States of Matter: BIG Idea

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States of Matter

BIG Idea Kinetic-molecular

theory explains the different
properties of solids, liquids,
and gases.

12.1 Gases Cool, evening

MAIN Idea Gases expand, diffuse,
exert pressure, and can be
compressed because they are in a
low-density state consisting of tiny,
constantly-moving particles.

12.2 Forces of Attraction

MAIN Idea Intermolecular
forces—including dispersion forces,
dipole-dipole forces, and hydrogen
bonds—determine a substance’s
state at a given temperature.

12.3 Liquids and Solids

MAIN Idea The particles in solids
and liquids have a limited range of
motion and are not easily
compressed. Hot, daytime

12.4 Phase Changes

MAIN Idea Matter changes phase
when energy is added or removed.

• The iodine thermometer contains a
few grams of iodine inside a sealed,
round-bottom flask.
• As the outdoor temperature
increases, the iodine changes from a
solid directly to a gas.
• The deeper the violet color, the
higher the temperature. Iodine thermometer

©Richard W. Ramette
Start-Up Activities

LAUNCH Lab States of Matter Make the

following Foldable to help you
How do different liquids affect summarize information about three
common states of matter.
the speed of a sinking ball
bearing? STEP 1 Fold a sheet
of paper in half lengthwise.
You’ve probably noticed that different liquids might have
Make the back edge
vastly different properties. For example, liquids such as
about 2 cm longer than
maple syrup, corn oil, and vegetable oil are much thicker
the front edge.
than liquids such as water.

STEP 2 Fold into thirds.

STEP 3 Unfold and cut

along the folds of the top
flap to make three tabs.


States of Matter
STEP 4 Label the tabs
Procedure as follows: Gases, Liquids,
1. Read and complete the lab safety form. and Solids.
2. Fill a 100-mL graduated cylinder with water.
Be sure to fill it exactly to the 100-mL mark.
3. Place the end of a ruler on the tabletop. Drop a ball
bearing (or other small, round object) from a mark on
&/,$!",%3 Use this Foldable with Sections 12.1 and
the ruler just above the surface of the water. Use a 12.3. As you read the sections, summarize information
stopwatch to time the ball bearing as it sinks to the about three common states of matter in your own words.
bottom. Record this time in a data table.
4. Repeat Steps 2 and 3 two more times, dropping the
object from the same height each time. Calculate the
average drop time of your three trials.
5. Repeat Steps 2–4 using vegetable oil instead of water. Visit to:
▶ study the entire chapter online

Analysis ▶ explore
1. Compare the average drop time for the two liquids. ▶ take Self-Check Quizzes
2. Infer the relationship between the times that you ▶ use the Personal Tutor to work Example
recorded and how easily the liquid flows as you Problems step-by-step
pour it. ▶ access Web links for more information,
projects, and activities
Inquiry How does temperature affect the speed with
▶ Find the Try at Home Lab, Viscosity Race
which a ball bearing sinks in a liquid? Develop a hypothesis,
and design an experiment to test your hypothesis.

Chapter 12 • States of Matter 401

Matt Meadows
Section 12.1
◗ Use the kinetic-molecular theory
to explain the behavior of gases. MAIN Idea Gases expand, diffuse, exert pressure, and can be
◗ Describe how mass affects the compressed because they are in a low density state consisting of
rates of diffusion and effusion. tiny, constantly-moving particles.
◗ Explain how gas pressure
Real-World Reading Link If you have gone camping, you might have slept on
is measured and calculate the partial
pressure of a gas. an air-filled mattress. How did the mattress compare to lying on the ground? It
was probably warmer and more comfortable. The properties of the air mattress
Review Vocabulary are due to the particles that make up the air inside it.
kinetic energy: energy due
to motion The Kinetic-Molecular Theory
You have learned that composition—the types of atoms present—and
New Vocabulary structure—their arrangement—determine the chemical properties of
kinetic-molecular theory matter. Composition and structure also affect the physical properties of
elastic collision matter. Based solely on physical appearance, you can distinguish
temperature between gold, graphite, and mercury, as shown in Figure 12.1. By
contrast, substances that are gases at room temperature usually display
Graham’s law of effusion
similar physical properties despite their different compositions. Why is
barometer there so little variation in behavior among gases? Why are the physical
pascal properties of gases different from those of liquids and solids?
atmosphere By the eighteenth century, scientists knew how to collect gaseous
Dalton’s law of partial pressures products by displacing water. Now, they could observe and measure
properties of individual gases. About 1860, chemists Ludwig Boltzmann
and James Maxwell, who were working in different countries, each pro-
posed a model to explain the properties of gases. That model is the
kinetic-molecular theory. Because all of the gases known to Boltzmann
and Maxwell contained molecules, the name of the model refers to
molecules. The word kinetic comes from a Greek word meaning
to move. Objects in motion have energy called kinetic energy. The
kinetic-molecular theory describes the behavior of matter in terms of
particles in motion. The model makes several assumptions about the
■ Figure 12.1 You can distinguish size, motion, and energy of gas particles.
some materials by looking at them, but
this is not true for many gases.

Gold Graphite Mercury

402 Chapter 12 • States of Matter

(l)©Steve McCutcheon/Visuals Unlimited, (c)©Lester V. Bergman/CORBIS, (b)©Dirk Wiersma/Photo Researchers, Inc.
■ Figure 12.2 Kinetic energy can be
transferred between gas particles during
an elastic collision.
Explain the influence that gas particles
have on each other, both in terms of
collisions and what happens to particles
between collisions.

Particle size Gases consist of small particles that are separated from
one another by empty space. The volume of the particles is small com-
pared with the volume of the empty space. Because gas particles are far
apart, they experience no significant attractive or repulsive forces.
Particle motion Gas particles are in constant, random motion.
Particles move in a straight line until they collide with other particles
or with the walls of their container, as shown in Figure 12.2. Collisions
between gas particles are elastic. An elastic collision is one in which
no kinetic energy is lost. Kinetic energy can be transferred between
colliding particles, but the total kinetic energy of the two particles
does not change.
Particle energy Two factors determine the kinetic energy of a
particle: mass and velocity. The kinetic energy of a particle can be repre-
sented by the following equation.
KE = _
mv 2
KE is kinetic energy, m is the mass of the particle, and v is its velocity.
Velocity reflects both the speed and the direction of motion. In a sample
of a single gas, all particles have the same mass, but all particles do not
have the same velocity. Therefore, all particles do not have the same
kinetic energy. Temperature is a measure of the average kinetic energy
of the particles in a sample of matter.

Explaining the Behavior of Gases

The kinetic-molecular theory helps explain the behavior of gases. For VOCABULARY
example, the constant motion of gas particles allows a gas to expand WORD ORIGIN
until it fills its container, such as when you blow up a beach ball. As you Gas
blow air into the ball, the air particles spread out and fill the inside of comes from the Latin word chaos,
the container—the beach ball. which means space

Low density Remember that density is mass per unit volume. The
density of chlorine gas is 2.95 × 10 -3 g/mL at 20°C; the density of solid
gold is 19.3 g/mL. Gold is more than 6500 times as dense as chlorine.
This large difference cannot be due only to the difference in mass between
gold atoms and chlorine molecules (about 3:1). As the kinetic-molecular
theory states, a great deal of space exists between gas particles. Thus,
there are fewer chlorine molecules than gold atoms in the same volume.

Section 12.1 • Gases 403

Compression Expansion

■ Figure 12.3 In a closed container, compression and expansion change the volume
occupied by a constant mass of particles.
Relate the change in volume to the density of the gas particles in each cylinder.

Compression and expansion If you squeeze a pillow made of

foam, you can compress it; that is, you can reduce its volume. The foam
contains air pockets. The large amount of empty space between the
particles in the air in those pockets allows the air to be pushed easily into
a smaller volume. When you stop squeezing, the random motion of the
particles fills the available space, and the pillow expands to its original
shape. Figure 12.3 illustrates what happens to the density of a gas in a
container as it is compressed and as it is allowed to expand.
Diffusion and effusion According to the kinetic-molecular theory,
there are no significant forces of attraction between gas particles. Thus,
gas particles can flow easily past each other. Often, the space into which
a gas flows is already occupied by another gas. The random motion of
the gas particles causes the gases to mix until they are evenly distributed.
Diffusion is the term used to describe the movement of one material
through another. The term might be new, but you are probably familiar
with the process. If food is cooking in the kitchen, you can smell it
throughout the house because the gas particles diffuse. Particles diffuse
from an area of high concentration (the kitchen) to one of low concen-
tration (the other rooms in the house).
Effusion is a process related to diffusion. During effusion, a gas
escapes through a tiny opening. What happens when you puncture a
container, such as a balloon or a tire? In 1846, Thomas Graham con-
ducted experiments to measure the rates of effusion for different gases
at the same temperature. Graham designed his experiments so that the
gases effused into a vacuum—space containing no matter. He discov-
ered an inverse relationship between effusion rates and molar mass.
Graham’s law of effusion states that the rate of effusion for a gas is
inversely proportional to the square root of its molar mass.

Graham’s Law
Rate of effusion ∝ __
molar mass
The rate of diffusion or effusion of a gas is inversely proportional to the square root of
its molar mass.

404 Chapter 12 • States of Matter

The rate of diffusion depends mainly on the mass of the particles
involved. Lighter particles diffuse more rapidly than heavier particles.
Recall that different gases at the same temperature have the same average
kinetic energy as described by the equation KE = ½ mv 2. However, the
mass of gas particles varies from gas to gas. For lighter particles to have
the same average kinetic energy as heavier particles, they must have, on
average, a greater velocity.
Graham’s law also applies to rates of diffusion, which is logical
because heavier particles diffuse more slowly than lighter particles at the
same temperature. Using Graham’s law, you can set up a proportion to
compare the diffusion rates for two gases.

Rate A
molar mass
= _B
√molar mass
Rate B A

Reading Check Explain why the rate of diffusion depends on the

mass of the particles.

EXAMPLE Problem 12.1

Math Handbook
Graham’s Law Ammonia has a molar mass of 17.0 g/mol; hydrogen chloride Square and Cube Roots
has a molar mass of 36.5 g/mol. What is the ratio of their diffusion rates? page 949
1 Analyze the Problem
You are given the molar masses for ammonia and hydrogen chloride. To find the ratio
of the diffusion rates for ammonia and hydrogen chloride, use the equation for Graham’s
law of effusion.
Known Unknown
molar mass HCl = 36.5 g/mol ratio of diffusion rates = ?
molar mass HCl = 17.0 g/mol

2 Solve for the Unknown

Rate NH 
= __
_ 3 molar mass HCl
State the ratio derived from Graham’s law.
Rate HCl molar mass NH 3

=  _ = 1.47
36.5 g/mol
Substitute molar mass HCl = 36.5 g/mol and molar mass NH 3 = 17.0 g/mol.
17.0 g/mol

The ratio of diffusion rates is 1.47.

3 Evaluate the Answer

A ratio of roughly 1.5 is logical because molecules of ammonia are about half as massive
as molecules of hydrogen chloride. Because the molar masses have three significant
figures, the answer also does. Note that the units cancel, and the answer is stated
correctly without any units.

PRACTICE Problems Extra Practice Page 984 and

1. Calculate the ratio of effusion rates for nitrogen ( N 2) and neon (Ne).
2. Calculate the ratio of diffusion rates for carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide.
3. Challenge What is the rate of effusion for a gas that has a molar mass twice that of
a gas that effuses at a rate of 3.6 mol/min?

Section 12.1 • Gases 405

■ Figure 12.4 High-heeled shoes increase
the pressure on a surface because the area
touching the floor is reduced. In flatter-heeled
shoes, such as boots, the force is applied over
a larger area.
Infer where the highest pressure
is located between the floor and
high-heel shoe.

