Daily Independent Quetta - 31 May 2019

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Chief Editor: Syed Farooq Shah Quetta

Ph: 2842938 REG: No. BC-116 B/ID-445 Vol: XX No. 283, Ramzan 25,1440 AH Friday May 31, 2019, Pages 08, Price Rs.15 Fax: 2842941

For 'espionage, leaking information'
Terror bid foiled
COAS endorses death in Quetta, suicide
sentence for retired bomber killed
brigadier, a civilian
RAWALPINDI (APP):  Chief Chief of Army  Staff General been  handed  the  death  sen­
Police cop also injured during hand grenade
attack on Imam Bargah Nasirul Aza
Independent Report
of Army Staff (COAS), Gen­ Qamar Javed Bajwa endorsed tence.  Doctor  Akram,  who, QUETTA: Bid of  terrorist at­ CM Balochistan Jam
eral  Qamar Javed Bajwa  on the  punishment  to  the  offic­ according  to the  ISPR,  was tack was foiled at Quetta. Sui­ Kamal Khan an-
Thursday  endorsed  punish­ ers  on  the  charges  of  espio­ em ploy ed at  a  sensitive cide  bomber  was  shot  dead nounced 1 million ru-
ment to two army and one civil nage/leakage of sensitive infor­ organisation,  has  also been before detonating his suicide pees for police cop
officer  on  the  charges  of es­ mation to foreign agencies awarded the death penalty. jacket.
pionage/leakage  of  sensitive prejudice to national security. The  ISPR, however,  did According  to  detail,  one along with apprecia-
information to foreign agencies The  officers  –  identified not disclose the exact nature of suicide bomber tried to enter tion certificates.
prejudice to the national secu­ by the military’s media wing espionage  the  officers  have Imam Bargah Nasir­ul­Aza ceivin g  wounds,  suicid e
rity. A three­star army general as  Lieutenant  General  (retd) been convicted of. A  few situated at Meconghy Road of bomber tried to escape upon
has been sentenced to 14 years Javed  Iqbal,  Brigadier  (retd) months  back,  DG  ISPR  Maj ISLAMABAD: President Dr. Arif Alvi in a meeting with Special Assistant to the the  Provincial  capital  at  the which police chased him.
in jail, and a brigadier awarded Raja Rizwan, and Doctor Gen Asif  Ghafoor  had con­ Prime Minister on Information and Broadcasting Dr. Firdous Ashiq Awan and time  of  Maghrib prayer  on Hearing news of the inci­
the death sentence on charges Wasim Akram – were  tried firmed reports that two  offic­ officers of Ministry of Information. Thursday . On interception by dent, large  contingent of po­
of espionage by military courts under the Pakistan Army Act ers  were  under  custody on the  police  deployed at  the lice  and  FC  reached  the  site
main entrance of Imam Bargha
in separate cases.
A doctor associated with
a “sensitive organisation” has
(PAA) and Official Secret Act
by separate Field General
Court  Martial  (FGCM)  for
charges of leaking sensitive in­
formation. “…Two officers are
under military custody on the
PM urges people to Social Media,
harbinger of
Nasir­ul­  Azha,  suicid e
bomber, wearing  lady dress,
and cordoned off the area. The
services  of  Bomb  Disposal
Squad were also sought. After
also  been handed  the  capital
punishment on similar charges.
separate cases,
Lt  Gen (retd)  Iqbal  has
charges of espionage,” he had
said at the news briefing. “The
declare assets by June 30, social change: tried  to  detonate  his  suicide
jacket,  luckily suicide  jacket
struggle that continued for half
an hour, suicide bomber, who
According to a brief state­ been awarded 14 years rigor­ army chief has ordered a field
become part of tax net President could  not explode,  however, tried  to  resist,  was  shot  on
ment issued by the Inter­Ser­ ou s  im prison ment,  wh ile general court martial which is ISLAMABAD  (APP):  Presi­ detonator  that  the  suicide the  upper  part  of  body and
vices Public Relations (ISPR), Brigadier  (retd)  Rizwan  has under process,” he added. dent  Dr Arif Alvi  on Thurs­ bomber  was  carrying  in his killed him.
Marriyum says
No state can serve its people day said  that the  importance hand detonated.
Owing to the reason, sui­
Bomb Disposal Squad de­
of social media  could not be fused the suicide jacket tied on
PML-N mulling if they do not pay tax overemphasized, as it was the cide bomber and a police man the chest of suicide bomber.
ISLAMABAD  (APP):  Prime better to serve the country by harbinger of social change and deployed at the main entrance
to bring minus Minister Imran  Khan Thurs­ declaring the assets. sustained  injuries. After  re­ Continued on page 2
had  easy and  vast  outreach
Imran formula day urged the countrymen to “By this, we can brighten among the masses.
avail the tax amnesty scheme the future of our children, make The  President  said this
after Eid: introduced by the government the  country self­dependent while  chairing  a  meeting  on
LAHORE  (INP):  Pakistan for  avoiding  any  scrutiny in and  uplift  our  poor  people. Social Media with the Minis­
Muslim Leagu e­Nawaz the future, and help steer the Above all, you will have sound try  of Information  & Broad­
(PML­N)  leader  Marriyum country out of prevailing eco­ sleep  without  any  fear  from casting. Special Assistant  to
Au rangzeb on Thu rsday nomic crisis. any institu tio n. This  is  in the  Prime  Minister  on  Infor­
stated  that her  party is  mull­ “We  have  introduced  a everyone’s interest,” he said. mation and Broadcasting Dr.
ing ready to bring minus Imran scheme for declaration of the The  prime  minister  said Firdous Ashiq Awan was also
RAWALPINDI: North Atlantic Treaty Organization formula. assets. This is the easiest one. out of Pakistan’s 220 million present in the meeting.
(NATO) Senior Civil Representative in Afghanistan Talkin g  to m edia,  the This is valid till June 30. This population, only one percent Emphasizing  the  impor­
Nicholas Kay called on Chief of Army Staff (COAS) PML­N  leader  said that  ex­ is  an  opportunity  for  you  to is tax filer bearing the burden tant  role  of  social  media  in
General Qamar Javed Bajwa, at GHQ. Prime  Minister (PM)  Nawaz declare  your benami proper­ of the whole population. nation’s building,  the  Presi­
Sharif has directed to present ties  and  bank  accounts. You “This  is  impossible.  No dent said that Ministry of In­
Opposition narrative meant to hide corruption this  suggestion  in All  Party will not get such a chance af­ country  can  serve  its  people formation had to broaden its
Conference (APC) after Eid­ ter June 30,” the prime minis­ until  the  people  pay  taxes,” mandate to counter anti­state
People to hold accountable ul­Fitr.
The one who worked for
ter remarked  in  his  televised
message to the nation.
he said. The tax evasion kept
the government from building
propaganda  and project  the
soft image of the country on
elements involved in corruption, the development of the coun­
try is in the jail, she added.
The  prime minister, who
is in Saudi Arabia to attend the
hospitals,  schools  and  infra­
structure besides compelling it
cyber  space.He  called upon
ministry’s social  media team
Prime Minister Imran Khan offering prayers at Masjid-
e-Nabwi at Madina.
money laundering: Dr Firdous Mean wh ile, Rana
Sanaullah said that those who
14th Summit of the Organiza­
tion of Islamic Cooperation in
to get loans, he added.
The prime minister guar­
to become more active and in­
novative towards using digital
SJC to hold hearing of references against will  not  participate  in  anti­ Makkah, said the institutions
had access to and were collect­
anteed  that  the  tax­money
would be spent on the people
graphics techniques and con­ FM urges OIC to send
government movement are not tent development to influence
Justice Isa, others on June 14
Dr Firdous  said the  gov­
well­wishers of the country.
He  further  claimed that
ing all the relevant data includ­
ing the local and foreign bank
and the country. “I also guar­
antee  that  I will  not  let  it  be
the world audience. fact-finding mission to IoK
cial Assistant to Prime Minis­ ernment  was  not  concerned National Accountability  Bu­
ter on Information and Broad­ about  the  call  of  opposition reau (NAB)  chairman was
accounts and assets. So, it was plundered,” he concluded. PM Khan likely to probe human rights violations
casting Dr Firdous Ashiq Awan parties  for protest  after Eid. scandalized  for  not  fulfilling
to visit ISLAMABAD  (APP):  For­ rape by Indian security forces
eign Minister Shah Mehmood in the IoK.
Thursday  said  people  of  Pa­ People  were  supporting  the ‘do more’ demand of the gov­ Washington Qureshi  Thursday called Qureshi’s demand came as
kistan would hold corrupt el­ government  as  it  had  under­ ernment. after Eid upon the  Organization of  Is­ he mentioned an earlier report
ements  accountable  for  their taken reforms which were ben­ Meanwhile, former prime lamic  Cooperation  (OIC)  to by United Nations’ Office of
involvement  in  money  laun­ eficial  for everyb ody,  she minister Nawaz Sharif has di­ WASHINGTON  (Onlin e):
Prime Minister Imran Khan is send  its  fact­finding  mission the  High  Commissioner  for
dering and transaction s added. rected PML­N lawyers to ex­ to  Indian  occupied  Kashmir Human Rights (OHCHR) that
through fake bank accounts. She said Imran Khan had press solidarity with  the  in­ expected to visit Washington
after Eidul Fiter, sources said (IoK) to investigate the gross called for formation of Com­
Speaking  at a  press  con­ protected  rights  of  Pakistan dependent judiciary. human rights violations. mission  of Inquiry  to  objec­
ference here, she said Pakistan and  last  night  320 Pakistani on Thursday.
Addressing at the meeting tively analyze  the  ongoing
Tehreek  i  Insaf  (PTI)  led  by prisoners held in Malaysia re­ Mohsin Dawar According  to  details,  the
visited is expected from 19 to of  OIC  Contact  Group on abuses  in the  IoK  and to  fix
Imran  Khan  was  a  hurdle  in turned to  the country  due to
the way  of corruption  of the efforts of the government. arrested from 20 June  as US  Presid ent Jam mu and Kashm ir in
Jeddah, he stressed an inquiry
Foreign Minister Qureshi,
parties which were only serv­ North Waziristan Donald Trump has expressed
Continued on page 2 his wish to invite Prime Min­ by OIC’s Independent Perma­ who is in Saudi Arabia to par­
ing each other’s interests. NORTH WAZIRISTAN nent Human Rights Commis­ ticipate  in OIC  Council  of
ister Imran  Khan. However,
(Online): Mohsin Dawar who sion (IPHRC) to look into con­ Foreign  Ministers’  meeting,
Pak, Turkey & Malaysia meet attacked Army check posts in
US Special Representative for
Pakistan and Afghanistan tinuous incidents of extrajudi­
Bo ya has been arrested . cial  killings,  detentions  and Continued on page 2
to review reforms agenda to make Dawar along with his accom­ JHAL MAGSI: Balochistan Chief Minister Jam
Kamal Khan in a meeting with former Balochistan
Zalmay Khalilzad will  for­
mally  invite  him during  his
plices including Ali Wazir at­
OIC more vibrant, dynamic tacked Army  check post  on Governor Nawab ZulfiqarAli Khan Magsi.
visit to Islamabad in the next
few days.
ISLAMABAD (Online): A tri lateral talks of Pakistan, Turkey May 26 during which one Pak
and Malaysia took place on the sidelines of the ongoing meet­ Army soldier was  martyred
ing  of  the  OIC  Council  of Foreign  Ministers  in Jeddah  on while five others sustained in­
We propose revolutionary CM, others condole
Thursday. juries. projects to federal Govt with Nawabzada
In  Pak  Army  retaliatory Tariq Magsi over
firing, 3 terrorists were killed
while 10 others got injured. in NEC, tweets CM death of his wife
Security forces  had ar­ Independent Report Makran  grid  station,  youth Independent Report
rested Ali  Wazir  and his QUETTA:  The  Government development and construction QUETTA:  Chief Min ister
accomplice’s  while  Mohsin of  Balochistan  has  proposed of  dams as  well  as  other Balochistan, Jam Kamal Khan QUETTA: Provincial Minister forTransport Mir Umar
Dawar fled. certain revolutionary projects projects would be included in visited  Jhal Magsi  on  Thurs­ Jamali meeting with Balochistan GovernorAmanullah
After that  Dawar  had for  the  province  to federal the federal Public Sector De­ day. Khan Yasinzai.
given interview to foreign me­ government in the meeting of velo pm ent  Programm e Also  accompanied with
dia  against Pakistan  and  Pak
Army, however, on Thursday
National  Economic  Council
Chief Min ister
the  Chief Minister  were  the Nawaz urges workers to
Provincial Ministers Engineer
he was arrested. Mohsin
Dawar in his interview to for­
In his social media account
of twitter, the  Chief Minister
Balochistan, Jam Kamal Khan
has stated that we have pro Zamarak Khan Achakzai, Mir stand firm for judiciary’s
eign media said that Pak Army Ziaullah Langove, Mir Saleem
sho uld move from North
tweeted  that  the  projects  of
highways,  higher  education, Continued on page 2 Ahmed Khan Khosa, Mir freedom, protection, defence
Foreign  Minister  (FM) Shah  Mehmood  Qureshi  repre­ Waziristan. Umar Jamali and Member Pro­
Monitoring Desk PML­N spokesperson
sented Pakistan while Turkey and Malaysia were represented Senate OGRA moves POL products’ vincial  Assembly,  Abdul
Rasheed Baloch. LAHORE: Former prime min­ Marriyum Aurangzeb posted
by their respective foreign ministers.
The talks were aimed at reviewing OIC Reforms agenda summoned price revision summary They condoled the death
ister Nawaz Sharif on Thurs­
day  urged  Pakistan  Muslim
Sharif’s message on Twitter.
Aurangzeb further said the
and presenting one’s own stance on further re­activating OIC. of wife of Provincial Minister
The trilateral meeting was held at the request of Turkey
today ISLAMABAD (APP): The Oil and Gas Regulatory Authority
(OGRA) Thursday forwarded a summary to the Petroleum Irrigation,  Nawabzada  Tariq
Leagu e­Nawaz  (PML­N) parliam entary leadership
workers to stand firm for the should soon prepare a retalia­
Pakistan is fully alive to reservations of Turkey and other ISLAMABAD  (Onlin e): Division to revise prices of POL products for the month of Magsi and offered  fateha for judiciary’s  freedom, protec­ tory strategy fo r  th e
regional members with reference to OIC reforms and values President Arif Alvi  has  sum­ June. According to the summary, the authority has proposed the departed soul. tion, and defence, according to government’s  attacks.  The
their view point. Qureshi said Pakistan view point is very clear moned senate under clause­1 8.99 percent increase in per liter price of High Speed Diesel Also present on the occa­ a message he conveyed Thurs­ message  from Sharif  sh e
on this count. OIC is the second largest organization after UN. of  article  54  of the  constitu­ from Rs 122.32 to Rs 131.31, around 8.53 percent raise in per sion were  the former  Gover­ day from inside Kot Lakhpat posted was as follows:
We want OIC is recognized and acknowledged as active, dy­ tion on  May 31st. liter price of Motor Spirit Oil from Rs 108.42 to Rs 116.95, nor  and Ch ief  Minister, Jail. “Yeh haadsat na samjhein
namic and law enforcement organization in the world. According  to  media  re­
while 1.69 percent surge in per liter price of Kerosene oil from Nawab Zulfiqar  Ali  Khan No weakness should  be abhi ke passt hoon mein, [Do
He held that Pakistan is supportive of real reforms in OIC ports,  In  addition to  enact­ shown in m akin g  the not presume I stand low in the
with the passage of time which should be introduced keeping ment of legislation, public is­ Rs 96.77 to Rs 98.46 and 1.68 percent increase in price of Light Magsi  and  former  Provincial
sues of important nature and Diesel Oil from Rs 86.94 to Rs 88.82. Minister  and central  leader government’s attacks a failure, face of mishaps,]
in view firm principles, transparency and merit. Sharif said, adding that a joint Shikasta ho keh bhi
national  and  international  is­ Official source told APP that the finance ministry would o f Ba lo ch is ta n Aw am i
sues will put to debate in the notify the revised prices after final approval on May 31, which session of the members of the naqabil­e­shikast hoon mein!”
Attitude of govt is telling session. . would be effective from June 1.
P ar ty, Sa ee d Ah m e d
Senate  and  the  National As­
sembly be called on May 31.
[Despite  being  weary,  I
still stand undefeated!]
that it will not run: Zardari
ISLAMABAD  (Onlin e): after Eid. China against unilateral
Former  Presid ent  Asif  Ali Mean wh ile  Islamabad
Zardari  has said  that  posture High Court  (IHC)  has  ex­
tended interim bail of former
sanctions against Iran:
of government is telling that it
will not run.
Talking to media men af­
President Asif Ali Zardari and
his sister  Faryal  Talpur in
FM Spokesperson
ter appearing before Account­ money  laundering  case  till BEIJING  (APP):  China  is against the so­called “long­arm
ability  Court  in  NAB  Refer­ 10th of next month. against the unilateral sanctions jurisdiction”  and unilateral
ence on Thursday, he said at­ A two member bench of against Iran and maintains nor­ sanctions based on domestic
titude of government is telling the high court heard the case. mal relations and economic and laws,  which  the  US,  in par­
that it will not run. During  the hearing, the  two­ trade  exchanges  with Iran, ticular, frequently resorts to,”
He claimed that there is no member  bench  comprising which  is  legal  and  legitimate Lu Knag said while respond­
life of this government. Either Justice Mohsin Akhtar Kiyani and should  be  respected,  a ing to a question regarding the
accountability will run in the and Justice Amir Farooq was Chinese  foreign ministry’s US warning to Hong Kong that
country or economy. He said briefed  on  the  case  by  NAB QUETTA: Provincial Secretary Finance Noorul Haq Baloch briefing MPAs about 2019-20 Budget. Provincial spokesperson said on Thurs­ it could face penalties if it does
opposition will launch an anti­ p ro secu to r  Jahanzeib Minister for Finance and Information Mir ZahoorAhmed Buledi and Opposition Leader in BA Malik Sikandar day. business with ships carrying
government campaign jointly Bharwana. Advocate are also present. “China is consistently Continued on pag 2
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Friday May 31, 2019 Miscellaneous Page 02
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England beat South Africa by

104 runs in World Cup opener
Sports Desk Tahir, the oldest player in the tournament, instead and a well­
flighted delivery had Bairstow edging to wicket­keeper Quinton
LONDON: England crushed South Africa by 104 runs to win de Kock, with the Pakistan­born Tahir running off in a semi­
the first match of the 2019 Cricket World Cup at the Oval on circle—his familiar celebration.
Thursday. Roy and Root were both in fine touch and England would
The home side made 311 for eight in their 50 overs, with have wanted at least one of them to go on to a big score.
Ben Stokes top­scoring with 89. But from 107­1, England lost two wickets for four runs
South Africa were dismissed for 207 in 39.5 overs, with in four balls.
England paceman Jofra Archer claimed three wickets. Roy flat­batted an intended pull off Andile Phehlukwayo
But  England, who  last  year set  a  world  record  for the to Du Plessis at mid­off before Root steered Rabada to back­
highest one­day international total of 481­6  and have often ward point, where JP Duminy held a sharp catch.
blown teams away with the bat, were repeatedly pegged back Morgan, whose aggressive approach has been symbolic
by a Proteas side who deployed  the slower ball to good ef­ of  England´s  rise  to  the  top  of  the  one­day  international
fect. rankings after their woeful first­round exit at the 2015 World
England,  after Britain´s  Prince  Harry  officially  opened Cup, struck the first  two  sixes of the match  off  successive
the  tournament, lost  a  wicket  second  ball  before Roy  and balls from fast bowler Lungi Ngidi.
Root shared a stand of 106 that was equalled by Morgan and The left­hander´s drive over long­off was followed by a
Stokes. pull above long leg.
South Africa captain Faf du Plessis, despite being with­ But having completed a run­a­ball fifty, Morgan´s drive
out injured spearhead Dale Steyn, saw his decision to field off Tahir (two for 61) was well caught low down by a diving
rewarded in dramatic style when Imran Tahir struck with just Aiden Markram, running in from long­on.
the second ball of the match to dismiss Jonny Bairstow for a Dangerman Jos Buttler fell for just 18 while left­hander
golden duck. Stokes, trying to  break the shackles, saw his 79­ball knock
SAUDI ARABIA: Prime Minister Imran Khan arrived Kingdom of Saudi Arabia on a two-day official visit o Normally it is a paceman who has the first spell. end  in the  penultimate  over  when  a  reverse  hit  off  Ngidi
attend the 14th Summit of Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) in Makkah.. But Du Plessis gave the ball  to 40­year­old leg­spinner (three for 66) found Hashim Amla at third man.

