World Ranking Events Manual 2018
World Ranking Events Manual 2018
World Ranking Events Manual 2018
2018 Edition
Foreword 3
1. Application and Allocation 4
2. World Ranking Events Basic Criteria 5
3. World Cup and WOC 5
4. Start lists 5
5. General Information and Invitation (Bulletin 1) 6
6. Website 6
7. IOF Eventor 6
8. Entries 7
9. Final Details (Bulletin 2) 7
10. Other Information 7
11. Model Event 7
12. Map 8
13. Embargo 8
14. Courses 9
15. Control Descriptions 10
16. Start 10
17. Control Set-up and Punching Device 11
18. Refreshments During the race 11
19. Finish and timekeeping 12
20. Results 12
21. Complaints 13
22. Protests 14
23. Jury 14
24. IOF Event Adviser 15
25. Controller 16
26. Reports 16
Appendix 1 – The Leibnitz Convention 18
Important changes made for the 2018 edition are denoted by a vertical line in the margin. Note
that this Manual was formerly referred to as the WRE Guidelines.
4. Start lists
• The start draw for each (Men and Women) elite course should be based on the World
Rankings as at a date determined by the organisers, which should be no more than 21 days
before the date of the race
• Ranking standings of a certain date can be downloaded from
• Should always be based on WRE ranking with a reversed start order where the best ranked
athletes start at the end of the start field
• Sometimes a Federation chooses its National Championships for a WRE. This is acceptable
provided that the event is truly “open”, in particular, that a “foreign” competitor is treated no
differently from a “home” competitor when the Start lists are drawn up
Variations to start lists
(i) Alternative start draw
• The start field may be divided into 3 or more groups, ranked in order based on WRE points.
Within each group, lots are drawn in order to decide the start order. The best ranked group is
at the end of the start field.
(ii) Where there is an Event with two or more consecutive WREs
• the second WRE start order may be based on the first WRE results. Athletes participating in
the second WRE only should be inserted into the start order in positions approximately based
on their existing World Ranking points.
Qualification races
6. Website
As a minimum, the WRE website should:-
• Be available in English
• contain all Bulletin information (see WRE Manual section 5 and the IOF Competition Rules
8.12) as and when it becomes available
• provide a secure method of paying for the event, either as an individual or as a group.
• contain relevant accommodation information, perhaps also including online booking for
• publish all race results as soon as possible after they are known; IOF Rules now state that
this must be on the day of the event.
7. IOF Eventor
The IOF Event Management Service IOF Eventor ( was launched in
December 2014. This service provides a single entry point for entries to IOF Events and World
Ranking Events (WREs), for start lists, competition information and results, as well as for rankings
and World Cup. IOF Eventor also serves as a register of Athletes and has the IOF Calendar with
events and details. IOF Eventor is the core of the whole World Ranking system where Athletes IDs
and World Ranking Results are administrated.
After the WRE application has been approved by IOF the Event page will be visible on the Event
Calendar. By default, the Federation that made the application has the ability to update the Event
information. The local organiser and the Federation should agree on who will make the updates in IOF
Eventor. Preferably it will be the person within the local organising team who is responsible for IOF
Eventor updates. For this person to get access they should:
1. Create a personal IOF Eventor Account + Add the Club (Organisation).
2. Ask the Club Administrator, The Federation Administrator or IOF Administrator to add the
Event Organiser role to their IOF Eventor account
For WRE organisers the IOF Eventor service covers the following functions which must be kept
• publish bulletins, embargoed areas, link to event web page etc; add, edit the contact details
and roles for the event, collect entries
8. Entries
There is little point in having an early closing date for entries. The closing date should be no earlier
than three weeks before the event and every effort should also be made to accept entries later than
WRE entries must primarily be setup and collected using IOF Eventor. It is not recommended that IOF
Eventor is used to collect entries for classes other than W/M21E because participants will need to
have a user account in IOF Eventor in order to enter. Once a user account has been created, athletes
can enter WREs with only a few mouse clicks.
It is possible to use the organisers’ local system for WRE entries as a parallel system, but in that case
the organiser should manually add the names with correct IOF IDs into IOF Eventor after the entry
deadline. This means the organiser must make sure that they can import the results into IOF Eventor
and that the result lists include the appropriate and correct IOF IDs for each athlete. Athletes who
don’t yet have an IOF ID will get one by registering a user account in IOF Eventor.
Please note that all runners on the M/W21 elite courses can be ranked as a result of their
performance in the race. Note also that this applies irrespective of the age class of the runner. Thus,
for example, a M18 may gain World Rankings points having competed successfully in the M21 World
Ranking course.
12. Map
The map must correspond to the "International Specification for Orienteering Maps”
(ISOM2017), or the corresponding specification for Sprint maps (ISSOM 2007) and should be of
good international standard.
The map must be surveyed in good time. A first pre-print, preferably by computer, should be
available at least before the IOF Event Adviser comes for the first visit. A last field survey should be
made a few months before the event.