High Force per Unit Area Low Force per Unit Area

Gas Pressure
Have you watched someone try to walk across snow, mud, or hot asphalt
in high heels? If so, you might have noticed that the heels sank into the
soft surface. Figure 12.4 shows why a person sinks when wearing high
heels but does not sink when wearing boots. In each case, the force
pressing down on the soft surface is related to the person’s mass. With
boots, the force is spread out over a larger area. Pressure is defined as
force per unit area. The area of the bottom of a boot is much larger than
the area of the bottom of a high heeled shoe. So, the pressure on the soft
surface is less with a boot than it is with high heels.
Gas particles also exert pressure when they collide with the walls of
their container. Because an individual gas particle has little mass, it can
exert little pressure. However, a liter-sized container could hold 10 22 gas
particles. With this many particles colliding, the pressure can be high.
Air pressure Earth is surrounded by an atmosphere that extends
into space for hundreds of kilometers. Because the particles in air move
in every direction, they exert pressure in all directions. This pressure is
■ Figure 12.5 Torricelli was the first called atmospheric pressure, or air pressure. Air pressure varies at dif-
to show that the atmosphere exerted ferent points on Earth. Because gravity is greater at the surface of Earth,
pressure. there are more particles than at higher altitudes where the force of gravity is
less. Fewer particles at higher elevations exert less force than the greater
concentration of particles at lower altitudes. Therefore, air pressure is
less at higher altitudes than it is at sea level. At sea level, atmospheric
pressure is about one-kilogram per square centimeter.
Pressure exerted
by mercury Measuring air pressure Italian physicist Evangelista Torricelli
column (1608–1647) was the first to demonstrate that air exerted pressure. He
noticed that water pumps were unable to pump water higher than about
760 mm Atmospheric
pressure 10 m. He hypothesized that the height of a column of liquid would vary
with the density of the liquid. To test this idea, Torricelli designed the
equipment shown in Figure 12.5. He filled a thin glass tube that was
closed at one end with mercury. While covering the open end so that air
could not enter, he inverted the tube and placed it (open end down) in a
dish of mercury. The open end was below the surface of the mercury in
the dish. The height of the mercury in the tube fell to about 75 cm,
which validated Terricelli’s hypothesis because mercury is approximately
13.6 times more dense than water.

406 Chapter 12 • States of Matter

©H. Turvey/Photo Researchers, Inc.
Barometers The device that Torricelli invented is called
a barometer. A barometer is an instrument used to measure Closed
atmospheric pressure. As Torricelli demonstrated, the height of
the mercury in a barometer is always about 760 mm. The exact
height of the mercury is determined by two forces. Gravity
exerts a constant downward force on the mercury. This force
is opposed by an upward force exerted by air pressing down Levels
on the surface of the mercury. Changes in air temperature or equal
humidity cause air pressure to vary.
Manometers A manometer is an instrument used to measure
gas pressure in a closed container. In a manometer, a flask is
connected to a U-tube that contains mercury, as shown in
Figure 12.6. When the valve between the flask and the U-tube
is opened, gas particles diffuse out of the flask into the U-tube.
The released gas particles push down on the mercury in the Before gas is released into the U-tube, the mercury
tube. The difference in the height of the mercury in the two is at the same height in each arm.
arms is used to calculate the pressure of the gas in the flask.
Units of pressure The SI unit of pressure is the pascal (Pa).
It is named for Blaise Pascal, a French mathematician and phi-
losopher. The pascal is derived from the SI unit of force, the

in levels
newton (N). One pascal is equal to a force of one newton per
square meter: 1 Pa equals 1 N/m 2. Many fields of science still
use more traditional units of pressure. For example, engineers
often report pressure as pounds per square inch (psi). The pres-
sures measured by barometers and manometers can be reported
in millimeters of mercury (mm Hg). There is also a unit called
the torr and another unit called a bar. Gas
At sea level, the average air pressure is 101.3 kPa when the
temperature is 0°C. Air pressure is often reported in a unit
called an atmosphere (atm). One atmosphere is equal to
760 mm Hg or 760 torr or 101.3 kilopascals (kPa). Table 12.1 After gas is released into the U-tube, the heights
compares different units of pressure. Because the units 1 atm, in the two arms are no longer equal.
760 mm Hg, and 760 torr are defined units, they should have as ■ Figure 12.6 A manometer measures the
many significant figures as needed when used in calculations. pressure of an enclosed gas.

Table Comparison
12.1 of Pressure Units
Number Equivalent Number Equivalent
to 1 atm to 1 kPa

Kilopascal (kPa) 101.3 kPa —

Atmosphere (atm) — 0.009869 atm
Millimeters of mercury
760 mm Hg 7.501 mm Hg
(mm Hg)
Torr 760 torr 7.501 torr
Pounds per square inch
14.7 psi 0.145 psi
(psi or lb/in 2)
Bar 1.01 bar 100 kPa

Section 12.1 • Gases 407

Data Analysis lab
*Based on Real Data
Make and Use Graphs
Data and Observations
How are the depth of a dive and altitude The table shows the pressure gauge correction
related? Most divers dive at locations that are factor for high altitude underwater diving.
at or near sea level in altitude. However, divers
in Saskatchewan, Alberta, and British Columbia,
Canada, as well as much of the northwestern Altitude Diving Correction Factors
United States, dive at higher altitudes. Atmospheric Pressure Gauge
Altitude (m) Pressure Correction Factor
Think Critically (atm) (m)
1. Compare Use the data in the table to make
0 1.000 0.0
a graph of atmospheric pressure versus
altitude. 600 0.930 0.7
2. Calculate What is your actual diving depth if 1200 0.864 1.4
your depth gauge reads 18 m, but you are at
an altitude of 1800 m and your gauge does 1800 0.801 2.0
not compensate for altitude? 2400 0.743 2.7
3. Infer Dive tables are used to determine how
3000 0.688 3.2
long it is safe for a diver to stay under water
at a specific depth. Why is it important to *Data obtained from: Sawatzky, D. 2000. Diving at Altitude Part I. Diver Magazine.
know the correct depth of the dive? June 2000.

Dalton’s law of partial pressures When Dalton studied the

properties of gases, he found that each gas in a mixture exerts pressure
independently of the other gases present. Illustrated in Figure 12.7,
Dalton’s law of partial pressures states that the total pressure of a mix-
ture of gases is equal to the sum of the pressures of all the gases in the
mixture. The portion of the total pressure contributed by a single gas is
called its partial pressure. The partial pressure of a gas depends on the
number of moles of gas, the size of the container, and the temperature of
the mixture. It does not depend on the identity of the gas. At a given
temperature and pressure, the partial pressure of 1 mol of any gas is the
same. Dalton’s law of partial pressures can be summarized by the equa-
tion at the top of the next page.

■ Figure 12.7 When gases mix, the

total pressure of the mixture is equal to
the sum of the partial pressures of the
individual gases.
Determine How do the partial +
pressures of nitrogen gas and
helium gas compare when a mole
of nitrogen gas and a mole of
helium gas are in the same closed
container? 1 mol He 1 mol N2 1 mol He + 1 mol N2
P1 P2 PTotal

408 Chapter 12 • States of Matter

Dalton’s Law of Partial Pressures
P total represents total pressure. P 1,
P 2, and P 3 represent the partial
P total = P 1 + P 2 + P 3 + . . . P n pressures of each gas up to the
final gas, P n.
To calculate the total pressure of a mixture of gases, add the partial pressures of each of
the gases in the mixture.

Look again at Figure 12.7. What happens when 1 mol of helium and
Personal Tutor For an online tutorial on
1 mol of nitrogen are combined in a single closed container? Because Using Dalton’s Law of Partial Pressures,
neither the volume nor the number of particles changed, the pressures visit
exerted by the two separate gases combined.

EXAMPLE Problem 12.2

Math Handbook
The Partial Pressure of a Gas A mixture of oxygen (O 2), carbon dioxide (CO 2), Significant Figures
and nitrogen (N 2) has a total pressure of 0.97 atm. What is the partial pressure of O 2 pages 949–951
if the partial pressure of CO 2 is 0.70 atm and the partial pressure of N 2 is 0.12 atm?
1 Analyze the Problem
You are given the total pressure of a mixture and the partial pressure of two gases in
the mixture. To find the partial pressure of the third gas, use the equation that relates
partial pressures to total pressure.
Known Unknown
P N 2 = 0.12 atm P O 2 = ? atm
P CO 2 = 0.70 atm
P total = 0.97 atm

2 Solve for the Unknown

P total = P N 2 + P CO 2 + P O 2 State Dalton’s law of partial pressures.

P O 2 = P total - P CO 2 - P N 2 Solve for P O 2.

P O 2 = 0.97 atm - 0.70 atm - 0.12 atm Substitute P N 2 = 0.12 atm, P CO 2 = 0.70 atm, and P total = 0.97 atm.

P O 2 = 0.15 atm

3 Evaluate the Answer

Adding the calculated value for the partial pressure of oxygen to the known partial
pressures gives the total pressure, 0.97 atm. The answer has two significant figures
to match the data.

PRACTICE Problems Extra Practice Page 984 and

4. What is the partial pressure of hydrogen gas in a mixture of hydrogen and helium if the
total pressure is 600 mm Hg and the partial pressure of helium is 439 mm Hg?
5. Find the total pressure for a mixture that contains four gases with partial pressures of
5.00 kPa, 4.56 kPa, 3.02 kPa, and 1.20 kPa.
6. Find the partial pressure of carbon dioxide in a gas mixture with a total pressure of 30.4 kPa if
the partial pressures of the other two gases in the mixture are 16.5 kPa and 3.7 kPa.
7. Challenge Air is a mixture of gases. By percentage, it is roughly 78 percent nitrogen,
21 percent oxygen, and 1 percent argon. ( There are trace amounts of many other gases
in air.) If the atmospheric pressure is 760 mm Hg, what are the partial pressures of
nitrogen, oxygen, and argon in the atmosphere?

Section 12.1 • Gases 409

■ Figure 12.8 In the flask, sulfuric acid (H 2SO 4) reacts with zinc to produce hydrogen
gas. The hydrogen is collected at 20°C.
Calculate the partial pressure of hydrogen at 20°C if the total pressure of the
hydrogen and water vapor mixture is 100.0 kPa.

&/,$!",%3 Using Dalton’s law Partial pressures can be used to determine the
Incorporate information amount of gas produced by a reaction. The gas produced is bubbled into
from this section into
your Foldable.
an inverted container of water, as shown in Figure 12.8. As the gas
collects, it displaces the water. The gas collected in the container will be
a mixture of hydrogen and water vapor. Therefore, the total pressure
inside the container will be the sum of the partial pressures of hydrogen
and water vapor.
The partial pressures of gases at the same temperature are related
to their concentration. The partial pressure of water vapor has a fixed
value at a given temperature. You can look up the value in a reference
table. At 20°C, the partial pressure of water vapor is 2.3 kPa. You can
calculate the partial pressure of hydrogen by subtracting the partial
pressure of water vapor from the total pressure.
As you will read in Chapter 13, knowing the pressure, volume, and
temperature of a gas allows you to calculate the number of moles of the
gas. Temperature and volume can be measured during an experiment.
Once the temperature is known, the partial pressure of water vapor is
used to calculate the pressure of the gas. The known values for volume,
temperature, and pressure are then used to find the number of moles.

Section 12.1 Assessment

Section Summary 8. MAIN Idea Explain Use the kinetic theory to explain the behavior of gases.
◗ The kinetic-molecular theory explains 9. Describe how the mass of a gas particle affects its rate of effusion and
the properties of gases in terms of diffusion.
the size, motion, and energy of their 10. Explain how gas pressure is measured.
11. Explain why the container of water must be inverted when a gas is collected by
◗ Dalton’s law of partial pressures is displacement of water.
used to determine the pressures of
individual gases in gas mixtures. 12. Calculate Suppose two gases in a container have a total pressure of 1.20 atm.
What is the pressure of Gas B if the partial pressure of Gas A is 0.75 atm?
◗ Graham’s law is used to compare the
13. Infer whether or not temperature has any effect on the diffusion rate of a gas.
diffusion rates of two gases.
Explain your answer.

