LA 1 The Lighthouse
LA 1 The Lighthouse
LA 1 The Lighthouse
The Lighthouse
May 8th, 2023
by Lenard Lakofka
Table of Contents
How To Use This Adventure................................................3 The Lizard Men....................................................................... 8
Background.........................................................................3 Roster...................................................................................... 9
Setup...................................................................................4 Optional Encounter............................................................... 10
Attacker Goals....................................................................... 4 The Lighthouse Defenders...................................................11
The Lighthouse Compound.................................................4 New Monsters.....................................................................16
Building 1 The Gatehouse..................................................... 4 Lizard Man............................................................................. 16
Building 2 The Stables........................................................... 4 Maps...................................................................................17
Building 3 The Quarters........................................................ 5 Player’s Map of Promontory................................................. 17
Building 4 The Lighthouse...................................................... 6 DM’s Map of Promontory..................................................... 18
The Attackers......................................................................8 Map of the Lighthouse........................................................... 19
Attacker Goals....................................................................... 8 Tribute to Lenard Lekofka...................................................20
Designer: Lenard Lakofka, Lenofka Archives Special Thanks: Lakofka Archive Group, Gaetano LeFavi,
Editor: Rich “Longetalos” Di Ioia, Josh Popp Jay L. Scott, David “Big Mac” Shepheard, and all the folks
Art Director: Dan Smith <SMIF> who worked on L4 & L5 modules.
Graphic Designer: Troy Alleman Playtesters: Winter’s Night: Max Popp, Troy Alleman,
Cover Illustrator: Dan Smith <SMIF> Alexander Stabinski, Tom “CelticBoar13” Seals, Ken
Interior Illustrators: Dan Smith <SMIF> Arromdee, and Bob De Mars. Streamed: DarlingCreepshow,
Cartography: Lenard Lakofka, Anna B. Meyer, Troy TheBleakSeason, Kevin Stacy, Rose aka Qhostadventures,
Alleman Vampwickman, and Patrick Ciraco
An evil party with a nefarious plan to extinguish the light used Attackers besiege the Lighthouse. Their main focus, to
by ships to navigate the treacherous waters. What are they extinguish the light forever…
up to and what pact do they have with the lizard men helping
them with this goal?
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This work contains material that is copyright Wizards of the Coast and/or other authors. Such material is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content
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All other original material in this work is copyright 2023 by LAKOFKA ARCHIVE.
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons Desiderata
Dungeon Module LA 1 The original version of this adventure was written with Len’s
table rules we often call 1.Len. Loreltarma and Pelreltarma
The Lighthouse are spelled without a space because that’s how Len wrote
it. A space got added in Darlene’s map, but we’re sticking
with his spelling.
Artisan Level
An artifact of (1.Len), we wanted to keep in was Artisan
How To Use This Adventure
Level or Alvl. This is essentially NWPs like in 2nd Edition, This adventure was written as a competition module by Lenard
but Len had his own system he’d come up with. Lakofka. It is heavy combat.
“Alvl”= Artisan Level, not to be confused with Alignment. As Len is often happy to point out: run it however you like.
Many PCs and NPCs have an Alvl or Artisan Level.
Example: Cook (AL: 3 of 8)
The first number is the person’s proficiency level out of number
of total levels. At first level the person is an apprentice. At The adventure is set in Greyhawk in the Lendore Isles. If you’re
second level a fairly competent artisan (making few errors). placing this adventure in the Forgotten Realms, the Moonshae
At 3rd level they are trained to be the named profession (like Isles would be a good fit. For other placement ideas, a well-
cook, blacksmith, and bowyer). They produce good solid trafficked trade route in an island chain or strait.
work with no serious errors. At 5th level and above they are
considered “masters” of the profession. Grand master at 7th The PCs are the hired defenders of a lighthouse that oversees
and Ultra Grand Master at 8th. the heavily trafficked trade route between two Lendore cities:
Loreltarma and Pelreltarma.
