CHP 3 Pad370 MDM Sarehan
CHP 3 Pad370 MDM Sarehan
CHP 3 Pad370 MDM Sarehan
One of the objectives of taxation is redistribution of income. The distributive goals are
usually sought through the use of progressive rate structures, the imposition of high taxes on
those with greater ability to pay. Higher tax rates on higher-income individuals may limit their
accrual of wealth and may also finance transfers to persons with lesser means. Lower tax rates
on lower-income individuals correspondingly represent an attempt to provide them with
government services at little cost.
Other than that is equality. Equity among equals means that those with equal ability to pay
taxes, all other things being equal, should pay the same tax. In case of income tax, for example,
this principle suggests that those with equal incomes should pay equal income tax.
Besides, Price Stability is also one of the objective of taxation. Taxation can be used to
ensure price stability. Taxes are regarded as an effective means of controlling inflation. By
raising the rate of direct taxes, private spending can be controlled. Naturally, the pressure on the
commodity market is reduced. But indirect taxes imposed on commodities fuel inflationary
tendencies. High commodity prices, on the one hand, discourage consumption and, on the other
hand, encourage saving. Opposite effect will occur when taxes are lowered down during
In addition, Government also uses taxes as a way to protect local industries and as such
make them more profitable. Increasing tariffs on imports and charging lower taxes to local
products may boost the demand for goods and services produced by domestic industry. Taxes
on imports, which are called tariffs, can be used by government to correct an unfavorable
balance of payment situation by increasing the tariffs. This will result in imports becoming
expensive and will cause a fall in demand for the imported goods.
The first characteristics for tax is Equality which means that what people pays for tax
should always be in proportion to what they earn (income). Also, the system should ensure
that there is fairness in payment of tax so that no particular section of the society is
overburdened. A tax system must ensure that citizens fairly contribute towards the running of
government, to the extent of their ability to pay; and the benefits from goods and services that
a government provides.
The second tax characteristics has to do with Certainty. This means that tax liabilities
should be clear and certain, rather than arbitrary. In other words, the tax should be easily
understood in terms of the amount and method of payment. Therefore, it is necessary that the
tax laws are clear and the taxpayer is able to predict, with a reasonable certainty what his tax
liability is likely to be.
The third is convenience of Tax payment, that taxes should be collected at a time and in
a manner that is convenient for the taxpayer. In other words, the system should consider the
convenient time when the payers have money otherwise, they may find it difficult to pay.
Since the tax-payers make sacrifices when they pay the taxes, it is essential for the
government to see that they are not put to any avoidable inconvenience.
The fourth characteristics of a good tax system is Elastic. A good tax system should be
sufficiently elastic so that the tax revenue may be increased or decreased according to the
requirements of the state. Two things are essential to bring about elasticity in the tax system.
First, there should be proper blending of direct and indirect taxes. Secondly, certain sources of
income should be exclusively reserved for emergencies.
Universal application of taxes is also one of the characteristics of a good tax system.
Each individual should pay according to his ability to pay, and the individual possessing the
same ability to pay should contribute the same amount by way of taxes without any
discrimination. In India, income tax is lacking these characteristics because income from
agriculture is not taxed to the extent the incomes have been taxed in the non-agriculture
Taxes are divided into three structures based on the rate of taxation. The first type of
taxation is th proportional tax. A proportional tax is a tax which is imposed at the same rate
for all income levels. The tax rate remains constant regardless of whether income increases or
decreases. This can be seen when low-income taxpayers would pay 10%, middle-income
taxpayers would pay 10% and high-income taxpayers would also pay 10%. Sales tax is an
example of a proportional tax as all consumers, regardless of their income, will pay the same
fixed rate.
Another type of tax is progressive tax. A progressive tax is a tax which goes on
increasing with income. The higher the income, the higher the percentage of tax. A
progressive tax can be charged to obtain revenue to help the poor. For example, a wealth or
property tax, a sales tax on luxury goods, or the exemption of sales taxes on basic necessities,
may be describe as having progressive effects as it increases the tax burden of higher income
families and reduces it on lower income families.
Besides, regressive tax is also one of the type of taxation. A regressive tax is a tax rate
which falls with an increase in income. A regressive tax is the opposite of progressive tax.
The higher the income, the lower the percentage of tax. For example, government apply sales
taxes uniformly to all consumers based on what they buy. Even though the tax may be
uniform, lower-income consumers are affected. In other words, although the amount is the
same, it constitute a more significant burden on the family with the lower-income, hence
making it a regressive tax.
Direct taxes are one of the sources of taxes. Direct taxes is a tax paid by the persons on
whom it is charged and cannot be passed to other persons. In other words, it is a tax which is
paid directly by those on whom it is is levied directly on the income or assets of
individuals or companies. For example, income tax, corporation tax, petroleum revenue tax,
and other taxes such as stamp duties as well as motor vehicle duties. The advantage of income
tax is that it is easy to collect.
