New Laser Surface Treatments: Cleaning, De-Rusting, De-Oiling, De-Painting, De-Oxidizing and De-Greasing
New Laser Surface Treatments: Cleaning, De-Rusting, De-Oiling, De-Painting, De-Oxidizing and De-Greasing
New Laser Surface Treatments: Cleaning, De-Rusting, De-Oiling, De-Painting, De-Oxidizing and De-Greasing
hannonic 532 nm (120 s duration pulse- 1J max per-pulse) wavelengths, multi-articulated seven mirrors beam guiding
device, 20 Hz Repetition Rate. This lets shots with 600 mJ max energy per puise and 100 MW peak power per-pulse with
a very low beam divergence, 0.5 mrad at full angle;
. a transverse fast flow 2.5 kW C02 laser.
Key-words: Cleaning, De-Rusting, De-Oiling, De-Painting, De-Oxidizing, De-Greasing, Laser Surface Treatments.
Many processes as cutting, welding, scribing, alloying and so on have been studied and adopted by many industrial
manufactures. So, other ones possible new applications of the laser technology and/or the laser sources have to-day under
As now-day it is possible to have FIR (Far Infrared Radiation), NW (Near Infrared Radiation) and UV (Ultraviolet) laser
sources, as portable ones, the research of the other new laser application and processes it is very promising to operate "in
Regarding to the de-painting or stripping process many working parameters have envolved. So, during this work, step by
step, the following process variables have considered:
. study of process parameters on depending of paint type, its thickness and colour and primer;
. thermal damage evaluation of the substrate in relation to process parameters;
. study of the influence of the covering gas type, pressure and flow on the de-painting process;
S study of the influence of the sample moving speed versus laser power, energy density, pulse duration and repetition rate,
beam shape;
. evaluation of the use of defocussed or rastered or integrated beams as de-painting "optical tool";
• study and test of a Laser Thermal Process and Shock-Wave Optical Process versus Depainting.
Similary the same experimental set-up and working parameters and methods have to verify the feasibility to de-greasmg, de-
oiling, de-rusting, de-oxidizing on differents bulk materials and surface coatings, contaminants, smog, dirt, grease, rusts and
For the experiments four different laser sources, emitting at 10.6 or 1.06 pin, have been employed. Among these two are
"fixed" sources while the other two lasers are portable ones. For the oxide, dirt, oil, grease, graffiti, biological attak, smog and
rust removals a portable Nd-YAG has been preferred. For paint removal three different CO2 laser sources (25 W, portable
source, or 1.5 kW or a 2.5 kW c.w. or pulsed) have been used according to the paint thicknesses, the depainting surfaces and
speeds and the needs (industrial or monumental ones). On the other hand for some depainting applications also a portable Nd-
YAG have been very usefull and preferred. On the following the main technical laser system specifications are listed:
• beam delivery: 7 mirrors articulated ann. • model: EAGLE 255, Mattioli Engineering;
• beam shape TEMOO Gaussian mode;
Laser CO2 1.5 kW • beam diameter 6 mm/divergency <2mrad;
• model: Rofin Sinar RS 1500; • continuos output power: 1 to 25 W;
• power output: 1500 W; • emission modes: continuos — pulsed — superpulsed;
• beam diameter: 18 mm; • peak power: 100 W max;
• beam divergence: 1.5 mr;ad • operating modes: continuos, single shot, repeat pulse;
• beam mode: TEMOO or TEMO1, • Beam delivery: articulated 7 mirror arm
linear polarization at 45 degrees to the horizontal;
• pulse frequency: up to 2.5 kHz;
• pulse width: 100 ps — CW.
As many new laser surface treatments and many bulk materials have been tested on this work, thus this paper can be assumed
as an overview work, not fully studied but "in process", on these new topics.
For all the treatments the photo-chemical, photo-optical and photo-thermal effects, produced by a laser beam, have been
considered. On the following some results, each by each treatment, have reported.
