1876119754bst Sure Shot Questions
1876119754bst Sure Shot Questions
1876119754bst Sure Shot Questions
11. Name the techniques of Taylor which is the strongest motivator for a
worker to reach standard performance.
Ans. Differential Piece Wage system.
Scalar Chain and Gang Plank
Example: The above figure shows the scalar chain linking managers at lower
levels with the top management. If D has to communicate with G, The message
should ordinarily move up through C and B to A, and then down from A to E, F
and G.
Above mentioned chain has following disadvantages:
Chapter -4
(I.) One Markers:
Qus:4 : Planning strangulates the initiative of the employees and compels them to work
in an inflexible manner” Discuss.
Ans:4 Planning reduces creativity.
Qus:5 Which limitation of planning suggest that the employees stop thinking and
become the blind followers of Plan?
Ans:5 Planning reduce creativity.
Qus:6 A company needs a detailed plan for its new project- construction of shopping
mall. What type of plan is it ?
Ans:6 Programme.
Qus:7 In which type of plan the sequence to perform a job is determined?
Ans:7 Procedure.
Qus:8 Which plans suggest action and non action of employees?
Ans:8 Rules
Qus:9 “No Smoking : the statement is related to which type of plan?
Ans:9 Rule.
Qus:10 Mc Donald does not give its franchise to any other company which is running
food business. This is related to which type of plan/
Ans:10 Policy.
Qus:11 Name the type of plan which serve as a guide for overall business planning and
define the future state of affair which the organization strive to realize?
Ans:11 Objectives.
Qus:12 In which step of planning process the planners make prediction and
assumptions regarding future?
Ans:12 Setting up of planning premises for all the alternatives.
Qus:13 How should a manager select the best possible course of action?
Ans:13 Manager should apply permutation and combination.
Qus:14 Without one function of management the controlling function is not possible.
Name the concerned function.
Ans:14 Planning.
Qus:15 Planning is an activity which enables a manager to look ahead and anticipate
changes. Mention the benefit of planning highlighted here.
Ans:15 Planning reduces the risks of uncertainty.
Qus:16 Planning ensures clarity in thoughts and actions, works is carried on smoothly
without interruptions .Which importance of planning is mentioned here?
Ans:16 Planning reduces overlapping and wasteful activities.
Qus:17 It helps the manager to look into future and make a choice abount various
alternative courses of action enumerate the importance of planning indicated here.
Ans:17 Planning facilitates decision –making.
Qus:18 Planning lays down the base for other functions of management which feature
of planning is highlighted here?
Ans:18 Planning is a primary function of management.
Qus:19 A plan is framed it is implemented and is followed by another plan and so on.
Mention the feature of planning indicate here?
Ans:19 Planning is continuous process.
Qus:20 Which features of Planning is stressed by saying that planning is an intellectual
activity of thinking rather than doing?
Ans:20 Planning is a mental exercise .
Ques 21 Which type of plan is least flexible and why.
ANS.21 Rule
Because they reflect a managerial decision that an action must / must not be taken.
(II.) Three/Four Markers:
22 Planning involves decision making". Explain.
Ans.22 Planning is essentially a process of making choice from among various
alternatives. There will be no need for planning, if there is only one course of
action, because there will be no choice. Hence need for planning depends on
the availability of alternatives. A manager, after examining and evaluating the
various alternatives, chooses the most appropriate one.
23. 'Planning reduces creativity'. How?
Ans 23 Usually in an organisation, planning function is performed by the top
management and the rest of the members are required to implement these
plans. As a result, middle management and other members are neither
allowed to deviate from plans nor are they granted authority to act on their
own. Hence most of the initiative and creativity in them gets reduced.
24. 'Planning does not guarantee success'. Comment
Ans 24 .An organisation is successful only when the plans are effectively drawn and
A plan must be converted into action otherwise it becomes meaningless.
Generally, it is seen that managers are in the habit of depending on previously
tried and tested successful plans. But this practice sometimes does not work
and may actually lead to failure instead of success.
(III.) Five/Six Markers:
25. Enumerate the steps involved in the planning process.
Ans25Steps of planning are as follows:
(i) Setting up of objectives
(ii) Developing premises.
(iii) Identifying alternative courses of action.
(iv) Evaluating alternative courses
(v) Selecting an alternative.
(vi) Implementation of plan.
(vii) Follow up
26. Explain the limitations of planning.
Ans 26.
Limitations of Planning :
1.Planning leads to rigidity.
2.involves huge costs.
3. reduces creativity
4.does not work in dynamic environment.
