Life Histories: Richard C. Bruce
Life Histories: Richard C. Bruce
Life Histories: Richard C. Bruce
Life Histories
Richard C. Bruce
The life history of an animal is the sequence of morphogenetic stages from
fertilization of the egg to senescence and death, which incorporates the
probabilistic distributions of demographic parameters of an individual’s
population as components of the life-history phenotype. At the population (or
species) level, and in the context of ectothermic vertebrates, Dunham et al.
(1989) have defined a life history in terms of a heritable set of rules that govern
three categories of allocations: (1) allocation of time among such activities as
feeding, mating, defense, and migration; (2) allocation of assimilated resources
among growth, storage, maintenance, and reproduction; and (3) the mode
of “packaging” of the reproductive allocation. An application of such an
allocation-based definition in the study of salamander life histories was
provided by Bernardo (1994). Implicit in the definition is the condition
that life-history traits have a heritable basis; average plasticity in any trait
reflects the average reaction norm, or the range in phenotypes expressed by a
given genotype, averaged for all genotypes, over the range of environments
experienced by all members of the population (Via 1993).
Salamanders show greater diversity in life histories than any other vertebrate
taxon of equivalent rank, which is all the more remarkable given the relatively
small number (about 500) of known extant species. Beginning, somewhat
arbitrarily, with the landmark studies of the plethodontids Desmognathus fuscus
and Eurycea bislineata by Inez W. Wilder (1913, 1924) [who earlier published
papers on salamanders under the name I. L. Whipple], this diversity has
generated considerable interest by ecologists and herpetologists during the
past 90 years. Many salamanders undergo a biphasic life cycle that includes a
complex metamorphosis from an aquatic larva to a more terrestrial juvenile
that ultimately matures to an adult. It is likely that this is the ancestral life
cycle, given current knowledge of phylogenetic relationships within the
The variation in morphogenesis leading to life-cycle diversification in
salamanders can be assessed under the general heading of heterochrony, a
term that refers to evolutionary changes in the rate or timing of ontogenetic
events. Following de Beer (1930), Gould (1977, 2000) defined heterochrony as
“phyletic change in the onset or timing of development, so that the appearance
or rate of development of a feature in a descendant ontogeny is either
accelerated or retarded relative to the appearance or rate of development of
the same feature in an ancestor’s ontogeny.” In this context, heterochrony is
considered a macroevolutionary rather than a microevolutionary process.
This distinction is often blurred in the literature, as Reilly et al. (1997) have
pointed out. The first important exposition of the importance of heterochrony
in macroevolution was provided by de Beer (1930, 1940), who utilized
heterochronic arguments to refute the logical structure of Haeckel’s biogenetic
law. Gould (1977) revised and simplified de Beer’s scheme, and reduced the
processes involved to two basic categories – acceleration and retardation in
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Table 13.1 The four categories of heterochrony that apply to organisms with biphasic life
cycles. Special terms are available for the processes of acceleration in development of the
reproductive tissues (progenesis) and retardation of development of the somatic tissues
(neoteny). Based on Gould (1977: Table 3). See also Gould (2000) for clarification of the
Offset time is more complex, and involves the relationship between sexual
maturation and growth. Although growth is indeterminate in salamanders,
there is a tendency for growth to slow following maturation, such that the
highest growth rates are attained in the larval and juvenile phases. Thus,
acceleration in the rate of development to maturation, or progenesis, may be
associated with an earlier offset time of growth; conversely, retardation of
maturation, resulting in hypermorphosis, may be correlated with a delayed
offset of growth. These relationships bring the salamander model into
conformity with the formalistic structure of the heterochronic model of Alberch
et al. (1979: Table 1) (see also McKinney and McNamara 1991: Fig. 2-3; Reilly
et al. 1997: Fig. 1). Given that the salamander model concerns the entire life
history, is dissociative only at the level of somatic versus reproductive organs,
and is age-structured, it can be evaluated primarily in terms of the four rate
phenomena provided in Table 1. The special case of differential metamorphosis
in cryptobranchids, amphiumids, and a few other taxa is considered below. The
life-history aspects of dissociative heterochrony and ontogenetic repatterning
in direct-developing plethodontids are largely beyond the scope of this chapter
(but see section 13.3.9 Direct Development).
Reilly et al. (1997), in criticizing many aspects of the Alberch et al. (1979)
approach, substituted several newer terms for the traditional categories and
emphasized the need to differentiate between heterochrony at the interspecific
(the original meaning) versus the intraspecific level. These authors introduced
a new set of terms for intraspecific heterochrony. Although they noted that
heterochrony applies to individual traits rather than the whole organism, it is
useful in the context of salamander life histories to recognize dissociative
heterochrony of the somatic and reproductive organs in their entirety; after all,
metamorphosis involves a suite of traits across several organ systems, and
promotes a niche shift from one environment to another, whereas sexual
maturation affects not only the reproductive system but components of other
organ systems that contribute the secondary sexual characters.
The terms neoteny and progenesis, which have had such wide usage in
amphibian biology, were targeted by Reilly et al. (1997) for special criticism.
They recommended discarding neoteny, in favor of deceleration, mainly
because of continuing inconsistency in usage. This seems a minor problem.
They leveled similar criticism at the term progenesis, in particular the
application of the term by various authors either to reproductive acceleration
only, or to reproductive and somatic acceleration conjointly. They suggested
substitution of the term hypomorphosis for the latter process. Reilly et al. noted
that some authors, under the first definition, have assumed that reproductive
acceleration is accompanied by continuing somatic development such that
“normal terminal shape” is attained. Given that Gould (1977) provided clear
definitions of both neoteny and progenesis in his Table 3, and that, in the case
of the latter, some term is needed in amphibians for accelerated maturation
independent of somatic acceleration, I retain both neoteny and progenesis
(Table 1), as defined by Gould. The importance of retaining the terminology
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In some taxa, oviposition follows within a few days after sperm transfer, as in
many pond-breeding species of the genus Ambystoma (summarized in Petranka
1998). In other pond-breeders, as well as stream-breeding and terrestrial species,
sperm may be stored for several months, perhaps from one oviposition season
to the next (Houck and Schwenk 1984; Sever et al. 1995; Sever et al. 1996b;
Sever 2000) or maybe for multiple years, as suggested by Boisseau and Joly
(1975) for the larviparous Salamandra salamandra. However, the evidence for
multi-year sperm storage is not compelling, as discussed by Sever in chapter 9
of this volume. Sperm storage provides opportunities for multiple matings
by females during a given reproductive season, and may engender sperm
competition (Houck et al. 1985; Sever 2002).
External fertilization is considered the ancestral state in salamanders, given
that internal fertilization involving spermatophore production by cloacal
glands in males and sperm storage in a spermatheca in females are characters
otherwise unknown in vertebrates (Sever 1994).
