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Nuermberger E, Grosset J: Pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic issues in the treat- important risk factor for VTE.

VTE. Three quarters of proximal DVT

ment of mycobacterial infections, Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis 23:243–255, that complicates hip surgery occurs in the operated leg, and throm-
Prasad K, Singh MB: Corticosteroids for managing tuberculous meningitis, Cochrane bosis is common with indwelling venous catheters. Venous injury is
Database Syst Rev (1)2000. CD002244. thought to predispose to thrombosis by exposing blood to suben-
Stein CM, Nshuti L, Chiunda AB, et al: Evidence for a major gene influence on tumor dothelial tissue factor and to collagen, which binds von
necrosis factor-alpha expression in tuberculosis: Path and segregation analysis, Willebrand factor.
Hum Hered 60:109–118, 2005.
Stein CM, Zalwango S, Malone LL, et al: Genome scan of M. tuberculosis infection
and disease in Ugandans, PLoS ONE 3:e4094, 2008. Hypercoagulability
Volmink J, Garner P: Directly observed therapy for treating tuberculosis, Cochrane A complex balance between naturally occurring coagulation and
Database Syst Rev (4)2007. CD003343.
Weis SE, Miller TL, Hilsenrath PE, Moonan PK: Comprehensive cost description of
fibrinolytic factors and their inhibitors serves to maintain blood
tuberculosis care, Int J Tuberc Lung Dis 9:467–468, 2005. fluidity and hemostasis. Inherited or acquired changes in this bal-
World Health Organisation: Global leprosy situation, Wkly Epidemiol Rec ance can predispose to thrombosis. The most important inherited
80:289–295, 2005. biochemical disorders associated with VTE are defects of the nat-
World Health Organization: Global Tuberculosis Control: Epidemiology, Strategy,
Financing: WHO Report 2009, Geneva, 2009, WHO.
urally occurring inhibitors of coagulation (i.e., deficiencies of anti-
Zink A, Haas CJ, Reischl U, et al: Molecular analysis of skeletal tuberculosis in an thrombin, protein C, or protein S and resistance to activated
ancient Egyptian population, J Med Microbiol 50:355–366, 2001. protein C caused by factor V Leiden) and the G20210A prothrom-
bin gene mutation, which is associated with elevated levels of pro-
thrombin. The first three coagulation deficiencies listed are rare in
the normal population (combined prevalence, <1%), have a com-
VENOUS THROMBOEMBOLISM bined prevalence of approximately 5% in patients with a first epi-
Method of sode of VTE, and are associated with a 10- to 40-fold increase in
Sarah Takach Lapner, MD; and Clive Kearon, PhD the risk of VTE. The factor V Leiden mutation is common, occur-
ring in approximately 5% of Caucasians and 20% of patients with
Venous thromboembolism (VTE), which includes deep venous a first episode of VTE (i.e., a fourfold increase in VTE risk). The
thrombosis (DVT) and pulmonary embolism (PE), is the third most G20210A prothrombin gene occurs in approximately 2% of Cau-
common cause of vascular death (after myocardial infarction and casians and 5% of patients with a first episode of VTE (i.e., a 2.5-
stroke) and the leading cause of preventable death among hospital- fold increase in VTE risk).
ized patients. Thrombosis starts in the deep veins, and PE occurs Elevated levels of a number of coagulation factors (I, II, VIII, IX,
when such thrombi break free and lodge in the pulmonary arteries, XI) are also associated with thrombosis in a dose-dependent man-

