Grade 10 Carrer Guidance
Grade 10 Carrer Guidance
Grade 10 Carrer Guidance
Pathways Toolkit
ISBN 978-621-421-009-1
INTRODUCTION Starting a Career Planning Journey 5
TOOL 01 The Life I Want to Live as an Adult 7
Every teacher is a career advocate. arrive at a chosen career goal. We hope toolkit may be used without following
With the advent of the K to 12 reforms, that you will find this toolkit useful as any order. Each material is a stand-alone
specifically the Senior High School (SHS) you journey with your students in paving topic and may be customized to address
program, you need to take this vital role the way to begin the process of engaging the needs of your students based on the
seriously. Aside from doing your regular and planning for their future career school and community context.
teaching assignments, you need to help pathways. This resource material also
your students map out their future aims to assist your students in choosing The summary guide of each activity is
career pathways. a preferred SHS track based on their shown on the next page.
talents, values, interests, personal goals,
The Multiple Career Development and aspirations. In case a student needs Thank you for accepting the challenge
Pathways (MCDP) Toolkit has been special assistance, kindly refer them to of guiding your students as they pursue
prepared to assist you, Career Advocates a professional Guidance Counselor, who numerous career pathways and available
of the Philippines, in conducting serves as the focal person for DepEd’s career opportunities in the future. It
your career coaching activities for Career Guidance Program. will all start by helping them choose the
incoming Senior High School students. appropriate SHS track to enroll in.
In particular, this toolkit is designed The suggested Activity Guides and
to supplement the existing resource Tools are easy to follow and use, and Good luck!
materials provided by the Department of are engaging for your students as they
Education on career guidance. rediscover their potentials and help them
prepare for possible career choices.
The MCDP Toolkit likewise recognizes Although the activities here are arranged
the various ways or options available to in specific sections, the materials in this
ACTIVITY 04: Connecting the Dots Between Education and Career Pathways (2-3 sessions)
To be prepared to make career choices, students will consolidate information gathered about themselves,
including the possible career pathways they plan to pursue. Students are expected to identify at least three SHS
track options. This stage marks the beginning rather than the end of the career journey of the students.
TOOL 10 Career Pathways Portfolio TOOL 12 Summary of My Career Pathways
TOOL 11 Career Study Planner TOOL 13 Multiple Career Development Pathways Map
NOTE: One session may run for one hour; several of the Tools in this Toolkit were adapted from existing career guidance worksheets or activities.
The tools in the MCDP Toolkit aim to help students achieve the career development pathways
outcomes outlined in the matrix below. You may refer to this matrix in planning for your
Guiding Principles on the
career planning sessions with your students.
Use of the MCDP Toolkit
zz Each activity is estimated to take between two zz Collaborate with your fellow career advocates
to three sessions. One session may run for one in the preparation of your contextualized
hour. However, the length of time you spend career development pathways session guides.
in each activity depends on your learners’ Keep a teacher’s reflection journal to document
academic abilities and preparation. good practices in facilitating career planning
and development sessions.
zz Make sure students are given enough time to
think and reflect on each activity/tool. Reassure zz Assist your students in preparing their individual
them that their responses in each tool may be career pathways portfolio. The portfolio should
different from one another. Encourage them be managed by the students, not by teachers
to answer honestly as to what is true to them. nor parents, to allow the students to review
and reflect on their responses as they continue
zz The activities and tools in this toolkit may be their career planning journey. Our role as
modified based on your school-community career advocates is to encourage our students
context. Varied teaching techniques and to develop a sense of ownership of the career
adequate preparation are necessary for an pathways portfolio, and an active engagement
optimal student career development learning in the career planning process.
Starting a Career Planning
TOOL 01: The Life I Want to Live as an Adult
Many people say that life is a journey. As you begin your mission to help
your students plan their career, let us start by helping them envision their
life in the future. It can begin by simply asking them: “What kind of life do
you want to live?” “Anong klaseng pamumuhay ang nais mong maranasan?”
• Begin this session by telling a story of an inspiring person • Have students form groups composed of three to five
in your community. As you relate the story, emphasize the students and initiate a sharing session with their peers.
importance of setting the right goals in life. You may also
ask your students if they know someone close to them with • To culminate this session, talk about the key takeaways of this
similar inspiring life experiences. activity. Below are some suggested questions.