13.3.2 Parity
Oviparity. Nearly all salamanders are oviparous, and this is undoubtedly the
ancestral reproductive state. Salthe (1969) recognized three principal modes
of oviparity in salamanders: (1) abandonment of eggs in lentic waters, without
parental care, e.g., most ambystomatids and salamandrids; (2) deposition of eggs
in protected nests in streams, usually with parental care, e.g., dicamptodontids
and many plethodontids; and (3) oviposition on land, under cover or in
underground nests, usually with parental care, e.g., most plethodontids. He
examined variation in egg size, clutch size, clutch volume, larval size,
and size at metamorphosis, using regression and graphical methods. His
results demonstrated a strong correlation between body volume of the female
parent and clutch volume among species, across all reproductive modes, but
pronounced variation among modes in the relationship between body volume
and clutch size. Thus, Salthe found that species with parental care in modes
2 and 3 tend to have larger eggs and smaller clutches than mode 1 species
which abandon their eggs in lentic habitats; he attributed the difference to
greater mortality risks to eggs in pond habitats, where the provisioning of
parental care in itself may be more difficult.
Parental care. Parental care of the eggs in oviparous salamanders has been
reviewed by Nussbaum (1985, 1987, and especially chapter 14 of this volume)
and Crump (1995, 1996), who may be consulted for details beyond the scope
of this chapter. In one of the three families with external fertilization, the
Hynobiidae, the male parent may attend the clutch in some species of Hynobius,
but this is poorly documented. In the Cryptobranchidae, however, the male
parent attends the clutch in all three species. Within the latter family, in
Andrias japonicus, communal spawning occurs, but the nests are dominated by
a single large male (the “den-master”), who attends and defends the nest until
the eggs hatch (Kawamichi and Ueda 1998). In the Sirenidae, parental care by
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the female parent is probable in Siren intermedia (Godley 1983), but care by
either parent is unlikely in other members of the family, which scatter their
Among taxa with internal fertilization, pond-breeding ambystomatids and
salamandrids lack parental care. In stream-dwelling forms, parental care is
lacking in rhyacotritonids and in the salamandrids Taricha rivularis and two
of the three species of Euproctus. Apparently either parent may be involved in
parental care in Proteus anguinus, at least in captive specimens (Vandel and
Bouillon 1959; Vandel et al. 1964). In Necturus, although few precise data are
available, one or the other parent may attend the clutch, depending on the
species (Bishop 1941; Ashton and Braswell 1979). Otherwise, insofar as
is known, care of the egg clutch is provided by the female parent in the
Amphiumidae, Dicamptodontidae, most members of the Plethodontidae, and
in the ambystomatid Ambystoma opacum (which oviposits in terrestrial habitats).
However, parental care is variable in plethodontids that reproduce in ponds
and scatter eggs, as well as in those that practice communal nesting, specifically
Hemidactylium scutatum (Harris and Gill 1980; Breitenbach 1982) and some
species of Batrachoseps (Jockusch and Mahoney 1997). In addition, neotropical
plethodontids of the genera Nototriton and (probably) Oedipina lack parental
care (Good and Wake 1993; Bruce 1998, 1999). At the other extreme, biparental
attendance of the clutch has been observed in Bolitoglossa pesrubra (Ehmcke
and Bolaños 1998).
Clutch size. Within oviparous species of salamanders, clutch size or clutch
volume tends to increase with female body size in many species (Tilley 1968;
Bruce 1969; Salthe 1969; Salthe and Mecham 1974; Houck 1977a). Nevertheless,
there is ordinarily a high level of residual variance in regressions of clutch
size on body size, reflecting the influence of factors other than body size on
egg number. Moreover, in some species clutch size is apparently uncorrelated
with size of the female parent; in Desmognathus monticola, for example, this
tendency is associated with high residual variances in clutch size in local
populations having a very narrow range of adult female body size (Bruce and
Hairston 1990; Bruce 1996). Hom (1987, 1988) has analyzed constraints on
female growth following initial reproduction in desmognathines; her theoretical
model suggests that individual females have little opportunity for growth once
adulthood is achieved, and that any positive correlation between fecundity
and body size may result mainly from variation among individuals in age and
size at first reproduction. Overall, however, the general trend of the clutch
size-body size relationship in salamanders suggests the operation of fecundity
selection on females, defined as the selective advantage of increased fecundity
that is gained from an increase in body size.
Viviparity: larviparity and pueriparity. The confusing terminology associated
with viviparity has been reviewed and revised recently by Greven (Greven
2002 and chapter 12 of this volume), which should be consulted for full
treatments of the morphological, histological, and physiological aspects of
"&" Reproductive Biology and Phylogeny of Urodela
13.3.3 Larvae
Morphology. Salamander larvae were differentiated as pond- and stream-type
by Noble (1931). Later, Valentine and Dennis (1964) subdivided the latter into
mountain-brook and stream categories on the basis of variation in branchial
structures and tail fin. Duellman and Trueb (1986) largely followed the
latter authors in their analysis of larval variation in urodeles. The following
discussion is based mainly on these authors’ evaluations.
Mountain-brook larvae represent one extreme in the adaptive diversification
of salamander larvae, as illustrated by Rhyacotriton, and by Onychodactylus
and some species of Batrachuperus among the hynobiids. Larvae of these forms
show extreme reduction of the external gills and gill rakers; the gular fold has
a fleshy, broadly concave margin. The body tends to be rounded or depressed,
the tail is muscular, and the fin is reduced. These are characters associated
with a bottom-dwelling life in swift mountain streams. The reduction of the
lungs and ypsiloid cartilage in mountain-brook larvae in these genera are
adaptations ostensibly serving to reduce buoyancy and facilitate purchase on
the stream bottom.
At the opposite extreme, pond-type larvae are found in sirenids, amphiumids,
Necturus among the proteids, Hynobius among the hynobiids, most Ambystoma,
and many pond-breeding salamandrids in several genera; e.g., Notophthalmus,
Pleurodeles, Taricha, Triturus, and Tylototriton. They are characterized by bushy
gills that have long, thin rami and numerous fimbriae, well-developed gill
rakers, and a biconvex gular fold having a thin margin. The body tends to be
short and laterally compressed; the weak tail has a high fin that originates on
the trunk dorsally, and may extend forward of the cloacal aperture onto
the trunk ventrally. The lungs are well-developed and, except in sirenids,
amphiumids, and proteids, a ypsiloid cartilage is present in the ventral body
wall just forward of the pelvis; the cartilage and associated muscles function
to control the pitch of the larva suspended in the water column by regulating
the distribution of air in the lungs (Whipple 1906). The lungs function as
hydrostatic organs in pond-dwelling larvae; they allow the larva to vary its
density in adjusting its position in the water column. In some species larvae
undergo vertical movements between the pond bottom and the surface over
the daily cycle (Anderson and Graham 1967; Hassinger et al. 1970; Anderson
and Williamson 1974; Branch and Altig 1981). At hatching, pond-type larvae
in many of the above taxa are provided with balancers, paired lateral
"&$ Reproductive Biology and Phylogeny of Urodela
projections of the head behind the eyes that prevent the larva from sinking
into the soft substrate and aid it in maintaining an upright position (Fox
1984). Balancers are lost early in larval ontogeny.
