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IS : 4029 - 1967 (Reaffirmed 2002) Edition 13 (2002-05) Indian Standard GUIDE FOR TESTING THREE-PHASE INDUCTION MOTORS (Incorporating Amendment Nos. 1, 2 & 3) UDC 621.313.333 ; 620.1 © BIS 2004 BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDS MANAK BHAVAN, 9 BAHADUR SHAH ZAFAR MARG NEW DELHI 110002 Price Group 5IS : 4029 - 1967 Indian Standard GUIDE FOR TESTING THREE-PHASE INDUCTION MOTORS Rotating Machinery Sectional Committee, ETDC 15 Chairman Representing SRI J. 8. ZAVERE Bharat Bile Limited, Bombay Members ‘SHRI. E. BruaskaR RAO (Alternate to Shri JS. Zaveri) ‘SHIH. U. Dab& Indian Electrical Manufacturers’ Assoctation, Calcutta ‘SHRI KR, DAS GUPTA Calcutta Fletric Supply Corporation Ltd, Calcutta SHRIT. K. GuiosH ( Alternate) Shei P. K. GUPTA ‘The General Electric Co of India Private Ltd, Calcutta Su 1D. Jan ‘Army Headquarters ‘Siku G.D! JocLeKaR Carbon Brushes Subcommittee, ETDC 15:3, IST JOINT BiRicTOR STANDARDS allway Board (Ministry of Ratiways) (Etectricat) [DEPUTY DIRECTOR STANDARDS. (ELectnical)- (Alternate) ‘Suu BK. MUKHERIER National Test House, Calcutta ‘SURI J. P. MUKHERIT Walchandnagar Industries Ltd, Walchandnagar SHRI C. S. BULAN! (Alternate) SHRI A. N. NiNMKAR Jyoti Limited, Baroda ‘SHRI. L. PRADHAN ( Alternate) IRIS, G, PADHYE ‘Crompton Greaves Ltd, Bombay ‘SHRI KG, PARIKH, Mllowners’ Association, Bombay ‘SHRI. SanUP ( Alternate) ‘Sura RR. PATEL Research & Development Organization for Electrical Tndustry (Ministry of Industry) SHR S. G. RAMACHANDRA Kirloskar Blectrie Co Ltd, Bangalore SRI G. N, PARAKI (Alternate) SHRI K.P RAMACHANDRAN Guest, Keen, Willams, Ltd, Bombay ‘SHRIIK. R. RIYENGAR ( Alternate) Sit U. S. SavaKooR Directorate General of Supplies & Disposals (Inspection Wing) (Ministry of Supply, Technical Development & Materials Planning) ‘SHRI, T. GURSAHANI ( Alternate) ‘SHRI K.N, SHENOY “Hindustan Brown Boveri Ltd, Bombay SHEL V. D. ERANDE ( Alternate) ‘SHRI K. M, SINCLAIR Heavy Electricals (India) Ltd, Bhopal DRA. K. GoswaMa ( Alternate) (Continued an page2) BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDS MANAK BHAVAN, 9 BAHADUR SHAH ZAFAR MARG NEW DELHI 110002IS: 4029 - 1967 ( Continued from page 1) Members Representing [STAFF OFFICER (SURFACE. ‘Naval Headquarters, WEAPONS) ‘STAFF OFFICER, ELECTRICAL [ENGIVEERING ( Alternate) Sir M.M, Vabr Department of Technical Development (Ministry of ‘Supply, Technical Development & Materials Planning) Dr VAKaL AHMED ( Alternate) SHRIR. T.Vasanta Rohtas Industries Ltd, Dalmianagar SHIRES. N. Vinze Central Water & Power Commission (Power Wing) ‘SHRI H, Rt KULKARMI ( Alternate) SHRI. S. VENKATESWARAN, Director General, ISI ( Ex-offclo Member) Director (Elec tech) ( Secretary) Industrial Motors Subcommittee, ETDC 15 : 1 Convener SimIS.G.RAMACHANDRA _Kislskar Electric Co Ltd, Bangalore Members Sima Suv Dass BKALLA Gautam Electric Motors Private Ltd, New Delhi 'SHRIG,D. GUPTA (Aerate) Suid CLE: BHASRAR WHO") Bharat Bijlee Lid, Bombay Sur. MOnAN (Alernate) uit HP, Garters Hindustan Stee! Ltd, Durgapur Siti. Base (Alternate) sunt HU. Dabs dian Flectreal Manufacturers’ Assocation, su Hon Ble Bhopal AK. Goswaut ean Electricals (nda) Ld, Bhopal ‘SHRI S. KUMAR ( Alternate) ” sumuP:K Gurma General Blectric Co of India Private Lad, Caeutta Samu §: Kav Engineering Assocation of India, Calcutta ‘Sit A. BaMERIEE (Alternate) ut Be Mone Navonal Tet House, Calcutta Sta) Muse Walchandnagartndistries Ld, Walchandnagor ‘Sikt C. 8. BILAN (Adternave) SURE. N-NARAYANAGWAMY "Department of Industries & Commerce, Government ‘of Madras, Madras Suny A. N. Niwa vot Limited, Baroda SHRP. L, PRADHAN (Alternate) sunt KG. Panu ‘utlownersAssaciation: Bombay Shiu D. Patan Crompton Greaves Lid Bombay Sti C. P DUSAD (Alternate) ‘Suid NRGMAla¥aOE Indian. Machine Tool Manufacturers Assocation, Bombay SRS. R. RAY Directorate General of Supplies & Disposals nspection Wing) (Ministry of Supply, Technical Development & Materials Planning) ‘SHRI DT. GURSAMANI (Alternate) SHRI G. K, ROBERTSON Indian Jute Mills Association, Caleutta SHRIMADHAVLALN. SHAH Small” ‘Seale Electric Motors Manufacturers ‘Association, Bombay SURI M. J. NAIK ( Alternate) ‘Suny ZAUNER NNCEF Ltd, Bangalore SHRIT. APPASWAMY ( Alternate)Noeeeurs IS: 4029 - CONTENTS FOREWORD Scope ‘TERMINOLOGY ELECTRICAL MEASUREMENTS INSULATION RESISTANCE TEST HIGH VoLtace Test [RESISTANCE MEASUREMENT PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS 7.1 No-Load Test 7.2 Open Circuit Test 7.3 Locked Rotor Test 7.4 Pull Up and Pull Out Torque (for Motors Having Output Rating up to 15 kW) 7.5. Tests for Speed-Torque and Speed-Current Curves 76 Load Test 7.1 Temperature-Rise Test MEASUREMENT OF SHAFT CURRENTS AND VOLTAGES MEASUREMENT OF NOISE APPENDIX A 1967 Pace i 12 12 16 ai 22 22 |IS : 4029 - 1967 Indian Standard GUIDE FOR TESTING THREE-PHASE INDUCTION MOTORS 0, FOREWORD 0.1 This Indian Standard was adopted by the Indian Standards Institution on 28 February 1967, after the draft finalized by the Rotating Machinery Sectional Committee had been approved by the Electrotechnical Division Council. 