States of Matter: BIG Idea
States of Matter: BIG Idea
States of Matter: BIG Idea
• The iodine thermometer contains a
few grams of iodine inside a sealed,
round-bottom flask.
• As the outdoor temperature
increases, the iodine changes from a
solid directly to a gas.
• The deeper the violet color, the
higher the temperature. Iodine thermometer
©Richard W. Ramette
Start-Up Activities
States of Matter
STEP 4 Label the tabs
Procedure as follows: Gases, Liquids,
1. Read and complete the lab safety form. and Solids.
2. Fill a 100-mL graduated cylinder with water.
Be sure to fill it exactly to the 100-mL mark.
3. Place the end of a ruler on the tabletop. Drop a ball
bearing (or other small, round object) from a mark on
&/,$!",%3 Use this Foldable with Sections 12.1 and
the ruler just above the surface of the water. Use a 12.3. As you read the sections, summarize information
stopwatch to time the ball bearing as it sinks to the about three common states of matter in your own words.
bottom. Record this time in a data table.
4. Repeat Steps 2 and 3 two more times, dropping the
object from the same height each time. Calculate the
average drop time of your three trials.
5. Repeat Steps 2–4 using vegetable oil instead of water. Visit to:
▶ study the entire chapter online
Analysis ▶ explore
1. Compare the average drop time for the two liquids. ▶ take Self-Check Quizzes
2. Infer the relationship between the times that you ▶ use the Personal Tutor to work Example
recorded and how easily the liquid flows as you Problems step-by-step
pour it. ▶ access Web links for more information,
projects, and activities
Inquiry How does temperature affect the speed with
▶ Find the Try at Home Lab, Viscosity Race
which a ball bearing sinks in a liquid? Develop a hypothesis,
and design an experiment to test your hypothesis.
Particle size Gases consist of small particles that are separated from
one another by empty space. The volume of the particles is small com-
pared with the volume of the empty space. Because gas particles are far
apart, they experience no significant attractive or repulsive forces.
Particle motion Gas particles are in constant, random motion.
Particles move in a straight line until they collide with other particles
or with the walls of their container, as shown in Figure 12.2. Collisions
between gas particles are elastic. An elastic collision is one in which
no kinetic energy is lost. Kinetic energy can be transferred between
colliding particles, but the total kinetic energy of the two particles
does not change.
Particle energy Two factors determine the kinetic energy of a
particle: mass and velocity. The kinetic energy of a particle can be repre-
sented by the following equation.
KE = _
mv 2
KE is kinetic energy, m is the mass of the particle, and v is its velocity.
Velocity reflects both the speed and the direction of motion. In a sample
of a single gas, all particles have the same mass, but all particles do not
have the same velocity. Therefore, all particles do not have the same
kinetic energy. Temperature is a measure of the average kinetic energy
of the particles in a sample of matter.
Low density Remember that density is mass per unit volume. The
density of chlorine gas is 2.95 × 10 -3 g/mL at 20°C; the density of solid
gold is 19.3 g/mL. Gold is more than 6500 times as dense as chlorine.
This large difference cannot be due only to the difference in mass between
gold atoms and chlorine molecules (about 3:1). As the kinetic-molecular
theory states, a great deal of space exists between gas particles. Thus,
there are fewer chlorine molecules than gold atoms in the same volume.
■ Figure 12.3 In a closed container, compression and expansion change the volume
occupied by a constant mass of particles.
Relate the change in volume to the density of the gas particles in each cylinder.
Graham’s Law
Rate of effusion ∝ __
molar mass
The rate of diffusion or effusion of a gas is inversely proportional to the square root of
its molar mass.
Rate A
molar mass
= _B
√molar mass
Rate B A
= _ = 1.47
36.5 g/mol
Substitute molar mass HCl = 36.5 g/mol and molar mass NH 3 = 17.0 g/mol.