5.time consuming
27. Explain any 6 features of Planning.
ANS 27
1. Planning provides direction
2. Primacy of Planning
3. Planning is pervasive
4. Planning is flexible/ works in a changing environment
5. Planning is a continous process
6. Planning is futuristic
7. Planning involves choice/decision making
8. Planning is mental exercise
Types of plans:
(A) Standing or Repeatedly used Plans: As their name indicates that these
plans are formulated once and they are repeatedly used. These plans
continuously guide the managers. That is why it is said that a standing
plan is a standing guide to recurring problems. These plans include :
1. Objectives
2. Strategies
3. Policies
4. ocedures
5. Methods and
6. Rules
(B) Single –use or Special or Adhoc Plans: These plans are connected
with some special problem. These plans end the moment the
problems are solved. After having been used once there is no
importance of these plans and in future, whenever they are needed
they are re-created. These plans include
1. Budget and
2. Programme.
1) Objectives - Are the ends which the management seeks to achieve by its
• Simplest plan.
i) C Ltd can make use of ‘strategy’ as a type of plan. The various steps involved in
preparing this plan are:
(a) The company should set up its objectives after considering quality expectations
of consumers and technological changes.
(b) Like it’s rival, it can cut down its prices without compromising the quality.
(c) It may use sales promotional tools like full finance and rebate to capture the
market share again.
(ii) The limitations of such plan are:
(a) It is a costly process.
(b) It is a time consuming process.
(c) It may not work in a dynamic environment.
(d) It may lead to rigidity in operations.
(iii) The given limitations can be overcome through following measures:
(a) An organisation can keep a strict watch on time limit to achieve the target.
(b) Amount to be spent should be pre-planned by preparing budgets.
(c) Environment should be properly scanned to minimise the risk of competition.
(d) Plan should be flexible, so that there is a scope for initiative and creativity.
i) Stability in prices
2 Removal of mobile towers from residential area is being planned by the government
promote which value?
Ans 2
i) Reduction in social responsibilities due to non-cooperation in social work.
i) Lack of Feeling of oneness in an organization.
Q.5 Tobacco manufacturer is planning to sell its products outside the School & colleges.
Whichvalues are violated here from your point of view?
i) Women Empowerment.
Q.6 In an organization executive director takes all the decision himself. He does give
order onlyto the subordinates. Which value is overlooked here?
i)Ignorance of democratic values.
Q.14 “The first Step in the process of organizing is identification and division of
work” Why is he work divided into manageable activities?
Ans 14. The work is divided into manageable activities so that duplication
of efforts and resources can be avoided and the burden of work can be shared among
the employees.
Q.15 While allocating work to various employees how the work must be assigned?
Ans. 15. The work must be assigned to those who are best fitted to perform
it well.
Q. 16 Which Function of management is concerned with building a stable frame work
or structure of various parts of an enterprise?
Ans. 16. Organizing.
Q17 How can department or division be created?
Ans. 17. It can be created on the basis of-
a) territory and b) products
Q.18 How does an informal organization emerge?
Ans. 18. Informal organization emerges from within the formal organization
when people interact beyond their officially defined roles.
Q.19 Name the organization which has the benefit of Easy to fix responsibility?
Ans. 19. Formal organization.
Q.20 Name the type of organization which does not have predetermined objectives?
Ans. 20. Informal organization.
Q.21 A Fashion design house has the following main job:-
(1) Manufacturing (2) Finance (3)Marketing (4) Personal (5) Research and
Which organizational structure will you prefer for this type of a company and
Ans. 21. Functional organizational structure will be suitable.
Q.22 Rina runs a shoe manufacturing factory. She wants to expand her business. For
expansion she contemplated to enter into the manufacturing of leather bags
and western formal wear apart from the running business of shoes. By doing
this her company will be able to provide many products to working women
under one roof. Which organization structure will you suggest her and why?
Ans. 22. In this situation, Divisional Structure will be suitable as it provides
equal importance to all products. Also describe the advantages of divisional
organization structure.
Q.23 Name the activity which increase the importance of the role of subordinates?
Ans. 23. Decentralization.
Q.24 For which kind of enterprises functional structure is more suitable?
Ans. 24. When the size of the organization is large, has a diversified
activities and operations require a high degree of specialization.
(III) Five/Six Markers:
Basis Functional Structure Divisional Structure.
Formation Deliberately Planned Emerges Spontaneously
among people
Purpose To achieve organizational To satisfy social and cultural
goals needs
Structure Well defined structure Does not have a clear-cut
Behavior of members Standards of behavior Mutual consent among
Arises from
Origin Arises from law authority.
1. A company, which manufactures a popular brand of toys, has been
enjoying good market reputation. It has a functional organisational
structure with separate departments for Production, Marketing, Finance,
Human Resources and Research and Development. Lately to use its brand
name and also to cash on to new business opportunities it is thinking to
diversify into manufacture of new range of electronic toys for which a new
market is emerging.
Prepare a report regarding organisation structure giving concrete reasons
with regard to benefits the company will derive from the steps it should take.
