Physical Design

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By Bhavani:

1. What we need to start Floor plan?

Ans: To start a floor plan first we need inputs like .v, .lib, .lef, .SDC

This is the first major step in getting your layout done. Your floor plan determines your chip quality. At this
step, you define the size of your chip/block, allocates power routing resources, place the hard macros, and reserve
space for standard cells

2. Tell about input files?


It is the combination of sequential elements and their logical connectivity.

Netlist contains-

• Input and output information of the design.

• Wire information.
• Cell and instance information.
• Module information.
• Hierarchy information.
• Port information.


It has time, power and functionality of a cell

Time- input delays, output delays, setup and hold

Power- leakage power and internal power

Cell functionality

For eg:- (A+B)*(B+C)

PVT(process voltage and temperature) conditions

LEF(library exchange format)

It has physical information of the design

Two types

1. Technology lef
2. Cell/macro lef
1. Technology lef
It contains metal layer and via information like
Metal layer:
• Direction
• Pitch
• Width
• Area
• Spacing table
• Min enclosure area
• Diag spacing
• Diag min edge length
• Resistance
• Capacitance
• Thickness
• Antenna model and antenna area ratio
• DC current density

VIA information:

• Spacing
• Width
• Antenna model
• Antenna area ratio
• DC current Density
2. Cell/Macro lef
• Class
• Origin
• Size
• Symmetry
• Pin:
o Antenna gate area
o Direction
o Usage
o Port

SDC (Synopsys design constraint)

➢ Clock definition
Create clock
Create virtual clock
Create generated clock
Create clock uncertainty

➢ External delays
Input delays
Output delays
➢ DRV’s
Max tran, max cap and max fanout

➢ Timing path exceptions

False path
Multi cycle path
Max delay
Min delay

3. What are the guidelines to place macros?

Ans: 1.Place macros around chip periphery.

If you don’t have reasonable rationale to place the macro inside the core area, then place macros around the chip
periphery. Placing a macro inside the core can invite serious consequence during routing due to a lot of detour
routing, because macros are equal to a large obstacle for routing. Another advantage to placing the hard macros
around the core periphery is it's easier to supply power to them, and reduces the change of IR drop problems to
macros consuming high amounts of power.
2. Consider connections to fixed cells when placing macros.
When you decide macro position, you have to pay attention to connections to fixed elements such as I/O and
perplaced macros. Place macros near their associate fixed element. Check connections by displaying flight lines in
the GUI.
3. Orient macros to minimize distance between pins.
When you decide the orientation of macros, you also have to take account of pins positions and their connections.
4. Reserve enough room around macros.
For regular net routing and power grid, you have to reserve enough routing space around macros. In this case
estimating routing resources with precision is very important. Use the congestion map from trialRoute to identify hot
spots between macros and adjust their placement as needed.
5. Reduce open fields as much as possible.
Except for reserved routing resources, remove dead space to increase the area for random logic. Choosing different
aspect ratio (if that option is available) can eliminate open fields.
6. Reserve space for power grid.
The number of power routes required can change based on power consumption. You have to estimate the power
consumption and reserve enough room for the power grid. If you underestimate the space required for power
routing, you can encounter routing problems.

4.what happens if pins assign to left and right.(if you have IO pins at top and bottom)?

Ans: Actually top level chip will be divided into some blocks, IO pins will be placed according to the
communication between surrounding blocks.

If we assign pins to left and right rather than top and bottom we will face routing issues in further

5. How we will assign spacing between two macros?

Ans: channel spacing= no of pins*pitch/ total number of metal layers

6. In placement what are the congestion types, how to resolve congestion?

Ans: we will see congestion where available tracks are less than required tracks.
We may see congestion because of

• Cell density
• Pin density
• Bad floorplan

There are two types of congestion

1. horizontal congestion and

2. vertical congestion

we will see horizontal congestion when horizontal tracks are less and similarly for vertical congestion if
vertical tracks are less

prevention techniques:

• we can avoid congestion by placing blockages.

• Cell padding
• Scan chain reordering.

7. What happens if cell density and pin density is more, how to resolve it?

Ans: if cell density and pin density is more we will see congestion and routing issues.

By placing partial blockage we can avoid cell density and by cell padding we can avoid pin

8. what happens if cells place closer to macros?

Ans: if cells are placed close to macros we will see routing issues near macros, to avoid this we are
placing Halo around the macro.

9. explain about power planning?

Ans: Power Planning is one of the most important stage in Physical design. Power network is being
synthesized, It is used provide power to macros and standard cells within the given IR-Drop limit. Steady
state IR Drop is caused by the resistance of the metal wires comprising the power distribution network.
By reducing the voltage difference between local power and ground, steady-state IR Drop reduces both
the speed and noise immunity of the local cells and macros.
Power planning management can be divided in two major category first one is core cell power
management and second one I/O cell power management. In core cell power planning power rings are
formed around the core and macro.In IO cell power planning power rings are formed for I/O cells and
trunks are created between core power ring and power pads.
In addition trunks are also created for macros as per the power requirement.
power planning is part of floor plan stage. In power plan, offset value for rings around the core and
vertical and horizontal straps is being define
I/O cell library contains I/O cell and VDD/VSS pad cell libraries. It also contain IP libraries for reusable
IP like RAM, ROM and other pre designed, standard, complex blocks.
10. what happens if IO pins placed at core boundary?

Ans: nothing happen, we can place IO pins in core boundary

11. what are the timing issues after placement?

Ans: DRV’s and setup.

12. what is path timing and data path?

Ans: Timing Path

Timing path is defined as the path between start point and end point where start point and end
point is defined as follows:

Start Point:

All input ports or clock pins of a sequential element are considered as valid start point.

End Point:

All output port or D pin of sequential element is considered as End point

For STA design is split into different timing path and each timing path delay is calculated based
on gate delays and net delays. In timing path data gets launched and traverses through combinational
elements and stops when it encounter a sequential element. In any timing path, in general (there are
exceptions); delay requirements should be satisfied within a clock cycle.

In a timing path wherein start point is sequential element and end point is sequential element, if
these two sequential elements are triggered by two different clocks(i.e. asynchronous) then a common
least common multiple (LCM) of these two different clock periods should be considered to find the
launch edge and capture edge for setup and hold timing analysis.

Different Timing Paths

Any synchronous design is split into various timing paths and each timing path is verified for its
timing requirements. In general four types of timing paths can be identified in a synchronous design. They

Input to Register

Input to Output

Register to Register

Register to Output
Data path:

The path wherein data traverses is known as data path. Data path is a pure combinational path. It can have
any basic combinational gates or group of gates.

13. Explain about PD flow?


.v, .lib, .lef, .SDC


It is the combination of sequential elements and their logical connectivity.

Netlist contains-

• Input and output information of the design.

• Wire information.
• Cell and instance information.
• Module information.
• Hierarchy information.
• Port information.


It has time, power and functionality of a cell

Time- input delays, output delays, setup and hold

Power- leakage power and internal power

Cell functionality

For eg:- (A+B)*(B+C)

PVT(process voltage and temperature) conditions

LEF(library exchange format)

It has physical information of the design

Two types

3. Technology lef
4. Cell/macro lef
3. Technology lef
It contains metal layer and via information like
Metal layer:
• Direction
• Pitch
• Width
• Area
• Spacing table
• Min enclosure area
• Diag spacing
• Diag min edge length
• Resistance
• Capacitance
• Thickness
• Antenna model and antenna area ratio
• DC current density

VIA information:

• Spacing
• Width
• Antenna model
• Antenna area ratio
• DC current Density
4. Cell/Macro lef
• Class
• Origin
• Size
• Symmetry
• Pin:
o Antenna gate area
o Direction
o Usage
o Port

SDC (Synopsys design constraint)

➢ Clock definition
Create clock
Create virtual clock
Create generated clock
Create clock uncertainty

➢ External delays
Input delays
Output delays
➢ DRV’s
Max tran, max cap and max fanout
➢ Timing path exceptions
False path
Multi cycle path
Max delay
Min delay

1. Library checks
• Missing cell information
• Missing pin information
• Duplicate cells
2. Design checks
• Inputs with floating pins
• Nets with tri-state drivers
• Nets with multiple drivers
• Combinational loops
• Empty modules
• Assign statements
3. Constraint checks
• All flops are clocked or not
• There should not be unconstraint paths
• Input and output delays
1. Utilization factor decides the size of the block.
2. Aspect ratio gives shape of the block.
3. After utilization and aspect ratio we go for pin placement.
In pin placement we have to place pins legally
4. Macros should be placed according to guidelines
a.Place macros around chip periphery.
If you don’t have reasonable rationale to place the macro inside the core
area, then place macros around the chip periphery. Placing a macro inside
the core can invite serious consequence during routing due to a lot of detour
routing, because macros are equal to a large obstacle for routing. Another
advantage to placing the hard macros around the core periphery is it's easier
to supply power to them, and reduces the change of IR drop problems to
macros consuming high amounts of power.
b. Consider connections to fixed cells when placing macros.
When you decide macro position, you have to pay attention to connections to
fixed elements such as I/O and perplaced macros. Place macros near their
associate fixed element. Check connections by displaying flight lines in the
c. Orient macros to minimize distance between pins.
When you decide the orientation of macros, you also have to take account of
pins positions and their connections.
d. Reserve enough room around macros.
For regular net routing and power grid, you have to reserve enough routing
space around macros. In this case estimating routing resources with
precision is very important. Use the congestion map from trialRoute to identify
hot spots between macros and adjust their placement as needed.
e. Reduce open fields as much as possible.
Except for reserved routing resources, remove dead space to increase the
area for random logic. Choosing different aspect ratio (if that option is
available) can eliminate open fields.
f. Reserve space for power grid.
The number of power routes required can change based on power
consumption. You have to estimate the power consumption and reserve
enough room for the power grid. If you underestimate the space required for
power routing, you can encounter routing problems
5. After macro placement we will place physical cells like endcap and welltap
Power planning is to supply power to the standard cells and macros.
Power pads

