Work Study and Work Measurements: Engineering Government College of Engineering & Research, Avasari Khurd
Work Study and Work Measurements: Engineering Government College of Engineering & Research, Avasari Khurd
Work Study and Work Measurements: Engineering Government College of Engineering & Research, Avasari Khurd
This is to certify that the seminar report entitled “Work Study
and Work Measurement” is submitted by,
Place: Avasari
Date: / / 2018
At last we must express our sincere heartfelt gratitude to all the staff
members of Civil Engineering Department who helped me directly or
indirectly during this course of work.
1. Introduction 5
2. Breakdown structure 6
3. I. Method study 7
5. 1.1.1 Charts 9
7 1.2. Examine 10
8 1.3. Develop 11
9 1.4. Install 11
10 1.5. Maintain 11
13 2.2. Rating 13
14 2.3. Allowances 14
18 3.2. Comments 18
19 IV. References 19
Work study is the systematic examination of the methods of carrying out activities such as
to improve the effective use of resources and to set up standards of performance for the
activities carried out. Productivity in its broadest sense is the quantitative relationship
between what we produce and the resources we use.
Work study emphasizes on increasing the productivity and improving the working
conditions. The most agreed definition of work study issued by the British standards
institute is that it is a generic term for those techniques, particularly method study and work
measurement, which are used in the examination of human work in all its contexts, and
which lead systematically to the investigation of all factors which affect the efficiency and
economy of the situation being reviewed, in order to effect improvement.
Definition of work study could be:
“A generic term, for those techniques, particularly the method of study and work
measurement, which is used in the examination of human work in all its contexts, and
which lead systematically to the investigation of all the factors which affect the efficiency
and economy of the situation being reviewed, in order to affect improvement.”
1) The soul object of work study is to assist management to obtain the optimum use of the
human and material resources available to an organization for the accomplishment of the
work upon which it is engaged.
2)To make the most effective use of plant and equipment.
3) Effective use of human efforts.
4)Evaluation of human work(labour performance).
5)The purpose of work study is to improve the total performance of the
operating unit, to maintain performance at the highest level during any given
time and contiously to improve on that level.
6)The work study may be used to determine the methods and time standards
which govern the total performance of the workers. This involves the
continuous study and improvement of the activities
1) It helps in reducing manufacturing (construction) cost.
2)It suggests systematic methods to bring out improvement in the work.
3)It helps to find out labour requirements.
4)It shows the ways to furnish the most competitive tenders.
5)It suggests ways and means for better utilisation of available resources.
6)It suggests to make provisions for better services to clients.
7)It helps in making supervision less difficult.
8)Itgives an idea about providing better working conditions with less fatigue
and increased security for labour.
9)It suggests ways and means to make the conditions easy and to maintain
cordial relations among the workers themselves and among the workers and
1. Improved layout
5. improved design.
1. Economic considerations
2. Technical considerations.
3. Human reactions
Select and record
Develop and submit
Install and maintain.
1. Poor use of materials, labors, machine capacity, resulting in high scrap and
re- processing costs.
3. Existence of bottlenecks.
4. Inconsistencies in quality.
6. Excessive overtime.
A) Recording techniques.
b) Two and three dimensional models
C) Charts
The construction and interpretation of process charts is simplifies with the use
of following symbols.
Two-handed process chart-work confined to a single work place often consists
of the use of hands and arms only, and the two handed process chart has been
devised to give a synchronized and graphical reorientation of the sequence of
manual activities of the worker. Two-handed process chart is made up of two
columns in which the symbols are recorded representing the activities of left
hand and right hand.
Multiple activity chart and simultaneous motion chart-the multiple activity chart
is used whenever it is necessary to consider on the same document the activities
of a subject in relation to one or more others. By allotting separate bars, placed
against a common timescale, to represent the activities of each worker or
machine during a process, the multiple activity chart shows up clearly periods
of ineffective time within the process. This makes the avoidance of such time
by rearrangement of work a very much easier task. It is often useful to construct
the chart so that the most important subject from aspect of costs receives the
major emphasis
The string diagram is a scale layout drawing on which a length of string is used
to record the extent as well as the pattern of movement of a worker or piece of
equipment working within a limited area during a certain period of time.
Although it can be used in places where the movement is a simple backward
and forward one between two or three fixed points, it is of most value where
journeys are so irregular in distance and frequency that it would otherwise be
difficult to see exactly what is happening.
2.2.2 Examine
2.2.3 Develop
The Examine stage merges into the Develop stage of the investigation as more
thorough analysis leads automatically to identify areas of change. The aim here
is to identify possible actions for improvement and to subject these to
evaluation in order to develop a preferred solution. Sometimes it is necessary to
identify short-term and long-term solutions so that improvements can be made
(relatively) immediately, while longer-term changes are implemented and come
to fruition.
2.2.4 Install
The success of any method study project is realized when actual change is made
'on the ground' - change that meets the originally specified terms of reference
for the project. Thus, the Install phase is very important. Making theoretical
change is easy; making real change demands careful planning - and handling of
the people involved in the situation under review. They may need reassuring,
retraining and supporting through the acquisition of new skills. Install, in some
cases, will require a parallel running of old and new systems, in others; it may
need the build-up of buffer stocks, and other planning to manage the change.