1. Read each question carefully. In case there are some 3. What should I consider in planning for my future
questions or clarifications, you may consult your teacher for career?
further explanation.
4. What are the bases of a career planning journey?
2. Write your answers on the spaces provided.
• What is my ideal
• Do I prefer to work environment?
stay in one place
or would I like to • What kind of
move to a new career would I like
location? • What types of to pursue?
• What business do I activities do I enjoy
plan to start? doing with the
people in my life?
One of the most important steps in guiding your students in career planning
is to provide an opportunity for them to discover or rediscover themselves.
After all, no one else can tell your students what to do in life because they know
themselves best.
Many people say that you tend to be good at what interests you. Look back at your classroom experiences and activities. Recall the
subject areas that caught your interest and list down remarkable achievements related to these subject areas.
Which subject/s are you interested in? What Which subject/s are you interested in? What
activities or projects in the said subject/s have you activities or projects in the said subject/s have you
accomplished? accomplished?
In which subject/s did you perform best? In which subject/s did you perform best?
What are your talent/s? In which subject/s were you What are your talent/s? In which subject/s were you
able to perform these talents? able to perform these talents?
Which subject/s are you interested in? What Which subject/s are you interested in? What
activities or projects in the said subject/s have you activities or projects in the said subject/s have you
accomplished? accomplished?
In which subject/s did you perform best? In which subject/s did you perform best?
What are your talent/s? In which subject/s were you What are your talent/s? In which subject/s were you
able to perform these talents? able to perform these talents?
The following is a list of work values and competencies that many
Accomplish tasks by myself, with limited
people have identified as important for them in their careers, in
interaction with others.
business, and in the workplace. A competency is the capability to
apply or use a set of related knowledge, skills, and abilities required
to successfully perform a job.
Engage in activities which pit my abilities
against others.
As you begin to explore your own personal values, reflect and
select by shading the thumbs up icon ( ) of the values and
competencies that you think you already possess.
Possess the power to decide courses of action
that may affect an organization.
Do something which contributes to improving WORKING UNDER PRESSURE
the community. Become involved with helping Work in situations where pressure is common.
other people.
Have a work routine and job duties that are
largely predictable.
Reflection Guide
The skills listed in this tool are the progressive life skills needed in pursuing any field
or career. Rate your skills level using the following scale: Look at the skills that you have rated
yourself highly (e.g., 3 or 4). Think of
HIGHLY SKILLED. I can do this task all the time without supervision. times and situations when you have
used these skills. These can help you
SKILLED. I can do this task with minimum supervision.
in making good career decisions.
MODERATELY SKILLED. I can do this task with constant supervision.
The ability to deliberate Being able to influence Being proactive and The ability to organize The ability to carry out
with others in order to the attitudes and willing to take the your work, priorities, a variety of tasks, work
come to an agreeement perspectives of others. initiative. Setting and and what needs to in different situations,
that is appropriate and achieving goals. be done to meet and manage change in
beneficial to all. deadlines. your life and work.
Keep On Track
It is important to work on something that makes you feel happy and productive.
Making a career decision is not an easy task for your students. Gaining enough
knowledge and information about their strengths and weaknesses will help
them find a better career opportunity.
In this session, your students will identify possible career options based on
their interests, talents, and values. Students will also gain information about
the different Senior High School tracks and their corresponding aptitude
• Discuss the results of the different self-awareness tools. Students will be able to identify the different career pathways and
Relate this information about your students to their preferred the available SHS tracks.
career choice. Students may also refer to Tool 01: The Life I
Want to Live to further assist them in making their choices.
preferences? NUMBER OF
In this phase, your students will be engaged in a career planning process that
focuses on matching their personal career goals based on their interests and
talents to their family’s career preference and financial capabilities.
• The exercise involving the use of Tool 06: My Family and My • Feel free to use other available tools for this session.
