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SAN ANTONIO, Number 15
Copyright l937"by The Mayans
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Rev. 15: Pl: G:n: 10.78

Jrd Degree Number. 15




g. HE ENGLISH word, Technic, is derived from the Greek 11 tekein 11 meaning to

produce; embracing the method of performance and manipulation pertaining
to a useful art- i.e., expression.
The Latin "humanus - homo" from which the English word "human" originates,
signifies a human being, a sentient being, in a word, man. In this present work,
Human Technic offers you a plan, a method, a scientific means based upon the laws
of the oldest known principles for complete self-expression which at once becomes
the way t~ self-mastery realization.

Self-expression implies individuality and, as individuality is character,

it also implies self-knowledge, for character is also destiny. It is true, your
personality is often what you appear to be so far as others are concerned but your
individuality, your character, is what you actually are. Therefore, when you have
the key to your character, you have the key to destiny - you can create a life of
your own choosing, expressing the nature with which you are endowed through the
cultivation of the traits that will enhance your opportunities for health, happiness
and success, the heritage of every man, woman and child.
At the moment of your birth, you arrived under a certain set of vibrations
which were the result of combinations of ethereal forces existing at the time. It
may have been that you were born in the cold Winter time or in the balmy Spring
time or during the time when the fierce hot sun of the Summer time. sent its scorch-
ing rays on the already created life or even when the Autumn brought the red, brown
and other gay colorings to Nature.
You may have arrived at night or the early morning hours, at high noon
or during the afternoon hours. Even the place and the year come in for their share
of credit for contributing something to your general make-up.
There is nothing in this great universe that just happens. Every thing
is controlled by a Law. And for everything under the sun, there is a proper time.
Even events, large or small, are controlled by this same unbending and unchanging
Law - the law of cycles. Your own birth was an event and did not just happen but
was controlled and presided over by the great cosmic law.

You may have wondered many times just why you were born of certain parents.
You may have bemoaned your fate, considered yourself less fortunate, less qualified
than others whom you know. You may have wondered why you were born poor, if such
was the case, why you did not have the same advantages, social, educational and en-
vironmental as some of your acquaintances.

Such statements as 11 I wish I had been born rich instead of so good looking",
Rev. 15: P2: _J.78

- "I never had the proper opportunityn, and many others of like import, are the
direct result of a lack of understanding of the fundamental principles of life.
Modern science is proving daily that at least seventy-five percent of all
the failures of life are the result of improper environment; that is, too many men
and women are occupying positions or following vocations for which they are wholly
There are many men trying to sell merchandise who would be far better off
as hotel clerks. Many a man has gone through a medical college and obtained his M.D.
degree, only to discover too late that he was not "cut out" to be a doctor. Such
illustrations can be truthfully drawn from every walk of life. In every city, state,
hamlet or village, it is an easy matter to find the misfits; in fact, they would seem
to be in the majority - if we consider that false standard of success which is mea-
sured in the figures of a bank account.

But let us examine the matter more closely. How many persons do you really
know with whom you would exchange your life for theirs? There are men and women
possessing wealth who would gladly give that wealth for health. They go here and
there, trying this cure and that, and finally give up in despair. All their earthly
possessions cannot buy that priceless heritage - health. Happiness is another heri-
tage that cannot be purchased with money. If money were the true standard by which
to measure success, health or happiness, then those who possess the most of earth's
wealth would be the happiest and healthiest. But in the Great Cosmic Plan there
are more precious possessions than gold or silver. A sterling character is to be
prized beyond a few paltry dollars. A healthy body is of far more value than a "man-
sion on the Hudson". The love and esteem of husband, wife, children and fellowmen
is to be coveted beyond the attainment of a score of houses, lots and land. Noble
and spiritual aspirations build a never-dying estate - one that increases in value
as time goes on.
The bank in which your money is kept may fail tonight, taking with it in
its failure all you possess; fire may sweep away all your houses and other earthly
acquisitions; thieves may steal your jewels, your most valuable heirlooms, and that
which men call death may rob you of those you love best. So that which you supposed
was yours was not yours in any real sense of the word. You were merely the custo-
dian or the keeper of it. That which is yours by Divine Right cannot be taken away
from you. Because these very possessions in question were not yours; they could be
taken from you and, because man imagines these same possessions to be his, he is
quick to blame God for his misfortune(?). In his blind reasoning, he cannot see
the justice of having fortune taken from him. God is no respecter of persons. He
makes the sun to shine on the just and the unjust.
T MIGHT SEEM from the foregoing paragraphs that the writer holds it to be a
§ wrong- a curse - to possess money or worldly gain, or that to be happy,
healthy and successful one must stifle ambition and drift aimlessly along,
accepting whatever comes our way. Such is the farthest from the purpose of
this work. These points are brought up merely to show that, no matter what
your station in life may be, no matter what conditions you have to meet, no matter
how gloomy the future may look, there is not only hope for you, but full self-expres-
sion, the greatest success that can possibly come to any man. Further, it is to show
you that, after all, you may be wealthier by a hundredfold than those very persons
whom you have been considering fortunate or lucky.
Rev. 15: PJ:_ • .dc 10.78

