer Notes:
while nonconsumptive or recreational users are required East: Unit: No dogs allowed. Seasonal bag limit of four
to have a biannual recreational permit ($5 charge). Both deer; no more than two legal bucks. The combined doe
are available at the class. Renewals or replacements bag limit per person for the archery, muzzleloader and
are available Tuesdays and Thursdays from the modern gun seasons is two. A doe must be harvested
Environmental Office from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. FCMTC’s and checked before a legal buck may be harvested during
modern gun and muzzleloader special hunt permit any hunt, except during the modern gun youth permit
holders are required to have a current, valid recreational hunt. Bag limit during the modern gun youth permit
or sportsman’s permit in order to participate. Renewals hunt is four deer, one legal buck and up to three does.
will no longer be made on the day of the hunt. Gates For all hunts, a legal buck must have both antlers under
16 and 22 open at 4:30 a.m. for the special hunts. 2 inches (button buck included) or an inside spread of
Public use compartments may be closed due to military 15 inches or more in width or at least one main beam 18
training.Legal access gates are posted with maps of inches or more in length.
compartments and calendars of compartment closures. West Unit: No dogs allowed. Seasonal bag limit of
To contact the post for compartment closures, call three deer; no more than one buck and two does. These
479-484-3995, ext.1. Check Legal Access Gate bulletin
deer are not bonus deer and will count towards the
boards each day.
seasonal bag limit. No antler restrictions.
Quail: Nov. 1-Feb. 6. Daily limit - 6, possession
Freddie Black Choctaw Island limit -12. Bird dogs allowed.
WMA Deer Research Area Rabbit: Sept. 1-Feb. 28. Dogs allowed except during
AGFC 877-367-3559 • 9,475 acres • Desha county, WMA west zone firearms deer hunts. Daily limit - 8, possession limit - 16.
132, WMA east zone 133 Squirrel: May 15-Feb. 28. Dogs allowed except
CLOSED: bear archery, bear muzzleloader, bear during firearms deer hunts. Daily limit - 8,
modern gun, alligator and elk. possession limit - 32.
West Unit: Closed. Area Notes: See Page 42 for special antler restrictions.
Freddie Black Choctaw Island WMA Deer Research
Deer Muzzleloader (permit hunt): Area East Unit closes to deer hunting when the
East Unit: Oct. 23-25. Mississippi River gauge at Arkansas City reaches 31 feet
and remains closed until the gauge falls to 29 feet or
West Unit: Closed. below. The West Unit does not flood and should remain
Deer Modern Gun (permit hunt): independent of the East Unit. Horses and mules are
East Unit: Dec. 4-6. prohibited during deer season.
West Unit: Closed.
Consult pages 67-69 for additional WMA general regulations and Page 70 for furbearer WMA regulations.
Squirrel: May 15-Feb. 28. Dogs allowed. Daily
Frog Bayou WMA limit - 8, possession limit - 32.
AGFC 479-478-1043 • 790 acres • Crawford county, WMA zone 235 Crow: Sept. 4-Feb. 20. Open Thursdays through
CLOSED: deer muzzleloader, deer modern gun, Mondays. No limit.
bear archery, bear muzzleloader, bear modern
gun, alligator and elk.
Deer Archery: Oct. 1-Feb. 28.
Garrett Hollow Natural
Area WMA
Deer Notes: No dogs allowed. Seasonal bag limit
of three deer; no more than two legal bucks. No Natural Heritage Comm. 866-253-2506 • 670 acres • Washington
more than two legal bucks or up to two does may be county, WMA zone 245
taken with archery tackle only. CLOSED: deer muzzleloader, deer modern gun,
Quail: Nov. 1-Feb. 6. Daily limit - 6, possession bear archery, bear muzzleloader, bear modern
limit -12. Bird dogs allowed. gun, alligator and elk.
Rabbit: Sept. 1-Feb. 28. Dogs allowed. Daily limit - Deer Archery: Oct. 1-Feb. 28.
8, possession limit - 16. Deer Notes: No dogs allowed. Seasonal bag limit
Squirrel: May 15-Feb. 28. Dogs allowed. Daily of two deer; no more than one legal buck. No more
limit - 8, possession limit - 32. than one legal buck or up to two does may be taken
with archery tackle only.
Crow: Sept. 4-Feb. 20. Open Thursdays through
Mondays. No limit. Quail: Nov. 1-Feb. 6. Daily limit - 6, possession
limit -12. Bird dogs allowed.
Rabbit: Sept. 1-Feb. 28. Dogs allowed. Daily limit -
Galla Creek WMA 8, possession limit - 16.
AGFC 877-967-7577 • 3,329 acres • Pope county, WMA zone 240 Squirrel: May 15-Feb. 28. Dogs allowed. Daily
CLOSED: deer muzzleloader, bear muzzleloader, limit - 8, possession limit - 32.
alligator and elk. Crow: Sept. 4-Feb. 20. Open Thursdays through
Deer Archery: Oct. 1-Feb. 28. Mondays. No limit.
Deer Modern Gun Youth Hunt (permit hunt): Nov. 6-7.
Deer Notes: No dogs allowed. Seasonal bag limit Gene Rush WMA
of three deer; no more than two legal bucks. No AGFC 877-967-7577 • 19,949 acres • Newton, Searcy counties, WMA
more than two legal bucks or up to two does may zone 250
be taken with archery tackle. Bag limit during the
modern gun youth permit hunt is one deer, buck (no CLOSED: alligator.
antler restrictions) or doe. This is not a bonus deer Deer Archery: Oct. 1-Feb. 28.
and will count towards the seasonal bag limit.
Deer Muzzleloader: Oct. 16-24.
Bear Archery: Sept. 15-Nov. 30. Statewide bag
limit. No dogs. Deer Modern Gun: Nov. 13-21 and Dec. 26-28.
Bear Modern Gun Youth Hunt: Nov. 6-7 (deer Deer Modern Gun Special Youth Hunt: Nov. 6-7
permit holders only). Statewide bag limit. No dogs. and Jan. 1-2.
Quail: Nov. 1-Feb. 6. Weekends only. Limit 4.
Bird dogs allowed.
Rabbit: Sept. 1-Feb. 28. Dogs allowed. Daily limit -
8, possession limit - 16.
Consult pages 67-69 for additional WMA general regulations and Page 70 for furbearer WMA regulations.
Deer Notes: No dogs allowed. Seasonal bag limit Deer Muzzleloader Mobility Impaired (permit
two deer; no more than one legal buck. No more than hunt): Nov. 2-4.
one legal buck or up to two does may be taken with
archery tackle. No more than one legal buck may Deer Muzzleloader Special Youth Hunt: Dec.
be taken during the muzzleloader and modern gun 28-29.
seasons and no more than one doe may be taken from Deer Notes: No dogs allowed. Seasonal bag limit
Oct. 16-20. Bag limit during the modern gun special of two deer; no more than one legal buck. No more
youth hunt is two deer, no more than one buck (no than one legal buck or up to two does may be taken
antler restrictions) and one doe. These are not bonus with archery tackle. No more than one buck (no
deer and will count towards the seasonal bag limit. antler restrictions) or one doe may be taken during
Bear Archery: Oct. 1-Nov. 30. Statewide bag the muzzleloader mobility impaired permit hunt.
limit. No dogs. Bag limit during the modern gun youth permit
hunt is one deer, buck (no antler restrictions) or doe.
Bear Muzzleloader: Oct. 16-24. Statewide bag This is not a bonus deer and will count towards the
limit. No dogs. seasonal bag limit.
Bear Modern Gun: Nov. 13-21. Statewide bag Bear Archery: Oct. 1-Nov. 30. Statewide bag limit.
limit. No dogs. No dogs.
Bear Modern Gun Youth Hunt: Nov. 6-7. Quail: Nov. 1-Feb. 6. Daily limit - 6, possession limit
Statewide bag limit. No dogs. -12. Bird dogs allowed.
Bear Notes: Bear seasons close earlier if bear Rabbit: Sept. 1-Feb. 28. Dogs allowed except during
zone quota is reached. firearms deer hunts. Daily limit - 8, possession limit - 16.
Elk (permit hunt): Sept. 20-24 and Dec. 6-10. Squirrel: May 15-Feb. 28. Dogs allowed except for
firearms deer hunts. Daily limit - 8, possession limit - 32.
Quail: Nov. 1-Feb. 6. Daily limit - 6, possession limit
-12. Bird dogs allowed. Crow: Sept. 4-Feb. 20. Open Thursdays through
Mondays. No limit.
Rabbit: Sept. 1-Feb. 28. Dogs allowed except during
firearms deer hunts. Daily limit - 8, possession Area Notes: Contact the Corps of Engineers for a
limit - 16. Mobility Impaired Hunt Application at 870-246-5501.
Squirrel: May 15-Feb. 28. Dogs allowed except
during firearms deer hunts. Daily limit - 8, Gulf Mountain WMA
possession limit - 32.
AGFC 877-297-4331 • 11,683 acres • Van Buren county, WMA
Crow: Sept. 4-Feb. 20. Open Thursdays through zone 280
Mondays. No limit.
CLOSED: alligator and elk.
Area Notes: Horses and mules are not allowed for
any use on that portion of Gene Rush WMA lying Deer Archery: Oct. 1-Feb. 28.
east of Searcy County Road 14 and west of the Buffalo
Deer Muzzleloader (permit hunt): Oct. 23-27.
National River property line from Woolum Ford to
the intersection of Searcy County roads 12 and 14. All Deer Modern Gun (permit hunt): Nov. 13-17.
caves closed to public access.
Deer Notes: No dogs allowed. Seasonal bag limit of
two deer; no more than one legal buck. No more than
Greers Ferry Lake WMA one legal buck or up to two does may be taken with
archery tackle. No more than one legal buck or one
Corps of Engineers 877-297-4331 • 9,914 acres • Cleburne, Van Buren doe may be taken during the muzzleloader or modern
counties, WMA zone 270 gun permit hunts.
CLOSED: deer modern gun, bear muzzleloader, Bear Archery: Oct. 1-Nov. 30. Statewide bag
bear modern gun, alligator and elk. limit. No dogs.
Deer Archery: Oct. 1-Feb. 28.
Arkansas Game and Fish Commission Hunting Guidebook 2010-11 89
WMAs • WMA-specific Regulations
Consult pages 67-69 for additional WMA general regulations and Page 70 for furbearer WMA regulations.
Bear Muzzleloader (deer permit holders only): Deer Notes: Seasonal bag limit of four deer; no
Oct. 9-13. Statewide bag limit. No dogs. more than two legal bucks. No more than two legal
bucks or up to four does may be taken with archery
Bear Modern Gun (deer permit holders only): tackle. No more than one legal buck and one doe
Nov. 6-10. Statewide bag limit. No dogs. may be taken during the muzzleloader or modern
Bear Notes: Bear seasons close earlier if bear gun seasons. Bag limit during the modern gun special
zone quota is reached. youth hunt is two deer, no more than one buck (no
antler restrictions) and one doe. These are not bonus
Quail: Nov. 1-Feb. 6 in Compartment A (no deer and will count towards the seasonal bag limit.
permit required). Dec. 1, 4, 8, 11 and 15 in
Compartments 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 within Gulf Quail: Nov. 1-Feb. 6. Daily limit - 6, possession
Mountain Quail Demonstration Area (permit limit -12. Bird dogs allowed.
required). One hunting party per permitted
compartment per day. No more than 3 persons per Rabbit: Sept. 1-Feb. 28. Dogs allowed except
party. Bag limit of 5 birds per person. Bird dogs during muzzlelaoder deer hunt, deer modern gun
allowed. Drawings for quail hunt permits must special youth hunt, Nov. 13-24 and Dec. 26-28.
be submitted on a 3x5 postcard and postmarked Daily limit - 8, possession limit - 16.
by Sept. 30. Print or type name, address, hunting Squirrel: May 15-Feb. 28. Dogs allowed except
license (or hunter education number if under 16) during muzzlelaoder deer hunt, deer modern gun
and a first and second choice of dates. No more
than 3 applicants per card. Each person or group special youth hunt, Nov. 13-24 and Dec. 26-28.
may submit only one application to Gulf Mountian Daily limit - 8, possession limit - 32.
WMA. Send card to: AGFC, Gulf Mountain Quail Crow: Sept. 4-Feb. 20. Open Thursdays through
Hunt, P.O. Box 729, Calico Rock, AR 72519-0729. Mondays. No limit.
Successful applicants will be notified by Nov. 1.
Area Notes: Hunters, trappers and campers 16 years
Rabbit: Sept. 1-Feb. 28. Dogs allowed except of age or older must purchase a Gum Flats WMA
during firearms deer hunts. Daily limit - 8, leased lands permit.
possession limit - 16.
Squirrel: May 15-Feb. 28. Dogs allowed except
during firearms deer hunts. Daily limit - 8, H. E. Flanagan Prairie Natural
possession limit - 32. Area WMA
Crow: Sept. 4-Feb. 20. Open Thursdays through Natural Heritage Comm. 877-478-1043 • 257 acres • Franklin county,
Mondays. No limit. WMA zone 284
CLOSED: deer muzzleloader, deer modern gun,
Gum Flats WMA bear archery, bear muzzleloader, bear modern
gun, alligator and elk.
Weyerhaeuser 877-777-5580 • 16,661 acres • Little River county,
WMA zone 282 Deer Archery: Oct. 1-Feb. 28.
CLOSED: bear archery, bear muzzleloader, bear Deer Notes: No dogs allowed. Seasonal bag limit of
modern gun, alligator and elk. three deer; no more than two legal bucks. No more
than two legal bucks or up to two does may be taken
Deer Archery: Oct. 1-Feb. 28. No dogs. with archery tackle only.
Deer Muzzleloader: Oct. 16-24 and Dec. 18-20. Quail: Nov. 1-Feb. 6. Daily limit - 6, possession limit
No dogs. -12. Bird dogs allowed.
Deer Modern Gun: Nov. 13-24 (no dogs), Dec. Rabbit: Sept. 1-Feb. 28. Dogs allowed. Daily limit -
4-15 (dogs allowed) and Dec. 26-28 (no dogs). 8, possession limit - 16.
Deer Modern Gun Special Youth Hunt: Nov. 6-7 Squirrel: May 15-Feb. 28. Dogs allowed. Daily limit
and Jan. 1-2. No dogs. - 8, possession limit - 32.
Consult pages 67-69 for additional WMA general regulations and Page 70 for furbearer WMA regulations.
Crow: Sept. 4-Feb. 20. Open Thursdays through Harris Brake WMA
Mondays. No limit.
AGFC 877-525-8606 • 2,700 acres • Perry county, WMA zone 300
CLOSED: deer muzzleloader, deer modern gun,
Harold E. Alexander Spring bear muzzleloader, bear modern gun, alligator
River WMA and elk.
AGFC / Natural Heritage Comm. 877-297-4331 • 13,859 acres Deer Archery: Oct. 1-Feb. 28.
(includes Rock Creek Natural Area) Sharp County, WMA zone 290 Deer Notes: No dogs allowed. Seasonal bag limit
CLOSED: alligator and elk. of two deer; no more than one legal buck. No more
than one legal buck or up to two does may be taken
Deer Archery: Oct. 1-Feb. 28. with archery tackle only.