Divisional structure. The report is as under:
By : Ashok Kumar
Wednesday, 22 January, 14
The organisation enjoys good market reputation. The company is encashingit’s brand
name and reputation. It’s venturing into manufacture of a new range of electronic
toys. This organisation has got multiple divisions, it should appoint divisional heads
for each division. This will ensure product specialisation. Adapting such structure will
ensure flexibility and easy fixation of responsibility. The change of structure will also
help the business enterprise to make these divisional heads accountable. So, in a
nutshell this new structure will ensure growth and expansion for the organisation.
(i) The company should shift from centralised to decentralised structure. It would
ensure quick decision-making, motivate the subordinates and ensure effective
(ii) Even in Fast moving consumer goods (FMCG) industry, there is need for
decentralisation. By using decentralisation, a company gets following benefits.
(a) Develops initiative among subordinates
l Decentralisation helps to promote self-reliance and confidence amongst the
subordinates. This is because when lower managerial levels are given freedom to
take their own decisions they learn to depend on their own judgment.
l It also keeps them in a state wherein they are constantly challenged and have to
develop solutions for the various problems they encounter. A decentralization policy
helps to identify those executives who have the necessary potential to become
dynamic leaders.
(b) Develops managerial talent for the future:
l Formal training plays an important part in equipping subordinates with
skills that help them rise in the organisation but equally important is the
experience gained by handling assignments independently.
l Decentralisation gives them a chance to prove their abilities and creates
a reservoir of qualified manpower who can be considered to fill up more
challenging positions through promotions.
l It also helps to identify those who may not be successful in assuming greater
responsibility. Thus, it is a means of management education as well as an
opportunity for trained manpower to use its talent in real-life situations.
(c) Quick decision-making:
l The management hierarchy can be looked upon as a chain of communication.
In centralised organisation, every decision is taken by the top management,
the flow of information is slow as it has to traverse many levels. Response
also takes time. This reduces the speed of decision-making and makes it
difficult for an enterprise to adapt to dynamic operating conditions.
l In a decentralised organisation, however, since decisions are taken at levels
which are nearest to the points of action and there is no requirement for
approval from many levels, the process is much faster. There are also less
chances of information getting distorted because it doesn’t have to go through
long channels.
(d) Relief to top management:
l Decentralisation is required to reduce the burden of top executives when it
increases due to increase in the size and complexity of the organisation.
l In a decentralised organization, top executives have enough time to plan
ahead, develop new strategies and concentrate on coordination and control.
Since they are not burdened by the routine problems and complexities of
administrative details.
i) Women Empowerment.
ii) Promotion of equality.
iii) Making handicapped people independent.
iv)Increase of job opportunity with production.
Q.2 In an organization top level management has not distributed work among the
subordinate according to their abilities and skill but has been distributed on the basis
of caste and religions.Which values are neglected here?
Q3 A manager has kept all right of decision making with himself. Each and every
employee has to come to him for orders again and again. Which values are being
violated here?
A-1. Staffing.
Q-2. “The scope of staffing is limited to employing people”. Do you agree with
this? (1)
A-2. No. I do not agree with this statement. Staffing function has a wide scope
as it includes various activities like recruitment, selection, placement,
training, transfer, development, etc.
Q-4. “New talent and new ideas in the organisation’. Which source of
recruitment has the give motto ? (1)
Q-5. Name the method of training in which trainees lean on the equipments
they will be using. (1)
Q-12. A company gets applications on and off even without declaring any
vacancy. However as and when the vacancy arises, the company makes use
of such applications. Name the source of recruitment used by the company.
A-13. Democratic style of leadership is one in which a leader gives order only
after consulting the group and work out the policies with the acceptance of
the group.
A-14. Authoritative style of leadership is one in which a leader gives order and
insists that they are obeyed. He determines the policies for the group
without consulting them.
Q-17. What should be the ‘focus point’ for a manager while controlling’ as
controlling at each and every step is not possible? (1)
A-17. Focus point for a manager while controlling should be key Result Areas.
A-18. It is said that controlling is looking back because it conducts a post mortem
of part activities to find out deviations from the standards.
A-21. (1) Placement refers to the employee occupying the position or the
post for which he/she has been selected.
(3) Training refers to the process by which aptitudes, skills and abilities of
employees to perform specific jobs are improved.
A-22. A person moves to the next higher level of the hierarchy only when the
lower need is satisfied. The following are the assumption of Maslow’s need
hierarchy theory.
Q-23. Blue Birds Ltd. Offers to its employees to issue shares at a price which is
less than the market price.
(i) Name and explain the type of incentive offered to the employees.
(ii) Explain one more incentive of the same category. (3)
Q-24. There are some barriers in communication which are concerned with
organizational structure and rules and regulations’. State any three such
barriers. (3)
Q-25. Explain why it is said that controlling is a forward looking as well as back
ward looking function. (3)
A-26. * Since it is neither easy nor economical to check each and every activity in
an organization, the control should focus on key result areas
These KRAS are very essential for the success of an organization and
act as critical points.
