Section 11 - Project Management System - M

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Reliance Cement Company Pvt. Ltd.

Technical Specification for Solar Power Plant at

Maihar (M.P.)


The Bidder shall identify a separate and independent project management team headed by
a Project Manager for the execution of this project. From engineering services
responsibilities of the project Management team shall cover the areas listed below:
 Planning and Monitoring
 Engineering Management
 Contracts Management
 Quality Management
 Construction Management
 Spares Management
 Commissioning Management
 Resource Control
 Manufacturing and Production Control
Detailed responsibilities in the above areas are discussed below:

Organization Chart
The Bidder shall describe organization structure will meet the requirements of this
specification. The Bidder shall furnish a detailed organization chart for the project
management team, clearly identifying the key personnel in each of the areas mentioned
above. The expected number of executives, managerial and supervisory staff at different
levels shall also be indicated separately for headquarters, central coordination cell and site
organization indicating names, qualifications and experience.
During construction phase, the Bidder shall notify any proposed changes to senior staffing
numbers or arrangements to the Owner for approval.

The headquarters of the project management team shall be headed by a senior level
executive designated as the Project Manager who shall be responsible to Owner for the
execution of the project.
Central Coordination Cell
The central coordination cell shall preferably be based at Head Office (HO) and shall have
sufficient technical personnel to coordinate technical matters. The technical queries (TQ)
which cannot be replied / resolved at site, same shall to be referred to HO and resolved
quickly through the e-mail / teleconference.
Site Organization
The site should have a competent Construction Manager for all site operations with
sufficient level of authority to take site decisions. The organization chart for site should
indicate the various levels of experts to be posted for supervision in the Civil, Mechanical,
Electrical, Control & Instrumentation fields for construction, erection & commissioning of the
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Reliance Cement Company Pvt. Ltd.
Technical Specification for Solar Power Plant at
Maihar (M.P.)

Management of Health & Safety
The Bidder shall provide the following --
A management structure for coordinating health and safety from the design stage through
construction and final commissioning.
A management system for ensuring arrangements for safety training, safety meetings and
reporting of accidents
A method of assessing designs information for health and safety requirements during
A safety plan for the construction phase
General Requirements of Programmes and Schedules
The programs supplied by the Bidder as part of the Contract shall fully inter-relate design,
manufacture, erection and commissioning. Events shall be identified in all programs and
agreed with the Owner. Events shall indicate points in the programs at which a significant
stage has been reached and which is of sufficient status for reporting to management. All
programs containing scheduled dates including those for Design, Manufacturing and for Site
Erection shall be adhered to by the Bidder and shall not be changed except as may be
agreed by the Owner / Engineer.
The Bidder shall designate a Planning Representative who shall be readily available at all
reasonable times to the Engineer and who shall be of sufficient status to have free access to
the Bidder’s management staff and to the Bidder’s and Sub-Contractors workshops, site
works etc. and shall be able to represent the Bidder on all matters of planning and
Form of Programs
Bar Charts
Bar charts shall be submitted on standard metric sheets and shall be drawn to microfilm
standards to permit reduction to A3 size. They shall have a date scale at the top and plant /
areas of work sections identified at the left hand side. All floats shall be shown and where
logical connections exist between activities, they shall be indicated.
Networks shall be drawn in the form of arrow or precedence diagrams with clearly defined
plant / areas of work indexed at the left hand side. Where more than one sheet is used, the
activities shall be cross-referenced to other sheets for ease of identification.
Computer Printouts
Each network submitted shall be supported by a manual or computer analysis which shall
contain a minimum of an activity list sorted by activity number and including an activity
description, duration, calendar, float, predecessors and logical connections, target start and
finish dates, together with details of the calendar(s) used.
Schedules of Dates
Where appropriate, schedules of dates may be submitted in support of Network activities,
Gnat charts or detailed work schedules. They shall be to a standard format, preferably A4
size, for ease of filing and indexing and should clearly show the work / area of plant
concerned at the bottom of the sheet with an identifying number and date.

