Dividend Policy and Firm Performance: A Study of Listed Firms On National Stock Exchange

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International Journal of Advanced Educational Research

International Journal of Advanced Educational Research

ISSN: 2455-6157
Impact Factor: RJIF 5.12
Volume 3; Issue 1; January 2018; Page No. 286-289

Dividend policy and firm performance: A study of listed firms on national stock exchange
Dr. Megha Narang
IMSAR, Maharshi Dayanand University, Rohtak, Haryana, India

This study basically investigates the relationship between the financial performance and dividend payout among listed firms in
NSE. The annual reports for the period 2012-2017 were utilized as the main source of data collection for the 20 sampled firms.
The correlation and regression analysis method was employed as a statistical technique for analyzing the data collected. The results
of the study provide evidence that the dividend policy measures are not significantly correlated with earnings per share, price
earnings ratio and dividend payout as dividend policy, return on equity and return on assets as firm performance measures.

Keywords: firm performance, returns on equity, return on assets, dividend policy, dividend payout, earnings per share, price
earnings ratio

Introduction one of the sources of income in such circumstances; each

In Indian economy, privatization, liberalization, and company is forced to operate with high efficiency in order to
globalization together with rapid strides of information maintain the quality and capability of competing to raise a net
technology, have acquired serious rivalry in all fields of income with the best result. Therefore, a company determines
business. This has made Indian firms confused, apprehensive, dividends policy to look forward the profit gained that will be
dazed, and anxious. To survive the competition, firms need to allocated into two components: dividends and retained
increase their value. Finance managers have to settle on basic earnings.
business and budgetary choices that will meet their goal of If the market believes that the change is just a rearrangement
expanding shareholders’ wealth and firm’s value. Hence, of dividends through time, then the impact will be small. The
profit assumes an imperative position. Profit being the main reaction to the information contained in dividend changes is
economic drive for firms, can be attributed to two main called the information content effect. This is particularly
destinations: it can be held in the firm to be used for its future critical in the case of firm performance, one of the most
growth, or can be distributed to shareholders. This distribution relevant constructs in the field. Firm performance is a relevant
can be done in the form of dividends or through repurchasing construct in strategic management research and frequently
circulating shares. Thus, firms need to create a dividend policy used as a dependent variable. The concept of firm
in order to determine whether or not to pay dividends and performance needs to be distinguished from the broader
how. construct of organizational effectiveness.
Dividend Policy has attracted great interest over the past
decade. The widely held view that dividend policy has an Review of Literature
impact on the firm performance has led to increasing global Rozeff (1982) is one of the first to propose a role for
attention. Investment activity is an activity faced with various dividends in reducing agency-related losses, substituting for
risks and uncertainty condition which is mostly difficult to other bonding and auditing costs incurred by the firm. He
predict by investors. There is much information, not only finds that ownership concentration is negatively related to
achieved from the performance of the company, but also other payout, which is consistent with the argument that greater
relevant information, such as economic condition and the insider concentration results in better monitoring thus
political situation in a country which are needed by investors reducing the need to pay dividends.
to reduce the risks rate and any uncertainty that possibly Olimalade & Adewumi (1987) [27], it is seen as cash flows that
appears. Information which is achieved from a company is accrue to equity investors. That is a form of return to
commonly based on the company’s performance, reflected shareholders on their investment, and the aim is to increase
from the financial report. Based on the report, investors could their confidence in the future of the company in which they
understand the company’s performance and its capability to have invested. Dividends are compensatory distribution to
raise profits. equity shareholders for both time and investment risks
Dividend represents a distribution of earnings to the undertaken. Such distributions are usually net of tax and
shareholders of a company that are usually declared at Annual obligatory payments under debt capital and they represent a
General Meetings and paid to shareholders of record. depletion of cash assets of the company.
Generally, the main purpose of investors when investing their Kale and Noe (1990) in a related study opined that a firm’s
assets is to search for income or the rate of return. Dividend is dividend basically indicates the stability of the firm’s future