410 Chapter 12 • States of Matter Self-Check Quiz

©Tom Pantages
Section 12.2
◗ Describe intramolecular forces.
Forces of Attraction
◗ Compare and contrast MAIN Idea Intermolecular forces—including dispersion forces,
intermolecular forces. dipole-dipole forces, and hydrogen bonds—determine a substance’s
state at a given temperature.
Review Vocabulary
Real-World Reading Link You might be aware that water is one of the rare
polar covalent: a type of bond that
forms when electrons are not shared substances that is found as a solid, a liquid, and a gas at atmospheric conditions.
equally This unique property, along with others that enable life as we understand it to
exist, stems from the forces that exist between water molecules.
New Vocabulary
dispersion force Intermolecular Forces
dipole-dipole force If all particles of matter at room temperature have the same average
hydrogen bond kinetic energy, why are some materials gases while others are liquids
or solids? The answer lies with the attractive forces within and between
particles. The attractive forces that hold particles together in ionic,
covalent, and metallic bonds are called intramolecular forces. The prefix
intra- means within. For example, intramural sports are competitions
among teams from within a single school or district. The term molecular
can refer to atoms, ions, or molecules. Table 12.2 summarizes what you
read about intramolecular forces in Chapters 7 and 8.
Intramolecular forces do not account for all attractions between par-
ticles. There are forces of attraction called intermolecular forces. The
prefix inter- means between or among. For example, an interview
is a conversation between two people. These forces can hold together
identical particles, such as water molecules in a drop of water, or two
different types of particles, such as carbon atoms in graphite and the
cellulose particles in paper. The three intermolecular forces that will be
discussed in this section are dispersion forces, dipole-dipole forces, and
hydrogen bonds. Although some intermolecular forces are stronger
than others, all intermolecular forces are weaker than the intramolecular
forces involved in bonding.

Table 12.2 Comparison of Intramolecular Forces

Force Model Basis of Attraction Example

+ - + -
Ionic cations and anions NaCl
- + - +

Covalent + + positive nuclei and shared electrons H2

+ + + +
Metallic metal cations and mobile electrons Fe
+ + + +

Section 12.2 • Forces of Attraction 411

δ⁻ δ⁺ δ⁻ δ⁺

Temporary dipole Temporary dipole

■ Figure 12.9 When two molecules are close together, the electron clouds repel
each other, creating temporary dipoles. The δ sign represents an area of partial charge on
the molecule.
Explain what the δ+ and δ- signs on a temporary dipole represent.

Dispersion forces Recall that oxygen molecules are nonpolar

because electrons are evenly distributed between the equally electro-
negative oxygen atoms. Under the right conditions, however, oxygen
molecules can be compressed into a liquid. For oxygen to condense,
there must be some force of attraction between its molecules.
The force of attraction between oxygen molecules is called a disper-
sion force. Dispersion forces are weak forces that result from tempo-
rary shifts in the density of electrons in electron clouds. Dispersion
forces are sometimes called London forces after the German-American
physicist who first described them, Fritz London.
Remember that the electrons in an electron cloud are in constant
motion. When two molecules are in close contact, especially when they
collide, the electron cloud of one molecule repels the electron cloud of
the other molecule. The electron density around each nucleus is, for
a moment, greater in one region of each cloud. Each molecule forms
a temporary dipole. When temporary dipoles are close together, a weak
dispersion force exists between oppositely charged regions of the
dipoles, as shown in Figure 12.9.
Reading Check Explain why dispersion forces form.
Dispersion forces exist between all particles. Dispersion forces are
weak for small particles, and these forces have an increasing effect as the
number of electrons involved increases. Thus, dispersion forces tend to
become stronger as the size of the particles increase. For example, fluo-
rine, chlorine, bromine, and iodine exist as diatomic molecules. Recall
that the number of nonvalence electrons increases from fluorine to
chlorine to bromine to iodine. Because the larger halogen molecules
have more electrons, there can be a greater difference between the posi-
tive and negative regions of their temporary dipoles and, thus, stronger
dispersion forces. This difference in dispersion forces explains why fluo-
rine and chlorine are gases, bromine is a liquid, and iodine is a solid at
room temperature.
Reading Check Infer the physical state of the element astatine at
room temperature and explain your reasoning.
ACADEMIC VOCABULARY Dipole-dipole forces Polar molecules contain permanent dipoles;
Orient that is, some regions of a polar molecule are always partially negative
to arrange in a specific position; and some regions of the molecule are always partially positive. These
to align in the same direction attractions between oppositely charged regions of polar molecules are
The blooms of the flowers were all called dipole-dipole forces. Neighboring polar molecules orient them-
oriented toward the setting Sun. selves so that oppositely charged regions align.

412 Chapter 12 • States of Matter

■ Figure 12.10 Neighboring polar
δ+ molecules orient themselves so that
δ- δ- oppositely charged regions align.
δ+ δ- δ+ Identify the types of forces that are
represented in this figure.

δ- δ+
δ- δ+ δ-

δ+ δ+
δ- δ+
δ- δ-

When hydrogen-chloride gas molecules approach, the partially posi-

tive hydrogen atom in one molecule is attracted to the partially negative
chlorine atom in another molecule. Figure 12.10 shows multiple attrac-
tions among hydrogen-chloride molecules. Because the dipoles are per-
manent, you might expect dipole-dipole forces to be stronger than
dispersion forces. This prediction holds true for small polar molecules
with large dipoles. However, for many polar molecules, including the
HCl molecules in Figure 12.10, dispersion forces dominate dipole-
dipole forces.
Reading Check Compare dipole-dipole forces and dispersion forces.
Hydrogen bonds One special type of dipole-dipole attraction is
called a hydrogen bond. A hydrogen bond is a dipole-dipole attraction
that occurs between molecules containing a hydrogen atom bonded
to a small, highly electronegative atom with at least one lone electron
pair. Hydrogen bonds typically dominate both dispersion forces and
dipole-dipole forces. For a hydrogen bond to form, hydrogen must be
bonded to either a fluorine, oxygen, or nitrogen atom. These atoms are
electronegative enough to cause a large partial positive charge on the
hydrogen atom, yet small enough that their lone pairs of electrons can
come close to hydrogen atoms. For example, in a water molecule, the
hydrogen atoms have a large partial positive charge and the oxygen atom
has a large partial negative charge. When water molecules approach,
a hydrogen atom on one molecule is attracted to the lone pair of electrons
on the oxygen atom on the other molecule, as shown in Figure 12.11.

■ Figure 12.11 The hydrogen bonds

H H between water molecules are stronger than
O O typical dipole-dipole attractions because
H H the bond between hydrogen and oxygen
is highly polar.
Hydrogen O O
bond H Hydrogen H

Section 12.2 • Forces of Attraction 413

Table Properties of Three
12.3 Molecular Compounds
Molar Mass Boiling Point
Compound Molecular Structure
(g) (°C)

Water (H 2O) 18.0 100

Methane (CH 4) 16.0 -33.4

Ammonia (NH 3) 17.0 -164

Hydrogen bonds explain why water is a liquid at room temperature,

while compounds of comparable mass are gases. Look at the data in
Table 12.3. The difference between methane and water is easy to
explain. Because methane molecules are nonpolar, the only forces hold-
ing the molecules together are relatively weak dispersion forces. The
difference between ammonia and water is not as obvious. Molecules
of both compounds can form hydrogen bonds. Yet, ammonia is a
gas at room temperature, which indicates that the attractive forces
between ammonia molecules are not as strong. Because oxygen atoms
are more electronegative than nitrogen atoms, the O–H bonds in water
are more polar than the N–H bonds in ammonia. As a result, the hydro-
gen bonds between water molecules are stronger than those between
ammonia molecules.

Section 12.2 Assessment

Section Summary 14. MAIN Idea Explain what determines a substance’s state at a given
◗ Intramolecular forces are stronger temperature.
than intermolecular forces. 15. Compare and contrast intermolecular forces and describe intramolecular
◗ Dispersion forces are intermolecular forces.
forces between temporary dipoles. 16. Evaluate Which of the molecules listed below can form hydrogen bonds? For
which of the molecules would dispersion forces be the only intermolecular force?
◗ Dipole-dipole forces occur between
Give reasons for your answers.
polar molecules.
a. H 2 b. H 2S c. HCl d. HF
17. Intepret Data In a methane molecule (CH 4), there are four single covalent
bonds. In an octane molecule (C 8H 18), there are 25 single covalent bonds. How
does the number of bonds affect the dispersion forces in samples of methane and
octane? Which compound is a gas at room temperature? Which is a liquid?

414 Chapter 12 • States of Matter Self-Check Quiz

Section 12.3
◗ Contrast the arrangement of
Liquids and Solids
particles in liquids and solids. MAIN Idea The particles in solids and liquids have a limited range
◗ Describe the factors that affect of motion and are not easily compressed.
Real-World Reading Link Did you ever wonder why syrup that is stored in the
◗ Explain how the unit cell and
refrigerator is harder to pour than syrup stored in the pantry? You probably know
crystal lattice are related.
that warming syrup makes it pour more easily. But why does an increase in
Review Vocabulary temperature help?
meniscus: the curved surface of a
column of liquid Liquids
Although the kinetic-molecular theory was developed to explain the
New Vocabulary behavior of gases, the model also applies to liquids and solids. When
viscosity applying the kinetic-molecular theory to the solid and liquid states of
surface tension matter, you must consider the forces of attraction between particles as
surfactant well as their energy of motion.
crystalline solid In Chapter 3, you read that a liquid can take the shape of its container
unit cell
but its volume is fixed. In other words, the particles can flow to adjust to
the shape of a container, but the liquid cannot expand to fill its container, as
amorphous solid
shown in Figure 12.12. According to the kinetic-molecular theory,
individual particles do not have fixed positions in the liquid. Forces of
attraction between particles in the liquid limit their range of motion so
that the particles remain closely packed in a fixed volume.
Density and compression At 25°C and 1 atm of air pressure,
liquids are much denser than gases. The density of a liquid is much
greater than that of its vapor at the same conditions. For example, liquid
water is about 1250 times denser than water vapor at 25°C and 1 atm of
pressure. Because they are at the same temperature, both gas and liquid
particles have the same average kinetic energy. Thus, the higher density
of liquids is due to the intermolecular forces that hold particles together.
Unlike gases, liquids are considered incompressible in many applica-
tions. The change in volume for liquids is much smaller because liquid
particles are already tightly packed. An enormous amount of pressure
must be applied to reduce the volume of a liquid by a very small amount.

■ Figure 12.12 Liquids flow and take

the shape of their container, but they do
not expand to fill their container like gases.
Infer the reason that the liquid is
at the same level in each of the
interconnected tubes.

Section 12.3 • Liquids and Solids 415

Richard Megna/Fundamental Photographs
■ Figure 12.13 Gases and liquids have
the ability to flow and diffuse. These photos
show one liquid diffusing through another

Fluidity Gases and liquids are classified as fluids because they can
flow and diffuse. Figure 12.13 shows one liquid diffusing through
another liquid. Liquids usually diffuse more slowly than gases at the
same temperature, because intermolecular attractions interfere with the
flow. Thus, liquids are less fluid than gases. A comparison between
water and natural gas can illustrate this difference. When there is a leak
in a basement water pipe, the water remains in the basement unless the
amount of water released exceeds the volume of the basement.
A gas will not stay in the basement. For example, natural gas, or
methane, is a fuel burned in gas furnaces, hot-water heaters, and stoves.
Gas that leaks from a gas pipe diffuses throughout the house. Because
natural gas is odorless, companies that supply the fuel include a com-
pound with a distinct odor. Adding odor to natural gas warns the home-
owner of the leak. The customer has time to shut off the gas supply,
open windows to allow the gas to diffuse, and call the gas company to
report the leak.

■ Figure 12.14
States of Matter

360 B.C. Aristotle, a philosopher 1643 A.D. The inven-

Scientific discoveries have led to a greater with great influence, rejects tion of the barometer
understanding of the states of matter. Democritus’s theory and proves that air has
supports the belief that all weight.
matter is composed of fire, air,
water, and earth.

