He Maya S Nnis: Cum, Vo Ventib

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HE MAYA S Numb r
Rev. 5: P1: aO 8. 78 0


Beloved Companion:
During the past several weeks we have asked you to send in replies to
several sets of key questions and certain exercises. As these sets are designed
to permit us to give you special help if it is found to be needed and as the
replies you give largely govern the speed with which you are advanced in the
degrees, you are urged to send them in promptly.

The Complete Symbol for the Symbology is an ancient method of transmittal of

Third Degree Student is: knowledge. Symbols will become very important in
helping you gain understanding of some of the
lessons to come. The Mayans trace the symbol of
the Square into remote periods of antiquity. In-
formation never before recorded in the written
word will be made known to you through these sym-
bols. Understanding beyond what can be written in
words will be gained by those who-c.Brefully study
these symbols through later lessons.
Before we progress into this lesson, draw the
symbol as shown here. In it you see the four parts
of Being - YOUR Being.
MIND'S In the last lesson we referred briefly to the dual, or two-fold, nature
DUALITY of your Mind - the Conscious and the Sub-conscious Mind. In this lesson,
we shall ask you to go a little deeper along these lines and shall stress
the modern psychological side, rather than the Biblical psychological teachings.

/ Figure 1
Here in Figure 1 1 you will aee the Mayan Symbol showing the
Mind's Duality. The Square, when shown thus, represents the
Mental part of your Being. The half labeled P represents the
Positive (giving out) part of your Mentation, or the Department
of the Conscious Mind. N represents the Negative (receiving)
part, or the Department of the Sub-conscious Mind.
In Figure 2, you will see the Mayan Symbol showing the Soul's
Duality. The Square, when shown thus, represents the Soul or
Substance part of your Being. N (receiving) represents the
Department of Character; P (giving out) represents the Depart-
ment of Creative Imagination.
Figure 2 Be£ore we read £urther, it is suggested that you draw these
symbols also. Label the first one "Mind" and mark the two
divisions of "Conscious Mind" and "Sub-conscious Mind" in their proper order. Do
Rev. 5: P2: n
G~ . .,;: 8. 78
n-.._ ___./

likewise with Figure 2, labeling the two divisions as explained above.

Study carefully these last two figures you have drawn and their meaning.
Close your eyes and visualize them in your "Mind's eye". Then, as you read fur-
ther in this lesson and subsequent lessons, exercise your intuition by visualizing
the divisions and relations of the other of the four parts of your Being.
If you fail to grasp the significance now, DON'T LET IT TROUBLE
YOU. It all will be explained in a simple and easy-to-understand
manner later. However, if you can apply the present teachings to
it now, much more will be revealed to you in this lesson.
For the present, the meaning is not intended to be entirely clear. The
Light of Understanding will be given you after you advance further. So, after you
have made your reproductions of Figures 1 and 2 and have them well in mind, pro-
ceed with this lesson.
The Conscious Mind is ~!:!!!&you know about, the Mind you !.!:.!!, ~of.
It's what you talk about when you say, "I'm going to make up my mind", or "I have
a good mind to do so and so". That is the Mind of which you are conscious, the
Mind you use to make decisions, to read, to study.
The Sub-conscious ~ is ~ ~ of ~ you ~ ~ ~ unless your
attention is drawn to it. Even then it may be a little difficult to convince you
of its existe~ All:knowledge exists in Mind. The Sub-conscious stores up
memory of knowledge and releases this memory to your consciousness under certain
conditions. The Sub-conscious records everything, every tiny detail of everything
you have experienced, thought or felt. These experiences, thoughts and habits are
impressed on the Soul Substance in the department o£ Character. The Sub-eoneoioua
also delivers to your Conscious Mind, powers beyond your own comprehension. This
is the flow from the Soul Substance in the department of Generation or Creative
Intelligence or Creative Imagination. It is this activity that accounts for the
works of great inventors, composers and other creative artists. It accounts for
geniuses and prodigies.