Over four thousand years ago a Master taught: "Before saying of a man
that he is fortunate or unfortunate, thou must know the use to which he has put his
will; for every man creates his life in the image of his works."

Here is summed up in a f'ew words the key to the whole situation, 11 thou must
know the use to which he has put his will." Too many people wish and wonder -wish
for the things enjoyed by others, wondering when they will be enabled to have them.
There is no use looking for your ship to come in unless you have sent one out, for
everyone creates his life in the image of his works. Acquisition, in all it implies,
is your heritage; lack of it shows a lack of the understanding of the most important,
as well as the greatest thing in the world, "Know Thyself."

Since all things are governed by and are the result of some law, then it
logically follows that as you live in harmony or in discord with this same law, you
Cire eiLher for·LunCiLe or unf'ortunate.

You live in harmony or discord, according to your actions and reactions to

the vibrations of force or energy reaching you from without.

T HAS BEEN truly said, "On earth there is nothing great but man; in man there

§ is nothing great but MIND." As there can be no act or deed without thought,
thought must of necessity precede action. And remember, the Mind, or brain,
as commonly accepted, is not the originator of thought any more than the eye
is the originator of light. Neither is action dependent upon voluntary
thought, for science has proved that at least seventy-five percent of man's thinking
io dono by the subconscious Mind, or that which lies just below (sub, meaning under)
the threshold of the conscious or waking Mind. Therefore, when you can control your
thinking, you control your moods; and in controlling your moods, you control your ac-
tions which in turn mold your enviTonment, "f'or every man creates his lif'e in the
image of his works."

Many persons go through life wanting "something", but not really knowing
just what they do want. Is it any wonder that they do not realize their desires?
They are aimlessly drifting along with the current, not realizing that within them
is the scepter of power - the Key to Health, Happiness and Success. Chance plays no
part in the destiny which is yours.

When you were born, the etheric vibrations existing at the time impressed
upon you their nature and quality, causing you to partake in varying degrees of the
intensity and quality of these vibrations.

They nefinitely established well organized centers of' energy in what is

known as the Astral body. The particular vibrations of which you partook definitely
established you as an entity, an individual different from your brothers and sisters.
You were branded or trade-marked in much the same manner in which the manufacturer
places his trade-mark on his manufactured product.

This astral body received these vibratory impressions much as the music from
a violin or an orchestra is received and transmitted to the sensitive disc of a phono-
graph, each note and tone intact. The Astral Body, therefore, is a complex organiza-
tion of astral substance, having been so formed and organized by the particular etheric
Rev. 15: P4: G:H:, lO.JS

energy existing at the exact moment of your birth.

The physical body of an entity- mineral, vegetable, animal or man - is an

exact reproduction of the astral insofar as the life processes can command the mater-
ials with which to make the reproduction complete. So far as your environment will
permit, you express in your physical form and function the result of the vibrations
which set up and put in motion the organized centers of energy in your astral cons-

Therefore, each new experience is adding new modes of motion to those already
existing in the astral form, tending to produce changes in that form which later re-
act upon the physical. Of all experiences the most potent to cause quick changes in
the astral form are thoughts and emotions.
The physical body is not only an external cloak or covering conforming very
closely to the astral but, through the action of the Law of Affinity - the law which
teaches that like attracts like - each organized center of energy in the astral form
is a magnetic center which tends to attract to the individual an environment of like
harmony. Every discordant vibration within the astral form tends to attract a con-
dition or environment of similar discordant intensity.
Thus, it can be seen at once that the external side of life in an indivi-
dual, in all its minutest details, is largely influenced from and determined by the
various centers of energy in the astral form. It also becomes apparent that the
most effectual method of altering one's life in any manner is dependent upon the
altering and changing of the astral form.

~HE PARTICULAR NATURE of the vibrations which you received at birth determine
lJ'~ the qualities you possess and the degree of intensity. It also shows those
you lack. These qualities are but the instruments or tools by which you
may shape your character according to your own choosing - in harmony with
the law that brought them into existence.