17.0 g/mol
1. Calculate the ratio of effusion rates for nitrogen ( N 2) and neon (Ne).
2. Calculate the ratio of diffusion rates for carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide.
3. Challenge What is the rate of effusion for a gas that has a molar mass twice that of
a gas that effuses at a rate of 3.6 mol/min?
High Force per Unit Area Low Force per Unit Area
Gas Pressure
Have you watched someone try to walk across snow, mud, or hot asphalt
in high heels? If so, you might have noticed that the heels sank into the
soft surface. Figure 12.4 shows why a person sinks when wearing high
heels but does not sink when wearing boots. In each case, the force
pressing down on the soft surface is related to the person’s mass. With
boots, the force is spread out over a larger area. Pressure is defined as
force per unit area. The area of the bottom of a boot is much larger than
the area of the bottom of a high heeled shoe. So, the pressure on the soft
surface is less with a boot than it is with high heels.
Gas particles also exert pressure when they collide with the walls of
their container. Because an individual gas particle has little mass, it can
exert little pressure. However, a liter-sized container could hold 10 22 gas
particles. With this many particles colliding, the pressure can be high.
Air pressure Earth is surrounded by an atmosphere that extends
into space for hundreds of kilometers. Because the particles in air move
in every direction, they exert pressure in all directions. This pressure is
■ Figure 12.5 Torricelli was the first called atmospheric pressure, or air pressure. Air pressure varies at dif-
to show that the atmosphere exerted ferent points on Earth. Because gravity is greater at the surface of Earth,
pressure. there are more particles than at higher altitudes where the force of gravity is
less. Fewer particles at higher elevations exert less force than the greater
concentration of particles at lower altitudes. Therefore, air pressure is
less at higher altitudes than it is at sea level. At sea level, atmospheric
pressure is about one-kilogram per square centimeter.
Pressure exerted
by mercury Measuring air pressure Italian physicist Evangelista Torricelli
column (1608–1647) was the first to demonstrate that air exerted pressure. He
noticed that water pumps were unable to pump water higher than about
760 mm Atmospheric
pressure 10 m. He hypothesized that the height of a column of liquid would vary
with the density of the liquid. To test this idea, Torricelli designed the
equipment shown in Figure 12.5. He filled a thin glass tube that was
closed at one end with mercury. While covering the open end so that air
could not enter, he inverted the tube and placed it (open end down) in a
dish of mercury. The open end was below the surface of the mercury in
the dish. The height of the mercury in the tube fell to about 75 cm,
which validated Terricelli’s hypothesis because mercury is approximately
13.6 times more dense than water.
in levels
newton (N). One pascal is equal to a force of one newton per
square meter: 1 Pa equals 1 N/m 2. Many fields of science still
use more traditional units of pressure. For example, engineers
often report pressure as pounds per square inch (psi). The pres-
sures measured by barometers and manometers can be reported
in millimeters of mercury (mm Hg). There is also a unit called
the torr and another unit called a bar. Gas
At sea level, the average air pressure is 101.3 kPa when the
temperature is 0°C. Air pressure is often reported in a unit
called an atmosphere (atm). One atmosphere is equal to
760 mm Hg or 760 torr or 101.3 kilopascals (kPa). Table 12.1 After gas is released into the U-tube, the heights
compares different units of pressure. Because the units 1 atm, in the two arms are no longer equal.
760 mm Hg, and 760 torr are defined units, they should have as ■ Figure 12.6 A manometer measures the
many significant figures as needed when used in calculations. pressure of an enclosed gas.
Table Comparison
12.1 of Pressure Units
Number Equivalent Number Equivalent
to 1 atm to 1 kPa
Look again at Figure 12.7. What happens when 1 mol of helium and
Personal Tutor For an online tutorial on
1 mol of nitrogen are combined in a single closed container? Because Using Dalton’s Law of Partial Pressures,
neither the volume nor the number of particles changed, the pressures visit
exerted by the two separate gases combined.