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Reliance Cement Company Pvt. Ltd.
Technical Specification for Solar Power Plant at
Maihar (M.P.)

Time Units
In all programs where time units are identified, calendar dates shall be used. For dating
purposes the week shall start on Monday.
A list of all standard abbreviations used on each network or bar chart shall be displayed on
each individual sheet of the programme.
Implementation Schedule
Milestone : Period in Months from Zero date (As defined in the commercial contract)
Commercial operation : Bidder shall furnish his proposed schedule.
Bidder shall include in his proposal a Level-1 (L-1) network showing the major activities and
various milestones to achieve the above mentioned completion schedule.
To achieve the targets shown in L-1 network, the Bidder shall furnish to the Owner, various
schedules as defined below:
Engineering Schedules
These schedules shall cover various design submissions indicating different engineering
activities to be performed. Such schedules shall be furnished by the Bidder for each and
every plant / systems / equipment item covered in the scope of this specification.
Manufacturing and Delivery Schedule
The Bidder shall submit to the Engineer his manufacturing and delivery schedules for all
equipment within sixty (60) days from the date of issue of the Letter of Acceptance. Such
schedules shall be in line with the detailed network for all phases of the work of the Bidder.
Such schedules shall be reviewed, updated and submitted to the Engineer, once in every
two months thereafter, by the Bidder. Schedules shall also include the materials and
equipment purchased from outside Bidders. In the dispatch programme, the Bidder shall
indicate a schedule of estimated programme, tonnages specifically identifying various
oversize dimensioned consignments (ODC). All dispatch details and item lists shall be made
available to both Owner & site immediately after shipping.
Erection Schedules
The Bidder shall provide the Owner all the information covering erection sequence, testing
and commissioning activities. These schedules may be based on the recommended
erection procedures and will be subject to discussions / agreements with the Owner
subsequent to the award of contract.
The Bidder shall provide the Owner all such schedules in electronic media within a time
schedule to be agreed between Owner and Bidder. The Bidder’s project management
software shall be compatible with that of the Owner and the input data shall be furnished to
the Owner in a form compatible with Owner’s project management software.
Detailed Responsibilities
The Bidder shall provide effective management of the Contract, which shall be compatible
with the Owner’s requirements as set out in this Specification. He shall allow access to his
works and those of his sub-contractors at all reasonable times to permit the Owner's
participation if the Owner consider it necessary in monitoring the Contract. He shall also
work with other contractors who interface with the contract in order to ensure the smooth
development of the project completion. Such participation up to its completion shall not, in
any way affect the Bidder’s obligations to complete the works in accordance with the

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Reliance Cement Company Pvt. Ltd.
Technical Specification for Solar Power Plant at
Maihar (M.P.)