Deer Muzzleloader (permit hunt): Oct. 23-27. Bear Archery: Sept. 15-Nov. 30. Statewide bag
Deer Modern Gun (permit hunt): Nov. 13-17. limit. No dogs.
Deer Notes: No dogs allowed. Seasonal bag limit Quail: Nov. 1-Feb. 6. Daily limit - 6, possession
of three deer; no more than two legal bucks. No limit -12. Bird dogs allowed.
more than two legal bucks or up to three does may Rabbit: Sept. 1-Feb. 28. Dogs allowed. Daily limit -
be taken with archery tackle. No more than one 8, possession limit - 16.
legal buck or one doe may be taken during the
muzzleloader or modern gun permit hunts. Squirrel: May 15-Feb. 28. Dogs allowed. Daily
limit - 8, possession limit - 32.
Bear Archery: Oct. 1-Nov. 30. Statewide bag
limit. No dogs. Crow: Sept. 4-Feb. 20. Open Thursdays through
Mondays. No limit.
Bear Muzzleloader: Oct. 9-13 (deer permit
holders only). Statewide bag limit. No dogs. Area Notes: Harris Brake Lake is closed except for
the early Canada Goose season, Sept. 1-15. During
Bear Modern Gun: Nov. 6-10 (deer permit duck season, other hunters may hunt only during the
holders only). Statewide bag limit. No dogs. same hours and days as duck hunters except for those
Bear Notes: Bear seasons close earlier if bear trapping and hunting furbearers at night.
zone quota is reached.
Quail: Nov. 1-Feb. 6. Hunting ends at noon. Daily Henry Gray Hurricane
limit - 6, possession limit -12. Bird dogs allowed. Lake WMA
Rabbit: Sept. 1-Feb. 28. Dogs allowed except
AGFC 877-734-4581 • 17,524 acres • White county, WMA zone 310
during firearms deer hunts. Daily limit - 8,
possession limit - 16. CLOSED: bear archery, bear muzzleloader, bear
modern gun, alligator and elk.
Squirrel: Sept. 4-Feb. 28. Dogs allowed except
during firearms deer hunts. Daily limit - 8, Deer Archery: Oct. 1-Feb. 28.
possession limit - 32.
Deer Muzzleloader (permit hunt): Oct. 23-27.
Crow: Sept. 4-Feb. 20. Open Thursdays through
Mondays. No limit. Deer Modern Gun (permit hunt): Nov. 13-17.
Area Notes: All caves closed to public access. Deer Notes: No dogs allowed. Seasonal bag limit
of three deer; no more than two legal bucks. No
more than two legal bucks or up to three does may
be taken with archery tackle. No more than one
legal buck and one doe may be taken during the
muzzleloader or modern gun permit hunts.
Consult pages 67-69 for additional WMA general regulations and Page 70 for furbearer WMA regulations.
Quail: Nov. 1-Feb. 6. Daily limit - 6, possession Bear Notes: Bear seasons close earlier if bear
limit -12. Bird dogs allowed. zone quota is reached.
Rabbit: Sept. 1-Feb. 28. Dogs allowed except during Quail: Nov. 1-Feb. 6. Daily limit - 6, possession
firearms deer hunts. Daily limit - 8, possession limit - 16. limit -12. Bird dogs allowed.
Squirrel: May 15-Feb. 28. Dogs allowed except Rabbit: Sept. 1-Feb. 28. Dogs allowed except
during firearms deer hunts. Daily limit - 8, during firearms deer hunts. Daily limit - 8,
possession limit - 32. possession limit - 16.
Crow: Sept. 4-Feb. 20. Open Thursdays through Squirrel: May 15-Feb. 28. Dogs allowed except
Mondays. No limit. during firearms deer hunts. Daily limit - 8,
possession limit - 32.
Area Notes: Check antler restrictions on pages 42-43
for important additional information. Area closes to Crow: Sept. 4-Feb. 20. Open Thursdays through
deer hunting when the White River exceeds 26 feet on Mondays. No limit.
the Augusta gauge and reopens when the Georgetown
gauge has fallen below 14 feet. Area Notes: Camping is restricted to five primitive
backpack sites on Pigeon Roost Trail. The area south
of Highway 12, east of War Eagle Road and north of
Bettis Hill Road is closed to hunting. The area north of
Hobbs State Park-Conservation Page Sawmill Road and Rambo Road is only open to
Area WMA archery and squirrel hunting.
Arkansas State Parks 866-253-2506 • 12,055 acres • Benton, Carroll,
Madison counties, WMA zone 320
Holland Bottoms WMA
CLOSED: alligator and elk.
AGFC / Natural Heritage Comm. 877-525-8606 • 6,190 acres
Deer Archery: Oct. 1-Feb. 28. (includes Holland Bottoms Natural Area Willow Oak Forest Preserve) •
Deer Muzzleloader (permit hunt): Nov. 13-17. Lonoke county, WMA zone 340
CLOSED: deer modern gun, bear archery, bear
Deer Modern Gun (permit hunt): Dec. 4-8.
muzzleloader, bear modern gun, alligator and elk.
Deer Modern Gun Youth Hunt (permit hunt):
Deer Archery: Oct. 1-Feb. 28.
Nov. 6-7.
Deer Muzzleloader (permit hunt): Oct. 23-25
Deer Modern Gun Mobility Impaired Hunt
(permit hunt): Oct. 23-24. and Nov. 26-28.
Deer Notes: No dogs allowed. Seasonal bag limit Deer Notes: No dogs allowed. Seasonal bag limit
two deer; no more than one legal buck. No more of three deer; no more than two legal bucks. No
than one legal buck or up to two does may be taken more than two legal bucks or up to two does may
with archery tackle. No more than one legal buck be taken with archery tackle. No more than one
or one doe may be taken during the muzzleloader legal buck or one doe may be taken during the
or modern gun permit hunts. Bag limit during the muzzleloader permit hunt.
modern gun youth permit hunt and the modern gun Quail: Nov. 1-Feb. 6. Tuesdays and Saturdays only.
mobility impaired permit hunt is one deer, buck (no Daily limit - 6, possession limit -12. Bird dogs allowed.
antler restrictions) or doe. This is not a bonus deer
and will count towards the seasonal bag limit. Rabbit: Sept. 1-Feb. 28. Dogs allowed except
during muzzleloader deer hunts. Daily limit - 8,
Bear Archery: Oct. 1-Nov. 30. Statewide bag limit. possession limit - 16.
No dogs.
Squirrel: May 15-Feb. 28. Dogs allowed except
Bear Muzzleloader: Nov. 13-17 (deer permit during muzzleloader deer hunts. Daily limit - 8,
holders only). Statewide bag limit. No dogs. possession limit - 32.
Bear Modern Gun: Dec. 4-8 (deer permit Crow: Sept. 4-Feb. 20. Open Thursdays through
holders only). Statewide bag limit. No dogs. Mondays. No limit.
Consult pages 67-69 for additional WMA general regulations and Page 70 for furbearer WMA regulations.
Area Notes: The Union Pacific Railroad right-of-way Deer Modern Gun (permit hunt): Nov. 13-21
through the area is considered part of the WMA for and Dec. 4-12.
season and regulations purposes. Lake Pickthorne
WRA closes to access Nov. 1 and reopens to access Feb. Deer Modern Gun Special Youth Hunt: Nov. 6-7
16. The WMA access gate near Lake Pickthorne will be and Jan. 1-2.
open from May 15-June 15 and Sept. 1-Feb. 28. Deer Notes: No dogs allowed. Seasonal bag limit
of four deer; no more than two legal bucks. No
more than two legal bucks or up to four does may
Hope Upland WMA be taken with archery tackle. No more than one
legal buck and one doe may be taken during the
AGFC 877-777-5580 • 2,115 acres • Hempstead county, WMA
muzzleloader or modern gun permit hunts. Bag
zone 360
limit during the modern gun special youth hunt
CLOSED: deer muzzleloader, bear archery, bear is one deer, buck (no antler restrictions) or doe.
muzzleloader, bear modern gun, alligator and elk. This is not a bonus deer and will count towards the
seasonal bag limit.
Deer Archery: Oct. 1-Feb. 28.
Quail: Nov. 1-Feb. 6. Daily limit - 6, possession
Deer Modern Gun Youth Hunt (permit hunt): limit -12. Bird dogs allowed.
Nov. 6-7.
Rabbit: Sept. 1-Feb. 28. Dogs allowed except during
Deer Notes: No dogs allowed. Seasonal bag limit of firearms deer hunts. Daily limit - 8, possession limit - 16.
four deer; no more than two legal bucks. No more than
two legal bucks or up to four does may be taken with Squirrel: May 15-Feb. 28. Dogs allowed except
archery tackle. Bag limit during the modern gun youth during firearms deer hunts. Daily limit - 8,
permit hunt is two deer, no more than one buck (no possession limit - 32.
antler restrictions) or up to two does. This is not a bonus Crow: Sept. 4-Feb. 20. Open Thursdays through
deer and will count towards the seasonal bag limit. Mondays. No limit.
Quail: Nov. 1-Feb. 6. Tuesdays only. Limit 4.
Bird dogs allowed.
Rabbit: Sept. 1-Feb. 28. Tuesdays, Thursdays and
Howard Hensley Searcy
Saturdays only. Daily limit - 8, possession limit - 16. County WMA
Dogs allowed except during firearms deer hunts. AGFC 877-967-7577 • 170 acres • Searcy county, WMA zone 372
Squirrel: Sept. 4-Feb. 28. Tuesdays, Thursdays and CLOSED: alligator and elk.
Saturdays only. Dogs allowed except during firearms
deer hunts. Daily limit - 8, possession limit - 32. Deer Archery: Oct. 1-Feb. 28.
Crow: Sept. 4-Feb. 20, Thursdays and Saturdays Deer Muzzleloader: Oct. 16-24 and Dec. 18-20.
only. No limit. Deer Modern Gun: Nov. 13-Dec. 5 and Dec. 26-28.
Area Notes: The area is closed to vehicles. Deer Modern Gun Special Youth Hunt: Nov. 6-7
and Jan. 1-2.
Howard County WMA Deer Notes: No dogs allowed. Seasonal bag limit
two deer; no more than one legal buck. No more
Weyerhaeuser 877-777-5580 • 26,000 acres • Howard county, WMA than one legal buck or up to two does may be
zone 370 taken with archery tackle. No more than one legal
CLOSED: bear archery, bear muzzleloader, bear buck may be taken during the muzzleloader and
modern gun, alligator and elk. modern gun seasons. Bag limit during the modern
gun special youth hunt is one deer, buck (no antler
Deer Archery: Oct. 1-Feb. 28. restrictions) or doe. This is not a bonus deer and will
Deer Muzzleloader (permit hunt): Oct. 16-24 count towards the seasonal bag limit.
and Dec. 18-20.
Consult pages 67-69 for additional WMA general regulations and Page 70 for furbearer WMA regulations.
Bear Archery: Oct. 1-Nov. 30. Statewide bag J. Perry Mikles Blue
limit. No dogs.
Mountain SUA
Bear Muzzleloader: Oct. 16-24. Statewide bag Corps of Engineers 877-478-1043 • 4,000 acres • Logan county,
limit. No dogs. WMA zone 380
Bear Modern Gun: Nov. 8-30. Statewide bag CLOSED: deer muzzleloader, bear archery, bear
limit. No dogs. muzzleloader, bear modern gun, alligator, elk,
Bear Modern Gun Youth Hunt: Nov. 6-7. quail and rabbit.
Statewide bag limit. No dogs. Deer Archery: Oct. 1-Feb. 28.
Bear Notes: Bear seasons close earlier if bear Deer Modern Gun (permit hunt): Nov. 17-18.
zone quota is reached.
Deer Modern Gun Youth Hunt (permit hunt):
Quail: Nov. 1-Feb. 6. Daily limit - 6, possession limit Oct. 9-10.
-12. Bird dogs allowed.
Deer Notes: No dogs allowed. Seasonal bag limit of
Rabbit: Sept. 1-Feb. 28. Dogs allowed except during three deer; no more than two legal bucks. No more
firearms deer hunts. Daily limit - 8, possession limit - 16. than two legal bucks or up to three does may be taken
Squirrel: May 15-Feb. 28. Dogs allowed except with archery tackle. No more than one legal buck or
during firearms deer hunts. Daily limit - 8, one doe may be taken during the modern gun permit
hunt. Bag limit during the modern gun youth permit
possession limit - 32. hunt is one deer, buck (no antler restrictions) or doe.
Crow: Sept. 4-Feb. 20. Open Thursdays through This is not a bonus deer and will count towards the
Mondays. No limit. seasonal bag limit.
Squirrel: May 15-Oct. 31. Dogs allowed except
during firearms deer hunts. Daily limit - 8,
Iron Mountain Natural possession limit - 32.
Area WMA Crow: Sept. 4-Feb. 20. Open Thursdays through
Natural Heritage Comm. 877-478-1043 • 260 acres • Polk county, Mondays. No limit.
WMA zone 375 Furbearers: closed to all trapping and raccoon
CLOSED: deer muzzleloader, deer modern gun, hunting. Chase for pleasure or training purposes only
bear archery, bear muzzleloader, bear modern is permitted year-round. Closed during field trails.
gun, alligator and elk.
Area Notes: All organized horse and mule events on
Deer Archery: Oct. 1-Feb. 28. J. Perry Mikles Blue Mountain SUA are required to be
scheduled/reserved annually by July 1 through the Area
Deer Notes: No dogs allowed. Seasonal bag limit Manager. All pleasure riding is restricted to dates when
of two deer; no more than one legal buck. No more
than one legal buck or up to two does may be taken no field trials are being conducted. Annual field trial
with archery tackle only. schedule will be posted at area headquarters.
Consult pages 67-69 for additional WMA general regulations and Page 70 for furbearer WMA regulations.
Deer Modern Gun Special Youth Hunt: Nov. 6-7 Deer Notes: No dogs allowed. Seasonal bag limit
and Jan. 1-2. of two deer; no more than one legal buck. No
more than one legal buck or up to two does may be
Deer Notes: No dogs allowed. Seasonal bag limit taken with archery tackle. No more than one legal
of two deer; no more than one legal buck. No buck may be taken during the muzzleloader and
more than one legal buck or up to two does may be modern gun seasons. Bag limit during the modern
taken with archery tackle. No more than one legal gun special youth hunt is one deer, buck (no antler
buck may be taken during the muzzleloader and restrictions) or doe. This is not a bonus deer and will
modern gun seasons. Bag limit during the modern count towards the seasonal bag limit.
gun special youth hunt is one deer, buck (no antler
restrictions) or doe. This is not a bonus deer and will Bear Archery: Oct. 1-Nov. 30. Statewide bag
count towards the seasonal bag limit. limit. No dogs.
Bear Archery: Oct. 1-Nov. 30. Statewide bag Bear Muzzleloader: Oct. 16-24. Statewide bag
limit. No dogs. limit. No dogs.
Bear Muzzleloader: Oct. 16-24. Statewide bag Bear Modern Gun: Nov. 8-30. Statewide bag
limit. No dogs. limit. No dogs.
Bear Modern Gun: Nov. 8-14. Statewide bag Bear Modern Gun Youth Hunt: Nov. 6-7.
limit. No dogs. Statewide bag limit. No dogs.
