Bearing Mounting - SKF Drive Up Method
Bearing Mounting - SKF Drive Up Method
Bearing Mounting - SKF Drive Up Method
Mounting rolling bearings
The SKF Drive-up method: Step-by-step 4 Coat the sliding surfaces with a thin layer of
1 Before starting, carefully follow the guidelines light oil and place the bearing on the tapered
provided under Preparations prior to mount- shaft or sleeve.
ing, starting on page 46, and apply where 5 Screw the hydraulic nut onto the thread of the
appropriate. shaft or sleeve so that it abuts the bearing or
2 Determine whether one or two surfaces slide the withdrawal sleeve († fig. 23).
during mounting († fig. 22):
NOTE: Detailed mounting instructions, spe-
– one surface: cases 1, 2 and 3 cific to the bearing designation can be found
– two surfaces: cases 4 and 5 at
Preq = Pref
Preq = requisite oil pressure for the actual
hydraulic nut [MPa]
Pref = oil pressure specified for the reference
hydraulic nut [MPa]
Areq = piston area of the actual hydraulic
nut [mm2]
Aref = piston area of the specified reference
hydraulic nut [mm2]
Cold mounting
Fig. 22
Steps 2 and 3: Determine the number of sliding surfaces and appropriate starting pressure.
case 4 case 5
Fig. 23
Mounting rolling bearings
Fig. 24
Fig. 25
Fig. 26
Cold mounting
6 Connect the oil pump with the hydraulic nut. 10 Disconnect the oil pump and remove the nut
Drive the bearing to its start position by ap- from the shaft or sleeve. The bearing will not
plying oil to the hydraulic nut until the come loose.
requisite pressure is reached. Do not release 11 Secure the bearing on its shaft seat or on the
the pressure († fig. 24). sleeve, e.g. using the appropriate locking 2
device († fig. 27).
NOTE: When mounting the bearing in com-
bination with the oil injection method, do not
inject oil between the contact surfaces be-
fore having reached the start position.
Fig. 27
Step 11: Secure the bearing on its shaft seat or on the sleeve.