Judicial-Affidavit Final
Judicial-Affidavit Final
Judicial-Affidavit Final
I, MARIA JOSEFINA CRUZ, 25 years old, born on December 11,
1993, single, employed as Management Trainee at Gaisano Capital,
after having been duly sworn to in accordance with law, hereby depose
and state:
That conformably with section 3 (b) of the said A.M. No. 12-8-
8SC, I also state that it was PO3 Ismael Salvador, investigator of V&G
Subd. Police Station who conducted the examination of the
undersigned affiant;
A: I did not notice him at all. It was dark in the narrow ally going to
my apartment, as it was not well lit.
9. Going back to the incident, what happened after you fell?
A: I just laid in the bed. I felt very weak, exhausted, and even
lifeless. My face bared no emotions. I cried so hard while he was
raping me, it felt like I had no more tears to cry when he left. After
a few minutes, I managed to grab my cellphone and called my
mother, who was in Sta. Rita, Samar at the time attending a
funeral. I told her everything that happened. An Affidavit executed
by my mother to attest that I called her and told her everything that
happened is hereto attached as Annex “A”.
15. What happened next?
A: After an hour, my parents arrived home and we immediately
went to the Police Station to report the incident. A copy of the
police report signed by PO1 was issued and hereto attached as
Annex “B”. Afterwards, my parents accompanied me to RTR
Hospital Emergency Room to be examined. A medico legal report
signed by the Attending Physician was issued. A copy of the said
report is hereto attached as Annex “C” & made an integral part
16. Do you personally know Toto prior to the incident?
A: No, I did not know him personally prior to the incident. I only
knew that he was from Caibaan because there are times when we
happen to ride the same multicab from Caibaan to Downtown
17. Since you didn’t know him prior to the incident, how did
you recognize him?
---------END OF STATEMENT---------