Setup There’s a cobblestone path through the compound to the
lighthouse. Due to the rain, it’s slippery and every round
Begin the game on a 55-degree day at sunset, which is running on it, a dexterity check is required to keep your
obscured by clouds and fog. There’s a light misting with a 10- footing or fall. It’s doubly-so in the mud (make check at a
mph wind sweeping in from the east. It’s not pleasant out. This further penalty of 2). Walking doesn’t require a dexterity
afternoon there was about 3/4 of an inch of rain so the dirt on check. Lizard men aren’t affected by the mud and will prefer
either side of the main cobblestone walkway is still muddy and
it to the path.
slippery, hence why the walkway itself is cobblestone.
The trade route is heavily trafficked and depends on the Building 1 The Gatehouse
lighthouse to keep the ships safe from smashing into either of The gate house is a stone building made of 3-foot-thick walls.
the rocky coasts in the strait. If the light goes out, ships will There are 2 arrow slits on each side of the building, including
be lost. At sunset, the first wave of the lizard men will emerge the side with the door. The door is made of iron and can be
from the waters around the peninsula; a second wave a few bolted from the inside. There’s a trap door hidden under a
minutes later, and then finally a third wave. woven mat that leads to a getaway tunnel that opens up on
Some evil humans show up on horseback at any point in all the far side of the spire that the gate house abuts. The secret
of this, the architects of the attack. exit is well-hidden.
If you’re running this as tournament, then surviving the waves There are 2 short bows and 2 crossbows hung on the wall
is key. If you’re running this as a 4-hour one-shot, dropping with the gate. There’s a small barrel filled with 40 bolts and a
waves of lizard men in favor of fitting in the fight with the evil small barrel with 40 arrows.
humans is optimal.
A gong sits outside the door with a striker, just under the eaves.
Every player picks a player character.
Each Player Character has been assigned a starting location Building 2 The Stables
at sunset, but there are other options. In playtesting, giving the The stable is made of stone with 2-foot-thick walls. There is
characters three locations to distribute themselves to (asleep, single iron door that despite its size (it can accommodate a
on watch in the lighthouse, or just wandering the grounds) wagon with driver or even a mounted rider), opens easily.
seemed to work well. They are alert and watchful, but they The door can be bolted from inside.
are not expecting an attack. There are two horses in their stalls as well as an open wagon
with saddles, tack, and barding for the horses in the stable
Casters who chose their spells would begin doing so at 7 am
or 8 am that morning.
There is a steep ladder against the southeast wall that leads to
Attacker Goals the two rooms on the second floor.
1. Their primary goal is to kill all of the Defenders (and then Each has a good bed with mattress and down pillows. There’s
looting the place and destroying the light) an oaken chest of drawers, and an oak table with three oak
2. Their secondary goal is to shut off the light. chairs in each room. There are pegs on the wall for hanging
cloaks and gear.
The groundskeeper’s room has a small iron box in the chest
The Lighthouse Compound of drawers. The box has a poison needle trap. Poison will do
The lighthouse compound sits on a promontory with a few 4d8 damage or 2d6 if a save is made. Inside is 18PP, 44GP,
trees, vegetable gardens, and a couple of natural barriers, gems: 100, 200, 400, 4x50GPV
such as the 25-foot cliff surrounding the promontory and a There are no windows on the first floor but six window on the
couple of rock spires near the gate house. second floor; each is 1-foot-wide x 3 feet high. They have
The compound is about 6 miles away from the outskirts of interior shutters that can be closed and barred.
Loreltarma, connected by a wagon path that snakes through
The two horses can pull the wagon but can also be saddled
some hills and up-and-down cliffs. This takes about 4 hours to
and ridden separately.
reach the outskirts, on foot, more slowly by wagon.
