New Rules v0.2.1
New Rules v0.2.1
New Rules v0.2.1
Move phase:
6” for most infantry.
Tanks 12”, Walkers 6-12”?
Fast vehicles 18”?
Advance: infantry move D6” but cannot shoot! Unless certain weapon types/rules
Tanks 6”? or 2D6? Maybe fast go 2D6?
Psychic/Magic/Ability phase:
if applicable, psykers/wizards or fucking whatever can
Cast spells or use abilities.
Deny the witch: mod. From 8th ed.
Make its own phase? Or abilities are used at specified times in move, shoot, or assault?
Psychic score per model? Or just use leadership?
4th: Roll 2D6, score must be equal to or lower than Ld to manifest.
Roll of 2 or 12 causes 1 S6, AP1/AP+1 attack (no saves of any kind allowed)
** roll of 2 would still cause attack to work.
8th: Roll 2D6. Compare with “charge value” (smite has 5) if 2D6 equal or greater, spell
works. Perils: 2 or 12 causes D3 mortal wounds.
Deny the witch: if within 24” of casting psyker, another psyker can roll 2D6. If this roll is
higher than caster’s roll, spell is negated.
Shoot phase:
Yeah they shoot. Up to max range.
Use ballistic skill for this.
BS 1 2 3 4 5+
Roll needed to hit 6 5+ 4+ 3+ 2+
*a 1 always misses.
Strength and Toughness
Weapon types:
Assault: can move and shoot up to max range. Can always charge
Can advance and shoot as if moving and firing heavy weapons.
Heavy: Can move and shoot at 6 (5+?) to hit. NOT -1. Too easy for 2+ and 3+. Lookin at
you, spehss marines.
Can stand still and shoot at BS.
Cannot shoot and assault. Or maybe can, but assault is 1D6 instead of 2D6…
This would mean a model with a heavy weapon could fail a 2” assault.
Cannot advance and shoot.
Exception: slow and purposeful (4th) – only move D6 but can shoot.
**S&P allows for 2D6, pick the highest.
Or combination? Can move D6 and shoot at -1 or something OR can stay stationary and fire
Assault phase:
Then combat happens. Bonuses to charging are going to cause “delayed declarations” if
they charges happen simultaneously because if my tau are being assaulted by orks it will
only benefit my tau to also charge and gain +1 attack or strength or whatever we’re going
to make the bonuses…so let’s think on that.
Maybe overwatch would solve this…then my tau would shoot on 6+ and have a better
chance of downing some orks than charging and getting one more WS2 attack or a S4
And only small arms get overwatch? i.e. blasting two lascannon shots/turn is not allowed…
Then resolve attacks according to initative + modifiers
(Or simultaneous??) seems more realistic. Then certain weapons (power fist) would be
delayed or something.
Definitely like to hit being both attacker and defender WS dependent, instead of just hitting
on 5+ or something.
WS as of 4th:
Defender WS
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 4+ 4+
2 4+ 4+ 4+ 5+
3 4+ 4+ 4+ 4+
4 4+ 4+ 4+ 4+ 4+
Attacker WS 5 4+ 4+ 4+ 4+ 4+ 4+
6 4+ 4+ 4+ 4+ 4+
7 4+ 4+ 4+ 4+
8 3+ 4+ 4+ 4+
9 4+ 4+
10 4+
Morale tests: