Transcribed Notes Labor Law Special Lecture

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The key takeaways from the document are that there are different tests to determine employer-employee relationships, particularly the control test. It also discusses different types of labor relations such as strikes, boycotts, and collective bargaining.

A primary boycott is usually legal as it involves pressure directed at the employer by its own employees. A secondary boycott is illegal as it involves pressure directed at the employer's customers/suppliers and there is no direct employer-employee relationship.

Strikers are entitled to economic benefits under the following conditions: if they were discriminatorily dismissed, illegally locked out by the employer, or unconditionally offered to return to work but the offer was rejected by the employer. In the latter case, they are entitled to backwages.

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Elements of labor-only contracting

a. contractor does not have substantial capital/investment in the form of
- physical or mental exertion or effort; law/rule/regulation that defines the goods, equipment, machineries, work premises, etc
relationahip between the employer and the employee; the employer having b. he is a mere supplier of workers (and the supplied workers become the
control over the employee, and the latter being paid his compensation. direct employees of the principal employer)
c. he performs job that is directly related to the principal employer.
TN: However, in permissible job-contracting/independent contractorship –
- manpower; that portion of the population of the state that is capable of allowed under the law; the employees hired by the independent contractor are
producing goods and services indeed the employees of the independent contractor. But he has to comply with
the requirements laid down by law. But in the event the independent contractor
Four-fold Test fails to pay the wages of its employees, the principal employer is liable in solidum
to pay these wages. But the principal employer can run after the independent
- Selection/engagement of the putative employee contractor (though his posted bond) for his advances in the form of wages.
- payment of wages/salaries TN: If the independent contractor is not registered as such, it shall be treated
- Presence/absence of the power of dismissal only as a mere labor-only contractor.
- Presence/absence of the power of control Instances where there is employer-employee relationship though the control
TN: The most important test is the control test, not only as to the manner but as 1. A teacher and a school – the school provides the subject to be taught, where
to the results thereof. Not every form of control establishes employer-employee it shall be taught, when it shall be taught. Thus, there is control and supervision.
relationship. 2. A jeepney driver on a boundery basis – is an employee of the operator
TN: In relation to exercise of management prerogative, there is only one test: because he is subject to control and supervision of the operator.
the control test. Control includes selection/engagement of the putative employee 3. A resident physician – there is control and supervision on how the
as well as the power of dismissal and payment of wages and the power of resident physician should prosecute his job. But there was a
dismissal. Department Order issued by the DOLE stating that a resident physician
in healthcare industries like the hospital is not an employee of the
Economic Reality Test hospital, provided, that the training agreement is approved by both the
DOH and PRC.
- in determining employer-employee relationship, the prevailing economic 4. A lawyer in the legal office of SM for example.
circumstances between the employer and the employee such as (a) inclusion of 5. Stevedores– if the stevedores has to load/unload cargoes to a particular
the worker in the payroll, (b) submission of his name with pertinent agencies of shipping company, there exists employer-employee relationship. But without
the government (BIR, SSS, Pag-ibig, Philhealth) etc., although there is no regard to specific shipping company, he is not an employee.
contract of employment, the law mandates the creation of employer-employee
relationship. TYPES OF LABOR LAW
Instances where there is no employment contract but there is an employer-
employee relationship: 1. PROTECTIVE LEGISLATION
1. In the case of a working scholar, he is not an employee of the school,
but if he is given a real opportunity to finish a chosen course, there - designed to protect certain types of workers (women workers, child workers,
exists in law an employer-employee relationship which makes the handicapped) from an unfair employment contract.
working scholar entitled to the benefits under the Labor Code. Examples of Protective Legislation:
2. in the case of labor-only contracting: the employee hired by the labor-only a. Anti-Sexual Harassment Law – aimed at protecting employees from
contractor is a mere agent or intermediary of the principal employer/indirect oversexuperious committed not only against women employees but also
employer/statutory employer/owner of the project. Although the labor-only to men employees
contractor hires the employee, the hired employee is not an employee of the Types of sexual harassment:
hirer (labor-only contractor) but becomes the direct employee of the principal 1. Cuit propo – giving something for something; most important
employer. Because labor-only contracting is against the law and public policy. element is a request/sexual favor which is denied resulting to an
“The secret to successful lawyering is being humble. There is no substitute to humility.” – Dean Salvador Poquiz
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adverse tangible action (example: the woman who was requested - Compensable disability
sexual act was dismissed from her employment) - Compensable death
2. Hostile work environment – the act or conduct of the superior
officer places an employee in an intimidating, offensive, or hostile Occupational Disease
working environment (examples: sexual remarks, utterances,
connotations, physical contact of a sexual nature) The General Rule is that for a disease to be compensable, it must be listed in
the Table of Occupational Diseases as issued by the Employees Compensation
Q: If the superior made several sexual utterances which compelled the Commission. However, there are cases considered as Exceptions to this rule
woman employee to resign from her job, can she file a case for whereinthe liberality of the law still subsists: that in case of doubt, it shall be
constructive dismissal? resolved in favor of labor. Applying the principle of Construction in favor of Labor
Yes. There are 3 concepts of constructive dismissal: (a) continued employment under Art 4 of the Labor Code and the Constitution.
has become impossible/reasonable/unlikely/ unbearable under the
circumstances; (b) there is demotion in rank, there is diminution in pay; (c) there Q: Explain the favored treatment clause
is a disdainful act in the part of the employer that compelled the employee to This is the principle of construction in favor of labor. That in case of doubt, it
resign. In this case, continued employment has become shall be resolved in favor of labor.
unbearable/unreasonable under the circumstances brought about by the Actual case:
repeated sexual remarks uttered by the employer which compelled the employee An employee died due to haemorrhaging pancreatitis (bangungot) so the heirs
to resign. filed a compensation claim but was denied by the Employees Compensation
b. Maternity Leave Law Commission on the ground that such disease is not listed in the table of
c. Anti-VAWC Law occupational diseases. However, the Supreme Court granted the claim stating
d. Anti-Discrimination Law (RA 6725) – discrimination in pay, discrimination that haemorrhaging pancreatitis is a disease that is unknown until now. Even
in work opportunity, discrimination in hiring, and discrimination in medical experts cannot say with certainty the origin of this disease and this
dismissal, pregnancy discrimination, and stipulation against marriage uncertainty creates doubt, and this doubt must be resolved in favor of labor. The
(that in case an employee gets married, she will be dismissed) SC emphasized that it does not mean that if the disease is not listed, it is not
Coca Cola Bottlers Co. case: compensable. Because the liberality of the law still subsists, that in case of
There was a policy of Coca Cola that the workers watching over the moving doubt, it shall be resolved in favor of labor.
bottles of coca cola in the conveyor were provided with seating facilities but later
on, the company changed its policy and made the workers stand – this was Q: When is a disease considered an occupational disease? Example, a
protested by the union for being discriminatory. In the SC, the High Court nurse was assigned to a TB ward for 5 years. Before her assignment,
validated the standing position policy of the company, stating that proper seating she was of good health condition. But after 5 years of working in the
facilities are only provided under the Labor code to women workers and not to TB ward, she was afflicted with TB. Is the disease compensable?
male workers. Yes. A disease is considered occupational disease when there is a direct linkage
TN:Hazardous/Deleterious undertaking – affects the physical, mental, moral and between the disease and the occupation, which is evident in the case of the
normal development of a child employee; absolutely, child employee is not nurse afflicted with TB.
allowed. Q: A miner, who is usually exposed to deadly chemicals, was afflicted
with cancer and subsequently died. Is his death compensable?
2. LABOR STANDARDS Yes, because the nature of his occupation has a direct linkage with his disease.

- one that provides standards as to hours of work, wages, cost of living

allowances including health, safety, dental, medical and compensation benefits.
- a law that provides economic benefits while the worker is actually working - sudden change in the human organism
TN: There are benefits granted to a worker while he is not working (perhaps due Kinds of injury:
to disease, injury, disability or death) – covered by social or welfare legislation 1. on-premise injury – obtained within the company premises
Q: What are the hazards of employment? 2. off-premise injury –obtained outside company premises
- Occupational disease
- Compensable injury
“The secret to successful lawyering is being humble. There is no substitute to humility.” – Dean Salvador Poquiz
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Principles: 1. Injury/death brought about by intoxication (not mere, but extreme

a. Peculiar risk – the risk is peculiar to the nature of the job of a worker; intoxication/drunkenness i.e., entirely out of himself)
his job requires risk 2. Self-inflicted injury
Ex: a worker who works along the street (he can be sideswiped by a General Rule:Suicide is not compensable
speeding vehicle) Exceptions:
b. Company-sponsored activity – such as foundation days, during which, a. insanity
athletic or entertainment activities like ferry’s wheel wherein one b. uncontrollable impulse
employee rode on it but the ferry’s wheel had a technical problem thus c. employee is already in a state of delirium
the employee fell to the ground resulting in his injury and subsequent 3. Notorious negligence (not ordinary/contributory negligence but the type of
death. Such injury/death is compensable. negligence where the worker deliberately disregarded his own personal safety)
c. Act of God – employee of a company vessel died because the vessel was
capsized due to a storm Coming-and-Going rule
d. Act of ministration – any act that provides or ministers personal comfort
or convenience to the human body resulting in injury or death is Q: An employee was waiting for a ride in one corner along the street in
compensable (also known as the Personal Comfort Doctrine) going to and returning from his place of work under the usual route.
While waiting for a ride, he was sideswiped by a speeding car resulting
Q: In the working area, there is no potable water. A worker, in in his death. Is his death compensable?
wanting to quench his thirst, has to cross the street to buy mineral In the words of the SC in one case, in going to or returning from the place of
water. Unfortunately, while crossing the street, he was hit by a work that results in the process injury or death, as a rule, it is not compensable.
speeding vehicle causing his injury and death. Is his injury/death If a worker has departed from the place of work riding in a public convenience,
compensable? he is exposed to the same danger being experienced by ordinary commuters.
Yes, because quenching his thirst, he wants to provide personal comfort and Once a worker departed from the place of work, the employer is not an insurer
convenience to his human body. of the safety of such worker.