460 B.C. Philosophers 400 B.C. The philosopher 1734 Daniel Bernoulli
theorize that all matter is Democritus develops the proposes that gas
composed of four elements: theory that all matter is pressure results from
fire, air, water, and earth. made of tiny, indivisible gas particles colliding
pieces called atomos. with the walls of the

416 Chapter 12 • States of Matter

(tl tr)©Gabe Palmer/Alamy, (b)©SSPL/The Image Works
Viscosity You are already familiar with viscosity if you have ever tried
to get honey out of a bottle. Viscosity is a measure of the resistance of a Molecule 1
liquid to flow. The particles in a liquid are close enough for attractive H O H
forces to slow their movement as they flow past one another. The viscosity of

a liquid is determined by the type of intermolecular forces in the liquid, H—C—C—C—H

the size and shape of the particles, and the temperature.
O... H O...
You should note that not all liquids have viscosity. Scientists discovered . .
superfluids in 1937. Scientists cooled liquid helium below -270.998°C .
and discovered that the properties of the liquid changed. The superfluid O H O

helium lost viscosity—the resistance to flow. The discovery of superfluidity H—C—C—C—H
and other milestones in our understanding of states of matter are shown

in Figure 12.14. H O H
Attractive forces In typical liquids, the stronger the intermolecular H Molecule 2
attractive forces, the higher the viscosity. If you have used glycerol in the ■ Figure 12.15 This diagram shows
laboratory to help insert a glass tube into a rubber stopper, you know that two glycerol molecules and the hydrogen
glycerol is a viscous liquid. Figure 12.15 uses structural formulas to bonds between them.
show the hydrogen bonding that makes glycerol so viscous. The hydrogen Determine the possible number of
atoms attached to the oxygen atoms in each glycerol molecule are able hydrogen bonds a glycerol molecule
to form hydrogen bonds with other glycerol molecules. The red dots in can form with a second molecule.
Figure 12.15 show where the hydrogen bonds form between molecules.

Particle size and shape The size and shape of particles also affect
viscosity. Recall that the overall kinetic energy of a particle is deter-
mined by its mass and velocity. Suppose the attractive forces between
molecules in Liquid A and Liquid B are similar. If the molecules in
Liquid A are more massive than the molecules in Liquid B, Liquid A
will have a greater viscosity. Liquid A’s molecules will, on average, move
more slowly than the molecules in Liquid B. Molecules with long
chains, such as cooking oils and motor oil, have a higher viscosity than
shorter, more-compact molecules, assuming the molecules exert the
same type of attractive forces. Within the long chains, there is less dis-
tance between atoms on neighboring molecules and, thus, a greater
chance for attractions between atoms.

1808 John Dalton 1937 Scientists discover

proposes that all superfluids—unusual fluids

matter is composed with properties not observed 2003 Deborah S. Jin creates
of tiny particles. in ordinary matter. the first fermionic condensate—
a superfluid considered to be
a sixth state of matter.

1927 The term plasma 1995 A fifth state of matter,

is first used to describe a gaseous superfluid called a Interactive Time Line To learn more
a fourth state of matter, Bose-Einstein condensate, is about these discoveries and others,
which is found in created and named after visit
lightning. Satyendra Nath Bose and
Albert Einstein.

Section 12.3 • Liquids and Solids 417

(l)©Kent Wood/Photo Researchers, (r)Geoffrey Wheeler/Submission from National Institute of Standards and Technology
Temperature Viscosity decreases with temperature. When you pour a
small amount of cooking oil into a frying pan, the oil tends not to spread
across the bottom of the pan until you heat it. With the increase in tem-
perature, there is an increase in the average kinetic energy of the oil
molecules. The added energy makes it easier for the molecules to over-
come the intermolecular forces that keep the molecules from flowing.
Another example of the effects of temperature on viscosity is motor
oil. Motor oil keeps the moving parts of an internal combustion engine
lubricated. Because temperature changes affect the viscosity of motor
oil, people once used different motor-oil blends in winter and summer.
The motor oil used in winter was designed to flow at low temperatures.
The motor oil used in summer was more viscous so that it could main-
tain sufficient viscosity on extremely hot days or during long trips.
Today, additives in motor oil help adjust the viscosity so that the same
oil blend can be used all year. Molecules in the additives are compact
spheres with relatively low viscosity at cool temperatures. At high tem-
peratures, the shape of the additive molecules changes to long strands.
These strands get tangled with the oil molecules, which increases the
viscosity of the oil.
Reading Check Infer why it is important for motor oil to remain
Surface tension Intermolecular forces do not have an equal effect
on all particles in a liquid, as shown in Figure 12.16. Particles in the
middle of the liquid can be attracted to particles above them, below
them, and to either side. For particles at the surface of the liquid, there
are no attractions from above to balance the attractions from below.
Thus, there is a net attractive force pulling down on particles at the sur-
face. The surface tends to have the smallest possible area and to act
as though it is stretched tight like the head of a drum. For the surface
area to increase, particles from the interior must move to the surface.
It takes energy to overcome the attractions holding these particles in
the interior. The energy required to increase the surface area of a liquid
by a given amount is called surface tension. Surface tension is a mea-
sure of the inward pull by particles in the interior.

■ Figure 12.16 At the surface

of water, the particles are drawn
toward the interior until attractive
and repulsive forces are balanced.

Side view

Intermolecular forces just below the The surface tension of the water allows this
surface of the water create surface tension. spider to walk on the surface of the water.

418 Chapter 12 • States of Matter

©Pier Munstermanu/Foto Nature/Minden Pictures
■ Figure 12.17 Water molecules
have cohesive and adhesive properties.
Infer why the water level is higher in
the smaller diameter tube.

Cohesion Adhesion

The force of attraction between the water molecules Water molecules are attracted to each
and the silicon dioxide in the glass causes the water other—cohesion—and to the silicon
molecules to creep up the glass. dioxide molecules in the glass—adhesion.

In general, the stronger the attractions between particles, the greater

the surface tension. Water has a high surface tension because its mole-
cules can form multiple hydrogen bonds. Drops of water are shaped like
spheres because the surface area of a sphere is smaller than the surface
area of any other shape of similar volume. Water’s high surface tension
is what allows the spider in Figure 12.16 to walk on the surface of
the pond.
The same forces that allow the spider to stay dry on the surface of a
pond also makes it difficult to use water alone to remove dirt from skin
and clothing. Because dirt particles cannot penetrate the surface of the
waterdrops, water alone cannot remove the dirt. Soaps and detergents
decrease the surface tension of water by disrupting the hydrogen bonds
between water molecules. When the hydrogen bonds are broken, the
water spreads out allowing the dirt to be carried away by the water.
Compounds that lower the surface tension of water are called surface-
active agents or surfactants.
Cohesion and adhesion When water is placed into a narrow con- VOCABULARY
tainer, such as the glass tubes in Figure 12.17. you can see that the sur- SCIENCE USAGE V. COMMON USAGE
face of the water is not straight. The surface forms a concave meniscus; Force
that is, the surface dips in the center. Figure 12.17 models what is hap- Science usage: a push or a pull, hav-
pening to the water at the molecular level. There are two types of forces ing both magnitude and direction,
at work: cohesion and adhesion. Cohesion describes the force of attrac- that is exerted on an object
tion between identical molecules. Adhesion describes the force of The gravitational force exists between
any two objects with mass and is
attraction between molecules that are different. Because the adhesive
directly proportional to their masses.
forces between water molecules and the silicon dioxide in glass are
greater than the cohesive forces between water molecules, the water Common usage: a group of people
rises along the inner walls of the cylinder. who have the power to work toward
Capillary action If the cylinder is extremely narrow, a thin film of a desired outcome
water will be drawn upward. Narrow tubes are called capillary tubes. The U.S. labor force increased its
productivity last year.
This movement of a liquid such as water is called capillary action, or
capillarity. Capillary action helps explain how paper towels can absorb
large amounts of water. The water is drawn into the narrow spaces
between the cellulose fibers in paper towels by capillary action. In addi-
tion, the water molecules form hydrogen bonds with cellulose molecules.

Section 12.3 • Liquids and Solids 419

©Richard Megna, Fundamental Photographs, NYC
Did you ever wonder why solids have a definite shape and volume?
According to the kinetic-molecular theory, a mole of solid particles has
as much kinetic energy as a mole of liquid or gas particles at the same
temperature. By definition, the particles in a solid must be in constant
motion. For a substance to be a solid rather than a liquid at a given tem-
perature, there must be strong attractive forces acting between particles
in the solid. These forces limit the motion of the particles to vibrations
around fixed locations in the solid. Thus, there is more order in a solid
than in a liquid. Because of this order, solids are not fluid. Only gases
and liquids are classified as fluids.
Density of solids In general, the particles in a solid are more
closely packed than those in a liquid. Thus, most solids are more dense
than most liquids. When the liquid and solid states of a substance coexist,
the solid almost always sinks in the liquid. Solid cubes of benzene sink
in liquid benzene because solid benzene is more dense than liquid
benzene. There is about a 10% difference in density between the solid
and liquid states of most substances. Because the particles in a solid
are closely packed, ordinary amounts of pressure will not change the
volume of a solid.
You cannot predict the relative densities of ice and liquid water
■ Figure 12.18 An iceberg can float based on benzene. Ice cubes and icebergs float because water is less
because the rigid, three-dimensional struc- dense as a solid than it is as a liquid. Figure 12.18 shows the reason for
ture of ice keeps water molecules farther the exception. As water freezes, each H 2O molecule can form hydrogen
apart than they are in liquid water. This bonds with up to four neighboring molecules. As a result, the water
open, symmetrical structure of ice results molecules in ice are less-closely packed together than in liquid water.
from hydrogen bonding.
Reading Check Describe in your own words why ice floats in water.
Crystalline solids Although ice is unusual in its density, ice is typical
of most solids in that its molecules are packed together in a predictable
way. A crystalline solid is a solid whose atoms, ions, or molecules are
arranged in an orderly, geometric structure. The locations of particles in
a crystalline solid can be represented as points on a framework called a
crystal lattice. Figure 12.19 shows three ways that particles in a crystal
lattice can be arranged to form a cube.

Careers In chemistry ■ Figure 12.19 These drawings show three of the ways particles are arranged in
crystal lattices. Each sphere represents a particle. a. Particles are arranged only at the
Metallurgist Metallurgists are corners of the cube. b. There is a particle in the center of the cube. c. There are particles in
engineers who are involved in all the center of each of the six cubic faces but no particle in the center of the cube itself.
stages of processing metals, from
extracting and refining to casting the a b c
final product. At each stage, metal-
lurgists must understand the physical
and chemical properties of metals.
A college degree is necessary to
become a metallurgist, and many go
on to earn advanced degrees. For
more information on chemistry
careers, visit
Simple cubic Body-centered Face-centered
unit cell cubic unit cell cubic unit cell

420 Chapter 12 • States of Matter

©Daryl Benson/Masterfile
(bcl)©CARL FRANK/SCIENCE PHOTO LIBRARY/Photo Researchers, Inc., (bcr)©ROBERTO DE GUGLIEMO/SCIENCE PHOTO LIBRARY/Photo Researchers, Inc., (br tc)©Mark A. Schneider/Visuals Unlimited A unit cell is the smallest arrangement of atoms in a crystal lattice
that has the same symmetry as the whole crystal. Like the formula unit
that you read about in Chapter 7, a unit cell is a small, representative
part of a larger whole. The unit cell can be thought of as a building
block whose shape determines the shape of the crystal.
Table 12.4 shows seven categories of crystals based on shape.
Crystal shapes differ because the surfaces, or faces, of unit cells do not
always meet at right angles, and the edges of the faces vary in length.
In Table 12.4, the edges are labeled a, b, and c; the angles at which
the faces meet are labeled α, β, and γ.