The aspirant to self-mastery is not one who continually complains be-

cause he has been given a bass drum rather than a cornet, for every instrument is
necessary in the grand symphony of life, of which you surely are a part.
The very qualities you possess are as necessary to you as the qualities
possessed by another are to him. You must ever bear in mind that even the physical
universe is composed of atomic elements, and that the difference between ~ physi-
cal object and another is the number and method of combinations of the etheral
vibrations composing these atomic elements. So your physical body differs from that
of another in the number of atoms, and in the peculiar manner in which they have
become united through the resultant vibrations set in motion within the organized
centers of the astral form.

If a man lack~ iron in his body, he will be deficient in energy because it

is the iron that enables the red corpuscles of the blood to absorb oxygen from the
air and carry it to all the life streams of the body. By the quantity of iron
present in the body, is determined the amount of oxygen that is absorbed and util-
ized. When the system is deprived of oxygen, there is no combustion and its
Rev. 15; P5:~: H: 10.78

accompanying action. So, without aggressiveness within the astral form, there is a
complete smothering of life, all growth, all activity. Aggressiveness which manifests
as ambition, desire for power, fame or honor is dependent upon iron in the constitu-
tion to attract oxygen. But it will do you no good to take saw filings in a teaspoon,
thinking thereby that you can increase the amount of iron in your body to make up a
deficiency of rich red blood, nor will it help you if you are timid to merely tell
you to be courageous and fearless.
You must receive the needed iron in your physical food, and the aggressive
elements necessary for courage and ambition in your mental food. And if you are to
materially benefit by them, they must be in such a form and manner as to be readily
assimilated. If this were not true we would not have the fat, the slim, the short
and the tall people who eat the same kind of food, drink the same kind of water and
breathe the same kind of air.
In the organized centers of energy within the astral body is situated the
storehouse of vast potential energy. Even as vegetation of all kinds stores up the
energy of the sun, so does the astral body store up the energy which comes from ex-
perience; each experience contributing something, either a harmonious or discordant
nature to the sum total.
Nor does the size or the form determine or even serve as an index to the
amount of energy contained, for in vegetation, some varieties of immense size con-
tain very little heat which is in all cases convertible energy, while others of less
size contain a great deal more.
A lump of coal, for instance, possesses a tremendous amount of stored-up
energy - easily available, while that which is stored up in a half-formed peat bog
is practically useless. So it is with you. The energy which is stored up may be
a large amount or it may be a small amount; it may be easily available or stored up
under such conditions as to make it almost useless.

~ROM THE ANCIENT Masters comes this priceless doctrine expounded in the
U~ following lucid terms, 11 If I have manna in my constitution, I can at-
~ tract manna from heaven. n Let us go further with this and say, "If I
have gold in my constitution, I can attract gold from heaven; if I
have songs in my constitution, I can attract songs from heaven."
So, whatever you have in your constitution, as shown by the vibrations
you received at birth, can be attracted to you from the sky, the earth or the per-
sons of your environment - and gold exists in many, many forms. Therefore, you
came here endowed with certain qualities while others were withheld from you.
You possess certain implements with which to attract, construct and mold
a career of your own choosing. And remember this: there is enough energy stored
up in the astral body of any person to make life a glorious success, but in many
instances it is not easily available.
Success or failure, health or disease, wealth or poverty are by no means
the result of chance. Each is the direct result of definite, well-organized centers
of energy existing in the astral form, attractiag corresponding conditions from
Rev. 15: P6: G:H: 10.78

without. So to attract gold, gold must be present - to attract songs, songs must be
The vibrations of gold surely attract gold; the vibrations of songs attract
songs; the vibrations o1· health attract health; the vibrations of disease attract
disease. So if the things to be attracted are deficient or lacking in the spiritual
constitution, there must be some way or plan whereby they can be taken into the spi-
ritual form, and in such quantities and manner as to be utilized.

Of course, no one wants to willingly or consciously attract to himself dis-

ease. Yet, as I have already shown, like attracts like. Therefore, in order to
attract health and repel disease, health must first be present in the astral form -
and health, happiness and success must be attracted by working in harmony with the
law that brought all these vibrations into existence.