Q: A male worker who works in a company where there is no comfort Exceptions:

room urinated in the corner of the company premises, not knowing 1. Proximity rule – point of entrance/point of exit (the employee is still
that outside the fence there was a cobra. The cobra attacked him within the vicinity/proximity of the working area when the accident
causing his injury. Is the injury compensable? happened)
Yes because he was providing personal comfort to his human body by urinating 2. The employer company provides transport facility to its workers
when the unfortunate accident happened. 3. A worker was compelled to perform additional work to be done at home
Types of Disability:
Temporary Total – 120 days Examples: SSS Law, GSIS Law, Philhealth Law, Pag-ibig Law, Retirement Law
Permanent Total – 240 days
Permanent Partial – loss of function of an anatomical part of the human body 4. LABOR RELATIONS
State Insurance Fund - a law that deals primarily on the concerted actions of the workers arising from
- the one primarily liable for employee’s compensation. the right of workers to self-organization, collective bargaining, etc.
- a trust fund made up of contributions by the employers based on the salaries of
TN: An employee’s compensation case is non-adversarial/non-litigious type of
proceeding. However, once it is denied by the system, it becomes adversarial. - type of labor law that provides for the creation of labor bodies for
administrative purposes
Principle of Limited Liability
- the State Insurance Fund is not liable under the following instances:
“The secret to successful lawyering is being humble. There is no substitute to humility.” – Dean Salvador Poquiz
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- type of labor law that deals with machineries of settlement – is not a mere subsistence wage but a wage that can provide a worker and his
TN: Every CBA should contain a conclusive arbitration clause which should be family to lie in reasonable comfort; the worker and his family is given the
complied with by both parties before a notice of strike is filed. opportunity to enjoy a decent living
Minimum Wage Law
Conclusive Arbitration Clause
– provides for the minimum/demarcation law line so that wages may not fall from
- refers to grievance machinery and voluntary arbitration the minimum; its purpose it to provide a rock bottom; applies to the wage
Q: If a notice of strike is filed by the union with the NCMB, if you are earners.
the lawyer of the employer where the CBA provides for conclusive TN: The minimum wage or the increase of minimum wage may have been
arbitration clause, what will you do? provided by virtue of a Wage Order issued by the Regional Wage Board. Any
File a case for unfair labor practice with the Labor Arbiter, or file a motion with wage order issued in a particular region is intra-regional – cannot be applied to
the NCMB for the issuance of Preventive Mediation Order (PMO). With the other regions. If there is a wage distortion brought about by the issuance of a
issuance of the PMO, the notice of strike is deemed dismissed, as if there has wage order, the same is also intra-regional.
been no notice of strike that has been filed at all. So if there is a PMO but the
union still continues to strike, such strike will be declared illegal. Doctrine of Double Indemnity

CONSTITUTIONAL BASES OF LABOR LAW - the wage order issued should be complied with by the employers in the region.
Otherwise, they are liable to pay twice the amount of unpaid wages and benefits.
1. Preamble TN: The wage order issued by the RWB should comply with the rules and
2. Distributive Justice regulations issued by the National Tripartite Wages Commission and should be in
3. 3 powers of the State accord with the standards of wage fixing (Memorize the Standards of Wage
4. Art 2 and Art 13 (protection to labor) Fixing)
A wage order is issued which may affect the wage structures of a company,
Q: Why is there a need to protect labor? which structures as between a lower-pay class and a higher-pay class. So there
Because as between Labor and Capital as factors of production, Labor is weak is an increase in wages of the lower-pay class but there is no corresponding
and helpless because of its economic dependence upon Capital. Thus, it needs increase in wages of the higher-pay class which may result to a dissolution of the
protection from the State. In Sevilla v. CA, the SC said that in determining 2 classes and ultimately resulting to a wage distortion problem
employer-employee relationship, there is the economic dependence test. As
between labor and capital, it is well-settled that the worker is dependent
economically upon the employer. And because of this economic dependence, the
employee is weak and helpless. He can be deliberately abused by the employer
having the capital investment while the worker has nothing, being only
economically dependent upon the employer.
Full Employment
– situation where one who is able and willing to work can find work under the
prevailing rates of pay and without any undue difficulty; there are more job
openings than job applicants.


–missing much in life; the worker’s family do not enjoy a decent standard of
living/basic necessities of life.
TN:Under Art 13, to alleviate poverty, the Constitution states that the workers
should be provided with the living wage
“The secret to successful lawyering is being humble. There is no substitute to humility.” – Dean Salvador Poquiz
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Settlement of a wage distortion problem: Social Justice

- neither communism nor despotism atomism nor anarchy but humanization of

Determine whether or not the
laws and equalization of the social and economic forces of the State so that
company is unionized justice in its rational and objectively secular conception may at least be
If with a union and the CBA provides approximated.
for a conclusive arbitration clause If no union -promotion of the welfare of all the people, the adoption of the government of
measures calculated to ensure the economic stability of all the component
1. Employer and union are elements of the society, to the maintenance of a proper economic and social
1. Settle amicably
required by law to settle equilibrium in the interrelations of the members of the community
amicably. constitutionally through the adoption of measures legally justifiable or extra-
If they cannot settle, constitutionally to the excesses underlined existence of government and the
If they fail to settle time-honored principle “salus populi est suprema lex”
- the target is the lower class of people so that those who have less in life should
2. The one who will settle
2. Comply with the conclusive have more in law.
is the NCMB
arbitration clause: Grievance
machinery. Underlying principles of Social Justice:
1. Sic utere tu ut alienum non laedas (As you assert your right, do not
impair the rights of other people)
If grievance machinery fails If still failed, 2. Salus populi est suprema lex (the welfare of the people is the supreme
3. Voluntary Arbitration 3. NCMB will transmit it
(Decision of the voluntary for compulsory LAW ON DISMISSAL
arbitrator is subject to a
motion for TN: To prove validity of dismissal, it is upon the employer to present clear and
reconsideration within convincing evidence in order to give flesh and blood to the security of tenure
10 days from receipt of clause of the Constitution. However, other divisions of the Court requires
voluntary arbitrator’s substantial evidence as quantum of proof for validity of dismissal.
Q: If you are a Justice of a court, what will you apply as a prevailing
If the motion for reconsideration is rule/doctrine to prove validity of dismissal? Clear and convincing
denied evidence or substantial evidence?
It should be clear and convincing evidence in order to give flesh and blood to the
4. Petition for review on security of tenure clause of the Constitution.
certiorari with the CA (Rule
43) within 15 days. Types of Due Process

TN: Finally, in non-unionized establishment, the one that has jurisdiction is the 1. Constitutional – as applied against the government
Labor Arbiter whose decision is appealable to the NLRC (Art 224, LC) 2. Statutory – applied under the Labor Code (substantive and procedural)
3. Contractual – as provided in a company policy (Ex: if the company
provides/issues a policy which provides for the steps for dismissal of an
Wage Order Exemption
employee, but the employer himself violated the steps, there is illegal
RWB can exempt, but finally, it is the National Tripartite Wages Commission who dismissal known as violation of contractual due process.)
decides because the Commission’s rules and regulations should be complied with
before the exemption is issued. So, the RWB which does not comply with the Q: In contractual due process, does it have the same effects of normal
Commission’s rules, cannot validly issue a wage order exemption. consequences of illegal dismissal as in a statutory dismissal?
“The secret to successful lawyering is being humble. There is no substitute to humility.” – Dean Salvador Poquiz
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Yes, the employee is likewise entitled to reinstatement, full backwages, LABOR CODE
damages, atty’s fees, 6% legal interest on monetary award.
- systematic codification of all laws in Labor; bill of obligations and human rights
Constitutional Rights of a worker (Art 13) of the workers

1. Right to self-organization
Principle of emancipation of Labor Relations
2. Right to Collective Bargaining
3. Right to Security of Tenure - there is a transformation from the Court of Industrial Relations into a National
4. Right to just and humane conditions of work Labor Relations Commission. Labor bodies are exempted from the application of
5. Right to a living wage rigorous/strict rule of procedure and evidence because the purpose of Labor Law
6. Right to engage in peaceful, concerted activites now is the administration of speedy labor justice.
7. Right to strike in accordance with law
8. Right to participate in policy and decision-making processes (principle of Day 1, Part 2 Lecture (Labor Law)
co-determination/co-sharing/shared responsibility) The jurisdictional foundation Under Art. 6 (Labor Code) of the grant of benefits is
9. Right to profit-sharing benefits the existence of the employer-employee relationship.
CASE: J. Sonsa vs. ABS-CBN
CIVIL CODE PROVISIONS ON LABOR J. Sonsa filed a case of illegal dismissal and this case reached the
Supreme Court. The sole issue of this case is whether or not J. Sonsa is an
1. Principle of non-oppression employee of ABS-CBN. The SC was on a quagmire if what kind of law, rule or
regulation or principle that they are going to apply, because in the Philippines,
– neither capital nor labor shall act oppressively against the other or impair we have no doctrine or principle covering a radio announcer. So the SC was
public interest; the relationship between labor and capital is impressed with compelled to research on foreign jurisprudence and it was found out that a radio
public interest. (Example: if an employee commits an infraction, the proper talent such as a radio announcer, in the USA, is not an employee of the radio
penalty shall be imposed. On the other hand, if an employer unceremoniously company or a TV company, but rather, he is an independent contractor, because
dismisses an employee, the employer is liable under the law for illegal dismissal according to the foreign jurisprudence, a radio talent, when he prosecutes his job
and liable to pay certain benefits under the law/normal consequences for illegal in the process, the company has lesser control and supervision on how a radio
dismissal) talent has to perform his job and since there is a lesser control and supervision
Q: An employee who was validly dismissed filed a case for illegal over him, the he should not be considered or treated as an employee but as a
dismissal which was favored by the Labor Arbiter and ordered his mere independent contractor.
reinstatement despite showing of the evidence that the dismissal was
valid. Is this proper? PREEMPLOYMENT
No. The SC in one case said that the fact that he was validly dismissed then he
should be properly dismissed. Otherwise, if he is reinstated, it is an oppression Most cases here involve Philippine Overseas Employment Administration (POEA)
which will lead to the self-destruction of capital. in relation to recruitment and placement of Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs).
POEA has been designated to ensure that Filipino workers working abroad should
2. Art 1708; Wage v. Salary be amply protected. That is the reason why any foreign employment contract
should be approved in accord with the standard foreign employment contract
Wage – granted/paid to workers who usually do manual job; lower type of the issued by the POEA.
compensation system
Salary – paid to employees TN: POEA cannot issue warrant of arrest anymore because the power to do so is
vested on regular courts. But the exception is in the case of the warrant of
TN:Laborer’s wages are not subject to execution/garnishment but salaries are arrest issued by the Bureau of Immigration only for purposes of
subject to execution/garnishment. (for purposes of Art 1708 NCC) deportation of an undesirable foreigner or alien. Another exception is in the case
of witnesses who are called upon to witness before Congressional
TN: However, in a case, the SC said that salaries, wages, pay, compensation, investigations being conducted by the Congress or by the Senate, as the case
remuneration, all mean the same thing. It’s only a matter of legal semantics.
“The secret to successful lawyering is being humble. There is no substitute to humility.” – Dean Salvador Poquiz
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maybe. The Senate or Congress can issue a warrant of arrest for the purposes of measures in the deployment of OFWs, we will be delivered from adverse
compelling the witness to be present during the investigation. comments from other countries.