Interactive Table Explore unit

Table 12.4 Unit Cells cells at

Halite (rock salt) Vesuvianite Aragonite

β c c
α α β β
γ a b γ γ a b
a=b=c a=b≠c a≠b≠c
α = β = γ = 90° α = β = γ = 90° α = β = γ = 90°
Cubic Tetragonal Orthorhombic

Microcline Beryl (emerald) Tourmaline Crocite

β c
α c β c
β α β α
γ α γ
a b a γ a γ b b
b a
a≠b≠c a=b≠c a=b≠c a≠b≠c
α ≠ β ≠ γ ≠ 90° α = β = 90°, γ = 120° α = β = γ ≠ 90° α = γ = 90° ≠ β
Triclinic Hexagonal Rhombohedral Monoclinic

Section 12.3 • Liquids and Solids 421

(tl)©CHARLES D. WINTERS/SCIENCE PHOTO LIBRARY/Photo Researchers, Inc., (tr)©1999 Jeff J. Daly, Fundamental Photographs, NYC, (bl)©MARK A. SCHNEIDER/SCIENCE PHOTO LIBRARY/Photo Researchers, Inc.
Interactive Table Explore types of
Table 12.5 Types of Crystalline Solids crystalline solids at

Type Unit Particles Characteristics of Solid Phase Examples

soft to very soft; very low melting points;
Atomic atoms group 18 elements
poor conductivity

fairly soft; low to moderately I 2, H 2O, NH 3, CO 2,

Molecular molecules
high melting points; poor conductivity C 12H 22O 11 (table sugar)

atoms connected by very hard; very high melting points; diamond (C)
Covalent network
covalent bonds often poor conductivity and quartz (SiO 2)

hard; brittle; high melting points;

Ionic ions NaCl, KBr, CaCO 3
poor conductivity

atoms surrounded by soft to hard; low to very high melting points;

Metallic all metallic elements
mobile valence electrons malleable and ductile; excellent conductivity

Categories of crystalline solids Crystalline solids can be

classified into five categories based on the types of particles they contain
and how thoses particles are bonded together: atomic solids, molecular
solids, covalent network solids, ionic solids, and metallic solids. Table
12.5 summarizes the general characteristics of each category and pro-
vides examples. The only atomic solids are noble gases. Their properties
reflect the weak dispersion forces between the atoms.
Molecular solids In molecular solids, the molecules are held
together by dispersion forces, dipole-dipole forces, or hydrogen bonds.
Most molecular compounds are not solids at room temperature. Even
water, which can form strong hydrogen bonds, is a liquid at room
temperature. Molecular compounds such as sugar are solids at room
temperature because of their large molar masses. With larger molecules,
many weak attractions can combine to hold the molecules together.
Because they contain no ions, molecular solids are poor conductors
of heat and electricity.

■ Figure 12.20 The most common kind of quartz has a hexagonal crystal structure.

422 Chapter 12 • States of Matter

©Ross Frid/Visuals Unlimited
Model Crystal Unit Cells 6. To model the orthorhombic crystal, cut 4 straws
in half. Cut one-third off 4 of the halves, creat-
How can you make physical models that ing 4 each of three different lengths. Connect
illustrate the structures of crystals? the 4 long, 4 medium, and 4 short pieces so that
each side is a rectangle.
7. To model the monoclinic crystal, deform the
1. Read and complete the lab safety form. model from Step 6 along one axis. To model the
2. Cut four soda straws into thirds. Wire the straw triclinic crystal, deform the model from Step 6
pieces together to make a cube using 22- or until it has no 90° angles.
26-gauge wire. Use scissors to cut the wire.
Refer to Table 12.4 for a guide to crystal shapes. Analysis
3. To model a rhombohedral crystal, deform the 1. Evaluate Which two models have three axes of
cube from Step 2 until no angles are 90°. equal length? How do these models differ?
4. To model a hexagonal crystal, flatten the model 2. Determine which model includes a square and
from Step 3 until it looks like a pie with six slices. a rectangle.
5. To model a tetragonal crystal, cut 4 straws in 3. Determine which models have three unequal
half. Cut 4 of the pieces in half again. Wire the axes.
8 shorter pieces to make 4 square ends. Use the 4. Infer Do you think crystals are perfect, or do
longer pieces to connect the square ends. they have defects? Explain your answer.

Covalent network solids Atoms such as carbon and silicon, which

can form multiple covalent bonds, are able to form covalent network
solids. The covalent network structure of quartz, which contains silicon,
is shown in Figure 12.20. Carbon forms three types of covalent network
solids—diamond, graphite, and buckminsterfullerene. An element, such as
carbon, that exists in different forms at the same state—solid, liquid, or
gas—is called an allotrope. For more information about carbon allo-
tropes see the Elements Handbook.
Ionic solids Remember that each ion in an ionic solid is surrounded
by ions of opposite charge. The type of ions and the ratio of ions deter-
mine the structure of the lattice and the shape of the crystal. The net- ■ Figure 12.21 Homes, business, and
equipment of all types use metal wiring to
work of attractions that extends throughout an ionic crystal gives these carry electricity. The metal is usually cop-
compounds their high melting points and hardness. Ionic crystals are per, but other metals are used in special
strong, but brittle. When ionic crystals are struck, the cations and applications.
anions are shifted from their fixed positions. Repulsions between ions
of like charge cause the crystal to shatter.
Metallic solids Recall from Chapter 7 that metallic solids consist
of positive metal ions surrounded by a sea of mobile electrons. The
strength of the metallic bonds between cations and electrons varies
among metals and accounts for their wide range of physical properties.
For example, tin melts at 232°C, but nickel melts at 1455°C. The mobile
electrons make metals malleable—easily hammered into shapes—and
ductile—easily drawn into wires. When force is applied to a metal, the
electrons shift and thereby keep the metal ions bonded in their new
positions. Mobile electrons make metals good conductors of heat and
electricity. Businesses, equipment, and homes, such as the one shown
in Figure 12.21, use metal wiring to carry electricity.
Reading Check Describe the properties of metals that make them
useful for making jewelry.

Section 12.3 • Liquids and Solids 423

©Deborah Davis/PhotoEdit
■ Figure 12.22 Native Americans used the
glass-like amorphous rock obsidian to make
arrowheads and knives, because it can form
sharp edges when broken. Obsidian rock forms
when lava cools too quickly to form crystals.

&/,$!",%3 Amorphous solids An amorphous solid is one in which the particles

Incorporate information are not arranged in a regular, repeating pattern. It does not contain crystals.
from this section into
your Foldable. The term amorphous is derived from a Greek word that means without
shape. An amorphous solid often forms when a molten material cools too
quickly to allow enough time for crystals to form. Figure 12.22 shows an
example of an amorphous solid.
Glass, rubber, and many plastics are amorphous solids. Recent studies
have shown that glass might have some structure. When X-ray diffraction is
used to study glass, there appears to be no pattern to the distribution of
atoms. When neutrons are used instead, an orderly pattern of silicate
units can be detected in some regions. Researchers hope to use this new
information to control the structure of glass for optical applications and
to produce glass that can conduct electricity.

Section 12.3 Assessment

Section Summary 18. MAIN Idea Contrast the arrangement of particles in solids and liquids.
◗ The kinetic-molecular theory explains 19. Describe the factors that affect viscosity.
the behavior of solids and liquids. 20. Explain why soap and water are used to clean clothing instead of water alone.
◗ Intermolecular forces in liquids affect 21. Compare a unit cell and a crystal lattice.
viscosity, surface tension, cohesion,
and adhesion. 22. Describe the difference between a molecular solid and a covalent network solid.
23. Explain why water forms a meniscus when it is in a graduated cylinder.
◗ Crystalline solids can be classified by
their shape and composition. 24. Infer why the surface of mercury in a thermometer is convex; that is, the surface
is higher at the center.
25. Predict which solid is more likely to be amorphous—one formed by allowing
a molten material to cool slowly to room temperature or one formed by quickly
cooling the same material in an ice bath.
26. Design an experiment to compare the relative abilities of water and isopropyl
alcohol to support skipping stones. Include a prediction about which liquid will
be better, along with a brief explanation of your prediction.

424 Chapter 12 • States of Matter Self-Check Quiz

©Wally Eberhart/Visuals Unlimited
Section 12.4
◗ Explain how the addition and
Phase Changes
removal of energy can cause a phase MAIN Idea Matter changes phase when energy is added or
change. removed.
◗ Interpret a phase diagram.
Real-World Reading Link Have you ever wondered where the matter in a
Review Vocabulary solid air freshener goes? The day it is opened and put in a room, it is a solid,
phase change: a change from one fragrant mass. Day-by-day, the solid gets smaller and smaller. Finally, almost
state of matter to another nothing is left and it is time to put a new one out. You never observe a puddle of
liquid like you would see if it had melted.
New Vocabulary
melting point Phase Changes That Require Energy
vaporization Most substances can exist in three states depending on the temperature
evaporation and pressure. A few substances, such as water, exist in all three states
vapor pressure under ordinary conditions. States of a substance are referred to as phases
boiling point
when they coexist as physically distinct parts of a mixture. Ice water is a
freezing point
heterogeneous mixture with two phases, solid ice and liquid water.
deposition When energy is added or removed from a system, one phase can change
phase diagram into another, as shown in Figure 12.23. Because you are familiar with
triple point the phases of water—ice, liquid water, and water vapor—and have
observed changes between those phases, we can use water as the primary
example in the discussion of phase changes.
Melting What does happen to ice cubes in a glass of ice water? When
ice cubes are placed in water, the water is at a higher temperature than
the ice. Heat flows from the water to the ice. Heat is the transfer of energy
from an object at a higher temperature to an object at a lower temperature.
At ice’s melting point, the energy absorbed by the ice is not used to raise
the temperature of the ice. Instead, it disrupts the hydrogen bonds hold-
ing the water molecules together in the ice crystal. When molecules on
the surface of the ice absorb enough energy to break the hydrogen
bonds, they move apart and enter the liquid phase. As molecules are
removed, the ice cube shrinks. The process continues until all of the ice
melts. If a tray of ice cubes is left on a counter, where does the energy to
melt the cubes come from?

■ Figure 12.23 The diagram Gas

shows the six possible transitions
between phases.
Determine what phase changes
occur between solids and liquids. Co
on nd
mati en
bli ion
Su Va
n ori
sitio zat
po ion


Solid Liquid

Section 12.4 • Phase Changes 425

■ Figure 12.24 This graph shows a typical
distribution of kinetic energy of molecules in a
Energy Distribution of Molecules in a Liquid
liquid at 25°C. The most probable amount of
kinetic energy for a molecule lies at the peak of
the curve.
Describe how the curve would look for
the same liquid at 30°C.

Number of molecules
Minimum kinetic energy
required for vaporization

Kinetic energy

The amount of energy required to melt 1 mol of a solid depends on

Real-World Chemistry the strength of the forces keeping the particles together in the solid.
Evaporation Because hydrogen bonds between water molecules are strong, a relatively
large amount of energy is required. However, the energy required to
melt ice is much less than the energy required to melt table salt because
the ionic bonds in sodium chloride are much stronger than the hydrogen
bonds in ice.
The temperature at which the liquid phase and the solid phase of
a given substance can coexist is a characteristic physical property of
many solids. The melting point of a crystalline solid is the temperature
at which the forces holding its crystal lattice together are broken and it
becomes a liquid. It is difficult to specify an exact melting point for an
amorphous solid because they tend to melt over a temperature range.
Vaporization While ice melts, the temperature of the ice-water mixture
remains constant. Once all of the ice has melted, additional energy
added to the system increases the kinetic energy of the liquid molecules.
The temperature of the system begins to rise. In liquid water, some mol-
Perspiration Evaporation is one ecules will have more kinetic energy than other molecules. Figure 12.24
way your body controls its
temperature. When you become hot, shows how energy is distributed among the molecules in a liquid at 25°C.
your body releases sweat from The shaded portion indicates those molecules that have the energy
glands in your skin. Water molecules required to overcome the forces of attraction holding the molecules
in sweat can absorb heat energy together in the liquid.
from your skin and evaporate. Excess
heat is carried from all parts of your Graph Check Describe what happens to the particles in the shaded
body to your skin by your blood. portion on the graph.
Particles that escape from the liquid enter the gas phase. For a sub-
stance that is ordinarily a liquid at room temperature, the gas phase is
called a vapor. Vaporization is the process by which a liquid changes to
a gas or vapor. If the input of energy is gradual, the molecules tend to
escape from the surface of the liquid. Remember that molecules at the
surface are attracted to fewer other molecules than are molecules in the
interior. When vaporization occurs only at the surface of a liquid, the
process is called evaporation. Even at cold temperatures, some water
molecules have enough energy to evaporate. As the temperature rises,
more and more molecules enter the gas phase.