0.2 This guide covers instructions for conducting and reporting the more generally applicable and acceptable tests to determine the performance characteristics of three-phase induction motors. It is not intended to cover all possible tests nor those of research nature. The guide shall not be deemed as making it obligatory to carry out any or all the tests discussed here in any given transaction. 0.3 This edition 1.3 incorporates Amendment No. 1 (March 1977), Amendment No, 2 (May 1981) and Amendment No. 3 (May 2002). Side bar indicates modification of the text as the result of incorporation of the amendments. 1. SCOPE 1.1 This guide prescribes methods for conducting and reporting the tests for three-phase induction motors. 2, TERMINOLOGY 2.1 For the purpose of this guide, the definitions given in TS : 325-1961* shall apply. 3. ELECTRICAL MEASUREMENTS 3.1 Instrument Selection — The indicating instruments used in electrical measurements shall conform to IS : 1248-19581. Instruments with the following accuracies shall be used: a) For routine tests, instruments of class 2.5 accuracy shall be used. b) For type tests: instruments of class 0.5 accuracy shall be used, 3.2 Instrument Transformers — Where current and potential transformers are used corrections shall be made for ratio errors in voltage and current measurements and for ratio and phase angle errors in power measurements. “Specification for three-phase induction motors (second revision) (Since revised) {Specification for electrical indicating instruments. (Since revised, 4IS : 4029 - 1967 3.3 Voltage — The voltage shall clearly approach sinusoidal wave form and shall be balanced. Phase voltages shall be measured at motor terminals. If, at the time of conducting the tests, voltage is nearly but not absolutely balanced, the arithmetical average of the phase voltages shall be used for calculating the machine performance. 3.4 Current — The line current in each phase of the motor shall be ‘measured. It may not be equal in all the phases, in which case the arithmetical average of the phase currents shall be used for calculating the machine performance, 3.5 Power — Power input to a three-phase machine may be measured by two single-phase wattmeters connected as in the two-wattmeter method; alternatively, a single polyphase wattmeter may be used, The tptal watts read on a wattmeter shall be reduced by the amount of the Ross in the voltage circuits of the instruments whenever this loss is a measurable portion of the total watts read. 4, INSULATION RESISTANCE TEST 4.1 Insulation resistance shall be measured between winding and frame (earth). 4.1.1 Insulation resistance may be measured by an instrument like hand-operated insulation resistance tester having a de voltage of about 500 volts. 4.1.2 For testing of insulation resistance for machines of output ratings above 1 MW, reference may be made to IS : 7816-1975" 5, HIGH VOLTAGE TEST 5.1 The high voltage test shall be applied between the windings and the frame, with the core connected to the frame and to the windings not under test, and shall be applied only to a new and completed motor with all its parts in place under conditions equivalent to normal working conditions. The test shall be carried out at the maker's works at the conclusion of the temperature test of the motor, where such a test is carried out. 5.2 In the case of motors with nominal voltage above 1 KV, when both ends of each phase are individually accessible, the test voltage shall be applied between each phase and the frame, with the core connected to the frame and to the other phases and windings not under test. 5.3 The test voltage shall be of power frequency and shall be as near as possible to sine-wave form. "Guide for testing insulation resistance of rotating machines, 5IS: 4029 - 1967 ‘The test shall be commenced at the voltage of not more than one-half of the full test voltage. The voltage shall then be increased to the full value steadily or in steps of not more than 5 percent of the full value, the time allowed for the increase of the voltage from half to full value bein, not less than ten seconds. The full test voltage shall then be maintaine for one minute in accordance with the values as indicated in Table 1. 5.4 During the routine testing of motors of rated output of up to and including 5 kW, the one-minute test may be replaced by a test of approximately 5 seconds at the normal test voltage given in Table 1, or one second at 120 percent of the normal test voltage given in Table 1, the test voltage being applied by means of prods. 5.5 The test made on the windings on acceptance shall, as far as possible, not be repeated. If, however, a second test is made at the special request of the purchaser, after further drying if considered necessary, the test voltage shalll be 80 percent of the voltage given in Table 1 TABLE | HIGH VOLTAGE TESTS (Clauses 5.3, 54 and5.5) su Motor on Parr ‘Test VoLTAGE (eats) No. o @ @ 1) Motors af size less than 10 000 kW 1000'V + twice the rated voltage ‘with a minimum of 1 ov 1) Motors of size 10 000 KW oF more (see Note) Rated voltage, U: Upto 2.000V 1000V+2U Above 2000V, and up to and 2.5 times U Including 6 000 V Above 6000V, and up to and 3000V+2U including 17 000 V Above 17 000 V Subject to special agreement il) Secondary (usually rotor) windings of ‘induction motors if not permanently. short-cireulted (for example. if