Anthrax: Synonyms
Anthrax: Synonyms
Anthrax: Synonyms
• Woolsorter's disease (pneumonic anthrax or pulmonary anthrax), Rag-picker's
disease, Knacker's disease, Hide-porter’s disease (cutaneous anthrax), Malignant
edema, Malignant carbuncle, Malignant pustule, Charbon, Milz brand disease, Splenic
fever and Sang de rate.
• Bacillus anthracis, is a Gram-positive, endospore-forming, rod-shaped (square-
ended), non-motile and facultatively aerobic bacteria.
• Pathogenecity of anthrax bacilli depends on three factors, are
– Factor I: Edema factor - Inflammatory property
– Fator II: Protective antigen (PA) - Antiphagocytic and immunogenic factor.
– Factor III: Lethal factor - Inflammatory property
– There are two forms: (a). Vegetative form (capsular form) within the host and
(b). Spore form in the environment.
• Spores are formed through sporulation, when exposed to oxygen in the air.
• Spores are resistant against cold, heat, chemicals and drying. They are viable for
many years (>60 years) in the soil and in bone marrow of dead : 200-250 Yrs.
• Acidic soil reduces the survivability of spores.
• Spores can be destroyed by heating at 100°C for 10 minutes, 5% sodium hydroxide,
10% formalin at 40°C for 15 minutes and 3% peracetic acid.
• Vegetative form can be killed at 60°C for 30 minutes.
• Anthrax spores are considered to be one of a number of potential agents for use
in biological terrorism.