Bear Modern Gun Youth Hunt: Nov. 6-7. Bear Notes: Bear seasons close earlier if bear
Statewide bag limit. No dogs. zone quota is reached.
Bear Notes: Bear seasons close earlier if bear Quail: Nov. 1-Feb. 6. Daily limit - 6, possession
zone quota is reached. limit -12. Bird dogs allowed.
Quail: Nov. 1-Feb. 6. Daily limit - 6, possession limit Rabbit: Sept. 1-Feb. 28. Dogs allowed except during
-12. Bird dogs allowed. firearms deer hunts. Daily limit - 8, possession limit - 16.
Rabbit: Sept. 1-Feb. 28. Dogs allowed except during Squirrel: May 15-Feb. 28. Dogs allowed except
firearms deer hunts. Daily limit - 8, possession limit - 16. during firearms deer hunts. Daily limit - 8,
possession limit - 32.
Squirrel: May 15-Feb. 28. Dogs allowed except
during firearms deer hunts. Daily limit - 8, Crow: Sept. 4-Feb. 20. Open Thursdays through
possession limit - 32. Mondays. No limit.
Crow: Sept. 4-Feb. 20. Open Thursdays through Area Notes: Permanent deer stands are not allowed.
Mondays. No limit. A Jim Kress WMA leased lands permit is required to
hunt or trap wildlife on the area. Hunters in possession
of a valid Jim Kress WMA leased lands permit are
Jim Kress WMA allowed to use ATVs, motorcycles or bicycles on open,
maintained roads during an open hunting season while
Green Bay Packaging / Natural Heritage Comm. 877-297-4331 • traveling to or from a campsite or hunting location. A
14,527 acres (includes Big Creek Natural Area) Cleburne county, WMA Jim Kress WMA leased lands permit is not required to
zone 387 operate a vehicle on state highways or county roads. All
ATVs are prohibited on Big Creek Natural Area.
CLOSED: alligator and elk.
Deer Archery: Oct. 1-Feb. 28.
Deer Muzzleloader: Oct. 16-24 and Dec. 18-20.
Deer Modern Gun: Nov. 13-Dec. 5 and Dec. 26-28.
Deer Modern Gun Special Youth Hunt: Nov. 6-7
and Jan. 1-2.
Consult pages 67-69 for additional WMA general regulations and Page 70 for furbearer WMA regulations.
Jones Point WMA Deer Notes: No dogs allowed. Seasonal bag limit
of five deer; no more than two legal bucks. No
Corps of Engineers 877-967-7577 • 1,200 acres • Marion county, more than two legal bucks or up to five does may
WMA zone 390 be taken with archery tackle. No more than two
CLOSED: deer muzzleloader, deer modern gun, legal bucks and three does may be taken during
bear muzzleloader, bear modern gun, alligator the muzzleloader and modern gun seasons. Bag
and elk. limit during the modern gun special youth hunt
is five deer, no more than two bucks (no antler
Deer Archery: Oct. 1-Feb. 28. restrictions) and three does. These are not bonus
Deer Notes: No dogs allowed. Seasonal bag limit of deer and will count towards the seasonal bag limit.
three deer; no more than two legal bucks. No more Quail: Nov. 1-Feb. 6. Daily limit - 6, possession
than two legal bucks or up to three does may be limit -12. Bird dogs allowed.
taken with archery tackle only.
Rabbit: Sept. 1-Feb. 28. Dogs allowed except
Bear Archery: Oct. 1-Nov. 30. Statewide bag during firearms deer hunts. Daily limit - 8,
limit. No dogs. possession limit - 16.
Bear Notes: Bear seasons close earlier if bear Squirrel: Sept. 4-Feb. 28. Dogs allowed except
zone quota is reached. during firearms deer hunts. Daily limit - 8,
Quail: Nov. 1-Feb. 6. Daily limit - 6, possession limit possession limit - 32.
-12. Bird dogs allowed. Crow: Sept. 4-Feb. 20. Open Thursdays through
Rabbit: Sept. 1-Feb. 28. Dogs allowed. Daily limit - Mondays. No limit.
8, possession limit - 16. Area Notes: Check antler restrictions on pages 42-43
Squirrel: May 15-Feb. 28. Dogs allowed. Daily for important additional information. Hunters and
limit - 8, possession limit - 32. trappers 16 or older are required to purchase a Lafayette
County WMA leased lands permit. See Page 17.
Crow: Sept. 4-Feb. 20. Open Thursdays through Roads may be closed due to wet or flooded conditions.
Mondays. No limit. Vehicles must stay on maintained or graveled roads.
Buckshot may not be used.
Consult pages 67-69 for additional WMA general regulations and Page 70 for furbearer WMA regulations.
Deer Notes: Seasonal bag limit of four deer; no more Quail: Nov. 1-Feb. 6. Daily limit - 6, possession
than two legal bucks. No more than two legal bucks or limit -12. Bird dogs allowed.
up to four does may be taken with archery tackle. No
more than one legal buck and one doe may be taken Rabbit: Sept. 1-Feb. 28. Dogs allowed except
during the muzzleloader hunt or muzzleloader mobility during firearms deer hunts. Daily limit - 8,
impaired hunt or the modern gun permit hunts. Bag possession limit - 16.
limit during the modern gun special youth hunt is one Squirrel: May 15-Feb. 28. Dogs allowed except
deer, buck (no antler restrictions) or doe. This is not during firearms deer hunts. Daily limit - 8,
a bonus deer and will count towards the seasonal possession limit - 32.
bag limit.
Crow: Sept. 4-Feb. 20. Open Thursdays through
Quail: Nov. 1-Feb. 6. Daily limit - 6, possession Mondays. No limit.
limit -12. Bird dogs allowed.
Rabbit: Sept. 1-Feb. 28. Dogs allowed except
during deer muzzleloader hunts, modern gun Little Bayou WMA
special youth hunt and Nov. 13-24. Daily limit - 8, AGFC 877-367-3559 • 1,284 acres • Ashley county, WMA zone 415
possession limit - 16.
CLOSED: deer modern gun, bear archery, bear
Squirrel: May 15-Feb. 28. Dogs allowed except muzzleloader, bear modern gun, alligator and elk.
during deer muzzleloader hunts, modern gun
special youth hunt and Nov. 13-24. Daily limit - 8, Deer Archery: Oct. 1-Feb. 28.
possession limit - 32. Deer Muzzleloader (permit hunt): Oct. 23-27.
Crow: Sept. 4-Feb. 20. Open Thursdays through Deer Notes: No dogs allowed. Seasonal bag limit
Mondays. No limit. of four deer; no more than two legal bucks. No
Area Notes: Other hunting seasons remain open more than two legal bucks or up to four does may
during permit hunts. be taken with archery tackle. No more than one
legal buck and one doe may be taken during the
muzzleloader permit hunt.
Lee County WMA Quail: Nov. 1-Feb. 6. Daily limit - 6, possession
AGFC 877-734-4581 • 200 acres • Lee county, WMA zone 412 limit -12. Bird dogs allowed.
CLOSED: bear archery, bear muzzleloader, bear Rabbit: Sept. 1-Feb. 28. Dogs allowed except during
modern gun, alligator and elk. firearms deer hunts. Daily limit - 8, possession limit - 16.
Deer Archery: Oct. 1-Feb. 28. Squirrel: May 15-Feb. 28. Dogs allowed except
during firearms deer hunts. Daily limit - 8,
Deer Muzzleloader: Oct. 16-24 and Dec. 18-20. possession limit - 32.
Deer Modern Gun: Nov. 13-Dec. 12 and Dec. 26-28. Crow: Sept. 4-Feb. 20. Open Thursdays through
Deer Modern Gun Special Youth Hunt: Nov. 6-7 Mondays. No limit.
and Jan. 1-2. Area Notes: Check antler restrictions on pages 42-43
Deer Notes: No dogs allowed. Seasonal bag limit of for important additional information.
three deer; no more than two legal bucks. No more
than two legal bucks or up to three does may be
taken with archery tackle. No more than two legal Little River WMA
bucks or up to two does may be taken during the AGFC 877-777-5580 • 597 acres • Hempstead county, WMA zone 417
muzzleloader and modern gun seasons. Bag limit
during the modern gun special youth hunt is three CLOSED: bear archery, bear muzzleloader, bear
deer, no more than two bucks (no antler restrictions) modern gun, alligator and elk.
or up to two does. These are not bonus deer and will Deer Archery: Oct. 1-Feb. 28.
count towards the seasonal bag limit.
Deer Muzzleloader: Oct. 16-24 and Dec. 18-20.
Consult pages 67-69 for additional WMA general regulations and Page 70 for furbearer WMA regulations.
Deer Modern Gun: Nov. 13-Dec. 19 and Dec. 26-28. Bear Modern Gun: Nov. 13-21. Statewide bag
limit. No dogs.
Deer Modern Gun Special Youth Hunt: Nov. 6-7
and Jan. 1-2. Bear Modern Gun Youth Hunt: Nov. 6-7.
Deer Notes: No dogs allowed. Seasonal bag limit of Statewide bag limit. No dogs.
four deer; no more than two legal bucks. No more Bear Notes: Bear seasons close earlier if bear
than two legal bucks or up to four does may be taken zone quota is reached.
with archery tackle. No more than two legal bucks
and two does may be taken during the muzzleloader Quail: Nov. 1-Feb. 6. Daily limit - 6, possession
and modern gun seasons. Bag limit during the limit -12. Bird dogs allowed.
modern gun special youth hunt is four deer, no
more than two bucks (no antler restrictions) and Rabbit: Sept. 1-Feb. 28. Dogs allowed except
two does. These are not bonus deer and will count during firearms deer hunts. Daily limit - 8,
towards the seasonal bag limit. possession limit - 16.
Quail: Nov. 1-Feb. 6. Daily limit - 6, possession Squirrel: May 15-Feb. 28. Dogs allowed except
limit -12. Bird dogs allowed. during firearms deer hunts. Daily limit - 8,
possession limit - 32.
Rabbit: Sept. 1-Feb. 28. Dogs allowed except during
firearms deer hunts. Daily limit - 8, possession limit - 16. Crow: Sept. 4-Feb. 20. Open Thursdays through
Mondays. No limit.
Squirrel: May 15-Feb. 28. Dogs allowed except
during firearms deer hunts. Daily limit - 8, Area Notes: All caves closed to public access.
possession limit - 32.
Crow: Sept. 4-Feb. 20. Open Thursdays through Maumelle River WMA
Mondays. No limit.
Central Arkansas Waterworks 877-525-8606 • 17,370 acres • Pulaski
county, WMA zone 425
Loafer’s Glory WMA CLOSED: deer muzzleloader, deer modern gun,
AGFC 877-967-7577 • 2,686 acres • Searcy county, WMA zone 420 bear muzzleloader, bear modern gun, alligator,
elk, quail, rabbit and crow.
CLOSED: alligator and elk.
Deer Archery (permit hunt): Oct. 1-31, Nov. 1-30
Deer Archery: Oct. 1-Feb. 28. and Dec. 1-31.
Deer Muzzleloader: Oct. 16-24. Deer Notes: No dogs allowed. Seasonal bag limit of
Deer Modern Gun: Nov. 13-21. three deer; no more than one legal buck. No more
than one legal buck and two does may be taken by
Deer Modern Gun Special Youth Hunt: Nov. 6-7 permit with archery tackle only.
and Jan. 1-2.
Bear Archery: Oct. 1-31, Nov. 1-30 and Dec. 1-31
Deer Notes: No dogs allowed. Seasonal bag limit (deer permit holders only). Statewide bag limit.
of two deer; no more than one legal buck. No more
than one legal buck or up to two does may be taken Squirrel: Sept. 4-Feb. 28 (on Tuesdays, Thursdays
with archery tackle. No more than one legal buck may and Saturdays). Dogs allowed. Shotguns using legal,
be taken during the muzzleloader and modern gun non-toxic ammunition may be used to take squirrel
seasons. Bag limit during the modern gun special youth on the portion of the WMA lying west of Arkansas
hunt is one deer, buck (no antler restrictions) or doe. Highway 10 bridge and west of Arkansas Highway
This is not a bonus deer and will count towards the 113 as designated on the public use map. During
seasonal bag limit. permit deer hunts, squirrel hunting is allowed
without a permit (shotgun only; non-toxic shot)
Bear Archery: Oct. 1-Nov. 30. Statewide bag
on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays west of the
limit. No dogs. Arkansas Highway 10 bridge.
Bear Muzzleloader: Oct. 16-24. Statewide bag Furbearers: closed to all hunting and trapping.
limit. No dogs.
Consult pages 67-69 for additional WMA general regulations and Page 70 for furbearer WMA regulations.
Consult pages 67-69 for additional WMA general regulations and Page 70 for furbearer WMA regulations.
Deer Modern Gun Special Youth Hunt: Nov. 6-7, Deer Modern Gun Special Youth Hunt: Nov. 6-7
and Jan. 1-2. and Jan. 1-2. No dogs.
Deer Notes: No dogs allowed. Seasonal bag limit of Deer Notes: Seasonal bag limit of three deer; no more
five deer; no more than one legal buck. No more than than two legal bucks. No more than two legal bucks or
one legal buck or up to five does may be taken with up to two does may be taken with archery tackle. No
archery tackle. No more than one legal buck or up more than two legal bucks may be taken during the
to five does may be taken during the muzzleloader or muzzleloader deer season and no more than one doe
modern gun permit hunts. A doe must be harvested may be taken from Oct. 16-20 during the muzzleloader
and checked before a buck may be harvested during the deer season. No more than two legal bucks may be
archery season and the firearms permit hunts. Bag limit taken during the modern gun seasons. Bag limit during
during the modern gun special youth hunt is one deer, the modern gun special youth hunt is two deer, no
buck (no antler restrictions) or doe. This is not a bonus more than two bucks (no antler restrictions) or up
deer and will count towards the seasonal bag limit. For to one doe. These are not bonus deer and will count
all hunts except the modern gun special youth hunt, towards the seasonal bag limit.
a legal buck must have both antlers under 2 inches
(button buck included) or an inside spread of 12 inches Bear Archery: Sept. 15-Nov. 30. Statewide bag
or more in width or at least one main beam 15 inches or limit. No dogs.
more in length. Bear Muzzleloader: Oct. 16-24. Statewide bag
Quail: Nov. 1-Feb. 6. Daily limit - 6, possession limit. No dogs.
limit -12. Bear Modern Gun: Sept. 15-16 and Nov. 8-30.
Rabbit: Sept. 1-Feb. 28. Dogs allowed except Statewide bag limit. No dogs.
during firearms deer hunts. Daily limit - 8, Bear Modern Gun Youth Hunt: Nov. 6-7.
possession limit - 16.
Statewide bag limit. No dogs.
Squirrel: May 15-Feb. 28. Dogs allowed except
Quail: Nov. 1-Feb. 6. Daily limit - 6, possession
during firearms deer hunts. Daily limit - 8,
limit -12. Bird dogs allowed.
possession limit - 32.
