Growth, Yield and Quality of Chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum Morifolium Ramat.) Cv. Raja As Influenced by Int...
Growth, Yield and Quality of Chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum Morifolium Ramat.) Cv. Raja As Influenced by Int...
Growth, Yield and Quality of Chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum Morifolium Ramat.) Cv. Raja As Influenced by Int...
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Growth, yield and quality of chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum morifolium Ramat.) Cv. Raja as
influenced by integrated nutrient management*
Department of Horticulture
University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad - 580 005, Karnataka, India
(Received: July, 2010)
Abstract: The treatment receiving Azospirillum, Phosphate Solubilising Bacteria (PSB), vermicompost and 50 per cent
recommended NPK (T8) recorded the highest plant height, number of branches, plant spread, dry matter accumulation and
yield attributes such as number of flower plant-1 and flower yield. The same treatment (T8) registered significantly higher
quality parameters such as stalk length, flower diameter, shelf life of garland flowers. The economics analysis clearly indicated
that net returns per hectare and B:C ratio was the highest in the plots treated with Azospirillum, PSB, vermicompost and 50
% recommended NPK (T8) (` 3,28,504 and 6.04 respectively) and these findings can be used in making chrysanthemum
production more profitable. The recommended Dose of Fertilizer (R.D.F.) was 150:100:100 kg N: P2O5:K2O per hectare.
Key words: Chrysanthemum, growth, flower yield, quality, economics, integrated nutrient management
* Part of M.Sc. (Agri.) thesis, submitted by the first author to the University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad - 580 005, India
Karnataka J. Agric. Sci.,24 (5) : 2011
Table 1. Effect of integrated nutrient management (INM) on growth attributes of chrysanthemum Cv. Raja at different stages of crop during
Kharif season of 2009
Treatment Plant height (in cm) Number of branches Plant spread (cm) Total dry weight
Days after transplanting (DAT) plant-1 Days after transplanting (DAT) of plants (g/plant)
30 60 90 120 30 60 90 120
Primary Secondary Days after
branches branches Transplanting
70 120
T1 13.76 28.73 40.43 58.93 19.67 21.97 6.98 10.93 22.77 31.83 10.26 39.96
T2 10.58 26.58 33.60 52.78 18.13 20.67 5.97 9.45 21.03 29.23 9.46 34.44
T3 11.03 26.73 39.47 55.37 18.60 21.33 6.64 10.39 22.73 31.33 9.51 39.67
T4 10.16 25.55 32.93 51.46 14.93 16.07 6.05 9.17 19.57 24.80 9.28 29.85
T5 14.01 28.96 41.20 60.86 19.93 22.23 7.23 11.16 23.67 32.33 11.30 40.26
T6 12.62 27.10 39.33 56.47 18.27 20.87 5.77 9.56 22.40 30.50 11.22 36.00
T7 13.46 27.59 36.27 54.13 16.80 18.27 6.87 10.30 21.73 27.73 10.99 35.15
T8 14.59 29.39 42.53 63.39 20.08 23.13 7.99 11.28 23.93 33.20 12.46 42.55
S.Em± 0.901 0.805 1.712 2.314 0.965 1.086 0.35 0.51 0.73 1.16 0.540 1.979
C.D. at 5% 2.734 2.440 5.192 7.020 2.928 3.295 1.07 1.56 2.23 3.52 1.638 6.002
T1 = 100% RDF + 100% FYM Azo - Azospirillum
T2 = VC equivalent 50% RD‘N’ + 50% RDF + 50% FYM PSB – Phosphate solubilising bacterium
T3 = Azo + VC equivalent 50% RD‘N’ + 50% RDF + 50% FYM VC – Vermicompost
T4 = Azo + 75% RD‘N’ + RD‘P’ and RD ‘K’ + 100% FYM FYM –Farm yard manure
T5 = PSB + VC equivalent 50% RD‘N’ + 50% RDF + 50% FYM RDF- Recommended dose of fertilizer (150:100:100 kg N:P2O5:K2Oha
T6 = PSB + 75% RD‘P’ + RD‘N’ and RD ‘K’ + 100% FYM INM - Integrated nutrient management
T7 = Azo + PSB + 50% RD‘N’ and ‘P’ + RD ‘K’ + 100% FYM DAT - Days after transplanting
T8 = Azo+ PSB + VC equivalent 50% RD‘N’ + 50% RDF + 50% FYM RD - Recommended dose
Table 2. Effect of integrated nutrient management (INM) on yield parameters and shelf life of chrysanthemum Cv. Raja at different stages of
crop during Kharif season of 2009
Treatment Flower yield plant-1 (g) Flower yield plot-1 (kg) Total flower yield (t ha-1) Shelf life in ambient condition (hr.)