RECRUITMENT AND PLACEMENT *international labor market- aggrupation of different workers of different
nationalities assigned or working in that particular country.
An act of canvassing, transporting etc..(see the definition in the Labor Code) This
is a very comprehensive term and what is defined under the Labor Code is not 4 TYPES OF ILLEGAL RECRUITMENT (People vs. Burdoso et al.)
limited within the definition of recruitment and placement.
Examples: Even if there is only one person recruited, there is recruitment and 1. Simple illegal recruitment- committed against 2 persons. Prescriptive
placement (People vs. Panis) period is 5 years.
Mere suggestion is also recruitment and placement. 2. Large-scale illegal recruitment (or qualified)- committed against 3
Recommendation is also recruitment and placement. or more persons, singly or as a group. This constitutes economic
The promise that he has the ability to deploy overseas workers sabotage. Prescriptive period is 20 years.
although it’s not consummated, *the number of people recruited is important
is still recruitment and placement. 3. Syndicated illegal recruitment- committed by 3 or more persons in
Money is not an important element of recruitment and placement. confederation with one another (conspiracy). This also constitutes
economic sabotage.
TN: In recruitment and placement, you can file illegal recruitment simultaneously 4. Non-licensee illegal recruitment – committed without license or
with estafa under the Revised Penal Code. You can use the same pieces of without authority. This is the previous concept of illegal recruitment.
evidence in illegal recruitment and estafa. You can also file a case of illegal
recruitment ahead of estafa and estafa ahead of the former. The SC also said
that the doctrine of double jeopardy does not apply in the case of illegal License (recruitment and placement) must be issued either by the POEA
recruitment and estafa because the former is malumprohibitum and the latter is or the DOLE.
malum in se. The acquittal in the estafa will not prevent the prosecution of illegal (Requirements:
recruitment. The doctrine of double jeopardy, according to the SC will not set in. 1. Must be Filipino Citizens
2. Capital: 5M pesos
PRINCIPLE OF DIRECT HIRING As to inclusion of foreigners: 25% foreigners, 75% Filipinos

Direct hiring is prohibited under the law in order to see to it that OFWs are amply 3. escrow deposit: 1M pesos
protected of their rights and benefits under the law. The benefits under the 4.Bond requirement: 100,000 pesos
foreign employment contract should be in accord with the standard foreign 5. Deed of undertaking of solidary liability to be submitted with the
employment contract issued by the POEA. POEA

Q: If there is a substitution of the foreign employment contract, is Q: Who are the parties in an employment contract?
there a violation? A: Local Agency, Foreign principal of the foreign employer and the OFW
A: It depends, if the substitution provides for higher benefits, there is no more Problem: Assuming the period of deployment overseas is 1 year, upon the
requirement for the approval of the POEA. But if there is substitution on lower expiration of the said period, without the knowledge of the local agency, by the
benefits, then, there is a violation of the law on recruitment and placement. agreement of the foreign employer or principal and the OFW, it was extended by
them. The foreign principal violated the extended contract, subsequently, the
Direct hiring is also prohibited in order to ensure that those who are working OFW returned to the Philippines and filed a case against the foreign employer.
overseas have the necessary skills, technical or production know-how (i.e. by But the Labor Tribunal have no jurisdiction over the person of the foreign
TESDA). In order to have reasonable competition with other foreign workers principal. So the OFW also impleaded the local agency, it being solidarily with the
abroad, so that they can compete fairly, so to speak in an international labor foreign principal.
market. Filipinos who want to work abroad should undergo rigorous training in
order to preserve the dignity of our nation by way of deploying only those who Q: Is the local agency liable for the extended contract agreed upon
have necessary skills, technical know-how or production know-how. By these between the parties?
“The secret to successful lawyering is being humble. There is no substitute to humility.” – Dean Salvador Poquiz
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A: No. The local agency is not liable. The extended contract between the OFW Tips (how to answer bar questions):
and the foreign employer or foreign principal, although it is an extended Because of the act of his employer, he was compelled to resign
contract, indeed, it is a new contract where the local agency is not even a party (involuntary/force resignation). Instead of “It will amount to constructive
thereof. The knowledge of the foreign principal cannot be ascribed or imputed to dismissal”, use: It will metamorphose to constructive dismissal.
the local agency. However, the knowledge of the local agency can be imputed or
ascribed to the foreign principal under the doctrine of imputed knowledge. In the case of abandonment, that is the neglect of duty, in abandonment, the
employee has no more intention to return and he has the deliberate intention to
TN: The provisions of the Labor Code under Book 4 apply also to Seamen, severe the employer-employee relationship. But the fact that he filed a case of
especially on compensation claims (disease, disability, death, injury etc.) illegal dismissal or constructive dismissal, that will not amount to abandonment.
(use: “That will negate abandonment”)
Q: For instance, a seaman is afflicted with a disease, then he returned
to the Philippines. What is the requirement of the law before he can In the case of sexual harassment (i.e. sexual remarks uttered by her senior
claim for compensation? officer) can she file a case for constructive dismissal? Yes. The woman employee
A: Upon arrival here, the law requires him to report to the manning agency can file a case for constructive dismissal because continued employment had
within 3 days, also known as the mandatory 3-day post medical become unreasonable under the circumstances brought about by the constant
examination. The said examination is done in order for the company doctor to sexual remarks uttered by the superior officer.
determine the decease within that period. If the seaman fails to report, his claim
is forfeited. Unless, in the meantime, he made the communication that he cannot You place the very meaning of the legal term in your Bar booklet (i.e. Would you
be present or that he cannot report personally or physically because he is consider Pablo, a mechanic, as a regular employee in an auto-repair shop? Yes,
incapable of doing so (i.e. cannot walk or seriously ill). In this particular case, if Pablo, a mechanic is a regular employee, because he performs job that is
he will report within 3 days, initially, he will be under the 120-day usually necessary and desirable in the usual business of the employer, that of an
Rule(temporary total disability). auto-repair shop.
*For example, the company doctor did not make an assessment, initially, he will
be under 120-day Rule, if after the lapse of 120 days, the company doctor still The auto-repair shop was devastated by Undoy, it employed the services of a
did not make an assessment, it will extend beyond 120-day Rule, that is 240- carpenter. Is the carpenter a regular employee? No. the carpenter is not a
day Rule(permanent total disability). regular employee because he performed job that is not usually necessary and
desirable in the usual business of the employer. Or: A carpenter is not a regular
KESTREL DOCTRINE: employee but a casual employee because he only performs incidental work in
You have to consider the cutoff date for purposes of filing the monetary relation to the principal activity of the employer.
complaint of a seaman. If the monetary complaint was filed before October 6,
2008, the rule that will apply is the 120-day Rule. On the other hand, if you filed The auto-repair shop has to be repaired and it occupies a 1-hectare land, but
the monetary complaint after October 6, 2008, the rule that will apply is the 240- there was only one carpenter who did the job, so the carpenter was able to
day Rule. repair it for 10 years. Is the carpenter a regular employee? Yes, the carpenter is
now treated as a regular employee because he has already rendered services for
Problem: Assuming there is a foreign employment contract of an OFW, at least 1 year, in the case at bar, 10 years, therefore, he is a regular employee.
a seaman, while the seaman is onboard a foreign vessel, still sailing at
the middle of Pacific Ocean, his contract expired. What is the *PENALTIES FOR ILLEGAL RECRUITMENT AND PLACEMENT – just read
requirement of the law? Dean Poquiz’ book
A: Generally, if the seaman’s foreign employment contract expired, he has to be
repatriated back to the Philippines right away. But it will be impossible for a BOOK 2 (LABOR CODE)
seaman to be repatriated back to the Philippines away if the vessel he is in is still
sailing in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. Under these circumstances, the HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT
seaman is still entitled to the benefits under the law. The SC held that he is still Book 2 has been practically amended by TESDA Act of 1994, but there are
entitled to his monthly salaries until the vessel reaches the port of destination certain provisions that are still applicable, especially on the special types of
(where he will be repatriated back to the Philippines). But these monthly wages workers (apprentice, learner, handicapped workers)
should not exceed 3 months.(BAR QUESTION)
“The secret to successful lawyering is being humble. There is no substitute to humility.” – Dean Salvador Poquiz
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An apprentice is one who is engaged to be trained in an apprenticeable or skilled They are trained either as an apprentice or as a learner. If trained as an
occupation. He is trained for a period of not more less than 3 months and not apprentice, then the rules on apprenticeship will apply. On the other hand, if
more than 6 months with theoretical instructions. trained as a learner, then the rules on learnership will apply.
*TESDA Circular No. 16 is void because it modifies Article 58-C of the Labor Code *training agreement is an employment contract
(age requirement) *In case of violation of a training agreement (apprenticeship agreement), does
the Labor Arbiter have jurisdiction (Case of Singapore Airlines)? The SC ruled
Q: Upon the expiration of the apprenticeship period, may an apprentice that the Labor Arbiter has no jurisdiction because the one that has jurisdiction
become a regular employee? initially is the Apprenticeship Plant Committee level, then the Regional Office,
A: Yes. It is settled that an apprenticeship training period is a probationary finally, is the Secretary of Labor and Employment.
period. So after the training period, the apprentice becomes a regular employee. *under the Labor Code, a disabled worker is not entitled to full-month pay, but
Although, The Labor Code says that upon expiration of the training period, the under the PWD Law, a disabled worker is equated with an able-bodied worker.
law does not compel an employer to absorb apprentices but there is no
prohibition to absorb, hire or employ them. BOOK 3 (LABOR CODE)
TN: In case of pre-termination of apprenticeship contract, an apprentice does
not automatically become a regular employee. TITLE 1, CHAPTER 1 IN RELATION TO ART. 82 – all employees are covered
*In case of compensation, if the training company avails of the tax incentive except the following:
program of the government, were training expenses are tax deductible, the 1. Government employees
company-employer is required to pay the apprentice a full-month pay. - There is a separate law that covers them, the Civil Service Law
*Qualifications for apprentices are provided - Except: employees of government, subsidiaries or corporate
offsprings. They are employees of GOCCs without original charters
LEARNERSHIP - Cases: Lumantaw v. NLRC, National Service Corp. vs. NLRC
Upon the expiration of the learnership period, the law requires the training (defining the 2 kind of corporations)
company to absorb the learners. 2. Managerial employees
*In case of pre-termination of learnership contract, a learner automatically - They are but the extension of the person of the management, they
becomes a regular employee, provided that he has already been trained for 2 are the alter-ego of the management. Indeed, a managerial
months. employee is an employer because from the perspective of a rank
*In case of compensation, a learner on piece-rate or incentive rate-basis, is and file employee, he is an employer but from the point of view of
entitled to full-month pay. the management, he is an employee. This is a fusion of two
*Qualifications for learners are not provided personalities in one person.
- Managerial employees supervise at least two or more people
Problem: In the case of apprenticeship agreement signed between the - They are not subject to rigorous working period of 8 hours
parties, the employer of the training company and the apprentice, what - They exercise independent judgment and discretion – any of their
is the requirement so that the apprenticeship agreement would be act is not subject to approval by higher management authorities
valid? - Their recommendation is usually given weight by the employer
A: They should be covered by an apprenticeship program approved by TESDA. 3. Officers and members of the managerial staff
Without the said training program (apprenticeship or learnership) approved by - They assist managerial employees in the exercise of independent
TESDA, the Supreme Court said that the training agreement is not enforceable. judgment and discretion
So, if it is not enforceable because there is no training program as approved by - Note: the supervisory employees defined under Book 5 of the Labor
TESDA, then what is the legal consequence of an apprentice covered by a Code are now treated as officers and members of the managerial
training agreement but without any training program? The SC said that without a staff. They are not covered by Art. 82 of the Labor Code.
training program, even though there is a training agreement, an apprentice 4. Field personnel
becomes an irregular employee. - They work away or in a distant place. The employer has no
supervision on how field personnel has to perform his work.