Rabbit: Sept. 1-Feb. 28. Dogs allowed except
Crow: Sept. 4-Feb. 20. Open Thursdays through
during muzzleloader deer hunt, modern gun
Mondays. No limit.
special youth hunt and Nov. 13-24. Daily limit - 8,
Area Notes: All other seasons closed during firearms possession limit - 16.
permit deer hunts. Vehicles, horses, mules and
bicycles may only be used on gravel/graded roads. Squirrel: May 15-Feb. 28. Dogs allowed except
Any maintained road, open or closed, on Moro Big during muzzleloader deer hunt, modern gun
Pine Natural Area WMA is subject to regulations special youth hunt and Nov. 13-24. Daily limit - 8,
prohibiting hunting from roads (see Page 68). Check possession limit - 32.
antler restrictions on pages 42-43 for important Crow: Sept. 4-Feb. 20. Open Thursdays through
additional information. Mondays. No limit.
Area Notes: Refer to Page 28 for additional USDA
Mount Magazine WMA Forest Service information.
USDA Forest Service 877-478-1043 • 120,000 acres • Logan, Yell
counties, WMA zone 450 Muddy Creek WMA
CLOSED: alligator and elk. USDA Forest Service 877-478-1043 • 146,206 acres • Montgomery,
Deer Archery: Oct. 1-Feb. 28. No dogs allowed. Scott, Yell counties, WMA zone 460
Deer Muzzleloader: Oct. 16-24 and Dec. 18-20. CLOSED: alligator and elk.
No dogs. Deer Archery: Oct. 1-Feb. 28.
Deer Modern Gun: Nov. 13-24 (no dogs), Nov. 25- Deer Muzzleloader: Oct. 16-24 and Dec. 18-20.
Dec. 5 (dogs allowed) and Dec. 26-28 (no dogs).
Deer Modern Gun: Nov. 13-Dec. 5 and Dec. 26-28.
Consult pages 67-69 for additional WMA general regulations and Page 70 for furbearer WMA regulations.
Deer Modern Gun Special Youth Hunt: Nov. 6-7 Deer Notes: No dogs allowed. Seasonal bag limit of
and Jan. 1-2. four deer; no more than two legal bucks. No more
than two legal bucks or up to four does may be taken
Deer Notes: No dogs allowed. Seasonal bag limit of
with archery tackle only.
three deer; no more than two legal bucks. No more
than two legal bucks or up to three does may be taken Quail: Nov. 1-Feb. 6. Daily limit - 6, possession
with archery tackle. No more than two legal bucks limit -12. Bird dogs allowed.
and one doe may be taken during the muzzleloader
and modern gun seasons. A Muddy Creek WMA Rabbit: Sept. 1-Feb. 28. Dogs allowed. Daily limit -
doe quota permit is required to harvest a doe during 8, possession limit - 16.
the muzzleloader and modern gun seasons. Bag limit Squirrel: May 15-Feb. 28. Dogs allowed. Daily
during the modern gun special youth hunt is three limit - 8, possession limit - 32.
deer, no more than two bucks (no antler restrictions)
and one doe (a WMA doe quota permit is not Crow: Sept. 4-Feb. 20. Open Thursdays through
required). These are not bonus deer and will count Mondays. No limit.
towards the seasonal bag limit.
Bear Archery: Sept. 15-Nov. 30. Statewide bag Nimrod/Lloyd Millwood WMA
limit. No dogs.
Corps of Engineers 877-967-7577 • 3,550 acres • Yell county, WMA
Bear Muzzleloader: Oct. 16-24. Statewide bag zone 470
limit. No dogs.
CLOSED: alligator and elk.
Bear Modern Gun: Sept. 15-16 and Nov. 8-30.
Statewide bag limit. No dogs. Deer Archery: Oct. 1-Feb. 28. No dogs.
Bear Modern Gun Youth Hunt: Nov. 6-7. Deer Muzzleloader: Oct. 16-24 and Dec. 18-20.
Statewide bag limit. No dogs. No dogs.
Quail: Nov. 1-Feb. 6. Daily limit - 6, possession Deer Modern Gun: Nov. 13-Dec. 5 (dogs allowed)
limit -12. Bird dogs allowed. and Dec. 26-28 (no dogs allowed).
Rabbit: Sept. 1-Feb. 28. Dogs allowed except during Deer Modern Gun Special Youth Hunt: Nov. 6-7
firearms deer hunts. Daily limit - 8, possession limit - 16. and Jan. 1-2. No dogs.
Deer Notes: Seasonal bag limit of three deer; no more
Squirrel: May 15-Feb. 28. Dogs allowed except
than two legal bucks. No more than two legal bucks
during firearms deer hunts. Daily limit - 8,
or up to two does may be taken with archery tackle.
possession limit - 32.
No more than two legal bucks may be taken during
Crow: Sept. 4-Feb. 20. Open Thursdays through the muzzleloader and modern gun seasons. Bag limit
Mondays. No limit. during the modern gun special youth hunt is two
deer, no more than two bucks (no antler restrictions)
Area Notes: Refer to Page 28 for additional USDA or up to one doe. These are not bonus deer and will
Forest Service information. count towards the seasonal bag limit.
Bear Archery: Sept. 15-Nov. 30. Statewide bag
Nacatoch Ravines Natural limit. No dogs.
Area WMA Bear Muzzleloader: Oct. 16-24. Statewide bag
Natural Heritage Comm. 877-777-5580 • 645 acres • Hempstead limit. No dogs.
county, WMA zone 465 Bear Modern Gun: Sept. 15-16 and Nov. 8-30.
CLOSED: deer muzzleloader, deer modern gun, Statewide bag limit. No dogs.
bear archery, bear muzzleloader, bear modern Bear Modern Gun Youth Hunt: Nov. 6-7.
gun, alligator and elk. Statewide bag limit. No dogs.
Deer Archery: Oct. 1-Feb. 28.
Consult pages 67-69 for additional WMA general regulations and Page 70 for furbearer WMA regulations.
Quail: Nov. 1-Feb. 6. Daily limit - 6, possession limit Bear Modern Gun: Chapin Point and Indian
-12. Bird dogs allowed. Head Units closed. Seward Point, Bennett’s Bayou
Rabbit: Sept. 1-Feb. 28. Dogs allowed except and Fulton County Units: Nov. 13-21. No dogs.
during muzzleloader deer hunt, modern gun special Bear Modern Gun Special Youth Hunt: Chapin
youth hunt and Dec. 26-28 deer hunt. Daily limit - Point and Indian Head Units closed. Seward
8, possession limit - 16. Point, Bennett’s Bayou and Fulton County Units:
Squirrel: May 15-Feb. 28. Dogs allowed except Nov. 6-7. No dogs.
during muzzleloader deer hunt, modern gun special Bear Notes: Bear seasons close earlier if bear
youth hunt and Dec. 26-28 deer hunt. Daily limit - zone quota is reached.
8, possession limit - 32.
Quail: Nov. 1-Feb. 6. Hunting ends at noon in
Crow: Sept. 4-Feb. 20. Open Thursdays through Chapin Point and Indian Head units only. Seward
Mondays. No limit. Point, Bennett’s Bayou and Fulton County units
follow statewide schedule and bag limit. Daily
limit - 6, possession limit -12. Bird dogs allowed
Norfork Lake WMA for all units.
Corps of Engineers 877-297-4331 • 10,000 acres • Baxter county, Rabbit: Sept. 1-Feb. 28. In Chapin Point and
WMA zone 480 Indian Head Units dogs are allowed. Seward
CLOSED: alligator and elk. Point, Bennett’s Bayou and Fulton County units
allow dogs except during firearms deer hunts.
Deer Archery (all units): Oct. 1-Feb. 28. Daily limit - 8, possession limit - 16.
Deer Muzzleloader: Chapin Point and Indian Squirrel: May 15-Feb. 28. In Chapin Point and
Head Units closed. Seward Point, Bennett’s Bayou Indian Head Units dogs are allowed. Seward
and Fulton County Units: Oct. 16-24. Point, Bennett’s Bayou and Fulton County units
Deer Modern Gun: Seward Point, Bennett’s allow dogs except during firearms deer hunts.
Bayou and Fulton County Units: Nov. 13-21. Daily limit - 8, possession limit - 32.
Chapin Point and Indian Head Units closed. Crow: Sept. 4-Feb. 20. Open Thursdays through
Mondays. No limit.
Deer Modern Gun Special Youth Hunt: Seward
Point, Bennett’s Bayou and Fulton County Units:
Nov. 6-7 and Jan. 1-2. Chapin Point and Indian Ozan WMA
Head Units closed.
AGFC 877-777-5580 • 580 acres • Hempstead county, WMA zone 495
Deer Notes: No dogs allowed. Seasonal bag limit
of three deer; no more than two legal bucks. No CLOSED: bear archery, bear muzzleloader, bear
more than two legal bucks or up to three does may modern gun, alligator and elk.
be taken with archery tackle. No more than one
Deer Archery: Oct. 1-Feb. 28.
legal buck may be taken during the muzzleloader or
modern gun seasons. Bag limit during the modern Deer Muzzleloader: Oct. 16-24 and Dec. 29-31.
gun special youth hunt is one deer, buck (no antler
restrictions) or doe. This is not a bonus deer and will Deer Modern Gun: Nov. 13-Dec. 19 and Dec. 26-28.
count towards the seasonal bag limit. Deer Modern Gun Special Youth Hunt: Nov. 6-7
Bear Archery: Oct. 1-Nov. 30. Statewide bag and Jan. 1-2.
limit. No dogs.
Bear Muzzleloader: Chapin Point and Indian
Head Units closed. Seward Point, Bennett’s Bayou
and Fulton County Units: Oct. 16-24. No dogs.
Consult pages 67-69 for additional WMA general regulations and Page 70 for furbearer WMA regulations.
Deer Notes: No dogs allowed. Seasonal bag limit Rabbit: Sept. 1-Feb. 28. Dogs allowed except
of five deer; no more than two legal bucks. No more during muzzleloader deer hunt, modern gun special
than two legal bucks and up to five does may be taken youth hunt, Dec. 26-28 deer hunt or during any
with archery tackle. No more than two legal bucks firearms deer hunts on the islands. Daily limit - 8,
and three does may be taken during the muzzleloader possession limit - 16.
and modern gun seasons. Bag limit during the
modern gun special youth hunt is five deer, no more Squirrel: May 15-Feb. 28. Dogs allowed except
than two bucks (no antler restrictions) and three during muzzleloader deer hunt, modern gun special
does. These are not bonus deer and will count towards youth hunt, Dec. 26-28 deer hunt or during any
the seasonal bag limit. firearms deer hunts on the islands. Daily limit - 8,
possession limit - 32.
Quail: Nov. 1-Feb. 6. Daily limit - 6, possession
limit -12. Bird dogs allowed. Crow: Sept. 4-Feb. 20. Open Thursdays through
Mondays. No limit.
Rabbit: Sept. 1-Feb. 28. Dogs allowed except during
firearms deer hunts. Daily limit - 8, possession limit - 16.
Squirrel: May 15-Feb. 28. Dogs allowed except Ozark National Forest WMA
during firearms deer hunts. Daily limit - 8, USDA Forest Service / Natural Heritage Comm. 877-967-7577 •
possession limit - 32. 678,878 acres (includes Kings River Falls Natural Area) • Conway,
Crawford, Franklin, Johnson, Madison, Newton, Pope, Searcy, Van
Crow: Sept. 4-Feb. 20. Open Thursdays through
Buren, Washington counties, WMA zone 505
Mondays. No limit.
CLOSED: alligator and elk.
Corps of Engineers 877-478-1043 • 7,834 acres • Crawford, Franklin Deer Muzzleloader: Oct. 16-24 and Dec. 18-20.
counties, WMA zone 500 Deer Modern Gun: Nov. 13-Dec. 5 and Dec. 26-28.
CLOSED: bear archery, bear muzzleloader, bear Deer Modern Gun Special Youth Hunt: Nov. 6-7
modern gun, alligator and elk. and Jan. 1-2.
Deer Archery: Oct. 1-Feb. 28. No dogs. Deer Notes: No dogs allowed. Seasonal bag limit of
Deer Muzzleloader: Oct. 16-24 and Dec. 18-20. two deer; no more than one legal buck. No more than
No dogs. one legal buck or up to two does may be taken with
archery tackle. No more than one legal buck may be
Deer Modern Gun: Nov. 13-Dec. 5 (dogs allowed taken during the muzzleloader deer season and no
except on islands) and Dec. 26-28 (no dogs). more than one doe may be taken from Oct. 16-20
during the muzzleloader deer season. No more than
Deer Modern Gun Special Youth Hunt: Nov. 6-7 one legal buck may be taken during the modern gun
and Jan. 1-2. No dogs. seasons. Bag limit during the modern gun special
Deer Notes: Seasonal bag limit three deer; no more youth hunt is one deer, buck (no antler restrictions) or
than two legal bucks. No more than two legal bucks doe. This is not a bonus deer and will count towards
or up to two does may be taken with archery tackle. the seasonal bag limit.
No more than two legal bucks may be taken during Bear Archery: Oct. 1-Nov. 30. Statewide bag
the muzzleloader and modern gun seasons. Bag limit
limit. No dogs.
during the modern gun special youth hunt is two
deer, no more than two bucks (no antler restrictions) Bear Muzzleloader: Oct. 16-24. Statewide bag
or up to one doe. These are not bonus deer and will limit. No dogs.
count towards the seasonal bag limit.
Bear Modern Gun: Nov. 8-30. Statewide bag
Quail: Nov. 1-Feb. 6. Daily limit - 6, possession limit. No dogs.
limit -12. Bird dogs allowed.
Bear Modern Gun Youth Hunt: Nov. 6-7.
Statewide bag limit. No dogs.
Consult pages 67-69 for additional WMA general regulations and Page 70 for furbearer WMA regulations.
Bear Notes: Bear seasons close earlier if bear Deer Modern Gun Special Youth Hunt: Nov. 6-7
zone quota is reached. and Jan. 1-2.
Quail: Nov. 1-Feb. 6. Daily limit - 6, possession Deer Notes: No dogs allowed. Seasonal bag limit of
limit -12. Bird dogs allowed. three deer; no more than two legal bucks. No more than
two legal bucks or up to two does may be taken with
Rabbit: Sept. 1-Feb. 28. Dogs allowed except archery tackle. No more than two legal bucks may be
during firearms deer hunts. Daily limit - 8, taken during muzzleloader season and no more than one
possession limit - 16. doe may be taken from Oct. 16-20. No more than two
Squirrel: May 15-Feb. 28. Dogs allowed. Daily legal bucks may be taken during the modern gun seasons.
Bag limit during the modern gun special youth hunt is
limit - 8, possession limit - 32. two deer, no more than two bucks (no antler restrictions)
Crow: Sept. 4-Feb. 20. Open Thursdays through or up to one doe. These are not bonus deer and will count
Mondays. No limit. towards the seasonal bag limit.
Area Notes: Refer to Page 28 for additional USDA Bear Archery: Sept. 15-Nov. 30. Statewide bag
Forest Service information. limit. No dogs.
Bear Muzzleloader: Oct. 16-24. Statewide bag
limit. No dogs.
Palmetto Flats Natural Area WMA
Bear Modern Gun: Sept. 15-16 and Nov. 8-30.
Natural Heritage Commission 877-777-5580 • 1,848 acres • Little Statewide bag limit. No dogs.
