Mba-208 210
Mba-208 210
Mba-208 210
Note: Question No. 1 is of short answer type and is compulsory for all the students.
It carries 5 Marks. (Word limits 50-100)
Note : Question No. 1 is of short answer type and is compulsory for all the students.
It carries 5 Marks. (Word limits 50-100)
Note: Answer any two questions. Each question carries 5 marks (Word limits 500)
Q. 2. Discuss the types of generic strategies given by Michael Porter.
A firm's relative position within its industry determines whether a firm's profitability is above or below
the industry average. The fundamental basis of above average profitability in the long run is
sustainable competitive advantage. There are two basic types of competitive advantage a firm can
possess: low cost or differentiation. The two basic types of competitive advantage combined with the
scope of activities for which a firm seeks to achieve them, lead to three generic strategies for
achieving above average performance in an industry: cost leadership, differentiation, and focus. The
focus strategy has two variants, cost focus and differentiation focus.
. Cost Leadership
In cost leadership, a firm sets out to become the low cost producer in its industry. The sources of
cost advantage are varied and depend on the structure of the industry. They may include the pursuit
of economies of scale, proprietary technology, preferential access to raw materials and other factors.
A low cost producer must find and exploit all sources of cost advantage. if a firm can achieve and
sustain overall cost leadership, then it will be an above average performer in its industry, provided it
can command prices at or near the industry average.
Strategic management, especially when done well, is important for a business' long-term success.
When we say that a business is carrying out strategic management, what is meant is that "strategic
management" defines a strategy for its business activities, with clear, well-defined goals. The
business will then create clear, well-defined plans that it will then put in action to achieve its goals
and to align its business activities, so that the business will be in harmony with those goals. It also
will allocate all of the necessary resources to achieve those goals.
Note : Question No. 1 is of short answer type and is compulsory for all the students.
It carries 5 Marks. (Word limits 50-100)
Note: Answer any two questions. Each question carries 5 marks (Word limits 500)
Q. 2. Explain the economic and political environment which effect international business.
POLITICAL ENVIRONMENT...Bureaucracy, Corruption level , Freedom of the press ,
TariffsTrade , ControlEducation , LawAnti-trust , lawEmployment lawDiscrimination ,
lawData protection , lawEnvironmental , LawHealth and safety lawCompetition
regulationRegulation and deregulationTax policy (tax rates and incentives)Government stability
and related changes....
Consumer Confidence
Consumer confidence is an economic indicator that measures overall consumer optimism about
the state of the economy. Confident consumers tend to be more willing to spend money than
consumers with low confidence, which means businesses are more likely to prosper when
consumer confidence is high. Periods of high consumer confidence can present opportunities for
new businesses to enter the market, while period of low confidence may force companies to cut
costs to maintain profits.
Q. 3. Explain global business planning system in detail.
When you want to widen your business’s reach into international territories, you’ll need to put
together a global or international business plan. Investors and foreign governments want to know
that your business plan outlines your present reality, anticipates your future goals and communicates
how and when you plan to reach your objectives
Your global business plan works in the same way as any other business plan in that clarifies and
solidifies your vision and shows that you’ve researched and prepared for your international business
launch. Your plan communicates your ―sales pitch‖ to potential investors so they understand and can
analyze how you’ll make a profit. It also includes a strategy for understanding the global
marketplace, foreign location operations, legal commitments and the necessary parameters to make
your business work in the proposed location.
Note : Question No. 1 is of short answer type and is compulsory for all the students.
It carries 5 Marks. (Word limits 50-100)
Note: Answer any two questions. Each question carries 5 marks (Word limits 500)
Q. 2. Explain various stages of international business.
Once a business outgrows its initial target markets, it must look for new areas in which to expand. If its local
or national markets are small, too regulated or highly competitive, it may find that international markets are
more attractive and have a higher profit potential. Entering the global marketplace can be rewarding, but the
initiative must be guided by a well-defined marketing strategy.
The first stage of international market development is choosing the areas in which to market your products,
exploring the social and cultural differences. If your company has not developed a foreign market previously,
you may be more successful if you choose countries with some similarities to your home market. Begin by
creating a presence for your brand and differentiating it from local products in a positive way. Your promotion
and advertising have to fit in with local practices, customs, manners and standards.
Paper Code: MBA-210
Max. Marks: 15
Note: Question No. 1 is of short answer type and is compulsory for all the students.
It carries 5 Marks. (Word limits 50-100)
Note: Answer any two questions. Each question carries 5 marks (Word limits 500)
Q. 2. Discuss the various compositions of business plan.
A business plan can take many forms, depending on the venture. A four-person
management consulting firm may produce a leaner plan focused on service
expertise and industry experience compared to a 20-employee widget maker,
which would also have to describe products, manufacturing techniques,
competitive forces and marketing needs, among other details. But most plans will
include the following main sections:Executive summary
This is your five-minute elevator pitch. It may include a table of contents, company
background, market opportunity, management overviews, competitive advantages,
and financial highlights. It’s probably easiest to write the detailed sections first and
then extract the cream to create the executive summary. Try to keep it to just a
couple of pages.
Paper Code: MBA-210
Max. Marks: 15
Note : Question No. 1 is of short answer type and is compulsory for all the students.
It carries 5 Marks. (Word limits 50-100)
Note: Answer any two questions. Each question carries 5 marks (Word limits 500)
Q. 1. How small scale industries are helpful in economic development.
Small scale industries are important because it helps in increasing employment and economic
development of India. It improves the growth of the country by increasing urban and rural
growth. Role of Small and medium scale enterprises are to help the government in increasing
infrastructures and manufacturing industries, reducing issues like pollution, slums, poverty, and
many development acts. Small scale manufacturing industries and cottage industries play a very
important role in the economic development of India. If any amount of capital is invested in
small scale industries it will help in reducing unemployment in India and increasing self-
employment. The industry is a sector in which the production of goods is a segment of the
economy. Let us learn more about the importance of Small scale industries and how SSI helps in
developing the country.
Q. 2. Write the process of feasibility study?
Feasibility is defined as the practical extent to which a project can be performed successfully.
To evaluate feasibility, a feasibility study is performed, which determines whether the
solution considered to accomplish the requirements is practical and workable in the
software. Information such as resource availability, cost estimation for software
development, benefits of the software to the organization after it is developed and cost to
be incurred on its maintenance are considered during the feasibility study. The objective
of the feasibility study is to establish the reasons for developing the software that is
acceptable to users, adaptable to change and conformable to established standards.
Various other objectives of feasibility study are listed below.
To determine whether the software can be implemented using the current technology and within
the specified budget and schedule
To determine whether the software can be integrated with other existing software.