T1 105.30 10.53 11.70 40.33
T2 72.48 7.24 8.05 44.67
T3 99.83 9.98 11.08 45.00
T4 70.03 7.00 7.78 41.00
T5 110.22 11.02 12.24 47.00
T6 82.42 8.24 9.15 42.00
T7 74.47 7.44 8.26 49.07
T8 118.15 11.81 13.12 51.53
S.Em± 3.238 0.571 0.680 1.405
C.D. at 5% 9.821 1.731 2.064 4.262
Table 3. Economics as influenced by integrated nutrient management (INM) in chrysanthemum Cv.Raja during Kharif season of 2009
Treatment Total cost of cultivation Flower yield Gross returns Net returns Benefit cost ratio
` ha - 1 t ha - 1 ` ha - 1 ` ha - 1
T1 62441 11.70 351000 288559 5.62
T2 64146 8.05 241500 177354 3.76
T3 64871 11.08 332400 267529 5.12
T4 62864 7.78 233400 170536 3.71
T5 64871 12.24 367200 302329 5.66
T6 62639 9.15 274500 211861 4.38
T7 61733 8.26 247800 186067 4.01
T8 65096 13.12 393600 328504 6.04
gibberellins type plant growth regulators is known to help in activity which might have augmented the plant growth. The
higher plant growth. Similar results of higher plant height due to positive effect of vermicompost on plant growth has been
combined application of Azospirillum, PSB and inorganic reported in China Aster (Nethra et al., 1999) and Golden Rod
fertilizers has been reported earlier in Crossandra ( Narsimha (Kusuma, 2001).
Raju and Haripriya, 2001) and in Dahlia (Warade et al., 2007). Data about yield are presented in Table 2. Total yield plant-1
Vermicompost is rich sources of micro and macro nutrients, Fe (118.15 g), plot-1 (11.81 kg) and hectare-1 (13.12 tonnes), were
and Zn might have enhanced the microflora and enzymatic significantly higher in T8 (Azo+ PSB + VC equivalent 50%
Growth, yield and quality of chrysanthemum......................
RD‘N’ + 50% RDF + 50% FYM) followed by (T5) yield plant-1 which might be due to the higher retention of water in the cells
(110.15 g), plot-1 (11.02 kg) and hectare -1 (12.24 tonnes) supplied of flowers and lower desiccation. Similar beneficial effects of
with (PSB + VC equivalent 50% RD‘N’ + 50% RDF + 50% FYM) bio-fertilizers and vermicompost on shelf life have been reported
over remaining treatments. This might be due to possible role of in marigold (Mashaldi, 2000).
Azospirillum through atmospheric nitrogen fixation, better root Data on economics of chrysanthemum flowers are presented
proliferation, uptake of nutrients and water. More photosynthesis in Table 3. Treatment combination of Azospirillum, PSB,
enhanced food accumulation which might have resulted in better vermicompost equivalent 50% RD‘N’, 50 per cent recommended
growth and subsequently higher number of flowers per plant and NPK and 50 per cent FYM (T8) has realized maximum net returns
hence, more number of flower yield per hectare. Similarly, ` 3,28504 per hectare with a benefit cost ratio of 1:6.04. Results
Chandrikapure et al. (1999) reported higher flower yield in have clearly showed that the cost of fertilizers can be saved with
marigold. The higher flower yield due to application of inoculation of both Azospirillum and PSB besides, obtaining
vermicompost has been reported in China Aster (Nethra et al., 1999 ; higher flower yield of chrysanthemum. Therefore, it may be
Chaitra and Patil, 2007) and marigold (Sunita et al., 2007). concluded that the use of Azospirillum, PSB , vermicompost
There was significant difference in shelf life of garland flowers equivalent 50% RD‘N’, 50 per cent FYM along with 50 per cent
as influenced by different treatments (Table 2). The maximum recommended nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium (T8) helped
shelf life (51.53 hrs.) of garland flowers was recorded in T8 (Azo+ in realizing better plant growth, higher flower yield and better
PSB + VC equivalent 50% RD‘N’ + 50% RDF + 50% FYM). quality flowers of chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum morifolium
Whereas, in treatment T1 (100 per cent RDF + 100 per cent FYM) Ramat.) Cv. Raja with higher benefit cost ratio under field
was noticed lower shelf life (40.33 hrs.) in ambient condition, condition.
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