intended for rheostatic startin @)For non-reversing motors or —1000V + twice the open circuit ‘motors reversible from standstill _—_standstl_ voltage as" measured only between slip-ings or secondary terminals, ‘with rated voltage applied to the primary windings }) For motors to be reversed or 1000 V + four times the open circuit braked by reversing the primary standstill secondary. voltage as supply while the motor is defined in (a) running — High voltage tests on motors having graded insulation shall be the subject ofIS : 4029 - 1967 5.6 Completely rewound windings shall be tested at the full test voltage for new motors. When a user and a repair contractor have agreed to carry out high voltage tests in cases where windings have been partially rewound or in the case of an overhauled motor, the following provisions are recommended: a) Partially rewound windings are tested at 75 percent of the test voltage for a new motor. Before the test, the old part of the winding shall be carefully cleaned and dried. b) Overhauled motors, after cleaning and drying, are subjected to a test at a voltage equal to 1.5 times the rated voltage, with a minimum of 1 600 V if the rated voltage is equal to or greater than 100 V and a minimum of 500 V if the rated voltage is less than 100 V. 6. RESISTANCE MEASUREMENT. 6.1 General — The following two methods are commonly used for the measurement of resistance: a) The drop of potential or voltmeter-ammeter method, and b) The bridge method in which the unknown resistance is compared with the known resistance by using a suitable bridge. 6.1.1 Every possible precaution shall be taken to obtain the true temperature of the winding when measuring the cold resistance. The temperature of the surrounding air shall not be regarded as the ‘temperature of the windings unless the motor has been standing idle under similar atmospheric temperature conditions for a considerable time, 6.1.2 If the resistance of copper is known at one temperature it may be calculated for any other temperature by using following formula: (235+) Rem aa5e1,) “Ft where Ry = unknown resistance at temperature °C, and Ry = resistance measured at temperature f,°C. [Nott —IfR, Ry and ¢, are known, f may also be calculated from the above formula, 235 isnot recognized forall materials for instance, for aluminium the constants 25, 6.2 Drop of Potential or Voltmeter-Ammeter Method — In this method, a de ammeter and a voltmeter shall be used. Simultaneous readings of both voltage at motor terminals and current shall be taken when their values have become steady. The relationship between R, V 7IS: 4029 - 1967 and Tis as follows: iv Ry where R= resistance in ohms, V = de voltage in volts, and I = dccurrent in amperes. 6.2.1 Suitable ranges of instruments shall be chosen so that errors of observations are reduced to the minimum. For the measurement of potential drop of less than 0.5 volts, the use of a milli-voltmeter is recommended. 6.2.2 The passage of high current may heat the windings appreciably, thus causing erroneous measurements. It is, therefore, recommended that the current be applied as low as possible to obtain consistent reading and be limited to 50% of the rated current of the winding. 6.2.3 Care should be taken to compensate for the errors introduced in the measurements by the resistance of leads and contacts. Correction for the current drawn by the voltmeter shall be made ifit is appreciable. 6.3 Bridge Method — The resistance above 1 ohm may be determined with sufficient accuracy if ordinary Wheatstone bridge is, used. Resistance lower than 1 ohm shall be measured by Kelvin double bridge, also known as Kelvin-Thompson double bridge. 6.3.1 Wheatstone Bridge Method — In using Wheatstone bridge, the resistance of the ratio arms shall be so selected that the values used correspond as closely as possible to the resistance tobe measured: the use of one ohm ratio coll should be avoided. The values of the resistance thus measured include the resistance of the connecting leads. Therefore, the resistance of the connecting leads shall be subtracted from the total measured resistance; otherwise, it shall be suitably compensated for. 6.3.2 Kelvin-Thompson Double Bridge Method — The double bridge compensates for resistance of the leads or other connections. It also enables low resistance to be compared accurately with a standard one of the same order. 6.4 The rotor winding resistance shall be measured at the point of connection of rotor windings to the slip-rings so that the slip-ring resistance is eliminated from the measurement and true rotor winding resistance obtained. This will give more realistic rotor windings temperature. 6.5 The variation of resistance between phases to the extent of 5 percent may be permitted.IS : 4029 - 1967 7, PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS 7.1 No-Load Test 7.1.1 This test is intended to find out the no-load current, core loss and friction and windage losses. The motor is run at no-load at rated frequency and voltage until the watts input is constant. Readings of voltage, current, Frequency and power input should be taken. This test shall preferably be conducted immediately after the temperature-rise test. 7.1.2 The watts input is the sum of the friction and windage losses, core loss and no-load primary FR loss. The sum of friction and Ywindage losses and core loss is obtained by subtracting the primary R loss at the temperature of the test from input watts. 