Venous Thromboembolism
where they obstruct blood flow and can cause lung damage (i.e., ner. It is probable that such elevations are often inherited, and there
pulmonary infarction). About 90% of the instances of DVT is strong evidence for this supposition for factor VIII and factor II;
involve the legs, about 5% involve the upper extremities (axillary, for example, the G20210A prothrombin gene is associated with an
subclavian, or jugular veins), and the remaining 5% involve other increase of approximately 25% in factor II (prothrombin). Abnor-
veins of the body (e.g., internal iliac, renal, ovarian). DVT that is malities of the fibrinolytic system have a questionable association
confined to the deep veins of the calf, without involvement of with VTE.
the popliteal vein, is termed isolated distal DVT, whereas that Acquired hypercoagulable states include estrogen therapy
involving the popliteal or a more proximal vein is termed proximal (threefold increase in VTE, highest during the first 6 months), anti-
DVT (most proximal DVT also involves the distal veins). Throm- phospholipid antibodies (anticardiolipin antibodies or lupus anti-
bosis of the subcutaneous veins is referred to as superficial vein coagulants or both), systemic lupus erythematosus, malignancy,
thrombosis or superficial thrombophlebitis. Superficial vein chemotherapy for cancer, and surgery. Patients who develop
thrombosis mostly occurs in the legs (e.g., long or short saphenous immunologically related heparin-induced thrombocytopenia also
veins, often in association with varicosities), and its main impor- have a very high risk for arterial and venous thromboembolism.
tance is that it causes pain and swelling and may extend to cause Unlike the congenital abnormalities, acquired risk factors are often 841
DVT. This chapter focuses on DVT of the legs and PE. transient, and this fact has important implications for the duration
of anticoagulant prophylaxis and treatment.
Pathogenesis and Risk Factors
Virchow is credited with identifying stasis, vessel wall injury, and Combinations of Risk Factors and Risk Stratification
hypercoagulability as the pathogenic triad responsible for throm- The risk of developing VTE depends on the prevalence and severity
bosis. This classification of risk factors for VTE remains valuable. of risk factors (Box 1). By assessment of these factors, hospitalized
Most patients who develop VTE have more than one, and often patients can be categorized as having a low, moderate, or high risk
multiple, risk factors. of VTE (Table 1). Patients with active cancer are among those with
the highest risk of thrombosis, because they often have a large num-
ber of major risk factors, such as the hypercoagulable state associ-
Venous Stasis
ated with cancer, recent surgery, chemotherapy, generalized
The importance of venous stasis as a risk factor for VTE is demon-
immobility from weakness, localized stasis associated with venous
strated by the fact that most DVT associated with stroke affects the
obstruction by tumor, and the presence of indwelling venous
paralyzed leg, and most DVT associated with pregnancy affects the
left leg, due to extrinsic compression of the left common iliac vein
by the pregnant uterus and the right common iliac artery. General
immobilization, such as in hospitalized patients and in patients Epidemiology and Natural History of Venous
with leg injuries or other chronic illness, is also an important risk Thromboembolism
factor. Venous stasis is thought to predispose to thrombosis by The overall incidence of VTE is about 1.5 per 1000 persons per
causing local hypoxia (e.g., in venous valve cusps), which attracts year in adults, with about two thirds of these episodes being symp-
inflammatory cells and causes endothelial dysfunction, leading to tomatic DVT and about one third being symptomatic PE (with or
an increase in the local concentration of clotting factors and tissue without symptoms of DVT). However, the incidence of VTE is
factor and an increase in interactions between circulating cells and highly influenced by age. Before the age of 16 years, most likely
the venous endothelium. because the immature coagulation system is resistant to thrombo-
sis, VTE is very rare and is largely confined to children with major
Vessel Damage provoking factors such as indwelling venous lines. The risk of VTE
Venous endothelial damage, usually as a consequence of accidental increases exponentially with advancing age, with an almost two-
injury, manipulation during surgery, or iatrogenic injury, is an fold increase every decade, from an annual incidence of 0.3 per