Tobacco kills eight million Senate body seeks opinion IHC maintains
stay order on
people every year: WHO from Law Ministry on issuance to
ISLAMABAD  (APP): World of age), the prevalence is 13.3 implementation of  WHO’s
Postal Bill 2019 new TV licenses
ISLAMABAD (APP): Senate Moreover, under an agree­ ISLAMABAD  (APP):  The
Health  Organization  (WHO) and  6.6  %  among boys  and Framework  Convention on Islamabad High Court (IHC)
girls  respectively. Tobacco Control (FCTC) and Standing Committee on Postal ment  with NADRA  15000
on Thursday said that enough ou tlets  wo uld be opened Thursday maintained its stay
scientific evidence is available As per Global Adult To­ MPOWER  measures  to re­ Services Thursday sought le­
gal opinion from the Ministry throughout  the  country.  614 order till June  10, against is­
to prove that tobacco is harm­ bacco  Survey  that  was  con­ duce demand for this deadly suance of new TV licenses by
ducted  in  Pakistan  in  2014, product. “Policies are in place of  Law  and Justice  on the of  these  outlets  were  in  op­
ful in all its forms and disguise eration now. Pakistan Electronic  Media
as  it  kills  over  eight  million th e  cu rrent  adult  tobacco to help  achieve  this  target,” Postal Bill 2019 presented by
Senator Khushbakht Shujat. They informed that postal Regulatory Authority
people every year worldwide. smokers  and smokeless to­ says Dr Al­Mandhari. (PEMRA).
bacco users were 12.4 % and “The  WHO  Framework The  chairperson of  the services  had  46000  employ­
According  to WHO,  to­ ees and Rs 16 billion out if its The  bench directed  the
bacco  smoking  and  second­ 7.7 % respectively and expo­ Convention on Tobacco Con­ com mittee,  Senator
Khushbakht Shujat presented total  budget  of  Rs  18 billion Chairman PEMRA and board
hand smoke can cause lung can­ sure  to  second  hand  smoke trol and the MPOWER mea­ members to submit an affida­
was 48.3 %.  On the conser­ sures to reduce demand for this the Bill before the Senate on was spent on salaries and pen­
cer, chronic obstructive pulmo­ sions but department was not vit, assuring that the rights of
nary  disease,  asthma  and  tu­ vative  estimates  keeping  in deadly product  can  help  us March 8, 2019, which was dis­
cussed in  depth in  the meet­ in losses, the added. current  license  hold ers
berculosis and tobacco smoke view the  increase in  popula­ beat tobacco and save lives.” wouldn’t be affected.
tion, tobacco attributable “Stop  tobacco  from  tak­ ing. Khushbakht  Shujat  ob­
in itself  is  a  very dangerous served that until powers were The  counsel  of  Pakistan
form of air pollution. d eath s  may am ou nt to ing your breath away. Tobacco As meeting started, Sena­
tor  Khushbakht  Shujat  said not transferred to the depart­ Broadcasters  Associatio n Amir Qatar Shiekh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani being
On the  eve of this year’s 227,000 per  year. kills  one  person  every  four (PBA)  Faisal  Sad diqu i recieved by Saudi Crown Prince Muhammad bin Salman
“Smoking among young seconds. Do not be that per­ that being the presenter of the ments and they were not made
World  No  Tobacco  Day,  the independent  they could  not pleaded that the cable opera­ to attend Makkah Summit (Photo by Sana Bashir)
World Health Organization people is  particularly worry­ son and do not contribute to Bill, she would like not to chair
the meeting and offered mem­ deliver in true manner adding tors would become more in­
(WHO) has asked the people
to  protect  their lungs  by not
in g,” says Dr Ah med Al­
Mandhari,  WHO  Regional
the death toll,” says Dr Palitha
Mahipal, WHO  Head  of  Pa­ bers of the committee to lead
the session.
that guest houses of the postal
services throughout the coun­
fluential with introduction of
more TV channels. He ques­
Accurate database of disabled
Director for the Eastern Medi­ kistan.  He  said tobacco is
only quitting tobacco smoking
but also saying no to second­ terranean. “It has reached 42% deadly in any form or disguise. Subsequently,  Senator,
Rana Mehmood ul Hasan and
try needed to be upgraded.
Senator  Mirza
tioned  had  PEMRA  already
regularized 124 TV channels
persons important for effective
hand smoke. in boys and 31% in girls”. This Tobacco killed 100  million
It said that tobacco smok­ in clud es  sm okin g  shish a, during the last century and if Senator  Mirza  Muhammad
Afridi headed the meeting.
Muhammad  Afridi  said  that
condition of the General Post
before  issuing  more  70  li­
censes. He argued  that there
policy-making: President
ing is the primary cause for lung which is more popular among cu rrent  tren ds  persist,  to­ were 89 channels members of ISLAMABAD  (APP):  President  Dr  Arif  Alvi  Thu rsday
young people than cigarettes. bacco, by the end of this cen­ Khushbakht  Shujat,  in­ Office  (GPO)  Chakwal  was
cancer,  responsible  for  over miserable and it required main­ PBA and PEMRA’s decision stressed compilation of accurate database of disabled persons
two th irds o f  lu ng can cer “By 2025, smoking is ex­ tury, will kill  a billion people form ed th e  m em bers  th at
Postal  Office  Act  1898  was tenance and asked authorities to help formulate effective policies for their betterment.
would affect their rights Chief
deaths globally. pected  to rise  in the  Eastern or more unless urgent action Justice  Athar  Minallah re­ Talking to a delegation of Pakistan Association of the Blind
Mediterranean Region,  con­ is taken. very old law  which  did not to  present  detailed  report on
It said that around 38% of the issue in next meeting. marked that PEMRA was not (PAB) 1from  Karachi  here  at  the Aiwan­e­Sadr, he  said  the
men  and 4%  of  women  are trary  to  the trend  in  the  rest Dr Palitha said  that a  re­ meet the requirements of new
age and needed several amend­ In a  query by Senator State was fully alive to its responsibility to provide all possible
authorized  to  take  any  deci­
smokers and in some countries, of the world,” explains Dr Al­ cent high level WHO Mission facilities to the visually­impaired persons.
sions which affect the freedom
Mandhari. “This  will lead  to on tobacco taxation has held ments.  Meanwhile, Director Mirza, it was informed that if
as many  as 57%  of men  and the standing committee would of expressio n. With The president lauded the efforts of the PAB in the field of
29% of women smoke. an escalating epidemic of lung extensive  technical  discus­ General  (DG)  and  Secretary
Postal  Services  apprised  the recommend then Pakistan PEMRA’s decision, the con­ education, training and rehabilitation of visually­impaired for
It said  that  there is  huge disease regionally”. sions with the Federal Bureau improving their standard of living.
trol  would  be  shifted  to  un­
He said go vernments of Revenue, met with high ups committee  that  after  review­ Post employees serving in the
burden of tobacco use in Paki­ Parliament could be given one registered cable operators, he He  called  upon the  PAB  to  establish  close  coordination
stan. As many as 19.1 % adults made commitments to reduce and advocated for an immedi­ ing the bill, some suggestions
regarding punishments, fines, month bonus in July. observed and asked channels with Bait­ul­Maal and assured them every possible support of
use tobacco in any form, men tobacco use by 30% by 2025. ate elimination of the third­tier their future endeavors besides ensuring proper implementation
regulatory body to satisfy the
Its time to accelerate tobacco and enhanced tobacco taxation powers and definitions of ser­ The  committee  referred
31.8 % and wom en 5.8% the  suggestions  to  the  Law bench that how the issuance of their quota.
Among the youth (13­15 years control  legislation and  the and we would see it happening. vices had been  suggested by
the Postal Services. Ministry for legal opinion. of new licenses wouldn’t af­ The  meeting  was  attended  by  PAB  President  Ghulam
Dastagir and General Secretary Qari Saad Noor.
fect the right of current license
China against unilateral... holders. The bench adjourned The PAB, founded by Late Dr Fatima Shah in 1960 and
registered under the volunteer Social Welfare Agency Ordinance,
hearing of the case till June 10.
Continued from page 1 Lu  said  n  an  era  of  eco­ aims at making visually­impaired self­relying, respectable and
nomic globalization, countries,
Iranian oil during his rou­ by  pursuing shared  develop­
Court extends productive member of the society.
It is the only registered organization of its kind in Pakistan,
tine briefing held here. ment through win­win coop­ judicial remand having its federal zone in Islamabad, four provincial branches
He  remarked  that  China eration,  are  in fact  creating of Khawaja and 47 district branches across the country.
maintains normal relations and broader  development  space Additionally, the PAB also contributes in accommodation
economic and trade exchange and making the pie of common brothers till June 13 of considerable  number  of visually­impaired  in  government
with  Iran, which  is legal  and interests bigger for all to share. LAHORE  (APP):  An ac­ departments and private organizations against reserved quota
legitimate  and  should  be  re­ Giving some details of the countability  court on  Thurs­ of disabled persons.
spected and not disrupted. forthcoming  of President  Xi day extended judicial remand
About  Malaysian Prime Jinping to Russia, he said the of  former  railways  minister
Minister’s  statement  that  his Chinese President  that large­ Khawaja Saad Rafique and his
Game, website launched to
country  would use  Huawei scale  and small­scale  talks brother former provincial min­
technology  as  much  as  pos­ with  President Putin, as  well ister Khawaja Salman Rafique
pay tributes to Kashmiri
sible, he said the statement of as important state events, will in Paragon City scam till June
Prim e  Minister Mah athir be held in Moscow. 13. Accountability Court
leaders, highlight struggle
Mohamad is both candid and Afterward he will travel to Judge Syed  Jawadul Hassan ISLAMABAD (INP):  To pay to  install  ISIS  in  Kashmir. It
unbiased. St. Petersburg for the 23rd St. conducted the  proceedings tribute  to  martyred  Kashmiri contains information about the
“Developing countries in­ Petersburg International Eco­ wherein National  Account­ leader  Bu rhan Wani  and organizations  leadin g  the
cluding China and Malaysia are nomic  Forum. As  President ability  Bureau’s  (NAB) offi­ Dukhtaran­e­Millat leader Asia struggle for freedom in the val­
entitled to the right of enhanc­ Putin will also be attending the cials produced Khawaja Andrabi  and  to  highlight  the ley, and also brings to the fore­
ing developing capabilities and forum, the two heads of state Salman Rafique. Kashmiri struggle and resilience front  the  torture  tactics  and
science  and  technology,”  he will  have  more  interactions The  investigation  officer on digital media, a game and atrocities of  Indian army  be­
KARACHI: Sindh Chief Minister Syed Murad Ali Shah meets CommanderKarachi added. there, he added. assured the court that the ref­ website have been launched. sides showing how Kashmiri
Vice Admiral M. Amjad Khan Niazi at Chief Minister House. erence against Khawaja broth­ Kashmir Intifada, the game men and women stand shoul­
We propose revolutionary.... ers would be filed soon, in re­ and the website, has been de­ der to shoulder in their struggle
People to hold accountable.... Continued from page 1 missing  persons,  adding  the
sponse to a court query. veloped by ‘The Digital In­ for  freedom  even  in  the  dire
The  court  was  also  ap­ telligence’ with Dr Umair circumstances.
Continued from page 1 the general election. Chief Minister mentioned fur­ prised that  Khawaja  Saad Haroon leading the project. The game also shows how
bound to pay the salaries of posed revo lu tionary ther.
their employees. She said the government Rafique was in Islamabad to The purpose of the game is the entire valley has been made
Prim e Min ister was a projects in the meeting of NEC It may be mentioned here attend the session of National to  develop  insight  about  the a torture cell for the Muslims,
friend of the poor people and She  said  she  met  Chief was taking  all possible steps which was held the other day that  NEC  had  approved  Na­ Assembly.  At this, the court oppression  by  Indian  forces and that how the new breed of
felt  their  pains  and tribula­ Minister Pun jab and dis­ for welfare of the people. The and he participated in it. tional  Development  Outlay directed for filing the reference against  unarmed Kashm iri women, emerging from years
tions, she said adding the de­ cussed the issue of non­pay­ chief minister, she added, was The Chief Min ister 2019­20 amountin g  to Rs as  soon  as  possible, besides people and the ever­increasing of crisis, are both fearless and
tainees  joined  their  families ment  of  salaries  to m edia serving  the people  with  sin­ tweeted that these are not mere 1.837 trillion, including  Fed­ extending judicial remand of Indian brutalities in the occu­ devoted to the  freedom
which was a gift for them on workers. cerity. claims and slogans, rather they eral  Public  Sector  Develop­ Khawaja brothers till June 13. pied region. struggle.  The  game  will  be
the occasion of Eid ul Fitr. Dr  Firdous  said  leaders The  chief  minister  said are practical measures. ment Programme (PSDP) and It is pertinent to mention It  aims  at  exposing  the available both on mobile sets
The Special Assistant said of Pakistan Muslim the  era of  those  who  looted In another  tweet, Jam Provincial Annual  Develop­ here  that  Khawaja  brothers’ agenda of Agit Doval as he tries as well as desktops.
League(N) went to meet their the national resources would Kamal Khan said that by the ment Programmes (ADPs). post arrest bail petitions were
the  exports  of  the  country grace  of Allah,  we  have  not The NEC meeting, chaired pending before a Lahore High
could not grow to the desired leader  Nawaz  Sharif  in jail not return.
He  said those  who did only  got  included  the  roads, by Prime Min ister  Im ran Court (LHC) division bench. Terror bid foiled in Quetta....
level as trade had slowed down and  spent  time  in narrating universities, Nolang, Garook, Khan, also  reviewed Annual
poetry and making jokes. corruption  in projects  were Khawaja brothers were Continued from page 1 Imam Bargha's administration.
in the world by three percent. Winder,  Khuzdar  and Burj Plan 2018­19  and the  pro­ arrested on Dec 11, 2018 af­
She said the government Peop le wo u ld not  be the  real  culprits, adding  the Aziz dam in the federal PSDP, posed Annual  Plan  2019­20. te r a LH C d ivision dis­ "We had the information
former rulers wasted the na­ After  inspecting  the  site, that a suicide bomber had en­
was working  to revive  the hoodwinked by the prisoner but  also got  approved the The meeting approved Gross missed  their  pre­arrest  bail Deputy Inspector  General of
m anufacturin g  secto r  an d held in the jail, she said add­ tional  resources  on  projects Makran grid statio n and Dom estic  Product  (GDP) petitions. The bureau had al­ Police, Abdul Razaq Cheema tered  into  provincial  capital,
would  extend support  to all ing  PML­N  leaders  had  at­ undertaken for the purpose of Quetta Package as well as the growth target of 4% along with leged  that  Khawaja  brothers told media that suicide bomber but it was not known that this
the export oriented industries. tacked Supreme Court and is­ self  projection. Personal  ac­ construction of Zhob­Quetta­ sectoral growth of agriculture launched Paragon City hous­ tried  to enter  Imam Barga  at Imam Bargha will  be attacked,
Explaining the reasons for low sued directions  to judges. counts were filled by looting Hub double  road,  which  in­ (3.5%) industry (2.2%) and in g  project  through th eir the time of Magrib Prayer and however,  security arrange­
tax  collection,  she  said the Their leaders Talal Chaudhry national wealth, he said add­ cluded the Khuzdar and Wadh services  sector (4.8%)  for “benamidars”.  The  Paragon so  as  to conceal  his  identity, ments had been tightened ow­
areas as well. ing to the presence of suicide
number of industrial connec­ and  Nihal  were  involved  in ing, those who looted public financial  year  2019­20.The City was an illegal society and suicide bomber had worn lady bomber in the city", remarked
tions  were  3.1  million  while contempt of court. money would be  h eld ac­ Moreover,  we  also  have meeting also reviewed draft not  approved by  the  Lahore dress.
made very important develop­ 12th Five Year  Plan (2018­ Development Authority,  it Abdul Razaq Cheema, adding
those who pay General Sales She said in stitutio ns countable. On interception at  the that FC and Police were alert.
sh ou ld b e resp ected but Buzdar said Pakistan ment in resolving the issue of 23). added. main entrance of Imam Bargha,
Tax were only 40,000. He  said  that  since  there
PML­N  was  respecting  the would  only move  forward suicide bomber tried to deto­ was  no rush at  Meconghy
To a question about filing nate his suicide jacket which Road  at  the  time  of Magrib
of reference against judges, she institutions  according  to  its w it h in d isc r im in at e ac ­
wishes. co untability of corrupt ele­ could  not explode,  however, prayer,  thus,  it  became  easy
said Supreme Judicial Coun­ detonator he was  carrying in to  chase  and  kill  the  suicide
cil had issued notice to Attor­ Dr  Firdous  said PMLN ments.
his  hand explo ded which bomber. Abdul Razaq Cheema
ney General and other stake­ was  corruption league  and The government of Paki­ wounded one police constable said that  security arrange­
holders for a hearing on June looted and  then  its  leaders stan Tehreek­i­Insaf (PTI) led deployed at the main entrance ments in  the city  were being
14. fled. by Prim e Min ister  Im ran of Imam Bargah.
Khan considered national re­ improved  and  strict  security
Supreme Judicial Council Sp ecial  Assistan t  to Later on, the police chased arrangements  had  also  been
had a code of conduct and its Prime  Minister on  Informa­ sources  of  the  country  as  a him  and the  alleged  suicide made on the eve of Jumat­ul­
proceedings take place in se­ tion and Broad casting  Dr trust. The  present leadership bomber received wounds due Wida and Alquds, adding that,
crecy and the details were not Firdous Ashiq Awan  Thurs­ had ended the  tradition of to firing  of  police.  He  said, "Complete ban has been im­
shared with the media. Every day said the narrative of op­ spending  public  wealth for "Security of Imam Bargha in­ posed  on all  kinds  of  rallies
p olitician , m ediam en an d position parties was  to hide fulfilling  personal  needs,  he formed  him  upon  which  we and public  gatherings due  to
th eir own corrup tio n and added. sent Team of Bomb Disposal", security reasons".
member  of  judiciary  had  to adding  that  Bomb  Disposal
follow a code  of conduct. In th ey were  no t  co ncerned The  chief  minister  said He  said  that  whosoever
ab ou t  p ro blems faced by now public money would be Squad took  a  great  care, for wanted  to  present  his  point
case  of  violation,  reference suicide  bomber  was  alive. of view, he should do so within
could be filed against the vio­ people. spent on welfare  o f the
When  they  reached  near  the the four­wall of Mosques.
lators of the Constitution, she She was talking to Chief people,  adding  the  govern­ suicide bomber through APC,
Minister Pun jab Sard ar ment would continue deliver­ Meanwhile  Chief Minis­
added. suicide  bomber  had  already ter  Balochistan  Jam Kamal
She said the government Usman Buzdar here. ing public service without car­ been killed.
ing about the criticism. Khan announced 1 million ru­
was aware  of  the an xiety She said opposition par­ While praising the valour pees for the Jawan of
among  media  workers  and ties were responsible for the New records of service to of police  man, Abdul Razaq Balo chistan Constabulary
cheques were being prepared increasing  problems  of  the the  people  would be  set  to Cheema said that he would be
to clear dues of  media houses people,  addin g  politics  of show  respect  for  the  public KARACHI: Workers of Metropolitan Corporation demolish gypsy houses during rewarded. He also lauded the over show of valour and brav­ ery  along  with  appreciation
in tranches, which  would  be these parties was rejected in mandate, she said. Anti-encroachment operation on circular railway track in Paposh Nagar. precautionary measures  of certificates.
Edited with the trial version of

Friday May 31, 2019 Page

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Pakistan, Indonesia agree to

intensify bilateral collaboration
ISLAMABAD  (APP):  Paki­ Widodo.  He noted that Paki­ pressed keen desire to further fence Cooperation in Pakistan
stan and Indonesia on Thurs­ stan and Indonesia enjoyed a expand bilateral economic en­ soon.
day agreed to intensify bilat­ lon g­standing relationship gagement. Mentioning the cur­ Foreign Min ister
eral collaboration for the mu­ based on religious and cultural rent volume of bilateral trade at Qureshi  sought Indonesia’s
tu al  b en efit o f  th eir  two affinities,  mutual  trust,  and US$3 billion, the Foreign Min­ co ntin ued support  for
peoples  and for  supporting commonality  of  views  on a ister  observed  that  given  the Pakistan’s bid to become ‘Full
initiatives for the projection of number of regional and inter­ economic  complementarities, Dialogue Partner’ of ASEAN.
rightful image of the Muslim national  issues.  Recalling the trade volume could be en­ The Indonesian Foreign Min­
faith and the Ummah.Foreign President Widodo’s  success­ hanced substantially. ister lauded Pakistan’s role in
Minister Shah Mahm oo d ful  visit  to  Pakistan  in  2018, He expressed Pakistan’s regional security and stability.
Qureshi met with the Foreign Foreign Min ister  Qureshi appreciation  for Indonesia’s She  also  apprised  of  the  ini­
Minister of Indonesia, Retno termed it as a high point in bi­ opening of 20 additional tariff tiatives  Indonesia, envisaged
Marsudi,  on the  sidelines  of lateral relations. It was agreed lines in the Preferential Trade to help promote the cause of
the  OIC  Council  of  Foreign that the second round of policy Agreement  (PTA).  The  For­ peace and stability in the
Ministers  (CFM)  meeting  in planning dialogue was a fruit­ eign Minister of Pakistan high­ neighbourhood.
Jeddah. ful  exercise  in exchanging lighted the prospects of joint The two sides agreed to
According  to  a  Foreign views on  a wide  range of  is­ ventures with Indonesia in the increase the frequency of high
Office  press  statement,  For­ sues and should be followed field  of  defence  production. level  bilateral  exchanges  to
eign Minister  Qureshi  con­ up by the next round in 2019. Both Ministers also agreed to maintain the current momen­
veyed his felicitations on the During the meeting, For­ hold the inaugural meeting of tum in the growth of bilateral ISLAMABAD: President Dr. Arif Alvi talking to a delegation of Pakistan Association of the Blind, Karachi, who
re­election  of President  Joko eign Minister  Qureshi  ex­ the  Joint  Committee  on  De­ cooperation in diverse fields. called on him at the Aiwan-e-Sadr.