HOW YOUR An example of the way these two Minds work can be gained from the fol-
MIND WORKS lowing: As a child you learned to read. dan you remember how diffi-
cult it was to read even simple words? You had to spell out C-A-T
and then hesitatingly pronounce it, not eure that you were correct. Later, by a
deliberate effort of Mind, you were able to spell many words and to recognize them
on sight but you still found reading an effort. Then, after a time, you learned
to read without effort, without Conscious thought of the spelling of the words,
without even being conscious of the letters composing them. You just read.
Another illustration can be taken from your experience in learning to
drive an automobile. At first you found it extremely difficult to coordinate your
hands and feet. When you started out, you either forgot to step on the acceler-
ator or you forgot to steer the car. When you wanted to stop, you knew that you
should lift your right foot off the accelerator and press on the brake pedal. But
you had to think about that simple operation each time you did it.
While you were learning this technique, perhaps you were called upon to
stop quickly. Perhaps you were slowly approaching an intersection and the signal
lights unexpectedly changed to allow a stream of cross-traffic the right of way.
Rev. 5: PJ: G:Q 8. 78

You had to stop and think what to do and how to do it. By a deliberate effort of
Mind, you performed the necessary action and stopped the car.
A few months or a year later, you were a capable driver. You were probab-
ly driving faster than you should and you approached the same intersection. Again
the signal unexpectedly flashed red. Before you had ~ to think, you pressed
the brake and stopped. It was an "automatic reflex".
While you were learning, you used your Conscious Mind. ~ you became
proficient, you used your Sub-conscious Mind.

More than ninety per cent of your mental life is Sub-conscious. The Con-
scious part of your Mind is like the low gear in your car. The trouble is that
most people stay in low gear too much. The only time they get into high gear is
by accident. Make ready to 5tart the training of thi5 high-power, 5Uper-speed 1
streamlined, high-gear, automotive power that you possess.
MIND Know this: That you can use your Mind purposefully if you will or you
CONTROL can let it idly drift. You can let it flitter and flutter about like a
butterfly from one idle thought to another or you can direct it, con-
centrate it and get your desires. It is only by Conscious effort that you can
control it, and - by control - reach your Sub-consciousness, which is in contact
with Universal Mind.

Your Conscious Mind is the watchman at the door. Whatever your Conscious
Mind lets enter, enters into the Sub-conscious, which immediately carries it to
and impresses it upon your Soul Substance where it remains for eternity. One of
the ways in which your Sub-conscious receives is through your Conscious Mind.
All you need to get results, then, is teamwork. Remember, we are so constituted
that the Subconscious will usually believe anything that the Consc.ious tells i t
if told frequently and convincingly. And it communicates that belief to whAtever
department of your body is involved. Tell a man earnestly, several times, that
he looks ill, that he appears sick and ailing - and he begins to show symptoms;
before long he is sick.

Your earnestness causes his Conscious Mind to believe what you say. His
Conscious Mind thereupon passes the information on to the Sub-conscious, which in
time produces symptomB. A5 he becomes conscious of the actuality of the symptoms,
his belief in illness is strengthened and the Sub-conscious obligingly makes him
ill. That is the Negative application of the principle.

The ~principle applied in the Positive to one who is ill is capable of

bringing about a cure. That is why thousands were cured by that great healer, Dr.
Coue~ by merely repeating the simple formula hundreds of times a day. "Every day
in every way I am getting better and better".

The great stumbling block for so many is the struggle to believe. They
repeat the affirmation, "Every day in every way I am getting better and better",
but privately they are saying to themselves, 11But I am not, I am getting worse".
As a result, they get worse instead of better. Remember, you get ~you expect.
Practically all systems of Metaphysical healing teach that you "have re-
ceived". This is based on an error in translation of the words of Christ Jesus.
Rev. 5: P4: c:d: 8.78

Convincing yourself that you have received a million dollars, for instance, when
you know that you have not received it as yet is rather difficult and not psycho-
logically sound, nor sound in any other way.
But with each gain in worldly wealth, with each manifestation o£
money, no matter how small the amount, you can see that you ~
Hence, this is an important difference of method. The one works only when
faith is perfect. Few people today attain perfection. The true teaching does not
demand perfect faith first, but !?z, its ~ truth produces ll.· As you begin to
receive, the very evidence gives you more and more of true faith, the unquestion-
ing kind of faith that materializes whatever is demanded of it, from a mere abun-
dance of physical strength to meet an emergency to perfect health or to materializ-
ing a million sound 1 worldly, dollars. "Believe ~~Receive" ~believe
~ you ~ receiving.