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emphasizes the importance of using appropriate prophylaxis to
BOX 1 Risk Factors for Venous Thromboembolism (VTE)* prevent VTE in high-risk patients. Among hospital-associated
VTE cases, about half occur in surgical and half in medical
Patient Factors
patients. About one quarter of VTE cases are associated with can-
• Previous VTE†
cer; one quarter are associated with minor illnesses, injuries, or
• Age older than 40 years, and particularly older than 70 years†
• Pregnancy, puerperium
estrogen therapy; and one quarter are not associated with any
apparent clinical risk factor (referred to as unprovoked or idio-
• Marked obesity
pathic VTE). There is overlap among these categories; for exam-
• Inherited hypercoagulable state
ple, there is a particularly high risk of VTE among patients with
Underlying Condition and Acquired Factors cancer who are hospitalized.
• Malignancy† Of all episodes of VTE, about three quarters are first episodes
• Estrogen therapy and one quarter are recurrent episodes. Clinically important
• Cancer chemotherapy components of the natural history of VTE are summarized
• Paralysis† in Box 2.
• Prolonged immobility
• Major trauma†
• Lower limb injuries† Diagnosis of Deep Venous Thrombosis
• Heparin-induced thrombocytopenia Clinical Features
• Antiphospholipid antibodies The clinical features of DVT, such as localized swelling, redness,
Type of Surgery tenderness, and distal edema, are nonspecific, and the diagnosis
• Lower limb orthopaedic surgery† should always be confirmed by objective tests. About 85% of
• General anesthesia >30 min ambulatory patients with clinically suspected DVT have another
cause for their symptoms. The conditions that are most likely to
*Combinations of factors have an at least an additive effect on the risk of VTE. simulate DVT are a ruptured Baker’s cyst, cellulitis, muscle tears,

Common major risk factors for VTE. muscle cramp, muscle hematoma, external venous compression,
superficial thrombophlebitis, and the postthrombotic syndrome.
Of patients with symptomatic DVT, about 75% have proximal
vein thrombosis; in the rest, thrombosis is confined to the calf.
1000 at 40 years to 1 per 1000 at 60 years and 4 per 1000 at Although clinical features cannot unequivocally confirm or
11 The Respiratory System

80 years of age. exclude a diagnosis of DVT, clinical assessment can stratify the
VTE occurs slightly more frequently in men than in women, probability of DVT as high (prevalence of thrombosis, 60%),
although this pattern is reversed before 40 years of age because intermediate (25%), or low (5%) based on: the presence or
of the association of VTE with estrogen-containing contraceptives absence of risk factors (e.g., recent immobilization, hospitalization
and pregnancy. The relative frequency of PE to DVT is somewhat within the past month, malignancy); whether the clinical manifes-
higher in the elderly. tations at presentation are typical or atypical and their severity; and
About 50% of the cases of VTE are associated with hospitali- whether there is an alternative explanation for the symptoms that is
zation (about half before and half after discharge), which at least as likely as DVT (Table 2).

TABLE 1 Risk Stratification for VTE in Hospitalized and Postoperative Patients, Frequency of VTE without Prophylaxis,
and Recommended Methods of Prophylaxis*

Low Risk: 2 0.4 0.2 <0.01 Early mobilization

Minor (usually same-day) surgery in a
mobile patient
Medical patients, fully mobile
No additional risk factors
Moderate Risk: 20 5 2 0.5 Low-dose UFH (5000 U SQ preoperatively and bid or tid
Most general surgery patients postoperatively)
Most medical patients LMWH (3000 U/d SQ with a preoperative start)‡
Fondaparinux (Arixtra)1
IPC or GC stockings, alone or with pharmacologic methods
High Risk: 50 15 5 2 LMWH (>3000 U/d)
Most general surgery patients with Fondaparinux
previous VTE Warfarin (Coumadin)§, Dabigatran (Pradaxa)1,
Major knee or hip surgery Rivaroxaban (Xarelto), Apixaban (Eliquis)
Major trauma, spinal cord injury IPC devices, alone or with GC stockings or pharmacologic
(Heparin-induced thrombocytopenia) methods or both
(Specific nonheparin therapy)

Abbreviations: DVT ¼ deep venous thrombosis; GC ¼ graduated compression; IPC ¼ intermittent pneumatic compression; LMWH ¼ low-molecular-weight heparin; UFH ¼
unfractionated heparin; VTE ¼ venous thromboembolism.
Not FDA approved for this indication.
*New anticoagulants (e.g., oral direct thrombin, anti-factor Xa inhibitors) are becoming available for moderate- and high-risk patients. Additional new anticoagulants are
becoming available.

