Aqsa Sahar: Lecture # 1 Spatial Data Modeling (SDM)
Aqsa Sahar: Lecture # 1 Spatial Data Modeling (SDM)
Aqsa Sahar: Lecture # 1 Spatial Data Modeling (SDM)
Aqsa Sahar Roll no.20 MCS 4th Semester Session 2017-19 IUB (BWN)
Database Model: Databases are created from these "models" as a fundamental step in coming to know the
nature and status of that reality.
Spatial Data Models: A spatial database is a collection of spatially referenced data that acts as a model of
Basic Structures of Spatial Data: GIS are used to store and process the data referring to the spatial objects/
spatial entities. Data contains both geometric and thematic information.
Geometric Data:
Geometric Data
Spatial Data models are used to represent the spatial component of geographic data.
There are two spatial data models
1. Raster Data Model
Run-length encoding
Quad-tree Data Model
Advantages: Disadvantages:
Simple data structure. Less compact
Overlay operations are easily implemented. Topological relationships are difficult to represent.
High spatial variability is represented. Objects are not in natural shape.
Use in image enhancement techniques.
Homogeneous unit are the point, line and polygon
The position of each object in a map space is defined by the coordinate reference system.
Every position in the map space has a unique coordinate value.
Variable in size
More compact data structure rather than raster model.
Network operations are easily and efficiently implemented.
Objects are in more natural shape
Provide precise positioning of features
More difficult data structure rather than raster model.
Overlay operations are more difficult to implement.
Representation of high spatial variability is inefficient.
Difficult to use vector data in image enhancement techniques.
Inefficient for most types of spatial analysis.
Redundant since the boundary segment between two polygons can
be stored twice (once for each feature)
A triangular irregular network can be created
from the data that usually represents altitude.
Spot-heights are the most common source of
data in this form.
The first stage in generating a TIN is to plot
the entire x, y coordinates as points.
Lecture # 2 Topology
GIS as a Representation of Reality:
• Selection:
Select objects of the real world to be included in the digital model of the real world.
• Quantification:
GIS data into the computer’s memory in a physical data structure (i.e. files and directories).
• Geographic objects have two components
• A description
• A spatial component
• What makes it a geographic Entity?? description + spatial object + unique identity
Geographic Entities:
• Point
• Line (Polyline)
• Polygon
Zero-dimensional abstraction of an object represented by a single X, Y co-ordinate.
normally represents a geographic feature too small to be displayed as a line or area
stored by their real (earth) coordinates
One dimensional linear Objects
Commonly used for representing networks
Finite set of line segment/ edges such that each segment endpoint (vertex) is shared by exactly two
segments, except for two endpoints.
Topology defines how the different features are related to each other.
• To avoid redundancy
Geographic Analysis:
Area-Area Relationship
Line-Line Relationship
Area-Line Relationship
Point-Line Relationship
Point-Polygon Relationship
Branching Off
Cluster Tolerance:
Polygon Topology:
E.g. soil polygons cannot include gaps or voids-they must form a continuous fabric.
Line Topology:
E.g. a street network has line segments that connect. Exceptions can be introduced for dead-end roads
E.g. Lot lines cannot intersect or overlap and must connect to one another only at the end points of each line
E.g. for transportation analysis, streets and highway segments of the same features should not overlap
E.g. a highway system is made up individual features where any one feature is not made up of more than one
Covered by
It is measured clockwise in degrees from 0 – due north- to 360 again due north, coming full circle.
The value of each cell in an aspect dataset represents the direction of the cell’s slope face.
Identifying best slopes for ski runs (Ideally north-facing slopes on a mountain)
Identifying potential runoff sites (e.g. southerly slopes in a mountainous region are likely to melt
first )
Lecture # 4 Hydrology
Hydrology and Water Resources:
• Modern hydrology is concerned with the distribution of water on the surface of the earth and its
movement over and beneath the surface, and through the atmosphere.
• Surface water Hydrology
• Ground water hydrology
• global waterresources, about 97.2% in oceans, 2.8% is available as fresh
• Out of this 2.8% of fresh water, about 2.2% is available as surface water and 0.6% as ground water
• The area of land draining into a stream at a given location is known as catchment area.
• In simple words area that drains its water at a single outlet.
• Also called as drainage area or drainage basin or watershed (USA).