Larvae that are intermediate between mountain-brook and pond types are
designated stream-type larvae; this category includes many plethodontids, a
few ambystomatids, Ranodon and some Batrachuperus among hynobiids,
Cryptobranchus, and the salamandrids Chioglossa, Mertensiella, Euproctus, and
Salamandrina. Valentine and Dennis (1964) selected Gyrinophilus to illustrate
the intermediate nature of the branchial structures and tail in stream-type
larvae. Larvae in this category lack balancers (rudimentary in Salamandrina); a
ypsiloid cartilage and lungs may be present, but are often reduced or absent,
and are always lacking in plethodontids.
The larva of the larviparous salamandrid, Salamandra salamandra, is
apparently intermediate between stream- and pond-type; this species typically
reproduces in streams, but may also utilize lentic habitats (Thiesmeier and
Schuhmacher 1990; Thiesmeier 1994).
Valentine and Dennis (1964) and Duellman and Trueb (1986) noted that
among the plethodontids, pond-type larvae occur in Hemidactylium scutatum,
Eurycea quadridigitata, and Stereochilus marginatus, all of which reproduce in
ponds, bogs, swamps, and/or slow-moving streams. Hemidactylium scutatum
has a very short larval period and metamorphoses at a small size. In both E.
quadridigitata and S. marginatus the pond-type features are replaced by stream-
type morphology early in larval ontogeny, and the latter species has stream-
type morphology through most of the larval period (Bruce 1971; Birchfield
and Bruce 2000). The absence of lungs in plethodontids restricts their larvae
to microhabitats on the stream bottom or in detritus and vegetation mats, and
may constrain evolution of the pond-type larval morphology in species that
utilize lentic habitats.
Variation in larval periods and facultative paedomorphosis. Inasmuch as
larval development and paedomorphic trends have been studied most
thoroughly in the Ambystomatidae, the latter is herein considered in some
greater detail than the other families. Most species of Ambystoma in the United
States and Canada have large egg clutches and relatively short larval periods,
generally less than 1 yr and often in the range 2-4 mo (literature summarized
in Petranka 1998). Larval survivorship tends to be low in such species
(Anderson et al. 1971; Shoop 1974; Petranka 1984a). Those species distributed
over a broad elevational range may prolong the larval period to a second
or third year in cooler environments at higher elevations, e.g., A. gracile
(Sprules 1974a; Eagleson 1976), A. tigrinum (Sexton and Bizer 1978), and A.
macrodactylum (Kezer and Farner 1955; Anderson 1967; Howard and Wallace
1985). In the last species, Anderson (1967) suggested that reproduction is
necessarily restricted to permanent ponds at higher elevations, where growth
rates are lower and the metamorphic threshold is not attained until the second
summer, 14 mo after hatching; whereas at lower elevations, where growth
rates are higher, temporary ponds may be utilized and metamorphosis achieved
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mander life cycles will require detailed investigation of the genetic basis of the
physiological and morphogenetic mechanisms that generate the dimorphism,
in reference to the norm of reaction of the trait to the range of environments in
which the trait is expressed.
The highest incidence of paedomorphosis in ambystomatids is seen in the
Mexican species, wherein a majority of the species are either obligatorily or
facultatively paedomorphic. Most of these are lake-dwelling species of the
Mexican plateau, such as the axolotl, Ambystoma mexicanum, and the achoque,
A. dumerilii. Some stream-dwelling species of Mexican ambystomatids have
variable, often lengthy larval periods, and their populations may also include
paedomorphs; e.g., A. ordinarium (Anderson and Worthington 1971) and A.
rosaceum (Anderson 1961).
In the absence of ambystomatids, the pond-breeding niche in the Old World
is occupied by hynobiids and salamandrids, which tend to share a common
pattern of larval development. For example, in members of the Triturus cristatus
complex, the larval component of the life history typically involves these
elements: (1) oviposition and hatching in mid-late spring, followed by a larval
period of several months; (2) overwintering by a small proportion of larvae in
some populations, with metamorphosis occurring the next spring or summer
after a larval period of about 1 yr; and (3) occasional paedomorphosis in some
populations (Thiesmeier and Kupfer 2000).
In the Japanese hynobiid Hynobius nebulosus, which breeds in small ponds
and paddy fields, Kusano (1981) reported a larval period of 3-6 mo, extending
from hatching in late April-early May to metamorphosis in July-October.
However, he found that a small proportion of larvae overwinter in ponds,
metamorphosing the next spring and summer from April to July, after a larval
period of 12-15 mo. Other Japanese species of Hynobius may extend the larval
period to a second or third year. In the pond-breeding H. retardatus, populations
vary in the length of the larval period from < 1 yr to 2 and 3 yr, depending on
temperature and elevation (Iwasaki and Wakahara 1999). The larval period
of the stream-breeding H. kimurae varies according to habitat reliability: in
a stream that typically dried in autumn all larvae metamorphosed in late
summer, whereas in a permanent stream only 21% transformed in the first
year, with the remainder overwintering and transforming in the second year
(Misawa and Matsui 1997).
Similar patterns occur in some European newts. Bell and Lawton (1975), in
a study of Triturus vulgaris in England, found that oviposition occurs in three
phases from March to June, and that early larvae metamorphose in the
summer of the same year after a larval period of about 2 mo. However, some
members of the late larval cohort overwinter, metamorphosing the next spring
after a larval period of 9-11 mo. At more northern localities, in Scandanavia,
larval overwintering has been reported in both T. vulgaris and T. cristatus
(Hagström 1979). Yet Dolmen (1983) found that at extreme northern sites,
near the limits of the range of both of these species in Norway, growth and
development are rapid, with metamorphosis occurring after larval periods of
"' Reproductive Biology and Phylogeny of Urodela
1-4 mo, and with no evidence of larval overwintering. He attributed the high
growth/developmental rates to warm, sunny, summer days of long daylengths
at these latitudes during the weeks following hatching in June.
In stream-breeding hynobiids and salamandrids of Eurasia, the larval
growth rates are often low and the larval periods may be prolonged, paralleling
the situation found in stream-breeding North American ambystomatids,
dicamptodontids, rhyacotritonids, and plethodontids (see below). For example,
Bannikov (1949) reported a larval period of 2+ yr in the hynobiid Ranodon
sibiricus, a high-elevation species that lives in and along small, fast-flowing
mountain streams. In the mountain-stream salamandrid Mertensiella caucasica
the larval period is estimated to vary from 2 to 4 yr (Tarkhnishvili 1994).
Whereas high-elevation populations of the stream-dwelling salamandrid
Euproctus asper have larval periods of about 2 yr, in lower-elevation populations
the larval period is about 14 mo duration (Clergue-Gazeau and Beetschen
1966). Some other Old World streamside salamandrids may also have lengthy
larval periods (summarized in Grossenbacher and Thiesmeier 1999). However,
that of Salamandra salamandra is usually completed in several months, although
overwintering sometimes occurs (Thiesmeier 1990, 1994).