Power rings

Power stripes→ Macros

Follow pins

Standard cells
Two stages- 1. Course placement 2. Detail placement
1. Course placement:
a. First tool will place standard cells based on hierarchy
b. It will do High fanout net synthesis
Adding buffers to the high fanouts
c. Scan chain reordering
In a less complex design, you don’t usually do scan reordering. However,
sometimes it may become difficult to pass scan timing constraints once the
placement is done. The scan flip flop placements may create lengthier routes
if the consecutive flops in scan chain are placed far apart due to a functional
requirement. In this case, the PnR tool can
reconnect the scan chains, to make routing easier. A prerequisite for this
option is a scan DEF for the tool to recognize the chains.

d. Logical optimization
VT swapping
Logic restructuring
Pin swapping
Trail route
2. Detail placement
a. Area recovery
b. Congestion driven
c. Time driven
In optimization tool will optimize DRV’s and setup timing
Here we will not see hold because clock is ideal.
Checks in placement:
Cells legalization


Before CTS we need to check:

1. All cells should be legalized.

2. All power nets are prerouted.

3. All pins should legalized.

4. Congestion, timing should control.


1. To minimize the logical DRCs.

2. Balancing the skew.
3. Minimum Insertion Delay.


1. SDC


To distribute a clock from Clock port to Clock pin


To minimize skew and insertion delay to build the clock tree.

Here we are generating SPEC file using clockbuffers and clock inverters.

SPEC file consists of

1. Buffers list
2. Max skew
3. Min and Max Insertion delay
4. Max trans, Cap, Fanout
5. Inverters list
6. Clock tree leaf pin, exclude pin, stop pin
7. Clock name
8. Clock period



optDesign -postCTS


1. Timing numbers
2. Utilization numbers
3. Congestion
4. All cells should legalize



CTS database



We need to interconnect all the nets without leaving shots and Spacing violations.


1. Global Routing
2. Track Assignment
3. Detailed Routing

Router breaks the routing portion of the design into rectangles called gcells and
assigns signalnets to gcells.
The global router attempts to find shortest path through gcells but does not make
actual connection or assign nets to specific nets and to specific track within gcell.
In this step the nets are properly assigned on tracks.
Nanoroute follows global routing plan and lays down actual wires that connect pins to
their corresponding nets.
It creates shorts and opens or spacing violations rather than leaving unconnected nets.
We can route detailed routing on entire design, a specified area of design on selected
Router runs SEARCH AND REPAIR ROUTING during detail routing.
It locates shorts and opens and spacing violations so, it reroutes the effected area to
eliminate violations.
1 .Verify connectivity
2. Verify geometry
3. timing numbers
4. utilization numbers
5. All cells should legalize
6. Congestion
optDesign –postRoute

14. how will you place macros according to hierarchy?

Ans: According to hierarchy communicating macros will be in same color, based on that we can place
macros .

15. if we do macro abutment, what happens?

Ans: There are two cases

1. If two macros communicating only with each other we can abutment the macros

2. If the macros communicating with other cells(std cells and IO ports) then we must should
provide a proper channel spacing between the macros or else we can see the routing issue

16. Can we place macros 90 and 270dergees orientation?

Ans: It depends on which technology you are working on. 45nm & below there are orientation
requirements by foundry. Poly orientation should be same throughout the chip. So Macro poly orientation
should match with the poly orientation of the standard cells.

17. In power planning for rings and stripes which metal layers used and why?

Ans: For rings and stripes we use top metal layers because for top metal layers we have low resistivity.
18. Can we place cells between the space of IO and core boundary?

Ans: No, we cannot place cells between the space of IO and core boundary because in between IO and
core boundary power rings will be placed and we may see routing issues.

19. How did you placed standard cells with command and tool?

Ans: command: placeDesign

Tool: place →place standard cells

20. what type of congestion you seen after placement?

Ans: 1. Congestion near Macro corners due to insufficient placement blockage.

2. Standard cell placement in narrow channels led to congestion.
3. Macros of same partition which are placed far apart can cause timing violation.
4. Macro placement or macro channels is not proper.
5. Placement blockages not given
6. No Macro to Macro channel space given.
7. High cell density
8. High local utilization
9. High number of complex cells like AOI/OAI cells which has more pin count are placed
10. Placement of std cells near macros
11. Logic optimization is not properly done.
12. Pin density is more on edge of block
13. Buffers added too many while optimization
14. IO ports are crisscrossed; it needs to be properly aligned in order.
21. what are the physical cells?
Ans: End Cap cells:
1. These cells prevent the cell damage during fabrication.
2. Used for row connectivity and specifying row ending.
3. To avoid drain and source short.
4. These are used to address boundary N-Well issues for DRC cleanup.
Well Tap cells:
1. These are used to connect VDD and GND to substrate and N-Well respectively because it
results in lesser drift to prevent latch-up.
2. If we keep well taps according to the specified distances, N-Well potential leads to proper
electrical functioning.
3. To limit the resistance between power and ground connections to wells of the substrate.
De-cap Cells:
1. They are temporary capacitors which are added in the design between power and ground rails
to counter the functional failure due to dynamic IR drop.
2. To avoid the flop which is far from the power source going into metastable state.

Filler Cells:
To fill the empty space and provide connectivity of N-wells and implant layers.
22. Tell about Non Default Rules?
Ans: Double width and double space.
After PNR stage if u will get timing /crosstalk/noise violations which are difficult to fix at ECO
stage we can try this NDR option at routing stage.
USAGE OF NDRs and Example:

When we are routing special nets like clock we would like to provide more width and
more spacing for them. Instead of default of 1unit spacing and 1unit width specified in tech
file;But NDR having double spacing and double width .When clocknet is routed using NDR it has
better Signal integrity, lesser crosstalk,lessernoise,but we cannot increase the spacing and width
because it effects the area of the chip.
Double spacing: It is used to avoid the crosstalk.

Double width: It is used to avoid the EM.

23. What is setup and hold?

Ans: SETUP: Minimum time required for data stability before the clock edge.

HOLD: Minimum time required for data stability after the clock edge.

24. Can we do setup check at placement?

Ans: Yes, we will check setup in placement stage, where as we won’t bother about hold because clock
is idea in placement stage.

25. what is trail route and global route?

Ans: Trail route:

Trial Route performs quick global and detailed routing for estimating routing-related congestion
and capacitance values. It also incorporates any changes made during placement, such as scan reorder.
You can use Trial Route results to estimate and view routing congestion, and to estimate parasitic values
for optimization and timing analysis. When used during prototyping, Trial Route creates actual wires, so
you can get a good representation of RC and coupling for timing optimization at an early stage in the
flow. Trial Route also produces a congestion map you can view to get early feedback on whether the
design is routable. Trial Route results can also be used for pin assignment when you commit partitions.

Detaile route:

Detailed routing is where we specify the exact location of the wires/interconnects in the channels
specified by the global routing. Metal Layer information of the interconnects are also specified here.

26. What is the cell height?

Ans: It is the height between two rows.

27. how to fix hold?

Ans: Hold fixing techniques:

• Downsizing
• VT swapping
• Pulling capture clock path
• Pushing launch clock path
• Insert buffer in data path

28. what is max tran range?

Ans: It is the range given in SDC file, if transition delay crosses that range we will see tran violations.

29. which technology is yours?

Ans: 45nm.

30. What is macro count, standard cell count and how many clocks in your design?

Ans: 4 macros, 36k standard cells and 3 clocks.

31. Already you placed macros, then you got core size X-10 and Y+10. How you place macros with
command and from tool?

Ans: By command:
placeInst <macro name> {llx lly urx ury}
llx – Lower Left X co-ordinate
lly – Lower Left Y co-ordinate
urx – Upper Right X co-ordinate
ury – Upper Left Y co-ordinate
With Tool:
Go to Floorplan > Resize Floorplan and make the required changes to core and place the macros with the
32. How to fix setup?
Ans: setup techniques:
• Downsizing
• VT swapping
• Pulling launch clock path
• Pushing capture clock path

33. Explain about isolation cells?

Ans: Isolation cells are used to isolate the output signals of a powered down domain. Output signals of a
powered down domain has an intermediate voltage levels because of power gating effect. When such intermediate
voltage signals are feed as input to powered up domain, it could result in crowbar currents which affects the proper
functioning of the powered up domain. Isolation cells helps to drive a valid logic value either zero or one.