International Journal of Advanced Educational Research

cash flows. A review of related prior studies shows further constructed from the financial statements of 16 commercial
that the main factors that influence a firm’s dividend decisions banks in Ghana for a period of 5 years, from 1999-2003.
include cash flow considerations, investment returns, after tax These financial statements were obtained from the Banking
earnings, liquidity, future earnings, past dividend practices, Supervision department of Bank of Ghana. STATA was used
inflation, interest, legal requirements and the future growth for the data analysis. Indicate that banks pay dividend increase
projection. Dividends are compensatory distribution to equity their performance. Generally, the result is shown that dividend
shareholders for both time and investment risks undertaken. policy has an effect on firm value.
Such distributions are usually net of tax. Uwalomwa, Jimoh and Anijesushola (2012) investigated the
Alii, Khan, and Ramirez, (1993) [2] Examined that the relationship between the financial performance and dividend
relationship between expected price-to-book ratio, dividend payout among listed firms’ in Nigeria. Variables are
per share, dividend payout ratio, systematic and unsystematic ownership structure, size of firms and the dividend payouts.
risks. The sample includes the non-financial firms in the The period 2006-2010 was utilized as the main source of data
DJIA, the period 1997-2006. The result show, the variations in collection for the 50 sampled firms. Find out that there is a
price-to-book ratios, systematic and unsystematic risks are not significant positive association between the performances of
due to dividends per share. Then, the relationships between firms and the dividend payout of the sampled firms in Nigeria.
expected price-to-book ratio and dividend payout ratios are Additionally revealed that ownership structure and firm’s size
intrinsically nonlinear. Finally, the expected dividend payout has a significant impact of the dividend payout of firms too.
ratios can be used efficiently for signaling purposes as well as
a proxy for measuring the agency problem. Research Methodology
Arnott & Asness (2003) pointed the positive relationship Objectives of the Study
between dividend payout and growth in future earnings is that The following objectives are taken for the study.
managers are reluctant to cut dividends. A high payout ratio 1. To determine the relationship between firm performance
indicates management’s confidence in the stability and growth and dividend policy for manufacturing companies listed on
of future earnings and a low payout ratio suggests that NSE.
management is not confident of the stability of earnings or 2. To determine the impact of firm performance on dividend
sustainability of earnings growth. Managers therefore pay low policy of manufacturing companies listed on NSE.
dividends to avoid dividend cuts when earnings drop.
Luis Correia da Silva, Marc Goergen, and Luc Renneboog Development of Hypotheses
(2004) pointed that Dividend policy and other corporate The hypotheses to be tested in this study are stated below in
governance mechanisms are interacted. First, the conventional their null form:
wisdom, which states that German dividends are lower than H1: There is no significant relationship between the financial
UK or US dividends, is not necessarily upheld as on a performance and dividend payout of listed firms in
published profits basis; the exact converse is true. Second, Nigeria.
dividends in the UK and US are relatively smooth as they are H2: There is no significant relationship between firm size and
characterized by frequent, but small changes, whereas the dividend payout of listed firms in Nigeria.
dividends in Germany show less frequent, but larger changes.
Third, link between corporate control and dividend payouts. Data Collection
Fourth, evidence existence of a loss is an additional Data on dividend policy and firm performances were collected
determinant of dividend changes. Finally, results have from secondary sources as Annual reports of the 20
important implications for the current debate on the best manufacturing companies, national stock exchange
corporate governance system. publications and URL of the national stock exchange for the
Amidu (2007) revealed that dividend policy affects firm period of 2012 to 2017.
performance as measured by its profitability. The results
showed a positive and significant relationship between return Mode of Analysis
on assets, return on equity, growth in sales and dividend The following Dividend Payout Ratios and firm performance
policy. ratios are taken into accounts which are given below.
Oskar, Ivan, Oleksandr, Diw (2007) Investigated that two
perspectives. First, explore the determinants of the dividend Table 1
policy in Poland. Second, test whether corporate governance Dividend payout ratios
practices determine the dividend policy in the non-financial Earnings Per Share Net Income / Total Number of Capital
companies listed on Warsaw Stock Exchange. The findings Price to Earnings Ratio Market Price per Share / Earnings per Share
are based on the period 1998-2004. Quantitative measures on Dividend Payout Ratio Total Dividends / Total Net Earnings x 100%
the quality of the corporate governance for 110 non-financial Firm performance
listed companies. These results suggest that dividends may Return on Asset Return / Total Asset X 100
signal the severity of conflicts between controlling owners and Profit after interest & tax / Equity capital X
Return on Equity
minority shareholders. Those dividends in Poland have less of 100
a signaling role than in the developed capital markets.
Samuel Kwaku Agyei, Edward Marfo-Yiadom (2011) Table 2: Calculations of Dividend Policy Ratios and Firm
examined the relationship between dividend policy and Performance Ratios.
performance of banks in Ghana. The study used panel data Multiple regression analysis was performed to investigate the