Career Choices may be conducted during the parent-teacher
conference. • After accomplishing the tools in this session, ask your students
what they have learned about career planning. Likewise, ask
• Distribute Tool 07: Personal Career Exploration Mapping them to share their insights on the importance of considering
Tool to help your students undertake an analysis pertaining their families on career planning.
to career choice, family, and community context. Send the
completed tool to your students’ parents or guardians. Target Outcome
Encourage your students to take this opportunity to consult
with their parents about their prospective career choices. Students will adjust their career decisions considering the views
Give them ample time to complete this process considering of their families and the community context.
the varied workloads of the parents and guardians.
We believe that you have already started thinking Fold this paper in half and separate the columns.
about the career choices of your child. However, Ask your son or daughter to list three careers he
as an individual, your child has already made some or she finds interesting. Without looking at the
choices, too. How do they compare? We invite you other column, write down three careers you think
to take this short and simple exercise that can your child is well-suited for. Together, discuss the
help open discussion on career planning with your responses. (Itupi ang papel sa dalawang hanay.
child. (May naiisip na siguro kayo na maaring maging Pasagutan ang kaliwang bahagi na nagtatanong
propesyon o kurso na pwedeng kunin ng inyong anak sa anak ng tatlong kursong gusto niyang kunin.
ngunit dapat ninyong isaalang-alang na maaaring Pagkatapos, sagutan ninyo ang kanang bahagi ng
may naisip at napili na ring kurso ang inyong anak. papel na nagtatanong sa magulang ng tatlong kurso
Inaanyayahan po namin kayong makiisa sa gawaing na sa palagay ninyo ay gusto ninyo at angkop para sa
ito, katuwang ang inyong anak upang mapag- inyong anak nang hindi nakikita ang kaliwang bahagi
usapan ang pagpaplano ng kurso at malaman kung na sinagutan ng anak. Pagkatapos, pag-usapan ang
magkatugma ang inyong plano sa kursong gustong inyong mga sinulat na kasagutan.)
kunin ng inyong anak.)
What careers am I considering for the future? Why do I What best careers are likely suited for my child? Why
like these careers, or why do I think it would be the best do I think my child would be well-suited for the careers
fit for me? (Ano ang mga kursong gusto kong kunin? Bakit I listed? What factors did I consider in choosing these
ko gusto ang mga ito? Bakit ko masasabing bagay ang mga careers for my son or daughter? (Ano ang mga kursong
ito sa akin?) angkop para sa aking anak? Bakit ko naisip na ang mga
ito ang bagay para sa aking anak? Ano ang aking mga
isinaalang-alang sa pagpili ng kurso para sa aking anak?)
What have I learned from this activity? (Ano ang natutunan What have I discovered about my child after doing this
ko sa gawaing ito?) activity? (Ano ang nalaman o natuklasan ko tungkol sa
aking anak sa gawaing ito?
Review your responses in Tools 05 and 06. Place your top three prospective careers in the circles and list the related SHS tracks and
strands for each. Then, on the space provided, briefly explain your reason/s in choosing each career.
I have consulted There are institutions I have already searched
My interests and talents
my family about my near my place that can for job opportunities for
match with my career
preferred career choices. provide education and my prospective career
training related to my pathways.
My values match with My family and relatives career options. There are available
my career choices. have expressed career opportunities in
The SHS track and
full support of my my community which
strand I prefer are
I have good grades in prospective career are related to my career
offered in a school close
subjects related to my pathways. choices.
to my residence.
chosen careers. My career choices
There are available
Our family and relatives will help improve
I have accomplished can support my the condition of my
opportunities related to
school activities and education leading to community. I can serve
my career choices.
projects related to my my prospective career my community through
prospective career choices. I have searched my career choices.
pathways. online career planning
I have family members resources to look for I can identify prospective
who are already available schools related employers or work
I have concrete
professionals in my to my career choices. opportunites connected
evidences like copies of
chosen careers. to my career choices.
essays, term papers, and I have checked
research articles that are I can help my family in the profile of the There are many
related to my preferred the future through my prospective schools possible occupational
career pathways. career choices. or visited the schools I opportunities related to
prefer to enroll in. my career prospective.
< i
There are various ways to explore more information
about your potential careers. You can search for career
planning resources on the library or on the web. You
can also ask your relatives or friends who are in the
career you are interested in.