(1) Rentention cells
(2)clamp cells

Clamp cells:
They are used to clamp the signals to a specified logic state.
 Clamp ‘0’ type isolation cell is used to clamp the powered down output signal to the logic value of ‘0’.
The circuit which can be used for this purpose can be something similar to a multiplexer. One input being
the clamp value and other input being the signal to be isolated. Isolation Enable is the one which decides
when to clamp the powered down signal hence it can be the select input to the multiplexer. The final
optimal function which does this clamp ‘0’ type Isolation is an AND gate with active low Isolation Enable.
 considering an active high isolation enable, an OR gate can be used as a clamp ‘1’ Isolation cell. When the
Isolation enable is high, the OR gate output is pulled to high irrespective of the other input signal. Again
what makes it different from the normal OR gate is it is supplied with always ON supply or the power
supply of the sink power domain.
 Retention cells: In majority of the cases the clamp value of the signal in the power down domain is
determined by its RESET value. But there are some scenarios which warrant the clamp value to be same as
the last logic state of the signal. This can be accomplished by using the retention type Isolation cells. A
latch is required to store the last state value of the signal. Since the last state value can be either zero or
one, the function required to implement the Isolation cell cannot be simplified further as we did for clamp
0 and clamp 1 type.

34. What is functional design and logical design?

Ans: Any chip designing can be subdivided in 2 steps

1.Front end or logic design- Based on specification provided, functionalities are created at RTL
level abstraction to meet all the requirements. Generally Uses Gated logic. It is basically coding
of digital design.

2. Back end or Physical design- After ligic design and front end verification, in order to tape-out,
the RTL abstraction is converted in form of transistors. They need to be optimised for low area,
power and quality. This is physical or say analog design.
35. Setup calculation?

36. what are the inputs of all stages in PD flow?

Ans: Floorplan: .v and .lef

Placement: floorplan data base, lib.

CTS: placement database, SDC and spec.

Routing: CTS database, captables.

37. ASIC flow

38. What spec file contains?

Ans: spec file contains:

• Clock name
• Clock period
• Max and min delay
• Max skew
• Sink max tran
• Buffer max tran
• Clock buffers and clock inverters information
• Exclude pin
• Through pin
• Information about Metal layers used
• Leaf route type

39. What is LVS?

Ans: Layout verses schematic

Inputs: .LVS.V, GDS II and rule deck file.

• Source netlist(physical) and reference netlist(logical) are converted in spice netlist

• LAYOUT: it takes source netlist into spice netlist
• SCHEMATIC: It takes reference netlist into spice netlilst.
• LVS means comparison of layout and schematic spice netlist
• Spice netlist will count transistors and connectivity
• If layout and schematic netlist are equal we can proceed atherwise it will give below
o Shorts
o Opens
o Floating nets
o Pin mismatches
o Component mismatch

40. Write setup and hold equations?

Ans: setup= require time – arrival time

Where require time= clock period+capture clock path latency – library setup – setup uncertainty

Arrival time= launch clock path latency + clock to Q delay + comb delay

Hold = arrival time – required time

Where require time= capture clock path latency+library hold +hold uncertainty

Arrival time = launch clock path latency + clock to Q delay + comb delay

41. How many master and generated clocks in your design?

Ans: 2master clocks and 1 generated clock

42. Explain latchup in CMOS?

Ans: Latch is the generation of a low-impedance path in CMOS chips between the power supply and
the ground rails due to interaction of parasitic pnp and npn bipolar transistors. These BJTs for a
silicon-controlled rectifier with positive feedback and virtually short circuit the power and the
ground rail.

• This causes excessive current flows and potential permanent damage to the devices.
Analysis of the a CMOS Inverter CMOS depicting the parasitic

• The equivalent circuit shown has Q1 being a vertical double emmitter pnp transistor whose base
is formed by the n-well with a high base to collector current gain (β1).

• Q2 is a lateral double emitter npn transistor whose base is formed by the p-type substrate.

• Rwell represents the parasitic resistance in the n-well structure whose value ranges from 1KW to

• The substrate resistance Rsub depends on the substrate structure.

• Assume the Rwell and Rsub are significantly large so that they cause open circuit connections,
this results in low current gains and the currents would be reverse leakage currents for both the
npn and pnp transistors.
• If some external disturbance occurs, causing the collector current of one of the parasitic
transistors to increase, the resulting feedback loop causes the current perturbation to be multiplied
by β1, β2
• This event triggers the silicon-controlled rectifier and each transistor drives the other with
positive feedback eventually creating and sustaining a low impedance path between power and
the ground rails resulting in latch-up.
For this condition if β1 *β1 is greater than or equal to 1 both transistors will continue to conduct
saturation currents even after the triggering perturbation is no longer available.
• Some causes for latch-up are:
– Slewing of VDD during start-up causing enough displacement currents due to well
junction capacitance in the substrate and well.
– Large currents in the parasitic silicon-controlled rectifier in CMOS chips can occur when
the input or output signal swings either far beyond the VDD level or far below VSS level,
injecting a triggering current. Impedance mismatches in transmission lines can cause such
disturbances in high speed circuits.
– Electrostatic Discharge stress can cause latch-up by injecting minority carriers from the
clamping device in the protection circuit into either the substrate or the well.
– Sudden transient in power or ground buses may cause latch-up.
Guidelines For Avoiding Latch-Up
• Reduce the BJT gains by lowering the minority carrier lifetime through Gold doping of the
substrate (solution might cause excessive leakage currents).
• Use p+ guard band rings connected to ground around nMOS transistors and n+ guard rings
connected to VDD around pMOS transistors to reduce Rw and Rsub and to capture injected minority
carriers before they reach the base of the parasitic BJT.
Place substrate and well contacts as close as possible to the source connections of the MOS
transistors to reduce the values of Rw and Rsub. (Solution to be used in your designs)
• Place source diffusion regions for the pMOS transistors so that they lie along equipotentials lines
when currents flow between VDD and p-wells.
• Avoid forward biasing of the source/drain junctions so as not to inject high currents , this
solution calls for the use of slightly doped epitaxial layer on top of the heavily doped substrate
and has the effect of shunting the lateral currents from the vertical transistor through the low
resistance substrate.

43. What are universal gates and why they are called as universal gates?

Ans: NOR gate and NAND gates have the particular property that any one of them can create
any logical Boolean expression if designed in a proper way.

44. Implement AND gate with NAND gate?


45. Full adder and its uses?

Ans: This type of adder is a little more difficult to implement than a half-adder. The main
difference between a half-adder and a full-adder is that the full-adder has three inputs and two
outputs. The first two inputs are A and B and the third input is an input carry designated as CIN.
When a full adder logic is designed we will be able to string eight of them together to create a
byte-wide adder and cascade the carry bit from one adder to the next.

The output carry is designated as COUT and the normal output is designated as S. Take a look at
the truth-table.



0 0 0 0 0

0 0 1 0 1

0 1 0 0 1

0 1 1 1 0

1 0 0 0 1

1 0 1 1 0

1 1 0 1 0

1 1 1 1 1

From the above truth-table, the full adder logic can be implemented. We can see that the output S
is an EXOR between the input A and the half-adder SUM output with B and CIN inputs. We
must also note that the COUT will only be true if any of the two inputs out of the three are HIGH.

Thus, we can implement a full adder circuit with the help of two half adder circuits. The first will
half adder will be used to add A and B to produce a partial Sum. The second half adder logic can
be used to add CIN to the Sum produced by the first half adder to get the final S output. If any of
the half adder logic produces a carry, there will be an output carry. Thus, COUT will be an OR
function of the half-adder Carry outputs. Take a look at the implementation of the full adder
circuit shown below.
Uses of full adder:

Full adder reduces circuit complexibility. It can be used to construct a ripple carry counter to add
an n-bit number. Thus it is used in the ALU also. It is used in Processor chip like Snapdragon,
Exynous or Intel pentium for CPU part . Which consists of ALU (Arithmetic Block unit) . This
Block is used to make operations like Add, subtract, Multiply etcA full adder adds binary
numbers and accounts for values carried in as well as out. A one-bit full adder adds three one-bit
numbers, often written as A, B, and Cin; A and B are the operands, and Cin is a bit carried in
from the previous less significant stage.The full adder is usually a component in a cascade of
adders, which add 8, 16, 32, etc. bit binary numbers.

46. whar are sequential and combinational circuits?

Combinational Logic Circuits Sequential Logic Circuits

Output is a function of clock, present

Output is a function of the present inputs
inputs and the previous states of the
(Time Independent Logic).

Have memory to store the present states

Do not have the ability to store data
that is sent as control input (enable) for
the next operation.

It does not require any feedback. It simply It involves feedback from output to input
outputs the input according to the logic that is stored in the memory for the next
designed. operation.

Used mainly for Arithmetic and Boolean Used for storing data (and hence used in
operations. RAM).

Logic gates are the elementary building Flip flops (binary storage device) are the
blocks. elementary building unit.

Independent of clock and hence does not Clocked (Triggered for operation with
require triggering to operate. electronic pulses).

Example: Counter [Previous O/P

Example: Adder [1+0=1; Dependency only
+1=Current O/P; Dependency on present
on present inputs i.e., 1 and 0].
input as well as previous state].
47. binary to gray and gray to binary converstion?

48. CMOS inverter

49. CMOS transistor explanation

Ans: The main advantage of CMOS over NMOS and BIPOLAR technology is the much smaller power
dissipation. Unlike NMOS or BIPOLAR circuits, a Complementary MOS circuit has almost no static
power dissipation. Power is only dissipated in case the circuit actually switches. This allows integrating
more CMOS gates on an IC than in NMOS or bipolar technology, resulting in much better performance.
Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor transistor consists P-channel MOS (PMOS) and N-channel


NMOS is built on a p-type substrate with n-type source and drain diffused on it. In NMOS, the majority
carriers are electrons. When a high voltage is applied to the gate, the NMOS will conduct. Similarly,
when a low voltage is applied to the gate, NMOS will not conduct. NMOS are considered to be faster
than PMOS, since the carriers in NMOS, which are electrons, travel twice as fast as the holes.