“The secret to successful lawyering is being humble. There is no substitute to humility.” – Dean Salvador Poquiz
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- Except: when the nature of the work is in the field but the employer Q: Can there be a compressed work week scheme under the flexi-time
has supervision over him (auto-bus doctrine) rule?
5. Immediate members of the family A: Yes, for economic and health purposes. This could minimize in the meantime
- Being a member of the family may give you additional perks or the economic downfall of the company. There will also be savings of energy, like
benefits that may not be given to other ordinary workers. electricity and water consumption. This can also be applied in the case of
- They are not covered, otherwise, it will cause family breakups industries that manufacture chemicals for health purposes. Provided, it will not
6. Domestic servants/house helpers exceed 12 hours during the day, or 48 hours during the night.
- They are the one who provides personal comfort or convenience to
the immediate members of the family. WORKING PERIOD
- Bar Question: is personal massage part and parcel of providing It is the compensable working period.
personal comfort or convenience to the immediate members of the Q: What are the 3 concepts of compensable working period
family? A: 1. Period when the worker is at the place of work performing his job
7. Those who render personal service to another 2. Period when he is not at the place of work but performing his work for the
- The best example is personal bodyguard or personal nurse. The benefit of the employer
service here is personal in nature, not to be done by proxy. 3. Period when the worker is permitted to work or he has suffered work
8. Workers paid by results
- Piece-rate workers, pakyaw workers, task workers etc. CONCEPT OF EXPANDED WORKING PERIOD or COMPENSABLE HOURS
- The completion of the work is important regardless of the time and WORK
effort in doing the work - It includes the period when the worker is not performing his work
but is still being compensated. Such as where he is a secretary or
NORMAL WORKING PERIOD OF 8 HOURS clerk who was required by the employer to provide cups of coffee or
-beyond 8 hours, overtime (25%) drinks to the visitors in the office of the company
- overtime work is voluntary in nature because the employer cannot compel the - What are these instances under the law od compensable
employees to work overtime, except in the following conditions: working period under the expanded meaning?Waiting time is
1. national or local emergency working time such that of a driver or an IT employee whose
2. calamities computer needs to be repaired and he needs to wait until it is
3. urgent repairs needed on machines repaired. Sleeping/napping time as working time, such as a person
4. in order to avail on favorable weather conditions assigned night shift for loading or unloading cargoes. Travelling time
5. in order to comply with the 24-hour work period as a working time such as in the case of a messenger.
6. in order to prevent destruction of perishable goods *on call employees - if he cannot do his chores for his benefit,
compensable. But if he can do his chores without any benefit on him,
OVERTIME not compensable.
*meal period – not compensable, except if the period is 20 minutes
- Undertime is not offset by rendition of overtime work- because it is and below.
against public policy. - 1-hour period of meal can still be compensable, in
- The employer will be exempted from the payment of overtime rate the case of a mechanic, if he is required to eat his lunch for one hour,
if undertime can be offset by the rendition of overtime work, that is but he cannot depart from his place of work because there can be an
why this is against the law and public policy. emergency work anytime (possible BAR Question)
- Offsetting will open the flood gates of abuse by the employees, *preliminary and post-liminary activities/before work activities and after-
because they can schedule their own working period at will. The work activities are still working period, therefore, compensable. (portal
working period will be dependent upon the workers and not upon pay)
the employers.There will be a shift of management prerogative to
the employees. SERVICE INCENTIVE LEAVE (5 Days Leave credit)
- Holiday was offset by ordinary regular working period (against This is convertible into its monetary equivalent if not availed. Except in the case
public policy) of kasambahay, because if the latter did not avail of his or her service incentive
leave, the same cannot be converted into its monetary value.
“The secret to successful lawyering is being humble. There is no substitute to humility.” – Dean Salvador Poquiz
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Q: May an employer be exempted from the payment or grant of this 2 Types of Holidays
service incentive leave? 1. Regular – there are 10 regular holidays and 2 national holidays (Muslim
A: No. If in the meantime the employers are already granted the benefits in the holidays) under the law, the 2 national holidays are also regular holidays
form of leaves, say for example, under the CBA employment contract policy, 25 although they are not termed as such
days leave credit, the employer is not required anymore to pay or grant the 5- - You are entitled to 100% of your daily rate if you report to work
day leave credit. during these days

Q: Is service incentive leave, a vacation leave? 2. Special non-working days – under the law, there are 9 special non-
A: No. A service incentive leave is not a vacation leave, but when the employee working days
avails of the service incentive leave, in effect, he is on a vacation. - You are entitled to 130% if you report to work, but 0 if you do not
- Are charges collected from guests or customers of a service
establishment like hotel, massage clinic or restaurant
- 85% to be given to the regular rank and file employees and 15% Penalizing the employee for the same offense. Subsequent offense in relation to
to the employer – in order to subsidize whatever loses of the the present offense.
employer in the process (i.e. broken plates, glasses)
Outside of the rules and regulation the SC applies the Principle of charity,
Q: Are managerial employees entitled to service charges?
compassion and understanding, compassionate justice, substantial justice,
A: No. As a rule, they are not entitled to service charges, however, from the 15%
human consideration on the basis of equity. Equity is justice outside the law.
allocation of the employer, at his own discretion, a part of it can be given to
This is in relation to social justice.
managerial employees.
This will apply to the people in the lower bracket of the society, the poor people
Q: Are tips service charges? No etc. Like a janitor, who is a lowly employee who was dismissed. SC did not
confirm the dismissal because he is a lowly employee, his dismissal would include
Q: Are tips part of wages? No his family. Principle of charity and understanding will apply, considering the lowly
Because they are directly given to the service personnel, unlike service charges plight of the poor employee.
that should be turned over to the employer for distribution.

Q: Could these tips be pulled together as a practice of the personnel or the INSUBORDINATION
A: Yes, it can be put together for purposes of distribution later on. (among Willful intention to disobey a rule and regulation by the company which is
themselves only, not with the employer) reasonable, deliberately violated by the employee, in relation to the performance
of the duties of the employees. Example, motorpool in the company. No vehicle
Q: When maybe service charges be collected by the employer? can be taken out without the approval of the company.
A: The service establishment can collect service charges only if there is a policy Other infraction, total damage of the company car, there is gross neglect of duty.
of such establishment on service charges. So if there is no policy of the Being the driver, he should take care of the company property. The dismissal is
establishment on the collection of service charges, Art. 96 on service charges will valid.
not apply.
Holiday – is a day set apart by law in order to commemorate an important
event. GROSS AND HABITUAL/ GROSS OR HABITUAL – The SC decided that although
- The employer is compelled to pay payment of holiday pay to a not habitual if it were gross, that would justify dismissal. The conjunction AND is
person although he does not perform his work now interpreted as OR by the recent jurisprudence.