Therefore , the entire organization has to suffer if anything goes wrong
at these points.
For example, in a manufacturing organization , an increase of 10% in
the material cost is more troublesome than 15%increase in stationery
Q-28. Mr. Ram murti, the director of “bahuguna ispat udyog ltd.” Is of the opinion
that an employee is prudent and sensitive resource of the organization. As
such, special attention must be paid to his emotions. This is the reason why
Mr Bahuguna always formulate such plans are beneficial to both the
employees and the organization. With a view to giving a practical shape to
his opinion, he has chalked out a plan. According to this plan, employees
should be inspired to visit popular management institutes to acquire latest
knowledge. This will enhance their performance level and prove beneficial
to the organization as well as the employees. Keeping it in view, mr
Bhauguna, contacted IIM, ahmedabad. The latter agreed, on the
undertaking that their (IIM) MBA students be allowed to visit a company
so that they may get practical knowledge. Both reached an agreement.
(i) Identify and state the next two steps that Sahil has to follow in the
staffing process after selecting the above heads.
(ii) Also identify two values which Sahil wants to communicate to the
society by setting up this manufacturing unit. (4)
(a) Placement and Orientation: Placement means to join the post for which
he/she has been selected. Under orientation the employee is given a
brief presentation about the company and is introduced to his
superiors, subordinates and colleagues.
(b) Training and Development: At this step of process of staffing, training
and development are imparted to the employees so that their efficiency
and effectiveness is increased.
(i) Values:
(a) Development of backward areas.
(b) Equality.
Q-30. Love and Kush are two friends. Both are MBA (Final year) students One
day, their professor called them to class stage for a surprise test. He told
that one of them will establish relationship between any two functions of
management. Then, the other one will establish reverse relationship
between the same two functions. Both will have to give justification for the
relationship explained by them. It was a test carrying 50 marks. Both the
students were intelligent and skillful. Love was the first to speak.
Love said that in his opinion of the two functions of management selected
by him one is always looking ahead (future) and the other is looking back
No sooner did love express his opinion, than Kush identified the functions
selected by him (Love).In his reply, Kush said that the one function stated
by Love to have been looking ahead was in his opinion, looking back and
the other one stated by him (Love) to have been looking back was looking
(c) (i) Love’s reply and relations between the functions of management.
Planning is Looking Ahead whereas controlling is Looking Back.
(ii) Kush’s reply and relationship between the functions of management.
Planning is looking back whereas Controlling is looking ahead.
Q-32. Mr. Nath, a recently appointed production manager of snitch Ltd. Has
decided to produce jute bags instead of plastic bags as these are banned by
the government. He set a target of producing 1000 jute bags a day. It was
reported that the employees were not able to achieve the target. After
analysis he found that employees were demotivated and not putting in
their best for achieving the target. Mr. Nath’s behavior is good towards the
employees. His attitude is always positive. So he announced various
incentive schemes for the employees like:
* Sensitivity of environment
(a) Which step of controlling process has been referred to in the above
paragraph? Clarify.
(b)Indentify any two values directed to the society by Mr pandey.
(c) Values:
Good health
Reasonable price.
Q-34. Business of “shardha auto pvt ltd.” Is confined only to one state. Now it
intends to extend the same to two other states. Mr Jatin jain, the managing
director of the company, is busy in making a plan to this effect. First of all,
he contacted mrs rukmani rana , the HR manager of the company. Both
were of the record of the opinion that they would requires more 75
employees to extend their business to two new state. On looking at the
record of the existing employees, it transpired that 8 employees were
going to retire very shortly. Besides two employees were proceedings on
long term study leave abroad for two years. Thus, company would now
acquire 85 employees in all. Mrs Rana recommended to Mr Jatin that out of
the total vacant posts, 15 be reserved for women. Mr Jatin gladly accepted
the proposal. Now HR Manager was to decide as to what arrangement to be
made for the appointment of neede person. She hit upon a plan according
to this plan some employees would be recruited with the help of existin
employees, for some other inrenet would be approached and or the
remaining potential employees placement agencies operating in the
market would be contacted.
(ii) A. recommendation
B. internet/websites
C. private placement agencies
Q-36. Anjali had been working with ‘Tata Enterprises’ for the last ten years. She
was famous for her dedication towards the work. When the Manager
senior to her retired, all her colleagues thought that now Anjali would be
promoted. But to everyone’s surprise the vacant post was filled by an
outsider,’ Miss Monika’. Anjali felt demoralized and her performance
started declining. She would absent herself often and could not meet her
Miss Monika was a good leader who would not only instruct her
subordinates, but also guide and inspire them. She noticed Anjali’s
behavior and felt that her performance could be improved. She started
involving Anjali in decision-making issues related to the organization and
made her a part of a high-level joint managements committee. Anjali was
now punctual to office and her performance started improving.