For books, specify the title and the author. For online resources, specify the name of the website and the URL address.
For resource persons, specify the full name, job title (occupation), and your relationship with the person.
< i < i
Look into the skills required for the careers you want to pursue. Work with a family member, teacher, or counselor to honestly assess the
skills you still need to improve. Write the target skills you want to improve in the light bulb, and list a strategy to learn or help strengthen
these skills.
I will improve this through I will improve this through I will improve this through
TOOL 10: Career Pathways Portfolio
TOOL 11: Career Study Planner
TOOL 12: Summary of My Career Pathways
TOOL 13: Multiple Career Development
Pathways Map
Taking Action
Later on in life, your students will be in the forefront of society taking on different
roles in their immediate communities. The value of career choices that they
make will greatly affect the quality of work and socio-economic contributions
they can provide to the society.
Target Outcome
Activity Guide
GR 9
I have excelled in the The track and strand I would The course I will take in The type of company I would The career I plan to pursue
following subjects like to take are college is like to work for is is
The activities that I need to
do in order to achieve this
The skills I have acquired career are
after completing Junior I like this track and strand
High School (e.g., National because
Certificate I, II) are
The kind or field of businesss
I would like to pursue is
Am I going to proceed to My plan after Senior High
Senior High School? If not, School is
why? What is my plan after
Junior High School?
This tool will help you connect the dots between education and your preferred career pathways. Review your responses in the previous
tools. Create a summary of your preferred career pathways by completing the diagram on the next page. Below is a sample summary of
career pathways. You may create up to three career pathways.
The diagram on the next page illustrates a sample of multiple pathways leading towards a career goal of becoming a police
officer. From this illustration, you will realize that there are several ways to achieve your career goals, i.e., different senior
high school tracks or several options to prepare you for your chosen career after high school. These options include planning
for college, employment, entrepreneurship, training, and other professional development opportunities. This activity will help
you identify your options, carry out your plans, and keep track of your career goal.
Using the diagram on the next page as reference, plot out the steps for each alternative pathway from junior high school up to
the stage when you reach your career goal. Include the target timeframe (e.g. number of years) for each path that you might
have to take in the future until you reach your career goal.
Four years SCHOOL - HUMSS Four years One year
CULMINATION Below is a summary of tools for each activity to guide you in tracking
your students’ progress:
of having decisions about their future.
2. Students will learn to value the process of considering
their future when making a decision.
3. Students will define their dream lifestyle, including work,
relationships, lifelong learning, and future career.
Sample Session
Resources Video from Youtube entitled “A Farmer’s Son”
Tool 01: The Life I Want to Live as an Adult
actual career planning sessions Adult. Ask the following questions after completing the tool:
1. What is career planning and why is it important to you as
with your students or use the
a student?
session guides as reference in 2. Why do you think career planning is not a one-time
developing your own. decision but a series of decisions made over a period of
3. What do you think should be considered in planning for
your future career?
Abstraction/ Career planning is a deliberate/conscious process of knowing
Generalization who you are so that you can be sure of where you want to be
at some defined point in the future.
Closing Activity As a closing activity, play the video from Youtube to serve as
a motivation that the road to success is solely dependent on
oneself. This is why students must pursue and take seriously
whatever they may learn from this session.
Target Outcome Students will discover their interests and talents Target Outcome Students will discover their interests, talents, skills, and values
Learning Objectives 1. Students will recall and list down their remarkable Learning Objectives 1. Students will acknowledge their talents, skills, interests,
achievements in the subject/s that interest them the and personality.
most. 2. Students will understand oneself by exploring who they
2. Students will have a better understanding of oneself— are and what they are capable of.
specifically their interests and talents. Resources Tool 02: Self-Assessment of Interests and Talents
Resources Tool 02: Self-Assessment of Interests and Talents Introductory Activity 1. Discuss with the students that the initial step in career
Introductory Activity Review of the past lesson: Why is it important to have a vision planning is to know themselves.
of the kind of life you want to live as an adult? 2. Talk about the importance of knowing their strengths and
Activity and Analysis 1. Activity: Use Tool 02: Self-Assessment of Interests and weaknesses in the process of making career choices and
Talents decisions.
yourself to be defined by someone else’s opinion of you.” Ask Video (Career Path)
the students to explain what they think these quotes mean, Introductory Activity Discuss the results of the different self-assessment tools.
then relate it to self-awareness. Relate this information about your students to their preferred
career choices. Students may also refer to Tool 01: The Life I
Activity and Analysis Let the students answer Tool 03 and Tool 04. After completing
Want to Live as an Adult to further assist them in making their
the tools, allow the students to share their answers with their
classmates in a small group discussion. After accomplishing
Activity and Analysis 1. Distribute Tool 05: SHS Career Interest Clusters and give
the task, ask your students the following questions:
students time to accomplish it.
1. From the work values and skills that you chose, what do
2. Once they are done, match the results of Tool 05 with a
you think are the ones connected to your career plans?
particular SHS track.
2. What are the things that you rediscovered about yourself?
Guide Questions:
3. How can this self-exploration activity assist you in career
1. Does the activity help me in planning for my future
Abstraction/ Self-awareness is having a clear perception of your
2. What other information do you need in order to help you
Generalization personality, including strengths, weaknesses, thoughts,
make a career decision?
beliefs, motivation, and emotions. Self-awareness allows you
3. What is the importance of making a learning plan that
to understand other people, how they perceive you, your
suits your career preferences?
attitude, and your responses to them in the moment.
4. After discussing the guide questions, present to the
Closing Activity Emphasize that the students’ unique talents, interests, values,
students the information regarding Senior High School
and skills must be their foundation/basis in career planning
and the different tracks related to it.
so that they will be able to clearly see where they really want
Abstraction/ Career Pathing is a systematic approach to career
to go.
Generalization development, enabling employees to map multiple career
path scenarios, to review job competencies, and to evaluate
skill gaps. By giving employees the tools to chart their career
progression, they become more engaged in their roles and
the development of their careers.
Closing Activity To help them realize how important career pathing is, play a
video related to it.
Target Outcome Students will fine-tune their career decisions, considering the Target Outcome Students will fine-tune their career decisions, considering the
views of families and community context. views of families and community context.
Learning Objectives 1. Students and parents will be able to establish a good Learning Objectives Students will be engaged in career planning that focuses on
relationship in making a career choice. matching their personal career goals based on their interests
2. Students will be able to consider the financial capabilities and talents to their family’s career preference and financial
3. Students will value the importance of their parents’ Resources Quotes about decision-making
Parent-Student Activity Introductory Activity Post a quote about decision-making. Call a student to tell
Parents Short Talk something about it. After they give their opinions about the
Tool 06: My Family and My Career Choices quote, ask them to answer the guide questions.
Introductory Activity The teacher will present quotations to parents and students. Guide Questions:
Guide questions: 1. How do your home and your community affect your
2. Are parents really important to us? 2. How do you consult your family in making career
3. Do your parents affect your decision in life? Why?
3. “Anong mga bagay ang isinasaalang-alang mo bago ka
Parent-Student Activity
pumili ng gusto mong maging trabaho or kursong papasukin
Guide questions:
1. How did you find the activity?
Activity and Analysis Distribute copies of Tool 07: Personal Career Exploration
2. Did you consider the opinion of each other in doing the
Mapping Tool to help them create an in-depth analysis
pertaining to career choice, family, and community context.
3. Is the activity easy to do with your parents? Why?
Abstraction/ It is important to understand that career choices are
Activity and Analysis Let the students and parents complete Tool 06: My Family and
Generalization dependent on many factors — individual, cultural, social, and
My Career Choices.
environmental. The combination and interaction of various
Guide questions:
influences on your decision-making are unique to you and
1. How did you choose your career?
your situation.
2. Does your choice of career match your parents’ choice?
Closing Activity Distribute Tool 06: My Family and My Career Choices as their
3. Did you consider your parents’ choice on your career
assignment to help them discuss their preferred career track
choice planning? Why?
with their parents. Together, discuss the responses.
Abstraction/ Family career preference and financial capabilities should be
Generalization considered in choosing a career.
Closing Activity Students’ response
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