Elements involved Standing Committee strongly

in corruption cases
not to be spared: Ali condemned terrorist attacks
ister of State for Parliamentary
Commenting on workers
in a mosque in Quetta
Affairs Ali Muhammad Khan of  Pakistan Peoples Party ISLAMABAD  (Online):  The Malik said the involvement of Chairman Committee said that
has  categorically  stated that who was trying to take law in Senate Standing Committee on foreign  hands  cannot  be  ig­ he was shocked to read a re­
those  elements  involved in their  hands outside  the  na­ Interio r  has  strongly con­ nored in the terrorist activities port that child abuse in Paki­
corruption cases  would not tional  accountability  bureau demned the terrorist attacks in inside Balochistan. stan  is  increased  by  11  per­
spared at any cost. office,he said that any person a mosque in Quetta on Friday He said that it is time for cent  in year  2018, compared
Talking to a private news found creating trouble for the wherein three  people  were national unity rather polariza­ to 2017,  with  more  than  10
channel  programme  he  said law enforcing agencies, would martyred  and  more  than  19 tion  as  we  are  still  fighting children suffering some form
that the elements representing face the music. people were injured. against terrorism. He said that of  abuse  every  day  in Paki­
political parties including Pa­ Ali  Muham mad Khan The  Committee  offered we fully support and stand by stan last year, which is highly
kistan Peoples Party  and Pa­ said that  PPP  and Pakistan Fateha for those who lost their Pakistan Army,  Police  and alarming.
kistan Muslim League­N, had Muslim League­N leaders had lives in the blast and also for other Law enforcement Agen­ He said that it is the high
been  involved  in  plundering indulged in the  corruption the departed soul of minor girl cies in war against terrorism. time  to  frame  stringent laws
national  money, during  their cases and they should face the Farishta  who was  killed in He said  that the  current to  prevent  child  abuse  in all
tenures of  government. references without using their Islamabad. wave  of terro rism in forms. He added that after tak­
ISLAMABAD: Federal Minister for Inter Provincial Coordination Division Dr. The present government workers as a shield. The  meeting  was  held Balochistan is  of  great  con­ ing the notice of Zainab case
Fehmida Mirza and Managing Director Pakistan Bait-ul-Mal Aon Abbas Buppi working  under the  dynamic To a  question the  state under  the  Chairmanship of cerns as anti­state elements are he had suggested public hang­
along with the children of Sweet Home offering dua after planting a sapling at leadership of  Prime  Minis­ minister  said  that  Pakistan Senator A. Rehman Malik here fully active to destabilize Pa­ ing of the culprits to set a pre­
ter  Imran  Khan,  wanted to Tehreek e Insaf (PTI), govern­ at  the  Parliament House  on kistan; however, they will not cedent for others, however, his
Sports Complex. eliminate the corruption be­ ment was taking measures to Thursday  and  was  attended success in their nefarious de­ suggestion was  repelled  by
sid es p urging th e  so ciety steer  the  country  out  of  the among others by Senators Dr. signs. Senator Rehman Malik fellow Senators. “Child abuse
Heart touching scenes from the corrupt persons, he
present challenges.
To  another question, he
Shahzad Wasim,  Kalsoom
Parveen,  Muhammad  Javed
said that situation is
Balochistan  can  be  deterio­
is a heinous crime which is not
only the worst kind of viola­
Imran Khan was the last said if the present government Abbasi,  Mian Muhammad rated  further  particularly  af­ tion of children rights but also
witnessed as 320 released hope  for  political  system  of
this  country,  he  said  adding
failed to address the genuine
issues  of  the  masses  or  per­
Ateeq Shaikh as members and
Senator  Muhammad  Usman
ter  the  victory of  BJP  and
Narendra Modi, who had  al­
bringing  a  bad  name  to the
country”, he added.