P O 2 = 0.97 atm - 0.70 atm - 0.12 atm Substitute P N 2 = 0.12 atm, P CO 2 = 0.70 atm, and P total = 0.97 atm.
P O 2 = 0.15 atm
4. What is the partial pressure of hydrogen gas in a mixture of hydrogen and helium if the
total pressure is 600 mm Hg and the partial pressure of helium is 439 mm Hg?
5. Find the total pressure for a mixture that contains four gases with partial pressures of
5.00 kPa, 4.56 kPa, 3.02 kPa, and 1.20 kPa.
6. Find the partial pressure of carbon dioxide in a gas mixture with a total pressure of 30.4 kPa if
the partial pressures of the other two gases in the mixture are 16.5 kPa and 3.7 kPa.
7. Challenge Air is a mixture of gases. By percentage, it is roughly 78 percent nitrogen,
21 percent oxygen, and 1 percent argon. ( There are trace amounts of many other gases
in air.) If the atmospheric pressure is 760 mm Hg, what are the partial pressures of
nitrogen, oxygen, and argon in the atmosphere?
&/,$!",%3 Using Dalton’s law Partial pressures can be used to determine the
Incorporate information amount of gas produced by a reaction. The gas produced is bubbled into
from this section into
your Foldable.
an inverted container of water, as shown in Figure 12.8. As the gas
collects, it displaces the water. The gas collected in the container will be
a mixture of hydrogen and water vapor. Therefore, the total pressure
inside the container will be the sum of the partial pressures of hydrogen
and water vapor.
The partial pressures of gases at the same temperature are related
to their concentration. The partial pressure of water vapor has a fixed
value at a given temperature. You can look up the value in a reference
table. At 20°C, the partial pressure of water vapor is 2.3 kPa. You can
calculate the partial pressure of hydrogen by subtracting the partial
pressure of water vapor from the total pressure.
As you will read in Chapter 13, knowing the pressure, volume, and
temperature of a gas allows you to calculate the number of moles of the
gas. Temperature and volume can be measured during an experiment.
Once the temperature is known, the partial pressure of water vapor is
used to calculate the pressure of the gas. The known values for volume,
temperature, and pressure are then used to find the number of moles.
+ - + -
Ionic cations and anions NaCl
- + - +
+ + + +
Metallic metal cations and mobile electrons Fe
+ + + +
■ Figure 12.9 When two molecules are close together, the electron clouds repel
each other, creating temporary dipoles. The δ sign represents an area of partial charge on
the molecule.
Explain what the δ+ and δ- signs on a temporary dipole represent.
δ- δ+
δ- δ+ δ-
δ+ δ+
δ- δ+
δ- δ-
Fluidity Gases and liquids are classified as fluids because they can
flow and diffuse. Figure 12.13 shows one liquid diffusing through
another liquid. Liquids usually diffuse more slowly than gases at the
same temperature, because intermolecular attractions interfere with the
flow. Thus, liquids are less fluid than gases. A comparison between
water and natural gas can illustrate this difference. When there is a leak
in a basement water pipe, the water remains in the basement unless the
amount of water released exceeds the volume of the basement.
A gas will not stay in the basement. For example, natural gas, or
methane, is a fuel burned in gas furnaces, hot-water heaters, and stoves.
Gas that leaks from a gas pipe diffuses throughout the house. Because
natural gas is odorless, companies that supply the fuel include a com-
pound with a distinct odor. Adding odor to natural gas warns the home-
owner of the leak. The customer has time to shut off the gas supply,
open windows to allow the gas to diffuse, and call the gas company to
report the leak.
■ Figure 12.14
States of Matter
460 B.C. Philosophers 400 B.C. The philosopher 1734 Daniel Bernoulli
theorize that all matter is Democritus develops the proposes that gas
composed of four elements: theory that all matter is pressure results from
fire, air, water, and earth. made of tiny, indivisible gas particles colliding
pieces called atomos. with the walls of the
a liquid is determined by the type of intermolecular forces in the liquid, H—C—C—C—H
the size and shape of the particles, and the temperature.