Light War Horses, 1+4 hit dice, ac 8, hooves 2-5/2-5/bite
There are 4 buildings on the promontory: The Gate House,
The Stables, The Quarters, and The Lighthouse. All are of 1-3 HP: 9 & 10
sturdy stone construction with iron doors. It’s been built to Stable boy, Teamster AL: 4 of 8, AL 3 of 8 Rider and Horse
survive both storms and assaults. Care (Alvl 3 of 8)
Building 3 The Quarters cups sit at the base of both barrels. Water is free, but the
above-average wine is 1 SP per cup, which is put in a pot
A hexagonal stone building, 60 feet side-to-side interior next to the wine barrel, on the honor system. There is a hearth
dimension, with walls 5 feet thick serves as the main quarters with tools and a stack of cut wood.
for the compound. There are narrow windows on five walls,
6 inches wide and 3 feet top to bottom. Each window has A steep staircase leads to the second floor which can be
a leather cover that could be put in place for darkness and secured by a trap door, which is usually open, but can be
even a little help on maintaining the temperature. barred from the upper level.
The sixth wall, the southwest face, has an iron door that is six The second floor is divided into three rooms. There are six
windows, one on each face, 6 inches wide and 3 feet tall.
feet wide and 9 feet high. It has a good lock and can barred
These have a shutter on the inside and can be barred. Each
from inside. There is a 3-inch diameter peep hole in the very
room has a superior quality solid oak bed with down pillows,
center of door.
wool blankets, and cotton sheets. There is an oak table and
The building has a half-basement. It is used for storage two oak chairs in each room. There is also an upright oak
including weapons and arrows. There is a passage from the chest of four drawers in each bedroom. A set of pegs, just
basement of the quarters to the basement of the lighthouse. inside the door, on the walls are used to hang clothing and
The first floor is a common room and kitchen with seating for a weapon.
a dozen people via three oaken tables with four oak chairs The Lighthouse keeper and his wife have the largest of the
around each. There is a 50-gallon water barrel with a spigot three rooms and their upright chest has a false bottom which
and, a 50-gallon wine barrel also with a spigot. 12-ounce contains 114 GP in a cloth bag.
Building 4 The Lighthouse First Floor
The base of the lighthouse is 80 feet in diameter exterior The first floor has 10 small 6 inch by 6-inch windows that are
dimension, with exterior stone walls being 5 feet thick at the 17 feet up on the wall. They have a thick glass block in each
base and gradually getting to be about 2 feet thick just below window. Although they cannot be opened, during the day
the light. It has four floors, with the first three being 20 feet in they cast dim light over the floor. Recall the walls are 5 foot
height with a central spiral stair going up to the fourth-floor
light room. The third-floor walkway is crenelated with three-
foot-high crenulation, then dropping to one foot high between A secondary kitchen/common room takes up the east half of
each crenel. Spacing is one foot between the crenellations. the first floor. There is a storage room for food, pots and pans,
dinnerware and other kitchen related items. There is spice
shelf with 20 different spices (collection is 65GP)
There is a half-basement under the north part of the Common
Room accessed by a 6-foot square trap door next to the The other half of the floor has two bedrooms of equal size.
hearth that goes down a ladder. The trap door can be Each has a good oak bed and mattress, an oaken chest of
barred from below by someone standing on the ladder. The drawers, an oak table and four oak chairs. There are ample
basement is used for storage. A hoist can be brought into pegs on the wall to hang things.
position over the opening to lower and lift goods from below.
Along the north wall of the basement is a door leading to In the first bedroom, Lielie’s (see The Defenders) book of
a short passage that goes to the basement of The Quarters spells is under a 3 foot by 3-foot trap door, which accesses a
(Building 3). concealed compartment. It ranks as a concealed door (lizard
men will NOT go looking for concealed doors but one or
more of the human attackers might). The trap door is Wizard
Locked and since Lielie placed the lock she can bypass it at
any time. Also within the concealed compartment are three
empty scrolls, six bottles of ink, five quills and a box containing
twelve 4-hour candles along with a tinder and flint.