prisoners arrive at Islamabad that  the  premier  was  doing

strenuous efforts to bring im­
provement in every field of life
forming  their  constitutional
duties,  the  people  will  reject
them in the next elections, he
Kakar and Senator Rukhsana
Zuberi  attended  as  movers.
The meeting was also attended
ready confessed  Indian in­
volvement in Balochistan.
He  said that  who will
The  Committee  mem­
bers reiterated the need to ex­
pedite the case but at the same
ISLAMABAD  (APP):  Emo­ Talking to media, Zulfikar kistani  prisoners. for benefiting  the  people  of added. by the Federal Secretary Inte­ believe  that  Pragya Sin gh time consider the issue holis­
tional scenes of family reunion Bukhari  said  more  prisoners To  a  query,  he  said  the rior, Chairman  CDA, Chair­ Thakur will become member tically  and work  on the  re­
were witnessed  at Islamabad
International  Airport  (IIA)
were  coming  from various
co untries  inclu din g  Sau di
government was increasing the
number of  Community Wel­
Senate body directs man,  Chief  Commissioner,
Islamabad, I.G,Ps, Islamabad,
of  the  Parliament,  who had
confessed her involvement in
forms needed in the matter in­
cluding  the  importance  of
when 320 Pakistani prisoners,
recently  released  by  Malay­
sia, arrived here late Wednes­
Arabia and United Arab Emir­
ates (UAE) in coming days as
the foreign missions and Com­
fare Attaches abroad and had
introduce the mechanism for
monitoring their performance
ministry to form NBF’s AIG Police, Balochistan, DIG
Police,  KPK, RPO,
Rawalpindi  and  other  senior
Samjhauta Express blast.
The  Comm ittee  ex­
pressed great grief and heart­
quick  filing  of  FIR,  capacity
building and training of police
officials among other areas of
day night.
Special Assistant  to  the
munity Welfare Attaches were
in  constant  contact  with  the
to ensure  quick  redressal  of
their  grievances  as  well  as
board of governors officials from CDA and Min­
istry of Interior.
felt condolence with her par­
ents over the murder and al­
weakness.  The  Committee
tasked Senator Rana Maqbool,
Prime  Minister  (SAPM)  on quarters  concerned for  their smooth contact between gov­ ISLAMABAD  (APP):  Sena­ Senator Kakar expressed In  his opening  remarks, leged  physical  assault  of  12 Additional  Secretary  Interior
Overseas  Pakistanis and  Hu­ early return to the homeland. ernment  and  expatriates  as tor Muhammad Usman Khan his  concerns  that  the  NBF while strongly condemning the years old girl  Farishta in and IGP ICT to work on some
man  Resource  Development He said unlike the previ­ working abroad  for  the  wel­ Kakar Thursday  directed  the should  focus  on the  less  de­ terrorist attack at a mosque in Taramri  area  of  Islamabad. recomm endations  for  the
Sayed Zulfikar Bukhari, who ous regimes, this was the first fare of the country. ministry  of  National  History veloped areas of the country, Quetta,  Senator A. Rehman Senator A.  Rehman  Malik, same.
pursued the prisoners case in government which pleaded the He also urged Indian and Literary Heritage to form adding  that  those  people  re­
the board of governors of Na­ ally  needed  books  and  they
the  federal  cabinet, received
the  prisoners  at  the  airport.
case  of  Pakistani  prisoners,
languishing in foreign jails, ef­
Prim e  Minister Naren dra
Modi to open the airspace for tio nal  Bo ok Fou nd atio n were eager to opt book read­ Summer vacation
(NBF) within six months. ing.
Families of the  prisoners ap­
preciated efforts of the SAPM
Zulfikar  Bukhari  said
Pakistanis  which  was  closed
during  the  standoff  between Senate Functional Com­ Usman  Khan Kakar  re­ in Punjab schools
for  bringing  their  love  ones Prime  Minister  Imran  Khan the two countries in February. mittee on the Problems of Less
Development Areas Chairman
gretted that the NBF had only
one  books  outlet in
from May 31
back home. had directed every institution Ghulam Sarwar Khan
Minister for Aviatio n to  resolve  the  issue  of  Paki­ said  Pakistan  Diaspora,  who Senator Usman Kakar also is­ Balochistan province  and di­ ISLAMABAD  (APP):  The
Ghulam  Sarwar  Khan,  Paki­ stani  Diaspora  on priority, left their homeland and fami­ sued instructions to the min­ rected  the  ministry to  set  up Punjab  government  has  an­
stan Bait­u l­Mal  (PBM) terming them the asset of the lies  to  server  their  country, istry officials to devise proper more outlets in the main cities nounced summer vacations for
Chairman Aoun Abbas, Parlia­ country. were very close to the heart of rules  of  NBF  and  fill  in  the of the province, especially in schools throughout the prov­
mentary  Secretary  for  over­ Under the  leadership  of Prime Minister Imran Khan. posts lying vacant in the min­ Zhob,  Loralai  and  Khuzdar ince from May 31 to mid Au­
istry. districts. gust. According to education
seas Pakistanis Javeria Aheer Prime  Minister Imran  Khan, They would spend their department  Punjab,  “all  pri­
and officials from Ministry of the voices of Pakistanis expa­ Eid  with  their  families  only The  co mmittee  in his The  chairm an of  the vate  and  government  educa­
Foreign Affairs and Overseas triates would not go unheard, because  of  Prime  Minister chair recommended to expand committee lauded the NBF for tional institutions will remain
Pakistanis  Foundation  were adding this move had showed Imran Khan who was a leader the budget of the ministry from maintaining huge membership closed from May 31 to mid of
also present on the occasion. that Pakistan now gave own­ in true sense unlike the previ­ Rs 1 billion to Rs3 billion as it of 27,000 readers and provid­ August as summer vacations”. ISLAMABAD: Sir Nicholas Kay, North Atlantic
The arrival lobby echoed ership to its  every national ous ones, he added. was  running  12  institutions ing  50  percent  discounts  on The  summer vacations  have Treaty Organization (NATO) Senior Civil Represen-
with ‘Pakistan Zindabad’ and including local and overseas. Talkin g  to APP, under its division. books. He also directed to ex­ been announced prior to their tative in Afghanistan meeting with Senator Dr
‘PTI  (Pakistan Teh reek­e­ Zulfikar Bukhari thanked Muham mad Rashid from The foundation was also pand  the  membership  to  10 usual schedule owing to the in­ Shahzad Waseem.
directed to establish books million. tensity of heat spell, a private
Insaf) Zindabad’ and slogans the  Ministry  of  Foreign Af­ Multan, who spent some four news channel reported. Edu­
chanted by the released pris­
oners, expressing gratitude to
fairs, PBM and Pakistani mis­
sion in Malaysia who did re­
years  in Malaysian  jail, said
the  prime  minister  had  won
stall in parliament house, pro­
vincial assemblies and on ev­
ery  airport of  the  country  to
He also suggested that to cation  Department  will  take
advertise and  make publicity action against private schools
of the membership programme that  will  try  to collect  fee  of
Omer Cheema advise
the incumbent government for
the remarkable initiative.
markab le  job and ensured
speedy repatriation of the Pa­
their hearts by taking prompt
action. encourage book reading trend
among the masses.
through  media  for  creating summer vacation, the  report
awareness among the youth. said.
opposition to respect
SSP says: Balloting of state institutions
Strict action to be taken additional Hajj ISLAMABAD  (APP):  The
Central Secretary Information
stop  the process  of  account­
ability which will
Quota to be held
against those involved in on June 03
Pakistan Tehreek­e­Insaf
(PTI) Omer Sarfaraz Cheema
Thursday advised th at  the
move forward at all costs.
He  said those  who at­
tacked  policemen  would  be
parking vehicles wrongly ISLAMABAD (Online): Bal­
loting of additional Hajj quota
Pakistan  People’s  party  and
Pakistan Muslim Leagu e
arrested  and the  law  would
take its due course of action.
ISLAMABAD (APP): that  it  is  the  right  of  pedes­ will be held on June 03. Min­ Nawaz  should respect  state Omer Cheema also made
Islamabad Traffic Police (ITP) trian  to  use  footpath  and  no istry of  religious  affairs institutions  and  realize  that it  clear  that  the  government
have  been directed to take parking  would be  allowed spokesman said that balloting people want fair accountabil­ would not offer National Rec­
strict action against those in­ there.  He  said  that  vehicles of  additional  Hajj  quota  will ity of those who looted coun­ onciliation Ordinance (NRO)
volved in parking  their  ve­ should be parked at lots speci­ take  place  on  June  03 while try. to any political  party and
hicles  wrongly  and  creating fied at shopping centers while 9,474  persons  will  perform Talking to  Private  news carry out  the  accountability
problems  in  smooth  flow  of citizens coming for shopping Hajj under government scheme channel , he assured that the without any pause in the coun­
traffic. activities should be educated against additional quota. process  of accountability try.
While reviewing arrange­ about traffic rules. Spokesman said  those against  the  corrupt  elements PTI leader said the PPP
ments to ensure smooth flow He  assigned  special  re­ who have failed in first ballot­ ISLAMABAD: Muhammad Usman Dar, Special Assistant to the Prime Minister would continue  according to and the  PML­N  wanted  to
of  traffic  in the  city,  police sponsibilities  to beat  officers ing  will  be again  included  in on Youth Affairs in a meeting with Syed Javed Hassan, Chairman National Voca- state  laws  without  any dis­ protect  the public m oney
source said that Senior Super­ in this  regard  so  that traffic balloting. It is pertinent to here tional & Technical Training Commission (NAVTTC) at Prime Minister’s Office. crimination for the prosperity looted by their  leadership
intendent of  Police  (Traffic) discipline can be ensured. mention here that Saudi Arabia of the country. and that was the reason, both
Farrukh Rasheed has directed
SP  (Traffic)  and all  Zonal
DSPs to  ensure implementa­
The  SSP  (Traffic)
Farrukh  Rasheed  said  that  it
is  our top  priority  to  ensure
had given an additional quota
of  15,790  to Pakistan. 9,474
persons will perform Hajj un­
Elaborate security and He criticized that the Pa­
kistan  people’s  party (PPP)
protest outside accountability
the political forces were en­
gaged in playing tricks with
the present government just
tion  on  traffic  laws  and  take
action against those involved
convenience for road users by
maintaining  traffic  discipline
der government scheme  and
6,316 will  proceed  to  Saudi
Arabia to perform Hajj under
traffic plans devised for court was  a  planned drama,
adding, such actions could not
to escape from accountabil­
in creating problems for traf­ an d every po ssib le effort
fic discipline in the city.
The  SSP  (Traffic)  said
would  be  made  for the  pur­
private tours operators scheme
out of this additional quota.
Eid shopping activities Hurriyat leaders
ISLAMABAD (APP): main markets for the safety vise security arrangements in
Islamabad  police  have  made
elaborate arrangements to en­
of public.
Police Commandos have
their respective  areas  and  to
report  Zonal  SPs  regarding
paid glowing tribute
sure effective security  at  im­
portant places, shopping cen­
been deployed  at  different
places apart from patrolling by
policing  measures. Lady  po­
lice, Lady Commandoes will
to martyred youth
ters, main  markets  from  this ASPs,  DSPs,  Inspectors  and also  perform  security duties ISLAMABAD (APP): said the  people  of  Kashmir
week  till Chand  Raat for  the provision of more strength to in  the  markets  while  Falcon Hurriyat leaders in Indian Oc­ want a peaceful political settle­
maximum safety  and conve­ police stations. All the Police Vehicles,  teams  of  QRF  and cupied Kashmir have paid rich ment to the Kashmir dispute
nience to public. Stations have been directed to Bravo  Vehicles  will  ensure tributes to the youth martyred for ensuring durable peace in
Eid  shopping  will  be  at ensure fool proof security ar­ patrolling  in the  assigned  ar­ by Indian troops in Kukernag the region.
peak in Capital during the on­ rangements in their respective eas. area of Islamabad district. Hurriyat  leader,
going week following which areas. Policem en in plain According  to Kashmir Mushtaq­ul­Islam, in a state­
Islam ab ad p olic e ha ve More  than  500  police­ clothes will also perform du­ Media  Service  ,  the  troops ment in Srinagar said that the
beefed up security arrange­ men in form of various teams ties at busy shopping centers martyred an engineering stu­ Indian authorities were deny­
ments  and effective patrol­ headed  by  Zonal  DSPs,  In­ to  keep vigilant  eye  on car dent, Faisal Nazir, and another ing  the  political  space  and
ling  as  well  as  vigilance  is spectors,  beat  officers  have lifters and criminals  while youth during  a  cordon  and trampling the  basic  rights  of
being ensured in the  city, a been  deployed in  the  whole special ACLC teams will also search operation in Kokernag people.
police source said. districts. patrol in the various areas be­ area  of  the  district  on  Tues­ This  is  the  basic  reason
He  said  that  DIG  (Op­ In main m arkets and sides special checking  at en­ day. for  the  appalling  situation  in
erations) Waqar Uddin Syed shopping centers, two offic­ try  as  well  as  exit  points  of Senior APHC leader and the  territory.
has SSP  (Traffic) Farrukh ers  of Inspector rank  while the  city. the  Chairman  of Tehreek­e­ He also  condemned the
Rasheed have devised secu­ one Inspector in sm aller Islamabad Operational Hurriyat Jammu and Kashmir, Indian forces’ brutal action in
rity and traffic plan  respec­ markets  will  monitor  secu­ Police  have  been  directed  to Muhammad Ashraf Sehrai, in which dozens of civilians were
ISLAMABAD: Member of Human development Foundation holds placards regard- tively deputing  police  con­ rity duties, the police source maintain  close  coordination a statement issued in Srinagar, injured in Sopore and Kulgam
ing World No Tobacco day in front of National press club. tingents at all  im portan t added. with other  police  wings  for paying homage to the martyrs areas.
places, sho pp ing cen ters, DSPs will overall super­ ensuring elaborate security.
Edited with the trial version of
Page 04 OPINION Foxit Advanced PDF Editor
Daily Independent
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By Kamila Hyat
they do India. The Indian elec­
The  gigantic  democratic  ex­
ercise  conducted  in  India  in
seven  phases  as  its  latest  ex­
Some lessons in democracy torate  demonstrated  that  it
possessed  the  capacity  and
the will to remove from power
ercise  in  election was  com­ game of electoral  politics, it is est  in  government  –  even The  fallibility  of  paper of  India  have thrown out tra­ those  who  had  dominated  it
pleted did  not perhaps  throw gestures  and  grace  that  mat­ though  it  has  delivered  to votes, the  greater chance  that ditional  leaders, best  personi­ for  so long  when  they  chose
up  the  results  many  of  us ters,  and this  grace  was  vis­ them little over the decades in errors  will be  made by  voters fied  by  Rahul  Gandhi,  who to do  so.
Friday May 31, 2019 would  have  liked to  see. ible  as  the  BJP  notched  up terms of quality of life or eco­ and also the lack of experience was  defeated  in  his  family’s It is perfectly possible the
Sadly, the  nationalist another  sweeping  victory. nomic  progress.  It has  how­ of  Pakistani  voters  offers  les­ ancestral  seat  of Amethi  in same  could  happen  in  Paki­
This  in  itself testifies  to ever given them confidence as sons of  its own.  Perhaps it  is Uttar  Pradesh.  This  is  much
On the way to message  of  Narendra  Modi
and  his  BJP essentially the maturity  of the  Indian de­ citizens  and  the  powerful time, as we continue our pre­ like Bilawal Bhutto losing from
stan,  provided  that  democ­
racy  is allowed  to learn  from
mocracy  in  place  since  the knowledge  that  they  have  a carious waltz with democracy, Larkana. The defeat of Rahul
deprivation brought  to an  end the  secu­
larist and pluralist message of early 1950s with scarcely any stake  in  their  country and  a to turn  to similar  technology could  end  a  party  structure
its  own  mistakes  and be  re­
lated over and over again over
T h e list of a trocities on th e p eop le of with the  Indian  National  Con­ disruption.  The  generally  or­ role to play in decisions regard­ and by doing  so eradicate the built  on  nepotism and  retain­ a prolonged period  of time so
Baluchistan is quite long. Due to which the secu- gress.  Founded  in  1885  by derly  casting  of  millions  of ing its  future. many  insinuations  that  the ing power  within the  Nehru­ that the process of self­correc­
rity of nation and country is on stake. The most Jawaharlal  Nehru  and  Ma­ votes across a wide, scattered This  time, as  happened voting  process  is  tampered Gandhi  family  tree. Rahul tion and  adjustment can  take
benefits and advantages of that sense of depriva- hatma Gandhi, the INC faded country, with Electronic Voter in 2014, they once again chose with or engineered in our con­ Gandhi’s  great­grandfather, place  without other  complica­
tion has been taken by enemy India. Today, our a  little  further  into  the  dis­ Machines  carried into  remote to hand  it  over  to a  hardcore stituencies. Such  uncertainties grandmother,  father,  uncle, tions.  We  have  of  course  al­
subject is Justice Qazi Faez Isa, Honourable Judge tance. hamlets  sometimes  on  the nationalist force. But this again only add to concerns over the mother  and  sister  have  all ways drawn parallels between
of Supreme Court of Pakistan, who attained his Shining  India  has  taken backs  of mules  also  made  it is their choice. It has to be re­ viability of  democracy. Essen­ monopolised powerful  politi­ our  politics and  those  of  In­
position purely on his ability and merit. He be- on an unexpected colour. Saf­ apparent  how  committed  In­ spected even if we do not like tial  to it  is the  need to  ensure cal positions  within the  Con­ dia. The  Gandhis  and  the
longed to Pishin, a rural area of Baluchistan, his fron  dominates  the  country dia is to its democracy and to it, just as the votes for Trump there  can  be  no  intervention gress  since  before  Partition. Bhuttos  have been  compared
father Qazi Muhammad Isa was a Pakistani poli- as  it  moves  into  a  new  era. the conduct  of  polls. Analysts in the US have to be accepted in the choices made by people. The  genuinely  liberal  and to  each  other  relentlessly.
tician and one of the prominent leaders of the Looking  beyond  the  out­ have suggested the actual pro­ even though they leave an un­ In our  own recent  politi­ now  mildly left­leaning  party Their  tragic  dynasties  of
Pakistan Movement and a known activist along come  of  that  election  and cess was more efficiently held pleasant taste in the  mouth. It cal narrative, there has been a is also  elitist. course have  many similarities.
with Qaid-e-Azam. He participated in the forma- what  this means  for  India  as than  would  have  been  pos­ is also commendable that only great deal of discussion on the While  Modi  has  gone But the electoral playing fields
tion of the first Muslim political party in Paki- a country of 1.3 billion people sible  in  the  United  States, 300,000 votes out of the nearly return  of the  same players  to out of his way to present him­ they venture  out onto  are sig­
stan, (Muslim league) Baluchistan before 1947. and the region as a whole are which has had its share of elec­ 700  million  cast  were can­ government  over  and  over self  as  a  candidate  from  a nificantly different. In this too,
He was from a sunni Hazara tribe of Sheikh Ali, the lessons we can learn from tion­time  wobbles,  with  the celled. This  compares to  over again and of corruption, nepo­ lower­income  background there are messages we can ab­
who migrated from Afghanistan Kandahar to dis- the  election  in  itself. dimple  chads  and  hanging five times that number, accord­ tism and  elitism. This  discus­ and  is  a  man  who  doesn’t sorb, consider  and  under­
trict Pishin, Baluchistan, Pakistan. His father There are multiple things chads of Florida in 2000 com­ ing  to  available  statistics,  out sion  continues today.  It is  sig­ speak  too  much  English, stand.  When  the time  comes,
Qazi Jalal-ud-Din was Qazi of Kandahar. After that emerge from it. We should ing to mind as well as the ger­ of the 40 million cast in Paki­ nificant that  change did  come Rahul Gandhi is  a product of people, whether literate or illit­
British interference they moved to Pishin. Qazi rymandering  seen  since  and stan.  This  is  partially  a  testi­ in India, even if this happened India’s most elite schools fol­
ask ourselves  how  many  de­ erate, whether villagers  or
Isa had studied at Sandyman High School and before then  in the  distribution mony to  the dependability  of after a period of decades rather lowed by  Harvard  and  Cam­
feated  leaders  in our  country members  of  the  urban  elite,
Government High School in Quetta, and then of  districts within  caucuses. the  indigenously built  EVMs, than  years.  The  Indian  Na­ bridge. There can be few big­
have  publicly  delivered  a choose  according  to  what
went on to England for higher education. “After Of course, there are struc­ first used in India in 1982 and tional  Congress  had  led  the ger  contrasts.  This  then,  as
having been called to Bar in January 1939, he speech  and conceded  defeat they  see  as  best  for  them­
even  before the  result  was tural issues  inherent in  India’s gradually  expanded to  cover government  in  New Delhi  all painted  by  Modi,  is  the  vic­ selves  and their  country.
re turn ed h ome a n d met Qua id e- e-Az a m
finalised, as Rahul Gandhi did. winner­take­all  parliamentary all polling  stations.  The  sim­ but four times until 2014, when tory of a hardworking former India has made its choice
Mohammad Ali Jinnah in Bombay. He was so
He and many other Indian lead­ system as well. This is true for ply  designed  machines  have it  was reduced  to an  unimag­ tea vendor  over a member of for  the  next  five years.  Paki­
impressed with his ideas and personality that
ers  also  congratulated all  British­style  democracies. obviously  been  adopted  by inable  40 seats.  This  time,  it India’s  most  privileged  class. stan did too last year. We hope
on his return to Baluchistan, he founded the All-
India Muslim League in his province.” He played Narendra Modi  both over  the But  that is  a somewhat  more Indian  voters,  even  if  occa­ has won 52 seats. This means We have yet to see simi­ this  can continue  indefinitely
a key role in the Pakistan Movement and was mainstream  and social  media, abstract  issue. India’s  citizens sional  accusations surface  of it does not even have the mini­ lar  battles  taking  place  at into the  future as  Pakistan’s
one of the trusted lieutenants of Muhammad Ali even  if we  can discern  their of  today  have  grown  up  as the  machines  being rigged  or mum  number  needed to  lead home.  But  the  questions  of own  democracy  achieves
Jinnah. He was the youngest member of the greetings  were  perhaps  not voters and  the turn  out by  67 of  malfunction.  Such  objec­ the  opposition. hierarchy, monopoly,  corrup­ greater  durability and  greater
Working Committee of the All- In dia Muslim heartfelt. But  in the  elaborate percent marks  a lasting  inter­ tions  are however  limited. Essentially, the  people tion  and  elitism  haunt  us  as strength.  Courtesy The  News
League and as President of the Baluchistan Pro-
vincial Muslim League, he quickly organized the
party throughout the province and played a key
role in the ‘Vote for Pakistan movement’ and in
IMF and the new team India’s hardest fall
By I.A. Rehman
the historical referendum of the then North-West By Bilal Azhar Kayani By giving  Modi’s BJP a land­ out of the air strike in Pakistan’s
Frontier Province. Qazi Isa travelled more than slide victory, the Indian elector­ Balakot  area.  That the  adven­
Since assuming office last August, the government had been resulted in a seemingly sub­optimal IMF agreement for Paki­
300,000 miles to campaign for the Pakistan Move- dithering on a decision to go the IMF despite calls and advice stan. Add it all up and it only seems natural to conclude that ate has dealt its country a blow ture failed to harm Pakistan did
ment between 1940 and 1947. He represented from various quarters to enter into an IMF programme imme­ Pakistan would have been significantly better off entering an that might take  a  long time  to not matter. What Modi gained
Baluchistan in the 1940 Lahore Resolution com- diately. The reason the  government repeatedly gave for the IMF programme back in August rather than now. recover from. The outcome of from the incident was the satis­
monly known as the Pakistan. His nephew, Ashraf delay was that it wanted to ideally avoid the IMF altogether Since the government is refusing to be forthcoming re­ the  polls  has  virtually  buried faction offered to his gullible fol­
Jehangir Qazi, has been a Pakistani High Com- or  at  least wait  till  it  could negotiate  with  the  IMF  from a garding the terms of the programme, all we have to go with so India’s ideal of secularism and lowers that he would not balk
missioner in India, Pakistan’s Permanent repre- position of strength in order to avoid harsh terms. Ironically, far is a press release from the IMF. More details will emerge tightened the hold of crooks and at  striking  at  Pakistan,  the
sentative in UNO and UN Secretary General Spe- since last August, the government has actually implemented a when the government presents the budget and, subsequently, the vulgar rich over the house of latter’s  nuclear capability not­
cial Representative in Iraq. Qazi Muhammad Isa lot of the harsh measures  which it claimed it was trying  to once the IMF releases the  detailed report after approval  by the  people. withstanding.
died on 19 June 1976. “Qazi Isa devotedly served avoid – energy price increases, devaluation, policy rate hikes. its executive  board. One of the main things in the press re­ The  main plank  of  the There is a danger that his
The government’s indecision on the  IMF created  a state  of lease is a commitment that the government’s budget for the BJP’s election  strategy was  a present victory could increase
the Muslim League for 37 years.” Among his sur- limbo for businesses, investors and creditors alike. The IMF forthcoming fiscal year will aim for a primary  deficit of 0.6
vivors are some notable Pakistani personalities. pledge  to complete  India’s Modi’s arrogance and belief in
question hung like a dark cloud over the economy for most of percent of GDP. In order to achieve that, the government will transformation into a  Hindu his own infallibility. In 2014, he
One of them is his son Justice Qazi Faez Isa the current fiscal year which played a key role in the signifi­ have to increase tax revenues by at least Rs1 trillion, which state.  By  backing  Modi, the paid considerable lip service to
who is a judge at the Supreme Court of Pakistan cant slowdown of economic activity. would be an around 25 percent increase from the tax revenue voters have indicated that their the senior BJP leaders and the
and a nephew Ashraf Jehangir Qazi who has held Nine months later, an IMF programme has finally been figure expected at the close of the current financial year. How belief  in secularism  was  only latter had no option but to sup­
many prominent diplomatic positions in the ser- agreed. However, the government has actually negotiated with the government plans to achieve that with even slower GDP skin­deep.  They  have  given port  him, though  somewhat
vice of Pakistan. Qazi Muhammad Isa himself the IMF from a considerably weaker position compared to last growth expected next year, and in light of the expected record
August.  During  the  PTI’s  tenure so  far, growth  has  halved, tax target miss this year, is anyone’s guess. Modi licence  to  tyrannise  the grudgingly. This time around, he
also had served as Pakistan’s Ambassador to minorities, and settle the Kash­ campaigned more or less alone,
Brazil from 1951 to 1953. inflation has nearly doubled and the fiscal deficit at the close of The mention of “continuing anti­money laundering and
this fiscal year is expected to be higher than in any year under combating the financing of terrorism  efforts” in  the  press mir issue  through brute force without allowing any other BJP
Justice Isa was called to the Bar of England the previous government. release has also raised a few alarm bells. There are concerns and chicanery. leader of standing to share the
and Wales (Middle Temple, 1982) and enrolled Even the State Bank’s foreign exchange reserves are actually that  the  agreement  may contain benchmarks linked to The  only  other plank  in platform with him. The only ex­
as an advocate of the Baluchistan High Court and lower now  ($8 billion  on May 17) than  when the PTI came  to Pakistan’s progress in the FATF reviews – which would be BJP’s electoral campaign was a ception was Amit  Shah,  the
a s an ad vocate of the Supreme Court from power ($9.8 billion in August, 2018) despite significant amounts unprecedented. The agreement has failed so far to bring the threat to national security and loyal party chief from Gujarat,
Baluchistan. He practiced law for over 27 years borrowed by the current government from friendly countries. The hoped­for certainty  and  stability to the  markets.  The  IMF belligerence  towards  Pakistan. whose  rabid communalism
before all the High Courts of Pakistan, the Fed- current government’s economic mismanagement and inability to press release indicates a commitment for a “market­determined Its triumph will put a strain on makes Modi look like a poten­
eral Shariat Court and the Supreme Court of Pa- make timely  decisions has  caused a foreign exchange  liquidity exchange rate” which seems to have been the primary cause relations  with  all neighbours, tial liberal. While over the past
kistan. He became a member of the Baluchistan challenge to turn into an economic crisis. So much for waiting nine behind the rupee’s steep depreciation of 10 rupees against the especially  Pakistan. Worse,  it five years,  Modi too has been
High Court Bar Association, Sindh High Court months to negotiate from a position of strength. dollar in just nine days after the issuance of the press release. could increase the state’s ame­ criticised for casting himself as
Then there’s the perplexing matter of the drastic changes Even the announcement that the prime minister had formed a nability  to  pressure from  the a  cult  figure and  turning  the
Bar Association and Life Member of the Supreme to the economic team during the final stages of negotiations body to control the rupee devaluation did nothing to stem the armed forces and lead to curtail­ prime  minister  office  into a
Court Bar Association of Pakistan. Before Jus- with the IMF. As the head and poster boy of the PTI’s eco­ rupee’s decline. There have been various reports of dollar short­ ment of basic freedoms and the presidential  one, it  is  difficult
tice Isa’s elevation to the High Court he was a nomic team, Asad Umar had been  under growing pressure ages in the open market. The announcement of a market­deter­ rule of law. to imagine what the Modi­Amit
senior partner and head of litigation in one of since  the  turn of  the  new  year due to  worsening economic mined exchange rate has given rise to the fear of further fall of While the BJP’s victory is duo  could  do  to  India’s  hal­
Pakistan’s leading law firms. He rendered his conditions. But even his strongest  critics  were confounded the  rupee,  which  has  caused  a  race  to  hoard  dollars.  If  the spectacular, no less sensational lowed parliamentary system.
services as amicus curiae when called upon by by the timing of his removal. If a decision to remove him had government fails to deal with this situation and regain the con­ is  the  defeat  of  Congress and Several  political pundits
the High Courts and Supreme Court of Pakistan already been made, it should have been implemented either fidence of the markets, there is a real risk of a full­blown self­ the rout of the Left parties. The have  said the  Modi campaign
and had also conducted international arbitra- before his visit to Washington (where he met the IMF regard­ fulfilling currency crisis. CPI­M  that  had  ruled  West diminished  them. One should
tions. He also served on board of the largest bank ing the bailout package and  attended  the  IMF­World Bank The finance advisor flew over to Karachi to hold meetings Bengal for many  years lost to like to hope that the Indian in­
Sp rin g  Meetings)  or  after  the  fin alization of the  IMF with businessmen, traders and stockbrokers in order to allay Mamata Banerjee’s Trinamool telligentsia and saner elements
of Pakistan, of the Security and Exchange Com- programme  and  the  budget.  To  remove  him right  after his concerns but it didn’t go to plan. While speaking to the media
mission of Pakistan and of the Quaid-e-Azam return from  Washington DC  and just  before the  IMF staff in Karachi, he made it a point to forcefully emphasise that the Congress in 2014 and has failed in civil society, traditionally seen
Mazaar Management Board. Prior to his eleva- mission’s visit to Islamabad for final negotiations defied logic. IMF had not talked about the NFC (National Finance Com­ to win any Lok Sabha seat from as a bulwark against the politics
tion Justice Isa regularly wrote on the Constitu- As it happened, the final round of negotiations were headed mission) and that it won’t do so in the future either. that state this time. Both Con­ of  hateful communalism,  will
tion, Law, Islam and Environment and his articles by the  current advisor to  the PM  on finance, who  had only The only problem with that is that he was totally factu­ gress and the Left Front failed have the courage and the capac­
were published in Pakistan premier English news- been a few days into his new role when the IMF staff mission ally wrong. The IMF’s press release categorically states: “To to counter Modi’s rhetoric about ity to frustrate Modi’s plans to
paper. He also co-authored the book: “Mass Me- landed in Islamabad. If that wasn’t bad enough, the govern­ improve fiscal management the authorities will engage provin­ national security and  religious push India back to the mediae­
ment decided to replace the governor of the State Bank and the cial governments on exploring options to rebalance current ar­ exclusiveness. val period.
dia La ws an d Reg ulation s in Pa kista n” and The suppression of debate That Modi’s  re­election
authored the Report: “Baluchistan: Case and De- chairman of the FBR right in the middle of the final negotia­ rangements in the context of the forthcoming National Finan­
tions  with the  IMF  in  Islamabad.  Such  hasty  and ill­timed cial Commission”. Mistakes like these will only damage mar­ on citizens’ concerns  —  such poses serious challenges to Pa­
mand”. After the proclamation of emergency of removals and appointments, coupled with the rapid deteriora­ ket confidence and further erode the government’s credibility. as unemployment and farmers’ kistan  is  fairly  obvious.  The
November 3, 2007, he elected not to appear be- tion  of the  economic  indicators  over the  past  nine  months, The KSE­100 dropped 1,550 points in the five days after the woes — in favour of a competi­ twins that  India  and  Pakistan
fore judges who had violated their oath. Subse- further weakened the government’s negotiating position and issuance of IMF’s press release. Courtesy The News tion to promote religiosity and are, the  tradition  of either of
quently, after the Supreme Court declared the jingoism,  constitutes a  down­ them acquiring the symptoms
action of November 3, 2007 unconstitutional, all
the then judges of the High Court of Baluchistan
tendered their resignation, and on August 5, 2009
Who is running the country? ward slide for Indian democracy,
and this is a greater loss to India
than the dismal performance of
of  a disease  displayed  by  the
other one is fairly deep­rooted.
The jury is still out on the con­
Justice Isa was directly elevated to the position By Khurram Husain government’s performance. All programme, even though these be if one looks at all the attacks the  anti­BJP  alliances.  This tribution to the rise  of  Hindu
of Chief Justice of the High Court of Baluchistan. This  is  the  biggest  question Fund programmes from 2002 have little to no direct economic that have happened against the doesn’t mean that Modi’s pre­ chauvinism in India  by
At the time of his elevation Justice Isa was the hanging over the economy as till  2013  have  been imple­ significance. Consider also this US and allied forces in Afghani­ decessors in power were para­ Pakistan’s drift towards theoc­
the  government  gears  up  to mented when Pakistan’s rela­ line from the latest Sentinel re­ stan from December 2018 on­ gons of democratic virtues, but racy,  but  there should be  little
solitary judge in the High Court, he nominated tions  with  the  White  House port put  out  by  the  US  De­ wards.
announce one of the most chal­ due admission of  their  contri­ doubt  about  the  strength that
judges all of whom were confirmed and thus rees- were either good, or at least the partment  of  Defence:  “The In subtle and barely per­
lenging and ambitious budgets bution  to a  sham  democracy Pakistan’s quasi­religious mili­
tablished the High Court of Baluchistan. He re- that  anybody  can  remember: White House wanted to avoid DoD  identified  the  Haqqani ceptible moves such as these, doesn’t absolve Modi’s BJP of tants  will derive from  Modi’s
opened the High Court at Sibi which had remained who is in charge here? Who is putting  pressure on  the  Paki­ Network,  the  Eastern the architecture of what such a the capital offence of vulgarising cult of Hindutva.
closed for a number of years, and acquired land calling the shots? stani  leadership.  There was  a Turkestan  Islamic Movement ‘backlash’ might work through representative governance. That One cannot say what im­
for the construction of the High Court at Turbat A few weeks ago, I wrote brief interruption in this story (ETIM),  and  Lashkar­e Taiba is being put in place. Towards the  voters in  West Bengal, for pact,  if  any,  Prime  Minister
and approved the design of its building. He then that  Prime  Minister Imran —  in th e  years  of  Salala, as  groups  that  present  the the  end  of  2019,  and  in  the instance,  chose  to back  the Imran Khan’s hopes of friend­
went on to upgrade all the courts in Baluchistan Khan risks becoming a figure­ Ray mond Davis  and the greatest threat to US and allied opening months  of  2020, party  that  was likely to retain ship with a Modi­led India had
head,  a  ceremonial  holder of Abbottabad raid — but those forces in Afghanistan.” Pakistan’s  position  could  be
focusing on facilitating access and providing fa- under tremendous  pressure if power  is  understandable. on  the  latter’s  election, but it
office while the real decisions days ended after the elections There  is a subtle  but  im­
cilities to the public. Justice Isa introduced a sys- of  2013  and  the  days  of soft portant  change  that  has  just the talks have not yielded fruit (Moreover, they could not for­ couldn’t have  cost BJP many
are made elsewhere. The con­ get the failure of Congress and votes.  The  Pakistani  prime
tem of transparent induction of officials and offic- text was the arrival of Hafeez handling  at  the  hands  of  the taken place here. This is the first by  then. Awareness  of  this
ers in the High Court after advertising such posts.  Fund returned. time that  groups like  LeT  and seems to be driving a sense of CPI­M to advance  their inter­ minister was correct in assum­
Shaikh as  his  finance  adviser ests while they were in power.) ing the  greater feasibility  of a
During his tenure a large number of vacant judi- and  the  rapid  signing  on  the That  is  not the  case  any ETIM have been designated by urgency in the security estab­
cial posts in the subordinate judiciary were filled dotted line  of an  IMF  agree­ longer. Pressures on  Pakistan the  defence  department  as lishment. Still, a greater contribution peace negotiated with the BJP
ment. As details of that agree­ are mounting to deliver on the “groups that present the great­ It would be a mistake to to the  degeneration  of  India’s than with any other party op­
after advertising them and each applicant had to
ment  filter  out,  it  becomes Taliban talks table, and the con­ est threat to US and allied forces take  one’s  own power  for political discourse was made by posed by it. But this formula­
sit for a series of exams and acquire a minimum Modi  himself. As  had  been tion was perhaps valid in a con­
clearer still  that  the  drift  to­ ventional wisdom in the corri­ in Afghanistan”. This has been granted in times such as these.
pass mark before being invited for an interview. When gripped too hard, power noted in these very columns af­ tex t  th at  seems  to have
wards  ceremonial  irrelevance dors of  po wer  is that  ‘we discussed verbally between Pa­
Justice Qazi Faez Isa took oath as a Judge of the should be prepared for a back­ kistan and the United States for has  the  tendency to slip ter Modi’s victory in 2014, his changed. Now the chances of
continues for the prime minis­
Supreme Court of Pakistan on September 5, 2014. ter. lash in case the Americans don’t years, but never found its way through one’s fingers like sand. failure to deliver on economic any  opposition  party  sticking
He now lives at Islamabad with his family. But even back then I had get  a  political  settlement  on into writing. Apparently, some It is  easy  to  see  this  when  it pledges, one  of the  two main its  neck  out  for  a  settlement
We feel regret to mention that unknown ele- never  imagined  that  it  might their terms’. This  is  serious amount of discussion and de­ happens to others, less so when pillars of his election manifesto, with  Pakistan appear to  have
ments had always tried to malign the integrity of happen  as  fast  as  it  is.  To be business,  and  preparations bate went  into the decision  to it happens to oneself. That  is led him to rely more and more decreased.
Qazi Faez Isa. From time to time, various contro- honest, I was under the impres­ such  as these  will require the put these names out in writing why  those  who  wield  power on  the  second  pillar, namely, The omens therefore are
versial things brought to limelight like his appoint- sion  that  it  will  take  months state to be standing on the wid­ because  the same  report  also with any wisdom keep an ear Hindutva. He  did  everything that the Modi sarkar will insist
ment as Chief Justice, Baluchistan High Court for us to get to that point, yet est  possible  patch of  solid says that “The DoD disagreed to the  ground,  to  hear where conceivable, including making on extremely one­sided terms
here we are, getting there in a ground — economically speak­ with the  characterisation  of the rumblings of discontent are himself out  to  be  an  indigent of reconciliation, but Islamabad
on August 5, 2009, was challenged by a suspicious ing as well as politically. Quick­ ETIM as  a  comparable  threat coming from, and how they can
matter of weeks. Perhaps that yogi and a thoroughly commit­ must  not  lose its composure.
planner. Later, some members of the Punjab Bar ship is being carried by currents sand is no place to make a stand. to  the  Haqqani  Network and be  defused  without  resort  to
Council passed a resolution against Justice Qazi ted Hindu revivalist,  and  tried It should continue to call for a
that  are  only  in  part  coming The levers of power that Laskhar­e­Taiba  but did  not kinetic measures. to substantiate his fulminations negotiated settlement of all dif­
Fiaz Isa demanding Supreme Judicial Council to from the economy. the superpower wields over a provide a  separate assessment Who is running the coun­ by scapegoating Muslims, other ferences. If Modi could be con­
take action against him. When some reaction The  enormous  adjust­ small country like Pakistan are of the group”. All previous re­ try today? I want to know be­
cause I want to do everything minority communities  and vinced of the obvious fact that
comes from lawyer’s community, then the suspi- ment  that  this  government  is still intact, notwithstanding the ports  mentioned only the
stupendous  damage  that  the Taliban, Haqqani Network, the in my power to convey the im­ Dalits. In addition, Modi clev­ India  will  become  a  greater
cious elements withdraw their demands and reso- gearing up to undertake — pur­ erly played on the public’s raw country  by  settling  matters
lutions. Now a reference has been filed against suing  a revenue  target  that  is superpower has suffered to its militant Islamic State group and portance of this message to that
own  standing  in  the  world Al  Qaeda  as  operating in Af­ individual. Looking at the prime nationalist sentiments by  rais­ with Pakistan, and that the Pa­
him for alleged foreign assets on the name of his 35 per cent higher than the rev­
enues collected this year — will community as well as the ero­ ghanistan  that represent a di­ minister the past few days does ing the bogey of threat from Pa­ kistan  government  could at
wife. We oppose the current move of the Govern- take a rain of taxes and every sion of its economic supremacy. rect  threat  to US  and  allied not convey the impression of kistan, and thus brought, prob­ some point in time sideline the
ment against Justice Qazi Faez Isa and believe ounce of goodwill at the White Consider the language in forces.  The sudden expansion a man who is running things in ably for the first time, the ‘tam­ India­baiters in this country, he
that if any such action is taken against the Qazi House in order to pass the re­ the IMF statement that points of this list did not happen with­ the midst of so much turmoil, ing’ of Pakistan in the electoral may still be able to reciprocate
Faez Isa, the government may face severe resis- views through which the Fund towards the inclusion of FATF out any triggers. And it is hard so  much  noise  and clamour. debate. He extracted the maxi­ Imran Khan’s gestures of good­
tance in Baluchistan. will  be grading  the conditions  in the  Fund to find what those triggers might Courtesy Dawn mum possible political  capital will. Courtesy Dawn
Edited with the trial version of
Foxit Advanced PDF Editor
Friday May 31, 2019 Page
To remove this notice,