O... H O...
You should note that not all liquids have viscosity. Scientists discovered . .
superfluids in 1937. Scientists cooled liquid helium below -270.998°C .
and discovered that the properties of the liquid changed. The superfluid O H O
helium lost viscosity—the resistance to flow. The discovery of superfluidity H—C—C—C—H
and other milestones in our understanding of states of matter are shown
in Figure 12.14. H O H
Attractive forces In typical liquids, the stronger the intermolecular H Molecule 2
attractive forces, the higher the viscosity. If you have used glycerol in the ■ Figure 12.15 This diagram shows
laboratory to help insert a glass tube into a rubber stopper, you know that two glycerol molecules and the hydrogen
glycerol is a viscous liquid. Figure 12.15 uses structural formulas to bonds between them.
show the hydrogen bonding that makes glycerol so viscous. The hydrogen Determine the possible number of
atoms attached to the oxygen atoms in each glycerol molecule are able hydrogen bonds a glycerol molecule
to form hydrogen bonds with other glycerol molecules. The red dots in can form with a second molecule.
Figure 12.15 show where the hydrogen bonds form between molecules.
Particle size and shape The size and shape of particles also affect
viscosity. Recall that the overall kinetic energy of a particle is deter-
mined by its mass and velocity. Suppose the attractive forces between
molecules in Liquid A and Liquid B are similar. If the molecules in
Liquid A are more massive than the molecules in Liquid B, Liquid A
will have a greater viscosity. Liquid A’s molecules will, on average, move
more slowly than the molecules in Liquid B. Molecules with long
chains, such as cooking oils and motor oil, have a higher viscosity than
shorter, more-compact molecules, assuming the molecules exert the
same type of attractive forces. Within the long chains, there is less dis-
tance between atoms on neighboring molecules and, thus, a greater
chance for attractions between atoms.
matter is composed with properties not observed 2003 Deborah S. Jin creates
of tiny particles. in ordinary matter. the first fermionic condensate—
a superfluid considered to be
a sixth state of matter.
Side view
Intermolecular forces just below the The surface tension of the water allows this
surface of the water create surface tension. spider to walk on the surface of the water.
Cohesion Adhesion
The force of attraction between the water molecules Water molecules are attracted to each
and the silicon dioxide in the glass causes the water other—cohesion—and to the silicon
molecules to creep up the glass. dioxide molecules in the glass—adhesion.
Careers In chemistry ■ Figure 12.19 These drawings show three of the ways particles are arranged in
crystal lattices. Each sphere represents a particle. a. Particles are arranged only at the
Metallurgist Metallurgists are corners of the cube. b. There is a particle in the center of the cube. c. There are particles in
engineers who are involved in all the center of each of the six cubic faces but no particle in the center of the cube itself.
stages of processing metals, from
extracting and refining to casting the a b c
final product. At each stage, metal-
lurgists must understand the physical
and chemical properties of metals.
A college degree is necessary to
become a metallurgist, and many go
on to earn advanced degrees. For
more information on chemistry
careers, visit
Simple cubic Body-centered Face-centered
unit cell cubic unit cell cubic unit cell
β c c
α α β β
γ a b γ γ a b
a=b=c a=b≠c a≠b≠c
α = β = γ = 90° α = β = γ = 90° α = β = γ = 90°
Cubic Tetragonal Orthorhombic
β c
α c β c
β α β α
γ α γ
a b a γ a γ b b
b a
a≠b≠c a=b≠c a=b≠c a≠b≠c
α ≠ β ≠ γ ≠ 90° α = β = 90°, γ = 120° α = β = γ ≠ 90° α = γ = 90° ≠ β
Triclinic Hexagonal Rhombohedral Monoclinic
atoms connected by very hard; very high melting points; diamond (C)
Covalent network
covalent bonds often poor conductivity and quartz (SiO 2)
■ Figure 12.20 The most common kind of quartz has a hexagonal crystal structure.