River county, WMA zone 507
Bear Modern Gun Youth Hunt: Nov. 6-7.
CLOSED: deer modern gun, deer muzzleloader,
Statewide bag limit. No dogs.
bear archery, bear muzzleloader, bear modern
gun and elk. Quail: Nov. 1-Feb. 6. Daily limit - 6, possession
limit -12. Bird dogs allowed.
Deer Archery: Oct. 1-Feb. 28.
Rabbit: Sept. 1-Feb. 28. Dogs allowed except during
Deer Notes: No dogs allowed. Seasonal bag limit of firearms deer hunts. Daily limit - 8, possession limit - 16.
four deer; no more than two legal bucks. No more
than two legal bucks or up to four does may be Squirrel: May 15-Feb. 28. Dogs allowed except
taken with archery tackle. during firearms deer hunts. Daily limit - 8,
possession limit - 32.
Quail: Nov. 1-Feb. 6. Daily limit - 6, possession
limit - 12. Bird dogs allowed. Crow: Sept. 4-Feb. 20. Open Thursdays through
Mondays. No limit.
Rabbit: Sept. 1-Feb. 28. Dogs allowed. Daily limit -
8, possession limit - 16. Area Notes: Waterfowl impoundment areas are closed
to trespassing from one hour after sunset until 4 a.m.
Squirrel: May 15-Feb. 28. Dogs allowed. Daily during duck season.
limit - 8, possession limit - 32.
Crow: Sept. 4-Feb. 20. Open Thursdays through
Mondays. No limit. Pine City Natural Area WMA
Natural Heritage Comm. 877-734-4581 • 714 acres • Monroe county,
WMA zone 516
Petit Jean River WMA
CLOSED: deer muzzleloader, deer modern gun,
AGFC 877-967-7577 • 15,502 acres • Yell county, WMA zone 510 bear archery, bear muzzleloader, bear modern
CLOSED: alligator and elk. gun, alligator and elk.
Deer Archery: Oct. 1-Feb. 28. Deer Archery: Oct. 1-Feb. 28.
Deer Muzzleloader: Oct. 16-24 and Dec. 18-20.
Deer Modern Gun: Nov. 13-Dec. 5 and Dec. 26-28.
Consult pages 67-69 for additional WMA general regulations and Page 70 for furbearer WMA regulations.
Deer Notes: No dogs allowed. Seasonal bag limit of Bear Notes: Bear seasons close earlier if bear
three deer; no more than two legal bucks. No more zone quota is reached.
than two legal bucks or up to three does may be taken
with archery tackle only. Quail: Nov. 1-Feb. 6. Daily limit - 6, possession
limit -12. Bird dogs allowed.
Quail: Nov. 1-Feb. 6. Daily limit - 6, possession limit
-12. Bird dogs allowed. Rabbit: Sept. 1-Feb. 28. Dogs allowed except during
firearms deer hunts. Daily limit - 8, possession limit - 16.
Rabbit: Sept. 1-Feb. 28. Dogs allowed. Daily limit -
8, possession limit - 16. Squirrel: May 15-Feb. 28. Dogs allowed. Daily
limit - 8, possession limit - 32.
Squirrel: May 15-Feb. 28. Dogs allowed. Daily
limit - 8, possession limit - 32. Crow: Sept. 4-Feb. 20. Open Thursdays through
Mondays. No limit.
Crow: Sept. 4-Feb. 20. Open Thursdays through
Mondays. No limit. Area Notes: Refer to Page 28 for additional USDA
Forest Service information.
Consult pages 67-69 for additional WMA general regulations and Page 70 for furbearer WMA regulations.
Crow: Sept. 4-Feb. 20. Open Thursdays through Deer Modern Gun Special Youth Hunt: Nov. 6-7
Mondays. No limit. and Jan. 1-2. No dogs.
Area Notes: Permit from the Arkansas Forestry Deer Notes: Seasonal bag limit of four deer; no
Commission is required to camp. Write: P.O. Box 955, more than two legal bucks. No more than two legal
Camden, AR 71701. bucks or up to four does may be taken with archery
tackle. No more than one legal buck and one doe
may be taken during muzzleloader or modern gun
Prairie Bayou WMA seasons. Bag limit during the modern gun special
youth hunt is two deer, no more than one buck (no
AGFC 877-525-8606 • 453 acres • Lonoke county, WMA zone 535 antler restrictions) and one doe. These are not bonus
CLOSED: deer muzzleloader, deer modern gun, deer and will count towards the seasonal bag limit.
bear archery, bear muzzleloader, bear modern Quail: Nov. 1-Feb. 6. Daily limit - 6, possession limit
gun, alligator and elk. -12. Bird dogs allowed.
Deer Archery: Oct. 1-Feb. 28. Rabbit: Sept. 1-Feb. 28. Dogs allowed except during
Deer Modern Gun Youth Hunt (permit hunt): muzzleloader deer hunts, the modern gun special
Nov. 6-7. youth hunt, Nov. 13-24 and Dec. 26-28. Daily limit
- 8, possession limit - 16.
Deer Notes: No dogs allowed. Seasonal bag limit of
three deer, no more than two legal bucks. three deer, Squirrel: May 15-Feb. 28. Dogs allowed except
no more than two legal bucks or up to three does may during muzzleloader deer hunts, the modern gun
be taken with archery tackle only. Bag limit during special youth hunt, Nov. 13-24 and Dec. 26-28.
the modern gun special youth permit hunt is one deer, Daily limit - 8, possession limit - 32.
buck (no antler restrictions) or doe. This is not a bonus Crow: Sept. 4-Feb. 20. Open Thursdays through
deer and will count towards the seasonal bag limit. Mondays. No limit.
Quail: Nov. 1-Feb. 6. Daily limit - 4, possession Area Notes: Hunters, trappers and campers 16 years of
limit - 8. Bird dogs allowed. age or older must purchase a Provo WMA leased land
Rabbit: Sept. 1-Feb. 28. Dogs allowed. Daily limit - permit. See Page 17.
4, possession limit - 8.
Squirrel: May 15-Feb. 28. Dogs allowed. Daily limit Railroad Prairie Natural
- 8, possession limit - 32.
Area WMA
Crow: Sept. 4-Feb. 20. Open Thursdays through
Mondays. No limit. Natural Heritage Comm. 877-734-4581 • 244 acres • Prairie county,
WMA zone 539
CLOSED: deer muzzleloader, deer modern gun,
Provo WMA bear archery, bear muzzleloader, bear modern
Weyerhaeuser 877-777-5580 • 11,327 acres • Sevier county, WMA gun, alligator and elk.
zone 537 Deer Archery: Oct. 1-Feb. 28.
CLOSED: bear archery, bear muzzleloader, bear Deer Notes: No dogs allowed. Seasonal bag limit of
modern gun, alligator and elk. three deer; no more than two legal bucks. No more
Deer Archery: Oct. 1-Jan. 31. No dogs. than two legal bucks or up to three does may be taken
with archery tackle only.
Deer Muzzleloader: Oct. 16-24 and Dec. 18-20.
Quail: Nov. 1-Feb. 6. Daily limit - 6, possession limit
No dogs.
-12. Bird dogs allowed.
Deer Modern Gun: Nov. 13-24 (no dogs), Dec. Rabbit: Sept. 1-Feb. 28. Dogs allowed. Daily limit -
4-15 (dogs allowed) and Dec. 26-28 (no dogs). 8, possession limit - 16.
Consult pages 67-69 for additional WMA general regulations and Page 70 for furbearer WMA regulations.
Squirrel: May 15-Feb. 28. Dogs allowed. Daily Crow: Sept. 4-Feb. 20. Open Thursdays through
limit - 8, possession limit - 32. Mondays. No limit.
Crow: Sept. 4-Feb. 20. Open Thursdays through
Mondays. No limit.
Rex Hancock Black Swamp WMA
AGFC / Natural Heritage Comm. 877-734-4581 • 7,221 acres (includes
Rainey WMA Cache River Natural Area) • Woodruff county, WMA zone 550
AGFC 877-967-7577 • 488 acres • Pope county, WMA zone 540 CLOSED: bear archery, bear muzzleloader, bear
modern gun, alligator and elk.
CLOSED: alligator and elk.
Deer Archery: Oct. 1-Feb. 28.
Deer Archery: Oct. 1-Feb. 28.
Deer Muzzleloader (permit hunt): Oct. 23-27.
Deer Muzzleloader: Oct. 16-24 and Dec. 18-20.
Deer Modern Gun (permit hunt): Nov. 13-17.
Deer Modern Gun: Nov. 13-Dec. 5 and Dec. 26-28.
Deer Notes: No dogs allowed. Seasonal bag limit
Deer Modern Gun Special Youth Hunt: Nov. 6-7 of three deer; no more than two legal bucks. No
and Jan. 1-2. more than two legal bucks or up to three does may
Deer Notes: No dogs allowed. Seasonal bag limit be taken with archery tackle. No more than one
of three deer; no more than two legal bucks. No legal buck and one doe may be taken during the
more than two legal bucks or up to two does may be muzzleloader or modern gun permit hunts.
taken with archery tackle. No more than two legal Quail: Nov. 1-Feb. 6. Daily limit - 6, possession limit
bucks may be taken during the muzzleloader and -12. Bird dogs allowed.
modern gun seasons. Bag limit during the modern
gun special youth hunt is two deer, no more than Rabbit: Sept. 1-Feb. 28. Dogs allowed except during
two bucks (no antler restrictions) or up to one doe. firearms deer hunts. Daily limit - 8, possession
These are not bonus deer and will count towards the limit - 16.
seasonal bag limit.
Squirrel: May 15-Feb. 28. Dogs allowed except
Bear Archery: Oct. 1-Nov. 30. Statewide bag during firearms deer hunts. Daily limit - 8,
limit. No dogs. possession limit - 32.
Bear Muzzleloader: Oct. 16-24. Statewide bag Crow: Sept. 4-Feb. 20. Open Thursdays through
limit. No dogs. Mondays. No limit.
Bear Modern Gun: Nov. 8-30. Statewide bag Area Notes: Check antler restrictions on pages 42-43
limit. No dogs. for important additional information. Only Arkansas-
approved nontoxic shot must be possessed and used while
Bear Modern Gun Youth Hunt: Nov. 6-7. hunting small game with shotguns. Deer hunting closes
Statewide bag limit. No dogs. when the Cache River gauge at Patterson exceeds 10 feet
Bear Notes: Bear seasons close earlier if bear and reopens when the gauge falls below 8.5 feet. The Lee
zone quota is reached. LeBlanc Waterfowl Rest Area closes to access Nov. 1 and
reopens to access the day after duck season ends.
Quail: Nov. 1-Feb. 6. Daily limit - 6, possession
limit -12. Bird dogs allowed.
Rabbit: Sept. 1-Feb. 28. Dogs allowed except
during firearms deer hunts. Daily limit - 8,
possession limit - 16.
Squirrel: May 15-Feb. 28. Dogs allowed except
during firearms deer hunts. Daily limit - 8,
possession limit - 32.
Consult pages 67-69 for additional WMA general regulations and Page 70 for furbearer WMA regulations.
Rick Evans Grandview Squirrel: May 15-Feb. 28. Dogs allowed. Daily
limit - 8, possession limit - 32.
Prairie WMA
Crow: Sept. 4-Feb. 20. Open Thursdays through
AGFC 870-983-2790 • 4,895 acres • Hempstead county, WMA
Mondays. No limit.
zone 551
CLOSED: deer muzzleloader, deer modern gun,
bear archery, bear muzzleloader, bear modern River Bend WMA
gun, alligator, elk and quail.
AGFC 877-525-8606 • 104 acres • Perry county, WMA zone 553
Deer Archery (permit hunt): Oct. 16-Dec. 5.
CLOSED: alligator and elk.
Deer Notes: No dogs allowed. Seasonal bag limit of
three deer; no more than one legal buck. No more than Deer Archery: Oct. 1-Feb. 28.
one legal buck and two does may be taken by permit Deer Muzzleloader: Oct. 16-24 and Dec. 18-20.
with archery tackle only. Doe harvested on this area
are bonus deer and do not count against the statewide Deer Modern Gun: Nov. 13-Dec. 5 and Dec. 26-28.
seasonal bag limit. For all hunts, a legal buck must have Deer Modern Gun Special Youth Hunt: Nov. 6-7
both antlers under 2 inches (button buck included) or
an inside spread of 15 inches or more in width or at least and Jan. 1-2.
one main beam 18 inches or more in length. Deer Notes: No dogs allowed. Seasonal bag limit
Rabbit: Sept. 1-Feb. 28. Tuesdays, Thursdays of two deer; no more than one legal buck. No more
than one legal buck or up to two does may be taken
and Saturdays only. Dogs allowed. Daily limit - 8, with archery tackle. No more than one legal buck
possession limit - 16. may be taken during the muzzleloader and modern
Squirrel: Sept. 4-Feb. 28. Tuesdays, Thursdays gun seasons. Bag limit during the modern gun special
and Saturdays only. Dogs allowed. Daily limit - 8, youth hunt is one deer, buck (no antler restrictions) or
possession limit - 32. doe. This is not a bonus deer and will count towards
the seasonal bag limit.
Crow: Sept. 4-Feb. 20, Thursdays and Saturdays
only. No limit. Bear Archery: Sept. 15-Nov. 30. Statewide bag
limit. No dogs.
Area Notes: Check antler restrictions on pages 42-43
for important additional information. Bear Muzzleloader: Oct. 16-24. Statewide bag
limit. No dogs.
Bear Modern Gun: Sept. 15-16 and Nov. 8-30.
Ring Slough WMA Statewide bag limit. No dogs.
AGFC 877-972-5438 • 83 acres • Clay county, WMA zone 552 Bear Modern Gun Youth Hunt: Nov. 6-7.
CLOSED: deer muzzleloader, deer modern gun, Statewide bag limit. No dogs.
bear archery, bear muzzleloader, bear modern Quail: Nov. 1-Feb. 6. Daily limit - 6, possession limit
gun, alligator and elk. -12. Bird dogs allowed.
Deer Archery: Oct. 1-Feb. 28. Rabbit: Sept. 1-Feb. 28. Dogs allowed except during
Deer Notes: No dogs allowed. Seasonal bag limit of firearms deer hunts. Daily limit - 8, possession limit - 16.
three deer; no more than two legal bucks. No more Squirrel: May 15-Feb. 28. Dogs allowed except
than two legal bucks and one doe may be taken with during firearms deer hunts. Daily limit - 8,
archery tackle only. possession limit - 32.
Quail: Nov. 1-Feb. 6. Daily limit - 6, possession Crow: Sept. 4-Feb. 20. Open Thursdays through
limit -12. Bird dogs allowed. Mondays. No limit.
Rabbit: Sept. 1-Feb. 28. Dogs allowed. Daily limit -
8, possession limit - 16.
Consult pages 67-69 for additional WMA general regulations and Page 70 for furbearer WMA regulations.
CLOSED: deer muzzleloader, deer modern gun, CLOSED: bear archery, bear muzzleloader, bear
bear archery, bear muzzleloader, bear modern modern gun, alligator and elk.
gun, alligator, elk and quail. Deer Archery: Oct. 1-Feb. 28.