Indiscriminate accountability Defamation case against Meesha

of corrupt will help to move Cross examination
of 4 witnesses from
Pakistan forward: Buzdar Ali Zafar completed
From Our Correspondent and higher, he added. Usman and  personal  pockets  were
LAHORE:  Federal  Minister Buzdar said that  difficult de­ filled  through monkey  busi­ LAHORE (Online): Cross ex­ Meesha Shafi.
Syed Ali Haider  Zaidi  called cisions are made for the bright ness. amination in respect on state­ It is pertinent to mention
on Pun jab Chief  Min ister future of the country and the Those  who plundered ments of 4 witnesses of actor here  that  Meesha  Shafi  had
Sardar  Usman Bu zd ar in problems will be overcome by will have to be answerable of Ali Zafar has been completed succeeded  in  seeking  relief
Islamabad and  discussed the working hard. their deeds because  Pakistan in defamation case  against from Supreme Court on May
political  situation  and differ­ The time is not far when will  move  forward by  indis­ singer Meesha Shafi in a local 14 during the course of hear­
ent matters of mutual interest. Pakistan will be self­reliant, he criminate accountability of the court. ing of defamation case filed by
Talking on the occasion, furth er said. Muham mad corrupt, he added. The  defamation case Ali  Zafar again st Meesha
the  Chief  Minister  said that Ashraf Rind,  MPA  was  also He said that the PTI gov­ came up for hearing in the court Shafi.
past  governments  ruined  the present on the occasion. ernment considers national re­ of  additional  sessions  judge The Supreme Court had
economy  by  taking  massive Meanwhile,  Special As­ sources as a sacred trust and Amjid Ali  Shah  for  hearing allowed recording  of  joint
loans. sistant  to  Prime  Minister  on the wrong t radition of Thursday. statements and the joint cross­
Every child  would have Media  Dr.  Fird ou s  Ashiq spending  resources  on per­ The law ye rs of examination of nine witnesses
not been in debt today if these Awan called on Punjab Chief son al  projection has  b een Meesha Shafi  cross ques­ in this defamation suit..
loans had been spent on pub­ Minister Sardar  Usman done away  with by  the  PTI tion ed 4 witnesses of  Ali The court had also nulli­
lic welfare, but  the past gov­ Buzdar in Islamabad. leadership.  Now, the  public KARACHI: Chief Minister of Sindh Syed Murad Ali Shah addressing a press Za far w hile 4 witn ess es
were cross questioned a day
fied the district court order to
conduct cross examination of
ernments  exhibited  cruelty Talking on the occasion, money  is  being  utilized on conference at Sindh Assembly.
with the country. Usman Buzdar said the period the welfare of the masses, he b ef or e. This wa y cr os s the witnesses soon after their
The PTI government has of looting and plunder of the added. questioning of  9 witnesses statements.
inherited a d evastated
economy and the government
national  resources  will  never
come back adding that those
We will continue the jour­
ney of public service without
Kashmiris to celebrate Eid from Ali Zafar side has been
The  court  had  directed
counsel for Ali Zafar to file af­
The court has sum ­ fidavits of witnesses within a
is working hard to rectify past
The road is long and ar­
who had made  corruption in
the garb of projects are crimi­
nals of the nation. Past rulers
caring  for any  criticism  and
public mandate will be fulfilled
by setting new records of pub­
simultaneously with scheduled moned the other witnesses for
cross examination on next hear­
week.  Counsel  for  Meesha
Shafi had sought time for one
duous  but our commitment
and passion are even stronger
ru in ed n atio nal  reso urces
through  exhibitory  projects
lic service, the Chief Minister
concluded. observance of festival in Pak ing.
The witnesses  said they
were present in rehearsal ses­
week  to  cross  question the
Th e h e ar in g o f t h e
MIRPUR (AJK) (APP): vidual and collective efforts to towns of all ten districts of the sion and no incident of harass­ case has been adjourned till
Kashmiri  Muslims  dwelling for the upholding of Islam and liberated  territory  including ment had  taken place  with June 11.
either side of the line of con­ for encouraging the complete the state’s m etropolis
trol and rest of the world will unity, integrity and solidarity Muzaffarabad, Mirpur, Kotli,
celebrate  Eid ul Fitr simulta­ of the Muslim Ummah. Bhimbher,  Bagh,  Sudhanoti,
SHC issues notices to
neously  with  the  scheduled The day will  dawn with Rawalakot and Neelam valley,
observance of the religious fes­ special prayers in the mosques Haveili and Hattiyan Bala dis­
tival in Pakistan – likely to be fo r  th e  stability,  integrity, tricts  where  the  people  will
FIA, others in fraud
on February 05, with full tra­ unity and solidarity of  the offer  Eid prayer at  th e
ditional  religious  enthusiasm Muslim Ummah, progress and mosques, eid  gahs and  open
case against NGO
and devotion with the renewal prosperity of  Pakistan  and places. HYDERABAD  (APP):  The with  the prospective  buyers.
of the resolve to continue act­ Azad  Jammu  Kashmir, early In occupied Jammu Kash­ Sindh High Court has put the He  claimed  that  he  ar­
ing  upon  and  upholding  the liberation of all occupied Mus­ mir,  the  Kashmiri  Muslims Federal Investigation Agency ranged  several  meetings  of
teachings of Islam. lim homelands including Indian have announced to  celebrate Eid (FIA) and other respondents Farooqui  with the  farmers
Meanwhile, brisk prepa­ held Jammu & Kashmir  and ul Fitr despite all  restrictions on notice  in  a  petition con­ among  whom 21  paid the
rations  have  begun at  both for  the  early  success of  the imposed by the Indian occupa­ cerning monetary fraud alleg­ NGO Rs. 560,000 each.
sides  of  the  LoC (AJK  and Kashmir freedom movement. tional forces,   with renewal of edly conducted by a non­gov­ Saleemuddin claimed that
IoK) to celebrate the eid ul fitr In Azad Jammu Kashmir, the pledge to continue the lib­ ernmental organizations with once the amount was depos­
with traditional religious zeal special Eid ul Fitr prayer con­ eration  struggle  despite  the the farmers. ited in Farooqui’s account the
and fervor with the renewal of gregations  will  be  held  at  all stepped  up  state  terrorism by According to the details, person disappeared. He added
the  pledge  to  continue  indi­ small  and major  cities  and the Indian occupying troops. a mechanic of solar tube wells that  following  his  disappear­
Saleemuddin, who belongs to ance  the  people  who  depos­
LAHORE: Governor Punjab Chaudhry Muhammad Sarwar, Peer Syed Nazim NAB receives large number CM extends Tando Allahyar district, alleged
in a  petition that  a  Punjab
ited the amount started to give
him threats while asking him
Hussain and others offering dua during the visit of Governor at Data Darbar
(Shrine of Hazrat Ali Hajveri). of complains against good wishes to based NGO  swindled over to return the amount.
Rs12 million through him from Saleemuddin apprised
Pak cricket team 21 farmers. the court that he lodged com­
ANF seizes 101 kg drugs in provincial departments From Our Correspondent
LAHORE:  Punjab  Chief was  approached
He told the court that he
plaints against Farooqui with
the police in Sindh and Punjab
KARACHI (APP):  The  Na­ submitted by the citizens dur­ Minister Sardar Usman Muhammad Saad Farooqui of as well as with the FIA.
28 operations; arrests 31 tional Accountability  Bureau in g  open court (Khuli Buzdar  has  extended  good Dera Ismail Khan based Ikhlas
(NAB) Karachi Director Gen­ Katchehry)  conducted by wishes  to  national  cricket Welfare Society  who offered
The  petitio ner  prayed
the court to order the FIA con­
RAWALPINDI  (APP): Anti Muhammad Asif r/o Khyber ing the operation. In fifth op­ eral  (DG) on  Thursday  for­ NAB Karachi DG in compli­ team  at  the  start  of  world him Rs30,000 per month sal­ duct a probe and recover the
Narcotics Force (ANF) Paki­ Agency  and  Taous  Khan  r/o eration, ANF  Rawalpindi  re­ warded a large number of com­ ance of Chairman NAB initia­ cup. In his message, the chief ary if he arranged his meetings amount.
stan seized  101 kg  narcotics Peshawar  were  arrested.  In covered 1.25 kg Hashish from plaints received against Board tive, “Zero  Tolerance  against minister  said  that  Pakistani
worth Rs 363 million in inter­
national  market,  arrested  31
ano th er o peration ,  ANF
Rawalpindi  arrested  an ac­
personal possession of the ar­
rested  accused  identified  as
of  Revenue, Sindh Building Corruption”  at  NAB  office, nation expected good perfor­
Control  Authority  (SBCA), said a statement.
Sindh Health Department, During the open court a
mance  and  hoped  that  the
PM to inaugurate Allama
culprits including two females cu sed person n am ely Ashfaq Ali r/o Swabi.
and impounded four vehicles
while conducting 28 counter­
Muhammad  Saqib  Khan r/o
Mirpur  (AJK)  at  Islamabad
He was  arrested near
Chakwal  Morr,  Jehlum.  In
Cooperatio n Department, large number of complainants team  would achieve  success
Karachi Development Author­ submitted  their  applications in  the  mega  event.
Iqbal Industrial City during
He said  that players
narcotic  strikes  during  last
seven days.
International Airport and  re­
covered  860  grams  Heroin
six th operation,  ANF
Rawalpindi arrested two  ac­
ity (KDA), Hyderabad Devel­ regarding land frauds commit­
opment Authority (HDA) and ted by government officials in will  have  to  work  hard  as first week of October
According  to an ANF which was tactfully concealed cused persons at  Islamabad others. connivance  with  private  per­ other  teams were  also  fully LAHORE  (Online):  Prime policy, there is a positive sen­
spokesman, the  seized drugs in hair spray bottles placed in International Airport  identi­ The  complain ts were sons. prepared.
Minister Imran Khan will in­ timent among the international
comprised of 79.06 kg Hash­ his bag. fied  Muhammad  Saqib  and augurate state of the art Allama comm unity towards  the
ish,  15.185 kg  Heroin,  3.166 In third  operation, ANF Jameel Akhtar both r/o Attock Iqb al  In dustrial  City fully country’s  economy,  which
kg Amphetamine (Ice), 3.082 Rawalpindi arrested two  ac­ and  recovered 1.380  kg Am­ equipped with modern infra­ needs to be tapped,” he added.
kg  Methamphetamine  (Ice) cused  persons  identified  as phetamine  (Ice).  In  seventh structure during the first week bout  Allama  Iqbal  Industrial
and one kg Opium. Hazrat Umar and Rahat Sher operation,  on suspicion of of upcoming October to house City, he said this is being con­
As p er details,  ANF both r/o Khyber Agency  and narco filled capsules  ANF foreign and local investors be­ structed near Sahianwala inter­
Quetta intercepted a troller at recovered 2.5 kg  Hashish. Rawalpindi  arrested  an ac­ sides  giving  impetus  to eco­ change of motorway under the
main Kuchlak Ro ad, near They were arrested near Tarkai cused namely Muhammad nomic  activities in  the  coun­ China­Pakistan Econom ic
Byco Petrol Pump, Quetta and Toll  Plaza,  main GT  Road, Idrees r/o Kurram Agency at try. Corridor (CPEC).
recovered 60 kg Hashish from Jehlum.  In  fourth  operation, Islamabad  International Air­ Mian Kashif  Ashfaq, He said this  new indus­
secret cavities of the vehicle. ANF  Rawalpindi  intercepted port. Further he was admitted chairman Faisalabad Industrial trial city will provide lucrative
A  person on  board namely a car near Dina Bus Stop, main in hospital where 122x Heroin Estate  Develo pm ent  and jobs to a large number of job­
Mati Ullah resident of Pishin GT Road,  Jehlum and  recov­ filled Capsules (weighing 800 Managem ent  Company less persons. “According to the
was arrested on the spot. ered  one  kg Heroin  and  600 gram) were recovered. In eighth (FIEDMC)  while  talking  to plan,  new  industrial  units  of
ANF  Rawalpindi  inter­ grams Hashish which was con­ operation, ANF  Rawalpindi media here Thursday. Appre­ different nature would be con­
cepted  a  car  near Tarkai  Toll cealed under the driving seat of arrested  an  accused namely ciating  economic  policies  of structed  in  the Allama  Iqbal
Plaza, main GT Road, Jehlum the  vehicle. Resultantly  two Zarab Ali  r/o Swabi  at Prime  Minister Imran  Khan, Industrial  City. Scattered in­
and recovered 2.4 kg Hashish accused on b oard nam ely Islamabad  International Air­ he said the incumbent govern­ dustrial units are  already op­
which  was  concealed  under Mu hamm ad Tanveer  and port and recovered 730 kg Am­ ment has focused on the eco­ erating  in  various  congested
the driving seat of the vehicle. Abd ul  Rasheed both r/o phetamine  (Ice)  which was nomic growth in the country. localities  of  the  city  which
Two persons on board namely Rawalpindi were arrested dur­ soaked in Ihram. “With  trade  and  investment would also  be shifted  to this
HYDERABAD: Information secretary Peoples party Sindh region Aajiz Dhamra being an important pillar of the new industrial estate  after its
KP govt pays Rs.3.6 m Three die, 5 addressing the press conference in press club. present government’s foreign completion,” he added.
injured in
fine for release of different Departmental promotion, One killed,
eight injured in
11 poor prisoners incidents policy matters of Punjab road accident
HARIPUR  (APP):  The  ad­
ministration of the Central Jail
of the  3.6 million  rupees  su­
perintendent jail said that the
QAMBER  (Online):  3  per­
sons  including  two  women Police discussed ATTOCK  (APP):  A  woman
was killed and eight other in­
Haripur Thursday released 11 KP government paid 1.1 mil­ have  died  and  5  were  in­ LAHORE  (APP):  Inspector unnecessary  classification  of jured as a speedy tractor trol­
inmates after receiving the fine lion rupees for financial com­ jured  in  different  incidents General  Police  (IGP) Punjab field, a list of officers and offi­ ley rammed into Bachat bazaar
of Rs. 3.6 million from the KP pensation and 2.5 million for in Qamber. Capt (retd) Arif Nawaz Khan cials should be prepared. Ac­ located on Kamra­Attock road
government. fine. According  to media has  said that  departmental cording to seniority and merit, in the limits of Attock Police
The  inmates  had  com­ Maqsood Khatak added reports, a speedy car hit the promotion on the basis of se­ these lists should be discussed station,  mostly belongs to
pleted their jail sentence, but that the provincial government motorbike  when  car  trying niority  is  right  of  every  em­ in the next meeting of Police same family.
were still in the jail for years has made the payments on the to  overtake  and  as  a  result ployee  of the  Police  Depart­ Executive  Board  and  a  deci­ Police and  rescue ­1122
owing to nonpayment of the directives  of Prime  Minister 40  year  old  man  died  and ment. sion should be made with con­ sources said that a tractor trol­
fine and financial compensa­ Imran Khan and they have re­ two  car  riders  got  critically Addressing a meeting at sensus  and considering  the ley driven by unknown driver SARGODHA: Students keenly viewing calligraphy
tion,  stated  Superintendent, leased 11 prisoners of various injured. Central Police Offier here on ground realities. rammed in to bazaar after hit­ during First National Calligraphy Exhibition held at
Harip ur Jail  Maqsood districts  of  the  province  in­ In  another  incident  a Thursday, he directed all field During  the  meeting, se­ ting  a  motorcycle  rickshaw Zubaida Agha Art Gallery, University of Sargodha.
Khattak while  talking to  me­ cluding Lower Dir, Peshawar, speedy  van hit the don­ formations to compile recom­ nior officers also voiced their driver loses control and when
dia here. Boneer, Abbottabad, Haripur mendations for departmental thoughts, to  which  the  IGP he  tried to  overtake the  rick­
He further said that first
time in the history of the coun­
and Mansehra.
The  released inm ates
key­cart  and  as a result
22  years old woman  died promotion of officers and of­
ficials  so  that  a  final  policy
directed all Addl IGPs to sub­
mit their recommendations af­
shaw  from wrong  side  one
woman  Aabida  Khizar  was
Foolproof security
on spot  while 7  years old
try government has paid the
fine of the poor inmates those
were  included Muhammad
Jan, Wakeel Muhammad Sabaz b o y go t c r it ica lly in ­
could be devised regarding the
field  duty,  inquiries,  inspec­
ter  reviewing  their  depart­
ments so  that  policies  could
died on the spot while her hus­
band  Khizar  Hayat  (age­45), arrangements finalized
her sons  Am ir Hayat,
were  unable  to pay  their  fi­
nancial  comp ensation and
fine,  now  they would cel­
Al,  Muhammad  Iqball, Riaz
Kh an ,  Saleh Mu hamm ad,
Muhammad Ali, Muhammad
Husband  killed his
wife  due  to  delay  in  cook­
tion and rotation policy, in the
next meeting of Police Execu­
tive  Board, scheduled  for  20
be reshaped.
The  meetin g  was  at­
tended  by Additional  IGPs,
Mubashir  Hayat daughter
Hifza Hayat and other identi­
for Eid ul Fitr prayers
ebrate  Eid ul  Fitr  with  their Zardar,  Habeeb Rehmand, ing  while Zulfiqar and June. CCPO  Lah ore,  DIGs  an d fied as Rubnawaz (age­60) his RAWALPINDI (APP): mosques, Imam Bargahs and
beloveds. Abad  Ghafar,  Jahanzeb  and Jaffar  have  been  injured He  said that  in opera­ other  senior  officers  to  dis­ wife Robina Bibi (age­48) and Rawalpindi  District Police major markets while over 1500
While giving the breakup Gul Deen. due  to  hit  by  sticks. tions,  investigation, training cuss important issues regard­ Yasmeen  Bibi  (age­43)  sus­ have finalized foolproof secu­ cops and 400 national volun­
and  traffic, actually  police  is ing field duty and promotion tained injuries. rity  arrangements  for  Eid ul teers were deployed in the city.
on field  duty  so  ending  the of force. The  dead and injured Fitr  prayers  said  City  Police He said, Rawalpindi dis­
were shifted to District Head­ Officer  (CPO)  Rawalp indi trict police had finalized elabo­
Encroachments quarters  Hospital  by  rescue
1122. Police while quoting the
Muhammad Faisal Rana.
Tight security arrange­
rate security arrangements for
Ram azan ul  Mubarik.  En­
ments would be made for 961 hanced number of cops were
removed from places injured has said that all were
came to bazaar for Eid shop­
mosques, 71 Imambargahs and
82 open  places of  the  district
be deployed on security duty
for 2,088 mosques, 87 Imam
in ongoing operation for  Eid ul  Fitr  prayers,  he
added.  The  District  police
Barghas and  other important
places in the district, he said.
PESHAWAR (APP): The dis­ Muhammad Rehman  Khattak New polio would deploy more than 2,000 Under the  security  plan
trict administration  in its  on­ removed encroachments  from security officials at 1114 places Police  personnel,  Police  na­
going operation against illegal footpaths at Sanam Chowk Gul case reported where Muslims would offer Eid tional  volunteers, private  se­
prayers. There would be no per­ curity  guards  and  ladies  Po­
structures removed encroach­
ments from several places of
Bahar, Ishrat Cinema Road and
Ejaz Abad areas. During opera­
in Bannu KPK mission to park vehicles, motor­ lice  were  deployed  for  secu­
the metropolis on Thursday. tion, a  loaded  truck  was  also PESHAWAR  (Online):  Polio cycles, cycles and handcarts near rity of all important places in
The  op eration against confiscated and  a  report  was virus has been confirmed in 18 mosques and Imam barghas. All the district. He said the Police
encroachments was launched presented to Town­I Nazim and months old boy from Bannu. out efforts would be made for had  made  foolproof  security
on the  directive  of  Town­I warned that strict action would According  to  media  re­ the protection of the citizens and arrangements  for  the  holy
Nazim Zahid Nadeem to cre­ be  taken  against  those  shop­ ports, National health institu­ best  possible  arrangements month in  consultation with
ate  convenience  for  masses keepers  and vendors  who tion Islamabad has also con­ would be  made in  the  regard. traders, ulema and members of
and ease traffic congestions at erected encroachments and cre­ firmed polio virus in affected Police patrolling system had been peace committees. As many as
different  parts  of  the  city  as ated inconvenience for masses. boy and now polio virus cases strengthened  in  the district,  he 25 special Police check posts
Eid  draws  closer.  The  con­ He  said  the  operation  would have reached 6 in Bannu. It is added. were  set  up  in  the  city par­
FAISALABAD: Youngsters jumping and bathing in Rajbah Sirwala Canal to get cerned staff equipped with ma­ continue regularly and no one pertinent to mention here that Rawalpindi  District  Po­ ticularly  at commercial  areas
some relief from scorching hot weather in the city. chinery  under supervision  of would be  allowed  to take  law 14 polio cases  were reported lice had devised a security plan to ensure security of the citi­
Town Regulation Officer into his own hands. in KPK this year. for Ram azan bazaars, zens, he added.
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Friday May 31, 2019 Page
To remove this notice,