International Journal of Advanced Educational Research

impact of Dividend Policy Ratios on Firm Performance which ROA=ᾶ + β1 EPS+ β2P/E + β3DPOR + ε…………... (1)
the model used for the study is given below. Firm ROE = ᾶ + β1 EPS+ β2P/E + β3DPOR + ε…………... (2)
Performance = f (ROA; and ROE) It is important to note that Where,ᾶ, is constant, β1, β2, β3& β4 are coefficients of
the firm performance depend upon Earnings Per Share (EPS), variables,, is error term.
Price to Earnings Ratio(P/E), Dividend Payout Ratio (DPOR).
Since two Firm Performance Ratios Return on Asset (ROA) Analysis and Interpretation
and Return on Equity (ROE). The following two models are Correlation analysis was carried out to find out the
formulated to measure the impact of Dividend Policy Ratios relationship between determinants of dividend policy and the
on firm performance is as follows. measures of firm performance.
Table 2: Correlations matrix
dividend payout ratio Earning per share price Earning ratio return on assets return on equity
Pearson Correlation 1 -.434 .127 -.474 .342
Dividend payout ratio Sig. (2-tailed) .465 .839 .420 .574

Pearson Correlation 1 .082 .002 .387

Earnings per share Sig. (2-tailed) .895 .998 .520

Pearson Correlation 1 -.319 .555

Price earnings ratio Sig. (2-tailed) .601 .332

Pearson Correlation 1 .087

Return on assets Sig. (2-tailed) .890

Pearson Correlation 1
Return on equity Sig. (2-tailed)

According to the correlation in table 1 shows that the firm decisions it means companies are still not properly practiced
performance such as return on equity, return on assets, are not dividend policy guidelines.
significantly correlated with dividend pay out ratio, earning The regression analysis was performed to recognize the
per share and price earnings ratio as the measures of dividend impact of firm performance on dividend policy.
Table 3: Model Summary
Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the Estimate
1. ROA .652a .424 -1.302 7.23877
2. ROE .809b .654 -.383 2.3814
a. Predictors: (Constant), price earnings ratio, earning per share, dividend payout ratio

The specification of the three variables is price earnings ratio, Remaining 57.6% and 34.6 % of the variance in firm
earning per share and dividend payout in the model revealed performance and dividend policy is related to other variable
the ability to predict dividend policy and firm performance. R which is not explained, because they are not depicted in the
square value of. 424 and. 654 which are in the model denote model. R square values of 42.4% and 65.4% indicate that
that 42.4% and 65.4 % of the observed variability in firm there may be number of variables which can have an impact
performance and dividend policy can be explained by the on firm performance and dividend policy that needed to be
differences in both the independent variables namely earning studied.
per share, price earnings ratio and dividend payout ratio.
Table 4: Coefficients for Predictors of Dividend Policy
Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized Coefficients
Model T Sig.
B Std. Error Beta
(Constant) 53.403 -9.578 38.054 12.519 1.403 -.765 .394 .584
dividend payout ratio -.499 .189 .706 .232 -.605 .540 -.707 .814 .608 .565
Earnings per share -.256 .256 .879 .289 -.248 .585 -.291 .886 .819 .538
price earnings ratio -1.455 .994 4.135 1.360 -.272 .438 -.352 .731 .785 .598
a. Dependent Variable: return on assets,
b. Dependent Variable: return on equity

The results of the regression analysis in table show that the dividend payout ratio and price earnings ratio is not
coefficient for all three variables such as earnings per share, significant. Further t values for three variables of dividend

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