426 Chapter 12 • States of Matter

(water vapor)


Open container Closed container

■ Figure 12.25 Evaporation occurs in both open and closed containers. In an open
container, water molecules that evaporate can escape from the container. Water vapor
collects above the liquid in a closed container.

Figure 12.25 compares evaporation in an open container with

evaporation in a closed container. If water is in an open container, all
the molecules will eventually evaporate. The time it takes for them to
evaporate depends on the amount of water and the available energy. In a
partially filled, closed container, the situation is different. Water vapor
collects above the liquid and exerts pressure on the surface of the liquid.
The pressure exerted by a vapor over a liquid is called vapor pressure.
Boiling The temperature at which the vapor pressure of a liquid equals
the external or atmospheric pressure is called the boiling point. Use
Figure 12.26 to compare what happens to a liquid at temperatures
below its boiling point with what happens to a liquid at its boiling point.
At the boiling point, molecules throughout the liquid have enough energy
to vaporize. Bubbles of vapor collect below the surface of the liquid and
rise to the surface.

100°C ■ Figure 12.26 As temperature

101.3 kPa 101.3 kPa
increases, water molecules gain kinetic
(1 atm) (1 atm)
70° C energy. Vapor pressure increases (black
arrows) but is less than atmospheric pressure
(red arrows). A liquid has reached its boiling
point when its vapor pressure is equal to
atmospheric pressure. At sea level, the
boiling point of water is 100°C.

Below the boiling point At the boiling point

Section 12.4 • Phase Changes 427

Sublimation Many substances have the ability to change
directly from the solid phase to the gas phase. Recall from
Chapter 3 that sublimation is the process by which a solid
changes directly to a gas without first becoming a liquid. Solid
iodine and solid carbon dioxide (dry ice) sublime at room tem-
perature. Dry ice, shown in Figure 12.27, keeps objects that
could be damaged by melting water cold during shipping.
Mothballs, which contain the compounds naphthalene or
p-dichlorobenzene, also sublime, as do solid air fresheners.

Phase Changes That Release Energy

Have you ever awakened on a chilly morning to see frost on
■ Figure 12.27 These steaks are kept cold by your windows or the grass covered with water droplets? When
dry ice. you set a glass of ice water on a picnic table, do you notice beads
Explain why dry ice is preferred over regular of water on the outside of the glass? These events are examples
ice for shipping steaks and other food products. of phase changes that release energy into the surroundings.
Freezing Suppose you place liquid water in an ice tray into
a freezer. As heat is removed from the water, the molecules lose
kinetic energy and their velocity decreases. The molecules are
less likely to flow past one another. When enough energy has
been removed, the hydrogen bonds between water molecules
keep the molecules fixed, or frozen, into set positions. Freezing
is the reverse of melting. The freezing point is the temperature
at which a liquid is converted into a crystalline solid.
Condensation When a water vapor molecule loses energy,
its velocity decreases. The water vapor molecule is more likely
to form a hydrogen bond with another water molecule. The for-
mation of a hydrogen bond releases thermal energy and indi-
cates a change from the vapor phase to the liquid phase. The
process by which a gas or a vapor becomes a liquid is called
condensation. Condensation is the reverse of vaporization.
Different factors contribute to condensation. However, con-
densation always involves the transfer of thermal energy. For
■ Figure 12.28 Normally, air becomes cooler as example, water vapor molecules can come in contact with a cold
elevation increases. A temperature inversion occurs surface, such as the side of a glass of ice water. Thermal energy
when the situation is reversed and the air becomes transfers from the water vapor molecules to the cool glass, caus-
warmer at higher elevations. Inversions can trap
ing condensation on the outside of the glass. A similar process
smog over cities and fog in mountain valleys.
can occur during the night when water vapor in the air con-
denses and dew forms on blades of grass.
Connection to Earth Science Precipitation, clouds, and fog all
result from condensation. They form as air cools when it rises
or passes over cooler land or water. Their formations require
a second factor, microscopic particles suspended in the air
called condensation nuclei. These can be particles, such as soot
and dust, or aerosols, such as sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide,
on which water vapor condenses. In some circumstances, warm
air can settle on top of cooler air, which is called a temperature
inversion. Figure 12.28 shows fog trapped in a mountain valley
by such an inversion.
Reading Check Describe the condensation of water vapor in
the atmosphere.

428 Chapter 12 • States of Matter

(t)©2004 Richard Megna, Fundamental Photographs, NYC, (b)©Alissa Crandall/CORBIS
Deposition When water vapor comes in contact with a cold window
in winter, it forms a solid deposit on the window called frost. Deposition
is the process by which a substance changes from a gas or vapor to a solid
without first becoming a liquid. Deposition is the reverse of sublimation.
Snowflakes form when water vapor high up in the atmosphere changes
directly into solid ice crystals. Energy is released as the crystals form.

Phase Diagrams
There are two variables that combine to control the phase of a substance:
temperature and pressure. These variables can have opposite effects on
a substance. For example, a temperature increase causes more liquid to
vaporize, but an increase in pressure causes more vapor to condense.
A phase diagram is a graph of pressure versus temperature that shows
in which phase a substance exists under different conditions of temper-
ature and pressure.
Figure 12.29 shows the phase diagram for water. You can use this
graph to predict what phase water will be in for any combination of
temperature and pressure. Note that there are three regions representing
the solid, liquid, and vapor phases of water and three curves that sepa-
rate the regions from one another. At points that fall along the curves,
two phases of water can coexist. The short, yellow curve shows the tem-
perature and pressure conditions under which solid water and water
vapor can coexist. The long, blue curve shows the temperature and pres-
sure conditions under which liquid water and water vapor can coexist.
The red curve shows the temperature and pressure conditions under
which solid water and liquid water can coexist.
Point A on the phase diagram of water—the point where the yellow,
blue, and red curves meet—is the triple point for water. The triple point
is the point on a phase diagram that represents the temperature and
pressure at which three phases of a substance can coexist. All six phase
changes can occur at the triple point: freezing and melting; evaporation
and condensation; sublimation and deposition. Point B is called the crit-
ical point. This point indicates the critical pressure and critical tempera-
ture above which water cannot exist as a liquid. If water vapor is at the
critical temperature, an increase in pressure will not change the vapor
into a liquid.

■ Figure 12.29 This phase diagram shows

Phase Diagram for H2O
the phase of water at different temperatures
Critical point and pressures.

Pressure (atm)

Triple point Vapor
Graph Check
0.00 100.00 373.99 Determine the phase of water at
Temperature (°C) 2.00 atm and 100.00°C.

Section 12.4 • Phase Changes 429

Phase Diagram for CO2 Phase Diagram for Carbon
Interactive Figure To see an animation
of a phase diagram, visit

Pressure (atm)
Solid Liquid 105

Pressure (atm)

Graph Check 101 Vapor
Contrast the slope of the red line
in water’s phase diagram with that 100
-78 31 0 2000 4000 6000
of the red line in carbon dioxide’s
phase diagram. How do water Temperature (ºC) Temperature (ºC)
and carbon dioxide differ in their
reaction to increased pressure at ■ Figure 12.30 Phase diagrams show useful information, such as why carbon dioxide
the solid/liquid boundary? sublimes at normal conditions and the existence of two forms of solid carbon.

The phase diagram for each substance is different because the normal
boiling and freezing points of substances are different. However, each
diagram will supply the same type of data for the phases, including a triple
point. Of course, the range of temperatures chosen will vary to reflect
the physical properties of the substance.
Phase diagrams can provide important information for substances.
For example, the phase diagram for carbon dioxide in Figure 12.30
shows why carbon dioxide sublimes at normal conditions. Find 1.0 atm
on the carbon dioxide graph and follow the dashed line to the yellow
line. The graph shows that carbon dioxide changes from a solid to a gas
at 1 atm. If you extend the dashed line past the yellow line, the graph
shows that carbon dioxide does not liquefy as temperature increases.
It remains a gas.
The diagram on the right is a phase diagram for carbon. Notice that
the graph contains two allotropes of carbon in the solid region. Graphite
is the standard state of carbon at normal temperatures and pressures,
designated by a red dot. Diamond is more stable at higher temperatures
and pressures. Diamonds that exist at normal room conditions origi-
nally formed at high temperature and pressure.

Section 12.4 Assessment

Section Summary 27. MAIN Idea Explain how the addition or removal of energy can cause

◗ States of a substance are referred to a phase change.

as phases when they coexist as physi- 28. Explain the difference between the processes of melting and freezing.
cally distinct parts of a mixture.
29. Compare deposition and sublimation.
◗ Energy changes occur during phase
30. Compare and contrast sublimation and evaporation.
31. Describe the information that a phase diagram supplies.
◗ Phase diagrams show how different
temperatures and pressures affect the 32. Explain what the triple point and the critical point on a phase diagram represent.
phase of a substance. 33. Determine the phase of water at 75.00°C and 3.00 atm using Figure 12.29.

430 Chapter 12 • States of Matter Self-Check Quiz

Cocoa Chemistry
Chocolate is a food product that is native to
Central America and Mexico. The Aztec ruler
Montezuma served the bitter cocoa-bean drink to
Hernan Cortéz in 1519. Cortéz took the cocoa
beans and the recipe for the chocolate beverage to
Spain where it became a very popular, but expen-
sive beverage. Chocolate remained a food product
for the wealthy until the mid-nineteenth century,
when the price of chocolate became affordable
and processing techniques improved. The chocolate
served today bears little resemblance to the choco-
late served in Montezuma’s court. Processing tech-
niques as well as additives create the smooth,
sweet, delightful treat that you enjoy today. Figure 2 Chocolate is carefully processed so that the proper crystal
structure forms in the chocolate. These crystals give chocolate the
Melts in your mouth Chocolate is a mixture of characteristics found in popular chocolate bars.
cocoa, cocoa butter, and other ingredients. This
mixture is a solid at room temperature, but melts Smaller particles in the chocolate requires more
in your mouth. Why? Because one of the main cocoa butter to coat the solid surfaces. It is the
ingredients in chocolate—cocoa butter—is a fat excess cocoa butter between the solid particles
that melts at near body temperature. that allows chocolate to flow.
Particle size Chocolate is a liquid during the Smooth texture If the chocolate contains too
mixing process. The cocoa butter in the melted little cocoa butter between the particles, the choc-
chocolate coats the solid particles of cocoa, sugar, olate will be too thick to flow into a mold. To
and milk solids. The solid particles in the mixture improve the flow of the chocolate without increas-
must not be too large, or the chocolate will ing particle size, manufacturers can either add
have a gritty texture. Generally, the particles are more fat to the mixture or add an emulsifier, such
ground to a maximum diameter of 2.0 × 10 -5 to as lecithin. Lecithin is a fat often obtained from
3.0 × 10 -5 m. soybeans that helps keep the fat molecules evenly
suspended, or emulsified, in the chocolate.
Controlling flow As you can see in Figure 1, a
large number of small particles has a larger surface Crystallization Another important process in
area than a single particle of the same mass. chocolate manufacturing is tempering. During the
tempering of the chocolate, the temperature of
the chocolate is carefully controlled to ensure that
the desired crystals form. When chocolate is not
properly tempered, crystals form that create poor-
quality chocolate. The desired crystals make the
chocolate in Figure 2 glossy and firm, and allow it
to snap well and melt near body temperature.
Surface area increases
Figure 1 Although the mass of each particle or group of particles is Research to find out more about chocolate and
the same, increasing the surface area allows more cocoa butter to coat write a short report. For more information about
the particles, which improves the flow of the chocolate. chocolate, visit

Everyday Chemistry 431

©Royalty Free/Peter Scholey/Photographer’s Choice RF/Getty Images

Background: Several factors determine how fast

a sample of liquid will evaporate. The volume of the
sample is a key factor. A drop of water takes less time
to evaporate than a liter of water. The amount of
energy supplied to the sample is another factor.
Question: How do intermolecular forces affect the
evaporation rates of liquids?

distilled water small plastic cups (5)
ethanol grease pencil or masking
isopropyl alcohol tape and a marking pen
acetone paper towel
household ammonia square of waxed paper 9. Cleanup and Disposal Clean up lab materials as
droppers (5) stopwatch instructed by your teacher.