OIC summit offers an opportunity

to advocate closer trade relations
KARACHI (APP):The  Busi­ stitutional  arrangements,”  he other,  religious  and cultural “To attain the goal of the
nessmen Panel for Federation said.  These  institutional  ar­ ties and similarities and huge OIC  Common Market,  the
of  Chambers  of  Commerce rangements,  he  said  may  in­ potential for trade.  The BMP member states may start from
and Industry (FPCCI) clude Preferential Trade Agree­ Chairman  also  suggested  in­ lower levels of integration such
so un ded ho pefu l  th at the ments  (PTAs),  Free Trade creased intra­OIC trade while as  preferential  trade  agree­
Organisation o f  Islamic Agreements (FTAs) and vari­ benefiting m ore  from the ments,  free  trade  areas  and
Cooperation’s (OIC) summit, ous other trade agreements. COMCEC  (Committee  for Customs  unions,”  he  said.
begins  Friday,  can  help pro­ “Pakistan  needs  to  take Economic  and Commercial Ahmad Jawad  further  sug­
mo te trade within th e OIC  Makkah  summit  as  an Coo peration of  the gested that Islamic Chambers
bloc.BMP  Chairman,  Mian op po rtun ity to advocate Organisation of Islamic Coop­ of  Commerce  and Industry
Anjum  Nisar  in  a  statement closer  trade  and  investment eration)  platform.  Secretary (ICCIA) may make an active
here Thursday said that equal in tegration across Islam ic General (Federal) of the BMP, start and turn itself into a vi­
responsibility lies  upon  all countries,” he reiterated. Ahmad Jawad said OIC is the brant  body of  the OIC. “We
IOC member states to  elimi­ Mian Anjum  Nisar  said second largest multilateral or­ need to remember that ICCIA
nate bottlenecks in this regard. current  level  of  trade  among ganization after  the  United is  an  affiliated organ  of  the
“Pakistan in particular the  member countries  of  the Nations, encompassing a quar­ Organization of Islamic Coop­
must actively pursue trade re­ OIC  ought  to  be  improved ter of humanity and a cumula­ eration  (OIC) and  represents
latio ns with OIC m emb er specifically  because  of  their tive gross domestic product of the private sector of 57 mem­ AChinese delegation of MCC International Incorporation Limited, led by its Vice President, Mr. Wang Zhou, called
countries through different in­ geographical proximity to each $19.4 trillion. ber countries,” he said. on Adviser to Prime Minister on Finance, Revenue and EconomicAffairs, Dr. Abdul Hafeez Shaikh at Islamabad.

Stock Exchange Electricity of defaulters in SEPCO

gains 15.36 points to be restored on payment of dues
ISLAMABAD  (APP):  The at  Rs 11.21,  followed by ISLAMABAD  (APP):  On The  teams  would visit powered to give new connec­
Pakistan Stock Exchange MLCF with a volume of 14.18 the directives  of Minister  for various areas and villages and tions  on easy installments,
(PSX) on Thursday witnessed million and its price per share Power  Division  Omar Ayub restore electricity. Staff of rel­ Consum ers  would also be
a bullish trend as KSE 100 in­ also decreased by Rs 0.14 to Khan  and  Federal  Secretary evant  circles  and  representa­ given  facility to  pay theirs
dex edged up by 15.36 points close  at  Rs  24.08  and  Unity Irfan Ali, one window opera­ tives of banks would accom­ previous bills in installments.
(0.04%)  to close  at  35,974 with  a  volume  of 12.74  mil­ tion has been launched to re­ pany the PEPCO teams to fa­ On 30 per cent payment,
points. lion  and its  price  per  share store  power  supply to de­ cilitate the consumers in pay­ electricity  would  be  restored
A  total  of  176.4  million decreased by Rs 0.44 to close faulters  to Sukkur  Electric ment of their dues. The teams to the areas immediately.
shares  were  traded,  whereas at Rs 11.44. Supply Company (SEPCO). would stay in the areas for two It is pertinent to mention
the value of shares traded dur­ The  top advancer  was Pakistan  Electric  Power days and the people would be here it would be one window
ing the day stood at Rs 8.544 AEL with the  increase of Rs Company (PEPCO) has con­ informed through loudspeakers operation and the consumers
billion. Out of 310 companies, 0.98  (36.03%), closing  at  Rs stituted  five special  teams  to about the  drive. Cooperation would not need to leave their
restore electricity to  default­ of elders  of the  areas  would areas. In charge of every team
ISLAMABAD:A delegation of private company of rickshaw manufacturing called share prices of 118 companies
recorded  increase  while  168
3.7 followed by PPVC whose
per share  price  increased  by ers in Sukkur Electric Supply also be sought to encourage the will  send  a  weekly  report to
on Advisor to PM on Climate Change, Malik Amin Aslam. companies registered decrease Rs 0.98 (3.98%) per share to Company,  said a  statement defaulters to pay their bills. PEPCO which would deliver
whereas  24  companies  re­ close at Rs 3.98. issue here Thursday. The teams had been em­ it to the Power Division.
Railways earns Rs 34,17, 630 mained stable in today’s trad­
The  top decliners  were
MTIL with the decrease of Rs Local POL Electric cars’ import,
from saloon coaches in 2018 The three top traded
com panies were  Bank of
Punjab with a volume of 25..4
0.49 (21.68%) per share, clos­
ing  at  Rs 1.77  and PAKMI
with the  decrease of Rs 0.35
production dips industrial policy to be tabled
ISLAMABAD  (APP):  Paki­ one saloon each has been allo­ two rooms, bath, dining area million and its price per share (18.92%) per share to close at 6% in 9 months
stan  Railways  has  generated cated to the  Govern ors  of and kitchen which was like a decreased by Rs 0.04 to close
around Rs 34,17,630 from sa­ Sindh, Balochistan, Punjab and small house on wheels, as ev­
Rs 1.50. of 2018-19 soon before cabinet: Amin
loon  coaches  during  the  last Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and the ery  facility  was  available  in ISLAMABAD  (APP):  The ISLAMABAD  (APP):  Ad­ impacts  through  green  em­
year and at present the depart­ provincial governments.
ment has only 22 saloons avail­ In addition, eight saloons
these cabins.
“The  top officials  can
Seizure of smuggled overall production of petroleum
commodities has witnessed a
viser to Prime Minister on Cli­
mate  Change  Malik  Am in
ployment opportunities,”  he
able on the system. had been allocated for the Rail­ rent out these saloons for per­
“Two  highly luxurious way Headquarters Lahore, in sonal  purposes otherwise
coaches have been allocated for which one each would be most of the time these all sa­
goods rises 20% in decrease of 6 percent during first
nine months (July­March) of the
current fiscal year as compared
Aslam Thursday said the min­
istry of climate change is go­
ing to table electric cars’ im­
The  adviser  made  these
remarks while talking to a del­
egation of a rickshaw  manu­
the Prime Minister while four marked  to  Chief  Executive loons would remain parked,”
coaches have been allocated for Officer/General Manager (BS­ the official added.
the Minister for Railways,” an 22) Additional General Man­ He  said some  of  these
10 months: FBR to  corresponding  period of
2017­18. According to the data
of Pakistan Bureau of Statistics,
port  and indu strial  set  up
policy  soon  before the  cabi­
net for approval.
facturing company.
The  rickshaw  manufac­
turing company in collabora­
o fficial  in the Min istry ager BS­21, Inspector General salo ons  were inspectio n ISLAMABAD  (APP):Owing of Law Enforcement Agencies the POL products that showed He said that the inclina­ tion with  Chinese  firm was
of Railways told APP. Railway Police, Federal Gov­ coaches  and  their  back  wall to  the  stringent  enforcement for seizure of smuggled goods. negative growth include Jet Fuel tion towards  electric cars  for interested  in  importing  and
He said, “Pakistan Rail­ ernment Inspector, Chief Op­ was made of glass and officers measures of Pakistan Customs The  FBR in the  state­ Oil, Kerosene Oil,  High Speed curbing ambient pollution was producing  electric  rickshaws
ways officers are not entitled erating  Superintendent  and would  be  able  to  view  track against smuggling, the of sei­ ment  stated  that  it  was  also Diesel,  Furnace  Oil,  Jute gaining momentum in the de­ in Pakistan.
to use this facility other than three  saloons  were  allocated and surrounding  area  from zure  of smuggled  goods  has responsibility of the business Batching  Oil  and Solvant veloped  countries.  Pakistan The  delegation  appreci­
duty and all these saloons are for Princip al  Officers, he there. registered  an  increase  of  20 community to discourage the Naptha, posting decrease of 4.87 would soon abreast itself with ated eco­friendly initiatives of
mostly 40 to 50 years old.” added. He said that the Princi­ To a question, he said all percent in terms  of value for sale and purchase of smuggled percent, 5.25 percent, 7.58 per­ this  prevailing tendency the  federal  government and
The official said total ex­ p al  Officers out  efforts  were being  made the  period  July­April  (2018­ goods since smuggling is ille­ cent, 11.10 percent, 4.50 percent whereas a  com prehensive presented  its  recommenda­
penditure  incurred  on  these of Pakistan  Railway s were to  control  over  the  theft  of 19) compared to correspond­ gal and immoral. and 30.23 percent respectively. policy was  under process tions.
saloo n coaches  were Rs entitled  to  travel  at  these  sa­ Railway P­­way material from ing period of previous year. The FBR Chairman However,  the  production  of which would be compiled in a They mentioned that the
19,981,967­ during  2017­­18. loons  or  inspection  coaches railway track at different rail­ Accordin g  to a press Syed Muhammad Shabbar Motor Spirit oil has  increased little while, said a press release company intended to start 0.1
It may be mentioned here that only  when  they  were  travel­ way stations of the country. statement issued by the Fed­ Zaidi had also urged the trad­ by 7.67 per cent, Diesel oil 32.67 issued here. million rickshaws  in a  year
the expenditures incurred on ling on duty. He  said Pakistan  Rail­ eral Board of Revenue (FBR), ers  to  refrain  from  dealing  in per cent,  Lubricating oil  14.19 “This  policy will  not whose  cost was  equal to  the
the Governor’s saloons were Abo ve all,  they said ways had also intensified pa­ Pakistan customs m obile smuggled goods and contribute per cent and  Liquefied  Petro­ only  help  in  mitigating  envi­ traditional rickshaw existing in
borne  by  the  respective  pro­ luxury saloons were also avail­ trolling  of railway  track  over squads  had  been  monitoring positively to the government’s leum Gas 27.69 per cent during ronmental  pollution rather the market and the operational
vincial governments. able for private travel on rental the  division  in  which daily the  major  entry points  and initiative  to revive  the the period under review. have long term socioeconomic cost was one third.
He said  two saloons have basis. foot walk and inspection was smuggling routes in the coun­ economy, it added. Meanwhile
been  allocated  to  the  federal The official said saloons being carried out by the sec­ try to check the malpractice. Customs  Field Formations
governm en t  wh ile were very luxurious and had tional key­men on all the lines. Beside, the  information across the Country have em­
based joint operations were barked upon constituting spe­
being carried out by Pakistan cial teams  to seize  smuggled
Govt releases Rs4.5 bln for PIA increases Customs  with  the  assistance goods wherever found.
pension of
Finance Division projects retired ICCI opposes further
government has so far released
Rs4506.846  million  for  vari­
An amount of Rs185.01
million has been released for
the construction of a fish land­
LAHORE (Online):  Pakistan
hike in power tariff
ous  projects  of  the  Finance ing jetty and allied harbour fa­ international Airline (PIA) has ISLAMABAD  (Online):  The ploited  fully  for  better  eco­
Division under the Public Sec­ cilities at Surbandar in Gwadar increased pension of their re­ Islamabad Chamber of Com­ nomic  development  of  the
tor Development Programme again st allocatio n of Rs tired employees. According to merce & Industry (ICCI) has country. They said it was high
(PSDP)  2018­19 against  the 264.302  million. m edia reports,  retired opposed the 55 paisa per unit time that government should
to tal  allo cation of The government released employee’s pension case was hike  in  power  tariff allowed make transition from conven­
Rs12,346.359  million. Rs120 million for widening and running  controversial for  the by NEPRA  to all  power dis­ tional and to renewable energy
An amou nt o f  Rs700 carpeting  of  Booni­Buzand past six years while now PIA tribution companies  on ac­ sources for  generating cheap
million has been released for Torkhow Road Chitral against official increased their pension cou nt of  fuel  adjustm ent electricity.
Gwadar Development  Au­ allocation of Rs 300 and 210 by 25%. charges for April 2019 Ahmed Hassan Moughal
thority  against its  allocations million  for  300­bed  Shaheed ICCI  has  termed it  an said  that  government  should
unfavorable  decision  for  the reduce duties and taxes on re­
of Rs1,000 million, according
to the  latest data  of Ministry
Benazir  Bhutto Mother  and
Ch ild Health care Centre
Passengers for economy as  it would  further newable energy related equip­
enhance the cost of doing busi­ ment in the forthcoming bud­ MULTAN: Ladies selecting and purchasing bangles for preparation of upcom-
of Planning, Development and
Nawabshah City against allo­
cation of Rs 300 million.
stern action against ness, increase inflation and af­ get to make this source of en­ ing Eidul Fitr.
The government also re­ The federal  government overcharging on Eid fect the growth of business and ergy easily accessib le for
leased  an  amount of  Rs700 released Rs 112.410 million for
industrial  activities.
Ahmed Hassan Moughal
people. He said energy gener­
ated through fossil fuels was
Shipping activity Pakistan, Japan
million for necessary facilities Cadet College Kharan against
People  demanded  stern  ac­ President, RafatFarid  Senior not  only  very  costly,  it  was at Port Qasim
of fresh water treatment, wa­
ter supply and distribution in
Gwadar under the China Pa­
the  allocation of  Rs  562.057
million and Rs 53.897 million
for energization and construc­
tion against transporters
overcharging  from  passen­
Vice  President and Iftikhar
Anwar Sethi  Vice  President,
also  threatening for  environ­
ment  while  government  was KARACHI  (APP):  Four
discuss means to
kistan Econo mic  Corridor
(CPEC) for which an amount
tion/ extension of Audit House
Islamabad ou t  allo cated
gers intending  to go to
their  home  towns  for  cel­
Islamabad Chamber of Com­
merce  &  Industry  said that
also spending billions of dol­
lars  on import  of  oil.  Com­
ships  MOL  Globe,  Kmarin
Busan, Hai Ji, NCC Najem and
LNG Al­Janan carrying Con­
promote trade ties
of Rs1,200 million  has been amount of Rs179.656 million. ebrating Eid with  their love Pakistan’s  heavy  reliance  on pared to it, the renewable en­
fossil fuels for energy genera­ ergy was environment­ tainers,  Coal,  Canola  Seeds, ISLAMABAD  (APP):  Paki­ Division press release said.
earmarked in the current fed­ Similarly, Rs250 million ones. stan and Japan Thursday dis­ Nadeem  Babar  said  Pa­
eral PSDP. has been provided for the con­ tion was the main cause of high friendly and cost­effective, Palm Oil and LNG were allot­
It  has  become  a  rou­ production cost due to which therefore, government should ted  berths  at  Container  Ter­ cussed ways and means to fur­ kistan  highly valued  its  ties
An amount  of  Rs497.2 struction  and  upgradation  of tine  issue  that  the  inter  cit­ ther promote  economic  and with Japan which always ex­
million has been released for Dirgi Shabo zai  (N­70) to our exports  were  facing  stiff pay more  attention to this minal,  Bulk  Terminal  Grain
ies  transporter  take  advan­ competition  in international important source of energy. Terminal, Liquid Terminal and trade  relations  between  the tended support to Pakistan.
Greater  Karachi  Sewerage Taun sa (N­55)  Ro ad , tage  of  passengers  rush  at two countries. He  stressed the  need  to
Plant (S­III  Karachi),  which Balochistan. market. They said that during ICCI President said that Elengy Terminal  respectively
Eid  and  fleece them  by the month of April 2019, over SBP should  work with  com­ on Wednesday. Ambassador of Japan to encourage  private  sector  for
is  being  executed  on 50:50 The federal  government Pakistan Kuninori Matsuda making investment in diverse
cost  sharing  basis  between had earmarked Rs 250 million charging  high  fares. 22 percent electricity was gen­ mercial banks to come up with Meanwhile  four more
Rawalpindi­Regional erated from hydel  sources at attractive  financing tools  for ships, Sofia­I, Teno, Yuan Ping called on Special Assistant to fields of Pakistan as the gov­
federal  and  provincial  gov­ for the project, which is being Prime Minister on Petroleum ernment had introduced inves­
ernments. In total Rs862 mil­ executed on 60:40 sharing ba­ Transport Authority  (RTA) zero cost, which showed that private sector to cover up the Sea and Al­Salam­II carrying
has  directed  the  transport­ hydroelectricity was  the initial cost of installation of re­ Containers, Coal  and  Diesel Nadeem Babar here, and the tor­friendly  policies.
lion has been allocated for the sis  between  the  federal gov­ two  sides  discussed  bilateral The envoy reiterated
p ro ject u n d er th e PSDP ernment  and the  provincial ers  not  to  overcharge  fares cheapest source of energy for newable energy including so­ Oil  also  arrived  at  outer an­
the country and should be ex­ lar, wind, biogas and others. chorage of Port Qasim during ties and emphasized the need that  the  cordial  and friendly
2018­19. government. from  travelers. to further promote economic relations  between the  two
The federal  government The government also re­ An official of RTA told last 24 hours.
also released Rs500 million for
Kh yber  Institu te  of  Child
leased  Rs  90  million  for  sea
water  desalination plant  at
APP that the staff  con­
cerned has been directed to
Pakistani seafood A  total  of  eleven  ships
were occupied at PQA berths
and  trade  relations  between
the two countries, a Petroleum
countries  would  continue  to
grow and strengthen in future.
Health and Children Hospital
(District Peshawar) out of to­
Gwad ar u nd er CPEC  for
which Rs150 million has been
check overcharging  and
overloading  of  passengers
export to China brisk to  load/offload  Containers,
Coal, Canola  seeds,  LNG
Palm Kernel, Vegetable oil and
PTCL partners with Daraz
tal allocation of Rs500 million
in the PSDP 2018­19.
earmarked in the current bud­
in  buses  and  vans  before
Eid. amid robust demand Diesel oil  respectively.
Out  of  them  three  con­ to offer exclusive shopping
ISLAMABAD  (APP):  The mainland.Now it takes  34 tainer ships, Maersk  Detroit,
export  of  Pakistani  seafood
from Gwadar to Chinese cit­
hours  for lobsters  and  grou­
pers  from  Pakistan  to arrive
MOL  Glo be and CSAV
Tyndall  sailed  out  to sea  on
vouchers to its customers
ies  through Urumqi, China’s in Xinjiang through air trans­ Thursday morning and an oil ISLAMABAD  (APP):  Paki­ ficer, PTCL  Moqeem ul
Xinjiangautonomous  region port, instead of 25 days. tanker Analipisi  Lady  is  ex­ stan Telecommunication Com­ Haque said, “We strive to pro­
has increased manifold owing “When I visited Gwadar pected to sail on same day in pany Limited (PTCL),  the vide our customers with new
to robust dem and, Chen in 2016, I  found  that  it  had the afternoon. country’s largest telecom ser­ offerings through unique and
Baoliang,  chairman of the high­quality seafood but A  cargo volu me of vices  provider,  collaborated innovative collaborations  us­
board of  Xinjiang Yu­Fei  In­ lacked proper facilities to pro­ 181,699  tonnes,  comprising with Daraz, Pakistan’s biggest ing  digital  services.  Through
ternational Fishing Company cess them,” Chen said. 136,126 tonnes imports cargo e­commerce  platform,  to  of­ partnerships like these, PTCL
said on Thursday. He invested  500 million and 45,543  tonnes  export fer exclusive Daraz shopping aims to lead Pakistan into the
Yu­Fei  Marine  Technol­ yuan  (about  73  million  U.S. cargo, inclusive of container­ vouchers to PTCL customers. digital era by engaging with its
ogy of China (Gwadar) Com­ dollars) to build fishing, pro­ ized  cargo carried in 3,645 This  initiative  provides massive customer base nation­
pany is one of the largest fish­ cessing,  refrigerated ware­ Contain ers  (TEUs),  (1,248 discounts  to  PTCL  new  and wide, enabling  customers  to
ing companies in the Gwadar houses and established one of TEUs  im ports  and 2,397 old  customers  to  Daraz,  on experience fast, secure & con­
port of Pakistan, according to the largest seafood processing TEUs exports) was handled at purchases made through Daraz venient services  and
China.org.cn. centers in Gwadar. the Port during last 24 hours. website and Daraz App, a press strengthen the economic infra­
“Since the company was Yu­Fei is among a grow­ Four ships, Teno, Safia­ release on Thursday said. structure of the country.”
established in 2017, we have ing list of companies that bank I, Maersk Brooklyn and Yuan The vouchers will be sent Addressing the occasion,
been exporting an increasing on robust domestic demand in Ping Sea carrying Containers to PTCL customers as part of Managing Director Daraz Pa­
quantity  of seafood  back  to China to import seafood from and Coal are expected to take their bill and the offer will be kistan  Ehsan  Saya  said  “In
China,” said Chen. Gwadar and sell to customers berths at QICT and PIBT re­ valid for one  time  purchase today’s digital age, Daraz has
In the last two years, Yu­ in Urumqi and Karamay, both spectively on Thursday. only made during the month emerged as the most popular
PESHAWAR: Workers make traditional shoes locally called “chapli” for the Fei imported 1,000 tonnes of in  Xinjiang,  and  other  cities While a containers ship, CMA of June. platform  for quick, safe  and
seafood and sold them to cit­ including Beijing, Shanghai, CGM Medea is due to arrive Speaking on this partner­ dependable purchasing expe­
upcoming Eid al-Fitr festival in Peshawar, northwest Pakistan. ship, Chief  Commercial  Of­ rience in Pakistan.
ies in the  Chin ese and Shenzhen. at Port Qasim on Friday.
Edited with the trial version of