The other bedroom belongs to the druid. There’s a sleeping
mat on the floor with dried mistletoe hanging above it. The
floor beyond the head of the mat is covered in a mix of
oak and maple leaves. There are pegs on the wall. A chest
containing spare clothing and a pair of good boots. There is
a spare cudgel and two slings with 20 bullets (not stones). On the battlement, there’s a spyglass (magnify x12) that has a
Second Floor mounting point along the east side in one of the crenellations
of the third floor of the Lighthouse. The spyglass is stored in the
There are 12 evenly spaced 12 inch by 12-inch glass windows
lighthouse when not in use. One of the secondary jobs of the
5 feet above the floor, with the usual inside shutter. They cast group is to watch for ships moving up and down the coastline.
some decent light into the two rooms on this floor. Here the Observation is usually done for 10-20 minutes at time, two to
outer stone wall is 5 feet thick. five times per day.
One room has a bookshelf with 40 books and an oak desk An alarm gong, on the battlement, sits near the north door.
with a top that is at a 15-degree angle paired with a large
oaken bench next to it. There is another square, oak table Fourth Floor
with two oak chairs and nearby there is a padded leather The light itself is on top of the building. It’s a cylindrical magical
chair with an ottoman. A tin of pipe weed, and two pipes sit contraption weighing about 600 pounds with 180 degrees of
on the table. exposed glass, while the other half is stone. It is powered by
Besides the windows, there’s a chandelier hung in the middle continual light spells and the magical stone amplifies, but also
of the room, which can be lowered or raised by a rope on a uses up the magic, in exchange for the heavy-duty brightness
crank, near the door. The chandelier has a small glass box it casts.
with a continual light gem in the center and there’s a small
bag which can be put over the box to reduce or blacken out
the light. Sunlight during the day is sufficient to read a book
during the day, but is marginal for writing a spell in a book,
so the chandelier light is often left on all day.
The other room on this floor is a bedroom. It has a large
mattress lying on the floor with a single fairly hard pillow. A
small altar made of stones adorns one wall and has a statue
trimmed with silver and gold (200GPV). In front of the altar, a
large thick prayer rug shows sign of use.
Third Floor
Set into the lighthouse, an 8-foot walkway goes all the way
around, with the aforementioned crenellations giving safety
to those on duty, which creates a sort of battlement. Access to
inside is via a 5-foot wide and 8-foot-tall iron door facing the
north, which can be barred from the inside. The floor has six
1 foot by 1-foot windows with glass, and inside are shutters.
The room on this floor is mostly a ready room, with barrels of
arrows and bolts, various missile weapons, and a small triage
area for dealing with injuries. Lastly an oak desk and chair
with sighting logs sits out, ready for updates.
The Lizard Men
The lizard men come from an underwater cave complex
near Asmogorgon and are not related to the lizard men from
Lizarton. They are known as the Clan of the Crescent.
They will fight with claws and bite. They have few weapons,
but each group has a couple of grappling hooks on ropes.
Each wave comes from a different direction (north, south,
east) and the optional encounter of evil humans comes from
the road to the west.
Climbing is done via a dexterity check each round. A failed
check with a grapple is a stall. A failed check without a
grapple is a fall, into the water, where they’ll have to start
again. The group from the south will use the stair by the pier.
Timing between the lizard men climbs start at sunset. A clap
of thunder with lightning will add some fun after 2 minutes,
five minutes and 8 minutes, then stop. Recall the land off of
the cobblestones will be muddy. Defenders and evil humans
can lose their footing if running or if in melee (dexterity check
every round of running). Lizard men don’t mind the mud.
There will be four lizard men who are shaman. There will be
at least one in each group. The shaman are 2nd level, but
they have two darkness spells each. Recall the lighthouse
is protected by windows of glass. But a good-sized rock can
shatter the outer glass. They have leather armor, each has
hand mace, but they can forego those weapons for claw/
The Attackers claw/bite.