Safety Precautions Analyze and Conclude

1. Classify Which liquids evaporated quickly? Which
liquids were slow to evaporate?
2. Evaluate Based on your data, in which liquid(s) are
1. Read and complete the lab safety form.
the attractive forces between molecules most likely
2. Make a data table to record data. dispersion forces?
3. Use a grease pencil or masking tape to label each of 3. Consider What is the relationship between surface
5 small plastic cups. Use A for distilled water, B for tension and the shape of a liquid drop? What are the
ethanol, C for isopropyl alcohol, D for acetone, and attractive forces that increase surface tension?
E for household ammonia. Place the plastic cups on
a paper towel. 4. Assess The isopropyl alcohol you used was a mix-
ture of isopropyl alcohol and water. Would pure
4. Use a dropper to collect about 1 mL of distilled
isopropyl alcohol evaporate more quickly or more
water and place the water in the cup labeled A. Place
slowly compared to the alcohol and water mixture?
the dropper on the paper towel directly in front of
Give a reason for your answer.
the cup. Repeat with the other liquids.
5. Evaluate Household ammonia is a mixture of
5. Place a square of waxed paper on your lab surface.
ammonia and water. Based on the data you collected,
Plan where on the waxed paper you will place each
is there more ammonia or more water in the mix-
of the five drops that you will test to avoid mixing.
ture? Explain.
6. Have your stopwatch ready. Collect some water in
your water dropper and place a single drop on the 6. Evaluate How does the rate of evaporation of warm
waxed paper. Begin timing. Time how long it takes ethanol compare to ethanol at room temperature?
for the drop to completely evaporate. While you 7. Share your data at
wait, make a top-view and side-view drawing of the 8. Error Analysis How could you change the proce-
drop. If the drop takes longer than 5 min to evapo- dure to make it more precise?
rate, record > 300 min in your data table.
7. Repeat Step 6 with the four other liquids.
8. Use the above procedure to design an experiment in Design an Experiment How would different sur-
which you can observe the effect of temperature on faces affect your results? Design an experiment to
the rate of evaporation of ethanol. Your teacher will test your hypothesis.
provide a sample of warm ethanol.

432 Chapter 12 • States of Matter

Matt Meadows
Download quizzes, key
terms, and flash cards

BIG Idea Kinetic-molecular theory explains the different properties of solids, liquids, and gases.

Section 12.1 Gases

MAIN Idea Gases expand, diffuse, exert pressure, and Key Concepts
can be compressed because they are in a low-density • The kinetic-molecular theory explains the properties of gases
state consisting of tiny, constantly-moving particles. in terms of the size, motion, and energy of their particles.
Vocabulary • Dalton’s law of partial pressures is used to determine the
• atmosphere (p. 407) • kinetic-molecular theory pressures of individual gases in gas mixtures.
• barometer (p. 407 (p. 402) • Graham’s law is used to compare the diffusion rates of
• Dalton’s law of partial • pascal (p. 407) two gases.
pressures (p. 408) • pressure (p. 406)
• diffusion (p. 404) • temperature (p. 403)

= _B
• elastic collision (p. 403) Rate A molar mass
• Graham’s law of effusion
Rate B molar mass A
(p. 404)

Section 12.2 Forces of Attraction

MAIN Idea Intermolecular forces—including dispersion Key Concepts
forces, dipole-dipole forces, and hydrogen bonds— • Intramolecular forces are stronger than intermolecular forces.
determine a substance’s state at a given temperature.
• Dispersion forces are intermolecular forces between temporary
Vocabulary dipoles.
• dipole-dipole force (p. 412) • hydrogen bond (p. 413) • Dipole-dipole forces occur between polar molecules.
• dispersion force (p. 412)

Section 12.3 Liquids and Solids

MAIN Idea The particles in solids and liquids have a Key Concepts
limited range of motion and are not easily compressed. • The kinetic-molecular theory explains the behavior of solids
and liquids.
• allotrope (p. 423) • surface tension (p. 418) • Intermolecular forces in liquids affect viscosity, surface tension,
• amorphous solid (p. 424) • unit cell (p. 421) cohesion, and adhesion.
• crystalline solid (p. 420) • viscosity (p. 417) • Crystalline solids can be classified by their shape and
• surfactant (p. 419) composition.

Section 12.4 Phase Changes

MAIN Idea Matter changes phase when energy is Key Concepts
added or removed. • States of a substance are referred to as phases when they coexist
as physically distinct parts of a mixture.
• boiling point (p. 427) • melting point (p. 426) • Energy changes occur during phase changes.
• condensation (p. 428) • phase diagram (p. 429) • Phase diagrams show how different temperatures and pressures
• deposition (p. 429) • triple point (p. 429) affect the phase of a substance.
• evaporation (p. 426) • vaporization (p. 426)
• freezing point (p. 428) • vapor pressure (p. 427)

Vocabulary PuzzleMaker Chapter 12 • Study Guide 433

Section 12.1 47. Mountain Climbing The pressure atop the world’s
highest mountain, Mount Everest, is usually about 33.6
Mastering Concepts kPa. Convert the pressure to atmospheres. How does the
34. What is an elastic collision? pressure compare with the pressure at sea level?
35. How does the kinetic energy of particles vary as a func- 48. High Altitude The atmospheric pressure in Denver,
tion of temperature? Colorado, is usually about 84.0 kPa. What is this pres-
sure in atm and torr units?
36. Use the kinetic-molecular theory to explain the com-
pression and expansion of gases. 49. At an ocean depth of 76.2 m, the pressure is about
8.4 atm. Convert the pressure to mm Hg and kPa units.
37. List the three basic assumptions of the kinetic-molecular
38. Describe the common properties of gases.
39. Compare diffusion and effusion. Explain the relation-
ship between the rates of these processes and the molar
mass of a gas.

a b
Chlorine gas Nitrogen gas
■ Figure 12.32

50. Figure 12.32 represents an experimental set-up in which

the left bulb is filled with chlorine gas and the right bulb
is filled with nitrogen gas. Describe what happens when
the stopcock is opened. Assume that the temperature of
the system is held constant during the experiment.

Figure 12.31

Section 12.2
40. In Figure 12.31, what happens to the density of gas par-
Mastering Concepts
ticles in the cylinder as the piston moves from Position
A to Position B? 51. Explain the difference between a temporary dipole and a
permanent dipole.
41. Baking Explain why the baking instructions on a box
of cake mix are different for high and low elevations. 52. Why are dispersion forces weaker than dipole-dipole
Would you expect to have a longer or a shorter cooking forces?
time at a high elevation? 53. Explain why hydrogen bonds are stronger than most
dipole-dipole forces.
Mastering Problems
54. Compare intramolecular and intermolecular forces.
42. What is the molar mass of a gas that takes three times
55. Hypothesize why long, nonpolar molecules would inter-
longer to effuse than helium?
act more strongly with one another than spherical
43. What is the ratio of effusion rates of krypton and neon nonpolar molecules of similar composition.
at the same temperature and pressure?
44. Calculate the molar mass of a gas that diffuses three Mastering Problems
times faster than oxygen under similar conditions. 56. Polar Molecules Use relative differences in electroneg-
45. What is the partial pressure of water vapor in an air ativity to label the ends of the polar molecules listed as
sample when the total pressure is 1.00 atm, the partial partially positive or partially negative.
pressure of nitrogen is 0.79 atm, the partial pressure of a. HF b. HBr c. NO d. CO
oxygen is 0.20 atm, and the partial pressure of all other 57. Draw the structure of the dipole-dipole interaction
gases in air is 0.0044 atm? between two molecules of carbon monoxide.
46. What is the total gas pressure in a sealed flask that con- 58. Decide which of the substances listed can form
tains oxygen at a partial pressure of 0.41 atm and water hydrogen bonds.
vapor at a partial pressure of 0.58 atm? a. H 2O b. H 2O 2 c. HF d. NH 3

434 Chapter 12 • States of Matter Chapter Test

59. Decide which one of the molecules listed below can 72. Conductivity Predict which solid will conduct electric-
form intermolecular hydrogen bonds, and then draw ity better—sugar or salt.
it, showing several molecules attached together by 73. Explain why ice floats in water but solid benzene sinks
hydrogen bonds. in liquid benzene. Which behavior is more “normal”?
a. NaCl b. MgCl 2 c. H 2O 2 d. CO 2
Mastering Problems
74. Given edge lengths and face angles, predict the shape of
Section 12.3 each of the following crystals.
Mastering Concepts a. a = 3 nm, b = 3 nm, c = 3 nm; α = 90°, β° = 90,
γ = 90°
60. What is surface tension, and what conditions must exist
b. a = 4 nm, b = 3 nm, c = 5 nm; α = 90°, β° = 100,
for it to occur?
γ = 90°
61. Explain why the surface of water in a graduated cylinder c. a = 3 nm, b = 3 nm, c =5nm; α = 90°, β° = 90 ,
is curved. γ = 90°
62. Which liquid is more viscous at room temperature, d. a = 3 nm, b = 3 nm, c = 5 nm; α = 90°, β° = 90,
water or molasses? Explain. γ = 120°
63. Explain how two different forces play a role in capillary
Section 12.4
Mastering Concepts
c 75. How does sublimation differ from deposition?
α β c c 76. Compare boiling and evaporation.
α β α β
a γ b 77. Define the term melting point.
b a γ a b
78. Explain the relationships among vapor pressure, atmo-
a=b≠c a≠b≠c a=b=c
spheric pressure, and boiling point.
α = β = 90°, γ = 120° α = γ = 90° ≠ β α = β = γ = 90°
79. Explain why dew forms on cool mornings.
Hexagonal Monoclinic Cubic
80. Snow Why does a pile of snow slowly shrink even on
■ Figure 12.33
days when the temperature never rises above the freez-
64. Use the drawings in Figure 12.33 to compare the cubic, ing point of water?
monoclinic, and hexagonal crystal systems.
Mastering Problems
65. What is the difference between a network solid and an
ionic solid? Phase Diagram
66. Explain why most metals bend when struck but most
ionic solids shatter.
Pressure (atm)

67. List the types of crystalline solids that are usually good 12 ?
conductors of heat and electricity.
68. How does the strength of a liquid’s intermolecular forces 8
affect its viscosity?
69. Explain why water has a higher surface tension than
benzene, whose molecules are nonpolar. 0
-100 -80 -60 -40 -20 0 +20 +40
70. Compare the number of particles in one unit cell for
each of the following types of unit cells. Temperature (°C)
a. simple cubic ■ Figure 12.34
b. body-centered cubic
71. Predict which solid is more likely to be amorphous— 81. Copy and label the solid, liquid, and gas phases, triple
one formed by cooling a molten material over 4 h at point, and critical point on Figure 12.34.
room temperature or one formed by cooling a molten 82. Why does it take more energy to boil 10 g of liquid
material quickly in an ice bath. water than to melt an equivalent mass of ice?

Chapter Test Chapter 12 • Assessment 435

Mixed Review 91. Hypothesize What type of crystalline solid do you
predict would best suit the following needs?
83. Use the kinetic-molecular theory to explain why both a. a material that can be melted and reformed at a low
gases and liquids are fluids. temperature
b. a material that can be drawn into long, thin wires
84. Use intermolecular forces to explain why oxygen is a gas
c. a material that conducts electricity when molten
at room temperature and water is a liquid. d. an extremely hard material that is nonconductive
85. Use the kinetic-molecular theory to explain why gases 92. Compare and Contrast An air compressor uses
are easier to compress than liquids or solids. energy to squeeze air particles together. When the air is
86. At 25°C and a pressure of 760 mm Hg, the density of released, it expands, allowing the energy to be used for
mercury is 13.5 g/mL; water at the same temperature purposes such as gently cleaning surfaces without using
and pressure has a density of 1.00 g/mL. Explain this a more abrasive liquid or solid. Hydraulic systems essen-
difference in terms of intermolecular forces and the tially work the same way, but involve compression of
kinetic-molecular theory. liquid water rather than air. What do you think are some
advantages and disadvantages of these two types of
87. If two identical containers each hold the same gas at the
same temperature but the pressure inside one container
is exactly twice that of the other container, what must be 93. Graph Use Table 12.6 to construct a phase diagram for
true about the amount of gas inside each container? ammonia.

88. List three types of intermolecular forces. Table 12.6 Phase Diagram for Ammonia
89. When solid sugar crystals are dissolved in a glass of Pressure Temperature
Selected Points
water, they form a clear homogeneous solution in which (atm) (ºC)
the crystals are not visible. If the beaker is left out at
Triple point 0.060 -77.7
room temperature for a few days, the crystals reappear
in the bottom and on the sides of the glass. Is this an Critical point 112 132.2
example of freezing? Normal boiling point 1.0 -33.5
Normal freezing point 1.0 -77.7
Think Critically
94. Apply A solid being heated stays at a constant tempera-
ture until it is completely melted. What happens to the
Vapor Pressure v. Temperature heat energy put into the system during that time?
800 95. Communicate Which process—effusion or diffusion—
Vapor pressure (torr)

760 is responsible for your being able to smell perfume from

600 an open bottle that is located across the room from you?
Ethanol 96. Infer A laboratory demonstration involves pouring
bromine vapors, which are a deep red color, into a flask
200 Water
of air and then tightly sealing the top of the flask. The
bromine is observed to first sink to the bottom of the
-40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 beaker. After several hours have passed, the red
Temperature (°C) color is distributed equally throughout the flask.
a. Is bromine gas more or less dense than air?
■ Figure 12.35
b. Would liquid bromine diffuse more or less quickly
than gaseous bromine after you pour it into another
90. Interpret Graphs Examine Figure 12.35, which plots
vapor pressure versus temperature for water and ethyl
alcohol. 97. Analyze Use your knowledge of intermolecular forces
a. What is the boiling point of water at 1 atm? to predict whether ammonia (NH 3) or methane (CH 4)
b. What is the boiling point of ethyl alcohol at 1 atm? will be more soluble in water.
c. Estimate the temperature at which water will boil 98. Evaluate List three changes that require energy and
when the atmospheric pressure is 0.80 atm. three that release energy.

436 Chapter 12 • States of Matter Chapter Test

99. Evaluate Supercritical carbon dioxide is a liquid form
of CO 2 used in the food industry to decaffeinate tea, cof- Additional Assessment
fee, and colas, as well as in the pharmaceutical industry
to form polymer microparticles used in drug delivery
systems. Use Figure 12.36 to determine what conditions
must be used to form supercritical carbon dioxide. 106. Musk is the basic ingredient of many perfumes,
soaps, shampoos, and even foods such as chocolates,
licorice, and hard candies. Both synthetic and natural
Phase Diagram for CO2
musk molecules have high molecular weights com-
Pressure (bar)

pared to other perfume ingredients, and as a result,

73 have a slower rate of diffusion, assuring a slow, sus-
tained release of fragrance. Write a report on the
5 chemistry of perfume ingredients, emphasizing the
importance of diffusion rate as a property of perfume.
-56.6 31.1 107. Birthstones Find out what your birthstone is and
Temperature (ºC) write a brief report about the chemistry of that gem.
■ Figure 12.36
Find out its chemical composition, which category its
unit cell is in, how hard and durable it is, and what its
approximate cost is at present.
Challenge Problem 108. Propane gas is a commonly used heating fuel for gas
100. You have a solution containing 135.2 g of dissolved KBr grills and homes. However, it is not packaged as a gas.
in 2.3 L of water. What volume of this solution, in mL, It is liquefied and referred to as liquid propane or
would you use to make 1.5 L of a 0.1 mol/L KBr solu- “LP gas.” Make a poster explaining the advantages
tion? What is the boiling point of this new solution? and disadvantages of storing and transporting pro-
pane as a liquid rather than a gas.
109. Other States of Matter Research and prepare an oral
Cumulative Review report about one of the following topics: plasma,
superfluids, fermionic condensate, or Bose-Einstein
101. Identify each of the following as an element, a com-
condensate. Share your report with your classmates
pound, a homogeneous mixture, or a heterogeneous
and prepare a visual aid that can be used to explain
mixture. (Chapter 3)
your topic.
a. air d. ammonia
b. blood e. mustard
c. antimony f. water Document-Based Questions
102. You are given two clear, colorless aqueous solutions. You Iodine Solid iodine that is left at room temperature subli-
are told that one solution contains an ionic compound, mates from a solid to a gas. But when heated quickly, a
and one contains a covalent compound. How could you different process takes place, as described here.
determine which is an ionic solution and which is a “About 1 g of iodine crystals is placed in a sealed glass
covalent solution? (Chapter 8) ampoule and gently heated on a hot plate. A layer of purple
103. Which branch of chemistry would most likely study gas is formed at the bottom, and the iodine liquefies. If one
matter and phase changes? (Chapter 1) tilts the tube, this liquid flows along the wall as a narrow
a. biochemistry c. physical chemistry stream and solidifies very quickly.”
b. organic chemistry d. polymer chemistry Data obtained from: Leenson, 2005. Sublimination of Iodine at Various Pressures:
Multipurpose Experiments in Inorganic and Physical Chemistry. Journal of
104. What type of reaction is the following? (Chapter 9) Chemical Education 82(2):241–245.
K 2CO 3(aq) + BaCl 2(aq) → 2KCl(aq) + BaCO 3(s) 110. Why does solid iodine sublime readily? Use your
a. combustion c. single-replacement knowledge of intermolecular forces to explain.
b. double-replacement d. synthesis 111. Why is liquid iodine not usually visible if crystals are
105. Which chemist produced the first widely used and heated in the open air?
accepted periodic table? (Chapter 6) 112. Why is it necessary to use a sealed ampoule in this
a. Dmitri Mendeleev c. John Newlands investigation?
b. Henry Moseley d. Lothar Meyer
113. Infer why the iodine solidifies when the tube is tilted.

Chapter Test Chapter 12 • Assessment 437


Standardized Test Practice

Multiple Choice
1. What is the ratio of diffusion rates for nitric oxide 5. Which does not affect the viscosity of a liquid?
(NO) and nitrogen tetroxide (N 2O 4)? A. intermolecular attractive forces
A. 0.326 B. size and shape of molecules
B. 0.571 C. temperature of the liquid
C. 1.751 D. capillary action
D. 3.066
Use the graph below to answer Questions 6 to 8.
2. Which is NOT an assumption of the kinetic-
Phase Diagram for Carbon
molecular theory?
A. Collisions between gas particles are elastic.
B. All the gas particles in a sample have the Diamond
same velocity. 105

Pressure (atm)
C. A gas particle is not significantly attracted or Liquid
repelled by other gas particles. 104

D. All gases at a given temperature have the same 103

average kinetic energy.
3. A sealed flask contains neon, argon, and krypton 101
gas. If the total pressure in the flask is 3.782 atm, Vapor
the partial pressure of Ne is 0.435 atm, and the par- 100
tial pressure of Kr is 1.613 atm, what is the partial
pressure of Ar? 0 2000 4000 6000
A. 2.048 atm Temperature (ºC)
B. 1.734 atm
C. 1556 atm
6. Under what conditions is diamond most likely
D. 1318 atm
to form?
A. temperatures > 5000 K and pressures < 100 atm
Use the figure below to answer Question 4. B. temperatures > 6000 K and pressures < 25 atm
C. temperatures < 3500 K and pressures > 10 5 atm
D. temperatures < 4500 K and pressures < 10 atm
7. Find the point on the graph at which carbon exists
in three phases: solid graphite, solid diamond, and
3 nitrogen molecules 3 hydrogen molecules liquid carbon. What are the approximate temperature
(6 nitrogen atoms) (6 hydrogen atoms)
and pressure at that point?
A. 4700 K and 10 6 atm
4. Hydrogen and nitrogen react as shown to form B. 3000 K and 10 3 atm
ammonia (NH 3). What is true of this reaction? C. 5100 K and 10 5 atm
A. Three ammonia molecules are formed, with zero D. 3500 K and 80 atm
molecules remaining.
B. Two ammonia molecules are formed, with two 8. In what form or forms does carbon exist at 6000 K
hydrogen molecules remaining. and 10 5 atm?
C. Six ammonia molecules are formed, with zero A. diamond only
molecules remaining. B. liquid carbon only
D. Two ammonia molecules are formed, with two C. diamond and liquid carbon
nitrogen molecules remaining. D. liquid carbon and graphite

438 Chapter 12 • Assessment Standardized Test Practice

Short Answer SAT Subject Test: Chemistry
Use the table below to answer Questions 9 and 10. 12. Potassium chromate and lead(II) acetate are both
dissolved in a beaker of water, where they react to
Properties of Single Bonds
form solid lead(II) chromate. What is the balanced
Bond Strength (kJ/mol) Length (pm) net ionic equation describing this reaction?
H–H 435 74 A. Pb 2+(aq) + C 2H 3O 2 -(aq) → Pb(C 2H 3O 2) 2(s)
Br – Br 192 228 B. Pb 2+(aq) + 2CrO 4 -(aq) → Pb(CrO 4) 2(s)
C. Pb 2+(aq) + CrO 4 2-(aq) → PbCrO 4(s)
C–C 347 154
D. Pb +(aq) + C 2H 3O 2 -(aq) → PbC 2H 3O 2(s)
C–H 393 104 E. Pb 2+(aq) + CrO 4 -(aq) → PbCrO 5(s)
C–N 305 147
13. The solid phase of a compound has a definite shape
C–O 356 143
and volume because its particles
Cl – Cl 243 199 A. are not in constant motion.
I–I 151 267 B. are always more tightly packed in the liquid phase.
C. can vibrate only around fixed points.
S–S 259 208
D. are held together by strong intramolecular forces.
E. have no intermolecular forces.
9. Create a graph to show how bond length varies with
bond strength. Place bond strength on the x-axis. Use the table below to answer Questions 14 and 15.
10. Summarize the relationship between bond strength Properties of Sulfuric Acid
and bond length. Formula H 2SO 4

Extended Response Molar mass 98.08 g/mol

Density 1.834 g/mL
Use the table below to answer Question 11.
Geometry of AlCl 3 and PCl 3 14. What is the mass of 75.0 mL of sulfuric acid?
Compound AlCl 3 PCl 3 A. 40.9 g
B. 138 g
C. 98.08 g
Molecular D. 180 g
E. 198.4 g

15. How many atoms of oxygen are present in 235 g of

11. What are the names of the shapes of the molecules sulfuric acid?
for each compound? Explain how the atomic A. 9.42 × 10 22 atoms D. 5.78 × 10 24 atoms
B. 2.35 × 10 atoms E. 6.02 × 10 23 atoms
arrangements in each compound result in their
C. 1.44 × 10 atoms
different shapes despite their similar formulas.


If You Missed
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Question . . .

Review Section . . . 12.1 12.1 12.1 11.1 12.3 12.4 12.4 12.4 8.1 8.1 8.4 9.3 12.3 2.1 10.3

Standardized Test Practice Chapter 12 • Assessment 439

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