North American salamandrids overlap broadly with ambystomatids, and
members of the two families often share breeding ponds. Yet salamandrids
appear to exhibit less variation in the duration of the larval phase. In most
populations of the several species of Notophthalmus and Taricha the larval
phase is usually < 0.5 yr (Petranka 1998). However, the larval period may be
longer in populations of N. viridescens having branchiate adults. In T. granulosa
Farner and Kezer (1953) reported a larval period of about 1 yr in a high-
elevation population breeding in a cold-water lake.
The two small families of stream-dwelling and streamside salamanders
restricted to the Pacific Northwest of North America tend to have relatively
lengthy larval periods. In Dicamptodon, with four species, facultative paedo-
morphosis is prevalent and paedomorphosis is the dominant life-history
mode in D. copei; in other species, metamorphosis may occur after larval
periods >2 yr in D. aterrimus and 1.5-3.0 yr (or even greater) in D. tenebrosus
(Nussbaum and Clothier 1973). Although Dicamptodon and Rhyacotriton over-
lap broadly, paedomorphosis is unknown in the four species of Rhyacotriton;
larval periods vary from 2.0-2.5 yr in R. variegatus to 3-4 yr in R. cascadae
(Nussbaum and Tait 1977).
In the two families of salamanders that undergo partial metamorphosis,
the amphiumids and cryptobranchids, larval forms with external gills
metamorphose very soon after hatching in the former; e.g., 1-3 wk in Amphiuma
tridactylum (Ultsch and Arceneaux 1988). In the North American
cryptobranchid, Cryptobranchus alleganiensis, gills are retained for 1.5-2.0 yr
after hatching (Bishop 1941; Nickerson and Mays 1973).
Larval periods of plethodontids with biphasic life cycles (Desmognathinae,
Hemidactyliini) vary considerably. In desmognathines the stream-edge species
tend to have larval periods £ 1 yr, whereas in the more aquatic and larger
Life Histories "'
species the larval phase is longer, usually between 2 and 4 yr (Tilley and
Bernardo 1993: Table 1). Considerable variation is found in Desmognathus
quadramaculatus, wherein the larval period ranges from 1-2 yr in some
populations (Organ 1961; Camp et al. 2000; Beachy and Bruce 2003) to 3-4 yr
in others (Bruce 1988a; Austin and Camp 1992; Camp et al. 2000; Bruce et al.
Similar levels of variation in larval periods are found in hemidactyliines.
The briefest larval phase, estimated at 1.5 mo (Blanchard 1923), occurs in
Hemidactylium scutatum. However, the taxonomic allocation of this species to
the Hemidactyliini is uncertain (Rose 1995; see also Larson et al. in chapter 2).
In metamorphosing members of Eurycea the larval periods vary from 3 to 36
mo, with the shorter periods in pond-breeding and the longer in stream-
breeding populations/species (Ryan and Bruce 2000: Table 2). There is often
considerable variation within species or populations. Voss (1993) demonstrated
that such variation in E. wilderae is correlated with stream order; larvae
in populations in first-order streams metamorphose after 12-15 mo, while
those in higher-order streams prolong the larval phase an additional year. He
proposed that the difference reflected variation in oviposition and hatching
periods associated with variation in the thermal regimes of lower- and higher-
order streams.
The lengthiest larval periods in biphasic hemidactyliines, 3-5 yr, occur in
Gyrinophilus porphyriticus (Bruce 1980) and perhaps in G. subterraneus (Besharse
and Holsinger 1977). The related genera Pseudotriton and Stereochilus also
have lengthy larval periods, which may exceed 2 yr (Ryan and Bruce 2000:
Table 1). In both P. montanus (Bruce 1974, 1978) and P. ruber (Bruce 1972, 1974;
Semlitsch 1983) there is a tendency for slower larval development and
lengthier larval periods in higher-elevation populations.
13.3.5 Metamorphosis
Metamorphosis is the rapid change in the organization of the amphibian body
plan that provides for a transition or niche shift from the wholly aquatic
environment of the larva to the more terrestrial mode of life of the juvenile and
adult. The most comprehensive study of the morphological reorganization
that occurs at metamorphosis in salamanders is Wilder’s (1925) classic
account of metamorphosis in Eurycea bislineata. Duellman and Trueb (1986)
have provided a more recent summary of morphological and other changes
a t metamorphosis in salamanders. The principal morphological changes
include (1) resorption of the external gills and closure of the gill slits, (2) fusion
of the gular fold to the throat, (3) changes in the branchial circulation and
hyobranchial skeleton and musculature, (4) formation of a tongue, (5) widening
of the mouth and development of the maxillary bones and teeth, (6) loss of
labial folds, (7) resorption of the tail fin, and (8) complex changes in the
epidermis and dermis of the skin, including reorganization of glandular
elements and development of adult pigmentation.
Wake and Hanken (1996) have suggested, citing Schoch (1992), that the
abrupt metamorphosis in living amphibians, including salamanders, is a
caenogenetic trait, given that the ancestral ontogeny in early tetrapods
apparently involved a gradual transition from the larval to the adult condition.
Metamorphosis in amphibians is regulated mainly through the hypothalamo-
pituitary-thyroid and hypothalamo-pituitary-interrenal axes (Burggren and
Just 1992; Shi 2000). Far more experimental studies have been conducted on
anurans than on salamanders and the following brief summary is based
largely on the former. The principal agents stimulating metamorphosis are
thyroid hormones (TH), comprising the iodinated thyronine compounds T3
and T4, with the latter a precursor to the biologically more active T3. Secretion
"'" Reproductive Biology and Phylogeny of Urodela
13.3.6 Maturation
Endocrine system. Development to sexual maturation in amphibians is
controlled by the hypothalamo-pituitary-gonadal axis. Again, much of our
knowledge of the mechanism is based on studies of anurans, but a similar
mechanism probably applies in urodeles (Jørgensen 1992; and especially
chapter 8 herein). Gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH) of the hypo-
thalamus stimulates the release of gonadotropins (GTH) from the pituitary,
specifically luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle stimulating hormone (FSH),
which promote growth, maturation, and steroid secretion of the ovaries and
testes. In females, circulating levels of GTH vary seasonally; relatively low,
threshold levels are required for normal vitellogenesis, but a sharp increase is
observed at the time of ovulation. In males, GTH is required for spermatogenesis;
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Age at first reproduction of oviparous species of salamanders is indexed from the
estimated month of an individual’s entry into the population as a zygote. In species with
external fertilization, and in those species with internal fertilization in which oviposition
follows shortly after mating, the age at first reproduction of both males and females will be
a whole number of years. However, in many species with internal fertilization there is a lag
between mating/sperm transfer and fertilization/oviposition. This means that in terms of
demographic parameters, particularly survival to first reproduction, males “reproduce”
some months before their offspring of the current year enter the population, and that during
this period survival of a male is immaterial relative to the well-being of his current brood.