P- channel MOSFET consists P-type Source and Drain diffused on an N-type substrate. Majority carriers
are holes. When a high voltage is applied to the gate, the PMOS will not conduct. When a low voltage is
applied to the gate, the PMOS will conduct. The PMOS devices are more immune to noise than NMOS
CMOS Working Principle

In CMOS technology, both N-type and P-type transistors are used to design logic functions. The same
signal which turns ON a transistor of one type is used to turn OFF a transistor of the other type. This
characteristic allows the design of logic devices using only simple switches, without the need for a pull-
up resistor.

In CMOS logic gates a collection of n-type MOSFETs is arranged in a pull-down network between the
output and the low voltage power supply rail (Vss or quite often ground). Instead of the load resistor of
NMOS logic gates, CMOS logic gates have a collection of p-type MOSFETs in a pull-up network
between the output and the higher-voltage rail (often named Vdd).

Thus, if both a p-type and n-type transistor have their gates connected to the same input, the p-type
MOSFET will be ON when the n-type MOSFET is OFF, and vice-versa. The networks are arranged such
that one is ON and the other OFF for any input pattern as shown in the figure below.

CMOS offers relatively high speed, low power dissipation, high noise margins in both states, and will
operate over a wide range of source and input voltages (provided the source voltage is fixed).

50. why we should not place macros in middle?

Ans: we will see more RC net delays and congestion.

51. In power plan, flip chip process?

Ans: Flip-chip is a method for interconnecting chips to external circuitry with solder bumps that have
been deposited onto the chip pads. The solder bumps are deposited on the chip pads on the top side of the
wafer during the final wafer processing step. In order to mount the chip to external circuitry (e.g., a circuit
board or another chip or wafer), it is flipped over so that its top side faces down, and aligned so that its
pads align with matching pads on the external circuit, and then the solder is flowed to complete the
interconnect. This is in contrast to wire bonding, in which the chip is mounted upright and wires are used
to interconnect the chip pads to external circuitry

52. Why top layers for power, below layers for std. cells and middle layers for clock?
Ans: Top metals layers: The resistivity of top metal layers are less and hence less IR drop is seen in
power distribution network. If power stripes are routed in lower metal layers this will use good amount of
lower routing resources and therefore it can create routing congestion.

Middle metal layers: Middle routing layers such as 4,5 and 6 tend to have the same characteristics so the
clock can be more predictable on those layers .Also ,fewer vias are required to connect to the metal to
clock pin on the flop. It also require to metal layers but they are already reserved for power and GND.
Lower metal layers: Std cell require less power it will be available in lower metal layers. And some std
cell are made up of lower metal layers. So no need to connect vias between std cell pins and metal layers.

53. What are the targets of placement?

Ans: 1.Utilization

2. Timing

3. Congestion
4. Area

54. Is SDC mandatory in floorplan?

Ans: no, because SDC contains clock definitions, delays, DRV’s and exceptional paths so in floorplan we
don’t need all these information.

55. What information you see in SFEC and SPEF files?

Ans: SPEC contains:

• Clock name
• Clock period
• Max and min delay
• Max skew
• Sink max tran
• Buffer max tran
• Clock buffers and clock inverters information
• Exclude pin
• Through pin
• Information about Metal layers used
• Leaf route type

SPEF contains: RC values

56. What is the difference between normal buff & inverter and clock buff & clock inverter?

Ans: compare to normal buffers & inverters clock buffers & inverters have equal rise and fall time.

57. What are the outputs of powerplan?

Ans: power rings, power stripes, follow pins

We have to check DRC’s

58. What is formal verification?


59. Multi cycle path calculation?

Ans: By default, we expect every timing path to meet setup time in a single clock cycle. However, we
can also specify that some data is captured only after a specified number of clock cycles. Till then, the
data at the capturing flop will not be used. Of course your circuit should be designed in such a way for
this kind of behaviour to be valid. This is usually a large combinational block between two registers. It is
important to specify the multicycle paths to synthesis and place&route tools, as the tools will otherwise
try to fix these paths.

This timing exception is specified by the SDC command “set_multicycle_path”. This lets you specify the
number of clock cycles required for the path.

Let us take the timing path from the previous post setup and hold. Let us say the datapath requires 3 clock

The clock diagram is given below. Assume the launch is at edge 1 of CLK.

Once you have this specification, the STA tool takes the clock edge 4 as the capturing edge for FF2. By
default, the hold is always checked one clock edge prior to setup edge. Hence the hold will be checked at
edge 3. If you want the hold check to be done at another edge, say the launch edge itself,
a set_multicycle_path -hold should also be given along with the setup specification. set_multicycle_path 1
-hold -from FF1/CP -to FF2/D will move the hold edge by one clock cycle from the default hold edge. i.e.
to 2. set_multicycle_path 2 -hold will move the hold checking edge 2 cycles from the default hold edge.
i.e. to clock edge 1, which is the default hold edge without any set_multicycle_path specified.

60. Draw a clock waveform. What is the time period of the clock with 500MHZ frequency?

Ans: If frequency is 500MHZ,


By Chandu:

1. Write a perl program to print sum of the digits from 1 to 10

A. For($i=0;$i<=10;$i=$i+1)


Print “ the total sum is : $sum”;

2. What are all the fixing methods for setup and hold violations
A. Setup:
 Upsizing the cells
 Replace buffer with two inverters
 HVT to LVT
 If the net delay is more than break the net and insert the buffer
 Pin swapping
 Pulling the launch and pushing the capture
 Cloning


 Inserting the buffers

 Downsizing the cells
 LVT to HVT
 Pushing the launch and pulling the capture

3. What is OCV
A. OCV – On Chip Variation
The variations are mainly caused by the three factor. They are
 Process variation
 Voltage variation
 Temperature variation
Process variation: The process of fabrication includes diffusion, drawing out of
metal wires, gate drawing etc. The diffusion density is not uniform throughout
wafer. Also, the width of metal wire is not constant. Let us say, the width is 1um
+- 20 nm. So, the metal delays are bound to be within a range rather than a single

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value. Similarly, diffusion regions for all transistors will not have exactly same
diffusion concentrations. So, all transistors are expected to have somewhat
different characteristics.
Voltage variation: Power is distributed to all transistors on the chip with the help
of a power grid. The power grid has its own resistance and capacitance. So, there
is voltage drop along the power grid. Those transistors situated close to power
source (or those having lesser resistive paths from power source) receive larger
voltage as compared to other transistors. That is why, there is variation seen across
transistors for delay.
Temperature variation: Similarly, all the transistors on the same chip cannot have
same temperature. So, there are variations in characteristics due to variation in
temperatures across the chip.

4. What is AOCV and POCV

A. AOCV – Advanced On Chip Variation
This methodology hinges on three major concepts
Cell type: variations should take into account the cell type. Surely an AND gate
and an OR gate can’t exhibit the same variation pattern. Nor could an AND3X and
an AND6X cell. The impact of variation should be calculated for each individual
Distance: As the distance in x-y coordinates increase, the systematic variation
would increase and we might need to use a higher derate value to reflect the
uncertainty in timing analysis to mitigate any surprises on silicon.
Path Depth: If within a given distance, path depth is more, the impact of
systematic variations would be constant, but the random variations would tend to
cancel each other, Therefore as the path depth increases (within the same uniform
distance), the AOCV derates tend to decrease.

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While performing the reg2reg timing analysis, AOCV methodology finds the
bounding box containing the sequential, clock buffers between two sequentials
and all the data cells. Now within a unit distance, if the path depth increases, the
AOCV derate decreases due to cancelling of random variations. However, if the
distance increases, AOCV derates increases due to increase in the systematic
variations. These variations are modeled in form of LUT.

POCV – Parametric On Chip Variation

POCV uses a statistical approach, but it doesn’t do a full SSTA analysis.

Instead, it calculates delay variation by modeling the intrinsic cell delay and load
parasitic (line resistance, line capacitance, and load capacitance) to determine both
the mean and “sigma” (variation) of a logic stage. The cell delay can be further
broken into an n-channel component and a p-channel component. They then
assume that all the cells along a path have the same mean and sigma.

This means that a given path doesn’t have to be analyzed stage-by-stage;

the number of stages can be counted, with the basic stage delay mean and sigma
then used to calculate the path delay and accumulated variation. They claim that

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this keeps the run times down to just over what standard STA tools require, far
faster than SSTA. They also claim speedier execution and greater accuracy than
AOCV, and no derating tables are required.