“The secret to successful lawyering is being humble. There is no substitute to humility.” – Dean Salvador Poquiz
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GROSS NEGLIGENCE is the total absence of care in the protection of company RESIGNATION as a rule is voluntary in nature. It is an act of the employee
property. In SEVERE AND EXTREME cases would justify dismissal. where his personal reason cannot be sacrificed in favour of the exigency of the
service. To validate resignation should be in writing and should be accepted by
Q: Can EE withdraw resignation before acceptance.
A: Yes, he can withdraw resignation before acceptance by ER. Once accepted he
Quitting from the job because continued employment has become impossible, cannot withdraw, there is already termination of the EE-ER relationship.
unlikely, unreasonable, unbearable under the circumstances. Or any disdainful
Reinstatement is the mandate of the law. EE can be re-employed by the ER. It is
act that would compel an employee to resign or voluntary/force resignation
a discretion of the employer, treated as a new employee (EE).
which will metamorphose into a case of a constructive dismissal.
Q: Can resignation be made verbally?
The SC said there is no prohibition of an employee to resign verbally, once
Employer wounds the feeling of the employee. Then she resigned. She can file a
accepted by the ER in writing the resignation is already FAIT ACCOMPLI, means
case for constructive dismissal. Example he is a Field Chief Engineer but no
consummated or already effective.
people under him. He was relegated to the background. There is a demotion to
Chief Janitor. TN: Verbal resignation is allowed according to the SC.
There was demotion in rank is constructive dismissal. Diminution in pay is Problem: An EE was caught stealing company property, ER about to file the
constructive dismissal. Continued employment has become impossible, criminal case in court. The employee (EE) talked to the president of the
unreasonable, unbearable or unlikely. Any disdainful act of the employer to the company.They made an agreement that the EE will resign first to determine
employee will metamorphose to a case of constructive dismissal. good faith and a criminal case will not be instituted against him. The agreement
is valid, the EE resigned and the ER did not take criminal action against the EE.
Hurts the feeling of the employee.
Is the agreement valid?
A: Yes. The SC said the agreement between them is a win-win solution. On the
PROLONGED ABSENCES, Unauthorized absences part of the employer ER, it will not entail protracted litigation, were the company
will have to shell out litigation expenses, on the part of the employee (EE) that
will not taint his employment record which is his passport to a future
employment opportunity. The criminal taint of an employee will foreclose the
employment opportunity of the employee. Therefore, it is valid according to the
Deliberate or willful intention on the part of the Employee (EE) not to return. To
severe Employer(ER)- Employee (EE) relationship. Overt act of the EE that he AUTHORIZED CAUSES
does not want anymore his job. But if he has the intention to return, that will
negate abandonment.
Example Employee (EE) after exhausting his leave of absence did not report This is the REPLACEMENT OF WORKERS BY THE INTRODUCTION OF MACHINES
back. After two weeks the EE returned after dismissed by the employer.Punit-
punitang time card is the indication of severing employee and employer (EE-ER)
REASONS/PURPOSE, the machines may be considered costly but in the final
relationship according to the SC.
analysis would redound to the economic welfare of the company.
That fact that he filed the case of constructive/illegal dismissal will negate
Replacement of muscles with machines is automation or introduction of labor
saving device.
Any disdainful act of the employer will metamorphose into a case of constructive
San Miguel Corporation bought a speed machine that can produce several bottles
dismissal if he resigns or quits from the job or forced resignation.
of beer in a given moment. It is valid the SC said. As long as it comply with the

“The secret to successful lawyering is being humble. There is no substitute to humility.” – Dean Salvador Poquiz
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requirements of 2 separate notice rule, 30-day notice rule, to justify the dismissed because it can prejudice the health of the co-workers.Example HIV.
discharge of the employees, notice of dismissal should be inwriting, notice of It is a product of sexual adventurism, sexual perversion.
dismissal to the individual. There must be a fair and reasonable criteria, last in-
What kind? Contagious or non-contagious. The law does not distinguish what
first out rule based on efficiency, skills, age and competence. Must be done in
kind of disease.
good faith. If done in bad faith it will metamorphose into a case of constructive
Payment of separation pay - 1 month pay for every year of service. CLOSURE OF BUSINESS
Partial and total closure.
RETRENCHMENT Particular department or product line or economic activity. Ground of closure is
serious financial reverses. Partial closure is retrenchment.
It means reduction of company personnel to prevent losses, or downsizing or
delayering the staffing pattern. Total closure serious financial reverses- no separation pay. But for the heck of it
that law requires pay ½ month pay for every year of service.
In the words of the SC the purpose of retrenchment is to prevent the eventual
economic catastrophe that would lead to the downfall of the employer. The very Closure of business is brought about by economic loss. Availment of separation
purpose is to prevent losses. According to the SC losses means actual, pay.
anticipated and impending losses.
The ER that sooner or later its economy will go down to the drain,
gumawanasiyangparaan para huwagsiyangbumagsak. The ER can embark in a
retrenchment program. 1. 1ST NOTICE- FORMAL and specific charges, ground on the constitutional
mandate the person shall be informed of the charges against him.
Requirements of a valid retrenchment. Two separate notice rule, fair and
Example, serious misconduct should be specific. Sexual intercourse in
reasonable criteria, good faith, proof of financial losses to be proven financial
company premises. The EE can submit an intelligible and specific
statement audited by external independent competent auditor, separation pay
½ month pay for every year of service.
2. Made a responsive writing to the employer. The ER did not conduct a
hearing or conference. There is no violation of due process. Only ample
opportunity to be heard. Substantial compliance of the rule.
3. Perez doctrine compliance with due the process requirement. If
There is no duplication of work. The position is redundant when it is requested by the EE, there will be a hearing.
superfluous, overhiring of workers, surplus workers,closure of particular product 4. EE notified of the charges against him and required to submit written
line or economic activity previously made by the employer but it does not mean explanation to answer of the charges against him. ER conducted the
there is duplication of work. hearing or conference. Ample opportunity to be heard.(hearing or
Workers are not needed, surplus workers can be validly dismissed or discharged.
5. 2nd NOTICE- dismissal. Number 1: The purpose is to inform the
Decline of the volume of production. In the words of the SC workers of the
employee (EE) of the decision to dismiss him by the company. Number
company become redundancy or redundated.
2: Give the EE the opportunity to contest the validity of dismissal by
Requirements same as retrenchment. filing the proper case of illegal case in Regional Arbitration Branch of
the NLRC having the territorial jurisdictionover the workplace of the
DISEASE Violation of the substantive aspect and procedural aspect is illegal dismissal.
Separation pay of HALF month pay for every year of service. Medical certification NORMALCONSEQUENCES
of a government, public health authority. The ER will prove that the disease
1. Reinstatement- restoration of the dismissed employee to his former position
cannot be cured by six months. If curable, leave for 6 months. If cured, he can
without loss of seniority rights etc.
REPORT back to work when he is now in his normal health. Otherwise, he can be
“The secret to successful lawyering is being humble. There is no substitute to humility.” – Dean Salvador Poquiz
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Physical/Actual- performance of his job and paid his compensation. 3. Principle of waiver and laches. Fail to assert the claim and the claim has
been stale for 4 years.
and Payroll Reinstatement- not perform his job but provided or paid his
4. Stale claim is laches.
Payroll reinstatement- is there a violation of the principle that a fair days wage
for the fair days labor. Yes thereis a violation, although there is a violation of this Principle of Strained Relationship - severe antagony to the point
principle should be implemented although it is harsh on the basis of the legal that reconciliation is not possible. The proper remedy, reinstatement is
maxim ”duralexsedlex”. not anymore feasible. Separation pay as a form of compromise to
reinstatement. If the reinstatement is not possible, in lieu of
After the reinstatement- the order it is self –executory. There is no need a need
reinstatement, payment of separation pay as a form of compromise to
of a writ of execution.
Is it possible to perform the work and comply with the order of reinstatement
with immediacy. It is immediately self-executory. Position filled up and position abolished. Similar or substantially
equivalent position. The remedy is payment of separation pay as a form
Despite the order of reinstatement the ER was abstinate or stubborn in of compromise to reinstatement.
reinstatement of the employee. What will you do? File the employer in contempt
the ER, motion for thepayment of the monthly salary. In closure of business, reinstatement, is a legal and physical
Under rule 211 rules of procedure even without motion the Labor Arbiter can impossibility. Resignation pay, retirement pay. Employee has become
motuproprioissue a writ of execution only for purpose of reinstatement. If the over age,payment of separation as a form to compromise to
employer is stubborn in reinstating the employer. reinstatement.
Reinstatement aspect is immediately executory at the Labor Arbiter level only. As Not conducive to working company.
regards the decision of the NLRC, Court of Appeals and Supreme Court there is
aneedof a motion for execution. Physical disability of the EE.
Reinstatement is not proper, OFW are employed for a fixed term or
2.Full backwages contractual for a specific period. Kasambahay law reinstatement is not
3.Attorneys Fees allowed. Kulangot doctrine principle of fiduciary relationship.