In the erection of Life's greatest Structures, there is not heard the sound
of axe, hammer or any tool of iron. The materials must be brought together from
sundry quarries, mines and forests. They must be chosen with great care, prepared
and made ready for the Master Workman. The designs on the Trestle Board are exact.
There can be no deviation from those plans if the edifice is to form a beautiful,
perfect and complete whole; yet, the materials from whence this structure will
derive figure, strength and beauty are vastly different from those materials which
compose the ordinary, commonplace, transitory structure.
The materials of life's greatest structures are mined from the hidden
forces of Nature - quarried from the everyday experiences of life - hewn out of the
forests of humanity- in conduct and action towards one's fellowman •


r OWLEDGE IS THE ROAD, the highway over which these v~rious materials must be
brought to the Temple site. Man's only progression, here or hereafter,
is founded on knowledge. Only by it can be subjugate and master his
external environment or enjoy its manifold opportunities. The man who
is ignorant of the laws of acquisition and concentration remains in
poverty. Likewise, he who is ignorant of spiritual laws will never succeed in erect-
ing an enduring structure. Only through the knowledge of laws governing spiritual
powers can man mold a spiritual environment and enjoy to the fullest, while yet on
earth, the fruits of his labor expended on the construction of such an edifice. Ig-
norant of the fact that he is a spiritual body - a spark of Deity - and the laws
governing him as a spirit, he contracts moral maladies that cling to him even beyond
the tomb.

If he is ignorant and fails to perceive the way of acqu1r1ng spiritual

attributes, he not only misses the best treasures of this life, but passes on to the
next plane, a spiritual pauper.
Nature has provided man with every implement and instrument needed for the
erection of his Temple. She has concealed, in her innermost recesses, every power
and force needed to enable man to raise himself in the concentric spheres of the
Absolute. Those sacred precincts can be invaded only after due preparation, and in
Rev. 15: P7: u:H: 10.78

full compliance with and resignation to the laws governing them.

The Grand Architect has provided a fully-equipped workshop, an efficient-

ly designed laboratory, where all operations can be systematically carried on to
Knowledge, as has been stated, becomes at once the Path, the Road that
must be used constantly as man progresses to the final completion of his work, but
what constitutes knowledge must be first understood before it can be utilized.

Therefore, if man would find the priceless materials, the greatest of which
is TRUTH, for his everlasting edifice, he must have the courage to seek. He must be
willing to lay aside all preconceived ideas and dogmatic opinions with which Truth
has been clothed by an artificial civilization, - for Truth can be perceived and
recognized only when stripped of such. He constantly must make use of and cultivate
his two most important faculties - reason and intuition. One cannot be separated
from the other; cold reason alone leads to blind credulity and intuition alone leads
to wild fanaticism. If man uses only reason, he recognizes and observes but half
the truth, that of the outer or exoteric. Therefore, by wedding reason and intui-
tion, man is enabled to observe the whole truth, the esoteric or inner, and the
exoteric or outer.
They will safely carry the discerning soul through a swamp of muddled
thoughts and land that evolving soul on the shining sands of truly spiritual power.

Knowledge also becomes the touchstone by which the various dross - raw
materials - are as if by magic converted into smooth, polished and well-fitting

Life's Greatest Structures are Mystical Temples - made ready for the in-
dwelling of Eternal Spirit. They are erected in the midst of a Kingdom not dis-
earnable to the physical eye - where the King reigns supreme - where man may enjoy
all the emoluments of a fourth dimensional plane while yet in a three dimensional
world. He who can erect such a structure becomes a truly spiritual giant, wielding
the scepter of power for good, bursting the fetters that have chained humanity to
lifeless opinions forced upon a benighted world. For them, the Sun of Divine Truth
shines brightly, lighting the pathway which has been marked with milestones placed
throughout the ages by Elder Brethren who have long since taken their abode in the
White City of the Central Sun.

In every worthwhile undertaking, there must be a proper starting point -

a clear, definite plan of action based upon as complete an understanding as it is
possible to obtain regarding the task at hand.
Therefore, the prime requisite for success in any undertaking, great or
small, is adequate knowledge. The best, as well as the most certain.results in
any line of endeavor will be attained only by him who can clearly comprehend all
the various factors, elements and principles which are involved in such undertak-
ing. Then, after becoming familiar with the methods of performance and manipula-
tion, and reaching a decision on some definite aim, he must carefulJy, patiently
and skillfully plan a course of action; persistently adhering to it in the face of
all seeming obstacles, pausing only to make adaptations necessary to meet changing
conditions, or as the voice of matured experience dictates.
Rev. 15: P8: G:H: 10.78

HETHER YOU ARE a builder or skyscrapers, bridges or railroads; whether you

are a bookkeeper, stenographer, clerk or housewife, your success in any
of these undertakings depends upon your willingness to START - your
WILLINGNESS to TRY, AND, upon your willingness to KEEP ON. DO that,
and keep on DOING, accept the instructions available to you and USE
them in your living, and NOTHING, NOT ANY THING, can keep you from winning what you
No one will deny that self-culture is an object of the highest import-
ance to man. External elements are of value only when there is an inner capacity
to appreciate them. Nothing is of value to that which has no consciousness. On
the other hand, some creatures have a consciousness for one thing, some for another.
What good would it do to put a piece of gold money before a hungry dog or horse and
tell him to buy food? Neither has any consciousness for money. But put a plate of
warm food in front of the dog, and oats, corn and hay in front of the horse and each
immediately is conscious of what it is, as well as its purpose.