The experimentation has been carried out using both CO2 and Nd:YAG lasers. The different results obtained in the three
cases are illustrated below.
Tab. I shows the different paints and substrates used for the experimentation. Also in this case the laser arm has been hand
controlled. To increase the energy density a cylindrical lens has been used to obtain a blade shape of the laser beam on the
specimen. Due to the low values of laser working pulse frequency and to the little spot dimension, this is not a very fast
process. On the other hand high energy density levels on the workpiece caused a little surface alteration of the zone between
two subsequent spots. Being this process mainly photoablative, a process covering gas flow has not been used, in
consideration of the low temperatures involved. The working distance was about 140 mm, to avoid the deposition of
impurities on the focussing lens. The Q-Switching mode has been used to produce a very high Peak Power level to obtain a
photoablative process instead of a thermal one.
The experimentation has been performed removing paints from aluminium aeronautics components. Different parameters
have been investigated:
. materials
S laser power
. optical beam shaping
. covering gas
. process rate
. overlapping ratio
The treated surfaces have been then examined with the following techniques:
. metallographic analysis
S mechanical tests
. repainting
Aluminium alloy 2024 T3 slabs, lOOx200xl mm3, have been used, alodine pre-treated. Slabs were painted with 45 m thick
epoxy primer and 70 pin thick polyurethanic topcoat, pre-conditioned at a temperature of 70°C and with 60% relative
humidity per four days.
Other specimens have been Al sheets covered with a 60 im epoxy polyester paint and carbon steel sheets painted with 35to
70 im epoxy or polyurethane paint thick. Different paint colours have been also tested (tab. II).
Paint Type Color Thikuess Substrate Treated Rate (1) Rate (2) Rate (3) Rate (4) Rate (5) Rate (6)
(jim) area (cm2) cm2/min cm2/min cm2/min cm2/min cm2/min cm2/min
Epoxy Mustard 45 Al 2024 8 4.36 6.31 4 7.86 4.8 8
" Darkred 35 CSteel 4 4 6 6 8.57 6.85 13.33
" 60 Al 6 1.71 1.91 3.33 4.93 2.7 4.61
Paint Type Color Thikness Substrate Rate (1) Rate (2) Rate (3) Rate (4) Rate (5) Rate (6) Rate (7)
(jim) cm2fmin cm2/mi.n cm2fmin cm2/min cm2/min cm2/min cm2lmin
Epoxy Mustard 45 Al 2024 0.54 0.57 0.7 0.8 0.54 0.5 0.75
" Dark red 35 C Steel 0.75 0.92 1.2 0.85 1.36 0.68 1
" Ochre 45 C Steel 0.43 0.54 0.46 0.4 0.42 0.42 0.75
" Havana 40 C Steel 0.44 0.66 0.5 0.54 0.54 0.46 0.66
Polyuretane Red 70 C Steel 0.5 0.75 0.5 0.77 0.88 0.66 2
" White 70 Al 2024 0.33 0.44 0.53 0.3 0.42 0.35 0.46
" 60 Al 0.4 0.46 0.6 0.35 0.5 0.4 0.6
Laser power density is a very important parameter in the depainting process. In fact by increasing this value, it is possible to
remove an higher amount of paint, and to reduce the interaction time of the laser beam with the substrate, so reducing the
laser induced thermal input to the substrate and consequently its deformation. To furtherly limitate the substrate heating,
measurements have been carried out in pulsed regime too. Different values ofc.w. laser power (from 5, 300, 600, 900 to 2500
W) and pulsed mode duty cycles have been investigated (tab. II and figures 4 to 7). It has been observed that increasing the
laser power, and consequently the proces speed, thermal alterations and plastic deformation effects reduce. So it is possible to
affirm that furtherly increasing energy density, also to values higher than those used in this work (23 kW/cm2) it should be
possible to reduce the substrate deformation.