4. Damages 6% FULL BACKWAGES - INCOME earned elsewhere, or other sources or

5. Monetary award cannot be deducted from the full backwages.

REINSTATEMENT- restoration to his previous position Illegal dismissal entitled to full back wages, only awarded to one year
backwages. Why the SC declared that full back wages may not be
Overseas Filipino Workers (OFW) and Disabled Workers please take note of the 1. Dismissal is too harsh a penalty.
principles. 2. The employee is dismissed, employer in good faith in dismissal.
Circumstances that bar reinstatement: 3. There was misapplication of the law applied by the Employer in
admitting the Employee.
1. Dismissal for a cause. The award of backwages, 3-5 or 1 year back wages. Limited back wages
2. EE does not like to be reinstated. Because of fear of reprisal. She is doctrine.
imposed with additional functions and duties. Will be assigned to other
work other than his expertise, or assigned in far flung areas, not AWARD OF DAMAGES - there is injury in the constitutional right of the
anymore see his family and there is fear for his life. worker. The right to labor is the right to property within the mantle of
constitutional protection.
Dismissal is against law, public policy, moral, conduct.
“The secret to successful lawyering is being humble. There is no substitute to humility.” – Dean Salvador Poquiz
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Exemplary damages is awarded- in oppressive, whimsical, arbitrary, Fixed term employment- before engagement informs him that his
despotic, or cruel manner contract has a fixed period, upon arrival of the day certain, he is
terminated from his services. No more need of notice of termination.
The bases of giving of Moral Damages is exemplary damages.
Contractual employment- upon arrival of the day certain the fixed
Factual and Legal basis in the text of the decision itself. So if there is no
term employment the contract terminates by itself.
discussion, and the award of damages should be deleted.
The contract terminates by itself.
There is no basis for the award of the attorney’s fees.
Contractual employment is allowed. Endo there is certain establishment
that need contractual employment.
Ordinary and extraordinary cases
Training period towards regularization
6% legal interest on MONETARY AWARD brought about by the Bangko
General rule the training period is 6 months. Exception: below 6 months
Central ng Pilipinas.
will agree. It is valid. Can also be beyond 6 mos. It is still valid. There is
no prohibition especially if the nature of the job will require an extensive
TYPES OF EMPLOYMENT training. Example an atomic bomb factory. Probationary for 10 years.
Manual of private education. 3 years full time teacher. Unless assigned
REGULAR, casual, probationary, fixed term contractual, season, project,
to finish a Masters degree. UE Manawis case. Regularization 3 years full
non- project
time satisfactory service. Failed to finish a Masters degree. Not provided
REGULAR – two kinds as to nature and years of service in the employment contract but stated in the manual. Not agreed upon
in the parties. Deemed written in the employment contract. He cannot
Nature of work- necessary and desirable in the usual business of the ER attain the regular employment.
Mechanic of auto repair shop APPRENTICESHIP is a probationary period. There is a possibility to be
Services of the carpenter-not necessary and desirable in the trade or regular employee- TRAINING PERIOD, LEARNERSHIP UPON expiration
industry of the employer. He is a mere casual employee. He performs automatic regular employee.
job Incidental to the principal business of the ER. Another One month probationary period will be regular employee.
One hectare repair shop in ten years. A regular employee according to Double / successive probationary period is not allowed
years of service. Probationary employee can be dismissed by the employer at anytime for
Because rendered services for atleast one year. In the case at bar 10 2 instances: just or authorized causes
years hence regular employee. Failed to comply with the standards of the employer which were known
Continuous, intermittent service for atleast one year is a regular to him prior the employment.
employment. All employee have security of tenure regardless of their status, they are
555 regular. 2 months rehire and 5 months again. A regular employee. protected by the constitution.
CONSTANT REHIRING- successive rehiring, all of the these are badges INORDERTO GIVE His consent on the fixed period of the employment
ofregular employee or indicators of regular employment SEASONAL EMPLOYMENT
Exception: OFW inclusion a seamen. Fixed period, contractual basis An employee is employed for a particular season. If the employee is
Millaris case. hired season to season. performing the same task, he is a regular
Contractual employment is allowed under the law. seasonal employee.

“The secret to successful lawyering is being humble. There is no substitute to humility.” – Dean Salvador Poquiz
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Employee employed for several seasons. Whether or not the seasonal employee 1. Pure monthly claims-3 years
is covered the SSS law.It was already settled by the Supreme Court. The 2. Incremental fees out of tuition fee hikes 3 years
employee is employed fromseason to season, performing the same task is a 3. Compensationclaims, disability claimsincluding a seaman- 3 years
regular employee and therefore covered by the SSS Law. 4. POEA standard employment contact as per regulation seamen OFW-1
Particular season.
5. Case voiding the provision of the claim-3 years
PROJECT EMPLOYMENT 6. Criminal cases -3 years
Exception: ULP- 1 year
Employee performs a specific undertaking or project, upon the completion of the
7. Simple illegal recruitment-5 years
project automatically there is termination of services of the employee. Project
8. Syndicated large scale illegal recruitment-20 years
employee is related to the fixed term employment or contractual employment.
9. Criminal aspect of SSS law-4 years
If there is constant rehiring of the project employee the SC said it is a badge of 10. Illegal dismissal-4 years
regular employment. Or an indication of regular employment. Exception: if the 11. Damages, fullbackwages and attys fees are normal consequence of
employee of a construction agency/industry, despite completions of several illegal dismissal -4 years (Justice Leonen)
projects and rehiring in several projects, he will never attain regular employment 12. SSS claims-10 years
according to the Supreme Court. 13. GSIS claims-4 years
Eg. Retired government employee, he went to the US to join his family.
In the case of project employment the law requires the employer to submit Forget about the retirement claim, happy with his grandchildren, after 10
reports of termination of the project in the nearest DOLE office. Without such years claim GSIS. Will the claim prosper? Yes the case will prosper. Under
termination reports despite the fact that there are many project terminated, they the GSIS law retirement benefits is imprescriptible.
are not project employees but regular employees.
Imprescriptible: retirement and life insurance claim
Book 5
None project employees are assigned to perform a work without regard to a
specific project or undertaking:There are 3 types: casual- do only incidental NLRC is a tripartite tri-sectoral body, it sits en banc or in division.en banc for
work, probationary employee-under the law, 6 months duration unless there is a policy determination and promulgation rules and regulations that will govern its
contrary agreement between the parties and after probationary period proceedings. Quasi-judicial functions lodged upon the different divisions. The
maybecome a regular employee. presider is coming from the government sector.
A non-project employee who is a member of the workpool and allowed to render Tripartism under the labor relations law. Qualifications: 15 years members of the
services to others is not a regular employee. But prohibited to render work to bar, 5 years experiencein labormanagement matters. Mindanao CDO, Visayas
others, he is a regular employee. Cebu, Manila anyone of the divisions
RETIREMENT- component parts of the retirement pay: Labor Arbiter- 10 years in the practice of law,5years experience on labor
management relation matters
1. 15 days of Monthly salary times
2. Years of service times Powers of the NLRC
3. 5 days Service Incentive Leave (SIL) times
1. Contempt power-protect the dignity against its proceeding, direct and
4. 1/12 of 13th month pay
2. Injunctive power or TRO in order to prevent irreparable damage to the
In the absence of the employment contract, CBA, company practice of any claimant and to preserve the status quo or status quo order anti. TRO
retirement plan or program of the company the retirement law shall apply. The has lifespan of 20 days. Hearing must be conducted. The same Labor
retirement plan of the company which provide for better retirement benefits Code provides that the NLRC can issue TRO ex parte.
based on policy, practice, CBA, it shall be applied. 3. Exparte TRO issued without the presence of the other party. It is valid.
Why ? Because it is a mere interlocutory order prior the issuance of a
In a case of Statutes of Limitation Book 7 writ of injunction.
Prescriptive periods: BAR AREA
“The secret to successful lawyering is being humble. There is no substitute to humility.” – Dean Salvador Poquiz
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4. The power to resolve certified case coming from the president or the already started teaching. Physical reinstatement is not possible. They
Secretary based on a labor dispute of a vital industry indispensable to should be reinstated in the payroll. Under special circumstances. As an
the national interest. Assumption power/ exception, there could be no actual replacement but only in the payroll.
preemptive/ extra ordinary power/ an emergency power of the NLRC of 3. With an assumption order issued, the Secretary of Labor has concurrent
a national interest case. jurisdiction with the Labor Arbiter as to those cognizable by the Labor
Arbiter provided that these are the very issues under assumption order.
This is in accord with the police power. Nature of the assumption power
Case of illegal dismissal, strike, unfair labor practice, money claims. All
is plenary, full, complete and at the same time discretionary.
of these are issues under assumption. The Sec. of Labor can resolve
eg.Bagoong industry in Pangasinan.
Assumption power by nature is plenary, full, complete and at the same these issues. These are pending cases with the Labor Arbiter. The
time discretionary. Secretary of Labor can takeover these pending cases.

Q: The Secretary of Labor issued an assumption order. After the issuance of the
Q: What are those appealable to the NLRC?
assumption order, it can be a resolution, the employer and the union agreed
between themselves for it to be resolved by a group or panel of voluntary  Decisions of the Labor Arbiter under Art. 224 of the LC; art. 124 on
arbitrators. May a voluntary arbitrator resolve a vital industry dispute? wage distortion problem; in non-unionized establishment (a company
A: YES without a union)
 Decisions of the Labor Arbiter over cases transmittedfor compulsory
TN: The decision of the voluntary arbitrator is subject to a motion for arbitration by the Regional Director under Art. 128 on visitorial
reconsideration. If it is denied, that is the time that you can file a petition for inspection & enforcement powers
review on certiorari under Rule 43. That’s the requirement of (something)  TN: Pag compulsory arbitration, labor arbiter. Pag voluntary arbitration,
National Colleges Doctrine. voluntary arbiter.
 TN: Money claims under Art. 224 exceeding P5000, labor arbiter. But,
Q: What are the legal effects or legal consequences of an assumption what are the two instances where money claims are beyond the
order? jurisdiction of the labor arbiter? The exercise of visitorialand
enforcement power, regardless of the amount of their claim, under art.
1. It has the effect of a writ of injunction.
128, the RD has jurisdiction. Another, aggregate amount of money claim
2. The striking workers should return to work. If they fail to return to work,
is less than P5000 and there is no claim for reinstatement, exercise of
they can be validly dismissed. Because with their failure to return to
adjudicatory function is with the RD. Last one, even beyond P5000, the
work, that is already treated as a prohibited activity. They should
labor arbiter has no jurisdiction if the money claim was the subject of
immediately return to work and the employer should immediately
voluntary arbitration.
reinstate them.