(2) Motivation
(a) Features of Motivation:
(i) It is an internal feeling.
(ii) It produces good directed behavior.
(iii) It can be either positive or negative.
A-38. Controlling
Q-39. Mr. Ekant Miglani, after completing his studies of B.B.A is working in the
production Department of ‘Jai Chemicals Limited’. There are fifty persons
working at different posts in his Department. He tries hard to keep a watch
over the Routine Activities of all the employees. He observed one of the
employees, Bhola Ram and a few others working on machines. They were
running the machines in a wrong manner. The machines were very
sophisticated. Mr Miglani at once explained the right method of working to
them. He wanted to solve this problem of the employees for good. He called
a meeting of his subordinates. He took this decision that the company will
have to organize training of the employees immediately. They also decided
that all the employees will drop a suggestion each in the suggestion-box
daily, so that the different activities of the department may be improved
speedily. It was announced that the employees giving valuable suggestions
shall be rewarded.
Q-40. Five students of BBA took part in a discussion. The subject of their
discussion was: “Why do people get motivated to do anything?” The main
portions of their discussion are as under:
The first student said, “People work because they want to deposit wealth
enough to protect themselves from diseases and to be relieved of the
tension of old age.”
The second student said, “People work because they want to arrange food,
cloth and shelter for themselves at any rate.”
People work because they want to reach the top of the field in which they
are. They, therefore, put in untiring efforts.”
The fourth student said, “People work, so that when they have money,
people will become friendly with them and they will stand by them
through thick and thin.”
The fifth student said, “People work, so that they may get respect in the
society and that they may be recognized as exceptional persons.”
Q-41. “Kitchen saj Limited.’ Is a company manufacturing plastic goods? Mr. Shah is
its Marketing Manager and Mr sahu, its Production Manager. Style of working
of both the managers is entirely different. Mr Shah set such standards for
different activities of his department as were quite easy to achieve. On the
other hand, Mr Sahu set standards for different activities of his department as
were very difficult to achieve. As a result, marketing department achieved its
targets very easily. Mr Shah and his team were very pleased with these results.
But the situation prevailing in the production department was quite contrary
to it. Mr sahu was far behind his tar gets. Now he and his team were very
much worried.
(a) Which step of controlling process has been discussed in the above
(b)In your opinion, both the managers would have set standards for which
activities of their respective departments? Write two standards each.
(c) Of the two managers, one set easily achievable standards whereas the
other set such standards as could be achieved with great difficulty. In your
opinion, how affect situation would have on the employees?
(d)State in one word, what should be the type of standards? (1+2+2+1)
A-41. (a) Here, first step of the controlling process i.e., setting of performance
Standards, has been discussed.
(d)Effect of easily achievable standards:
In this situation employees turn lazy (idle.)
Effect of those standards which are achieved with difficulty:
In this situation employees are worried.
(e) Reasonable.
Q-42. “mohinda rice land ltd.” Is known as the king of rice trade. The company
has lasge market share. Company’s internal environment is exceedingly
pleasant. Chief executive officer of the company has delegated most of the
decision making authorities to departmental managers. For instance. All
departmental managers have the authorities to appoint any employee
getting a salary upto rs 50000 per month. They need not btain prior
permission from the CEO for this perpose it is the practice of the company
to entrust one person the responsibility of performing identical activities.
It increases the efficiency of the organization.
Since everything is positive in the company, all persons are keen to seek
amployement there. Some of the employees are conversing with one
another as to how they got appointment in the company.
Deepak miglani told that he applied for the job after reading an
advertisement in the news paper. He was called for interview. He was
selected on this basis.
Deepak pathak told that he had neither seen any advertisement in the
newspaper nor was he introduced by the company by any person, rather
he was directly appointed on the basis of interview conducted in the
university where he was about to finish his M.A economics (hons.) course.
(a) Which factor of the organizing function of the management has been
refferd to here ?
(b) Which principal of management has been high lighted here? Clarify the
(c) Which factor of the staffing function of the management has been
reffered to here?
(d)Describe the above mentioned three methods concerning the sources of
recruitment as identify vide point. (6)
(C) recruitment
Q-43. Mr Vikas Goel is an H.R. Manager of “sanduja furniture pvt. Ltd.” At the
beginning of the New Year he anticipated that the company will need new
30 additional persons to fill up different vacancies. He gave an
advertisement in the newspaper inviting applications for filling up
different posts. As many as 120 applications were received. The same were
scrutinized. Out of these, conditions of 15 applicants were not acceptable
to the company. Letters of regret, giving reasons, were sent to them.
Remaining candidates were called for preliminary interview. The
candidates called for were asked to fill up blank application from.
Thereafter, they were given four tests.