In a first phase the laser beam was defocussed on the paint by means of a 5" ZnSe lens. Focal spot diameter was in therange
3 .5 to 5 mni, depending on laser power. In the second phase a parabolic integrating copper mirror has been used, so obtaining
a 2x10 m2 rectangular spot. By using the integrating mirror it has been possible to skip the problems connected with
gaussian distribution of the laser power that did not allow an uniform removal of the paint layer, as observed in the first
experimental phase (figure 2). For a 2.5 kW CO2 laser an optical layout with a ZnSe multifaceted integrating lens, 10" F.L.,
has been used (figures 5, 6 and 7).
. configuration 1 — optical layout with ZnSe memscus lens (5" focal length):
1. lens-sample distance: 102.5 mm (defocussed circular spot);
2. trace width: 3.5 ÷ 5 mm, real cleaned trace: 2.2 ÷ 3 mm;
3 . nozzle outlet diameter: 9 mm;
4. nozzle-sample distance: 15 mm;
5. N2 assistance gas pressure: 1 bar, gas flow: 30 Nl/min;
6. laser working mode: c.w. and pulsed.
. configuration 2 - optical layout with integrating parabolic copper mirror (250 mm focal length):
1. mirror-sample distance: 250 mm (focussed rectangular spot);
2. trace width: 10 mm, real cleaned trace: 8 mm;
3. nozzle outlet diameter: 25 mm;
4. nozzle-sample distance: 130 mm;
5. N2 is used only to avoid laser head spatters and dust contamination;
6. laser working mode: c.w. and pulsed.
Covering gas
Covering gas had two main functions: to protect the lens from impurities due to paint burning and to cool the interaction
point minimizing the combustion. For this reason different inert gases like N2, He and Ar have been tested at different
pressure values. Gas flow was delivered coaxially to the laser beam by means of a conical nozzle 0 9 mm apart to the
treating surface. This configuration has been used in the first phase of the experimentation, when the laser beam was
defocussed on the sample by means of a convergent lens. In the second phase the parabolic mirror has been used 0 25 mm
apart the workpiece; in this case the gas contribution was ininfluent, because its covering effect was not significant. Figure 3
shows the absence of correlation between the amount of removed material and the nature and pressure of covering gases.
The higher proocess rate that has been possible to reach with our X-Y axis system has been 10 rn/mm (figures. 5, 6 and 7).
For each laser power value the maximum speed value allowing the complete paint removal in a single pass has been setted.
By removing adiacent stripes of paint it has been possible to depaint large dimension slabs. Figure 5 shows the relation
between the linear speed on a single pass and the laser power (c.w. and pulsed), while Figure 6 show the relation between the
removed surface per hour and the power laser (c.w. and pulsed); in this case it is important to remark that the clean area per
hour depends on the adjacent strips overlapping percentage. In the experiments performed with a circular laser spot the best
results have been obtained with a 40% single strip width overlapping ratio while with the rectangular spot this value has
reduced to 20% one.
Metallographic analysis
Some treated surfaces were cross-sectioned, polished and chemically etched to observe structural modifications induced by
material heating. Microhardening analysis have been also carried out to exclude any alteration of the structure. The
metallographic analysis have been performed with a reflection microscope (magnification 400X). Vickers microhardemng
tests have been performed using a 50 gr load. Structural analysis and hardening tests did not show any relevant alteration
(Figure 8).
Mechanical tests
Specimens having particular geometrical characteristics have been processed to perform tensile, bending and fatigue tests
(Figure 9).
. Three identical samples have been so realized for each test, using the best parameters previously found in order to minimize
the thermal alterations induced by the laser beam and by paint combustion, and the consequent material plastic deformations
(e.g. 900 W laser power c.w., 9 rn/mm working speed, N2 coveting gas, circular laser spot). The results, reassumed in Tab.
III, show a reduction of the tensile strength Pin (2%), of the proof stress Rp02 (5%), of the elongation to fracture (26%), of
the toughness value (13%) and fmally an increasing of fatigue strength.