Meanwhile, the other source of taxes are indirect taxes. Indirect tax is a tax on which the
burden can be passed on to another persons. It is collected by the custom and excise department.
In other words, direct tax are included in the price of goods and services we buy. It is collected
from the people who make or sell goods and provided the services but the tax on each item is
added to the price paid by the consumer who pays indirectly without knowing it. For example,
sales tax, service tax, excise duty, import and export duties and value added tax. Hence, they are
generally regressive because they fall more on the poor than on the rich.
There are different implications of direct and indirect taxes on the country. However,
both types of taxes are important for the government as taxes include the major part of
revenue for the government. One of the differences between direct and indirect sources of
taxation system in malaysia is regarding on who the taxes are levied and paid for by. Direct
tax is levied and paid for by individuals, firms, companies etc. Whereas indirect tax is
ultimately paid for by the end-consumer of goods and services.
Next, the other differences between direct and indirect sources of taxation system in
malaysia is that regarding the burden of tax. The burden of tax cannot be shifted in the case
of direct taxes where the tax cannot be passed on to another person. Meanwhile burden can
be shifted for indirect taxes. For example, the burden of tax can be passed on to another
Besides, another differences between direct and indirect sources of taxation system in
malaysia is regarding inequalities. Direct taxes help in reducing inequalities and are
considered to be progressive. This can be seen when a progressive tax is a tax which goes on
increasing with income. The higher the income, the higher the percentage of tax. A
progressive tax can be charged to obtain revenue to help the poor. Meanwhile, indirect taxes
enhance inequalities and are considered to be regressive. A regressive tax is a tax rate which
falls with an increase in income. A regressive tax is the opposite of progressive tax. The
higher the income, the lower the percentage of tax. For example, government apply sales
taxes uniformly to all consumers based on what they buy. Even though the tax may be
uniform, lower-income consumers are affected.
Furthermore, another differences between direct and indirect sources of taxation system
in malaysia is regarding the evasion of tax. The evasion of tax is possible in the case of a
direct tax if the proper administration of the collection is not done. Whereas, in the case of
indirect tax, the evasion of tax is not possible since the amount of tax is charged on the goods
and services.
Another differences between direct and indirect sources of taxation system in malaysia is
regarding when the tax will be collected. Direct tax is collected when the income for
the financial year is earned or the assets are valued at the date of valuation. As against this,
the indirect taxes are collected, when the purchase or sale of goods or services are rendered.
Both direct and indirect taxes are important for the country as they are intricately linked
with the overall economy. As such, collection of these taxes is important for the government
as well as the well-being of the country. Both direct taxes and indirect taxes are collected by
the central and respective state governments according to the type of tax levied.
One of the issues in taxation is tax evasion. Tax evasion happens when the taxpayer
refuses to pay tax by not declaring his real income. In other words, tax evasion is a criminal
offence which involves deliberately misrepresent the true state of their affairs to the tax
authorities to reduce their tax liability and includes dishonest tax reporting, such as declaring
less income, profits or gains than the amounts actually earned, or overstating deductions.
Besides, another issue in taxation is tax avoidance. The issue of tax avoidence, on the
other hand is when the taxpayer reduces his amount of income by working less hard because
of the burden of paying higher taxes especially when the tax rate is very steep.
Furthermore, red-tape and bureaucracy is also one of the issues in taxation. Red tape in
Malaysia may have already cost the country billions in revenue losses.
Other than that, procedure in tax payment is another issue in taxation. The procedure in
tax paymnet are not friendly user hence burdening the taxpayers.
According to Shaari and Jomo, public borrowing are defined as “total debt of central
government either from internal of external sources”. in other words,public borrowing is the
total amount of money that has been borrowed by the government. The other terms used to
refer to public borrowing are government debt, national debt or public debt.
The government issues bonds and securities for borrowing money.the government debt, also
owned know as public debt or national debt is money or credited owed by any level of
government, either central government, federal government, municipal government or local
government. As government represents the people, government debt can be seen as an
indirect debt of the taxpayers.
Other than that, to help finance in War. During a war, government spending is stretched
leading to higher borrowing. The highest rates of borrowing occurred during the two world
wars. Also, during wars, it may be easier to sell bonds as you can play the patriotic card to
encourage people to finance government borrowing.
National Wealth Flows out: If public debt has been acquired from external sources, it is to
be paid along with interest either in foreign exchange or in terms of goods and services, if it is
paid in cash, valuable foreign exchange will be flown out. If it is paid in terms of goods and
services, it will reduce the availability of these goods within the country and inflationary
pressures on the economy will mount. In both the cases, it implies an out flow of wealth to the
foreign countries. Sometimes, it happens that the government has to borrow afresh to repay
the old loans. This is again not good for the development and prosperity of the nation.