The important word in Coue 1 s famous affirmation is that word GETTING.

Believe that you ~GETTING better and you do get better. That is how your Mind
works. Thousands, pronounced hopeless, were cured by it.
Now here is the point. In any struggle to believe, there is set up the
element of doubt. As long as doubt exists, result getting is automatically locked
out. ~struggle with ~· IGNORE IT. Repeat a good health affirmation
many, many times without effort to believe, without Conscious thought, and your
Sub-conscious Mind will begin to work on it. When results begin to come, your
belief will be strengthened and results will come faster and faster until the
cause o£ your illness is overcome. The best physicians will tell you the cure
for any illness is within your own body. Within~ is 2 ~·
FIRST Try this test of Mind Power. Sitting, quietly and relaxed, compose
DEMONSTRA- yourself mentally. Then making a fist of your hand, concentrate in-
TION tensely upon the thought that the muscles of your hand and wrist are
EXERCISE growing taut. Think with all your Mind, "My fist is growing rigid~
the muscles are getting tighter, and tighter, and rigid, and stiff,
as though they are turning to stone". Keep repeating and thinking, "tighter, and
tighter, and more stone-like". Put your whole ~ 2!! ~thought.
If you have held the thought intently you will find that the muscles have
tightened and hardened to an extent beyond what you believed possible. And they
will remain so until you let another thought into your Mind. Try this on othera
being careful to explain to them exactly what thoughts to hold in their Minds.

- 0 -

SECOND Now 1 repeat the above and with your fist tightly closed and holding
DEMONSTRA- the feeling of rigidity strongly in your Mind, try this thought.
TION Imagine with ALL YOUR MIND that you cannot open your hand. Imagine
EXERCISE that the muscles have turned to stone and holding that thought,
· Rev: 5: P5: a0 B. 78 0

STRONGLY imagining that you cannot, try to open your hand by an effort of will.
Continue to imagine you cannot and try. You cannot open it; not as long as your
imagination continues to believe that you cannot. Stop imagining, even for an
instant, and the Will causes it to slowly start opening. Here is the rule: In
any contest between Will Power and Imagination, no matter how strong is Will Power,
Imagination will win.

- 0 -

THIRD Now, try this test of your Imagination and Mind Power. This exer-
DEMONSTRA- cise requires a slight degree more intense concentration. Close
TION your eyes. Take a deep breath and relax. Now, imagine with all
EXERCISE your mind a beautiful, full-blown rose. Imagine that you hold it
in your right hand. Let your imagination picture it so clearly
that you can actually see it in your Mind's eye in all its lovely perfection.
Raise your hand slowly while your eyes remain closed and in your imagination SEE
the color of it and SEE the shape of it. Now, still holding this image clearly
and strongly in your mind, raise your hand to your nose and imagine the perfume
of the flower.
If the image of the flower is clearly and strongly pictured in your mind
you will be astonished to notice that faintly and subtly you DO smell the perfume
of the ~· Repeat this exercise several times, then proceed.

- 0 -

FOURTH Here is one more test that illustrates how your mind controls your
DEMONSTRA.- body and causes it to act in relation to your thoughts. Tie a
TION small button on the end of a thread or string about twelve or four-
EXERCISE teen inches long. Tie the other end of the string to a short stick
or rod about the length of a lead pencil as in Figure 1 on the fol-
lowing page. Hold this like a miniature fishing pole as in Figure 1. Suspend
the button so that it hangs free about one inch above the dot in the center of
the circle in Figure 2. Now let your eyes move steadily and continuously with
a rhythm of movement from A to B and B to A. Up and down and up and down. In a
short time you will find the button swinging up and down this line. Now try it
again, this time moving your eyes from C to D in the same way. You will find the
button also swinging in this direction. Next let your eyes follow the circle in
a clock-wise direction. Shortly, without any conscious movement on your part,
the button will be swinging in a circle.