7.1.3 The separation of friction and windage losses and core loss may be made, it desired, by obtaining readings of voltage, current and watts input at rated frequency and voltage from 125 percent of rated voltage to the point where further voltage reduction will increase the current; this point is usually at about 15 percent of the rated voltage. If instruments are changed during test, the readings taken with original instruments should be extended to a voltage lower than that at which the readings with the new instruments begin. The primary /°R loss shall be deducted from watts input and a curve of watts versus voltage is plotted and extended to zero voltage. The intercept with zero volt axis, which represents friction and windage loss, may preferably found by plotting a second curve with the square of voltage as abscissa and watts as ordinate. At low saturations, the core loss varies nearly a8 the square of the voltage and, therefore, the lower part of this curve may be shown as a straight line. Typical curves are shown in Fig. 1. 7.2 Open Circuit Test 7.2.1 Open Circuit Voltage — On. wound-rotor motors, the voltage between all rotor terminals should be measured with the rotor locked, if necessary, and its winding on open circuit, with rated or reduced voltage and rated frequency applied to stator. if any rotor unbalance is detected, it is recommended that the readings be taken with several rotor positions and an average obtained. 7.3 Locked Rotor Test (for Motors having Output: Rating up to 37 KW) — This test is carried out to determine the soundness of rotor in the case of squirrel-cage motors and their starting current, power factor, starting torque and impedance. This also enables a circle diagram to be drawn in the case of single squirrel-cage rotor motors and wound rotor motors. This test may be carried out at reduced voltage, one of the applications may be at a voltage that will produce the rated current of the motor. Locked rotor torque test is not done on 9IS: 4029 - 1967 wound rotor motors, but on squirrel-cage motors to determine the torque developed. Locked rotor current test is carried out on both squirrel-cage and wound rotor motors. CURRENT OR INPUT IN KW vous on (voursy Fic, 1 DETERMINATION OF FRICTION AND WINDAGE LOSS 7.3.1 It should be recognized that the testing of induction motors under locked rotor conditions with polyphase power involves unusual mechanical stresses and high rates of heating. Therefore, it is necessary that: a) the direction of rotation be established prior to this test; b) the mechanical means of locking the rotor be of adequate strength to prevent possible injury to personnel or damage to equipment; as the winding gets heated very rapidly, the test voltage be applied as rapidly as possible, Care should be taken to ensure that the motor temperature does not exceed the value of permissible temperature of a given class of insulation. The readings at any point shall be taken within 6 seconds for motors of output 7.5 kW and below, and 10 seconds for motors rated above 7.5 kW. 7.3.2 The following mechanical arrangements may be used to measure the developed torque: a) Dynamometer, ») Rope and pulley, and ©) Brake or beam clamped rigidly to motor shaft. 10IS : 4029 - 1967 The torque should be measured with the rotor in various positions wherever possible and the minimum value shalll be taken as. starting torque. The readings of voltage, current, frequency and power input should be taken. The starting torque and starting current should be extrapolated in accordance with for rated voltage, when the test is carried out at reduced voltage ( see also ) For extrapolation of the test results at rated voltage, the test shall be carried out at least at three test voltages. At each test voltage, the readings of voltage, current, torque, frequency and power input should be taken. Then a curve between the values of the current and the applied test voltage should be drawn. Similarly another curve shall be drawn between the torque values and the square of the applied test. voltage wherever possible. The values of starting current and starting torque shall be extrapolated from these curves. Nore — Effect of the magnetic saturation isnot considered inthis test method. 7.4 Pull Up and Pull Out Torque (for Motors Having Output Rating up to 15 kW) 7.4.1 Pull up Torque — The motor shall be mounted with suitable loading arrangement and the rotor fully locked. ‘The rated voltage at the rated frequency ( see 3.3 of IS : 325-1970" ) shall then be applied to the motor terminals under the locked rotor condition, The loading on ‘the motor shall then be reduced slowly when the motor starts and picks up speed. The value of the torque at which the rotor breaks away from the locked rotor condition and attains the speed corresponding to pull out torque condition shall be noted and reported as pull up torque. NoTE — The test method for pull up torque for motors above 15 KW is under consideration 7.4.2 Pull out Torque — The motor shall be mounted with suitable loading