Three waves of lizard men will attack the lighthouse with two
Lizard men, HD 2+1 (Leaders 3+1HD, also Shaman up to 3rd
goals in mind. They are under the command of the three evil
humans in the optional encounter. level), Move: 180 feet per round underwater or swimming at
the surface. On land up to 180’ /round. Can climb at the
Attacker Goals rate of 90’ /round on steep rocky surfaces. (The chance to
1. Their primary goal is to kill all of the Defenders (and then fall on exposed rock above water is 7% per round, wet rock
loot the place and destroy the light) 11% per round)
2. Their secondary goal is to shut off the light. Most do not wear armor but might employ a shield fashioned
It does not matter WHY they want the light out. It just matters from a large seashell or slab of wood (AC: 7, with shield 6)
that the players might realize the light is a focal point at some They can fight with claws and bite (1-2/1-2 and 1-8) or by
moment. That and killing all the defenders. Characters can weapon; some might have a sword, club, or crude mace.
stay to the bitter end or withdraw. If they run down the path They are omnivorous but enjoy the taste of human flesh (as
or get on the rowboat they should be considered out of the opposed to other demi humans). They speak their own
combat. language but 15% chance for a leader or shaman to speak a
For the optional encounter, the lizard men will be reinforced human dialect (Common most likely). They tend to be Neutral
by three humans (the humans come up the cobble stone path but many tribes have evil tendencies, especially those that
or could move along either side of the path - even coming ally with evil humans for some common purpose.
close to the very edge of the cliff). They would join the fray
10 minutes after sunset. The humans compelled the lizard men They see no value in human coins but trade in weapons,
to attack and the lizard men recognize them as allies. Some shields, various forms of quartz and other semi-precious
treasure given to the lizard men was left back in the lair of the stones. They often collect large seashells which they can use
lizard men, which is near Asmogorgon. for trade or barter.
Lizard man Brute HD 2+1, claw/claw/bite (1-2/1-2 and
1-8), AC 7 (base) (10 individuals)
Wave 1 - HP: 16 15 15 15 15
Wave 2 - HP: 13 13 12 12 12
Lizard man Hunter HD 2+1, Spear (1-6) and bite (1-8), AC 6
(base plus shield) (10 individuals)
Wave 1 - HP: 17 17 17 16 16
Wave 2 - HP: 14 14 14 14 13
Lizard man Leader, HD 3+1, short sword (2-7) +1 strength,
AC: 6 (human circular shield 2’ diameter) (2 individuals)1
Wave 1 - HP: 22
Wave 2 - HP:19
Lizard man Shaman, HD 3+1, Spear (1-6) +1 strength, AC: 6
(shield) (4 individuals)
Leather, claw/claw/bite, AC 7.
Wave 1 - HP: 23
Wave 2 - HP: 20
Wave 3 - HP: 22, 19
2nd level spell caster, capacity 2 (darkness x 2), range
360 feet, duration 3 turns + ½ turn per level
Lizard man Chief, HD 4+1, 3 attacks, long sword (2-9),
short sword (2-7), bite (1-8), AC 4 (armor plus shield) (1
Wave 3 - HP: 26
Wave 1 has 12 figures total including one leader and one
shaman (attack north cliff)
Attack at sunset. There is footing along the base of the cliffs. 3
can climb at once using grapples.
It will take them 2 rounds to scale the cliff with grapples or 4
rounds without.
Wave 2 has 12 figures total including one leader and one
shaman (attack east cliff)
Attack at 4 minutes after sunset. There is footing along the
base of the cliffs. 4 can climb at once using grapples. It will
take them 2 rounds to scale the cliff with grapples or 4 rounds
Wave 3 has 3 figures total including 1 chief and 2 shaman
(attack via steps from pier)
Attack at 8 minutes after sunset. They will come running up
the steps. It will take them 2 rounds to run up the steps.