Thus age at first reproduction in males in these species is more appropriately given in
fractional units of years (or in months). Many authors have not distinguished between age
at maturation and age at first reproduction. Given that spermatogenesis and vitellogenesis
are initiated ordinarily many months prior to sperm transfer, fertilization, and oviposition,
failure to differentiate between these parameters may lead to inconsistent and misleading
comparisons. Moreover, for many species the lag time between mating and fertilization/
oviposition is not known.
"'$ Reproductive Biology and Phylogeny of Urodela
that salamanders, which are small vertebrates, often have relatively lengthy
periods of development to maturation, such that growth rates are low and
survival rates high, in comparison with other taxa of small ectothermic
vertebrates. Thus, salamanders seemingly direct their available resources
mainly to maintenance and storage, rather than to growth and reproduction,
over considerable portions of their life spans.
Pronounced variation in age at first reproduction is known in many species
of salamanders. Some of the variation stems from geographic variation in
this trait, but part originates within populations. In the following sections I
consider the magnitude of this variable in several taxa whose life histories
have been studied intensively using both traditional and skeletochronological
Notophthalmus viridescens. North American newts of the genera Taricha and
Notophthalmus generally have short (< 0.5 yr) larval periods and lengthy
juvenile stages of several years duration, such that sexual maturation is
not reached until ages of five years or greater (Petranka 1998). In the eastern
newt, Notophthalmus viridescens, earlier accounts of variation in age at first
reproduction, based mainly on body size distributions (Bishop 1941; Chadwick
1944; Healy 1973, 1974), have been confirmed and extended by more recent
skeletochronological studies (Forester and Lykens 1991; Caetano and Leclair
1996). The juvenile stage of this species is sufficiently distinct in morphology
to merit the special name of red eft, which is terrestrial, in contrast to the
generally aquatic adult. In some populations, defined by both geography
(inland, upland) and habitat quality (permanency of ponds), the adults are
wholly aquatic (Chadwick 1944; Hurlbert 1969; Healy 1975; Caetano and
Leclair 1996); whereas in others the adults leave the breeding ponds for part
of the year, with the phenology of the migration varying geographically
(Murphy 1963; Hurlbert 1969; Gill 1978; Massey 1990).
Among populations of this species having a life cycle that includes a juvenile
red eft, this stage may extend from 2 to 7 yr; thus, age at first reproduction
varies considerably. Healy (1974) estimated that the eft stage is 3-7 yr in inland
Massachusetts populations, such that age at first reproduction varies from
4 to 8 yr. Using skeletochronology to age newts in a population in the Blue
Ridge Mountains of Maryland, Forester and Lykens (1991) found that adults
overlap efts in the age range 4-7 yr, which therefore yields an estimate of the
age range at first reproduction of 4-8 yr. In contrast, for Quebec populations,
Caetano and Leclair (1996), using skeletochronology, estimated age at first
reproduction at 2-4 yr.
Both Healy (1975) and Caetano and Leclair (1996), in noting that the
minimum size in mature males is less than in females, concluded that males
are smaller and younger than females at first reproduction. The latter authors’
skeletochronological results suggested that adult females average larger than
males; however, the differences they reported were small and generally non-
significant statistically.
Life Histories "'%
In contrast, in lowland and coastal populations of newts the red eft stage
may be abbreviated or bypassed altogether. Larvae either metamorphose into
an aquatic juvenile preceding development to maturity, or undergo partial
metamorphosis whereby the aquatic juveniles and adults retain the external
gills and some other larval features of the branchial region (Noble 1926, 1929;
Bishop 1941; Brandon and Bremer 1966; Healy 1970, 1973, 1974). Although
such adults are often referred to as paedomorphs, Brandon and Bremer (1966)
called them “branchiate adults,” in consideration of the fact that they are fully
metamorphosed otherwise. Adults in these populations may retain the ability
to complete metamorphosis if the breeding ponds dry. In populations where
the eft stage is skipped or foreshortened and/or facultative “paedomorphosis”
in the form of gill retention is prevalent, sexual maturation may be attained in
the first or second year, such that first reproduction occurs at an age of 1 or 2
yr (Healy 1974; Harris et al. 1988). Harris (1987) has shown that in the North
Carolina Coastal Plain low larval density results in paedomorphosis or
metamorphosis to aquatic adults and early reproduction at 1 yr, whereas high
larval density promotes metamorphosis to an abbreviated eft stage and first
reproduction at 2 yr.
The prevalent life-history strategy in Notophthalmus viridescens, involving
slow growth and development during the lengthy red eft stage, and consequent
long generation time, is correlated with the presence of a highly toxic skin
secretion (tetrodotoxin) that reduces the incidence of predation and the
range of predators that will feed on newts, especially on the more toxic (and
aposematic) red eft stage (Brodie 1968a). Similar and even more potent toxins
are secreted by the skins of western newts of the genus Taricha (Wakely et al.
1966; Brodie 1968b), which have similar life histories. Thus, these North
American newts have evolved an allocation strategy that emphasizes mainte-
nance over rapid growth and early reproduction. However, the eastern newt,
N. viridescens, retains considerable plasticity that allows it to switch to an
alternative strategy of rapid growth and development to maturation under
environmental conditions (permanent ponds, dry terrestrial environment) that
select against the terrestrial eft stage. It is possible that the lower levels of
toxicity of larvae, juveniles, and adults in the aquatic environment versus the
much higher levels of toxicity of red efts in the terrestrial environment elicit
greater selective pressures (i.e., from higher predation) for early reproduction
in those populations that forgo the eft stage. Given that the alternative
life-history strategies involve larval and adult stages that are aquatic, the main
target of selection is expected to be the post-metamorphic juvenile stage
(whether terrestrial or aquatic, and whether gilled or not).
Old-World salamandrids. Detailed studies of several widespread species of
European newts have demonstrated considerable geographic variation as well
as within-population variation in age at first reproduction, mainly within the
range 2-7 yr. Three such species are Triturus cristatus (Hagström 1977, 1979;
Dolmen 1983; Francillon-Vieillot et al. 1990; Miaud et al. 1993), T. marmoratus
(Caetano et al. 1985; Francillon-Vieillot et al. 1990; Arntzen and Teunis 1993;
498 Reproductive Biology and Phylogeny of Urodela
(1977a) both noted that in other species oviposition is aseasonal. Thus, in the
large clade of tropical plethodontids male and female reproductive patterns
may differ, and interspecific variation in the female cycle is in part correlated
with the magnitude of wet-dry seasonality. Nevertheless, there is at least one
case of microsympatry of an aseasonal and a seasonal species (Houck 1977a).