Solid Liquid
Number of molecules
Minimum kinetic energy
required for vaporization
Kinetic energy
Phase Diagrams
There are two variables that combine to control the phase of a substance:
temperature and pressure. These variables can have opposite effects on
a substance. For example, a temperature increase causes more liquid to
vaporize, but an increase in pressure causes more vapor to condense.
A phase diagram is a graph of pressure versus temperature that shows
in which phase a substance exists under different conditions of temper-
ature and pressure.
Figure 12.29 shows the phase diagram for water. You can use this
graph to predict what phase water will be in for any combination of
temperature and pressure. Note that there are three regions representing
the solid, liquid, and vapor phases of water and three curves that sepa-
rate the regions from one another. At points that fall along the curves,
two phases of water can coexist. The short, yellow curve shows the tem-
perature and pressure conditions under which solid water and water
vapor can coexist. The long, blue curve shows the temperature and pres-
sure conditions under which liquid water and water vapor can coexist.
The red curve shows the temperature and pressure conditions under
which solid water and liquid water can coexist.
Point A on the phase diagram of water—the point where the yellow,
blue, and red curves meet—is the triple point for water. The triple point
is the point on a phase diagram that represents the temperature and
pressure at which three phases of a substance can coexist. All six phase
changes can occur at the triple point: freezing and melting; evaporation
and condensation; sublimation and deposition. Point B is called the crit-
ical point. This point indicates the critical pressure and critical tempera-
ture above which water cannot exist as a liquid. If water vapor is at the
critical temperature, an increase in pressure will not change the vapor
into a liquid.
Pressure (atm)
Triple point Vapor
Graph Check
0.00 100.00 373.99 Determine the phase of water at
Temperature (°C) 2.00 atm and 100.00°C.
Pressure (atm)
Solid Liquid 105
Pressure (atm)
Graph Check 101 Vapor
Contrast the slope of the red line
in water’s phase diagram with that 100
-78 31 0 2000 4000 6000
of the red line in carbon dioxide’s
phase diagram. How do water Temperature (ºC) Temperature (ºC)
and carbon dioxide differ in their
reaction to increased pressure at ■ Figure 12.30 Phase diagrams show useful information, such as why carbon dioxide
the solid/liquid boundary? sublimes at normal conditions and the existence of two forms of solid carbon.
The phase diagram for each substance is different because the normal
boiling and freezing points of substances are different. However, each
diagram will supply the same type of data for the phases, including a triple
point. Of course, the range of temperatures chosen will vary to reflect
the physical properties of the substance.
Phase diagrams can provide important information for substances.
For example, the phase diagram for carbon dioxide in Figure 12.30
shows why carbon dioxide sublimes at normal conditions. Find 1.0 atm
on the carbon dioxide graph and follow the dashed line to the yellow
line. The graph shows that carbon dioxide changes from a solid to a gas
at 1 atm. If you extend the dashed line past the yellow line, the graph
shows that carbon dioxide does not liquefy as temperature increases.
It remains a gas.
The diagram on the right is a phase diagram for carbon. Notice that
the graph contains two allotropes of carbon in the solid region. Graphite
is the standard state of carbon at normal temperatures and pressures,
designated by a red dot. Diamond is more stable at higher temperatures
and pressures. Diamonds that exist at normal room conditions origi-
nally formed at high temperature and pressure.
distilled water small plastic cups (5)
ethanol grease pencil or masking
isopropyl alcohol tape and a marking pen
acetone paper towel
household ammonia square of waxed paper 9. Cleanup and Disposal Clean up lab materials as
droppers (5) stopwatch instructed by your teacher.