~-·-_:;: ._·~~--·
-~-~·~ ..· .
Rev. 5: P6: G Q 8. 78

Figure 1

B Figure 2

These are simple demonstrations of Mind over body. Whatever direction

you think, in that direction will the button swing if you think intensely. What-
ever direction you desire i t to swing, that is the direction it will swing. Your
Mind controls it.

The most important duty of your Conscious Mind is to center your thoughts,
to concentrate them, on the thing you want and, at the same time, to shut the door
on fear, worry and disease.
MASTERY Gain that ability, master it and nothing is impossible to you. Read
OF MIND this lesson several times. Think with me. Try the things I suggest on
yourself first and then on others. Get understanding or them - know
them - use them. Understanding of this lesson alone should enable you to overcome
any disease you might be suffering from. Later we shall take up Healing in greater
detail. Know that you ~making progress. Brick by brick, a great city is built.
Thought upon thought ••• Revelation upon Revelation ••• you are remaking your-
self ••• until at last you will be "as one born again" ••• and born in the image
of your expectations.

Impress this rule upon your memory: The Sub-conscious Mind takes the
thoughts you send in to it. Left alone, it will work them out to their logical
conclusion - good ~bad, according to your thoughts, your beliefs.
Think health and vigor, and it works out vigor and health within your
body. Let someone suggest ill health or think it yourself or fear it or worry
about it, and it goes to work on that and follows it through to the logical
Rev. 5: P7: G:Kf 8.78 0

conclusion. Fear an accident and you'll have one; perhaps not right away but at
the first opportunity.

- 0-

WHAT FEAR An automobile racing driver at the famous Speedway in Indianapolis

CAN DO went into the race one year fearing an accident. He was obsessed
with fear and in his imagination he saw a thousand different varie-
ties of "crack-ups". "Premonition" some said the next day. I hardly think so.
Fear paralyzed his reflexes. When he saw a car skid badly and turn over ahead of
him, all the fear thoughts he had let into his Sub-conscious Mind crystallized
and, instead of avoiding the wreck, he deliberately turned into !i·
Have you ever had an experience on this order? Have you ever done the
very thing you didn't intend to do and then wondered why? If you have, if you'll
search your Mind, you find that you did the thing you feared, FOR FEAR IS ALSO A

Have you ever dreamed that you were in the midst of a large assembly or
in some public spot and suddenly realized that you were completely and embarrass-
ingly nude? That is the working of the Sub-conscious Mind again. Perhaps a few
days before you were startled by someone unexpectedly trying to enter a room where
you were dressing or bathing or a similar circumstance. The sudden reaction pro-
duced a brief fear-shock on your Sub-conscious. Your Sub-conscious Mind couldn't
very well denude you of your clothes because they are outside your body, so the
old Sub-conscious undresses you in public in your dreams. You feared being seen
without clothing, so what you feared was delivered even if only in a dream.
Asleep or awake, your Mind is master of your body. The brain is only the
switchboard through which the Mind operates. The Mind directs every function of
your body. It controls your body in every part to the last drop of blood and the
last cell of your tissues. Your body is like a little universe and your Sub-
conscious Mind is like the radiating sun in its center. Your Conscious thought
is like the directing force of that sun, for the Conscious Mind can direct the
Sub-conscious Mind even though the latter once set in action is by far the most
powerful of the two.

- 0 -

Your Sub-conscious Mind is exceedingly wise. It is very powerful. It

knows many things that are not in books. It never tires. It never sleeps. It
has infallible judgment. It is the greatest part of You. Yet, it is your ser-
vant. It is your means to contact and know God. It is the reflection of God
There is"within You a mighty, resistless force, capable of doing things
that will dazzle your reason and stagger your imagination. You, as a Mayan, are
preparing to know this force and to learn to use it. Let us build you a firm
and sound foundation, laboring together slowly but strongly. Let us erect your
Rev. 5: PS: G:R: 8.78

"For life is the mirror of king and slave.

