The Break-Off Phenomenon
The Break-Off Phenomenon
The Break-Off Phenomenon
anyone else who had. If the pilot experience. He had not heard it
replied in the negative, a limited num- described by any other pilot and was
ber of questions were asked regard- very reluctant to mention it to other
ing his experiences at high altitude. pilots for fear he would be considered
If the reply was in the affirmative, a to be peculiar.
description of the incident and an- Those pilots who experienced it
swers to specific questions were ob- characterized the break-off effect as
tained to clarify the account. a feeling of being isolated, detached,
or separated physically from the earth.
They perceived themselves as some-
A content analysis of the interviews how losing their connection with the
revealed that forty-eight (35 per cent) world. Some of the statements of
of the 137 jet pilots reported that pilots describing their sensations fol-
they had experienced the break-off ef- low: " I t seems so peaceful; it seems
fect, while only thirty-two (23 per like you are in another world." "I
cent) had heard it discussed among feel like I . . . have broken the bonds
pilots. Sixteen (.12 per cent) of the from the terrestrial sphere." For some
pilots who had not had the experience pilots this is associated with marked
themselves stated that they had heard exhilaration, e.g., "I have had the
it discussed in conversation with other feeling of being detached it's
jet pilots. This makes a total of 47 really a tremendous feeling." "I wou'ld
per cent of the pilots who had either guess that people who have these ex-
experienced or ~had 'heard of the break- periences really love to fly." Two
off effect. It is significant to note others stated it this way: "In an F J,
that only a third of the pilots who had I feel like a giant." "I feel something
experienced the effect 'had discussed like a king." Three pilots reported that
it with other pilots, and a still smaller they felt nearer to God. On the other
proportion of those who had not had hand, for other pilots the reverse ap-
the experience recalled hearing it dis- pears to be true; instead of exhilara-
cussed. A number of the pilots stated tion, anxiety or fear is present, but
that the experience was very personal only eighteen (38 per cent) of the
and that it was not the sort of thing pilots who reported break-off explicit-
that flyers talk about. As one pilot ly expressed fear or anxiety. This is
remarked, "You don't discuss things illustrated by one pilot's protocol
like this." Some of them stated that which reads in part as follows: " H e
they were afraid that the experience feels alone, light, remote, and insecure.
would be considered to be "corny" or He is unhappy until he gets to a
"silly." This concern appeared to be lower altitude. He feels the need to
justified, as shown by the statement have an important objective to take
of one pilot who had not had the his mind off it." A few pilots also ap-
experience, " . . . I haven't got that pear to have experiences which ap-
poetic yet." One of the younger pilots proach the break-off effect but have
expressed some relief to know that not had the typical experience. This
some other pilots had also had this is illustrated by one pilot who in re-
portance. The remainder either had ber of pilots experience it often, but
no opinion about its importance or for some it is associated with a de-
believed that it was of no importance. sire to return to lower altitudes. It
In general, it can be said that al- is suggested that the break-off effect
though the break-off effect was ex- of itself may not be a major factor
perienced by 35 per cent of these jet in flight to high altitudes, but that
pilots, it was not considered generally when it is coupled with anxiety a n d /
to have a significant influence on their or fear, it may have a significant effect
ability to operate the plane. upon the pilot's performance. For
this reason, the suggestion made by
some pilots, that this phenomenon be
The break-off phenomenon may be described to pilots going alone to
defined as a feeling of physical sepa- high altitudes for the first time, ap-
ration from the earth. The predispos- pears to be valuable.
ing factors have nor been identified, It is interesting to speculate on the
but they appear to be related to the importance of the break-off phenome-
personality of the flyer. The cardinal non at extremely high altitudes. Of
precipitating factors are flying alone, interest in this connection are the
at high altitude, with relatively little reports of Bridgeman, a test pilot 1.
to do. The chief subjective feelings He makes several clear references to
are those of remoteness, loneliness, the break-off effect, although he does
and anxiety or exhilaration; there may not use this term. These experiences
be expressions of anxiety ranging are described by a man with an estab-
from increased alertness to a fear of lished reputation as an outstanding
moving about in the seat. The break- test pilot who set both speed and al-
off effect is abolished readily by a titude records and who could speak
return to lower altitude, joining up of his reactions with complete frank-
with another plane, and ofttimes by a ness and without embarrassment. The
voluntary effort to become interested following experience described by
in some problem or activity associated Bridgeman during a flight to high
with the flight. It is not abolished nec- altitude falls neatly into our definition
e.ssarily with increasing experience. of break-off: "Fifty-nine thousand,
The significance of the break-off sixty thousand, reeling off sixty-one
effect as a factor influencing flying thousand. I have left the world. There
efficiency is difficult to evaluate. This is only the ship to identify myself
is true partly because the effect ap- with, her vibrations are my own, I
pears to be somewhat nebulous in feel them as intensely as those of my
the pilots' minds and partly because body. Here is a kind of unreality
it is a highly personal experience, and mixed with reality that I cannot ex-
they do not feel completely free to plain to myself. I have an awareness
discuss it. In general, the pilots feel that I have never experienced before,
that although it is of some importance, but it does not seem to project be-
it is not a major factor influencing yond this moment . . . . And with this
flight efficiency. Only a limited num- adrenalin-inflicted state floats the feel-
A~gsL, 1957