POCV is a technique that has been proposed as a means of reducing pessimism

further by taking elements of SSTA and implementing them in a way that is less
POCV provides the following:
•Statistical single-parameter derating for random variations
•Single input format and characterization source for both AOCV and POCV table
•Non statistical timing reports
•Limited statistical reporting (mean, sigma) for timing paths

5. How did you open the prime time

A. pt_shell

6. what will you ask pd team in order to do STA


7. If PD team has generated 10 spefs after routing, which spef will you ask for?
A. Worst RC corner spef

8. PD inputs
 lib (timing, functionality, power)
 Lef (physical info)
 V (logical connectivity)
 Sdc (clock definitions)
 Cpf/upf (consists of power domain info)
 Cap table (RC values for every net)

9. What is Netlist and what type of information contains it

 logical connectivity information
 Design name,

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 Hierarchy information,
 Modules information,
 Io ports,
 Instances,
 Input and output pins

10. What is Lib and what type of information contains it

 Timing, power and cell functionality information
 Power supply information
 Operating conditions
 PVTs
 Look up tables
 Cell area, functionality, timing, power
11. What is Lef and what type of information contains it
A. Physical information of the metals, cells and macros.
Tech. lef:
 layer name,
 Type,
 Pitch,
 Width,
 Spacing,
 Area,
 Resistance,
 Capacitance,
 Thickness,
 Edge capacitance,
 Min density
 Max density
 Antenna area ratio
 Current density
 Vias,
 Via rules

Cell/Macro lef:

 Name,
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 Class,
 Origin,
 Size,
 Symmetry
 Pins direction, use, antenna gate area

12. What is Sdc and what type of information contains it

Clock definitions:
 Create clock,
 Create generate clock,
 Virtual clock
I/O delays:
 Input delay
 Output delay
 max tran,
 max cap,
 max fanout

Timing exceptions:

 false path,
 multicycle path,
 max delay,
 min delay
 case analysis
 uncertainity

13. What are all the sanity checks

Library checks:
 missing cells
 Mismatched pins
 Duplicate cell name
Design checks:
 combinational loops

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 Assign statements
 Multidriven nets
 Floating inputs
 Tristate buffers
Constraint checks:
 All flops are clocked are not
 no unconstrained paths
 IO delays

14. What are all the commands used in P&R flow

 set_init_verilog
 set_init_leffile
 set_init_mmmc
 set_init_pwrnet
 set_init_gndnet
 init_design

Sanity Checks:

 checkNetlist
 checkDesign -physicalLibrary
 checkDesign –timingLibrary

Floor Planning:

 checkPinAssignment
 addEndCap –preCap FILL8 –postCap FILL8
 addWellTap –cell FILL8 –cellInterval 40
 checkDesign –floorplan

Power Planning:

 globalNetConnect
 addRing
 addStripe
 sRoute

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 placeDesign
 setPlaceMode
 optDesign –preCTS
 report_timing


 createClockTreeSpec
 clockDesign
 optDesign –postCTS –hold

15. What do you mean by PVT conditions and how cell delays varies with PVT
A. PVT – Process Voltage and Temperature.
Process: You must have heard people talking in terms of process values like 90nm,
65nm, 45nm and other technology nodes. These values are characteristic of any
technology and represent the length between the Source and Drain of a MOS
transistor that you might have studied in your under-grad courses. While
manufacturing any die, it has been seen that the dies that are present at the center
are pretty accurate in their process values. But the ones lying on the periphery tend
to deviate from this process value. The deviation is not big, but can have
significant impact on timing.

Voltage: The voltage that any semiconductor chip works upon is given from
outside. Recall while working on breadboards in your labs, you used to connect a
5V supply to the Vcc pin of your IC. Modern chips work on very less voltage than
that. Typically around 1V-1.2V.

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Temperature: The ambient temperature also impacts the timing. Let's say you are
working on a gadget in Siachen glacier where temperature can drop down to -40
degrees centigrade in winters and you expect your device to be working fine. Or
maybe you are in Sahara desert, where ambient temperature is +50 degrees and
your car engine temperature is +150 degrees and again you expect your chip to
working fine. While designing, therefore, STA engineers need to make sure that
their chip will function correctly in the temperatures between -40 to +150 degrees.

16. How do you know you have max cap violation

A. report_timing –all_violators

17. What is static power

A. Analyzing the power and IR drop consumed in design when there is a constant
current flow because of instances consuming average current in the design is call
static power

18. What is dynamic power

A. Analyzing the power consumed and IR drop in design when the instances draws a
transient current flow due to the instances switching
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19. What is clock gating

A. Clock gating is a popular technique used in many synchronous circuits for
reducing dynamic power dissipation. Clock gating saves power by adding more
logic to a circuit to prune the clock tree. Pruning the clock disables portions of the
circuitry so that the flip-flops in them do not have to switch states. Switching
states consumes power. When not being switched, the switching power
consumption goes to zero, and only leakage currents are incurred.

20. What is setup

A. Minimum amount of time the data must be stable before the active edge of the
clock pluse.

21. What is cross talk

A. Crosstalk is any phenomenon by which a signal transmitted on one circuit or
channel of a transmission system creates an undesired effect in another circuit or
channel. Crosstalk is usually caused by undesired capacitive, inductive,
or coupling from one circuit or channel to another.

22. Write a setup and hold equations

A. Setup:
Arrival Time (AT) = launch clklatency + clk-q delay + combo delay

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Required Time (RT) = clk+ capture clklatency -lib setup time –(Uncertainty) +

Arrival Time (AT) = launch clklatency + clk-q delay + combo delay

Required Time (RT) = clk+ capture clklatency + lib hold time+ Uncertinity–

23. What do you mean by aggressor net

A. Aggressor net creates impact to the neighboring nets

24. Difference between latches and flip flops


25. What are the disadvantages of latches over flipflops


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 Latch less predictable because there is more chance to affect to race

 Level sensitive devices and hence more chance of metastability.
 Analyzing of Latch circuits is difficult because of its level sensitive

26. What is cross talk noise and cross delay

A. Cross talk noise: When w2 is having a constant signal, and when w1 signal is
having a transition, it produces a spike at the w2 signal. This glitch is called
crosstalk noise. This is also referred to as bump violation. This glitch if wide and
large enough, can get propagated through the logic, and can create a logical
failure. The bump violations in clock network should be totally under control.
Refer to the below figure for cross talk noise.

Cross talk delay: When w2 signal is having a transition, this transition time can be
affected by the signal transition at w1. If the transition at w1 is in the same
direction as w2 signal transition, it will make w2 signal transition slower. ie,. the
net delays of the victim net will change with respect to the signal transition in the
aggressor net, this should be taken care in the timing analysis for proper timing
closure. But keep in mind, that the victim net will get affected, only if the
transitions in both the nets happen in the same timing window. Also the delay
change in the victim depends on the type of transition (rise or fall) in the aggressor
net. See the below figures for more understanding.

SATHISH: 8106351248

27. Draw the cmos inverter circuit

28. Draw 2X1 mux using AND OR gates and truth table
A. AND gate:

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OR gate:

29. What do you mean by Mux and Demux

A. MUX: A multiplexer of 2n inputs has n select lines, which are used to select which
input line to send to the output. Multiplexers are mainly used to increase the
amount of data that can be sent over the network within a certain amount of time
and bandwidth. A multiplexer is also called a data selector. Multiplexers can also
be used to implement Boolean functions of multiple variables.
DEMUX: A demultiplexer of 2n outputs has n select lines, which are used to select
which output line to send the input. A demultiplexer is also called a data

30. What is counter

A. Counter is a sequential circuit. A digital circuit which is used for a counting pulses
is known counter. Counter is the widest application of flip-flops. It is a group of
flip-flops with a clock signal applied. Counters are of two types.

 Asynchronous or ripple counters.

 Synchronous counters.

31. Write a perl code to copy a one file into another file
A. Open(M1,”file1”);
Open (M2,”>file2”);
Print M2 “@l \n”;

32. What is signal integrity

A. Signal integrity or SI is a set of measures of the quality of an electrical signal. In
digital electronics, a stream of binary values is represented by a voltage (or
current) waveform

33. Write the sample verilog code

1 //-----------------------------------------------------
2 // Design Name : encoder_using_if

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3 // File Name : encoder_using_if.v

4 // Function : Encoder using If
5 // Coder : Deepak Kumar Tala
6 //-----------------------------------------------------
7 module encoder_using_if(
8 binary_out , // 4 bit binary output
9 encoder_in , // 16-bit input
10 enable // Enable for the encoder
11 );
12 //-----------Output Ports---------------
13 output [3:0] binary_out ;
14 //-----------Input Ports---------------
15 input enable ;
16 input [15:0] encoder_in ;
17 //------------Internal Variables--------
18 reg [3:0] binary_out ;
19 //-------------Code Start-----------------
20 always @ (enable or encoder_in)
21 begin
22 binary_out = 0;
23 if (enable) begin
24 if (encoder_in == 16'h0002) begin
25 binary_out = 1;
26 end if (encoder_in == 16'h0004) begin
27 binary_out = 2;
28 end if (encoder_in == 16'h0008) begin
29 binary_out = 3;
30 end if (encoder_in == 16'h0010) begin
31 binary_out = 4;
32 end if (encoder_in == 16'h0020) begin
33 binary_out = 5;
34 end if (encoder_in == 16'h0040) begin
35 binary_out = 6;
36 end if (encoder_in == 16'h0080) begin
37 binary_out = 7;
38 end if (encoder_in == 16'h0100) begin
39 binary_out = 8;
40 end if (encoder_in == 16'h0200) begin
41 binary_out = 9;
42 end if (encoder_in == 16'h0400) begin
43 binary_out = 10;
44 end if (encoder_in == 16'h0800) begin
45 binary_out = 11;

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46 end if (encoder_in == 16'h1000) begin

47 binary_out = 12;
48 end if (encoder_in == 16'h2000) begin
49 binary_out = 13;
50 end if (encoder_in == 16'h4000) begin
51 binary_out = 14;
52 end if (encoder_in == 16'h8000) begin
53 binary_out = 15;
54 end
55 end
56 end
58 endmodule

34. How can you fix max cap violations

 Upsizing
 Adding the buffer

35. What is synthesis and what are the inputs to synthesis

A. Synthesis is the process of transforming your HDL design into a gate-level netlist,
given all the specified constraints and optimization settings.