Female, Human Cleric Of Pyremius
level 5 S12 I13 W16 D15 Cn14 Ch15 HP: 24
chain & shield +1 AC: 5/3/2
Mace +1 to damage only, three throwing hammers
First level: cure light wounds, cure light wounds,
darkness, darkness, bless
Second level: hold person x 2, spiritual hammer,
silence, magic stone (ed2)
Third level: dispel magic, cause disease (that is a
touch spell)
“The servants of Pyremius are the only ones who may hold
the light.”
Male, Human Fighter
Level 5 S17 I9 W11 D15 Cn16 Ch 9, HP: 40
chain +1 & Shield AC 4/3/2
Optional Encounter Long Sword +1 to hit and +2 to damage, Long bow and 20
The three humans have control over the lizard men. They are arrows, dagger
from Asmogorgon. He is there to go toe to toe with one or two of the better fighter
One of the humans will have a Vial of Blackness. If thrown types. His morale is good. If he gets down to 5 or fewer hit
at the light it will shut it off and remain in effect for 24 hours. points however, he will run away if he can.
The ships at sea in the strait will be in jeopardy and will be in “Shouldn’t you be running away now?”
pitch black seas after about 30 minutes.
If three light or continual light spells are tossed at it, the light
house can be reinstated (Insight: if one of the players thinks
out of the box and realizes the Continual Light can also be
thrown on one of the other buildings as a stop-gap measure,
or even on the stones of the cliffs give him/her a reward).
Male, Human, Thief
level 4 S13 I14 W12 D18 Cn 13 Ch12 HP: 18
Leather AC 8/8/4
Short Sword +1 to hit and damage. Sling (he could use
the sling to the cast the vial but at -3 because it is a not a stone
and the range is far)
He has the Vial of Blackness
He is an accomplished climber. He has scouted the lighthouse
one night three days ago and at least has an idea of the lay
of the land and building placements.
The thief will try to sneak up on the place once melee starts.
His goal is tossing the Vial of Blackness. Then he can run
off or join the melee as opportunities arise.
Whispers in your ear, “surprise…”
The Lighthouse Defenders Fenetta
The players are choosing the role of the defenders. Here they
are, including their optional starting locations.
Fenwick the Ranger
Garl Lielie
Abbender Probonno
Escarpo Abbwick
Roles: Groundskeeper
Starting Location: The Lighthouse, First Floor, eating in the kitchen.
Thief, L3, S13 I12 W12 D16 Cn12, Ch19, HP: 14, N, Norebo Roles: Daughter of Fenwick and Abetta, Farmer
Leather, AC: 8/8/6 +1 Short Sword to hit only, and Detects Starting Location: Lighthouse Battlement
evil at a range of 40 when held. Four throwing daggers. Fighter female, Lv 3, S16 I12 W12 D16 Cn13 Ch15, HP: 27, NC(g),
Pick Pockets 40%, Open Locks 33 +5%, Find, Place & Remove Phyton
Traps 30%, Move Silently 27%, Hide in Shadows 25%, Hear Noise Leather & Shield, AC: 8/7/5. Ring of Magic Missile Turning.
20%, Climb Walls 87% If a Magic Missile spell is used on the wearer a portion of Damage
Escarpo has climbed from the ocean surface to the top of the cliff is turned back on the spell caster. The percentage turned back is
many times. He can climb from the pier to the top on a known path d4*20%, 8000GPV
up the rocks 100 % of time (when not raining, and 80% when Long Bow (24 arrows), Long Sword, +1 Dagger to hit only.
raining). In other locations he has 4% chance to fail if the cliff is
dry, and 8% if it wet or damp. Alvl 3 of 8 Farmer, Alvl 4 of 8 Tumbling, Alvl 3 of 8 Juggling, Alvl
4 of 8 Singing
Purse: 5GP, 12 SP, 8 CP. In his boot heels are 4PP in each boot.