• All the amount of precipitation, that falls on a particular catchment reaches at the outlet point of the
Hydrological Cycle:
• Hydrologic cycle is the water transfer cycle, which occurs continuously in nature
(c) Runoff
Scope of Hydrology:
Photogrammetry Suitable for large areas only points many points are needed
Digital Elevation Data are usually organized into one of three data structures:
Contours or isolines of constant elevation at a specified interval are probably the most familiar
representation of terrain surfaces. Contour maps for most of the world are readily available at a
variety of scales.
Grids are a matrix structure that records topological relations between data points implicitly (i.e.
DEMs). Since this data structure is similar to the array storage structure of digital computers, the
handling of elevation matrices is simple and grid-based terrain modeling algorithms therefore tend to
be relatively straightforward.
Triangulated Irregular Network (TIN) model is a significant alternative to the regular raster of DEM
and has been adopted in numerous GIS, automated mapping and computer packages. The TIN model
was developed as a simple way to build a surface from a set of irregularly distributed points
Errors in DEM:
Contours: Errors related to SRTM:
A watershed, also called a drainage basin or catchment area, is defined as an area in which all water flowing
into it goes to a common outlet.
• Total area of water flowing towards an outlet point (Pour point).
• Water flows in the direction of the terrain steepest downhill slope. Streamlines (blue arrows) are
orthogonal to the contour lines
• Total area of water flowing towards an outlet point (Pour point).
• Water flows in the direction of the terrain steepest downhill slope. Streamlines (blue arrows) are
orthogonal to the contour lines.
Characteristics of Watershed:
All characteristics affect the disposal of water.
SIZE: It helps in computing parameters like precipitation received, retained, drained off.
SHAPE: Different shapes based on morphological parameters like geology and structure, e.g. pear,
elongated etc.
PHISIOGRAPHY: Lands altitude and physical disposition.
SLOPE: It controls the rainfall distribution and movement:
CLIMATE: It decides the quantitative approach.
DRAINAGE: It determines the flow characteristics and so the erosion behavior.
VEGETATION: Information of species gives a sure ground for selection plants and crops.
GEOLOGY AND SOILS: Their nature determines size, shape, physiographic, drainage and
groundwater conditions. Soils, derivative of rocks are the basic to greenery
HYDROLOGY: Basic to final goal of growing greenery in a watershed. It helps in quantification of
water available.
HYDROGEOLOGY: Availability of groundwater.
SOCIOECONOMICS: Statistics on people and their health, hygiene, wants and wishes are
important in managing water.
Watershed Management:
It involves management of land, water, energy and greenery integrating all the relevant approaches
appropriate to socioeconomic background for a pragmatic development of a watershed.
Greening of the watershed through proper management of land water and energy resource.
Drainage Network:
• For every stream segment, there is a
corresponding catchment.
• Catchments are a tessellation of the
landscape through a set of physical rules
• Digital Elevation Models (DEM) is grids of elevation.
• Contour maps are converted to digital contour files and elevation values are interpolated from
irregularly spaced points to regular grid points.
Flow Directions:
Flow Directions:
• The eight-direction pour point algorithm (D-8) assigns a flow direction code
to each cell, based on the steepest downhill slope as defined by the DEM.
• The flow direction code indicates the cell towards which the water flows.
• Flow direction is calculated by comparing the distance weighted drop of
neighboring cells
Flow Accumulation:
• Flow Accumulation:
– Flow accumulation is a measure of the drainage area in units of grid cells.
– The flow accumulation value of a cell is the sum of the flow accumulation values of the
neighboring cells and the number of neighboring cells which flow into it.
The Pit Removal Problem:
• DEM creation results in artificial pits in the landscape
• A pit is a set of one or more cells which has no downstream cells around it
• Unless these pits are removed they become sinks and isolate portions of the watershed
• Pit removal is first thing done with a DEM.
Pit Filling:
Increase elevation to the pour point elevation until the pit drains to a neighbor.
Lower elevation of neighbor along a predefined drainage path until the pit drains to the outlet point.
Summary Concepts:
• The eight direction pour point model approximates the surface flow using eight discrete grid
• The elevation surface represented by a grid digital elevation model is used to derive surfaces
representing other hydrologic variables of interest such as
– Slope
– Flow direction
– Drainage area
– Catchments, watersheds and channel networks
It’s not only the ellipsoid parameters that define a datum but also position, different datums may have
the same ellipsoid but with positional shifts:
• The most common and prevailing of global datums is the WGS‐84 (World Geodetic Survey 1984).
• It is being widely adopted and implemented especially with the advent of the GPS (Global
Positioning System).