'Tis just what you are and do;
Then give to the world the best you have,
And the best will come back to you."

- 0-
The £ollowing is an extremely simple exercise o£ Mayan cipher writing.
It is intended to be used only for transmitting certain Secret instructions such
as pass-words, etc. to protect them from accidental revealment to the eyes of
those not of our Order. Here is the key:

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

Figure 1. Figure 2. Figure 3.

Contains the first Contains the next Contains eight
nine letters of the nine letters of the letters of the
alphabet. alphabet. alphabet.

Now turn your attention to Figure 1.

If you were to detach the upper left-hand ~w~
corner from this figure, you would have
the symbol _j . Therefore, _j represents !] ~ ~ Fig. 1a
the letter A. I£ you were to detach the
upper center from the figure, you would
have the symbol U. Therefore, U repre- ~fiilrr
sents the letter B. In Figure 1a (to the
right of this paragraph), you will continue
similarly to find the symbols for the first
nine letters of the alphabet. K

Figure 2 merely adds dots to the

J~~ ~L
symbols and follows through the alphabet in
the same order, starting with the upper M~ GJ ~ 0 Fig. 2a
left-hand corner as you did in Figure 1.
Using Figure 2a, learn the symbols £or the
second nine letters of the alphabet.

The last eight letters and the symbol

for "and" are given you in Figure Ja, which
is slightly different from the preceding Fig. Ja
figures. Study it until you are familiar
with the symbols it reveals.
Rev. 5: P9: G:R: 8.78

Fill in the blanks below with the proper letters as shown in Figures 1a,
2a and Ja on the preceding page:

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

Now write the appropriate letters beneath the symbols shown below:

Write letters here ............................................................
Write letters here .............................................................
Write letters here .............................................................
Now decipher this:

Write letters here

Now decipher this:

o· ·r·
······Po · ·> ci (;_. ·j ·0 i:··i; i·················
Write letters here ............................................................

Now decipher the three words given in the Special Instruction at the end
of the Third Revelation. Write your name or whatever you choose, in order to
practice the use of this cipher but destroy your notes when you have completed
your study. Keep this key private. Shortly you will receive the first of the
Third Degree Pass-Words.

Your next Mayan Revelation quotes seven persons of world renown who believe in
these teachings and then, for good measure, quotes seven more. These fourteen
persons include famous writers, inventors, world-famous psychologists and
scientists who show their agreement and belief in these truths. Some of the
Chapter and Subject Headings are: "You - the Greetest Wonder of the World",
"What Your Mind is Doing For You", "Statements on Mind", "Intuition, Prodigies
and Geniu6e6", "ln5tinct" and "Your Possibilities".
~ ~
Rev. 5 : P10 : G:.tt: 8 • 78

Review This Lesson Several Times

Nightly Program: Perform Exercise Number One before retiring and Exercise Number
Five after retiring. (Lesson No. 2 and Lesson No. 4.)
1st. Attach to this page your copies of Figures Number One and Two with the two
divisions of each filled in as this lesson directs.
2nd. State your success with the four demonstrations:
The First Demonstration ...................................................
The Second Demonstration ..................................................
The Third Demonstration ••••••••••••••.••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
The Fourth Demonstration ..................................................
Have you had any further experience to report? ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
3rd. Do you feel that you "~receiving" your desires? ••••••••••••••••••••••••

4th. Do you understand how teaching others Mayan principles such as you have re-
ceived, will result in you learning them more thoroughly? ••••••••••••••••••
And thereby receiving greater benefits for yourself? •••••••••••••••••••••••
5th. Do you believe that there is truth in the statement: 11 Give and you will
Receive?'' .................................................................. .

6th. Write this word in The Mayan Cipher, "PYRAMID" ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••


NAME .........................................................................
ADDRESS .........................................................................
CITY • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • STATE • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ZIP ••••••••••

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