What matters is that the introduction of new working methods is successful.
There is often only one chance to make change!
2.2.5 Maintain
3.1 Introduction
Subsequent studies are taken during which the observer times each occurrence
of each element using a stopwatch or other timing device while at the same time
making an assessment of the worker's rate of working on an agreed rating scale.
One of the prime reasons for measuring elements of work, rather than the work
as a whole is to facilitate the process of rating. The rate at which a worker
works will vary over time; if elements are carefully selected, the rate of
working should be consistent for the relatively short duration of the element.
More information on rating is given within the entry on work measurement.
This assessment of rating is later used to convert the observed time for the
element into a basic time; a process referred to as "extension". It is essential that
a time study observer has been properly trained in the technique and especially
in rating.
Time study, when properly undertaken, involves the use of specific control
mechanisms to ensure that timing errors are within acceptable limits.
Increasingly, timing is by electronic devices rather than by mechanical
stopwatch; some of these devices also assist in subsequent stages of the study
by carrying out the process of "extending" or converting observed times into
basic times. The basic time is the time the element would take if performed at a
specified standard rating.
The number of cycles that should be observed depends on the variability in the
work and the level of accuracy required. Since time study is essentially a
sampling technique in which the value of the time required for the job is based
on the observed times for a sample of observations, it is possible using
statistical techniques to estimate the number of observations required under
specific conditions. This total number of observations should be taken over a
range of conditions where these are variable and, where possible, on a range of
Once a basic time for each element has been determined, allowances are added
(for example, to allow the worker to recovered from the physical and mental
effects of carrying out the work) to derive a standard time.
Time study is a very flexible technique, suitable for a wide range of work
performed under a wide range of conditions, although it is difficult to time jobs
with very short cycle times (of a few seconds). Because it is a direct observation
technique, it takes account of specific and special conditions but it does rely on
the use of the subjective process of rating. However, if properly carried out it
produces consistent results and it is widely used. Additionally, the use of
electronic data capturing devices and personal computers for analysis makes it
much more cost effective than previously.
Work measurement is the process of establishing the time that a given task
would take when performed by a qualified worker working at a defined level of
performance.There are various ways in which work may be measured and a
variety of techniques have been established. The basic procedure, irrespective
of the particular measurement technique being used, consists of three stages;
A synthesis phase in which the various elemental times are added, together with
appropriate allowances (see below), to construct the standard time for the
complete job.
The techniques used to measure work can be classified into those that rely on
direct observation of the work, and those that do not. For example, some
techniques, such as predetermined motion-time systems and the use of synthetic
or standard data can provide times from simulation or even visualization of the
work. However, the data on which such techniques are based were almost
certainly based on earlier observation of actual work.
3.2. Rating
3.3. Allowances
When carrying out work over a complete shift or working day, workers
obviously suffer from the fatigue imposed both by the work undertaken and the
conditions under which they are working. The normal practice is to make an
addition to the basic time (commonly referred to as an "allowance") to allow the
worker to recover from this fatigue and to attend to personal needs. The amount
of the allowance depends on the nature of the work and the working
environment, and is often assessed using an agreed set of guidelines and scales.
In many jobs there are small amounts of work that may occur irregularly and
inconsistently. It is often not economic to measure such infrequent work and an
additional allowance is added to cover such work and similar irregular delays.
This allowance is known as a contingency allowance and is assessed either by
observation, by analysis of historical records of such items as tool sharpening or
replacement, or by experience. The end result is a Standard Time which
includes the time the work "should" take (when carried out by a qualified
worker) plus additional allocations in the form of allowances, where
appropriate, to cover relaxation time, contingency time and, perhaps,
unoccupied time which increases the overall work cycle such as waiting for a
machine to finish a processing cycle.
The advantage of structured and systematic work measurement is that it gives a
common currency for the evaluation and comparison of all types of work. The
results obtained from work measurement are commonly used as the basis of the
planning and scheduling of work, manpower planning, work balancing in team
working, costing, labor performance measurement, and financial incentives.
They are less commonly used as the basis of product design, methods
comparison, work sequencing and workplace design.
No of persons-5
5 6
The numbers indicate the sequence of the activity. The total distance to be
travelled 22m.
Revised layout:
3 2
No of labor -4
By observing closely, conclusion can be clearly made from the multiple activity
charts that the most non-productive work was changing the hook. Being
repetitive in nature a lot of time is wasted. If an easy to change hook
arrangement is made instead of tying the rope to the bucket, this work can be
done in quarter of the time which is required now. Currently changing of hook
requires 1min, means at least 5minutes in each cycle of bucket 1 and 2.
Minimizing this time will mean 1minute 30second will be required for hook
change and time saved will be 3.5 minutes in each cycle. So if 45 cycles take
place in a day total time saved will be 157.5minutes, which is approximately
equal to 2.5 hours a day.
Places numbered 5 and 6 are empty ducts for lifts which will be installed in the
final stage of the project. If the lift ducts are used for hoisting the aggregates,
less distance (~9 m) will be required to be covered on ground. Ducts being of
sufficient size, it is possible. Cost benefits incurred will be reduction of one
labor and fatigue.
A labor works on site for around 250 days a year, 8 hours a day. Consider
Rs.150 as his daily wages, we would save Rs.37, 500.