The scale of the map is 1:15,000 for Long and 1:10,000 (enlarged from 1:15000) for Middle
distance and 1:5,000 or 1:4,000 for Sprint races. The use of any other scale needs the
recommendation of the IOF Event Adviser and a rule deviation application.
Maps should be printed using offset printing methods. If non-offset printing is to be used, the
printing will have to be approved by the IOF Event Adviser.
Printed copies of the competition maps (one for each WRE class) must be sent to the IOF Map
Commission), after the WRE is over together with details of exactly how they were printed. The
Map Commission will assess the printing quality so it is essential that the maps are either
original competition maps or at least printed with the same printer as the competition maps.
The Map Commission will issue a report about the results of the assessment to the organiser,
Federation and the appointed IOF Event Adviser.
A document entitled Guidelines for using non-offset printed maps in WRE gives more information on
non-offset printing and is available for download from the Mapping section of the Map Commission’s
area of the IOF website.
If an orienteering map of the area or of a part of the area exists or has existed fair conditions must be
created for all competitors. A copy of the map must therefore be available to competitors when they
arrive, either in full colour or as a B&W photocopy and should be available on the event website
beforehand. Rule 15.5 If a previous orienteering map of the competition area exists, colour copies of
the most recent edition must be displayed for all competitors on the day prior to the competition.
On the race day maps of the competition area must not be used by competitors or other persons until
officially permitted. It should be mentioned in the Final Details that possession or use of any
orienteering or other maps of the competition area is prohibited during the competition day at the race
site until officially permitted. This is valid for competitors as well as for others.
Large maps should be cut to the size necessary for the course.
The IOF logo must be printed on the map and the WRE status of the event should be included
either on the map or on the course overprint.
The competition map (if not waterproof) should be sealed in a transparent plastic bag of reasonable
size (not much larger than the map itself) and reasonable thickness (0.20 mm or 8/1000ths of an
inch). Experience has shown that thinner plastic bags are not sufficiently stable.
Alternatively, waterproof paper may be used for the maps. Some types of waterproof paper (uncoated
types) do not offer the same clarity as normal paper, and some types of waterproof paper can be
difficult to clean when dirty. There are also issues of drying after printing for some paper types.
The competitors' maps are usually returned after the race. Alternatively, new clean maps may be
given later on.
13. Embargo
In accordance with IOF Rule 14.3, the competition terrain must be embargoed as soon as it has
been decided in order to avoid problems resulting from especially home-nation elite runners going
into WRE competition areas once these have been decided. WRE applicants are asked to:
14. Courses
The prime requirement for the courses is fairness. There must be no doubtful controls, no
elements of chance as regards route choice and no map errors which might influence the race.
Controls where the accidental presence of another runner is a great help to other runners should be
avoided, e.g. controls within a small depression or a pit. The same applies to controls where tracking
may be a great help, e.g. in areas with dense ground vegetation.
In many competitions, the WRE courses will form just two courses out of very many more than this
and fairness becomes harder to achieve. When this happens, the number of controls which are
common to other courses must be an absolute minimum. One way of achieving this is to aim for an
average of no more than two runners passing through any given control per minute.
For example, if the start interval is 2 minutes then no more than 4 courses should share any control.
Of course, the ideal is that unique control sites are selected for the M/W21E courses, but this is not
compulsory and there is no reason why controls on the M21E and W21E courses should all be
separate either.
The second requirement for the courses is good orienteering. The courses must be as difficult
as the terrain permits.
16. Start
The Leibnitz Convention requires that the Start and Finish be together and both be in the Assembly
area. This should be adhered to wherever possible so that the event is made into as big a spectacle
as possible. However, it is accepted that it is not always possible to do this when the World Ranking
courses form only part of a much larger event although having the pre-Start near the Finish is one
way of doing so.
For efficient organisation of an individual start, a pre-Start should be used. At the pre-Start, the
following should be available:
• a quiet waiting area
• a warm-up area in the forest
• toilets
• display of official start-Iist and race-time
• drinks as at the refreshment controls
• a model control
The start area should be quiet and well separated from the pre-Start.
Media representatives may be allowed to go to the Start if it can be ensured that any information
obtained about maps, terrain, race layout and route choice decisions will remain confidential until the
last start.
20. Results
There are two important aspects to WRE results, those displayed on the day, and those uploaded to
IOF Eventor for WR points calculation purposes.
The first stage in satisfying these demands is that the Organiser must appoint someone
(English-speaking) to be responsible for the WRE results. The name and contact details of this
person are submitted to the IOF in the WRE application.
21. Complaints
In the first instance, a potential problem should be taken to the Organiser as a complaint. This avoids
trivial points where the decision is obvious from being brought immediately to the Jury.
Complaints can be made by anybody in writing. They must be made as “soon as possible” after
the problem is recognised. The Organiser decides whether a complaint has been made in time
or not. During the event, “as soon as possible” usually means within 15 minutes of the last
result being displayed. This should be made known to the competitors beforehand and an
announcement to this effect should be made at the close of the competition also.