Deer Archery: Oct. 1-Jan. 31. Deer Muzzleloader (permit hunt): Oct. 23-27
Deer Notes: No dogs allowed. Seasonal bag limit of and Oct. 30-Nov. 3.
three deer; no more than two legal bucks. No more Deer Modern Gun (permit hunt): Nov. 13-17.
than two legal bucks or up to three does may be taken
with archery tackle only. Deer Modern Gun Youth Hunt (permit hunt):
Nov. 6-7.
Rabbit: Sept. 1-Feb. 28. Dogs allowed. Daily limit -
8, possession limit - 16. Deer Notes: No dogs allowed. Seasonal bag limit of
three deer; no more than two legal bucks. No more
Squirrel: May 15-Feb. 28. Dogs allowed. Daily than two legal bucks or up to three does may be taken
limit - 8, possession limit - 32. with archery tackle. No more than one legal buck
or one doe may be taken during the muzzleloader
Crow: Sept. 4-Feb. 20. Open Thursdays through or modern gun permit hunts. Bag limit during the
Mondays. No limit. modern gun youth permit hunt is one deer, buck (no
Area Notes: Camping is not allowed. Interior roads antler restrictions) or doe. This is not a bonus deer
are closed to vehicles. and will count towards the seasonal bag limit.
Quail: Nov. 1-Feb. 6. Daily limit - 6, possession limit
-12. Bird dogs allowed.
Roth Prairie Natural Area WMA
Rabbit: Sept. 1-Feb. 28. Dogs allowed except during
Natural Heritage Comm. 877-367-3559 • 41 acres • Arkansas county, firearms deer hunts. Daily limit - 8, possession
WMA zone 560 limit - 16.
CLOSED: deer muzzleloader, deer modern gun, Squirrel: May 15-Feb. 28. Dogs allowed except
bear archery, bear muzzleloader, bear modern during firearms deer hunts. Daily limit - 8,
gun, alligator and elk. possession limit - 32.
Deer Archery: Oct. 1-Feb. 28. Crow: Sept. 4-Feb. 20. Open Thursdays through
Deer Notes: No dogs allowed. Seasonal bag limit of Mondays. No limit.
three deer; no more than two legal bucks. No more Area Notes: Check antler restrictions on pages 42-43
than two legal bucks or up to three does may be taken for important additional information. Refer to Page 28
with archery tackle only. for additional USDA Forest Service information. Boat
Quail: Nov. 1-Feb. 6. Daily limit - 6, possession motors over 10 horsepower are not allowed.
limit -12. Bird dogs allowed.
Rabbit: Sept. 1-Feb. 28. Dogs allowed. Daily limit - St. Francis Sunken Lands WMA
8, possession limit - 16.
AGFC / Corps of Engeneers / Natural Heritage Comm. 877-972-5438
Squirrel: May 15-Feb. 28. Dogs allowed. Daily • 27,360 acres (includes Singer Forest Natural Area) • Craighead,
limit - 8, possession limit - 32. Greene, Poinsett counties, WMA zone 600
Crow: Sept. 4-Feb. 20. Open Thursdays through CLOSED: deer muzzleloader, bear archery, bear
Mondays. No limit. muzzleloader, bear modern gun, alligator and elk.
Deer Archery: Oct. 1-Jan. 31.
Consult pages 67-69 for additional WMA general regulations and Page 70 for furbearer WMA regulations.
Deer Modern Gun: Nov. 13-14 and Dec. 26-28. This Quail: Nov. 1-Feb. 6. Daily limit - 6, possession
area has special firearms restrictions; see Area Notes. limit -12. Bird dogs allowed.
Deer Modern Gun Special Youth Hunt: Nov. Rabbit: Sept. 1-Feb. 28. Dogs allowed. Daily limit -
6-7 and Jan. 1-2. This area has special firearms 8, possession limit - 16.
restrictions; see Area Notes.
Squirrel: May 15-Feb. 28. Dogs allowed. Daily
Deer Notes: No dogs allowed. Seasonal bag limit of limit - 8, possession limit - 32.
three deer; no more than two legal bucks. No more
than two legal bucks or up to three does may be Crow: Sept. 4-Feb. 20. Open Thursdays through
taken with archery tackle. No more than two legal Mondays. No limit.
bucks and one doe may be taken during the modern
gun seasons. Bag limit during the modern gun special
youth hunt is three deer, no more than two bucks (no Seven Devils WMA
antler restrictions) and one doe. These are not bonus
deer and will count towards the seasonal bag limit. AGFC / Natural Heritage Comm. 877-367-3559 • 5,032 acres (includes
Seven Devils Swamp Natural Area) Drew County, WMA zone 570
Quail: Nov. 1-Feb. 6. Daily limit - 6, possession
limit -12. Bird dogs allowed. CLOSED: bear archery, bear muzzleloader, bear
modern gun, alligator and elk.
Rabbit: Sept. 1-Feb. 28. Dogs allowed except
during firearms deer hunts. Daily limit - 8, Deer Archery: Oct. 1-Feb. 28.
possession limit - 16. Deer Muzzleloader: Oct. 16-24 and Dec. 29-31.
Squirrel: May 15-Feb. 28. Dogs allowed except Deer Modern Gun: Nov. 13-Dec. 19 and Dec. 26-28.
during firearms deer hunts. Daily limit - 8,
possession limit - 32. Deer Modern Gun Special Youth Hunt: Nov. 6-7
and Jan. 1-2.
Crow: Sept. 4-Feb. 20. Open Thursdays through
Mondays. No limit. Deer Notes: No dogs allowed. Seasonal bag limit
of five deer; no more than two legal bucks. No
Area Notes: Waterfowl rest areas located in Sections more than two legal bucks or up to five does may
8, 9, 16 and 17, Township 11N, Range 6E are closed to be taken with archery tackle. No more than two
access Nov. 1 and will reopen to access Feb. 16. Check legal bucks and three does may be taken during the
the St. Francis River flood prone region on Page 55 muzzleloader and modern gun seasons. Bag limit
for important additional information. Only shotguns during the modern gun special youth hunt is five
(.410 and larger) with slugs (no buckshot allowed) or deer, no more than two bucks (no antler restrictions)
muzzleloading rifles shooting a single projectile are and three does. These are not bonus deer and will
allowed. count towards the seasonal bag limit.
Quail: Nov. 1-Feb. 6. Daily limit - 6, possession
Sandhills Natural Area WMA limit -12. Bird dogs allowed.
Natural Heritage Comm. 877-777-5580 • 143 acres • Miller county, Rabbit: Sept. 1-Feb. 28. Dogs allowed except
WMA zone 562 during firearms deer hunts. Daily limit - 8,
possession limit - 16.
CLOSED: deer muzzleloader, deer modern gun,
bear archery, bear muzzleloader, bear modern Squirrel: May 15-Feb. 28. Dogs allowed except
gun, alligator and elk. during firearms deer hunts. Daily limit - 8,
possession limit - 32.
Deer Archery: Oct. 1-Feb. 28.
Crow: Sept. 4-Feb. 20. Open Thursdays through
Deer Notes: No dogs allowed. Seasonal bag limit of Mondays. No limit.
four deer; no more than two legal bucks. No more
than two legal bucks or up to four does may be taken Area Notes: Check antler restrictions on pages 42-43
with archery tackle only. for important additional information.
Consult pages 67-69 for additional WMA general regulations and Page 70 for furbearer WMA regulations.
Sheffield Nelson Dagmar WMA Deer Notes: No dogs allowed. Seasonal bag limit
of three deer; no more than two legal bucks. No
AGFC 877-734-4581 • 9,720 acres • Monroe county, WMA zone 575 more than two legal bucks or up to three does may
CLOSED: bear archery, bear muzzleloader, bear be taken with archery tackle. No more than one
modern gun, alligator and elk. legal buck or one doe may be taken during the
muzzleloader permit hunt. Bag limit during the
Deer Archery: Oct. 1-Feb. 28. modern gun youth permit hunt is one deer, buck (no
Deer Muzzleloader (permit hunt): Nov. 23-27. antler restrictions) or doe. This is not a bonus deer
and will count towards the seasonal bag limit.
Deer Modern Gun (permit hunt): Nov. 13-17.
Quail: Nov. 1-Feb. 6. Daily limit - 6, possession
Deer Notes: No dogs allowed. Seasonal bag limit limit -12. Bird dogs allowed.
of three deer; no more than two legal bucks. No
more than two legal bucks or up to three does may Rabbit: Sept. 1-Feb. 28. Dogs allowed except
be taken with archery tackle. No more than one during firearms deer hunts. Daily limit - 8,
legal buck or one doe may be taken during the possession limit - 16.
muzzleloader or modern gun permit hunts. Squirrel: May 15-Feb. 28. Dogs allowed except
Quail: Nov. 1-Feb. 6. Daily limit - 6, possession during firearms deer hunts. Daily limit - 8,
limit -12. Bird dogs allowed. possession limit - 32.
Rabbit: Sept. 1-Feb. 28. Dogs allowed except Crow: Sept. 4-Feb. 20. Open Thursdays through
during firearms deer hunts. Daily limit - 8, Mondays. No limit.
possession limit - 16. Area Notes: Check the Shirey Bay Rainey Brake Flood
Squirrel: May 15-Feb. 28. Dogs allowed except Prone Region on Page 55 for important additional
during firearms deer hunts. Daily limit - 8, information. For all hunters except deer muzzleloader
possession limit - 32. permit holders and fall turkey firearms hunters, the
moist soil units and the waterfowl rest areas in Sections
Crow: Sept. 4-Feb. 20. Open Thursdays through 3, 7, 8 and 18, Township 15N, Range 2W and Sections
Mondays. No limit. 21, 28, and 32, Township 16N, Range 2W are closed
Area Notes: Check antler restrictions on Page 42 to access Nov. 1 and will reopen to access Feb. 16.
and flood prone region D on Page 56 for important Modern guns are restricted to shotguns (.410 or larger)
additional information. Apple Lake WRA closes to with slugs (no buckshot allowed) and certain revolvers
access Nov. 1 and will reopen to access Feb. 16. and pistols. Archery equipment and muzzleloader rifles
may also be used.
Consult pages 67-69 for additional WMA general regulations and Page 70 for furbearer WMA regulations.
Rabbit: Sept. 1-Feb. 28. Dogs allowed. Daily limit - Deer Notes: No dogs allowed. Seasonal bag limit
8, possession limit - 16. of four deer; no more than two legal bucks. No
more than two legal bucks or up to four does may
Squirrel: May 15-Feb. 28. Dogs allowed. Daily be taken with archery tackle. No more than two
limit - 8, possession limit - 32. legal bucks and two does may be taken during the
Crow: Sept. 4-Feb. 20. Open Thursdays through muzzleloader and modern gun seasons. Bag limit
Mondays. No limit. during the modern gun special youth hunt is four
deer, no more than two bucks (no antler restrictions)
and two does. These are not bonus deer and will
Smoke Hole Natural Area WMA count towards the seasonal bag limit.
Natural Heritage Comm. 877-734-4581 • 455 acres • Lonoke, Prairie Quail: Nov. 1-Feb. 6. Daily limit - 6, possession
counties, WMA zone 603 limit -12. Bird dogs allowed.
CLOSED: deer muzzleloader, deer modern gun, Rabbit: Sept. 1-Feb. 28. Dogs allowed except
bear archery, bear muzzleloader, bear modern during firearms deer hunts. Daily limit - 8,
gun, alligator and elk. possession limit - 16.
Deer Archery: Oct. 1-Feb. 28. Squirrel: May 15-Feb. 28. Dogs allowed except
during firearms deer hunts. Daily limit - 8,
Deer Notes: No dogs allowed. Seasonal bag limit of possession limit - 32.
three deer; no more than two legal bucks. No more
than two legal bucks or up to three does may be taken Crow: Sept. 4-Feb. 20. Open Thursdays through
with archery tackle only. Mondays. No limit.
Quail: Nov. 1-Feb. 6. Daily limit - 6, possession
limit -12. Bird dogs allowed. Stateline Sandponds Natural
Rabbit: Sept. 1-Feb. 28. Dogs allowed. Daily limit - Area WMA
8, possession limit - 16.
Natural Heritage Comm. 877-972-5438 • 140 acres • Clay county,
Squirrel: May 15-Feb. 28. Dogs allowed. Daily WMA zone 604
limit - 8, possession limit - 32.
CLOSED: deer muzzleloader, deer modern gun,
Crow: Sept. 4-Feb. 20. Open Thursdays through bear archery, bear muzzleloader, bear modern
Mondays. No limit. gun, alligator and elk.
Deer Archery: Oct. 1-Feb. 28.
Spring Bank WMA Deer Notes: No dogs allowed. Seasonal bag limit of
AGFC 877-777-5580 • 701 acres • Lafayette county, WMA zone 585 three deer; no more than two legal bucks. No more
than two legal bucks or up to three does may be taken
CLOSED: bear archery, bear muzzleloader, bear with archery tackle only.
modern gun, alligator and elk.
Quail: Nov. 1-Feb. 6. Daily limit - 6, possession
Deer Archery: Oct. 1-Feb. 28. limit -12. Bird dogs allowed.
Deer Muzzleloader: Oct. 16-24 and Dec. 18-20. Rabbit: Sept. 1-Feb. 28. Dogs allowed. Daily limit -
Deer Modern Gun: Nov. 13-Dec. 12 and Dec. 26-28. 8, possession limit - 16.
Deer Modern Gun Special Youth Hunt: Nov. 6-7 Squirrel: May 15-Feb. 28. Dogs allowed. Daily
and Jan. 1-2. limit - 8, possession limit - 32.
Crow: Sept. 4-Feb. 20. Open Thursdays through
Mondays. No limit.
Consult pages 67-69 for additional WMA general regulations and Page 70 for furbearer WMA regulations.
Steve N. Wilson Raft Creek Deer Notes: No dogs allowed. Seasonal bag limit of
four deer; no more than two legal bucks. No more
Bottoms WMA than two legal bucks or up to four does may be taken
AGFC 877-734-4581 • 4,000 acres • White county, WMA zone 605 with archery tackle. No more than two legal bucks
and two does may be taken during the muzzleloader
CLOSED: deer muzzleloader, bear archery, bear and modern gun seasons. Bag limit during the modern
muzzleloader, bear modern gun, alligator and elk. gun special youth hunt is four deer, no more than two
Deer Archery: Oct. 1-Feb. 28. bucks (no antler restrictions) and two does. These are
not bonus deer and will count towards the seasonal
Deer Modern Gun Youth Hunt (permit hunt): bag limit.
Nov. 6-7. This area has special firearms restrictions;
see Area Notes. Quail: Nov. 1-Feb. 6. Daily limit - 6, possession
limit -12. Bird dogs allowed.
Deer Notes: No dogs allowed. Seasonal bag limit of
three deer; no more than two legal bucks. No more Rabbit: Sept. 1-Feb. 28. Dogs allowed except during
than two legal bucks or up to three does may be taken firearms deer hunts. Daily limit - 8, possession limit - 16.
with archery tackle only. Bag limit during the modern Squirrel: May 15-Feb. 28. Dogs allowed except
gun youth permit hunt is one deer, buck (no antler during firearms deer hunts. Daily limit - 8,
restrictions) or doe. This is not a bonus deer and will possession limit - 32.
count towards the seasonal bag limit.