In her study of Bolitoglossa rostrata, Houck (1977b) concluded that females
probably oviposit biennially rather than annually. Jørgensen (1992) has
reviewed the evidence for annual, biennial, and irregular reproductive cycles
in amphibians, particularly females; much of the evidence for salamanders is
inconclusive or contradictory. Evidence for substitution of a biennial (or
longer) cycle for an annual cycle is usually explained on the basis of the
energetic costs to females of vitellogenesis and brooding of the clutch. In North
American plethodontids, females of many species of Plethodon appear to
reproduce biennially (Marvin 1996), whereas most desmognathines are annual
(Bruce 1993). Some species in other families may reproduce over an even
longer interval. For example, in Ambystoma maculatum, Husting (1965), in a
mark-recapture study, estimated that only about one-third of the adults
reproduce in a given year; how this finding relates to individual male and
female reproductive cycles is unclear. The extreme periods of reproductive
cycles in salamanders may be the 3 and 4 yr female cycles of low and high
elevation populations of Salamandra atra (Guex and Greven 1994).
13.3.8 Longevity
Early studies of life histories and population ecology of salamanders using
the methodologies of mark-recapture and analysis of body-size distributions
have shown that salamanders have high survivorship, lengthy mean generation
times, and are long-lived, in comparison with other taxa of small ectothermic
vertebrates (reviewed in Hairston 1987). Data on salamanders in captivity
support this conclusion (e.g., Oliver 1955: Table 14; Duellman and Trueb 1986:
Table 11-2; Hairston 1987: Table 2.2). Demographic studies of salamanders,
the results encapsulated in survivorship curves and life tables, ordinarily
have extended the analysis of survivorship and fecundity to ages of 10 yr
and above (Organ 1961; Bell 1977; Tilley 1980; Hairston 1983; Bruce 1988b).
Moreover, growth curves generated for salamanders, mainly using mark-
recapture methods, have suggested that some members of a population may
have lengthy life spans. Thus, Marvin (2001) estimated that in Plethodon
kentucki maximum ages are 13 yr in males and 16 yr in females. Other species
may live much longer; growth studies of Cryptobranchus alleganiensis suggested
that some individuals survive to > 25 yr (Taber et al. 1975; Peterson et al. 1983;
Peterson et al. 1988).
The development of skeletochronological techniques, in providing a means
of accurately aging salamanders directly, has confirmed the conclusion that
salamanders generally are long-lived. For example, numerous skeletochrono-
logical studies of European salamandrids in the genus Triturus have yielded
maximum ages of 11 to 17 yr in various populations and species (Caetano
502 Reproductive Biology and Phylogeny of Urodela
et al. 1985; Francillon-Vieillot et al. 1990; Caetano and Castanet 1993; Miaud
et al. 1993). However, in samples of two high-elevation Alpine populations of
T. alpestris the oldest individuals were 20 and 22 yr (Miaud et al. 2000).
Similarly, in the pueriparous Salamandra lanzai maximum ages of 22 and 24 yr
have been recorded for two Alpine populations (Miaud et al. 2001). In contrast,
in S. luschani maximum ages were 8 yr in males and 10 yr in females (Olgun et
al. 2001). An extreme age of 26 yr has been recorded for the stream-dwelling
European salamandrid Euproctus asper (Montori 1990). Likewise, in the
stream-breeding Mertensiella caucasica, lengthy life spans, to 26 yr, have been
documented (Tarkhnishvili and Gokhelashvili 1994). However, in another
streamside species, Chioglossa lusitanica (the putative sister species of M.
caucasica) maximum skeletochronological age was only 10 yr (Lima et al. 2001).
In the North American newt Notophthalmus viridescens skeletochronological
ages of 9 yr and 13 yr have been documented in Maryland (Forester and
Lykens 1991) and Canadian (Caetano and Leclair 1996) populations,
respectively. Much greater ages, up to 32 yr, are attained by the ambystomatid
Ambystoma maculatum (Flageole and Leclair 1992), which is broadly sympatric
with Notophthalmus viridescens in North America.
In studies of nearby populations of the same species, skeletochronological
ages are generally concordant with age estimates obtained by other methods.
For example, in Plethodon metcalfi Hairston (1983) generated a life table from
size-frequency data. He projected the age column to 30 yr and estimated 0.001
survivorship to this age. In a skeletochronological evaluation of a sample of
109 individuals from a nearby population of this species (Ash et al. 2003),
maximum ages were 9 yr (n = 3) and 10 yr (n = 1). For comparison, in
Hairston’s life table survivals to 9 and 10 yr are estimated at 0.043 and 0.035.
Given the errors inherent in the methodologies of both studies, the results
appear to be relatively concordant.
Another such comparison is possible for Desmognathus ocoee. In his long-
term mark-recapture study, Tilley (1980) extended the life tables of two
populations of this small species to 12 yr and 16 yr, and estimated survivorship
to 10 yr to be 0.005 in the first and 0.013 in the second population. For two
different but nearby populations of this species, Castanet et al. (1996) and
Bruce et al. (2002) reported maximum skeletochronological ages of 10 yr and 8
yr in samples of 76 and 101 individuals. Had the samples been larger it is
likely that maximum ages would have been increased to the limits set by
Tilley. Castanet et al. (1996) and Bruce et al. (2002) also reported maximum
skeletochronological ages of 11 yr in the medium-size species D. monticola and
15 yr in the larger D. quadramaculatus, in the same assemblages that included
D. ocoee. Thus, longevity appears to be correlated with body size in this genus.
On demographic criteria, it is expected that age at first reproduction and
longevity (or average lifespan) are correlated. Such a trend was evident in the
studies of Desmognathus cited above. Marvin (2001) examined the relationship
in a small sample of plethodontid species; the correlation was positive, as
predicted, but was non-significant statistically. At the intraspecific level, the
Life Histories 503
growth and mortality in the aquatic habitat, and growth, mortality, and
fecundity in the terrestrial habitat. Werner’s model is based on the premises
that (1) ecological effects are mediated through size rather than age, (2) size-
specific growth, mortality, and fecundity rates are the parameters needed to
specify population growth, and (3) optimal size at metamorphosis is the size
that maximizes the instantaneous population growth rate (r).
Werner illustrated these relationships in a series of graphical models based
on a simplified version of his mathematical formulation of the relationships
— namely the ratio of size-specific mortality rate to growth rate, m/g, for the
aquatic and terrestrial phases of the life cycle. Under this model, selection
promoting a biphasic life cycle requires switching of the m/g curves for the
aquatic and terrestrial phases, with optimal size at metamorphosis determined
by the size at which the switch occurs. The ecological conditions under which
metamorphosis is eliminated from the life history through the evolution of
paedomorphosis or direct development involve a shift in either of the m/g
curves in order to eliminate the switch. The generality of Werner’s model is
illustrated by his evaluation of those species of newts (e.g., Notophthalmus
viridescens), which in passing through three post-hatching stages — larva, eft,
adult -- have the most complex life histories of any amphibian species. Although
Werner recognized that other factors affect the course of the amphibian life
history (such factors as temperature and seasonality, hydrologic variability,
and the costs in survival and energetics of the metamorphic process itself), the
effects of these factors were not explicitly built into the model.