BIG Idea Kinetic-molecular theory explains the different properties of solids, liquids, and gases.
a b
Chlorine gas Nitrogen gas
■ Figure 12.32
Figure 12.31
Section 12.2
40. In Figure 12.31, what happens to the density of gas par-
Mastering Concepts
ticles in the cylinder as the piston moves from Position
A to Position B? 51. Explain the difference between a temporary dipole and a
permanent dipole.
41. Baking Explain why the baking instructions on a box
of cake mix are different for high and low elevations. 52. Why are dispersion forces weaker than dipole-dipole
Would you expect to have a longer or a shorter cooking forces?
time at a high elevation? 53. Explain why hydrogen bonds are stronger than most
dipole-dipole forces.
Mastering Problems
54. Compare intramolecular and intermolecular forces.
42. What is the molar mass of a gas that takes three times
55. Hypothesize why long, nonpolar molecules would inter-
longer to effuse than helium?
act more strongly with one another than spherical
43. What is the ratio of effusion rates of krypton and neon nonpolar molecules of similar composition.
at the same temperature and pressure?
44. Calculate the molar mass of a gas that diffuses three Mastering Problems
times faster than oxygen under similar conditions. 56. Polar Molecules Use relative differences in electroneg-
45. What is the partial pressure of water vapor in an air ativity to label the ends of the polar molecules listed as
sample when the total pressure is 1.00 atm, the partial partially positive or partially negative.
pressure of nitrogen is 0.79 atm, the partial pressure of a. HF b. HBr c. NO d. CO
oxygen is 0.20 atm, and the partial pressure of all other 57. Draw the structure of the dipole-dipole interaction
gases in air is 0.0044 atm? between two molecules of carbon monoxide.
46. What is the total gas pressure in a sealed flask that con- 58. Decide which of the substances listed can form
tains oxygen at a partial pressure of 0.41 atm and water hydrogen bonds.
vapor at a partial pressure of 0.58 atm? a. H 2O b. H 2O 2 c. HF d. NH 3
67. List the types of crystalline solids that are usually good 12 ?
conductors of heat and electricity.
68. How does the strength of a liquid’s intermolecular forces 8
affect its viscosity?
69. Explain why water has a higher surface tension than
benzene, whose molecules are nonpolar. 0
-100 -80 -60 -40 -20 0 +20 +40
70. Compare the number of particles in one unit cell for
each of the following types of unit cells. Temperature (°C)
a. simple cubic ■ Figure 12.34
b. body-centered cubic
71. Predict which solid is more likely to be amorphous— 81. Copy and label the solid, liquid, and gas phases, triple
one formed by cooling a molten material over 4 h at point, and critical point on Figure 12.34.
room temperature or one formed by cooling a molten 82. Why does it take more energy to boil 10 g of liquid
material quickly in an ice bath. water than to melt an equivalent mass of ice?
88. List three types of intermolecular forces. Table 12.6 Phase Diagram for Ammonia
89. When solid sugar crystals are dissolved in a glass of Pressure Temperature
Selected Points
water, they form a clear homogeneous solution in which (atm) (ºC)
the crystals are not visible. If the beaker is left out at
Triple point 0.060 -77.7
room temperature for a few days, the crystals reappear
in the bottom and on the sides of the glass. Is this an Critical point 112 132.2
example of freezing? Normal boiling point 1.0 -33.5
Normal freezing point 1.0 -77.7
Think Critically
94. Apply A solid being heated stays at a constant tempera-
ture until it is completely melted. What happens to the
Vapor Pressure v. Temperature heat energy put into the system during that time?
800 95. Communicate Which process—effusion or diffusion—
Vapor pressure (torr)
Pressure (atm)
C. A gas particle is not significantly attracted or Liquid
repelled by other gas particles. 104
If You Missed
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Question . . .
Review Section . . . 12.1 12.1 12.1 11.1 12.3 12.4 12.4 12.4 8.1 8.1 8.4 9.3 12.3 2.1 10.3