Purse: 1PP, 4GP, 18 SP, 18CP. Gem 3x75GP
Abetta Spells Memorized
First level: bless, cure light wounds, detect evil,
_______________, _____________
Second level: hold person, silence, slow poison,
Third level: continual light, ____________
Spell Capacity: 3+2, 2+2, 1+1. Player will fill in the blanks prior to
the 10AM start time
Purse: 4GP, 18SP. Gem 4x50GP
Spells Known
First level: bless, command, create water, cure light wounds,
detect evil, detect magic, light, protection from evil, purify
food & drink, remove fear, resist cold, sanctuary, ceremonies,
combine, endure cold, endure heat, magic stone magical
vestment & portent
Second level: hold person, silence, augury, know alignment,
speak with animals, slow poison, sanctuary, ceremony of
dedication, ceremony consecrate item, death prayer, holy
Third Level: continual light, cure disease, dispel magic, prayer,
locate object, speak with dead, dust devil, remove paralysis,
water walking
LIZARD MAN: Clan of the Crescent
Brute Hunter Shaman Leader Chief
FREQUENCY: Common Rare Rare Uncommon Rare
NO. APPEARING: 10-40 5-20 1-4 1-6 1-2
ARMOR CLASS: 6 6 (5) 6 5 (4) 5 (4)
MOVE: 6”/12” 6”/12” 6”/12” 6”/12” 6”/12”
HIT DICE: 2+1 2+1 3+1 3+1 4+1
% IN LAIR: 30% 30% 30% 30% 30%
NO. OF ATTACKS: 3, claw x2, bite 3 or weapon 2, spear and bite 2, short sword, bite 2, long sword, bite
DAMAGE/ATTACK: 1-2/1-2/1-8 1-6 javelin 1-6 spear, 1-8 bite 2-7/1-8 2-9/1-8
SPECIAL ATTACKS: See below See below Spell casting See below See below
MAGIC RESISTANCE: Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard
INTELLIGENCE: Low (average) Low (average) Low (average) Low (average) Low (average)
ALIGNMENT: Neutral Neutral Neutral (E) Neutral Neutral
SIZE: M (7’ tall) M (7’ tall) M (about 7’ tall) M (7’ tall) M (7’ tall)
Attack/Defense Modes: Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil
The lizard men come from an underwater cave complex near Asmogorgon
and are not related to the lizard men from Lizarton. They are known as the
Clan of the Crescent.
They will fight with claws and bite. They have few weapons. These are
often carried by the larger leaders or the hunters of the tribe. The leaders,
allied with evil humanoids, sometimes outfit the common tribesman
grappling hooks on ropes.
The spiritual needs of the lizard men are tended by shaman. There will be
at least one in each group. The shaman are 2nd level, but they have two
darkness spells each. They have leather armor, each has hand mace, but
they can forego those weapons for claw/claw/bite.
These lizard men, HD 2+1 (Leaders 3+1HD, sometimes Shaman up to 3rd
level), Move: 180 feet per round underwater or swimming at the surface.
On land up to 180’ per round. Can climb at the rate of 90’ /round on
steep rocky surfaces. (The chance to fall on exposed rock above water is
7% per round, wet rock 11% per round)
Most do not wear armor but might employ a shield fashioned from a large
seashell or slab of wood (AC: 7, with shield 6) They can fight with claws
and bite (1-2/1-2 and 1-8) or by weapon; some might have a sword, club, or crude mace.
They are omnivorous but enjoy the taste of human flesh (as opposed to other demi-humans). They speak their own language but
15% chance for a leader or shaman to speak a human dialect (Common most likely). They tend to be Neutral but many tribes
have evil tendencies, especially when allied with evil humans for some common purpose.
They see no value in human coins but trade in weapons, shields, various forms of quartz and other semi-precious stones. They
often collect large seashells which they can use for trade or barter.