Thursday May 30, 2019 Page

Foxit Advanced PDF Editor

To remove this notice,

Pakhtun is one of the Karim Nosherwani

BAP never comprise
peaceful nation: Zmarak over masses interests
Independent Report and tolerance from their hands He  is  of  the  view  that Independent Report ing of 15 years, their legal de­
QUETTA: Central Leader of at any condition and cost. they made  the  footprint  of QUETTA:  Central  leader  of mands of regularizing was not
Awami  National  Party  and He  stated  further  in its their  forefather,  martyrs  and Balochistan Awami Party and assured due  to which em­
Provincial  Minster on  Agri­ issued statement  that  they assisters  and adh ered to ex provincial  minister  Mir ployees are facing sever and
cu ltu re En gin eer Zmarak paid  glaring  tribute  to  their policy  of  non­violence  after Abdul Karim Nosherwani di­ boundless and limitless dif­
Khan Achakzai stated here on martyrs who embraced mar­ announcement of Bacha Khan rected to government of ficulties,  he  directed as  oc­
Wed n esd ay stated th at tyrdom  in 1930  who  sacri­ in giving message to the whole Balochistan to take instant and cupying the status of ex pro­
Awami  National Party gave fices fo r th e rights  of world that Pakhtun is a peace­ immediate  measures  for ac­ vincial  minister  and central
lots of sacrifices for the pro­ Pakh tu n’s righ ts  due  to ful nation, adding that get rid ceptance of the legal and licit leader  of  Balochistan said
tectio n co n stitu tio n , su ­ wh ich Bach a Khan an­ from the  yolk of  English demands of the BDA employ­ that  it  was  the  objective  of
premacy of constitution and nounced  the  policy  of  non­ people  and  imperialism  after ees,  therefore,  solving  legal elected rep resentatives  to
democracy,  adding  that  the violence  said  that  Pakhtun ensuring the principle of pro­ demands of BDA employees waged efforts for  the rights
sacrifices give by the martyrs nation is one of the peaceful vincial autonomy and approv­ obligated on them. He said that of masses. Central leader of
of ANP will not go waste any nation who always gave sac­ ing of 18th amendment. Balochistan  Awami  Party  is Baloch istan Awami  Party
condition. rifices  for  acquisition and Central Leader of Awami the party of poor citizens and and ex provincial  minister
Central leader of Awami achievement of their rights. National  Party ANP and  Pro­ it  would  not  carry  any  deci­ Mir Abdul  Karim
National Party and Provincial Leader of ANP and min­ vincial Minster on Agriculture sion over the rights of masses Nosherwani  has  stated fur­
on Agriculture Engin eer ister of Agriculture Engineer Engineer Zmarak has stated that QUETTA: President Chamber of commerce Jumma Khan Badizai along with del- and employees at any condi­ ther that governm ent of
Zmarak Khan Achakzai stated Zmarak Khan Achakzai was Awami National Party rendered egation in a meeting with Assistance of Iranian Foreign Minister Syed Rasool tion and at any time. Balochistan  must  carry  the
that alive and energetic nation of  th e  view  th at  killing  of lots of sacrifices for the protec­ Moosavi These views  were  ar­ efforts  for  so lving  and re­
did  not  forget  their assistors martyrs are bacon of light for tion constitution, supremacy of Wattan Garan ticulated by him while speak­ dressing the legal or accept­
and martyrs, adding that they
strictly adhere to the footpath
them and the respective na­
tion will be live always that
constitution  and  democracy,
adding  that  the  sacrifices give
APCA support demands False cases ing to the protesting employ­
ees of BDA here the other day
able demands of BDA as soon
as it could be possible, he is
of Bacha Khan and they would
not leave the skirt of patience
adhere to their footprints of
their forefathers.
by the martyrs of ANP will not
go waste any condition. of BDA employees against PTM stated that the achievement of
every provincial government
of the view that Balochistan
Awami  Party will  not  carry
QUETTA  (PPI)  Protest  rally  He demanded of the au­ leaders must is  feasible  when it  take seri­
ousness and sincerity in solv­
any bargain over  the  inter­
ests of masses nor it took.
of All  Pakistan  Clerks Asso­
ciation (Dad Mu hamm ad
thority to address the genuine
demands of Joint Action Com­
be taken back ing the  problems  of masses Central  leader of
Independent Report and employees.  Unless they Balochistan Awami Party and
Group) was taken out from the mittee  of  Balochistan  Devel­ ex provincial  minister  Mir
lawn  of Metropolitan  Corpo­ opment  Authority  forthwith. QUETTA:  Social  political (governments)  give  concen­
personality of Pakhtunkhwa tration over the being solved Abdul  Karim Nosherwani
ration, Quetta passed  in front Moreover, social activist Jalila urged upon the government of
of Liaquat Park, District Court Haider Advocate also  visited Milli  Awami  Party Wattan problems of  masse and  em­
Gran stated in its newspaper ployees,  it  can  not be  suc­ Balochistan  to carry  instant
and  reached in  front of  Press the  hunger  strike  camp of and  immediate  measures  for
Club Quetta where they held a B.D.A’s Joint Action Commit­ statement that  taking  a  pro­ cessful in  achieving its aims
testing for the achievement of and taking  out  masses  from acceptance of the legal and licit
protest demonstration in sup­ tee  and assured  her  support demands of the BDA employ­
port of demands of  joint ac­ to the hunger strikers. basic  rights  is  the  clear and difficult time, he underlined.
overt responsibility of every He was of the view that ees,  therefore,  solving  legal
tion committee of Balochistan Apart from that, the em­ demands of BDA employees
Development Authority. ployees of Balochistan Devel­ citizen  of  Pakistan  whether those employees were of the
they affiliated with any prov­ Jam Kamal period but elaps­ obligated on them.
After chanting slogans in opment Authority  led  by Yar
front  of  press club Quetta, Muhammad Tareen, Chairman, ince of Pakistan.
protesters  went  to hun ger Joint Action Committee, BDA None give  the  rights  of
strike  camp  of  joint  action took out protest rally from their protesting  of his/their  basic
committee of Balochistan De­ hunger strike camp and reached rights  to citizens  in  charity
velopment Authority to show Manan Chowk  where  they but this  right  was  given by
solidarirty  with  the  hunger blocked main Jinnah Road for all the state  co nstitu tio n ally
strikers. Speaking at the occa­ kind  of  traffic. Protesters were through constitution in demo­
sion, Dad Muhammad Baloch, carrying banners inscribed with cratic  and  peaceful  manner,
QUETTA: Pakistan Workers Confederation balochistan hold protest in favour of President, All Pakistan Clerks slogans in support  of  their de­ therefore,  every citizen of
their demands Association said  that the  de­ mands. Chanting  slogans  for Pakistan  can  stage  a  protest
mands  were  genuine  as  the about 30 minutes at main Manan in peaceful manner inside the
PTCL arranges Masses buy joint  action committee  had Chowk of Jinnah Road, pro­ constitution for acceptance of
been observing hunger strike testers  marched on Jinnah their legal demands, he said.
daily needs He condemned the extra
Iftari dinnar for 400 things on
for the getting the services of
co ntract emp lo yees of
Balo chistan Develop ment
Road and reached the hunger
strike  camp of  Joint  Action
Committee  of  Balochistan
judicial killing of PTM work­
ers and filing false cases over QUETTA: President of Balochistan Photo Graphic
labourer of bricks cheaper rates
FromOur Correspondent
Authrotiy  regularized. Development Authority. the members and workers of
PTM  during  their  peaceful
Society Falak Sher Khan presenting a photo of Buzi
Pass Coastal Highway to Chief Executive of PPHIAziz
For continuation of good governance protest to get them afraid held
in Mastung’s Dasht NASEERABAD: Cheaper
Bazaar  was  held  in  Dera Cordial relation between in Northern Waziristan,
Ahmed Jamali.

QUETTA  (APP):  Pakistan Med ical  Officer Dr, Niaz Murad Jamali from district

Sawat,  Miranshah,  Quetta,
Cham an,  Dukki, Loralai, No place for criminals
Telecommunication Company
Limited (PTCL) has arranged
Muhammad, and other senior
officials  were  present  on  the
administration in giving re­
lief  to masses  where  citi­
Press, govt plays role of Pishin  and Zhob  as  reaction
of  opening  open  fire  by  the in Kech: DC
Iftari dinner for bricks labourers
in Holy month of Ramazan at
occasion said press release is­
sued here on Thursday.
zens at large bought daily
life  commod ities veg­
basic foundation: Hashim army personnel when peace­
ful rally of PTM members in FromOurCorrespondent rested and 62 proclaimed of­
Dasht area of Mastung district Regional  General  Man­ etables, fruits and meat on QUETTA (PPI) For continu­ Balochistan Shah Irfan leading of  Ali  Wazir  and BOLAN:  Deputy Commis­ fenders were arrested or com­
the other day. ager  Quetta  Nazeer Ahmed ation of  good governance, Gharsheen, Director, Press In­ Mohsin were towards the in­ sioner  Kech Sultan  Ahmed prehended in duration of four
Abo ut 400 lab ou rer said PTCL would set up Iftari cheaper prices. identification and tim ely formation Department, Abdul clusion of sit­in of datha khail Bugti,  while  carrying  press months and they were brought
fasters  alon g  th eir  family dinnar in other respective ru­  As  well  as,  different com pletion of sch em es Manan  Kakar,  Director Pub­ Miranshaw  that  was  con­ conference, said  that  lawful into the book.
members  attended  the  Iftari ral areas of Balochistan in or­ stalls  were installed  from pertaining to socio­economic lic Relation, Muhammad Noor ducted  in  disgracing  of their strict  action  was  to  be  taken He was of the view that
Dinnar,  despite  renown ed der  to provide  facilities  of the  side  of Anjuman­i­ uplift of t he province Khetran, m em bers of women during  one  of  the against  criminals  elements  in ration and daily commodities
NaatKhwan Muh am mad Iftari dinnar to  needy people Tajaran  like  Cold  Drink, coupled with acquainting the Balochistan  Editor  Council search operation. the  district  Kech  and  stated were distributed among the af­
Azam Chashti  and PTCL’s including labourers. Labourers Sugar, gee, rice, pulses and masses  with its  fruits,  cor­ and other  officers  were  also He  stated in his  state­ there is no  place for breakers fected affectees  by recent
Regional  General  Manager appreciated the role of PTCL meat where masses bought dial  relation  between  press present. ment  that  government  itself of  law  in district to  dash  or flood after  taking aerial  view
Quetta Nazeer Ahmed Marri, regarding  Iftari  dinnar  pro­ purchasing  at  very  large and go vernment  plays  the At the end of iftar Din­ come on violation of govern­ scrape peace or order of prov­ of those affected areas to give
General Manager Muhammad gram and thanked officials of scale. role of basic foundation. ner,  President,  Balochistan ment and extra judicial killing ince. relief as  well as  all the  assis­
Siddiq Khathran,  Regional PTCL in this regard. These  views  were  ex­ Editor Council while thank­ of  workers  and filing  cases Deputy Commissioner tant  comm issioners  and
The  cheaper bazaar pressed  by  renowned  intel­ ing the distinguished guests Kech Sultan  Ahmed Bugti tehildars that were given task
that  were  installed  from against  them are  not  good
Piles of garbage irking district administration
was paid visit by Deputy
lectual  and  Secretary,  Gov­
ernment  of Balochistan, In­
to have  attended the  iftar
Dinner, said that local press
omen, adding that rejecting the
democratic demands of PTM
stated further  that peace  and
prosperity  is  the  priority  of
of  fulfilled  their  reports  and
submitted at the office.
fo rm atio n Dep artm en t, had always  seconded the district administration therein Despite  taking  reports
citizens bitterly Commissioner  Zafar  Ali
B al och , ADC J al ai l
Muham ­  m ad Has him
Nadeem while addressing the
initiatives taken by the gov­
ern m ent f or pr ogress of
and taking  them away  from
acceptance  of  their legal  de­
mands  is  clearly  against  the
all the assistant commission­
ers, tehsildars and in charges
from affected areas, if there are
remnant  areas,  these  people
Independent Report and  facing  of basic  facilita­ Ahmed, Chairman Mu­ participants  of  iftar  Dinner people and for maintaining were issued directions to take must submit their applications
QUETTA:  The  area  of  pro­ tions. Islamic norms and constitution
nicipal Committee Chief hosted  by Balochistan  Edi­ durable  peace. He hoped of Pakistan. strict action against the dash­ and submit at the office hours
vincial capital namely and its It is viewed that the area, tor Council here on Tuesday. that government should con­ However, it  was  de­ ers of peace and establish law at offices of deputy commis­
adjacent  areas  turn ed into amid 20th century, faces ba­ Offi cer B ab o Bech al sioners and teshildar.  On the
On the  occasion, Direc­ tinue playing its role for re­ manded by the various politi­ and order situation in tolerat­
heaps of garbage, a bunch of sic  p ro blems  an d citizens Lashari, tehsildar Bahdur tor General, Public Relations, dressing our grievances. ing no concession with break­ other hand, he asserted further
Khan Khoso, Director of cal parties that it must re­take
problems and facing of basic have  been  snatched  of  their the false cases that were made ers of law and order. that levies officials 37 in num­
facilitation greatly  contrib­ basic  rights  whereas  unhy­ Market Committee Direc­ Deputy Commissioner bers were ousted from duties
t or Qurban Lehri an d over the innocent workers of
uted  in disturbing  the  ordi­ gienic condition is exacerbated PTM  in  response  of  getting underlined that they took strict because of not fulfilling their
nary life of citizens. and heaps of garbage is seen Nawab u dd in Do mk i free  of Ali  Wazir  one  of  the action against the criminals of duties and no concession will
According to details, ow­ at the different places of killi where they inspected ev­ leader  of  PTM  and  Member Tehsil Suni, Bal Nari and pro­ be awarded to officials or of­
ing to a lack of interest of con­ due  to which  it  create  rat  a ery s t al l s et up i n of National Assembly. claimed  offenders  were  ar­ ficers negligent to their duties.
cerned  authority  contributed smell  thereby contribute  in Cheaper  Bazaar  of  Dera
in increasing difficulties of or­
dinary  citizens  in the  area  in
different and various sort of
diseases including respiration
M urad Jamali wh ere
masses  bought  daily  life
Providing justice only
shape of heaps of garbage, pre­
senting of a bunch of problems
and chest diseases have been
common among the citizens.
commodities  on  cheaper
prices. solution to all problems
FromOurCorrespondent further that the rulers want to general election. It was stated
Funds embezzled before HUB: Many parties come and
go. But, the current  Pakistan
Tehreek­i­Insaf came  in to
secure from accountability, so
they took shelter under influ­
ence of  ruling in flu ential
the interests of rulers and land­
lords across the country did not
in  favour of country  interest
reaching to masses QUETTA: Residents of Jaffarabad along with his wife
addressing a press conference.
power on the basis of slogan
taking accountability of all and
sundry  whether  politicians
people,  adding  that  ruling
community  is  one  of  major
and mammoth hurdle  in the
and masses interest. The claim­
ers of establishing the state of
Medini  had  been  limited  to
FromOur Correspondent owners  nor  he paid  a  visit  to Livestock is drawing their sala­ and  government officers. As way of supremacy of consti­ merely publishing newspapers
WASHUK:  Hundred  rupees
of  funds  of  Department  of
the during famine which is so
ries  sitting  at  homes  without
discharging their duties timely. Issue of water in holy month well as, eradication of the cor­
ruption was also the chief slo­
tutions and laws.
Provincial General Secre­
statement  and  tall  slogan.  If
there  is  competition  between
Livestock in term of vaccine, It is stated that one of the It is further unveiled that tary of Jamaat Islami said that the righteous and wrongs, it is
installing Aid Camp, medicines camel  projects  was  approved livestock  owners  fell  to  prey ofRamazan continue gan  of  the ex provincial  gov­
ernment which is ruling. But,
when  it  stepped  onto  power,
landlord  and  feudal  investors
often imposed the ruling of their
because of the system of injus­
tice prevailed across the coun­
and program funds misappro­ for ten  corers masses of  Dis­ of worries and concerns due not
priated by the officers in pre­ trict Washuk that was consisted having of officer of Livestock FromOur Correspondent ment o f  PHE  that  passed the  situation  seemed entirely willingness on forlorn masses try  and  gap between  the  rich
through different  area  that contrary to their slogan. When once they took to power, add­ and poor as well as landlords
ferring  their vested  personal of two  rooms,  the  masses  of despite the location of Bisema USTA  MUHAMMAD: took  the  shape  of  protesta­ some carry curse of corruption ing that raising against feudal­ and tenants. And, the oppres­
interests  rather  than taking Washuk did not see any project on the CPEC Route and major Drinking  and  clean  water  is tion on Milad Chowk which ism  and oppression  is equate sors took the shelter under the
take  the  shelter under  the in­
care of life of livestock which so far. Besides approving of the livestock owners  belonged to the  need  of  every citizen  in was  addressed by  Wazir Ali fluential parties.  The  criticiz­ to supporting the oppression. influence of influential parties.
are the source earning of poor camel  project  for  ten corer area of Shanger Sharenza. every p art  of  Balochistan Umarani, Mehm boob Ali ing of Jamaat Islami in criticiz­ Idayatur Rehman Baloch was However, unless there  is  sys­
communities. There is office of masses,  no  any  other project And,  half  of  means  of whether is urban or rural area. Deya, Abdul Sattar and oth­ ing the  current  governmental of the views while addressing tem  of justice among the rich
the  Deputy  Director Washuk was  permitted  to  masses  to populously  populated district despite ensuring facilities of ers. setup  in imposing  their land­ to different ceremonies’ herein and  poor between the tenants
across  the  whole  district  and take benefits despite the own­ of Washuk depended on live­ water  to  forlorn masses  of In protestation against lordism and feudalism and de­ district  Naseerabad  over  the and landlord, country cannot be
funds, medicines and  hold of ers of livestock as their depen­ stock as their means of earning Dera Murad Jam ali,  Usta the PHE,  they unveiled the clared it as the main hurdle in bringing of change in Pakistan progress. If the west progress it
program  were  embezzled be­ dence of earning means. but because  of  negligence  of Muhammad, Sibi and Loralai shortage of clean water be­ the way of supremacy of con­ did not carry any thing neither is due to the prevailing of jus­
were claimed by their elected ing faced by citizens of dif­ stitution and laws.  Provincial for country nor for the interest tice system. But, unfortunately,
fore  reaching  to masses  of It is very regrettable that Livestock Officer of Washuk, masses representatives. But, fe ren t Mu halas General  Secretary  of Jamaat of ideology just fostered pro­ there is  one  law  for the  poor
Washuk and Deputy Director there is no office of Livestock livestock owners, depending as reaching  to the  floor  of  as­ Hus sian abad , Ba galz ai pagandizing  before  the  post and other law for the rich.
Uelma  Islam  has  underlined
Washuk did not considered it in the entire district but Deputy livestock their means, worried sembly, they forget the com­ Muhala,  Mirali  Street,  Plal
appropriate  to  pay  a  visit  to Director turned the office into about earning of two time mor­ plicated  and priority  issues Muhala,  Chandio Muhala
flood affected areas which gave his guest house. Accordingly, sel which showed the inertia of of masses  to solve that  had and Hin du M uhala. The
major  losses  to  the  livestock officers of  district Washuk  of livestock  officers. been promised at the time of non­provision of clean wa­
general election. Clean drink­ ter supply was declared the
ing water which is the neces­ complete and utter failure of
sity of every two perso n PHE officials.
whether in urban and rural ar­ Hence, these are not
eas must be provided as pri­ the  first  areas  or  Muhalas
ority. which are  confronting the
As regards with seeking confrontation of  clean wa­
the provision of clean drink­ ter  but  there  are  also vari­
ing water, All Parties Citizens ous areas and Muhalas who
Action Committee protested eve  did not  eve the  under­
against the lack of clean and ground lines of clean water
d rin king water and they provision to them. Amidst
chanted slogan for Stable and th e last Ash era of Ho ly
Clear  Pakistan. They  on  the m o nt h o f Ram az an, t he
eve of protestation and dem­ sh or tage of wa te r c le an
onstration stated that despite drinking water responsibil­
having of water with respec­ ity of PHE and government.
tive authorities, they  are  not So, respective authorities at
providing or supply the clean whose  provisio n of clean
or drinking water to them. water is bound must be pro­
So, the chairman of All vided before forcing the resi­
Parties Citizen Action Com­ dents  of  area  countrywide QUETTA: Large number of people throng to the market for shopping in prepara-
QUETTA: People taking nap under shadow of the tree in local park. mittee Shukat Ali Lehri took better  pro testation that  is tion of upcoming Eid-ul-Fitr.
out a rally against the Depart­ continuing.
Edited with the trial version of
Daily Independent, Quetta Friday May Foxit
2019 PDF Editor
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AJK president apprises OIC
members of deteriorating
human rights situation in IOK
MIRPUR (AJK) (APP): AJK tary  General of  Organization cluding President Azad Jammu
Presid ent  Sardar Masood of  Islamic  Cooperation,  Dr and Kashmir Sardar Masood
Khan Thursday apprised Yousef Ahmed Al­Othaimeen, Khan, also attended the meet­
members of the Organisation expressing deep concern over ing.
of Islamic Countries (OIC) of the grave situation in occupied In his address, Dr Yousef
the fast  deterio ratin g  hu­ Kashmir has called for an im­ Ahmed Al­Othaimeen  said,
m an rights situ atio n fol­ mediate  cessation of  Indian “The Jammu and Kashmir is­
lo wed by the  continued oppression and  atrocities  in sue is close to our hearts and
oppressive  policies  of  In­ the  territory  and  urged  India is  one  of  the most  impor­
dian f orce s in occ upied to peacefully resolve the Kash­ tant issues on the agenda of
Jammu & Kashmir. mir dispute in accordance with the  organization  of Islamic
Masood,  currently at­ the wishes of Kashmiri people Cooperation,  and therefore
tending OIC session in Jeddah, and the UN Security Council our com m itm ent to t he
Thursday commended the Resolutions. Jammu and Kashmir  cause
ISLAMABAD: Adviser to Prime Minister on Finance, Revenue and Economic Affairs, Dr. Abdul Hafeez Shaikh chairing a meeting of the OIC’s  support  for  the The OIC Secretary Gen­ has been and will remain firm,”
Economic Coordination Committee (ECC) of the Cabinet. Kashm iri  people in th eir eral  said this  while  presiding he said.
struggle for securing their right over the meeting  of the  OIC He said, Kashmir move­
ECC gives approval for issuing
BSA delegation calls on Yasinzai: to self­determination.
He also presented to the
Contact Group on Jammu and
Kashmir in Jeddah ahead of the
ment is a legitimate struggle of
the people for the realization
Govt. determined to Rs.20 bln Sovereign Guarantee OIC  Secretary General  a
memorandum containing the
14th Islamic Summit.
The  meetin g  was  at­
of their rights and fully in con­
formity with the resolution of
details of the human rights vio­ tended by the Foreign Minis­ the United Nations and inter­
promotesquash in for Investment in NIT
lations by Indian troops in the
occupied territory, an official
ters  of  Pakistan  and  Turkey,
Deputy  Foreign Minister  of
national  law.  “Attempts  to
suppress or degrade it by link­
Balochistan, says statem ent  issued by AJK
ISLAMABAD  (APP):  The the wheat  situatio n in the meeting, for introducing a dy­ Government to the media here
Azerbaijan and Senior Repre­
sentatives of Saudi Arabia and
ing  it  to terrorism  are, there­
fore, futile and in violation of
Economic Coordination Com­ country. namic shipping policy focus­ Thursday evening said. Niger.  The  True  Representa­ UN  resolutions and  interna­
Governor Yasinzai mittee  (ECC) of the  Cabinet He in formed that  the ing on expansion and develop­
Thursday  approved  the  pro­ country  was  in  comfortable ment of local shipping indus­
It continued that  Secre­ tives of Kashmiri people, in­ tional law,” he said.