arrangement and the rated voltage at the rated frequency ( see 3.3 of IS: 325-1970*) applied to the motor terminals at no load condition. The load on the motor may then be gradually increased and the maximum load at which the motor stalls may be noted. The torque calculated at this point is the pull out torque. [NOTE 1 ~The motor shouldbe disconnected from the supply Immediately it sal. [Note 2—Itmaybenoted thatthe motor should natbe kept inthe locked roter condition for more than a few seconds since longer time lapse will endanger the windings. Note 3 — The test method for pull out torque for motors above 15 kW is under consideration “Specification for three-phase induction motors (third revision) uIS : 4029 - 1967 75 Tests for Speed-Torque and Speed-Current Curves 7.5.1 Speed-torque characteristic is the relationship between torque and speed, embracing the range from zero to synchronous speed. This relationship, when expressed as a curve, will include breakdown torque, pull-up torque and starting torque. 7.5.2 Speed-current characteristic is the relationship between current | and speed. 7.5.3 Method — Speed-torque and speed-current tests may be carried | out by the following methods: a) Dynamometer, b) Pony brake, ©) Rope and pulley, and 4) Calibrated machine, Measurement of voltage, current and speed shall be made. The | torque is obtained directly from dynamometer, pony brake and rope and pulley method and indirectly from calibrated machine method. Speed-torque and speed-current tests shall be made at rated | voltage or as near to it as practical. When it is necessary to establish values of current and torque at rated voltage, based on tests made at reduced voltage, it should be recognized that the current may be increased by a ratio somewhat greater than the first power of the voltage and torque by a ratio somewhat greater than the square of the voltage because of possible saturation of flux leakage paths. The relationship varies with design and, as a first approximation, is sometimes taken as current varying directly with voltage and torque with square of voltage. A more exact method of test is quite elaborate and calls for determining the rate of change of current and torque with voltage by establishing speed-torque and speed-current curves for at least two, preferably three or more, values of voltages. 7.5.4 It is necessary to avoid temperatures exceeding the limits of | temperature-rise for a given class of insulation as specified in the relevant equipment specification. 7.8.5 For wound rotor motors, speed-torque and speed-current tests | may be taken between synchronous speed and the speed at which ‘maximum torque occurs. 7.6 Load Test 7.6.1 Tests with load are made for the determination of performance, such as efficiency, power factor, speed and temperature-rise. For all 12IS : 4029 - 1967 tests with load the machine shall be properly aligned and securely fastened. Load characteristics are obtained by taking readings at high loads followed by those at lower loads. This is usually done at 125, 100, 75, 50 and 25 percent of the full load values. 7.6.2 Methods of Loading Brake method — Considerable care should be exercised in the construction and use of the brake and pulley. In this test, conditions should be such that the scale pointer remains practically stationary at any given load. Proper cooling, preferably water cooling, should be provided for the pulley. Dynamometer method — The output of an induction motor may | be calculated by the following formula: Tx revimin kw = Decevimin 974 where Tis torque in kgm. Calibrated machine — If a dynamometer or brake and pulley is | not available, the test motor may be loaded on a calibrated generator. The efficiency curve of such a generator shall be available. Uncalibrated machine — If it is not possible to conduct any of | the above three methods, the test motor may be loaded on an uncalibrated generator. 7.6.3 Determination of Efficiency Input-output method — Input-output tests are carried out by the following three methods: a) Dynamometer, b) Brake and pulley, and ©) Calibrated machine. Segregated loss method — Where uncalibrated machine is used, | this method is applied. The losses shall include those listed below: Fixed losses a) Core loss, and. b) Friction and windage losses and brush friction loss, if any. Direct load loss a) FRioss in stator winding, b) PR loss in rotor winding, and ) Brush contact loss, if any. 13IS: 4029 - 1967 Stray load loss a) Stray load loss in iron, and ») Stray load loss in conductors. Unless otherwise specified, all #R losses shall be corrected to the temperatures given below: ‘Thermal class of the insulation Reference temperature system c AE 5 B 95 F 115 H 130 If the rated temperature rise or the rated temperature is specified as that of a lower thermal class than that used in the construction, the reference temperature shall be that of the lower thermal class. 