Planning & Monitoring

The Bidder shall prepare a Master Network Schedule in the form of PERT network
consisting of at least 500 activities. The network shall be prepared on a Work Breakdown
The master network shall identify milestones of key events for each system / package in the
areas of engineering, procurement, manufacture and dispatch and erection and
commissioning. The master network shall represent the Level-I plan and will form the basis
for development of detailed second and third tier execution plans.
The master network shall be submitted along with the contract and shall be mutually
discussed and finalized before the award of Contract. This master network shall clearly
indicate the responsibility of the Bidder and project management team. This master network
would form a part of the Contract. The master network shall also identify a complete list of
inputs to be furnished by the Owner which may be required for proper interfacing and tie-up.
Scheduled dates for providing such inputs shall also be indicated, which will be mutually
discussed and finalized.
The Bidder shall not change the Master Network without the prior approval of the Engineer
in accordance with the Conditions of Contract. In the event that the Engineer approves a
revision to the Master Network in accordance with the Conditions of Contract, the Bidder
shall submit a revised Master Network within two weeks thereafter. This programme shall
fully comply with the requirements of the specification and where necessary, reflect changes
to the sequence or progress of the Works directed by the Engineer, or as proposed by the
Bidder and accepted by the Engineer. Such an agreed revised programme shall become
the Overall Contract Program for the outstanding Works.
Monitoring & Progress Reporting, Management Information system
The progress reports would be issued 15th of every month, from the head office
encompassing the activities of engineering, procurement and construction. Reports shall
include such schedules, charts and drawings, as the Owner considers necessary for
adequately monitoring the Contract. The reports shall be made available to the Owner at
least five working days prior to scheduled progress review meeting.
The progress report issued from the head office should necessarily include the following
a) Report on key milestones.
b) Management summary indicating critical areas with details of actions initiated and
effect of any on the project.
c) Action needing attention of the Owner.
d) Detailed package wise status of engineering submissions, quality plan submissions
and approval, procurement manufactures and dispatch.
e) This report shall also cover the areas pertaining to the receipt of the equipment at the
port, port clearance, transport, receipt at site, erection & commissioning.
In addition to the above, as the project execution progresses, the Bidder shall also be
responsible for generating more frequent reports on progress in critical areas so that actions
can be expedited. The exact format and contents of the progress reports shall be finalized
before award of Contract.
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Reliance Cement Company Pvt. Ltd.
Technical Specification for Solar Power Plant at
Maihar (M.P.)

Engineering Management
Based on the ground master network for the project (L-1) the Bidder shall prepare an
exhaustive list of engineering activities for the equipment / systems covered in his scope
and a detailed programme of accomplishing the same within the time frame specified in the
master network. This schedule will form the Level-2 (L-2) network for engineering activities.
Based on (L-2) network, the Bidder shall further develop the Level-3 (L-3) network for
engineering activities which will indicate schedule for data availability, drawing release date
and document submission dates.
Detailed (L-2) and (L-3) networks would be submitted sequentially by the Bidder within two
months from the date of award of Contract and finalized within one (1) month thereafter.
The engineering management team shall also co-ordinate all interface engineering activity
between the Bidder and the equipment Sub-Vendors so as to ensure the correctness and
completeness of related engineering documentation before the same is submitted to the
Contracts Management
Based on the master network, the Bidder shall submit L-2 programs of manufacture and
dispatch. In addition, the master network shall also include periods considered for site
activities viz. erection, commissioning etc. These L-2 programs shall be submitted in two (2)
months time from the date of award of Contract and finalized within one (1) month
thereafter. The Bidder shall also submit site mobilization plan. This programme would be
submitted at the time of finalization of award of contract and agreed immediately thereafter
so that immediate development of the various activities at site could take place.
The Bidder shall also submit L-3 programs for the manufacturing, dispatch of the various
items. These networks shall also show the customer hold points (CHP) which have to be
cleared by Engineer or his authorized representative(s) before further manufacture can take
place. These L-3 programs for the manufacture and dispatch shall clearly identify
responsibilities of the Bidder, sub-contractor and Owner. These networks shall submit
within one (1) month of the date of finalization of the various sub-contracts by the Bidder.
In case the Bidder is doing all the manufacture then the L-2 programs shall be themselves
amplified to cover details of the manufacture, inspection, and clearance by Owner and
The Bidder shall also submit the programme for procurement of bought out items, and
shipping schedule for Owner’s approval.
Quality Management
The Bidder shall be responsible for overall quality management covering all stages of the
works. Requirement in this respect are specified in Section-XI Vol-II of this specification.
Construction Management
Based on the L-1 Master Network Programme, within two (2) months of the award of the
Contract, the Bidder shall submit a programme of construction / erection / commissioning,
either in continuation with the manufacture and dispatch or separately for the
implementation. These programs would be amplified showing when the civil drawings shall
be released by him and construction of civil works shall be completed by him to facilitate
start of erection and subsequent activities and shall form the basis for site execution and
detailed monitoring. The three monthly rolling programme with the first month's programme
being tentative based on the site conditions would be prepared based on these L-3
programs. The Bidder shall also be involved along with the Owner to tie up detailed
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Reliance Cement Company Pvt. Ltd.
Technical Specification for Solar Power Plant at
Maihar (M.P.)