The objective of the first test was to find out how much interest the
applicant does take in his work.
The objective of the second test was to find out ‘specialisation’ of the
applicant in any particular area.
Third test aimed at making sure whether the applicant was capable of
learning through training or not.
The purpose of the fourth test was to find out how much capability a
person has to mix-up with other persons, and whether he can influence
other persons and get influenced by them.
(b) mr Goel gave tests in the following order:
Q-44. Two friends, Nancy and poonam, are working as managers in the different
departments of ‘Libra Limited’. They often talk about the performance level
in their respective departments. Both of them are not satisfied with their
subordinates. They tried to ascertain when the employees got their full
salaries, what problem they had in working honestly. After investigating
for some days, they arrived at the conclusion that there was lack of
motivation in their company. Both held a meeting together in order to find
out the solution of the problem. Nancy suggested participation of the
employees in the Company’s profits, which she thought would create in the
employee’s the feeling of belongingness to the company. Such a feeling, she
was of the view, would have a direct influence on their performance level.
Poonam, on the basis of her experience, said that if the feeling of job
security was aroused in the employees, there could be improvement in
their performance level. Both of them contacted their Chief Executive
Officer-CEO with their suggestions. All the three of them deliberated over
this issue. The CEO listened to them very attentively. He said,” Both of you
are right, but I too have a suggestion. If the employees are made
participants in taking decisions, they will feel good and their performance
level will improve”. Ultimately, the company implemented the suggestions
of all the three of them.
In the above paragraph, three different persons have spoken about the
three methods of motivation. Identify these methods and explain.
Profit Sharing.
Job Security.
Q-45. Mr jay prakash Gupta is the General Manager of “Bhagwati Udyog Pvt. Ltd.”
With a view to running his business in a careful manner, he divided all the
activities into seven departments. These departments were: Purchase,
Marketing, Production, Personnel, Finance, Accounting and
Correspondence. Later on, he realized that accounting and correspondence
department can be merged into finance department. Thus, all business
activities were divided into five departments. Mr Gupta is now thinking on
the lines as to which are the departments, out of these five that will have
significant role in the success of the business. After complete analysis, he
concluded that marketing, production and finance were the department on
which success of the business depended. It meant that every of some
shortcoming occurred in the departments of purchase and personnel, it
would not affect much the success of the business. Thereafter, Mr Gupta
determined deviation tolerance limits of these three main departments. It
meat that if deviation of these departments remains within this tolerance
limit, them it will be looked after by the concerned manager. However, in
case the deviation is beyond this limit then the same will be brought to the
notice of General Manager.
1.When can a business use trading on equity to increase the earnings of its
ANS: When ROI is greater than Rate of interest on debts.
3. . Name the financial decision which affects the liquidity as well as profitability of a
Ans Investment decision
4.Name the type of investment decision which relates to short-term and affects day to
day operation of a company.
6. A Company wants to establish a new unit in which a machinery of worth Rs10 lakhs is
involved. Identify the type of decision involved in financial management.
Financial markets
7. Financial markets facilitate easy purchase and sale of financial assets.which function
of financial markets is highlighted here?
Ans Provide liquidity to financial assets.
Ans. It separates the ownership and control of changes from trading rights of members.
Financial management
1.What is the aim of financial management? State the value that should be kept in mind
while setting the objectives of financial management.
Ans: wealth maximization of shareholders
Social Responsibility
Ans. Financing decision is the decision about the quantum of finance to be raised from
various long term sources and how much is to be raised from each source.
i. Cost: the cost of obtaining funds through debt or equity is different and the least
expensive source is opted for.
ii. Risk: like cost, the risk associated with different sources for obtaining finance is
iii. Flotation Cost: higher floatation cost makes the source for raising funds less
iv. Cash flow position of the business: If a business enterprise is having a strong cash
flow position, it would be beneficial for it to opt for debt financing instead of equity.
Vi .State of capital markets: health of capital market greatly affects the choice for a
source of fund. people are willing to invest in the market when it is rising. However, it
may be very difficult for a company to issue equity shares in depressed capital market.
4. How does trading on equity increase return on equity shares? Explain with an
Ans Trading on equity is a practice followed by a company under which earning per
share is increased by employing cheaper debt. The sole objective enterprises are
always interested in employing debts whose interest is less than the average rate of
return on capital employed.
The position will be reversed if interest on debt is much more than the average rate of
return on capital employed.
Financial markets
5. Distinguish between the primary market and secondary market on any four
Sale of securities,ii)capital formation,iii)determination of price,iv)location
Ans :
i) Mobilisation of saving and channelling them into the most productive uses
ii) Facilitate price discovery
iii) Provide liquidity to financial assets
iv) Reduces the cost of transaction
ANS: Money market is a market for short term funds dealing in monetary assets whose
maturity period is up to one year.