7.6.4 Slip Measurement — For the range of load for which the efficiency is determined, the measurement of slip is very important. Determination of slip by subtracting the value of speed obtained by ‘means of techometer from synchronous speed is not recommended. The slip should be directly measured by one of the following methods: a) Stroboscope, ) Slip-coil, and ©) Magnetic needle, @) Any other suitable method. I Methods (b) and (©) are suitable for machines having a slip of not more than 5 percent. Strobascope method — On one end of the motor shaft a single | black radial line is painted upon a white background. The slip is readily measured by counting the apparent backward rotation of the black line over a given period of time. Slip-coil method — A suitable slip-coil having approximately | 700 turns of 1 mm diameter insulated wire is passed axially over the motor and its two ends are connected to centre-zero galvanometer. When the motor is running the galvanometer pointer will oscillate. ‘The number of oscillations shall be counted only in one direction, that fs, to the left or to the right for a period of, say, 20 seconds. The following formula will give percentage slip: nx 100 SR “4IS : 4029 - 1967 where S = percentage slip, ‘2 = number of oscillations, time in seconds required for n oscillations, and F = supply frequency. Magnetic needle method — In this method a magnetic needle | (suspended on a sharp point so that it can rotate freely) is placed on the body of motor in horizontal plane. The needle will oscillate and the number of oscillations shalll be counted for a period of, say, 20 seconds. ‘The percentage slip may be calculated by the formula given in 7.6.5 Power Factor Measurement — Power factor may be measured by | one of the following three methods: a) Watt to volt-ampere ratio, b) Two wattmeter readings, and ©) Power factor meter. Watt to volt-ampere ratio method — Power factor is obtained by | ratioof the algebraic sum of wattmeter readings to volt-ampere readings. For three phase, Watts 3x volts x amperes Two wattmeter readings method — On three phase motor, where | the load is pulsating, the power factor so obtained may be checked by the following formula obtained from independent wattmeter readings: Power factor = Power factor where W, = higher of the two readings, and We = lower of the two readings. If W, gives a negative reading, it should be considered minus quantity. From the above formula, curves can be plotted (Fig. 2) of power factor versus ratio of lower wattmeter reading to higher wattmeter reading t We) te is possible to obtain the power factor 1 directly from these curves. If W> is negative, the ratio t We } should be m 15IS : 4029 - 1967 considered as a minus quantity. oe 10 os] +00 i es . Boa ose o ar ® ou os a os oo oF ce 08 is where X = ratio of wattmeter readings of like polarity, —X = ratio of wattmeter readings of unlike polarity. Fic, 2 Power Factor Vs RATIO OF WATIMETER READINGS Power factor meter method — In this method, power factor meter | is directly connected in the circuit and direct reading is obtained. If two values of power factor determined by and | do not agree for a three-phase motor, the test may be repeated to eliminate the error. However, in cases where load is fluctuating, power factor determined by will be higher than that determined by In this case, higher value shall be taken as correct reading. The difference is because of the inclusion of pulsating component of current in volt-amperes, which is a function of load rather than of motor itself. The power factor determined from the ratio of wattmeter reading is not affected by the presence of pulsating current. 7.1 Temperature-Rise Test 7.7.1 This test is intended primarily to determine the temperature-rise on different parts of the motor while running at rated conditions. ‘When loading to rated conditions is not possible due to limitations in facility, the super-imposition method of loading for temperature rise shall be considered in accordance with method given in Appendix A. 16IS : 4029 - 1967 7.1.2 While preparing for temperature-rise test, the motor should be | shielded from currents of air coming from adjacent pulleys, belts and other machines as incorrect results may be obtained if this is not done. Asmall current of air may cause great discrepancy in results obtained. Sufficient floor space should be left between machines to allow free circulation of air. Under ordinary conditions, a distance of two metres is sufficient. 7.1.3 The duration of temperature-rise test is dependent on the type of | rating of the motor. For motors with continuous rating the temperature-rise test | should be continued till thermal equilibrium has been reached, Whenever possible, the temperature should be measured both while running and after shut down. . For motors with short time rating, the duration of the test | should correspond to the declared short time rating. At the end of the test, the specified temperature-rise limits should not be exceeded. At the beginning of the test, the temperature of the motor should be within 5°C of that of the cooling air. In the case of motors for periodic duty and for continuous duty with ‘intermittent load, the test should be continued till thermal equilibrium has been reached. Unless otherwise agreed, the duration of one cycle should be 10 minutes, for the purpose’ of this test. Temperature measurements should be made at the end of no-load period for the purpose of establishing thermal equilibrium. At the end of first half of the last period of no-load operation the temperature-rise should not exceed the specified limit. 