Unit 5 (Part 1) - Engineering Chemistry - WWW - Rgpvnotes.in
Unit 5 (Part 1) - Engineering Chemistry - WWW - Rgpvnotes.in
Unit 5 (Part 1) - Engineering Chemistry - WWW - Rgpvnotes.in
The spectroscopic methods have proved to be extensively useful for qualitative analysis identification
and structural elucidation of organic compounds. Spectroscopic methods are advantageous over other methods
(i) They are quick
(ii) They are sensitive
(iii) Information obtained by them is in the form of permanent record
(iv) The informations obtained by these methods are highly reliable
(v) Very small quantity of substance is required for the determination of spectra and even the quantity
used can also be recovered after the analysis.
Origin of Electronic Spectra – Spectroscopy is the term applied for the branch of science which deals with the
study of resolution of visible radiations into its component wave lengths. Now, the term is broadened and is
applied to studies involving entire electromagnetic spectrum. Electromagnetic radiations consists of waves of
energy and their parameters as:
(i) Wavelength – ( ) It is the distance between two consecutive peaks or crests.
(ii) Wave Number – (V) It is the number of waves per cm.
(iii) Frequency – (V) It is the number of waves per second.
Different types of electronic spectra are – Emission Spectra, Absorption Spectra.
Emission spectra- when a substance is subjected to intense heat or to an electric discharge, its atoms &
molecules absorb energy & get excited. These excited species, on returning to the ground state may emit
radiation which on passing through a prism gives rise to a spectrum of atoms appears as bright lines on a dark
back ground where as spectra of molecules appears as band, when white light is passed through a prism, we get
a continuous spectrum of seven colours and sodium light gives a line spectrum [two-D-line] (yellow) of define
wave length both are emission spectra.
Absorption spectra- when white light is passed through yellow sodium flame before reaching the prism, we
get a continuous spectrum with two black lines in place of yellow lines obtained from sodium light. Here
sodium flame has absorbed two wavelengths from white light which it itself emits. This is absorption spectrum.
During the absorption, some molecules falling in the path of incident beam colloid with photons of energy
exactly equal to the difference in energy between the ground and excited states of the molecules. Thus a
spectroscopic technique, qualitative or quantitative if it depends upon the measurement of an absorption
spectrum is called absorption spectroscopy or molecular spectroscopy.
Principle- consider a molecule of a compound [X] have only two energy levels E1 and E2 the energy difference
E is determined as E= E2- E1= hv or hc/
Energy absorbed by each molecule is given by E=N hc/
h = Plank’s constant = 6.63 x 10-34
c = Velocity of electromagnetic radiations = 3 x 108 ms-1
N = 6.02 x 1023 mol-1
CDSE, Indore Page 1
= wavelength
The light of wavelength has photon of energy just equal to the energy difference between the two
energy levels. In actual practice, molecules of compound have large number of energy levels and very
small but definite amounts of energy is needed for transition between some of these while extremely large
amounts of energy are involved between some other transitions. The following transitions are brought
about by absorption of radiant energy by a molecule –
(i) Electronic Transition – Electrons are jumped to higher energy levels by the absorption of energy.
(ii) Vibrational Transition – Stretching, contracting and bending of covalent bond may occur due to
absorption of energy.
(iii) Rotational Transition – Due to the absorption of radiant energy change in the rotational energy
of the molecule takes place.
Bond A B
Bond Stretching A B
Contracting A B
Bending A B
Any wavelength of radiations absorbed by a molecule is determined by the changes in the electronic,
Vibrational or rotational energy levels, permissible for it and its atoms.
(i) High-energy radiations as uv or visible are required to bring about electronic transition.
(ii) The low energy radiations as IR are required for Vibrational transitions.
(iii) The radiation of far infrared regions brings about rotational transitions.
The intensity of absorption is related to the number of photons absorbed by the molecules usually some
photons are absorbed by the molecules. The fraction of photon absorbed by the molecules at given frequency
depends upon
(i) The nature of absorbing molecule.
(ii) The concentration of molecules. The higher the concentration the more molecules are present to
absorb the photons.
(iii) The length of the path of the radiation through the material. The longer path, the larger number of
molecules exposed and hence greater is the probability that a given photon will be absorbed.