 Lib
 Sdc
36. What is STA
A. STA is a method of validating the timing performance of a design by checking all
possible paths for timing violations under worst case conditions.

37. Create a clock with 10ps period and rise edge 4ps and fall edge 8ps
A. create_clock [get_ports{clk}] –name pclk –period 10 –waveform{4 8}

38. what are mandatory things for generate clock

A. .
 Source master pin
 Divided by /multiple by factor

39. Write a command for generating clock

A. Create_generated_clock –name clk –source PLL –divided_by 2 [get_pins uff0/q]

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40. What type of library did you use in your design

A. .
 Fast Lib
 Slow Lib

41. What are asynchronous circuits

A. The circuit in which the change in the input signals can affect memory elements at
any instants of the time is call asynchronous circuit

In this circuit, clock is absent and hence the state changes can occur
according to delay time of the logic.

42. Why do you need the virtual clock

A. To address the IO delays

43. What is recovery and removal

A. Recovery:
The recovery time is the minimum time that an asynchronous input is stable
after being de-asserted before next active clock edge

The removal time is the minimum time after an active clock edge that the
asynchronous pin must remain active before it can be de-asserted

44. What does report_constraints –all_violators contain

A. It show all the violations
 Max_transition
 Max_fanout
 Max_capacitance
 Setup
 Hold

45. In sanity checks if we have floating inputs, can we move forward

A. No, we don’t move forward because the floating inputs can take any input value
from the neighboring switching nets. Then the undesired output will appear. so,
we don’t move forward if there is any floating input.

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46. While giving the inputs to the floorplan, which LEF(tech lef or cell lef) we
have to give first
A. First, we give the tech lef. Whenever the tech lef is loaded after all other inputs are

47. Is .lib is mandatory inut for floorplan, and what information you take from
A. No , .lib is not mandatory for floorplan

48. What are the floorplan inputs

A. Lef and .v

49. Guidelines of floorplan

 IO ports must be placed.
 communication between macros and io ports
 macro to macro communication should be checked
 macros should be placed around the core boundary only
 macro pins should be towards the core area only
 crisscrossing should not be there between macros
 proper channel spacing should be given between the macro
 spacing between macros should be covered with the macros

50. what is overshoot glitch and undershoot glitch

A. There is still a glitch which takes the victim net voltage above its steady high
value. Such a glitch is called an overshoot glitch. Similarly, a falling aggressor
when coupled to a steady low victim net causes an undershoot glitch on the victim

51. What are the mandatory things for creating clocks

 Period
 Source

52. Why do you required setup checks and hold checks

 To meet the timing
 Proper functionality of the device

53. If I increases power supply, what happen to cell delay

A. The cell delay will decrease

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54. If I increase my metal width, what happens to it’s height

A. The height remains same

55. Why we are using different metal width for different layers
A. For supply the different currents inside the design. Top metal layers have high
current flow and low metal layers have low current flow

56. What happens if in my design have a same metal width for all 9 layers
A. If the width is high the current flow is high. Due to high current flow standard
cells will damage.
If the width is low then we see more IR drop

57. How cell delay depends on channel length

A. If the channel length is more than the cell delay is more and vice versa

58. If top level guys had not mentioned the aspect ratio, then how will you take
the core area
A. (Std.cell area+12%(PD overload)+Analog IP+12%(Analog to digital
space)+Macros+4%)/ Utilization

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By Madhu:

213. Based on what we will place the macros?

A. Hierarchy, macro to macro communication, macro to IO communication and guidelines.

214. If macros are placed at the center, what are the problems we get?
A. Congestion, net lengths will be more due to detouring, timing issues, IR drop.

215. How will you give spacing between macros?

A. Spacing = (no. of pins * pitch of routing layer)/no. of available layers in the preferred direction

216. To avoid congestion in between macros, what are the cares we take?
A. proper channel spacing should be provided between macro to macro and the halo should be provided around the macro,
there should not be crisscrossing between macro to macro.

217. What are the types of blockages?

A. placement blockages:
1. Hard blockage: It will not allow any cells inside the blockage.
2. Soft blockage: It will not allow std cell but it will allow buffers and inverters during optimization.
3. Partial blockage: It will allow only certain specified percentage of cells.
Routing blockage: It will allow only some specified metal layers inside the blockage.

218. If we place soft blockage in between the macros it will allow the buffers and inverters, in that, then how will the
power will get to that cells?
A. Stripe should be added to get the power to those cells.

219. What are all the targets after power plan?

A. Checks after power planning:
1. Connectivity should be verified.
2. Any open, floating or dangling nets in the design.

220. Inputs of placement?

A. Design database upto power plan, lib, sdc, scandef

221. What are contents in SDC?

A. Sdc: clock definitions: create clock, create generate clock, virtual clock
Input delay
Output delay
DRVs: max tran, max cap, max fanout
Timing exceptions: false path, multicycle path, max delay, min delay

222. What is multicycle path and false path?

A. The combinational data path between two flip-flops can take more than one clock cycle to propagate through the
logic. In such cases, the combinational path is declared as a multicycle path.

Some certain timing paths are not real (or not possible) in the actual functional operation of the design. Such paths can
be turned off during STA by setting these as false paths. A false path is ignored by the STA for analysis.

223. At the placement stage what are all the different types of congestion you see? And how you overcome that
in your design?
A. 1. Using hard blockages in case of congestion due to notches.
2. Using partial blockage, in case of high cell density.
3. Using cell padding, in case of congestion due to pin density.

224. Explain different techniques to overcome the congestion?

A. same as above

225. At placement stage, if we have the utilization of 95%, can we move forward and why?
A. No, we should not proceed with that utilization. We have to check the reason for the jump in the utilization number.

226. What are the timing checks we do after placement?

A. DRVs and setup checks

227. If the design had violated by 500ps of setup then will you move forward and why?
A. No, we have to fix the setup violation. If we proceed at this stage by the next stage the setup will be violated more there
not be chance to fix.

228. What are inputs of CTS?

A. placement database, sdc, lib, spec.

229. What exactly the spec will contain?

A. Clock grouping,
Through pin,
Exclude pin,
Sink pin,
Min. delay,
Max. delay,
Min. skew,
Clock buffers and inverters,
Routing layers,

230. What is the use of clock groups in the spec file?

A. clock groups that are mutually exclusive or asynchronous with each other in a design so that the paths between these
are not considered during the timing analysis.

231. What are the targets of CTS?

A. balanced skew and minimum insertion delay.

232. What is the skew?

A. Skew is the difference in timing between two or more signals, maybe data, clock or both. Clock skew is the difference in
arrival times at the end points of the clock tree. Clock latency is the total time it takes from the clock source to an end
Skew is the difference between capture flop latency and launch flop latency.

233. Explain setup and hold with equation.

A. Setup: The minimum time before the active clock when the data input must remain stable is called the setup time.
Setup time = Required Time - Arrival Time
Required time = Clock period + capture clock latency – lib setup – setup uncertainity
Arrival time = launch clock latency + C to Q delay + combo delay

Hold: The minimum time the data input must remain stable just after the active edge of the clock.
Hold time = Arrival Time – Required Time
Required time = Capture clock latency – lib setup – setup uncertainity
Arrival time = launch clock latency + C to Q delay + combo delay
234. If launch clock is 20ns and capture clock is 10ns then where do we check the setup and hold? and vice versa?

235. How to fix the setup and hold violations?

A. setup:
Vt swapping (HVT to LVT)
Pushing capture flop (adding delay)
Pulling launch flop(reducing delay)
Vt swapping (LVT to HVT)
Pulling capture flop (reducing delay)
Pushing launch flop (adding delay)
Buffering for net delays

236. What is the resistor, capacitor and current formulae?

A. Capacitance, C = ∈ 𝐴/𝑑,
Where, ∈ is the permittivity, A is area and d is distance.
Resistance, R = ρl/A,
Where, ρ is resistivity, l is length and A is area.
Current, I = V/R,
Where, V is voltage and R is resistance.

237. What is antenna violation? On what basis antenna violation will affect the cell.
A. It is also called “Plasma induced gate effect damage”. It will occur at manufacturing stage. It is a gate damage that can
occur due to charge accumulation on metals and discharge to a gate through gate oxide. These are normally expressed
as an allowable ratio of metal area to gate area greater than allowable area.

238. What is cloning?


239. On what tool and technology, you have worked? Have you ever seen PT and calibre tools?

241. What happens if we have setup and hold violations in our design?
A. setup and hold timings are to be met in order to ensure that data launched from one flop is captured properly at
another and in
accordance to the state machine designed. In other words, no timing violations means that the data launched by one
flip-flop at one clock edge is getting captured by another flip-flop at the desired clock edge. If the setup check is
violated, data will not be captured properly at the next clock edge. Similarly, if hold check is violated, data intended to
get captured at the next edge will get captured at the same edge. Moreover, setup/hold violations can lead to data
getting captured within the setup/hold window which can lead to metastability of the capturing flip-flop. So, it is very
important to have setup and hold requirements met for all the registers in the design and there should not be any
setup/hold violations.