7.7.4 When thermal equilibrium is reached the motor shalll be stopped | as quickly as possible and measurements taken both while the motor is running and after shut down (wherever possible). No corrections for observed temperatures are necessary if the stopping period does not exceed the values given below: 0 — 50kW 30 seconds 51 — 200 kW ‘90 seconds In case where successive measurements show increasing | temperature after shut down, the highest value shall be taken. Whenever rotor temperature also is required. this is found out | recording the highest temperature reached in the thermometers placed on the rotor bars and core in the case of squirrel-cage motors and on collector rings in the case of wound rotor motor. Thermometers should be stopped as soon as rotating parts come to rest. 7.7.5 In cases where the temperature can be measured only after the | ‘motor has come to rest (as in case of measurement of temperature-rise 7IS : 4029 - 1967 by resistance method) the cooling curve is plotted by determining the first points as rapidly as possible. In cases where the first ‘measurement of temperature is made after the periods given in 7.7.4 from the intermittent of switching off the power, extrapolation of the cooling curve is carried out to determine the temperature at the instant of shut down. This may be achieved by plotting a curve with temperature readings as ordinates and time as abscissa and extrapolating back to the instant of shut down. 7.1.6 Methods of Measuring Temperature-Rise of Parts of Motor The temperature-rise of a part of a motor shall be the difference in temperature between that part of the motor, measured by the appropriate method in accordance with 7.7.6, and the cooling medium measured in accordance with 7.7.7. Three methods of determining the temperature of windings and other parts are recognized. Embedded temperature detector method — Embedded | temperature detectors are resistance thermometers or thermocouples built in the machine during manufacture at points which are inaccessible when the machine is completed. This method is generally employed for the slot portion of stator windings. At least six detectors shall be built in the machine, suitably distributed around the circumference and placed in positions along the length of the core at which the highest temperatures are likely to occur. Each detector shall be installed in intimate contact with the surface whose temperature is being measured and in such a manner that the detector is effectively protected from contact with cooling ait. The location of the detectors shall be as follows: Two coil-sides per slot — When the winding has two coil-sides per slot, each detector shall be located between the insulated coilsides within the slot. More than two coit-sides per slot — When the winding has more than two coil-sides per slot each detector shall be located in a position between insulated coil sides at which the highest temperature is likely to occur. NOTE 1 — The embedded temperature detector method is not recognized for stator windings having only one coll-side per slat for which the resistance method shall be lsed with the same limits of temperature rise. For checking the temperature of such 8 winding in service, an embedded detector atthe bottom of the sto sof Ute value because i gives mainly the temperature af the iron core. A detector placed between the coll and the wedge wil follow much more closely the temperature ofthe winding and is, therefore, better for check tests, although he temperature there may be Father low. The relation between the temperature measured at that place and the temperature measured by resistance should be determined by a heat test and a ‘ultable limit for the temperature measured by embedded detector corresponding to the allowed temperature by resistance shouldbe agreed upon. 18IS : 4029 - 1967 [NOTE 2 — In cases where embedded temperature detectors may be undesirable they ‘may be omitted by agreement and the resistance method used with the same lit of temperature-rse. Resistance method — This method is generally applicable to the stator windings not employing embedded temperature detectors. It is the preferred method. In this method the temperature of the windings is determined by the increase in resistance of the windings. When the temperature of a winding is to be determined by resistance, the temperature of the winding before the test, measured by thermometer, shalll be practically that of the cooling air or gas. ‘The temperature-rise f ~ t, may be obtained from the ratio of the resistance by the formula: 144235 _ Ry +235 R ‘temperature (°C) of cooling air or gas at the end of the test, temperature (°C) of the winding at the end of the test, resistance of the winding at the end of the test, temperature (°C) of the winding (cold) at the moment of the initial resistance measurement, and initial resistance of the winding (cold) For practical purposes, the following alternative formula may be found convenient: RR, b- be 4 (235 +t) +t - ty Thermometer method — This method is applicable in cases where neither the embedded temperature detector method nor the resistance method is applicable. ‘The use of the thermometer method is also recognized in the following cases: a) When it is not practicable to determine the temperature-rise by the resistance method, as in the case of low-resistance windings, especially when the resistance of joints and connections forms a considerable portion of the total resistance; ) Singly-layer windings, revolving or stationary: and When, for reasons of manufacture in quantity, thermometer method alone is used, although the resistance method would be possible. 