Laws of Absorbance
(i) Lamberts Law – If a monochromatic light passes through a transparent medium, the rate of decrease in
intensity with the thickness of medium is proportional to the intensity of the incident light i.e. the intensity
of the emitted light decreases exponentially as the thickness of the absorbing medium increases
dI/I = -k dx.dI/I = -k dx
It = Io 0-k’c
= Io 0-0.47343 k’c
= Io 0-k’c 3/-4 (Beer’s Law)
(iii) Beer’s Lambert’s Law – Electronic spectra of organic compound are most frequently recorded in solution
when a monochromatic light of intensity Io is passed through a solution of concentration C Molar, then
intensity of Transmitted light It changes. The probability of absorption of r addition is determined by a
mathematical expression given by Beer’s lamberts law which expresses the relationship between amount of
light absorbed and -
(i) Concentration of the solution
(ii) Length of the solution through which light passes
All chemicals interact with the electromagnetic radiations and due to this there occurs decrease in the intensity
of radiant beam. This decrease in intensity is measured by absorption spectroscopic methods.
The variation of color of the system with change in concentration is the basis of colorimetry. In colorimetry
the concentration of a substance is determined by measurement of relative absorption of light with respect to a
known concentration of a substance. In visual colorimetry, natural or artificial white light is generally used as
a source of light and determinations are made by colorimeter because the method is convenient for the
systems in which substances or their solutions are coloured. The eye is replaced by photoelectric cell and
intensity of colour is easily measured by photoelectric colorimeter. If the substance is colourless then a
suitable complexing agent is used to get a coloured complex (which absorb light in the visible region) for
example for the estimation of cuprous ion, complexing agent ammonium hydroxide, is added to get blue
coloured solution.
In a colorimeter, a narrow beam of light (of proper wavelength) passes through the solution under test towards a
sensitive photocell. Usually colorimeters are provided with arrangements of filters or diffraction granting.
Consequently it is possible to select the most appropriate wavelength by choosing a filter grating.
Signal Indicator
Narrow Filter of
beam of grating for Test Photo cell Meter
light wavelength Solution
(Source) (Selector) (Glass cell) (Receptor) (Measuring device)
The current generated in the photocell is proportional to the amount of light transmitted by the solution. This
depends upon depth of colour of substance under test. Thus current from photocell will be greatest when light
transmitted is greatest. This occurs when coloured solution is dilute. The general meter is designed in such a
way that it does not show the fraction of light transmitted but it shows the fraction of light absorbed. This is
proportional to the concentration of the coloured substance in the test solution.
Thus colorimetric analysis is meant to compare under suitable conditions. The colour produced by a substance
in unknown amount with the same colour produced by a known amount of material being determined.
UV region of electromagnetic radiation lies between 200 – 400 nm and visible region lies between 400 – 800
nm. The UV region of the electromagnetic spectrum is subdivided into two spectral regions as follows –
(i) Near Ultraviolet 200 to 400 nm
(ii) Far Ultraviolet 10 to 200 nm
Or Vacuum Ultraviolet
Ultraviolet absorption spectra originates from transition of electron within a molecule or ion from lower
electronic energy level to higher electronic energy level. When an electromagnetic radiation in ultraviolet
region is made to pass through a compound containing multiple bonds, it is observed that a part of the incident
radiation is usually absorbed which causes electronic excitation. The amount of radiation absorbed depends
upon the structure of the compound as well as wavelength of the radiation. The energy of the radiation absorbed
causes excitation of electron from lower energy level to higher energy level and the difference of energy is
given by – E = hv. Thus the actual energy required depends upon the difference in energy between ground state
(Eo) and the excited state (E1) of the electron.
E1 – Eo = hv
Electronic Transitions – When UV energy is in the form of quanta the absorption spectrum arising from single
electronic transition is expected to consist of a single discrete line, but this does not happen because electronic
absorption is super imposed upon Vibrational and rotational sub energy levels. Therefore, the spectra of simple
molecules in the gaseous state contain narrow absorption peaks, where in each peak represents a transition from
a particular combination of Vibrational and rotational levels in the electronic ground state to a corresponding
combination in the excited state. However, in case of polyatomic complex molecules, broad absorption bands
are obtained due to coalescence of discrete bands.
When energy is absorbed by a molecule in the UV region, it brings about some changes in the electronic energy
of the molecule resulting from transitions of valence electrons. The following three types of electrons are
involved in organic molecules.