Independent Report promotion of squash and pro­ posal of Finance Division, au­ position  with  having  7.257 try.

vision  of  necessary  facilities thorizing  the  government to million tons of wheat available The ECC acceded to the
QUETTA:  G o ve rn o r and  training  to the  players issue so vereign guarantee in the stock. proposal of Ministry of States
amounting to Rs20 billion for Ministry of  Maritime and Frontier Regions to grant
Ba lo ch ist an , Ju s tice ® were discussed in the meeting. investment in National Invest­ Affairs suggested various pro­ Rs.781,591,000/­ for arrang­
Am anullah Khan Yasinzai They  also  discussed  as
ment Trust (NIT)­State Enter­ posals on the revival and de­ ing  20,000  Metric  Tons  of
has  stated  that  the  present how to improve performance prise Fund. velopment of shipping indus­ wheat  for  Temporarily Dis­
government is determined to of the Squash Association in The step has been taken try in  Pakistan. placed  Persons  of  erstwhile
p r o m o t e t h e g a m e o f the province. to  stabilize  the  stock  market The  Committee  noted FATA.
squ ash and provide  train­ The  Governor said  that of  the  country,  said  a  press the proposals and advised the The ECC also approved
ing to squash players at the it is a matter of pleasure that a statement  issued  by the  Fi­ Ministries  of  Petroleum  and Supplementary  and  Techni­
pro vincial  level. large  number  of  people  are nance Min ister  after  ECC Maritime  Affairs  to jointly cal  Supplementary Grants
This  was  stated  by the coming  towards  sports  and meeting which was chaired by come  up  with  a  comprehen­ for  various  Ministries/Divi­
Governor while talking to the other healthy activities in the Adviser to Prime Minister on sive  proposal,  in next  ECC sions.
President o f  Balo ch istan province. Finance, Revenue  and  Eco­
Squash  Association  (BSA), He also assured to extend nom ic Affairs,  Dr.  Abdul
Muhammad Arshad and Gen­ every  possible  cooperation Hafeez Shaikh.
Customs doing utmost
Meanwhile,  Secretary,
eral Secretary,  Zafarul  Islam to the  Squash Association
Kakar, who called on him here to resolve  the issues  being Ministry of  National  Food
on Thursday. faced by the Squash Asso­ Security and Research  up­
to tackle menace of
The matters pertaining to ciation. dated  the  Committee  about
smuggling ISLAMABAD: Special Assistant to the Prime Minister on Information and Broad-
Independent Report fo r  th e  period July­April casting Dr. Firdous Ashiq Awan addressing a press conference along with Advisor
QUETTA:  While  the  smug­ 2018­19  when  compared  to to the Prime Minister on Commerce, Textile, Industries, Production and Invest-
glers  mafia has  badly hit the figures  of corresponding pe­ mentAbdul Razak Dawood.
genuine  business  practice riod of previous year.
across  the  country, Pakistan
customs under the umbrella of
Federal Board of Revenue is
However,  it  is  also re­
sponsibility  of  the  business
community to discourage the
Low export growth rate due
doing its utmost to tackle the
menace of smuggling despite
limited resources.
sale and purchase of smuggled
goods since snuggling is incor­
rect  legally, socially  and  cul­
to global recession: Dawood
In this regard, the major turally at the time when smug­ ISLAMABAD (APP): recession  in  global  exports to the same period of last year.
entry points/smuggling routes gling has long been a source of Pakistan’s garments, knitwear, which are decreased by 3 per­ He  said  export  of  yarn
in the country are being moni­ concern for the country and is cement,  food,  footwear  ex­ cent  compared  to the  previ­ which was a low value added
tored by customs m obile one of the major components ports  increased in term of ous year and the prices of the product  had  declined  during
squads besides the information of the black economy.  Accord­ quantity, however due to glo­ commodities especially in the the  period which  shows  that
based joint operations carried ingly,  Chairman FBR  Syed bal  decline  in  prices,  the  ex­ countries where Pakistan has “our direction  is  in  the  right
JHAL MAGSI: Balochistan Chief Minister Jam Kamal Khan, Provincial Minis- out by Pakistan customs with Muhamad Shahbar Zaidi has ports in dollar term could not a major share of exports have side as we are focusing on pro­
ters offering Fateha on the sad demise of wife of Provincial Minister Nawabzada the assistance of Law Enforce­ urged the  traders  to refrain go up and remained stagnant also  declined  by  over  7 per­ moting high value added  prod­
Tariq Magsi. ment Agencies for seizure of from dealing in smuggled goods at the previous year’s level. cent mainly due to the recent ucts  and the  exports will  get
the smuggled goods. and  contribute  positively  to Advisor to Prime Minis­ trade war between China and momentum with the passage
Pak won WHA, elected Mother, Maryam According to a press re­
lease issued here by the Paki­
the government,s initiative to
revive the economy.
ter on  Commerce, Industries
and Textile  Abdul  Razak
the US.”  He  explained that
the  quantity  wise  exports  of
of time”. The Advisor said in
India, Bangladesh and Turkey,

UN Habitat Assembly & Hamza stan  Customs,  the  enhanced Meanwhile,  custom s Dawood  said  while  address­
ing  a  press  conference  here
garments,  knitwear,  cement,
bedwear, food, and foot wear
the exports also declined dur­
ing previous year. On the other
enforcement measures against field form ation across the
including party smuggling have yielded posi­ county has  embarked  upon flanked  by  Special Assistant increased by 29%, 16%, 13%, side, he said the imports, due
executive board member leader meet tive  results  and  the  value  of
seizures of smuggled goods has
constituting  special  teams  to
seize  smuggled  goods  wher­
to Prime Minister on Informa­
tion Dr Firdos Ashiq Awan on
10%,  11%,  and 27% respec­
tively during  first 10  months
to devaluation of  Pak  rupee
had declined by $4 billion dur­
Thursday. of current fiscal year compared ing the period.
Minister  for Climate  Change
The 2018 World Habitat
with Nawaz registered an increase of 20% ever found.
He said: “There  is a big
Zartaj Gul,  in a tweet  on her
social media account, said, she
Awards  were  officially pre­
sented  to  the  winners  at  the
LAHORE (Online):  Pakistan
Muslim League N party leader
Senate body perturbed
was  proud of  to  share  that
Pakistan had been  elected as
UN­Habitat First General As­
sembly in Nairobi this week.
including Sharif family mem­
bers  have  met  with  Nawaz
Sharif at Kot Lakh Pat jail.
over delay in post-mortem
an Executive Board Member The awards, run in part­
of  the  first  United  Nations
Habitat Assembly.
n ersh ip with UN­Habitat,
were presented by the Deputy
According  to  media  re­
ports,  the  family members
report of Farishta
Later, in her  an other Executive  Director  at  UN­ who  met  with  Nawaz  Sharif ISLAMABAD (APP): Senate who  conducted  the  autopsy,
tweet, she informed that it was Habitat  Victor  Kisob  to the included  Maryam Nawaz, his Standing Committee on Inte­ in next committee meeting.
another crowning achievement two winners – Little Ones of mother Begum Shamim Akhtar, rior  Thursday  expressed  its He  vowed introducing
for  the  country to win the Japan  and  Heritage  Founda­ Hamza  Shehbaz  while  party indignation  and  serious  con­ drastic  reforms in  first  infor­
World Habitat Award. tion  Pakistan. At  the  presen­ leader Shahid Khaqan, COL cern over the delay in submit­ matio n repo rt  registration
Zartaj  Gul  made  these tation event, Victor Kisob said: Javed,  Sardar  Ayaz  Sadiq, ting post­mortem report of a (FIR)  system.
announcements during her visit “I  am proud to  present  the Maryam Aurangzeb and child abuse victim girl Farishta A  sub  committee  com­
to the United Nations Human World  Habitat  Awards  tro­ Khuram Dastgir  .  150 persons and directed the  inspector prising Rana Maqbool, Sena­
Settlements Programme (UN­ phies this year – the two World name have been given to the Jail general of police to include the tor  Javed Abbasi  and IGP
Habitat)’s first­ever Assembly Habitat Awards 2018 winners official for meeting with Nawaz relevant doctor in the investi­ Islamabad was constituted to
from May 27 to 31 in Nairobi, are an inspiration for many. Sharif on  Eid  Ul  Fitter while gations. recommend  reforms  in  FIRs
Jail superintendent has said 500 A meeting of the commit­ within a week time.
Marriages’ scandal fails to more name can come for meet­
ing with Nawaz Sharif.
QUETTA: Malik Abdul Wali Kakar, Allama Zahid Faheem Khan and others ad-
dressing during a ceremony in connection with to show solidarity with Palestinian
tee chaired by Senator  A
Rehman Malik said the com­
The  committee  directed
Islamabad  Capital  Territory
people organized by Palestine Foundation Pakistan. mittee has apprehensions over (ICT) administration to sub­
harm Sino-Pak ties: Report Two die, Maulana Wasey expresses solidarity: Pak re-elected
extra ordinary  delay in  post­
mortem report.
mit  a  complete  list  of  ille­
ga l  bu ildings, s ho pp in g
BEIJING  (INP)  ­  Pakistani mark of bringing about cultural Farishta  would be  pro­ malls, their encroachments
and Chinese social media plat­ and social  interactions  be­ two injure in BDA’s contract employees to governing vided justice, he said and sum­ in Islamabad to the commit­
forms  were  recently  buzzed tween people of Pakistan and
Kanak firing councils of
moned the concerned doctor, tee.
with a unique marriages’ scan­
dal,  that  however,  failed  to
China’s  Xinjiang  prov­ QUETTA  (APP):Unknown
gunmen  shot dead  two  per­
take out protest rally, APDIM, SIAP
cause  any harm  to  growing ince and Pakistan’s Northern
Sino­Pak ties.
This tim e  th e
areas,  main ly com prisin g
Gilgit,  Baltistan,  Hunza  etc
sons  and  injured  two  other
near Kanak at Noshi Road area
stage dharna in Quetta ISLAMABAD  (APP):  Paki­
stan Thursday re­elected to the
perpetuator  of  the  scandals have been important hubs of of  Mastung  district  on late Independent Report sues. The employees of BDA Governing  Councils  of Asia
tried to hit the Pakistan­China bringing people to people con­ night Wednesday. QUETTA:  The  contract  em­ working on  adhoc basis  said Pacific Center  for  Develop­
social and cultural engagements tacts between two exemplary Accordin g  to Levies ployees of Balochistan Devel­ that  they  are  observing  pro­ ment of Disaster Information
that sped up after the speedy friendly nations. sources, the  victims were  on opm ent  Authority (BDA) test  for  long, but  nothing  is Management  (APDIM)  and
growth o f  China­Pakistan In fact, according to the way home when armed assail­ took out protest rally to pres­ being done  to resolve  the is­ Statistical  Institute  for Asia
Eco no mic  Co rrid or,  th e report,  citizens of  Northern ants riding a motorbike opened surize  the  provincial  govern­ sue, they charged.  They said and the Pacific (SIAP) for the
CPEC, an important and most areas  of  Pakistan  were  pro­ fire at them and fled from the ment  for  acceptance  of their that the condition of few con­ term  2019­2022.
vibrant component of Belt and vided special travel documents scene. demand of  regularization  of tract  employees,  observing Elections were during the
Road initiative, the BRI. that  would enable  them to As a result, two of them their services,  in  the  provin­ hunger strike,  has  also  been ongoing  75th  Session  of  the
According  to an  report, travel to  China even  without died  on the  spot  while  two cial metropolis on Thursday. deteriorating with passage of United Nations Economic and
published by China Economic visa. other received wounds. The  rally started from every moment.  Meanwhile, Social  Commission  for  Asia
Net, the marriages of Pakistani In ancient  times,  both Levies force on informa­ the press club and terminated the hunger strike camp of the and  the  Pacific  (UNESCAP)
girls  with Chinese  men  and Chinese  and  Pakistanis  have tion reach ed the site  an d at the Shaheed Fayyaz Sunbal BDA’s contract employees re­ in  Bangkok,  Foreign Office
Chinese  girls  with  Pakistani been interacting  with each shifted the bodies and the in­ chowk  where  protest  sit­in mained continued outside  the said in a statement issued here. QUETTA: Member National Assembly and leader of
boys has a long history, span­ other on the sidelines of doing jured to  civil hospital  Quetta was  staged.  The  protestors press  club  on  Thursday. The Pakistan also secured the
where  the  injured victims’ chanted full throated slogans senior  leader  of  JUI­F  and Jamiat Ulama-e-Islam (F) Mullana Abdul Wasee in-
ning over decades. trade through Silk Road. How­ highest  number  of  votes  in specting the hunger sticker of BDA joint Action Com-
The  geographical  struc­ ever,  th e  co nstruction of treatment were started. for acceptance of their demand Member National Assembly, APDIM  election.
ture of both China and Paki­ Karakoram Highway brought The  identity  of  the  vic­ i.e., making them permanent. Maulana Abdul  Wasey  along mittee Hunger Strike Camp.
stan,  that  links  both  nations a great influx of both Chinese tims and the reason of killing They  also criticized  the with some other JUI leaders also Miftah not be
through  the  Silk  Road,  also
kno wn as  the  Karako ram
and Pakistani workers and en­
gineers to this Pakistan­China
could not be ascertained so far.
Levies force registered a
provincial government for not
paying  any  heed  to  their  is­
visited the protest camp of the
BDA’s contract employees. arrested in Mohmand dam to
case and started investigation.
Highway is an important land­ border vicinity.
Liaqat Baloch says: LNG case: be completed before
NAB tells IHC
JI not part of any ISLAMABAD  (APP):  The
Islamabad High Court (IHC)
2024 flood season
political alliance Thursday  disposed  of  an  in­
terim  bail  petition  of former
construction of  delayed­for­
decade Mohmand dam will be
ity. They said contract for civil
and electro­mechanical works
of Mohmand Dam Project had
LAHORE  (Online):  Acting Liaqat  Baloch  said  that finance minister Miftah Ismail
Ameer of the Jamaat e Islami, the JI’s political line of action after National Accountability completed  before  flood  sea­ already been awarded to a Joint
Pakistan,  Liaqat  Baloch, has was  absolutely clear  and it Bureau  (NAB)  informed the son of 2024. Official sources Venture comprising the China
said  that  the  JI was  not  part would play its  role  on the bench that yet no arrest war­ told APP  here  that  the  esti­ Gezhouba  Group  of  Compa­
of any political alliance and its political  front in and local rants had been issued against mated  cost  of  the  project  is nies  (CGGC)  of  China  and
relations  with other  parties bodies elections with its him in LNG quota case. A di­ Rs291 billion  and Water and DESCON  of  Pakistan.
and leaders would be based on party banner,  its  own nar­ visional  bench,  comprising Power Development Author­ Mohmand Dam Hydropower
positive and constructive ap­ rative,  its  unblemished past Justice Aamer Farooq and Jus­ ity would provide 67 per cent Project would phenomenally
proach on national issues. and  its  distinct record  of  so­ tice  Mohsin Akhter  Kiyan, financing while remaining 37 contribute towards water, food
He was add ressin g  a cial service. heard the case filed by Miftah per cent would provide by the and  energy  security  of Paki­
meeting of the JI central advi­ He said the  JI  would Ismail. During hearing, NAB government. The local people stan. They said Mohmand Dam
sory body at  Mansoora.  JI stage an Awami march in the officials assured the bench that had  already  transferred  land would go a long way in stabiliz­
Secretary Gen eral  Am irul Punjab  capital  on  June  16, there was no need of for  the  project  and it  would ing the  national  economy  be­
Azeem, JI deputy chiefs and against price hike, unemploy­ petitioner’s arrest as was ap­ help  mitigate  flooding  in  the sides  alleviating  poverty  and
QUETTA: Provincial Minister Social Welfare MirAsad Baloch presiding over 5th area for ever but also generate ushering in an era of develop­
deputy Secretaries general at­ ment and IMF slavery and in­ pearing before NAB  inquiry
Board Meeting of Balochistan Awami Endowment Fund tended the meeting. terest based loans. related to above case. 800 MW cheap hydel electric­ ment in the project area.

Chief Editor: Syed FarooqShah printed at Independent Printers Quarry Road Quetta and Published from Al-Syed Building M.A. Jinnah Road Quetta Ph. 2842938 Fax: 2842941, Cell No. 0336-5098083 E-mail:newsdailyind@gmail.com,dailyindisb@gmail.com

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