Ludwig and Rowe (1990) and especially Rowe and Ludwig (1991) built
upon Werner’s model by introducing a time constraint for reproduction, either
a fixed time (T) by which individuals must attain the minimal size required
for reproduction, as in explosive breeders, or a time span (season within a
year), as in prolonged breeders. Time is not equivalent to age in their model
because the starting points (T0) are young, premetamorphic individuals
whose ages may vary. Thus, the range in body sizes at T0 is due both to
variation in date of birth and to random variation in growth rate early in the
life cycle. The fitness gains in the aquatic and terrestrial habitats are conjoint
functions of growth and survival in each; the goal in optimizing the timing of
the switch from the first to the second habitat is that of maximizing the
“payoff” (reproduction) at time T. The model does not consider reproduction
beyond the first year. Under the conditions of the model, Rowe and Ludwig
showed that initial variation in body size within a population leads to size-
dependent variation in the timing of metamorphosis; the shape of the
switching curve varies according to the differentials between the two habitats
in both growth rate and mortality rate. Both the Werner (1986) and Rowe and
Ludwig (1991) formulations emphasize that optimization of the timing of
metamorphosis in amphibians with biphasic life cycles involves tradeoffs in
growth/survivorship probabilities between the two niches, unlike the Wilbur
and Collins model (1973) that deals with the dynamics of larval growth and
survival only. Rowe and Ludwig (1991), in contrast to Werner (1986),
508 Reproductive Biology and Phylogeny of Urodela
w w
1= l( x) m(x)e–rxdx, or, alternatively, 1 = Â l( x) m (x)e–rx,
x =a x=a
w w
R0 = l( x ) m(x)dx, or R0 = Â l( x) m(x).
x=a x=a
Depending on whether the population is increasing/decreasing or station-
ary, optimal age at first reproduction is the age that maximizes either r or R0.
This is the peak of the graph of r or R0 plotted against age, and thus is the age
where ∂r/∂a or ∂R0/∂a = 0. As these maxima do not necessarily coincide, the
correct choice of a fitness measure is critically important (Roff 2002: Fig. 4.23).
The principal application of this general approach to the study of a sala-
mander life history is Kusano’s (1980, 1981, 1982) investigation of the life
history and population dynamics of the hynobiid Hynobius nebulosus in Japan.
This author combined mark-recapture methods in the field with experimental
studies of growth in the laboratory to estimate key demographic parameters in
a population of this species. Although Kusano’s study extended over a 7-yr
period only, his data suggested a relatively stationary population, but with
severe annual fluctuations in larval survival, ranging from 0.002 to 0.107
during a larval period of about 0.5 yr. His study also generated survivorship
values for postmetamorphic individuals (mean = 0.7 annually), but the data
for females especially were of uncertain reliability. Kusano (1982) converted
size-fecundity data for females to age-fecundity values based on the growth
data. Age at first reproduction was estimated as 4 yr in males and 5 yr in
females. Kusano (1982) selected r as the fitness measure, and calculated
values for this parameter using the equation:
1= Â l( x) m(x) e-rx.
In solving the equation for the calculated schedules of survival and
fecundity, Kusano determined that r was maximized at a = 5 yr in females,
which is the value of a determined directly from empirical data (Kusano 1982:
Fig. 8). The close match is somewhat surprising, given the uncertainties of the
female survivorship data. By substituting alternative survival schedules,
Kusano concluded that increasing premetamorphic survival generates selection
for earlier maturation, whereas increasing survival after metamorphosis
generates selection for later maturation. This is an expected result for some
categories of populations wherein mortality rates vary with age and body
size, as opposed to morphogenetic stage (Roff 2002). That is, a decrease in
adult survival generates selection for an increase in reproductive effort in
earlier age classes (lower age at first reproduction), whereas a decrease in
survival of prereproductives generates selection for a decrease in reproductive
effort (greater age at first reproduction) in later age classes (Murphy 1968;
Michod 1979).
It remains problematical whether salamanders with biphasic life cycles,
like Hynobius nebulosus, where mortality rates and their variances vary between
larval and postmetamorphic stages, and where the differences may be largely
determined by stage rather than age or size, meet the requirements of the
510 Reproductive Biology and Phylogeny of Urodela
The occurrence of metamorphosis, paedomorphosis, and direct development
in salamanders is correlated with a lack of morphogenetic and morphological
specialization, in comparison with vertebrates generally, and with anurans
and caecilians specifically, in a taxon in which the ancestral life history was
biphasic. Within the Amphibia, whereas biphasic life cycles and direct
development are found in anurans, caecilians, and urodelans, only the last
have exploited the paedomorphic mode of life.
One set of morphological features that undoubtedly played a significant
role in amphibian life-history diversification is the variety of respiratory
structures found in this taxon: gills, lungs, buccopharynx, and skin are
variously used in gas exchange (Boutilier et al. 1992; Shoemaker et al. 1992).
Evolution of a thin, glandular, vascularized skin provided a major respiratory
organ that functions well in both aquatic and terrestrial environments.
Amphibians, including salamanders, generally lack the specializations (i.e.,
bony scales of the dermis and keratinized derivatives of the epidermis) that
preclude a major respiratory role for the skin in other vertebrates, with the
noteworthy exceptions of many fishes, especially air breathers, and various
aquatic reptiles (Feder and Burggren 1985; Graham 1997).
Wassersug (1974) explained convincingly how ecological and morphologi-
cal specializations constrain the evolution of paedomorphosis in anurans;
thus, the considerable degree of life-history diversification in the latter taxon
is limited to elaboration of the biphasic and direct-development modes.
Life Histories 511
families in the New World. In all of these families, among related taxa having
biphasic life cycles, larval periods tend to be shorter in pond-breeding than in
stream-breeding populations or species, and in low- versus high-elevation
populations/species. These differences are reflected, generally, in lower ages
at first reproduction and shorter mean generation times in pond/lowland
versus stream/upland forms. This is surely related to higher temperatures
and/or greater productivity in lowland and/or pond habitats in comparison
to those of uplands and/or streams. An interesting and largely unresolved
question is that of population regulation in pond versus stream species, in
the context of maintenance and evolution of biphasic cycles, as postulated in
the models of Wilbur and Collins (1973), Werner (1986), Rowe and Ludwig
(1991), and Day and Rowe (2002). The resolution of this question will require
much more comprehensive and long-term studies than have yet been attempted.
Variation in age and body size at first reproduction, generation time,
and life expectancy is extreme among species and within many species of
salamanders, regardless of life-history mode. Some of the intraspecific
variation is correlated with latitude and altitude, and represents either direct
environmental effects on growth and development or an adaptive response to
the environmental gradient. In most species exhibiting such variation, the
genetic contribution to the response is unknown. The recent development of
skeletochronological methodology is providing opportunities for examining
more precisely the relationships among these and other life-history and
demographic parameters. Preliminary assessments of such variation have
been attempted at both the intra- and interspecific level (e. g., Castanet et al.
1996; Bruce 1996; Miaud et al. 2000; Olgun et al. 2001; Bruce et al. 2002). The
integration of these types of studies with manipulative experimentation
(e.g., common gardens) represents an approach for determining the genetic
basis of the observed variation in these traits. Such a research program can
provide a framework for phylogenetic analysis of life-history variation using
comparative methods.