(i) Electrons – The electrons which are forming double bonds are called relectrons. These are
involved in unsaturated hydrocarbons like trienes and aromatic compounds. In unsaturated systems,
electrons predominantly determine the energy state of electron sheaths which are excited by the
absorption of UV or visible light.
(ii) Electrons – The electrons which form single bonds are electrons according to molecular notation.
They are involved in saturated bonds between ‘C’ and ‘H’ in paraffins such bonds are also known
as ‘S’ bonds. The energy required to excite electrons in bond is very higher than the obtained by
UV radiation hence electron do not absorb UV radiation and are not excited by UV radiations.
iii Electrons – These are the unshared or non-bonded electrons and are not involved in the bonding
between atoms in molecules. Examples – organic compounds containing N, O, or S, halogens.
However – electrons can be excited by UV radiation and hence compounds containing atoms like
N, O, S, halogen compounds or unsaturated hydrocarbons may absorb UV radiations.
antibonding orbital. In absorption of uV radiation, the nuclei along with electrons held together plays an
important role in determining which wavelength of radiation will be absorbed. The nuclei determine the
strength with which electrons are bound and influence the energy gaps between the excited and ground
(b) transition – These types of transitions are related to the transition of electron from bonding
orbital to an antibonding Orbital. In unsaturated molecules, these transitions are possible. Alkenes
absorb around 175 nm, alkynes absorb around 170 nm and carbonyl compounds absorb around 188 nm. For
example the UV spectrum of ethylene exhibits an intense band at 174 nm and a weak band at 200 nm, both
of these are due to transitions. According to selection rules only band at 174 nm represent an
allowed transition. This can be represented as given in the figure. This is a transition between bonding
orbitals and antibonding orbitals.
(c) transition – The energy required for transition is generally less than that required for
transition and their corresponding absorption bands appear at longer wavelengths in the
ultraviolet region (180 to 200 nm) saturated compounds with lone pair (non bonding) electrons undergo
transitions apart from transition. In case of saturated molecules which contain
atoms having unshared pairs of electrons, transition becomes be determined by commonly
available spectrophotometers. For examples – alcohols and amines (containing –OH and –NH2 groups)
absorb between 175 to 200 nm.
(d) transition – Such transitions occur in case of saturated hydrocarbons which do not contain
lone pairs of electrons. The energy required for this type of transitions is very large and absorption band
occurs in (126 to 135 nm) for ultraviolet region. For example, methane has max at 121.9 nm and ethane at
135 nm corresponds spectrophotometers which generally do not operate at wave lengths below 180 nm.
Thus this is a transition between bonding orbital and antibonding orbital.
The instrumentation for UV spectroscopy i.e. UV spectrometer is made up of following important components.
(i) Source of Radiation
(ii) Monochromator
(iii) Beam splitter
(iv) Sample chamber
(v) Detector
(vi) Recorder
In UV spectrometer, a beam of light is split into two equal halves, one half of the beam called sample beam is
directed through a transparent cell containing a solution of the compound being analyzed and one half
(reference beam) is directed through an identical cell that contains only the solvent. The instrument is so
designed that it can compare the intensities of the two beams at each wavelength of the region.
Instrumentation and working of the UV spectrometers can be studied simultaneously. Most of the modern UV
spectrometers consist of the following parts-
Light Source- Tungsten filament lamps and Hydrogen-Deuterium lamps are most widely used and suitable
light source as they cover the whole UV region. Tungsten filament lamps are rich in red radiations; more
specifically they emit the radiations of 375 nm, while the intensity of Hydrogen-Deuterium lamps falls below
375 nm.
Monochromator- Monochromator generally composed of prisms and slits. The most of the spectrophotometers
are double beam spectrophotometers. The radiation emitted from the primary source is dispersed with the help
of rotating prisms. The various wavelengths of the light source which are separated by the prism are then
selected by the slits such the rotation of the prism results in a series of continuously increasing wavelength to
pass through the slits for recording purpose. The beam selected by the slit is monochromatic and further divided
into two beams with the help of another prism.
Sample and reference cells- One of the two divided beams is passed through the sample solution and second
beam is passé through the reference solution. Both sample and reference solution are contained in the cells.