Call Money-to maintain CRR banks borrow from each other for 1-15 days.
T-Bills in form of promissory notes maturing in less than 1 year. Issued by RBI.
Minimum denomination 25000. Also known as zero coupon bonds
Commercial Papers: unsecured, negotiable promissory note for 15days to 1 year, issued
by large creditworthy companies for bridge financing ie to meet floatation cost of
raising long term funds from capital market
8. Nature of money market can be well explained with the help of its features. State any
three such features of money market.
Ans. Features of money market:
1. The money market is a market for short term securities with a maturity period
up to one year.
2. It is a market where low risk, unsecured and short term debt instruments are
3. It has no physical location, but is an activity conducted over the telephone and
through the internet.
9. Explain any three functions of financial market.
Ans. Functions of a financial market:
Financial management
1.Identify the financial decision which determines the amount of profit earned to be
distributed and to be retained in the business. Explain the factors affecting this.
Dividend Decision.
factors affecting this
Amount of earning
Stability of earning
Stability of dividends
Growth opportunities
Cash flow position
Shareholders preference
Taxation policy
Stock market conditions
Access to capital markets
Legal constraints
Contractual constraints.
2.One of the major decisions taken by a Finance Manager is the decision regarding
maintenance of liquidity and at the same time maximization of profitability. Which type
of decision is referred to in the statement and what are the factors responsible for it.
Explain in brief.
3.What are the factors to be kept in mind while deciding the capital structure of a
Ans : factors affecting
i) cost of capital
ii) control
iii) risk
iv) cost of equity
v) cost of debt
vi) ROI
4. What is meant by 'Fixed capital'? Describe any four factors which affect the
requirement of fixed capital requirement of a company.
Ans. Fixed capital: investment made in fixed assets is known as fixed captial.it is usually
financed through long term source of finance .
1. nature of business
2. scale of operation
3. Growth Prospects
4. Diversification
Financial markets
5.State any five methods of floating new issues in the primary market.
Ans. Few years back trading on a stock exchange took place through a system of
auction or public outcry. But at present the trading is conducted through a
computer at the broker’s office.
(i) Selection of brokers: the first step is to select the broker who will buy
and sell the securities on behalf of the investor. A broker can be an
individual, corporate body or partnership firm.
(ii) Openings demat account: A demand account through which share
certificates and money are transferred in case of sale or purchase of
(iii) Placing order: After openings demat account the investor specifies the
number and type of securities that he want to purchase or sell.
(iv) Execution of order: According to the instruction of investor the broker
buys or sells the securities.
(v) Settlement: the transaction on a stock exchange is carried out either on
cash basis or on a carryover basis. The carry over basis is known as ‘badla’.
7. The directors of a company want to modernize its plant and machinery by making
a public issue of shares. They wish to approach the stock exchange, while the finance
manager prefers to approach a consultant for the new public issue of shares. Advise
the director whether to approach the stock exchange or a consultant for new public
issue of shares and why. Also advise them about different methods which the
company may adopt for the new public issue of shares.
Ans. The director should approach a consultant for new public issue of shares.
The stock exchange deals with sale and purchase of existing securities only, not in
new issue of securities.
Different methods which the company may adopt for the new public issue of
Q.1 It is important that the goods must be available to the consumers at the 2+4
right time, right place and in the right quantity.
(a.) Name and explain the concerned element of marketing mix.
(b.) Explain the various components of this element.
A-1 (a.) Physical distribution- handling and movement of goods, place of
production to place of distribution.
(b.) Transportation, warehousing, inventory control and order
processing with proper explanations.
Q.2 Name the important function of giving a name, sign or symbol to a 1+5
product. Also highlight its various characteristics for success.
A-2 Branding
Characteristics of a good branding:
(i.) Short and easy to recognize, spell or understand.
(ii.) Suggest the product benefits and qualities.
(iii.) Distinctive and capable of being registered.
(iv.) Versatile with staying power.
(v.) Adaptable to packaging and labeling requirements.
Q.3 The purchase consideration for the product might get affected due to 6
various factors. Explain.
A-3 (i.) Product cost
(ii.) Utility and demand
(iii.) Level of competition
(iv.) Marketing methods used
(v.) Pricing objective
(Vi.) Government policies
Q.4 You don’t close a sale, you open a relationship, if you want to build up a 1+2
long term successful enterprise. Identify the promotional tool used by
the marketer. State two features of this communication tool.
A-4 Personal selling
(i.) Direct face to face dialogue.
(ii.) Immediate feedback and flexibility.
Q.5 Identify the marketing concepts used: 5
(i.) Identify needs and wants and fill them.
(ii.) Create products and sell them.
(iii.) Earn profit through volume.
(iv.) Trading of herbal products with due care of the environment.