Decisions of the LA on matters involving employees of GOCCs without
■What if before the issuance of an assumption order, the striking
original charters
workers committed illegal acts in the process? Can the employer not

Decisions of the LA concerning OFWs including seamen
reinstate the workers? The employer cannot do that. What is the
mandate of the Labor Code? Once an assumption order is issued, the
striking workers should immediately return to work and the employer
Unfair Labor Practices (Art. 224) ㅡ labor arbiter has exclusive and original
should immediately reinstate them.But upon reinstatement, that’s the
time that a disciplinary action can be taken against them or their jurisdiction
dismissal as the case may be. EXCEPTIONS (jurisdiction of the LA over ULP): assumption of jurisdiction (art.
■ What if they cannot be reinstated because of some circumstances? 278); voluntary arbitration; visitorial and enforcement powers
(UST Faculty Union and The Sid Hotel cases) UST hired replacement
teachers, they started teaching. Nagkaroon ng assumption order. The
striking teachers should return to work. But the replacement teachers
“The secret to successful lawyering is being humble. There is no substitute to humility.” – Dean Salvador Poquiz
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May ULP be committed in the absence of employer-employee relationship? ULPs committed by both employers and labor organizations:

 As a rule, dapatmeron. a) Interference, restraint, or coercion of employees in the exercise of their right
 EXCEPTIONS: a) ULP committed by non-employees (agents); b) Yellow to self-organization;
dog contract (committed against an applicant to the job); c) ULP
committed against a non-employer or the doctrine of an innocent b) Violation of a collective bargaining agreement, when circumstances warrant;
bystander (ex. Strike in an area where several companies are located, c) Initiating, dominating, assisting or otherwise interfering with the formation or
the non-employer who is affected is an innocent bystander) administration of any labor organization, including the giving of financial or other
support to it or its organizers or supporters;
Explain ULP in one sentence.
d) Violation of the duty to bargain collectively; and
 All acts committed by the employer/union which constitute interference
to right of workers to self-organization. e) Payment by employer of negotiation or attorney’s fees and acceptance by the
union or its officers or agents as part of the settlement of any issue in collective
bargaining or any other dispute (Art. 248, 249 of the Labor Code, as amended).
ULP committed by an employer:
a) Requiring as a condition of employment that a person or an employee shall
not join a labor organization or shall withdraw from one to which he belongs;  A contract made through collusion between management
and labor representatives which contains terms beneficial to
b) Contracting out services or functions being performed by union members management and unfavorable to union workers
when such will interfere with, restrain, or coerce employees in the exercise of
their right to self-organization;
ULP – discouraging unionism by physical violence or psychological warfare (ex.
c) Discrimination as regards to wages, hours of work, and other terms and “bayaganyung union leader"; padalhan ng black ribbon to represent death;
conditions of employment in order to encourage or discourage membership in padalhan ng red ribbon cake na may nakalagayna condolence, etc.)
any labor organization; and
 Discrimination per se is not ULP. But if the discriminatory act is designed
d) Dismissal, discharge, prejudice or discrimination against an employee for to discourage unionism, it is ULP. In terms of promotion, transfer,
having given or being about to give testimony under the Labor Code. (Art. 248, retrenchment, rehiring, layoff, dismissal, etc.
249 of the Labor Code, as amended)

Refusal to bargain collectively

ULP committed by a labor union:
 Duty to bargain collectively ㅡ mutual obligation of both the employer
a) Restraint or coercion of employees in the exercise of their right to self- and the union to confer promptly and expeditiously on reasonable terms
organization: However, the labor organization shall have the right to prescribe its and conditions of employment and in good faith, providing in the
own rules with respect to the acquisition or retention of membership; and process the machineries of settlement (grievance machinery and
voluntary arbitration); and once the parties agree with the terms and
b) Causing or attempting to cause an employer to discriminate against an
conditions, they reduce this into a collective bargaining agreement for
employee, including discrimination against an employee with respect to whom
proper implementation
membership in such organization has been denied or terminating an employee
on any ground other than the usual terms and conditions under which  Standards of collective bargaining ㅡ mutual bargaining, prompt
membership or continuation of membership is made available to other members. expeditious bargaining, reasonable bargaining, good faith bargaining

“The secret to successful lawyering is being humble. There is no substitute to humility.” – Dean Salvador Poquiz
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 Mutual bargaining ㅡ initially, the one that initiates is the collective Gross, flagrant violation of the CBA
-This is a violation of the economic provisions in the CBA. This includes the
bargaining agent or the union by submitting a CBA proposal to the
agreement on money matters such as an across-the-board wage increase.
■ Within 10 days from receipt of the CBA proposal, the employer should ULP on the part of the union
submit a counter proposal. If the employer delays, in the words of the -In case of a ULP on the part of the union, consider the following:
SC, that is an indication of refusal to bargain which is an unfair labor 1) Restraint
practice. 2) Coercion
■ Can the employer initiate collective bargaining? Yes. There is no 3) Discrimination
prohibition. -There are cases where discrimination can also be permitted by the union.
■ If the employer did not submit at alla counter CBA proposal, there is a For example, the union requested the employer:
penalty imposed by the SC. The proposal submitted by the union will a) to dismiss an employee who does not want to become a member of
now become the governing CBA in the bargaining unit. the union
b) not to promote an employee
■ If the employer submits the counter proposal and tells the union to
take it or leave it (Boulwareism) or injected off tangent matters,
Other forms of ULP on the part of the union:
delaying the bargaining process, it is an unfair labor practice. It appears Acceptance of Negotiation Fees
as if the employer is negotiating when in fact they have no intention of Blue-sky Bargaining
signing an agreement with the union. (SURFACE BARGAINING)
■ Assuming the union submitted a CBA agreement that contained Engaging in a Featherbedding activity
exaggerated economic demands that are unreasonable, is the union -Under the Labor Code, featherbedding activity is committed by the union as
liable for unfair labor practice? YES. It is engaged in BLUESKY when the union compels the employer to pay for services rendered or not
BARGAINING. rendered at all. This is why it is a form of extortion committed by the union
■ During the bargaining process, the employer wanted to avoid its duty against the employer.
to bargain so the employer puts up a shop in a faraway area. The -Q: Simply stated, what is featherbedding?
operation of business is transferred, the machinery is transferred, etc. A: It simply means “to make work,” “to prolong the work for the union to earn
The purpose is t o runaway from its obligation of bargaining. (RUNAWAY money which is now considered a form of extortion”.
1) The new Board of DVOREF wanted to have a base bid of the different
■ May the union validly stage a strike in a new relocation area? YES
buildings of DVOREF to be painted anew. The union was hired to paint the
because the Labor Code says a strike area includes runaway shop. different edifices, the buildings. And so, the union had a meeting to formulate a
 Company unionㅡ organized by the company; even if it was an active strategy on how they can earn money from it. There, the union officers have
union but was captivated by the company, it can be a company union. agreed to intentionally delay the project by not using high-tech equipment in
■ The union is already existing for 4 years but despite existence for 4 painting.
years, no CBA has been agreed upon by the parties. That is an
2) Bill payment for services not rendered at all at the expense of the
indication of passivity of the union (company unionism).
■ Company union providing negotiation fees ㅡ prohibited to prevent a -This is a violation of the civil law principle of Unjust Enrichment.
sweetheart contract. (ULP on the part of the company)
All matters involving employer-employee relationship
■ Union accepting negotiation fees from the employer ㅡ prohibited
- Keyword: causal connection
(ULP on the part of the union) - If there is no employer-employee relationship, go to regular courts. If there is,
go to labor tribunals.

“The secret to successful lawyering is being humble. There is no substitute to humility.” – Dean Salvador Poquiz
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9) Sit-down
Q: What is a strike? This is also a violation of “No Work, No Pay” principle.
A: In the words of the Supreme Court, a strike is the most dangerous lethal
weapon in the arsenal of the employees. 10) Quickie
As the defined by the Labor Code, strike means any temporary stoppage In this type of strike, most of the workers are outside the company
of work by the concerted action of employees as a result of an industrial or labor premises.
11) Sympathetic
Q: What is the nature of a strike? Here, there is no employer-employee relationship.
A: It is temporary in nature. There’s no such thing as permanent strike.
12) Economic
Q: What are the types of strike? Here, there is a bargain deadlock because of economic concessions.
A: 1) Authorized Strike There is a standstill deadlock in the bargaining process because of economic
An authorized strike is staged WITH the approval of the union concession.
Q: How do you determine the approval of the union membership? 13) ULP
A: This is determined through strike-voting. A ULP strike is staged in view of a violation of the right to self-
2) Unauthorized Strike
An unauthorized strike is staged WITHOUT the approval of the majority 14) Brief and concise
of the union membership. This is also known as “wildcat” strike. This is a “lightning” strike as such has only a short duration. This is
also a violation of “No Work, No Pay” principle.
3) Particular
A particular strike is staged in a particular business establishment. It is 15) Union Recognition Strike
also a form of an ordinary type of strike. Case: PASVIL/Pascual Liner Workers Union-NAFLU vs NLRC and
PASVIL/Pascual Liner, Inc.; G.R. No. 124823 July 28, 1999
4) Ordinary The purpose of this is to compel the employer to recognize the union
as the bargaining agent in the bargaining unit.
5) General Q: Is strike a mode of representation status?
A general strike is a political, sympathetic type of strike that is staged A: No.
against non-employers. This type of strike covers a wider region or territory of a Q: If not, then what are the modes of representation status?
state. It is also known as a political or cause-oriented form of strike. An example A: The following are the modes of representation status:
would be a strike in the transportation industry which covers Regions 6, 7, 8, 9, 1) Sole and Exclusive Bargaining Agent (SEBA) Certification
and 10. Since it covers a wide region, it is considered as a general strike. - This has replaced voluntary recognition.
Another example is the “Welga ng Bayan”. 2) Consent Election
3) Certification Election
6) Political 4) Run-off Election
5) Re-run Election
7) Cause-oriented TN: As you can observe in the enumeration, strike is not one of the
modes of representation status. Thus, it is considered illegal.
8) Slow-down
The purpose of a slow-down strike is to reduce production, violative of 16) Good Faith Strike
the principle in Labor Law termed as “No Work, No Pay” — the employee is there Q: Is good faith strike legal? Explain.
to perform his work but there is a reduction in the production. Hence, this is an A: In the cases of Capitol Medical Center vs NLRC and Grand
unjust enrichment. Boulevard Hotel vs Dacanay, the Supreme Court held that for strike to be valid, it
“The secret to successful lawyering is being humble. There is no substitute to humility.” – Dean Salvador Poquiz
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shall comply with ALL the requirements for staging a lawful strike. Good faith is The following principles can be applied to resolve an impending strike
not a defense; it is not an excuse in staging a strike. during the cooling-off period:

On the contrary, there were 2-3 cases decided by the SC in which 1) Prinicple of Improved Offer Balloting
they held that good faith strike is legal. This happened when the union staged a For instance, the union filed a Notice of Strike, submitted it to the NCMB.
strike without compliance with the requirements because they believe in good The employer received the notice. Upon receipt, he contemplated on either to
faith that the employer was committing an unfair labor practice. Later on, it was negotiate with the union or grant their pleas and requests. After which, the
found out that the employer was not committing a ULP. Despite this, the SC still employer made an improved offer to the union. This improved offer is subject to
considered such good faith strike as legal. a referendum or secret balloting to be conducted by the National Conciliation and
Mediation Board (NCMB). In the process, the union accepted the improved offer
HOWEVER, if you will incline with or sustain the decision that good made by the employer. The union will now forego its intention to strike and thus,
faith strike is legal, it will open the floodgates of abuse on the part of the union. return to work.
Any time at will, they can stage a strike with the belief in good faith that the
employer is committing ULP. This now becomes a dangerous precedent. That’s 2) Principle of Reduced Offer Balloting
why I (Dean Poquiz) am still on the verdict of the SC in Capitol Medical Center The employer submitted a Notice of Lockout to the NCMB and furnished
that good faith strike is illegal. the union a copy thereof. The union made a reduced offer to the employer. This
reduced offer is subject to referendum and secret balloting to be conducted by
17) Legal the NCMB. It was accepted by the employer. The employer will now forego its
This is one called for a valid purpose and conducted through means intention to lockout.
allowed by law.
During the cooling-off period, union busting was committed such as when the
18) Illegal employer dismissed the responsible officer (e.g. President) of the union.
This is one staged for a purpose not recognized by law, or if for a valid
purpose, conducted through means not sanctioned by law. Q: Can the union immediately stage a strike because of union busting?
A: No. The SC held that if there is union busting during the cooling-off period,
 However, in actual setting, there are only 2 types such as legal and the union cannot immediately stage a strike because the union still has to
illegal strike. observe the 7-day mandatory strike ban period or 7-day waiting period.
Note: You can do away with the cooling-off period but you can never dispense
Requirements for staging a lawful strike: with the said 7-day mandatory strike ban period.
1. There must be a Collective Bargaining.
2. Approval of the union membership Q: During the cooling-off period, can you submit the strike-vote report?
3. It shall be declared on strikeable issues — economic and ULP. A: Yes, provided that the union had complied with the 24-hour notice rule.
4. Filing of the Notice of Strike
5. Compliance with the 24-hour Notice Rule Q: What is the 24-hour notice rule?
6. Strike-voting A: Within 24 hours, the union shall notify the NCMB and the employer of its
7. Submission of the strike-vote report seven (7) days prior to the strike intention to conduct a strike-voting. The purpose of which is for the NCMB to
(also known as the 7-day mandatory strike ban or the 7-day waiting send a representative to observe the strike-voting and for the employer to send a
period) representative to maintain peace and order during strike-voting.
8. In case of strikes in medical institutions, hospitals, and clinics, there
must be an establishment of an effective skeletal workforce of medical After the 24-hour notice rule, strike-voting may now be conducted by the union.
and health personnel. The purpose of which is to prevent any death If the union conducts a strike-voting without complying with the 24-hour notice
while the strike is being staged. rule, the SC held in the case of Capitol Medical Center (READ THIS VERY
9. Compliance with the Doctrine of Means and Purposes INFORMATIVE CASE ON STRIKE ALONG WITH GRAND BOULEVARD HOTEL VS.
DACANAY) that the strike will be held illegal.

“The secret to successful lawyering is being humble. There is no substitute to humility.” – Dean Salvador Poquiz
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After the strike-voting, the union membership won. With this, a strike-vote report 1. When the strikers blocked the only gateway in the premises by
shall be submitted 7 days prior to the strike. cementing it. Note that the law says that the union shall not block the
only gateway of the premises — ingress and egress.
Q: Can this strike-vote report be submitted during the cooling-off 2. Within the vicinity of the company, the union placed some container
period? vans which caused several problems, such as traffic, in the public area
A: Yes. According to the SC, the strike-vote report may be submitted during the near the company premises.
cooling-off period. 3. When the President of the company was coming out from the company
For example, on February 1, the Notice of Strike was filed. For economic strike, premises, he was stopped by a group of big-bodies strikers at the exit
there is a 30-day cooling-off period while for ULP strike, there is a 15-day point. The car was elevated by these strikers. He was taken out of the
cooling-off period. On January 28, the union complied with the 24-hour prior windshield. He was injured. This is a criminal act. Hence, the strike is
notice rule. On January 29, a strike-voting was conducted. In the said voting, the considered illegal.
majority of the union membership won. On January 31, the strike-vote report 4. When the President of the company was driving his car, coming out of
has not yet been submitted; instead, they submitted such report on February 1. the company premises with his beautiful secretary, the Union President
Hence, the strike-vote report was simultaneously submitted with the Notice of used a megaphone to announce to the strikers and others who were
Strike. This is ALLOWED OR VALID. present that there goes the company president together with his
beautiful secretary and speculates the latter to be his mistress with
Strike in Hospitals whom he is alleged to engage in sexual acts. This is an illegal strike.
There must be an effective skeletal workforce in order to prevent any Principle involved: The use of libelous, slanderous, or scurrilous
untimely deaths. words —vulgar, profane language— will make the strike illegal.

Doctrine of Means and Purposes In case of declaration of illegality of strike, the officers of the union are liable for
This provides that in order to be a legal strike, the purpose of the strike must dismissal because the knowingly participate in an illegal strike. They have
be legal and the means used in attaining the purpose must also be legal. committed illegal acts. As for ordinary strikers, as a rule, they are not liable for
the said dismissal, unless they participated actively in the commission of illegal
For example, after having complied with all the requirements for staging a lawful acts.
strike, the strike is considered legal. However, during the picketing period, illegal
acts were committed. There was no peace; there was widespread violence; there Q: Under what doctrine is it provided that the officers of the union are
were terroristic acts committed by the union against the employer. Thus, the usually dismissible in case of an illegal strike?
strike shall be declared illegal. A: This is under the doctrine of vicarious liability.

— For instance, there was a strike in a bus company. The union destroyed 1. Boycott
windshields. They punctured the tires. They torched one of the buses. What a) Primary Boycott — usually legal
happened was this bus was stopped by the strikers while it was en route to b) Secondary Boycott — no employer-employee relationship; thus, it is
Baguio. The driver was killed by the strikers; they set fire to the bus. Here, the illegal.
means used in attaining the purpose is illegal. Hence, it is considered illegal. Note: In order to have an effective strike, there must be an effective picketing.
There can be no strike without picketing, but there can be picketing without a
—Also, it shall be declared illegal if there is no compliance with the requirements strike. This is because picketing is a part of freedom of expression guaranteed by
for staging a lawful strike such as in the following instances: the Constitution. (Thornhill vs. Alabama)
- There was an assumption order but the union still pushed through with the
strike. Q: Are they entitled to reinstatement?
- There was a preventive mediation order issued by the NCMB but the union A: Yes, provided these are economic and ULP strikes, unless they committed
still pushed through with the strike. illegal acts in which case they may not be reinstated.

—Illegal acts were committed because prohibited practices were committed such
“The secret to successful lawyering is being humble. There is no substitute to humility.” – Dean Salvador Poquiz
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Q: Are there instances when strikers committed illegal acts but they 3) In case of the exercise of management prerogatives by high-level
were reinstated by the employer? employees
A: Yes, there are two instances such as the following: Reminders:
1. Brokering by the Secretary of Labor and Employment Read on the right to self-organization and collective bargaining
- The strikers committed illegal acts which make them not entitled to Steps in filing the case for illegal dismissal until it reaches the Supreme Court
reinstatement. (Note: Reinstatement is different from assumption of jurisdiction.) Requirements for Appeal
However, in one case, the SC validated the reinstatement even if illegal acts McBurnie Doctrine (McBurnie vs Ganzon)
were committed. Here, the reinstatement of the striking workers who committed Just read everything! ☺️
illegal acts was brokered by the Secretary of Labor and Employment with the
1. Voluntary reinstatement by the employer

Q: Are strikers entitled to economic benefits?

A: Except in the case of backwages, strikers are entitled to economic benefits
under the following conditions:
1. The strikers were discriminatorily dismissed.
2. The strikers illegally locked out by the employer.
3. The strikers unconditionally offered to return to work but the offer was
rejected by the employer. Under such instance, they are entitled to
backwages. (Note: The requirement is that the offer to return to work
must be unconditional, as per decision of the SC.

Striking Government Employees

As a rule, government employees cannot stage a strike. The strike of
government employees is prohibited because it is a form of insurrection against
public authority in the light of the principle of state sovereignty. With the strike
against the government, it affects the delivery of vital and basic services to the
people. Hence, the strike of government employees is a civil service offense,
violative of the Civil Service Law.
In the case of GOCCs with original charters, the employees therein cannot
also stage a strike. However, in GOCCs without original charters, they can
bargain collectively; therefore, they can stage a strike.
As a rule, government employees cannot stage a strike. They have the right
to self-organization and the right to unionism but they do not have the right to
collective bargaining. What is given them under the Constitution is the right to
collective negotiation. While the private sector has a Collective Bargaining
Agreement (CBA), the government sector has a Collective Negotiation Agreement

Q: What are those that cannot be subject to collective negotiations

between a government agency and a government employees’ union?
A: 1) Those that are fixed by law.
2) Those that pertain to appropriation.
This is because of the constitutional prohibition that “No money shall be
paid out from the National Treasury except in pursuance to an appropriation
made by law.”
“The secret to successful lawyering is being humble. There is no substitute to humility.” – Dean Salvador Poquiz

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