resource mobilization plan over the period of time of the contract matching with the
performance targets.
The L-3 programme would be jointly finalized by the site in charge of the Bidder with the
Owner’s project coordinator as well as the site-planning representative. The erection
programme will also identify the sequential erectable tonnages that are required for various
equipment, which should be taken care of in the dispatch programs.
Erection and commissioning of the equipment shall also be done under the supervision of
experts from the respective equipment / system Bidder.
Construction Methods, Logistics and Equipment
Bidder Proposals

The Bidder shall describe in the appropriate schedule, proposal sheets, the sequence of
erection of major plant items and his proposed construction methods supported by diagrams
and drawings, as necessary. The sequence of operations shall incorporate the designers'
health and safety requirements. The Bidder shall relate movement of major Contractor's
equipment to the construction programme time scale. The Bidder shall propose his delivery
methods and routes to the site and identify special or abnormal loads or cargoes with
Bidders Contract Equipment
The Bidder shall detail in appropriate schedule in the Proposal Sheets, all Bidder’s
equipment to be used on site including cranes, fixed workshop equipment and vehicles. The
information shall include size and capacity and indicate the duty for which they are required.
The Bidder shall describe the usage intended for each crane.
Contractors Proposals
The Bidder’s proposals with regard to construction methods, logistics and equipment
confirming the above proposals and agreed amendments thereto, shall be submitted to the
Engineer for approval within two (2) months of the award of Contract along with his
construction management programme.
Spares Management
The Bidder shall provide a suitable spares management system.
It is the responsibility of the Bidder to ensure availability of spares during the period of
testing and commissioning and all spares to meet Bidder’s obligations under the Defects
Liability Period.
The Bidder shall provide a spares storage facility which shall be equipped with suitable
lifting and handling devices where needed. The storage facility shall be designed for long
term storage of spares.
Bidder shall define the spares management system and the storage facilities provided.
Resource Control
To enable the Owner to assess that the Bidder proposals are adequate to meet the
contract Programme requirements, the Bidder shall describe his resource management
system for the Contract in the appropriate Schedule in the Proposal Sheets.
The Bidder shall define the resources that shall be deployed during design, manufacture,
erection, setting to work and commissioning phases and show that those will be adequate to
meet the Contract commitment. He shall provide in histogram form for each discipline, the
resource disposition for design development, manufacture, erection & commissioning &
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Reliance Cement Company Pvt. Ltd.
Technical Specification for Solar Power Plant at
Maihar (M.P.)

state the degree of supervision.

The site labour requirements given in the above Schedule shall be segregated into trade
categories to meet the site erection programme and shall be confirmed at the time of award
of Contract and updated and agreed one (1) month before work commences on site.
Following the placing of a Contract, the Bidder shall submit monthly resource deployment
schedules segregated into design, manufacture, and erection and commissioning.
Production Control and Manufacture
Manufacturer's Standards
The Bidder shall specify the standards to which a manufactured equipment / component is
offered where the specification has not specified any requirement.
Places of Manufacture
The manufacturers and places of manufacture, testing and inspection of the various parts of
the Bidder’s works shall be stated in appropriate schedule in the proposal sheets.
The Bidder shall submit in appropriate Schedule in proposal sheets all items that he deems
necessary to be sub-contracted.
The Bidder’s orders to the Sub-Contractors shall quote the Owner’s contract reference and
station name, and instruct the sub-contractors to quote that number and name and also the
order number in all correspondence.
A copy of all major equipment orders (which may be un-priced) placed on sub-contractors,
shall be supplied to the Owner for information.
The Bidder shall be responsible for maintaining an up-to-date list of all sub-orders and
interworks order and shall make this available to the Engineer as required.
The Owner's Contract Reference and Station name shall be added to all interworks and
The Owner reserves the right to check that the Bidder is making timely payments to his
The Bidder shall ensure that their sub-contractors follow the requirements of the
specification and have adequate control over all aspects covered by the specification.
Progress Reports
During the design and manufacturing stages the Bidder shall submit to the Engineer reports
and information on the progress and manufacture by himself and by the Sub-Contractors of
all plant and materials required for the execution of the works. The reports shall be based on
the plant manufacturing programs.
The detailed procedure and requirements for progress reporting will be agreed with the
Engineer during the early phase of the works, as part of regular contract / project status
Access for Progress Monitoring
The Engineer or his nominated representative shall be entitled at all reasonable times to visit
all premises where design and manufacturing of the plant is being carried out in order to
monitor and verify progress.
Commissioning Management