(v.) Introduction of silver wash technology in Samsung washing
A-5 (i.) Marketing
(ii.) Selling
(iii.) Production
(iv.) Societal
(v.) Product
Q.6 Identify the sales promotion techniques used: 6
(i.) Limited period offer of 10,000 on all models of Maruti.
(ii.) 1 GB memory card, back case and tamper glass free with purchase
of any mobile.
(iii.) Selling of free sachets of recently launched shampoo brand.
(iv.) 3 up front and 9 post dated cheques @ 0% interest.
(v.) 20% extra on Surf Excel’s big pack.
(vi.) On every purchase of 5,000 or above, free gift hampers worth
A-6 (i.) Rebate
(ii.) Product combinations
(iii.) Sampling
(iv.) Full finance
(v.) Quantity gift
(vi.) Usable benefit.
Q.7 State a misconception regarding marketing. 1
A-7 Some people believe that marketing is same as merchandising and
Q.8 Identify the key difference between advertisement and publicity. 1
A-8 Former is a paid form of promotion while the latter is unpaid.
Q.9 Define public relations. 1
A-9 It involves a variety of programmes such as news, events, publications,
sponsorships, etc to promote and protect the image of a company and
its products.
Q.10 Name the level of channel of distribution in which there are 1
wholesalers and retailers as intermediaries.
A- Two-level
Q.11 Satya found ants in the newly bought pack of dairy milk silk and 2+2
decided to call the customer care of the company for reporting her
complaint. When she did not get any positive answer from them, she
went to a customer activist group to seek help. The group took
measures to impose restrictions on the sale of the firm’s products of the
particular batch and urge people to refrain from buying the products of
the company. Satya also made the incidence viral on the social net
workings and due to all this, the company lost its image in the market.
The CEO gives the responsibility of bringing back the lost image of the
company to the Manager.
(a.) Identify and explain the concept of Marketing Management which
will help the Manager getting the firm out of the above crisis.
(b.) Also explain the role of above identified concept by stating any two
A- (a.) Public relations, It involves a variety of programmes such as news,
11 events, publications, sponsorships, etc to promote and protect the
image of a company and its products.
(b.) Product publicity, Counselling.
Q.12 Haldiram’s is a famous chain selling a variety of snacks in the Indian 6
market. Their product includes sweets, mixtures, chips, etc. It charges a
comparatively higher price as it sells high quality products. Besides, it
offers regular discounts to its customers. It has several shops located in
different cities at convenient locations. It also sells its products through
grocery stores so that the products are made easily available to the
customers at the right place, in the right quantity and at the right time.
It regularly uses different communication tools to increase its sales.
The above para describes the combination of variables used by
Haldiram’s to prepare its market offering. Identify and explain the
A- The 4 Ps of marketing mix- Product, Price, Physical distribution/place 1 1/2
12 and Promotion. for
Q.13 “Advertisements are social waste”. Comment. 6
A- Demerits: (i.) Undermines social values.
13 (ii.) Encourage sale of inferior products.
(iii.) Confuses the buyers rather than helping.
(iv.) Are generally in bad taste.
(v.) Adds to the cost.
Logics to refute the above criticisms:
(i.) only informs not compels the customers to buy.
(ii.) Everyone can’t afford to buy superior products, so , it also informs
about the qualities of the inferior products.
(iii.) Increases the demand, thereby increasing the sales and
production; leading to economies of scale and overall economic
Conclusion: It is not a social waste rather adds to the value to the social
cause by giving a boost to production and generating employment.
It becomes wasteful and objectionable only when it is used
unscientifically and dishonestly.
Q.14 XYZ Ltd. Had the business of manufacturing large varieties of FMCG 6
products including biscuits, squashes, rice, flour, shampoo, oil,
nutritional supplements, etc. To differentiate its product from that of its
competitors, it decided to put a unique symbol on all of its products and
also got it registered. It also classified its various products on the basis
of use, quality, contents, etc.ch of any new product, the company also
undertakes market survey for the product’s feasibility.
Explain the three functions of marketing with reference to the above
A- (i.) Gathering information and analyzing market information.
14 (ii.) Standardisation and Grading.
(iii.) Branding.
Q.15 A company selling toothpastes provides different quantities of the 3+2
product, well packed in an adequate size of the tube, which is then put
inside a box which contains its full label giving useful informations. It
has a wide market and thereby the company uses three level channels
of distribution for timely and speedy coverage of its widespread
consumers. Adapting to the needs of the changing environment, the
company has also recently launched a web portal for placement of
orders in bulk by the customer sitting in any part of the world. For the
geographical distribution of its products, the company uses roadways
through which its products are transported using large sized trucks in
big corrugated boxes.
(i.) Identify the various levels of packaging being used by the company.
(ii.) Give two values as conveyed by the company from the above para.
A- (i.) Primary- the tube, secondary- the cardboard box, transportation-
15 the corrugated boxes.
(ii.) adaptability, care for its consumers needs.