These cells are made of either silica or quartz. Glass can't be used for the cells as it also absorbs light in the UV
Detector- Generally two photocells serve the purpose of detector in UV spectroscopy. One of the photocell
receives the beam from sample cell and second detector receives the beam from the reference. The intensity of
the radiation from the reference cell is stronger than the beam of sample cell. This results in the generation of
pulsating or alternating currents in the photocells.
Amplifier- The alternating current generated in the photocells is transferred to the amplifier. The amplifier is
coupled to a small servometer. Generally current generated in the photocells is of very low intensity, the main
purpose of amplifier is to amplify the signals many times so we can get clear and recordable signals.
Recording devices- Most of the time amplifier is coupled to a pen recorder which is connected to the computer.
Computer stores all the data generated and produces the spectrum of the desired compound.
(i) Qualitative Analysis – UV spectroscopy is used for characterization of aromatic compounds and
conjugated olefins. Identification is done by comparing the UV absorption spectrum of the sample with
the UV spectra of known compound for reference.
(ii) Detection of Impurities – Detection of impurities in organic compounds can also be done by UV
spectroscopy. (a) If benzene is associated in small quantity with cyclohexane it can be detected by UV
spectroscopy by the absorption band of benzene at 255 nm. (b) If impure adiponitrile or hexamethylene
diamine is used for the preparation of nylon the product will be of poor quality. The impurities present
with the raw materials can be detected by UV method. (c) Purification of organic compounds can be
continued until the absorption bands characteristic of the impurities disappear in the spectrum.
(iii) Quantitative Analysis – UV spectroscopy is used for the quantitative analysis of compounds which
absorb UV radiation. The determination is carried out on the basis of Beer Lamberts law according to
which absorbance is determined by the formula
A = log Io / I = log T = lc
Where I is molecular absorptivity co-efficient, L is length of the path or cell C is the concentration of
(iv) Studying Kinetics of Chemical Reaction – UV spectroscopy can be used to steady the kinetics of
chemical reactions by following the change in concentration of a product or a reactant with time
during the reaction.
(v) Determination of Dissociation Constants of Weak Acids or Bases – UV spectroscopy can be used
to determine the dissociation constants of acids or bases. The dissociation constant of an acid (HA)
is determined by determining the ratio [HA]/[A] spectrometrically from the graph plotted between
absorbance and wavelengths at different pH.
P Ka = pH + log [HA] / [A]
(vi) Molecular Weight Determination – UV Spectroscopy is used in determination of molecular weight
of the compound can be converted into a suitable derivative which shows an absorption band in its
spectrum for example molecular weight of amine is determined by converting it into picrate. The
concentration of amine picrate can be determined by using the formula -
log(I0 / I1)
max xL
(vii) Study of Tautomeric Equillibria – UV spectroscopy can be used to determine the percentage of
keto and enol forms present in compounds such as ethyl acethyl acetate by measuring the strength
of the respective absorption bands.
(viii) Determination of Calcium in Blood Cerum – Calcium in blood can be indirectly determined by
converting the calcium present in 1 ml of cerum as its oxalate, redissolving it into sulphuric acid
and treating it with dilute ceric sulphate. The absorption of the excess ceric ion is measured at 315
nm. The amount of calcium in the blood cerum can thus be indirectly calculated.
(ix) Determination of Ozone in Environment – The ozone concentration present in (Smog.) smoke fog
in environment can be calculated by measuring its absorption at 260 nm.
(x) Detection of functional groups- UV spectroscopy is used to detect the presence or absence of
chromophore in the compound. This is technique is not useful for the detection of chromophore in
complex compounds. The absence of a band at a particular band can be seen as an evidence for the
absence of a particular group. If the spectrum of a compound comes out to be transparent above 200
nm than it confirms the absence of – a) Conjugation b) A carbonyl group c) Benzene or aromatic
compound d) Bromo or iodo atoms.
(xi) Identification of an unknown compound- An unknown compound can be identified with the help
of UV spectroscopy. The spectrum of unknown compound is compared with the spectrum of a
reference compound and if both the spectrums coincide then it confirms the identification of the
unknown substance.
(xii) Determination of configurations of geometrical isomers- It is observed that cis-alkenes absorb at
different wavelength than the trans-alkenes. The two isomers can be distinguished with each other
when one of the isomers has non-coplanar structure due to steric hindrances. The cis-isomer suffers
distortion and absorbs at lower wavelength as compared to trans-isomer.