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Reliance Cement Company Pvt. Ltd.
Technical Specification for Solar Power Plant at
Maihar (M.P.)

For commissioning of the various equipment / system covered under the scope of Contract,
Owner will form an organization structure which may consist of the following committees.
The Bidder shall nominate his representative on one or more of the committee as decided
by the Owner --
 Steering Committee
 Commissioning Panel
 Working Parties
 Testing Teams
Commissioning documents shall be prepared by the Bidder in the following manner and
submitted for Owner’s approval --
Paper of Principle
This document shall be prepared for the various equipment / systems under commissioning
and shall have the following objectives to fulfill and shall be submitted for Owner’s approval
at least three (3) months before the actual commissioning:
 Establish design data against which Plant Performance will be compared.
 Set-out the testing objectives and proposals.
 Define the documentation required.
Testing / Commissioning Schedule
These shall be prepared for the various equipment / systems under consideration and shall
contain sections like detailed testing method, programme, safety, individual responsibility
and results.
Standard Check Lists
Standard checklists shall be prepared for use at the completion of erection to ensure correct
erection, testing and to a limited extent operation for repetitive items.
Instrument Proving Schedules
These schedules shall be prepared for proving various instruments associated with all
equipment / packages.
Schedules and lists under items (b), (c) and (d) above shall be submitted at least three (3)
months before the actual commissioning of the equipment / systems.
Test Reports
After the completion of commissioning activity of equipment / systems, the Bidder shall
prepare the test reports which shall include all the relevant information related to various
commissioning checks, tests carried out, any deviations / commissions noticed with respect
to the intended design requirements, sequence of various commissioning activities as
actually adopted vis-à-vis as recommended in the procedures, programme schedules
achieved and any other such information as required. These test reports shall be submitted
in requisite number of copies to the Owner and this should be duly signed jointly by the
Owner and the Bidder / Equipment Bidder, who are involved during the commissioning
Owner’s Rights
The Owner reserves the right to evaluate and audit the Bidder’s management systems and
controls in the following areas: Contract Management, Management Information,

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Reliance Cement Company Pvt. Ltd.
Technical Specification for Solar Power Plant at
Maihar (M.P.)

Programme Management, Resource Management, Quality Assurance, Design, Production

and Manufacture, Industrial Relations, Erection, Testing, Commissioning, Sub-Contract
Control and Site Management. The Bidder shall provide all necessary assistance to enable
the Engineer carry out such audits and evaluations. Such audits and evaluations shall not in
any way relieve the Bidder of any of his liabilities and responsibilities under the Contract. A
corrective action programme shall be agreed and implemented in respect of any
deficiencies revealed by such monitoring, without any cost implication to the Owner and
impact on the time schedule for the project.
Project Progress Review Meetings
Periodic project progress reviews will be held at least once every month at venues mutually
agreed. These meetings will be attended by the Bidder and their leading sub-contractors.
Actions will be placed on the concerned agencies and decisions will be taken to expedite /
speed up the progress. Minutes of such meetings will be issued and circulated to all
concerned for reference and action. The Bidder shall be responsible for ensuring that
actions placed on him in such meetings are carried out in time.
In addition to the above, a suitable frequency and forum of periodic meetings between the
Bidder and the Engineer will be decided upon as part of erection coordination procedure.


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