242. What will you do if your design has setup violation and how will you meet setup in such cases where there are
margins available?
A. We can meet the setup violations by adding buffers and downsizing the buffers present in the clock path.

243. What is time borrowing?

A. The time borrowing technique, which is also called cycle stealing, occurs at a latch. In a latch, one edge of the clock
the latch transparent, that is, it opens the latch so that output of the latch is the same as the data input; this clock edge
is called the opening edge. The second edge of the clock closes the latch, that is, any change on the data input is no
longer available at the output of the latch; this clock edge is called the closing edge.
244. What are the concepts involved in STA?
A. modeling of cells, propagation delay, slew of waveform, skew between signals, Timing arcs, Timing paths, Clock
Operating conditions.

245. What is signal integrity?

A. The ability of the signal to with stand the interference from the nearby signal.

246. What is aggressor net? Why it’s called aggressor net?

A. The net in which high switching activity is performed is aggressor. It is the affecting net so that it is called as aggressor

247. Both nets are having same drive strength, but voltage is different, capacitance is occurred or not?
A. yes, the capacitance occurs due to different voltage levels.

248. Both nets are having same voltage, but voltage is same, capacitance is occurred or not?
A. No, the capacitance does not occur because the voltage levels are same.

249. Both nets having same voltage capacitance is occurred or not?

A. No

250. What is cross coupling capacitance? Why it occurs?

A. The capacitance formed between two different nets in which one of the net is having high switching activity and other
net is
containing low level signal. The capacitance is formed because of different voltage levels in the nets and different

251. What is dielectric? Do know dielectric formula?

A. A dielectric (or dielectric material) is an electrical insulator that can be polarized by an applied electric field. When a
dielectric is placed in an electric field, electric charges do not flow through the material as they do in an electrical
conductor but only slightly shift from their average equilibrium positions causing dielectric polarization. Because
of dielectric polarization, positive charges are displaced in the direction of the field and negative charges shift in the
opposite direction.

Dielectric constant, κ = C/C0

Where, C is value of the capacitance of a capacitor filled with a given dielectric
C0 is the capacitance of an identical capacitor in a vacuum

253. What is cross talk? Explain in detail.

A. The interference of the high switching signal on the low level signal due to the formation of coupling capacitor between
nets. The net in which high switching activity is there and affecting the idle net is called aggressor net. The net which is
having low switching activity and affected by aggressor is called victim net.
When aggressor net is switching and victim net is idle, we may get cross talk noise.
When aggressor net and victim net both are switching, we may get cross talk delay.

254. How to avoid crosstalk?

A. Applying NDRs, downsizing aggressor, upsizing victim, shielding victim net.

257. What is data path?

A. The path between Q pin of the launch flop and D pin of the capture flop is called data path.

258. What is OCV?

A. The process and environmental conditions may not be uniform across the different portions of the chip. Due to process
variations, identical transistors may not have similar characteristics in different portions of the chip.

259. What is process?

A. Process variation is the naturally occurring variation in the attributes of transistors (length, widths, oxide thickness)
when integrated circuits are fabricated. The amount of process variation becomes particularly pronounced at smaller
process nodes (<65 nm) as the variation becomes a larger percentage of the full length or width of the device and as
feature sizes approach the fundamental dimensions such as the size of atoms and the wavelength of usable light for
patterning lithography masks.

260. Explain the corners.

A. Parasitics can be extracted at many corners. These are mostly governed by the variations in the metal width and metal
etch in
the manufacturing process. Some of these are:
• Typical: This refers to the nominal values for interconnect resistance and capacitance.
• Max C: This refers to the interconnect corner which results in maximum capacitance. The interconnect resistance is
than at typical corner. This corner results in largest delay for paths with short nets and can be used for max path
• Min C: This refers to the interconnect corner which results in minimum capacitance. The interconnect resistance is
than at typical corner. This corner results in smallest delay for paths with short nets and can be used for min path
• Max RC: This refers to the interconnect corner which maximizes the interconnect RC product. This typically
corresponds to
larger etch which reduces the trace width. This results in largest resistance but corresponds to smaller than typical
capacitance. Overall, this corner has the largest delay for paths with long interconnects and can be used for max path
• Min RC: This refers to the interconnect corner which minimizes the interconnect RC product. This typically
corresponds to
smaller etch which increases the trace width. This results in smallest resistance but corresponds to larger than
typical capacitance. Overall, this corner has the smallest path delay for paths with long interconnects and can be
used for min path analysis.
By Nandini:

262. Tell me about STA?

Ans: It is a method of validating the timing performance of the design by checking all
possible paths for timing violations under worstcase conditions.

Read lib
Read netlist
(Link the design and check any unresolved references and black box)
Read SDC
(check_timing(we should not get any unconstrained end points; clock
notfound; No drive Assertion))
Read spef
(report_annotated parasitics)
Report timing
(we need to generate timing reports for all variable paths in the design)
(After generating the reports we should analyse all the slack, setup, hold

263. Tell me about PD?

Ans: A. Inputs for PD are

1. lib (timing, functionality, power)
2. lef (physical info)
3. v (logical connectivity)
4. sdc (clock definitions)
5. cpf/upf (consists of power domain info)
6. cap table (RC values for every net)
B. Sanity checks
a)Library sanity checks (physical and logical library)
1. Missing cells and pins
2. Mismatched pins
3. Duplicate cell name
b)Design sanity checks (checkNetlist)
1. Floating pins
2. Combinational loops
3. Assign statements
4. Tristate buffers
5. Empty modules
6. Multi Driven nets
c) Constraint sanity checks
1. All flops are clocked or not
2. No unconstrained path
3. Input and Output delays
• Floorplan (defining core and die area based on Aspect ratio and Utilization factor and
placing macros physical cells )
• Power Plan (supplying power from Pads to the Design)
• Placement (finding the appropriate location of the std cells)
• Place opt (to meeting area congestion and timing [setup])
• CTS (Distributing clock from clock port to clock pin)
• opt CTS (balancing skew and latency also DRC's to meet the timing[setup, hold])
• Routing (Connecting components physically and finding optimized net length with
introduced net delays)
• opt Routing (Assigning the track for every net and fixing the timings )
• Signoff (meeting the all requirements timing, functionality, power, area and DRC.)
264. Inputs of STA?
Ans: 1. Lib
2. netlist
3. sdc
4. Spef
265. Inputs of PD?
Ans: Technology Related inputs:
1. .lib
2. Lef
3. captables
Design Related inputs:
1. .v
2. SDC
3. CPF
266. What is Setup? How you fix setup?

Ans: The time taken by the data to be stable before the clock edge called Setup.

How to fix setup :

1. Upsizing the cell.

2. Vt swapping.
3. Pulling the launch.
4. Pushing the capture.

267. what is hold? How u fix hold?

Ans: The time taken by the data to be stable before the clock edge called hold.

How to fix hold:

1. Downsizing the cell.

2. Vt swapping.
3. Pulling the capture.
4. Pushing the launch.
5. Inserting the buffer in the data path.

271. What is BlackBox?

Ans: It consists of input and output but we cannot see the inside functionality.

272. What are the commands using entire pd flow?



1. floorPlan -site CoreSite -r 1 0.698983 1.0 1.14 1.0 1.0

2. editPin -fixedPin 1 -fixOverlap 1 -unit MICRON -spreadDirection
clockwise -side Top -layer 4 -spreadType start -spacing 0.4 -start 4.337
750.8455 -pin {pin names}
3. addHaloToBlock 1 1 1 1 -allBlock
4. addEndCap -preCap FILL2 -postCap FILL2 -prefix ENDCAP
5. addWellTap -cell FILL8 -cellInterval 40 -fixedGap -prefix WELLTAP
1. for global net connection
globalNetConnect VDD -type pgpin -pin VDD -inst *
globalNetConnect VSS -type pgpin -pin VSS -inst *
globalNetConnect VDD -type tiehi -pin VDD -inst *
globalNetConnect VSS -type tielo -pin VSS -inst *
1. placeDesign
2. for hard blockage (createPlaceBlockage -box <area> )
3. softblockage (createDensityArea <area> <percentage>)
4. placeDesign -incremental
5. optDesign -preCTS
1. clockDesign
2. optDesign -postCTS
1. RouteDesign
2. optDesign -postRoute
273. what are the commands using CTS level?

Ans: 1. clockDesign

2. optdesign-postCTS

3. report_timing

4. report_constraints –all _violators

274. Tell me ten ways to fix Setup and hold?

Ans: To fix SETUP:

1. Upsizing the cell.

2.Vt Swapping.

3. Pulling the launch.

4. Pushing the capture.

5. Logical Restructuring.

6. Pin Swapping.


8. If net delay dominates the cell delay :

Break the net and adding buffers.

To fix HOLD:

1. Downsize the cell

2. Vt Swapping
3. Pulling the capture
4. Pushing the launch
5. Insert the buffer in the data path

276. What is OCV and AOCV?

Ans: : OCV:

Minor changes in delays due to the variations in PVT conditions.As cell delays
are varying we will apply a global derating factor then every cell having min and max delay.
All the cells are applying with same derating factor.


Here we r applying a derating factor based on logical depth and distance.OCV is

more pessimistic than AOCV so we r going for AOCV.