Crow: Sept. 4-Feb. 20. Open Thursdays through
Quail: Nov. 1-Feb. 6. Daily limit - 6, possession limit Mondays. No limit.
-12. Bird dogs allowed.
Area Notes: The Henry Moore Waterfowl Rest Area
Rabbit: Sept. 1-Feb. 28. Dogs allowed. Daily limit - closes to access Nov. 6 and will reopen to access Feb. 16.
8, possession limit - 16.
Squirrel: May 15-Feb. 28. Dogs allowed. Daily
limit - 8, possession limit - 32. Sweden Creek Natural
Crow: Sept. 4-Feb. 20. Open Thursdays through Area WMA
Mondays. No limit. Natural Heritage Comm. 866-253-2506 • 137 acres • Madison
Area Notes: Check flood prone region B on Page 56 county, WMA zone 615
for important additional information. Only shotguns CLOSED: deer muzzleloader, deer modern gun,
(.410 and larger) with slugs (no buckshot allowed) or bear archery, bear muzzleloader, bear modern
muzzleloading rifles shooting a single projectile are gun, alligator and elk.
Deer Archery: Oct. 1-Feb. 28.
Deer Notes: No dogs allowed. Seasonal bag limit
Sulphur River WMA of two deer; no more than one legal buck. No more
AGFC 877-777-5580 • 16,520 acres • Miller county, WMA zone 610 than one legal buck or up to two does may be taken
with archery tackle only.
CLOSED: bear archery, bear muzzleloader, bear
modern gun, alligator and elk. Quail: Nov. 1-Feb. 6. Daily limit - 6, possession limit
-12. Bird dogs allowed.
Deer Archery: Oct. 1-Feb. 28. Henry Moore
Waterfowl Rest Area – Oct. 1-Nov. 5. Rabbit: Sept. 1-Feb. 28. Dogs allowed. Daily limit -
8, possession limit - 16.
Deer Muzzleloader: Oct. 16-24 and Dec. 18-20.
Squirrel: May 15-Feb. 28. Dogs allowed. Daily
Deer Modern Gun: Nov. 13-Dec. 12 and Dec. 26-28. limit - 8, possession limit - 32.
Deer Modern Gun Special Youth Hunt: Nov. 6-7 Crow: Sept. 4-Feb. 20. Open Thursdays through
and Jan. 1-2. Mondays. No limit.
Consult pages 67-69 for additional WMA general regulations and Page 70 for furbearer WMA regulations.
Sylamore WMA Bear Notes: Bear seasons close earlier if bear zone
quota is reached.
USDA Forest Service 877-297-4331 • 170,000 acres • Baxter, Marion,
Searcy, Stone counties, WMA zone 620 Quail: Nov. 1-Feb. 6. Daily limit - 6, possession
limit -12. Bird dogs allowed.
CLOSED: alligator and elk.
Rabbit: Sept. 1-Feb. 28. Dogs allowed except during
Deer Archery: Oct. 1-Feb. 28. firearms deer hunts. Daily limit - 8, possession limit - 16.
Deer Muzzleloader: Oct. 16-24 and Dec. 18-20. Squirrel: May 15-Feb. 28. Dogs allowed except
Deer Modern Gun: during firearms deer hunt. Daily limit - 8,
possession limit - 32.
North Unit: Nov. 13-21 and Nov. 26-28.
South Unit: Nov. 13-Dec. 5 and Dec. 26-28. Crow: Sept. 4-Feb. 20. Open Thursdays through
Mondays. No limit.
Deer Modern Gun Special Youth Hunt: Nov. 6-7
and Jan. 1-2. Area Notes: Dogs, hunting or trapping equipment
are not allowed in Blanchard Springs Recreation Area.
Deer Notes: The North Unit of the WMA includes lands, public
North Unit: No dogs allowed. Seasonal bag limit of and private, within the following boundary: north of
two deer; no more than one legal buck. No more than Highway 14 from Allison to Big Creek; Big Creek to
one legal buck or up to two does may be taken with Buffalo River; Buffalo River to White River; White River
archery tackle. No more than one legal buck and one doe to Highway 14 at Allison. The South Unit of the WMA
may be taken during the muzzleloader and modern gun includes all property within the U.S. Forest Service
seasons. A Sylamore WMA doe quota permit is required boundary south of Hightway 14. The same hunting
to harvest a doe during the muzzleloader or modern gun seasons, method of take, bag limits, shooting hours and
seasons. Bag limit during the modern gun special youth permits for hunting which apply to the Sylamore WMA
hunt is two deer, no more than one buck (no antler apply to the private land as well. Refer to Page 28 for
restrictions) and one doe (a WMA doe quota permit is additional USDA Forest Service information.
not required). These are not bonus deer and will count
towards the seasonal bag limit.
Terre Noire Natural Area WMA
South Unit: No dogs allowed. Seasonal bag limit
of two deer; no more than one legal buck. No more Natural Heritage Comm. 877-836-4612 • 415 acres • Clark county,
than one legal buck or up to two does may be taken WMA zone 625
with archery tackle. No more than one legal buck CLOSED: deer muzzleloader, deer modern gun,
may be taken during the muzzleloader and modern bear archery, bear muzzleloader, bear modern
gun seasons. Bag limit during the modern gun special gun, alligator and elk.
youth hunt is one deer, buck (no antler restrictions) or
doe. This is not a bonus deer and will count towards Deer Archery: Oct. 1-Feb. 28.
the seasonal bag limit. Deer Notes: No dogs allowed. Seasonal bag limit of
Bear Archery: Oct. 1-Nov. 30. Statewide bag four deer; no more than two legal bucks. No more
limit. No dogs. than two legal bucks or up to four does may be
taken with archery tackle only.
Bear Muzzleloader: Oct. 16-24. Statewide bag
limit. No dogs. Quail: Nov. 1-Feb. 6. Daily limit - 6, possession
limit -12. Bird dogs allowed.
Bear Modern Gun:
Rabbit: Sept. 1-Feb. 28. Dogs allowed. Daily limit -
North Unit: Nov. 13-21 and Nov. 25-27. 8, possession limit - 16.
Statewide bag limit. No dogs.
Squirrel: May 15-Feb. 28. Dogs allowed. Daily
South Unit: Nov. 8-30. Statewide bag limit. No dogs. limit - 8, possession limit - 32.
Bear Modern Gun Youth Hunt: Nov. 6-7. Crow: Sept. 4-Feb. 20. Open Thursdays through
Statewide bag limit. No dogs. Mondays. No limit.
Consult pages 67-69 for additional WMA general regulations and Page 70 for furbearer WMA regulations.
Consult pages 67-69 for additional WMA general regulations and Page 70 for furbearer WMA regulations.
U of A Pine Tree Experimental Deer Modern Gun: Nov. 13-14, Nov. 20-21
and Dec. 26-28. This area has special firearms
Station WDA restrictions; see Area Notes.
University of Arkansas 877-734-4581 • 11,850 acres • Saint Francis
county, WMA zone 635 Deer Modern Gun Special Youth Hunt: Nov.
6-7 and Jan. 1-2. This area has special firearms
CLOSED: bear archery, bear muzzleloader, bear restrictions; see Area Notes.
modern gun, alligator and elk.
Deer Notes: No dogs allowed. Seasonal bag limit of
Deer Archery: Oct. 1-Feb. 28. three deer; no more than two legal bucks. No more
than two legal bucks or up to three does may be taken
Deer Muzzleloader (permit hunt): Oct. 23-27. with archery tackle. No more than two legal bucks may
Deer Modern Gun (permit hunt): be taken during the modern gun seasons. Bag limit
Nov. 13-17 and Nov. 26-30. during the modern gun special youth hunt is two
deer, no more than two bucks (no antler restrictions)
Deer Modern Gun Special Youth Hunt: Nov. 6-7 or up to one doe. These are not bonus deer and will
and Jan. 1-2. count towards the seasonal bag limit.
Deer Notes: No dogs allowed. Seasonal bag limit of Quail: Nov. 1-Feb. 6. Daily limit - 6, possession
three deer; no more than two legal bucks. No more limit -12. Bird dogs allowed.
than two legal bucks or up to three does can be taken
with archery tackle. No more than one legal buck Rabbit: Sept. 1-Feb. 28. Dogs allowed except
and one doe may be taken during the muzzleloader during firearms deer hunts. Daily limit - 8,
or modern gun permit hunts. Bag limit during the possession limit - 16.
modern gun special youth hunt is one deer, buck (no Squirrel: May 15-Feb. 28. Dogs allowed except
antler restrictions) or doe. This is not a bonus deer
and will count towards the seasonal bag limit. during firearms deer hunts. Daily limit - 8,
possession limit - 32.
Quail: Nov. 1-Feb. 6. Daily limit - 6, possession limit
-12. Bird dogs allowed. Crow: Sept. 4-Feb. 20. Open Thursdays through
Mondays. No limit.
Rabbit: Sept. 1-Feb. 28. Dogs allowed except during
Area Notes: Check antler restrictions on Page 42
firearms deer hunts. Daily limit - 8, possession limit - 16.
and flood prone region D on Page 56 for important
Squirrel: May 15-Feb. 28. Dogs allowed except additional information. Only shotguns (.410 and larger)
during firearms deer hunts. Daily limit - 8, with slugs (no buckshot allowed) or muzzleloading
possession limit - 32. rifles shooting a single projectile are allowed.
Crow: Sept. 4-Feb. 20. Open Thursdays through
Mondays. No limit.
Warren Prairie Natural Area WMA
Area Notes: Check antler restrictions on pages 42-43
Natural Heritage Comm. 877-367-3559 • 2,128 acres • Bradley, Drew
for important additional information. Hunters must
counties, WMA zone 645
sign and carry a free permit distributed from the Pine
Tree office, regional AGFC office or from www.agfc. CLOSED: deer muzzleloader, deer modern gun,
com. Firearms may not be discharged except in the act bear archery, bear muzzleloader, bear modern
of hunting. Camping is not allowed on the area. gun, alligator and elk.
Deer Archery: Oct. 1-Feb. 28.
W. E. Brewer Scatter Creek WMA Deer Notes: No dogs allowed. Seasonal bag limit of
AGFC 877-972-5438 • 4,600 acres • Greene county, WMA zone 675 five deer; no more than two legal bucks. No more than
two legal bucks or up to five does may be taken with
CLOSED: deer muzzleloader, bear archery, bear archery tackle only.
muzzleloader, bear modern gun, alligator and elk.
Quail: Nov. 1-Feb. 6. Daily limit - 6, possession limit
Deer Archery: Oct. 1-Feb. 28. -12. Bird dogs allowed.
Consult pages 67-69 for additional WMA general regulations and Page 70 for furbearer WMA regulations.
Rabbit: Sept. 1-Feb. 28. Dogs allowed. Daily limit - White Cliffs Natural Area WMA
8, possession limit - 16.
Natural Heritage Commission 877-777-5580 • 573 acres • Little River
Squirrel: May 15-Feb. 28. Dogs allowed. Daily county, WMA zone 654
limit - 8, possession limit - 32.
CLOSED: deer muzzleloader, deer modern gun,
Crow: Sept. 4-Feb. 20. Open Thursdays through bear archery, bear muzzleloader, bear modern
Mondays. No limit. gun, alligator and elk.
Deer Archery: Oct. 1-Feb. 28.
Wedington WMA Deer Notes: No dogs allowed. Seasonal bag limit of
USDA Forest Service 877-967-7577 • 16,000 acres • Benton, four deer; no more than two legal bucks. No more
than two legal bucks or up to four does may be taken
Washington counties, WMA zone 653 with archery tackle only.
CLOSED: deer muzzleloader, bear archery, bear Quail: Nov. 1-Feb. 6. Daily limit - 6, possession limit
muzzleloader, bear modern gun, alligator, elk -12. Bird dogs allowed.
and quail.
Rabbit: Sept. 1-Feb. 28. Dogs allowed. Daily limit -
Deer Archery: Oct. 1-Dec. 31.
8, possession limit - 16.
Deer Modern Gun (permit hunt): Nov. 13-14. This
area has special firearms restrictions; see Area Notes. Squirrel: May 15-Feb. 28. Dogs allowed. Daily
limit - 8, possession limit - 32.
Deer Modern Gun Special Youth Hunt: Nov.
Crow: Sept. 4-Feb. 20. Open Thursdays through
6-7 and Jan. 1-2. This area has special firearms
restrictions; see Area Notes. Mondays. No limit.
Consult pages 67-69 for additional WMA general regulations and Page 70 for furbearer WMA regulations.
Consult pages 67-69 for additional WMA general regulations and Page 70 for furbearer WMA regulations.
Consult pages 67-69 for additional WMA general regulations and Page 70 for furbearer WMA regulations.
Cache River NWR Furbearers (trap): Dec. 1-Jan. 31. A special use permit
from refuge headquarters is required. Traps must be
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service 870-347-2614 • 67,000 acres • Jackson, checked daily.
Monroe, Prairie, Woodruff counties, WMA zone 095
Area Notes: Additional federal regulations, season
CLOSED: bear archery, bear muzzleloader, bear dates and a permit (required) are available from:
modern gun, alligator, elk, crow and no trapping Central Arkansas Refuges, Cache River NWR,
of armadillo, feral hog or other furbearers. 26320 Highway 33 South, Augusta, AR 72006.
Deer Archery (all units): Oct. 1-Feb. 28. Cache River NWR closes to deer hunting when
either: (A) the White River gauge at Augusta reaches
Deer Muzzleloader (all units): Oct. 16-20 and Dec. 31 feet. This restriction is lifted when the gauge at
29-31. Augusta falls below 30 feet and the White River
gauge at Georgetown falls to or below 19 feet. (B) the
Deer Modern Gun (all units quota hunt; permit Cache River gauge at Patterson exceeds 10 feet. This
required): Nov. 13-21. Only shotguns with slugs, restriction is lifted when the gauge falls below 8.5 feet.
muzzleloaders shooting a single projectile or legal (C) when the White River gauge at Clarendon reaches
pistols may be used on the Dixie Farm Unit Waterfowl 28 feet. This restriction is lifted when the gauge falls to
Sanctuary and adjacent waterfowl hunt areas and the or below 27 feet. Waterfowl sanctuaries are closed to all
Plunkett Farm Unit Waterfowl Sanctuary. entry and public use.