19IS: 4029 - 1967 In this method, temperature is determined by thermometers applied to the accessible surface of the motor. The term thermometer includes mercury or alcohol bulb thermometers as well as non-embedded thermocouples and resistance thermometers provided the latter are applied to the points accessible to the usual bulb thermometer. When bulb thermometers are employed in places where there is any varying or moving magnetic field, alcohol thermometers should be used in preference to mercury thermometers as the latter are unreliable under these conditions. 7.7.7 Measurement of Cooling Air or Gas Temperature During Tests — | ‘The cooling air temperature shall be measured by means of several thermometers placed at different points around and half-way up the ‘motor at a distance of 1 to 2 metres, and protected from heat radiation and draughts, The value to be adopted for the temperature of the cooling air or gas during a test shall be the mean of the readings of the thermometers (placed as mentioned above), taken at equal intervals of time during the last quarter of the duration of the test. order to avoid errors due to time lag between the | temperature of large motors and variations in the cooling air or gas, all reasonable precautions shall be taken to reduce these variations and errors arising therefrom. In the case of cooling by means of forced ventilation, or where | machines have water-cooled air or gas coolers, the temperature of the air or gas measured, where it enters the motor, shall be considered as the cooling air or gas temperature. 7.1.8 Temperature Correction Motors specified for operation at altitudes in excess of 000 metres ‘or motors specified for operation at an altitude higher than 1 000 ‘metres but not in excess of 4 000 metres, no correction shalll be made if the difference between altitude during test and the specified altitude in service does not exceed 1 000 metres; if, however, the specified altitude exceeds the test altitude by more than 1000 metres, the specified temperature-rises shall be reduced at a rate of one percent for each increment of 100 metres by which the site altitude exceeds 1 000 metres. Cooling air temperature for temperature-rise test — A motor | may be tested at any convenient value of cooling medium temperature less than 40°C, but whatever the value of this cooling medium temperature, the permissible rise of temperature shall not exceed, during the test, those specified in the relevant equipment specification. In the case of motors intended to operate under conditions in which the maximum cooling air temperature exceeds 40°C, the 20IS : 4029 - 1967 temperature-rises as given in the relevant specification shall be reduced as follows: a) By 5°C, if the temperature of the cooling air exceeds 40°C by 5°C of less: ») By 10°C, if the temperature of the cooling ar exceeds 40°C by more than 5°C but not more than 10° ©) By agreement, if the temperature of the cooling air is more than 10°C above 40°C. Tests of temperature-rise may be carried out at any convenient cooling air temperature. When the temperature of the cooling air during test is lower than the stated site cooling air temperature by not more than 30°C, no correction shall be made on account of such difference. When the ‘temperature of the cooling air during test is lower than the stated site cooling air temperature by more than 30°C, the permissible temperature-rise on test shall be the permissible temperature-rise under specified site conditions reduced by a percentage numerically equal to one-third of the difference between the specified temperature of the cooling air on site and the temperature of the cooling air on test where both temperatures are expressed in degrees Celsius. Example. If the specified temperature of the cooling air on site is 56°C and the temperature of the cooling air on test is 20°C, the reduction in temperature-rise to take account of this difference is: 56-20 56=20 _ 19 3 The permissible temperature-rise on test is, therefore, 100512 ~ 98 percent ofthe tempersture-ise onsite These reductions apply to all the classes of insulation covered in this standard, the test being carried out at the manufacturer's works. 8, MEASUREMENT OF SHAFT CURRENTS AND VOLTAGES 8.1 Shaft currents and voltages may be produced in a machine due to various factors like dissymetries in the magnetic circuit, non-ideal flux distribution, eccentric airgap and electrostatic effects. 8.2 A test suitable for all 2-pole and higher capacity motors is given below. 8.2.1 The machine is run at no-load and at rated supply voltage and frequency. A rectifier type moving coil voltmeter of full scale deflection of 5 volts (preferably of I volt only) should be connected across the ends a
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