This chapter could not have been completed without the outstanding services
provided by the staff of Hunter Library at Western Carolina University. Brenda
Moore, in particular, was unrelenting in obtaining essential books and papers.
The chapter has benefited from an incisive reading of an earlier version by
Christopher K. Beachy. Burkhard Thiesmeier was unstinting in helping me
obtain several books and papers on European salamanders.
Anderson, J.D. 1967. A comparison of the life histories of coastal and montane
populations of Ambystoma macrodactylum in California. American Midland Naturalist
77: 323-355.
Anderson, J.D. and Graham, R.E. 1967. Vertical migration and stratification of larval
Ambystoma. Copeia 1967: 371-374.
Anderson, J.D., Hassinger, D.D. and Dalrymple, G.H. 1971. Natural mortality of eggs
and larvae of Ambystoma t. tigrinum. Ecology 52: 1107-1112.
Anderson, J.D. and Williamson, G.K. 1974. Nocturnal stratification in larvae of the
mole salamander, Ambystoma talpoideum. Herpetologica 30: 28-29.
Anderson, J.D. and Worthington, R.D. 1971. The life history of the Mexican salamander
Ambystoma ordinarium Taylor. Herpetologica 27: 165-176.
Arntzen, J.W. 2000. A growth curve for the newt Triturus cristatus. Journal of
Herpetology 34: 227-232.
Arntzen, J.W. and Teunis, S.F.M. 1993. A six year study on the population dynamics
of the crested newt (Triturus cristatus) following the colonization of a newly
created pond. Herpetological Journal 3: 99-110.
Ash, A.N., Bruce, R.C., Castanet, J. and Francillon-Vieillot, H. 2003. Population
parameters of Plethodon metcalfi on a ten year old clearcut and in nearby forest in
the southern Blue Ridge Mountains. Journal of Herpetology (in press).
Ashton, R.E., Jr. and Braswell, A.L. 1979. Nest and larvae of the Neuse River
waterdog, Necturus lewisi (Brimley) (Amphibia: Proteidae). Brimleyana 1: 15-22.
Austin, R.M., Jr. and Camp, C.D. 1992. Larval development of black-bellied sala-
manders, Desmognathus quadramaculatus, in northeastern Georgia. Herpetologica
48: 313-317.
Bannikov, A.G. 1949. Notes on the biology of Ranodon sibiricus. Doklady Akademiia
Nauk USSR 65: 237-240. [English language version translated by E. Levi, edited by
F. B. Turner]
Beachy, C.K. 1993. Guild structure in streamside salamander communities: a test
for interactions among larval plethodontid salamanders. Journal of Herpetology
27: 465-468.
Beachy, C.K. 1994. Community ecology in streams: effects of two species of predatory
salamanders on a prey species of salamander. Herpetologica 50: 129-136.
Beachy, C.K. 1995. Effects of larval growth history on metamorphosis in a stream-
dwelling salamander (Desmognathus ochrophaeus). Journal of Herpetology 29:
Beachy, C.K. 1997. Effects of predatory larval Desmognathus quadramaculatus on
growth, survival and metamorphosis of larval Eurycea wilderae. Copeia 1997:
Beachy, C.K. and Bruce, R.C. 2003. Miniaturization is due to accelerated maturation
in the large plethodontid Desmognathus quadramaculatus. Amphibia-Reptilia (in
Bell, G. 1977. The life of the smooth newt (Triturus vulgaris) after metamorphosis.
Ecological Monographs 47: 279-299.
Bell, G. and Lawton, J.H. 1975. The ecology of the eggs and larvae of the smooth
newt (Triturus vulgaris (Linn.)). Journal of Animal Ecology 44: 393-423.
Bernardo, J. 1993. Determinants of maturation in animals. Trends in Ecology and
Evolution 8: 166-173.
Bernardo, J. 1994. Experimental analysis of allocation in two divergent, natural
salamander populations. American Naturalist 143: 14-38.
#" Reproductive Biology and Phylogeny of Urodela
Hairston, N.G., Sr. 1987. Community Ecology and Salamander Guilds. Cambridge
University Press, Cambridge, U.K. 230 pp.
Harris, R.N. 1987. Density-dependent paedomorphosis in the salamander
Notophthalmus viridescens dorsalis. Ecology 68: 705-712.
Harris, R.N., Alford, R.A. and Wilbur, H.M. 1988. Density and phenology of
Notophthalmus viridescens dorsalis in a natural pond. Herpetologica 44: 234-242.
Harris, R.N. and Gill, D.E. 1980. Communal nesting, brooding behavior, and embry-
onic survival of the four-toed salamander Hemidactylium scutatum. Herpetologica
36: 141-144.
Harris, R.N., Semlitsch, R.D., Wilbur, H.M. and Fauth, J.E. 1990. Local variation in the
genetic basis of paedomorphosis in the salamander Ambystoma talpoideum.
Evolution 44: 1588-1603.
Hassinger, D.D., Anderson, J.D. and Dalrymple, G.H. 1970. The early life history and
ecology of Ambystoma tigrinum and Ambystoma opacum in New Jersey. American
Midland Naturalist 84: 474-495.
Hayes, T.B. 1997. Steroids as potential modulators of thyroid hormone activity in
anuran metamorphosis. American Zoologist 37: 185-194.
Healy, W.R. 1970. Reduction of neoteny in Massachusetts populations of
Notophthalmus viridescens. Copeia 1970: 578-581.
Healy, W.R. 1973. Life history variation and the growth of juvenile Notophthalmus
viridescens from Massachusetts. Copeia 1973: 641-647.
Healy, W.R. 1974. Population consequences of alternative life histories in Notophthalmus
v. viridescens. Copeia 1974: 221-229.
Healy, W.R. 1975. Breeding and postlarval migrations of the red-spotted newt,
Notophthalmus viridescens, in Massachusetts. Ecology 56:673-680.
Hom, C.L. 1987. Control theory predictions of reproductive allocation in female
dusky salamanders. Journal of Mathematical Biology 25:289-306.
Hom, C.L. 1988. Optimal reproductive allocation in female dusky salamanders: a
quantitative test. American Naturalist 131:71-90.
Houck, L.D. 1977a. Life history patterns and reproductive biology of neotropical
salamanders. Pp. 43-72. In D. H. Taylor and S. I. Guttman (eds), The Reproductive
Biology of Amphibians. Plenum Press, New York, NY.
Houck, L.D. 1977b. Reproductive biology of a neotropical salamander, Bolitoglossa
rostrata. Copeia 1977:70-83.
Houck, L.D. 1982. Growth rates and age at maturity for the plethodontid salamander
Bolitoglossa subpalmata. Copeia 1982:474-478.
Houck, L.D. and Schwenk, K. 1984. The potential for long-term sperm competition
in a plethodontid salamander. Herpetologica 40:410-415.
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