1 So it is with man. One man is conscious of one thing and another man is
wholly unconscious of the same thing. That of which you are not conscious does not
exist so far as you are concerned. Consciousness then is the ability to express,
and the only difference between one man and another so far as externals are con-
sidered, is the ability to express.
Your ability to express is governed ~ your ability to attract and absorb.
You can give or express only in the proportion you are enabled to receive. Neither
can you give or express anything you are not capable of receiving. You can attract
that, and only that which you oan discern or perceive. Nor can you adju5t your5elf
to planes or things of which you are unconscious. You can adjust yourself only to
the things of which you are conscious.
This is true on all planes of existence and every department of life -
physical, mental, moral and spiritual.

It is also true that the things of which men are conscious are viewed by
each in a totally different light. What is wealth to one may be sneered at by an-
other. What may be a pleasure to one may prove very boresome to another. What is
evil or wrong in the eyes of one person seems quite all right in the eyes of
another. Even the same event happening to two different persons is considered
from opposite viewpoints and, consequently, has a totally different effect on each.

The rain causes one man to get down on his knees and give thanks because
it benefits his growing crops. Another man complains because the same rain has
spoiled a day's outing for him. To the one it is a blessing; to the other a curse.
To the one it brought a harmonious condition; to the other a discordant condition.
It is not the events that happen that affect you, but your mental attitude toward
those events.

But here is where you are apt to mistake the appearance for the real. For
so many things upon which a man may set his heart are NOT THE REAL THINGS of life
but only the appearance.

Every event, every experience of life, from the cradle to the grave, is
composed of two parts - the REAL and the SEEMING. And in every instance it is
Rev. 15: P9.:'G:.tU 10.78

possible to divide the real from the seeming and view either without any considera-
tion for the other. But the trouble is that the vast majority of people preserve
only the seeming and discard, through complaining, the part of real value. Conse-
quently, their possessions vanish or fail to come into objective realization.
Remember, you will attract thaL which you are capable of di;:;cerning.
Every experience will be harmonious or discordant in exactly the proportion
that it affects you mentally !
Knowledge then, is not only NECESSARY, but VITAL if the events and experi-
ences of life are to be viewed in their proper light. It will enable you to enlarge
your capacity of discernment by which you may adjust yourself to any and all condi-
So, no matter what kind of a structure you are attempting to erect, there are
certain laws that cannot be transgressed without penalty! And the implements and the
tools which Nature has placed in your hands may be used constructively or destructive-
ly. Man should not deplore the lack of opportunity or a lack of material possessions.
The Universal Mother knows exactly what tools are best for each to have. And, if we
do our part in using the secret powers she has endowed us with; study her plans
minutely, then we cannot fail to achieve a glorious success. Therefore, laying aside
all preconceived ideas and theories, let us approach the Master Workman and find out
exactly what designs have been placed on the Trestle Board for us.
Let us lay a solid foundation, anchoring it securely to the precepts of
TRUTH. Let us study the plan for our edifice carefully, and accept the tools and
implements given us with which to start our work, knowing the tools we will use in
laying the foundation are not the eame onee ueed in the euper-~:>tructure. For a5 ::>oon
as we are ready, as soon as we have completed the task with the tools given us for
that task, they will be exchanged for those to be used in the furtherance of the

Do not think because you have reached a certain age in life that the "game"
is not worth playing - or you started in too late. Clear away all the debris and
rubbis~ and know that every experience in your life so far can be utilized as build-
ing stones - in an enduring edifice. The knowledge gained from those experiences
can be combined in producing a royal road over which you may travel the balance of
your journey through this Cycle of Necessity. And Knowledge does not come without
contrast - without comparison.
You could never know 11 sweet11 unless you had also known of its opposite,
"sour". You could not appreciate good without knowing, comparing it with its oppo-
site, evil. And in order for this knowledge to be applicable contact was impera-
tive, for contact with a thing brings a consciousness in man. Man is the highest
placed of all relative beings. He possesses an intellect which he is capable of
expanding, even unto the realms of the Absolute. By the use of his intellect and
expanding consciousness MAN DOMINATES ALL OTHER FORMS OF LIFE!


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