Stripping process Strength Rm (Mpa) Proof Stress Rp02 (Mpa) Elongation to fracture A50%
Some 3 specimens sets have been depainted by multiple adiacent passes (10 cm2) for the repainting tests. The repainted
samples showed a good adhesion ofthe paint to the substrate.
The experiments have been performed by using only portable Nd:YAG laser in Q-switch mode and with some different pulse
frequencies. The laser beam has been delivered on the workplane by a 7 mirrors articulated arm hand moved. Laser radiation
has not been focussed, being the power density enough to remove the oxyde layer. The ablation of oxyde and/or mst layers
has been visually controlled and the end-point was detected when the substrate was visible. The work -parameters and the
ablation speeds are shown in Tab. IV for different kinds of material.
Material Treated area Rate (1) Rate (2) Rate (3) Rate (4) Rate (5) Rate (6)
(cm2) cm2/min cm2/min cm2/min cni2/min cm2/min cm2/min
Fe 44C 25 33.3 50 33.3 50 37.5 83.3
In this table the different behaviour of oxides due to the interaction with laser radiation is evident The higher removal speed
has been obtained for the C70, while the lower one for the C40 (figure 1 1), depending on the adhesivity of the oxyde to the
metal and on its compactness. These first notes do not held into account the different thickness ofthe overlapped oxide and/or
rust that are present on the bulk surface.
On some specimens a cylindrical lens, at the end of the multiarticulated arm, has been allocated to obtain a rectangular spot
(with different focal areas according to the lens F.L.); thus, it has been possible to increase as the power density as the
ablation rate (cm2/min).
For all the experiments a prevalent photo-mechanical effect (as a shock-wave) has been noted.
Generally, on the light of these first experimental series it is possible to observe that:
0 it is easy to remove the rust when it is thick, compact and uniform;
S when bulk erosions, spikes, flakes and micropores are present on the surface it is more difficult to completely remove the
rust and/or oxide from the bulk surface (figure 14);
S the incident angle of a laser beam on the specimen surface seems to be a strong parameter, depending of the power
density, focal spot geometry and ofthe rust or oxide thickness and morphology;
. it is possible also "to write" (marking) on a rusted or oxidized surface with the numbering or lettering, hand — moved or
automatically moved. On this way the rust or oxide has removed only on the internal number and/or leuer (figure 12);
. when the power density is a low value it is possible only "to cook" the rust or oxide layer (on which the laser beam
impinges) that changes its colour (appears darker). Also by using this technique it is possible "to write" by
lettering/numbering and drawing on the rusted and/or oxidized surfaces (figure 12);
. it is possible to remove the Cr oxide (a skin layer) on the stainless steels (e.g. AISI 304, 3 16 and 430) from the bulk
material (figure 15). This layer was not create "by the man" but the stainless steel produces this pellicular oxide by itself
to avoid surface corrosion;
. it is easy to remove the oxide from an anodizing or clad Al and its alloy sheet surfaces (figure 15).
At the end, as an example of a complete removal of a rust and oxide layer, a scraper before and after a laser surface (de-
oxidizing and de-rusting process has been reported on figure 1 1).
According to industrial needs and recently for some possible applications "in situ" of the laser technology to the monumental
cleaning (or restoring), on the laboratory different situations have been simulated.
Thus, on stainless steel surfaces some different protective oil films (lung, lubricating, mineral ones), dry or wet, have been
tested to remove by a CO2 or Nd-YAG laser beam not focussed.
On the same way some different industrial greases, wet or dry, used into the mechanical industries as well as the residue glue
of adhesive tape have been removed by a quick and easy laser surface treatment. To simulate some "graffiti" on the
Laser removal of oxydes and paint can be considered to be a valid alternative to the traditional technologies. For the Laser
Surface De-Painting three different optical layout configurations have been tested. The 1st with a focussing lens, 2nd with an
integrating mirror and the 3 with a multifaceted integrating lens. The 1st configuration has provided higher quality sample
machining with lower working times. For the 2nd configuration better performances of the integrating mirror could be
obtained by using higher laser power level, at least three times higher than ones used in this set of experiments (about 5 kW).
The 3rd configuration even if showed interesting results it is not acceptable for industrial uses for the risk of an easy breaking.
Regarding to the Laser Surface De-Pamting for industrial and aeronautical applications by using CO2 laser.the following
conclusions can be carried out:
. the dependence ofthe paint removing process by covering gas is not appreciable;
S paint removing process depends on laser power and exposure time moreover a saturation value of removed material
. process efficiency depends on the paint type;
. heat affected zone is visible on the rear treated surface for interaction times greater than the saturation value for each
laser power level;
. a small plastic deformation of the treated samples was found due to the thermal stress.
High power laser workstations will allow the removal of higher thicknesses and increasing of the process speed. Therefore
the use of laser technologies in the paint stripping of high quality components, as aeronautic ones, will induce economical
benefits, as a consequence of the possibility to automatize the process, with respect to the traditional techniques (chemical
and mechanical) and will reduce the use of chemical products having an high environmental impact.
For the other Surface Laser Treatments (De- Rusting, De-Oxidizing, Cleaning, De-Oiling and De-Greasmg) a Nd-YAG
portable laser source, in Q-switch mode, has shown good results in the removal of oxide layers, rust, dust, graffiti, oils and
greases on Raw Materials (Steels, Aluminium, Copper and their alloys) before using on Railway manifacture and
Maintenance Industries. The same removal technique has been also applied for ablating surface contaminants produced by
Soot, Enviromental Pollution and Smog (due to a long time atmospheric exposition) directy "in situ" on some parts or
components of railcars (passenger and good ones).
Finally an interesting experience has been tested for the Monumental Cleaning (or Restoring) by applying the same laser
surface treatment technology on the ceramics, bronzes, stalagmite, coins, stones, limestones, tufa and wooden reperts.
The works and other further studies are still to-day in progress.
This paper reports some results carried out under European BRITh Project (BRE2-CT92-015 1), "New Techniques for Paint
Removal", partially funded by European Community.
Nd—YAG Laser
a 5a
Pressure (atm)
70 A
60 [9pcoat
) .2 40 -
30 -
20 -
10 A
0— 1
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
pulse (ms)
Fig. 4: Removed paint depth vs. pulse length
(Laser power 300W - cover gas: N2)
10 F
9 a lens cw
8 o lens pulsed
C7 A mirror cw
.5 F
C. 4 a
2 4-
1 a A
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600
power (w)
C. 4
0 5 10 15 20 25
lens cw
0.8 • lens - pulsed
A mirror cw
0 200 400 600 600 1000 1200 1400 1600
power (w)
1.2 A /
C, 0.8
/ . lens - cw
• lens - pulsed
A mirror - cw
15 20 25
0 5 10
100 Topcoat+primer
a' .?
40 —
201 0 0
Primer 0
0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000 70000 80000
speed (mm/mm)
Fig. 7: Removed paint depth versus execution speed
(laser set - up: configuration 3)
Fig. 8: a spe by rivet, depainted with CO2 laser. Area number 1 stripped with circular spot.
Area number 2 no treated. Area number 3 stripped with rectangular spot.
Specimen: red polyurethan paint on steel substrate. Paint Specimen: white epoxy-polyester paint on Al substrate. Paint
thickness: 70 rim. Process by Nd-YAC laser
' thickness: 60 tim. Process by Nd-YAG laser
Specimen: 25CrMo4 sheet. Process by Nd-YAG Laser Specimen: FePO1 sheet. Process by Nd-YAG Laser
¶T T
/ -
41 lfr?t/
f 47
*7 //Y:
4S/ 4 '//
114' /;ç
M// // •4(
1/ 4C /v4fr
flr / / ..
0w // (7I I'
/ /
/ 7
#iPt I •t?i I %4
Fig. 15