The Organiser should provide a complaints/queries point (could be a small tent near the Finish) where
competitors can submit any complaints or query other aspects of the event. The Organiser should
prepare a special form for this purpose 1 with spaces for competitor name, age class, Federation,
other ID (e.g. competitor number) and contact details (e.g. hotel name, mobile phone number), as well
as for details of the complaint or protest.
The Organisers investigate the case, seeking appropriate advice from quarters (including the
Event Adviser) other than that of the Jury. These may be the organising committee, the event
leader, another group or another person, and it may depend on the special case. When the
Organisers have collected all the necessary information and heard all people involved, they
1 A Complaint Protest form is also available on the IOF website (see under Foot Orienteering – Event Organising
- Organisers’ Guidelines) which should be available on the day of the event to help ensure that
Complaints/Protests are properly recorded.
22. Protests
A protest can only be made after a complaint. The Jury (see section 22 below) acts as a court
of second instance and bases its final decision on the Organiser's investigations and its
reflections about the case
A protest is made in writing to the IOF Event Adviser or another member of the Jury. A protest
can be made by anybody having an interest in the case, e.g. competitors, event officials. If a
protest is made without a previous complaint, it should normally be transferred from the Jury
to the Organiser and first handled as a complaint.
Protests must be made no later than 15 minutes after the decision about a complaint is known.
Protests received after this time limit may be considered at the discretion of the jury if there
are valid exceptional circumstances which must be explained in the protest.
There is no fee for protests in WRE events. Even if the rules of the organising Federation
mention a protest fee, this is not applicable to the WRE as the IOF Rules take priority over the
local ones.
During the event the decision about a protest is usually taken within a few hours. The decision is
made known orally immediately to the protester and to the other parties involved. If the case is
of general interest, e.g. in case of disqualification, the decision should be made known generally by
the speaker (commentator). Later on it is given in writing to all parties.
The lOF Event Adviser annexes the written decision to his report. The IOF Rules Commission
will collect the Jury decisions for instructional purposes and for the development of the Rules.
23. Jury
The Jury of a WRE event must consist of 3 voting members together with the IOF Event
Adviser as chairman who has no vote. 2 They should be IOF licensed Event Advisers if possible,
preferably from different Federations. Where this is not possible, they should be as experienced as
possible. In many cases, they will be the same Jury members as have already been appointed for any
non-WRE races being held at the same time as the WRE. The only difference being that the IOF
Event Adviser now chairs the Jury.
The IOF Event Adviser and all voting Jury members must be present at the race and at all Jury
meetings. Jury members should be familiar with all major activities during the event, e.g. Model
Event, Start, Finish.
The presence of an Organiser's representative on the Jury is not necessary, although the Jury may
require him or her to attend. The representative's task is to present the Organiser's view of the case
and the local and national customs.
The Organiser must ensure that copies of all the necessary regulatory texts are available:
• Competition Rules for IOF Events
25. Controller
The WRE must have a Controller (called “National Controller” by some Federations) whose
major responsibility is to confirm that the event is organised fairly and in accordance with the
IOF Rules and this Manual. The role of the Controller for local events can vary from Federation to
Federation thus it is necessary to define some of the duties which are essential for the Controller of an
IOF event.
In particular, the Controller:-
• Must approve the planned courses, ensuring that they are fair
• Must approve every control site and control description by visiting each in the terrain
• Must approve the hanging of control flags and the siting of each general control
• Must approve the production of control description sheets
• Must be present throughout the event
The roles of Controller and Event Adviser may be combined.
NB Final approval of these matters rests with the IOF Event Adviser.
26. Reports
IOF Rule number 32 does not normally apply to WREs. Reports to the IOF from either the
Organiser and/or the IOF Event Adviser must only be made if there are unusual circumstances,
for example if the Jury has had to meet, the event has had to be cancelled or if a course is
We, the Members of the IOF, attending the 20th IOF General Assembly in Leibnitz, Austria,
on the 4 August 2000, hereby declare that
"It is of decisive importance to raise the profile of the sport to further the spread of orienteering
to more people and new areas, and to get orienteering into the Olympic Games. The main
vehicles to achieve this are:
• to organise attractive and exciting orienteering events which are of high quality for
competitors, officials, media, spectators, sponsors, and external partners
• increase the visibility of our sport by organising our events closer to where people are
• make our event centres more attractive by giving increased attention to the design and
quality of installations
• improve the event centre atmosphere, and the excitement, by having both Start and Finish
at the centre
• increase television and other media coverage by ensuring that our events provide more
and better opportunities for producing thrilling sports programmes
• improve media service by better catering for the needs of media representatives (in terms
of communication facilities, access to runners at Start/Finish and in the forest, continuous
intermediate time information, food and beverages, etc)
• pay more attention to promoting our sponsors and external partners in connection with our
IOF events
We, the Members of the IOF, expect that these measures shall be considered by all future
Organisers of IOF events."