Láser ND YVO4..
Láser ND YVO4..
Láser ND YVO4..
Nd:YVO4 is one of the most efficient laser host crystal currently existing for diode laser-
pumped solid-state lasers. Its large stimulated emission cross-section at lasing wavelength,
high absorption coefficient and wide absorption bandwidth at pump wavelength, high laser
induced damage threshold as well as good physical, optical and mechanical properties
make Nd:YVO4 an excellent crystal for high power, stable and cost-effective diode pumped
solid-state lasers. Recent developments have shown that Nd:YVO4 can produce powerful
and stable IR, green, bule lasers with the design of Nd:YVO4 and frequency doubling
Compared with Nd:YAG and Nd:YLF for diode laser pumping, Nd:YVO4 lasers possess the
advantages of lower dependency on pump wavelength and temperature control of a diode
laser, wide absorption band, higher slope efficiency, lower lasing threshold, linearly
polarized emission and single-mode output. For the applications in which more compact
design and the single-longitudinal-mode output are needed, Nd:YVO4 shows its particular
advantages over other commonly used laser crystals. The diode laser-pumped Nd:YVO4
compact laser and its frequency-doubled green, red or bule laser will be the ideal laser tools
of machining, material processing, spectroscopy, wafer inspection, light show, medical
diagnostics, laser printing and the most widespread applications.
With advanced technology on growing high optical quality and large size Nd:YVO4 crystals,
CASIX steadily provides as large as φ35x50 mm3 Nd:YVO4 bulk crystal and φ20x20mm3
finished crystal with very low intrinsic optical loss. Now, CASIX massively produces and
provides high quality Nd:YVO4 crystals at very competitive prices.
Main Features:
1. Basic Properties
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(a) (b)
Normalized fluorescence spectra from 800 nm to 1600 nm of Nd 1.1 at. % doped Nd:YVO4 for ppolarization
(a) and for s porlarization (b).
5. Laser Properties
The Nd:YVO4 crystal has large stimulated emission cross-sections (σ) at both 1.06
µm and 1.3 µm. The stimulated emission cross-section of an a-axis cut Nd:YVO4 crystal at
1.064µm is about 4 times that of the Nd:YAG crystal. Although the lifetime (τ) of Nd:YVO4 is
about 2.7 times shorter than that of Nd:YAG, a figure of merit (FOM) for minimum threshold
of a-cut Nd:YVO4, which is proportional to the products, is reasonably higher than that of
Nd:YAG crystal. Because of its high pump quantum efficiency (ηp), the slope efficiency of
Nd:YVO4 can be very high if the laser cavity is properly designed. The following Table lists
the major laser properties of Nd:YVO4 in comparison with those of Nd:YAG.
Nd doped ó α τ la Pth ηs
Laser crystal
(atm%) (x10 cm2)
(cm-1) (µs) (mm) (mw) ( %)
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1. Diode Laser-Pumped Nd:YVO4 Lasers
Recently, over 30 W of TEM00 output power was achieved by using a-cut Nd:YVO4 and
pumped by 60 W fiber coupled diode lasers. The optical conversion efficiency exceeds
50%. High power and stable infrared output @ 1064 nm and 1342 nm has been available
with diode pumped Nd:YVO4 lasers.
Because of its large stimulated emission cross section at 1.34 µm, Nd:YVO4 is also an
efficient laser crystal for diode laser-pumped 1.3 µm laser. By using 1 mm long Nd:YVO4
crystal and pumped by an 850 mW diode laser at 808 nm, 50 mW output at 1.34 µm has
been observed, compared to 34 mW from 2 mm long Nd:YAG.
By using the compact design of Nd:YVO4 + KTP crystals, high power green or red light
output can be generated in a diode laser pumped Nd:YVO4 laser. When pumped by a 890
mW diode laser, more than 76 mW single mode (TEM00) green output was obtained with a
3x3x1 mm3 Nd:YVO4 and a 3x3x5 mm3 intracavity KTP.
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Diode pumped green lasers has been commercialized with the compact design of
Nd:YVO4 + KTP crystals. 2.5 mW green output was achieved in a Nd:YVO4 microchip laser
with a very short (9 mm) laser cavity when pumped by a 50 mW diode laser.
Over 10 W and high stable CW green output @ 532 nm was commerially available with
diode pumped Nd:YVO4 and frequency double using NCPM LBO crystals. Sigle longitudinal
mode (SLM) green output, Q-switched green and UV outputs were also obtained.
Over 400 mW blue laser @ 457 nm based on Nd:YVO4+ BBO crystals, is commerical
available .
1. Other specifications of Nd:YVO4 crystals and coatings are available upon request.
2. Tm:YVO4 crystal for eyesafe and medical lasers @ 1940 nm, Er:YVO4, Yb:YVO4 and
other ion doped YVO4 crystals are also grown by CASIX.
CASIX provides the complete diode pumped laser kits, including laser crystals (Nd:YVO4
and Nd:YAG), NLO crystals (KTP, or LBO and BBO) and laser optics. Please refer to page
62 for information about diode pumped laser optics kits.
Copyright 1998 CASIX, Inc. All rights reserved. Last Revised: May 19, 1999
Web Page maintained by : Contact@CASIX.com
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