Deer Modern Gun Special Youth Hunt (all units):
Nov. 6-7. Only shotguns with slugs and muzzleloaders Felsenthal NWR
shooting a single projectile may be used on the Dixie
Farm Unit Waterfowl Sanctuary and adjacent waterfowl U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service 870-364-3167 • 65,000 acres •
hunt areas and the Plunkett Farm Unit Waterfowl Ashley, Bradley, Union counties, WMA zone 220
Sanctuary. CLOSED: bear archery, bear muzzleloader, bear
Deer Notes: No dogs allowed. Seasonal bag limit modern gun, alligator, elk and crow.
of three deer; no more than two bucks (no antler Deer Archery: Oct. 1-Jan. 31.
restrictions). No more than two bucks (no antler
restrictions) or up to three does may be taken with Deer Muzzleloader (permit hunt): Oct. 16-17. All
archery tackle (all units). No more than one buck (no other seasons are closed during the hunt.
antler restrictions) or one doe may be taken during Deer Modern Gun (permit hunt): Nov. 13-14 and
each muzzleloader season (all units). No more than one Nov. 18-19. All other seasons are closed during the hunt.
buck (no antler restrictions) or one doe may be taken
during the modern gun permit hunt (all units). Bag Deer Notes: No dogs allowed. Seasonal bag limit
limit during the modern gun special youth hunt is one of four deer; no more than two bucks (no antler
buck (no antler restrictions) or doe (all units). This is restrictions). A doe must be harvested and checked
not a bonus deer and will count towards the seasonal before a buck may be harvested during any season. No
bag limit. more than two bucks (no antler restrictions) or up to
two does may be taken with archery tackle. No more
Quail: Nov. 1-Feb. 6. Bird dogs allowed. Daily limit - than one buck (no antler restrictions) and one doe may
6, possession limit -12. be taken during muzzleloader permit hunt. No more
Rabbit: Sept. 1-Feb. 28. Dogs allowed Dec. 1-Feb. 28. than one buck (no antler restrictions) and one doe may
Daily limit - 8, possession limit - 16. be taken during the modern gun permit hunt.
Squirrel: Sept. 1-Feb. 28. Dogs allowed Dec. 1-Feb. Quail: Nov. 1-Jan. 31. Daily limit - 6, possession limit -12.
28. Daily limit - 8, possession limit - 32. Rabbit: Sept. 4-Jan. 31. Dogs allowed between
Coyote, Beaver, Nutria, Muskrat, Armadillo and Dec. 1-Jan.31. Daily limit - 8, possession limit - 16.
Feral Hog: (hunt) permitted during any refuge hunt Squirrel: Sept. 4-Jan. 31. Dogs allowed between Dec.
with hunting devices appropriate for that hunt. 1-Jan. 31. Daily limit - 8, possession limit - 32.
Raccoon and Opossum: (hunt) Nov. 1-Feb. 28. No
limit. Dogs required to hunt at night.
Consult pages 67-69 for additional WMA general regulations and Page 70 for furbearer WMA regulations.
Coyote, Beaver, Nutria and Feral Hog: (hunt) may Raccoon and Opossum: (hunt) Feb. 1-28. Thursday,
be taken during any daytime refuge hunt with weapons Friday and Saturday nights. Limited to .22 caliber
legal for that hunt. No limit. Live hogs may not be rimfire ammunition. Hunting only, no trapping. No
transported or possessed. limit. Dogs required for night hunting.
Raccoon and Opossum: (hunt) sunrise, Nov. 15-Jan. Area Notes: Vehicle entrance permit required.
31. Closed during quota deer hunts. Dogs required to Additional federal regulations, season dates and a
hunt at night. permit (required) are available from: Holla Bend
National Wildlife Refuge, 10448 Holla Bend Rd.,
Furbearers: (trap) allowed between sunrise, Nov. Dardanelle, AR 72834.
15-Jan. 31. No limit. For trapping, a Special Use Permit
from refuge headquarters is required. Trapping closed
during quota deer hunts. Overflow NWR
Area Notes: Additional federal regulations, season U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service 870-473-2869 • 13,000 acres • Ashley
dates and a permit (required) are available from: county, WMA zone 490
Felsenthal National Wildlife Refuge, Box 1157,
Crossett, AR 71635. CLOSED: deer modern gun, bear archery, bear
muzzleloader, bear modern gun, alligator, elk,
quail, crow and Sept. teal.
Holla Bend NWR Deer Archery: Oct. 1-Jan. 31.
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service 479-229-4300 • 7,057 acres • Pope Deer Muzzleloader: Oct. 16-24.
county, WMA zone 330
Deer Notes: No dogs allowed. Seasonal bag limit
CLOSED: deer muzzleloader, deer modern gun, of four deer; no more than two bucks (no antler
bear archery, bear muzzleloader, bear modern restrictions). No more than two bucks (no antler
gun, alligator, elk, quail, crow and no trapping restrictions) and two does may be taken with archery
of coyote, beaver, bobcat, raccoon, opossum, tackle. No more than one buck (no antler restrictions)
nutria, muskrat, armadillo and feral hog. and one doe may be taken during muzzleloader hunt.
Deer Archery (permit required): Oct. 1-Dec. 7. Rabbit: Sept. 4-Jan. 31. Dogs allowed between Dec.
Deer Modern Gun Youth Hunt (permit hunt): Dec. 1-Jan 31. Daily limit - 8, possession limit - 16.
11. Squirrel: Sept. 4-Jan. 31. Dogs allowed between Dec.
Deer Notes: No dogs allowed. Seasonal bag limit three 1-Jan. 31. Daily limit - 8, possession limit - 32.
deer; no more than two legal bucks. No more than Coyote, Beaver, Nutria and Feral Hog: (hunt) may
two bucks (no antler restrictions) or up to two does be taken during any daytime refuge hunt with weapons
may be taken with archery tackle. Bag limit during the legal for that hunt. No limit. Live hogs may not be
modern gun youth permit hunt is one buck (no antler transported or possessed.
restrictions) or one doe. This is not a bonus deer and
will count towards the seasonal bag limit. Raccoon and Opossum: (hunt) sunrise, Nov. 15-Jan.
31. No limit. Dogs required for night hunting.
Rabbit: Oct. 1-Dec. 7. Archery only. No dogs. Daily
limit - 8, possession limit - 16. Furbearers: (trap) allowed between sunrise, Nov. 21-
Squirrel: Oct. 1-Dec. 7. Archery only. No dogs. Daily Jan. 31. For trapping, a Special Use Permit from refuge
limit - 8, possession limit - 32. headquarters is required.
Coyote, Beaver, Bobcat, Raccoon, Opossum, Area Notes: Additional federal regulations, season dates
and a permit (required) are available from: Felsenthal
Nutria, Muskrat, Armadillo and Feral Hog: (hunt) National Wildlife Refuge, Box 1157, Crossett, AR 71635.
Oct. 1-Dec 7. Permitted during any daytime refuge hunt No boat motors exceeding 25 horsepower are allowed.
with archery equipment. State bag limits and furbearer All boats are prohibited on the refuge from 1:30 p.m. to
regulations apply. No trapping. 4 a.m. during waterfowl season.
Consult pages 67-69 for additional WMA general regulations and Page 70 for furbearer WMA regulations.
Consult pages 67-69 for additional WMA general regulations and Page 70 for furbearer WMA regulations.
White River NWR Deer Notes: No dogs allowed in any section. Season
bag limit of three deer; no more than two bucks (no
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service 870-282-8200 • 160,000 acres • antler restrictions). No more than two bucks (no antler
Arkansas, Desha, Monroe, Phillips counties, WMA south zone 660, restrictions) or up to three does can be taken with
WMA north zone 661 archery tackle (both units). No more than 1 buck (no
CLOSED: bear archery, bear muzzleloader, bear antler restrictions) or one doe may be taken during the
modern gun, alligator, elk, quail and crow. Oct. 16-18 muzzleloader permit hunts (both units).
No more than one buck (no antler restrictions) may
Deer Archery: be taken during the Oct. 19-22 muzzleloader hunt
North Unit (north unit only). No more than one buck (no antler
Oct. 1-Jan. 31 and Oct. 1-Nov. 30 (Kansas Lake Area restrictions) or one doe may be taken during the Nov.
only). 13-15 modern gun permit hunt (north and south units).
No more than one buck (no antler restrictions) may
South Unit be taken during the Nov. 16-17 modern gun permit
Oct. 1-Dec. 31. hunt (north unit only). No more than one buck (no
Deer Muzzleloader: antler restrictions) or one doe may be taken during
the Nov. 6-7 modern gun special youth hunt (north
North Unit
and south units). Cooks Lake Area Dec. 4-5: no more
Oct. 16-18 (permit hunt) and Oct. 19-22.
than one buck (no antler restrictions) and one doe
South Unit may be taken during the modern gun permit youth
Oct. 16-18 (permit hunt). hunt. Cooks Lake Area Dec. 10-12: no more than one
Deer Modern Gun: buck (no antler restrictions) and one doe may be taken
during the modern gun permit mobility impaired hunt.
North Unit Cooks Lake Area: deer harvested during the modern
Nov. 13-15 (permit hunt) and Nov. 16-17. The Kansas gun youth permit hunt and mobility impaired permit
Lake Area is closed. hunt are bonus deer and do not count in the hunter’s
South Unit statewide seasonal bag limit.
Nov. 13-15 (permit hunt). Rabbit:
Deer Modern Gun Special Youth Hunt: Nov. 6-7. North Unit
Deer: Cook’s Lake Area Youth Hunt (permit hunt): Sept. 1-Feb. 28. Daily limit - 8, possession limit - 16.
Dec. 4-5. Cook’s Lake Area only. South Unit
Deer: Cook’s Lake Area Mobility Impaired Hunt Sept. 1-Nov. 30. No dogs. Daily limit - 8, possession
(permit hunt): Dec. 10-12. Cook’s Lake Area only. limit - 16.
Service Center
1-800-344-WILD (9453)
Consult pages 67-69 for additional WMA general regulations and Page 70 for furbearer WMA regulations.
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Arkansas Game and Fish Commission Hunting Guidebook 2010-11 125
A Deer Management Assistance
Arkansas Game and Fish Contact Info 2 Program (DMAP) 43
Deferred Hunter Education License 16
B Disability License 12
Badger F
Hunting 48
Trapping 48 Feeding and Baiting 33
Bear 44–45 Feral Hogs 37
Bag Limit 45 Flood Prone Regions 55–57
Bear Zone Map 44 Forest Service Permit 29
Season Regulations 44 Furbearers 47–49
Beaver Hunting 47
Hunting 48 Hunting Methods 48
Trapping 48 Trapping 48–49
Bobcat G
Hunting 47 General Hunting Public Meetings 8
Trapping 48 Gray Fox
C Hunting 47
Checking Game 36–37 Trapping 48
Bear 36 H
Deer 36 Harvest Information Program 13
Turkey 36 Hunter Education 13
Check Sheet Program 43 Hunting Guide License 13
Closed Seasons 33 Hunting Regulations 22–30
Common Licenses 14 Carcass Importation Restrictions 24
Coyote Hunter Orange Requirements 26
Hunting 47 Hunting Dogs 26–27
Trapping 48 Hunting Near a Residence 28
Crow 46 Hunting on Private Property 27
D Legal Hunting Equipment 24–25
Deer 38–43 Permission to Hunt Card 27
Bag Limits 38–39 Posting Land Requirements 28
Deer Zone Map 38 USDA Forest Service Regulations
Legal Buck Requirements 42–43 28–29
Season Regulations 39–41
Arkansas Game and Fish Commission
Game tag – expires 6/30/11
Valid only for holders of the 65 Plus Lifetime License, Three-Year Disability Hunting
License or Resident and Nonresident Hunters under 16 years old.
This tag is not valid for holders of any other license, unless tagging a bear.
Name: ____________________________________________________________________
License #: _________________________________________________________________
(License # not applicable for hunters younger than 16)
Name: ____________________________________________________________________
License #: _________________________________________________________________
(License # not applicable for hunters younger than 16)
· IMMEDIATELY after the harvest and before moving the deer or turkey, the tag must be
printed legibly in ink and securely fastened to the antler or ear of a deer and to the leg of
a turkey.
· Call 866-305-0808 or visit www.agfc.com to check your deer or turkey within 24 hours of
· Type of game: DD – Doe Deer; BB – Button Buck; BA – Antlered Deer; FT – Female Turkey;
MT – Male Turkey
· Method: MG – Modern Gun; ML – Muzzleloader; A – Archery; C – Crossbow
· Check # must be printed on the tag
· The tag must remain on the deer or turkey until final processing and storage.
· If born after 1968, you must carry proof of hunter education training, unless
‘HE-VERIFIED’ is noted on your hunting license.
· IMMEDIATELY after the harvest and before moving the deer or turkey, the tag must be
printed legibly in ink and securely fastened to the antler or ear of a deer and to the leg of
a turkey.
· Call 866-305-0808 or visit www.agfc.com to check your deer or turkey within 24 hours of
· Type of game: DD – Doe Deer; BB – Button Buck; BA – Antlered Deer; FT – Female Turkey;
MT – Male Turkey
· Method: MG – Modern Gun; ML – Muzzleloader; A – Archery; C – Crossbow
· Check # must be printed on the tag
· The tag must remain on the deer or turkey until final processing and storage.
· If born after 1968, you must carry proof of hunter education training, unless
‘HE-VERIFIED’ is noted on your hunting license.
Arkansas Game and Fish Commission
Game tag – expires 6/30/11
Valid only for holders of the 65 Plus Lifetime License, Three-Year Disability Hunting
License or Resident and Nonresident Hunters under 16 years old.
This tag is not valid for holders of any other license, unless tagging a bear.
Name: ____________________________________________________________________
License #: _________________________________________________________________
(License # not applicable for hunters younger than 16)
Name: ____________________________________________________________________
License #: _________________________________________________________________
(License # not applicable for hunters younger than 16)
Name: ____________________________________________________________________
License #: _________________________________________________________________
(License # not applicable for hunters younger than 16)
· IMMEDIATELY after the harvest and before moving the deer or turkey, the tag must be
printed legibly in ink and securely fastened to the antler or ear of a deer and to the leg of
a turkey.
· Call 866-305-0808 or visit www.agfc.com to check your deer or turkey within 24 hours of
· Type of game: DD – Doe Deer; BB – Button Buck; BA – Antlered Deer; FT – Female Turkey;
MT – Male Turkey
· Method: MG – Modern Gun; ML – Muzzleloader; A – Archery; C – Crossbow
· Check # must be printed on the tag
· The tag must remain on the deer or turkey until final processing and storage.
· If born after 1968, you must carry proof of hunter education training, unless
‘HE-VERIFIED’ is noted on your hunting license.
· IMMEDIATELY after the harvest and before moving the deer or turkey, the tag must be
printed legibly in ink and securely fastened to the antler or ear of a deer and to the leg of
a turkey.
· Call 866-305-0808 or visit www.agfc.com to check your deer or turkey within 24 hours of
· Type of game: DD – Doe Deer; BB – Button Buck; BA – Antlered Deer; FT – Female Turkey;
MT – Male Turkey
· Method: MG – Modern Gun; ML – Muzzleloader; A – Archery; C – Crossbow
· Check # must be printed on the tag
· The tag must remain on the deer or turkey until final processing and storage.
· If born after 1968, you must carry proof of hunter education training, unless
‘HE-VERIFIED’ is noted on your hunting license.
· IMMEDIATELY after the harvest and before moving the deer or turkey, the tag must be
printed legibly in ink and securely fastened to the antler or ear of a deer and to the leg of
a turkey.
· Call 866-305-0808 or visit www.agfc.com to check your deer or turkey within 24 hours of
· Type of game: DD – Doe Deer; BB – Button Buck; BA – Antlered Deer; FT – Female Turkey;
MT – Male Turkey
· Method: MG – Modern Gun; ML – Muzzleloader; A – Archery; C – Crossbow
· Check # must be printed on the tag
· The tag must remain on the deer or turkey until final processing and storage.
· If born after 1968, you must carry proof of hunter education training, unless
‘HE-VERIFIED’ is noted on your hunting license.