277. Create Clock Command?

Ans: create_clock -name top – period 10 -waveform (0 5) –get_ports[scan clk]

278. What is Dutycycle?

Ans: A duty cycle is the fraction of one period in which a signal or system is active known as
Duty cycle.

Duty cycle = (Ton/Ton+Toff)*100

275. What is PVT?

Ans: PVT- Process Voltage Temperature

 Best case: fast process, highest voltage and lowest temperature

 Worst case: slow process, lowest voltage and highest temperature

 Normal case: normal process, normal voltage, normal temperature

279. Make a waveform 30./. dutycycle?


280. How many spef files used in your project?

Ans: 6 spef files

281. Cell Delay Vs VTH?

Ans: If temperatute increases mobility decreases and Vth decreases.

If temperature decreases mobility increases and Vth increases.

In lower technologies temperature decreases delay increases because it depends on threshold


Because of Drain current i.e., d is inversely proportional to Vth if vth increases Id
decreases then process is slow then delay also increases.

282. which is being used currently AOCV or POCV?

Ans: POCV [Parametric On Chip Variation]:

It uses a statistical approach, it calculates delay variation by modeling the intrinsic cell delay
and parasitic of load which determines sigma and mean of a logic stage.

283. Draw a clock waveform. What is the time period of a clock with 1GHZ frequency?

284.What is netlist? What it contains?

Ans: Logical connectivity information between combinational and sequential cells known as
Netlist. It contains 1. Module information

2. Hierarichal information

3. Input Output Notations

4. port information
5. Instance and net names

285. What .lib contains?

Ans: It contains

1. Power Information

2. Timing Information

3. cell Functionality

4. PVT

286. Where will the data get launched and captured?


290. What is Setup Equation?


R.T – A.T
R.T = Clkperiod+Capture clock latency-lib.setup time-uncertainity

A.T= Launch Clock latency+ Clk-Q delay+ combinational path


A.T - R.T

A.T = Launch Clock latency+ Clk-Q delay+ combinational path

R.T= Capture clock latency+lib.hold time+hold uncertainity

291. If setup checks and hold checks not done what happened? If it necessary why?

Ans: Timing doesn’t meet if we do not do setup and hold check.

292. Why NMOS is Called NMOS?

Ans: N-type metal-oxide-semiconductor logic uses N type field effect transistors

MOSFETs to implement logic gates and other digital circuits. These NMOS transistors
operate by creating an inversion layer in a p-type transistor body. This inversion layer, called
the n-channel, can conduct electrons between n-type "source" and "drain" terminals. The n-
channel is created by applying voltage to the third terminal, called the gate.

293. What is NMOS and PMOS ?

Ans: NMOS: N-type metal oxide semiconductor

A NMOS transistor is made up of n-type source and drain and a p-type substrate.
When a voltage is applied to the gate, holes in the body (p-type substrate) are driven away
from the gate. This allows forming an n-type channel between the source and the drain and a
current is carried by electrons from source to the drain through an induced n-type channel.

PMOS: P-type Metal oxide Semiconductor

A PMOS transistor is made up of p-type source and drain and a n-type substrate.
When a positive voltage is applied between the source and the gate (negative voltage between
gate and source) a p-type channel is formed between the source and the drain with opposite
polarities. A current is carried by holes from source to the drain through an induced p-type
channel. A high voltage on the gate will cause a PMOS not to conduct, while a low voltage
on the gate will cause it to conduct .

294. What is MOSFET? Draw the MOSFET Diagram?

Ans: MOSFET: Metal Oxide Semiconductor

The metal–oxide–semiconductor field-effect transistor (MOSFET, MOS-FET,

or MOS FET) is a type of field-effect transistor (FET), most commonly fabricated by
the controlled oxidation of silicon. It has an insulated gate, whose voltage determines the
conductivity of the device. This ability to change conductivity with the amount of applied
voltage can be used for amplifying or switching electronic signals.

295. What is Transistor?

Ans: Transfer of Resistance

A transistor is a semiconductor device used to amplify or switch electronic signals

and electrical power. It is composed of semiconductor material usually with at least
three terminals for connection to an external circuit .
296. What is Inverter? Explain in Cmos Inverter logic?

Ans: It is an electronic device which changes Direct current to Alternating current.

297. What is buffer explanation in CMOS logic?


By interchanging the positions of the NMOS and PMOS transistors in the NOT circuit can
give a Buffer and this technique uses only two transistors.

A BUF gate is essentially constructed from two NOT gates connected in series

298. What is the function of AND,NAND,NOT?

Ans: AND: A*B


NOT : A Bar

299. What are opens and shots? How u fix?

Ans: Opens: Different metals with same name known as Opens.

How to fix opens:

1. Stretching the metal layers.

2. Metal jogging

Shorts: Same metal with different name known as shorts.

How to fix shorts:

1. Metal shorts:
Metal Jogging (or) change the metal layers.
2. Via shorts:
Changes the vias.

300. What is FV?

Ans: FV (Or) LEC:

It checks the functionality of the netlists

LEC Flow :

Read lib

Read golden netlist

Read revised netlist

Mapping(Names are mapping here)


302. What kind of errors u seen in LEC?

Ans: 1. Unmapped names

303. What is Congestion? If congestion is there what happened?

Ans: Available tracks are less than Required tracks known as Congestion.

1. First we need to do set uniform density then also if we observe congestion

2. If Global congestion is there:

• The congestion which is occurring at every g-cell in the design is called global
• Due to this global congestion we are facing the improper routing (it will generate
• This is mainly occurred due to improper placement of macros and bad floor plan
To reduce the global congestion change the core size(increase area) and fixing the proper
placement area for std cells.

3. If there are notches congestion there is a possibility to apply hard blockage.

4. If there is more cell density at particular stage we r applying partial blockage and also
cell padding.

304. What is CrossTalk?Explain CrossTalk?

Ans: The voltage transition from one net to another net through coupling capacitor known as

There are two types:

1. Crosstalk Noise
2. Crosstalk Delay

Crosstalk Noise:
If aggressor switches victim is constant known as Crosstalk noise.

If bump is above 50% it goes to metastable state(or) functionality failure.

Crosstalk Delay:

If aggressor and victim both in same direction delay decreases.

If aggressor and victim both in opposite direction delay increases.

305. What is Coupling Capacitor?


A coupling capacitor is a capacitor which is used to couple or link together only the AC
signal from one circuit element to another. The capacitor blocks the DC signal from entering
the second element and, thus, only passes the AC signal.
306. Capacitance Formula? Explain in detail?

Ans: It is a passive element that has ability to store the charge in the form of potential
difference between plates known as capacitor.

Effect of capacitor is called capacitance.

C= permitivitty of dielectric* Area of plate overlap in Distance between 2

307. Tell me the manufacture process of metals?

Ans: Metal Manufacturing Processes: Production

Depending on the metal and its purpose, the metal may simply be melted down and molded to
shape. This process is known as casting. Casting is best for small or intricate parts. Casting
SHOULD NOT be used for products that require high strength, high ductility, or tight

Dies, jewelery, plaques, and machine components all benefit from this simple production process.


Powder processing treats powdered metals with pressure (pressing) and heat (sintering) to form
different shapes. Powdered metallurgy is known for its precision and output quality -- it keeps tight
tolerances and often requires no secondary fabrications.

However, it's incredibly costly and generally only used for small, complex parts. Powder
processing is NOT appropriate for high-strength applications.


Metal forming takes a raw metal (usually in sheet metal form) and mechanically manipulates it into a
desired shape. Unlike casting, metal forming allows for higher strength, ductility, and
workability for additional fabrications.

Metal Manufacturing Processes: Fabrication


Deformation includes bending, rolling, forging, and drawing.


Machining refers to any fabrication method that removes a section of the metal. Machining is also
known as material removal processing. Cutting, shearing, punching, and stamping are all
common types of machining fabrication.

When planning for machining in your supply chain, hardening processes should happen AFTER
machining processes. Hardened metals have a high shear strength and are more difficult to cut.


Joining, or assembly, is one of the last steps of the metal manufacturing process. This category
includes welding, brazing, bolting, and adhesives. Assembly can be done by machine or by hand.


Depending on your material and application, you may also need finishing services. Finishing includes
everything from galvanization to powder coating, and can take place throughout the manufacturing

308. Why metals are placed in horizontal and vertical fasion?

Ans: At routing stage if we place metals in horizontal and vertical manner it leads to metals lays
exactly on tracks.

309. What is CTS? Explain CTS?

Ans: Before CTS we need to check:

1. All cells should be legalized.

2. All power nets are prerouted.
3. All pins should legalized.
4. Congestion, timing should control.
1. To minimize the logical DRCs.
2. Balancing the skew.
3. Minimum Insertion Delay.
1. SDC
To distribute a clock from Clockport to Clockpin
To minimize skew and insertion delay to build the clock tree.
Here we are generating SPEC file using clock buffers and clock inverters.
SPEC file consists of
1. Buffers list
2. Max skew
3. Min and Max Insertion delay
4. Max trans, Cap, Fanout
5. Inverters list
6. Clock tree leaf pin, exclude pin, stop pin
7. Clock name
8. Clock period
optDesign -postCTS
1. Timing numbers
2. Utilization numbers
3. Congestion
4. All cells should legalize

311. What is CD in shell command?

Ans: change directory

312. how you make a directorie?

Ans: makedirectory(mkdir)
313. Tell me the command for directory with in a directory?
Ans: mkdir dir1

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