Econ3016: Empirical Finance WEEK 3/4
Econ3016: Empirical Finance WEEK 3/4
Econ3016: Empirical Finance WEEK 3/4
WEEK 3/4
Stock Returns: Annualisations Stock Returns: Continuous Compounding Stock Returns: Stylised Facts Stock Returns: A simple Model
Continuously Compounded Returns
Stylised Facts
Uncorrelatedness versus Independence
Stock Returns: Annualisations Stock Returns: Continuous Compounding Stock Returns: Stylised Facts Stock Returns: A simple Model
Annualising Returns
Can we come up with a composite return measure, say some yearly return
RA , such that if we received the same RA over 4 years we would also end up
with £1.10074? recall FV = £1(1 + RA )n so that what we want to do here is
to find RA such that (1 + RA )4 = (1 + R1 )(1 + R2 )(1 + R3 )(1 + R4 ). Clearly
RA = [(1 + R1 )(1 + R2 )(1 + R3 )(1 + R4 )]1/4 − 1 = 0.024285
Annualising Returns
Arithmetic average return: R = T1 t=1 Rt .
An alternative measure of average return is the cumulative return over
the period from 1 to T, annualised by taking the T th root (raising to
power 1/T). This is called the geometric average return
! T1
1 + RG ≡ (1 + Rt )
Intuition: If we invest $1 in an asset, after one period we have (1 + R1 ),
after two periods we have (1 + R1 )(1 + R2 ) and after T periods we have
t=1 (1 + Rt ). The geometric average RG answers the question:
constant return RG leads to a $1 investment turning into t=1 (1 + Rt )
after T periods? It’s the RG that solves (1 + RG )T = t=1 (1 + Rt ).
[similar to the APR!].
Think of RG as the annualised return (p.a).
Stock Returns: Annualisations Stock Returns: Continuous Compounding Stock Returns: Stylised Facts Stock Returns: A simple Model
Annualising Returns
Annualising Returns
Annualising Returns
Annualising Returns
Geometric means are very useful for highlighting what happens over a
long period. Note that when returns are constant over time then R̄ = RG
otherwise R̄ is always at least as big as RG .
Stock Returns: Annualisations Stock Returns: Continuous Compounding Stock Returns: Stylised Facts Stock Returns: A simple Model
Annualising Returns
Suppose that half the time an investment earns 60% and half the time it
earns -50%. So if you invest for 10 years, then for 5 years the return is
60% and for 5 years -50%. The arithmetic average is
R̄ = (0.6 + 0.6 + 0.6 + 0.6 + 0.6 − 0.5 − 0.5 − 0.5 − 0.5 − 0.5)/10 = 5%.
Not too bad!
Suppose however that I hold the asset for 2 years. In the first year it
returns 60% and in the second -50%. How much money do I have at the
end of the second year? I invest 1 dollar. First it goes 1.60 then to
(1.6)(0.5) i.e 80 cents.
Stock Returns: Annualisations Stock Returns: Continuous Compounding Stock Returns: Stylised Facts Stock Returns: A simple Model
Annualising Returns
Suppose I hold it for 10 years and for five it goes 60% and for 5 it goes
-50%. Then after 10 years my dollar invested is worth
(1.6)5 (0.5)5 = $0.33.
If it goes up for 50 of the next hundred years, and down for the other
50, then in 100 years I have (1.6)50 (0.5)50 ≈ 0!!!!
If half the time the stock goes up by 60% and half the time it goes down
50% then over the long run I get NOTHING, eventhough the arithmetic
average is 5%. Lesson: Arithmetic returns are unreliable for
understanding long run returns
Stock Returns: Annualisations Stock Returns: Continuous Compounding Stock Returns: Stylised Facts Stock Returns: A simple Model
Continuous Compounding
To see further where this comes from go back to page 2 of Week 1 slides. We obtain
rt as Pt−1 (1 + rt ∆) ∆ = Pt as ∆ → 0. Note that in page 2 we have the analogy
∆ ≡ 1/m. Since lim∆→0 (1 + rt ∆) ∆ = ert we end up with Pt = ert Pt−1 .
Economists often prefer to work with continuously compounded returns. The latter
have important technical advantages. Recall that we could not simply add simple
period returns to obtain multi-period versions. Also, the annualisation process
required us to compute geometric averages.
Continuous Compounding
Given a monthly ccr rt it is easy to solve for the corresponding simple net return as
Rt = ert − 1. Hence nothing is lost by considering continuously compounded returns
instead of simple returns. CCRs are very similar to simple returns as long as the
return is relatively small (this is generally the case for daily or monthly returns). Most
of the time we will be working with CCRs.
Idea: ln(1 + x) ≈ x for x small. Take ln(Pt /Pt−1 ) = ln(1 + Rt ) ≈ Rt when Rt small.
Multi-Period Returns: Consider the two month ccr defined as
rt (2) = ln(1 + Rt (2)) = ln(Pt /Pt−2 ) = pt − pt−2 . Taking exponentials of both sides
shows that Pt = Pt−2 ert (2) so that rt (2) is the continuously compounded growth rate
of prices between months t-2 and t. Using Pt /Pt−2 = (Pt /Pt−1 )(Pt−1 /Pt−2 ) and the
properties of logs it also follows that
rt (2) = ln(Pt /Pt−2 ) = ln(Pt /Pt−1 ) + ln(Pt−1 /Pt−2 ) = rt + rt−1 . So the cc two
month return is simply the sum of the two cc one month returns.
Stock Returns: Annualisations Stock Returns: Continuous Compounding Stock Returns: Stylised Facts Stock Returns: A simple Model
Continuous Compounding
Continuous Compounding
Stylised Facts
Stylised Facts
Sample Counterparts: Sk = TS1 3 t=1 (yt − ȳ)3 and
Ku = TS1 4 t=1 (yt − ȳ)4 where S2 is the sample variance. Excess
Kurtosis: Ku − 3.
Stock Returns: Annualisations Stock Returns: Continuous Compounding Stock Returns: Stylised Facts Stock Returns: A simple Model
Stylised Facts
The notion of skewness captures any bias (or lack of symmetry) in the
dispersion of the random variable. Measure of asymmetry. There are 3
(i) The distribution of Y exhibits no skewness. In this case the distribution is
symmetric around its mean. For a symmetric distribution the mean,
median and mode are all equal.
(ii) Positive Skewness: Long Tail to the Right (mean > median > mode).
(iii) Negative Skewness: Long Tail to the Left (mean < median < mode).
Stock Returns: Annualisations Stock Returns: Continuous Compounding Stock Returns: Stylised Facts Stock Returns: A simple Model
Stylised Facts
Stylised Facts
Symmetry: use Sk/ 6/T → N(0, 1).
ˆ − 3)/
Tail thickedness: use (Ku 24/T → N(0, 1).
Stylised Facts
ˆ 2
T (Ku−3)
JB = 6 Sk 4
Stylised Facts
Stylised Facts
Stylised Facts
Stylised Facts
Stylised Facts
Assuming that ccr’s are normally distributed is also handy since the
sum of a finite number of normal random variables is normal, the
conceptual problem with multiperiod returns is eliminated. Still,
empirical data suggest that returns show greater kurtosis (fatter tails)
than expected with a lognormal distribution.
Summary: Stock returns exhibit greater kurtosis than the normal or
lognormal routines would suggest. This means that extreme events
(both positive and negative) are observed more often than predicted by
these distributions. Stock returns also exhibit a certain amount of
skewness. Certainly extreme events are more likely to be crashes than
Stock Returns: Annualisations Stock Returns: Continuous Compounding Stock Returns: Stylised Facts Stock Returns: A simple Model
A Simple Model
We need to impose more structure. The above is only stating that the e0t s
are normally distributed. We are not saying anything about the
dependence structure of the e0t s (or rt0 s).
A Simple Model
Independence: For any two functions m1 (.) and m2 (.) it holds that
Cov(m1 (x), m2 (y)) = 0.
A Simple Model
rt = µ + et with et = NID(0, σ 2 )
Note that we havent said anything about the volatility of the e0t s.
Imposing uncorrelatedness leaves the door open for phenomena such as
time varying volatility i.e. σt2 = f (σt−1
Stock Returns: Annualisations Stock Returns: Continuous Compounding Stock Returns: Stylised Facts Stock Returns: A simple Model
A Simple Model