Asymptomatic DVT detected by screening bilateral venography.

Higher doses are used in high-risk patients (e.g.,  4000 U once daily with a preoperative start in Europe; 3000 U twice daily with a postoperative start in North America).
Usually started postoperatively and adjusted to achieve an international normalized ratio of 2.0–3.0.

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For personal use only. No other uses without permission. Copyright ©2018. Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
which can cause allergic reactions or renal impairment. For these
BOX 2 Natural History of Venous Thromboembolism: reasons, venography is now rarely performed.
Key Points
Venous Ultrasonography
• Clinical factors can identify high-risk patients. Venous ultrasonography is the noninvasive imaging method of
• VTE starts in the calf veins in >75% of patients. choice for diagnosing DVT. It is not painful and is easy to perform.
• Three quarters of asymptomatic DVT detected postoperatively The common femoral vein, the femoral vein (previously called the
by screening venography are confined to the distal (calf) veins. superficial femoral vein), the popliteal vein, and the calf vein trifur-
• About 20% of symptomatic isolated calf DVT subsequently cation (i.e., proximal junction of deep calf veins) are imaged in real
extends to the proximal veins, usually within 1 week after time and compressed with the transducer probe (compression
presentation. ultrasound). Inability to fully compress (i.e., obliterate) the vein
• More than 90% of asymptomatic postoperative DVT resolves lumen with pressure from the ultrasound probe is diagnostic for
without causing symptoms. DVT. Duplex ultrasonography, which combines compression
• More than 80% of symptomatic DVT involves the popliteal or ultrasound with pulsed Doppler or color-coded Doppler technol-
more proximal veins. ogy, facilitates identification of the deep veins (particularly in the
• Symptomatic PE usually arises from proximal DVT. calf; see later discussion) and may enable thrombus to be detected
• Most (70%) patients with symptomatic proximal DVT have if it is not feasible to assess vein compressibility (e.g., iliac or
asymptomatic PE (high-probability lung scans in 40%), and subclavian veins).
most patients with symptomatic PE (80%) have DVT. Venous ultrasonography is highly accurate for diagnosis of prox-
• Only one quarter of patients with symptomatic PE have symp- imal vein thrombosis, with a sensitivity and specificity approaching
toms or signs of DVT. 95%. The sensitivity for symptomatic calf vein thrombosis is consid-
• About 50% of untreated symptomatic proximal DVT is erably lower and appears to be highly operator dependent. For this
expected to cause symptomatic PE. reason, many centers do not examine the deep veins of the calf with
• About 10% of symptomatic PE is rapidly fatal. ultrasonography. Instead, if examination of the proximal veins
• Most fatal PE is not diagnosed. excludes proximal DVT in a patient with a moderate or high clinical
• About 30% of patients with untreated symptomatic nonfatal assessment for DVT, the test is repeated in 7 days to detect the small
PE have a fatal recurrence. number of calf vein thrombi (3%) that subsequently extend into
• The risk of recurrent VTE after stopping anticoagulant therapy the proximal veins. If the test remains negative after 7 days, the risk
is much lower if VTE was provoked by a reversible risk factor that thrombus is present and will extend to the proximal veins is neg-

Venous Thromboembolism
(particularly recent surgery) than if it was unprovoked or pro- ligible, and it is safe to withhold treatment (Box 3).
voked by a persistent risk factor. If the clinical assessment for DVT is low and the result of an ini-
Abbreviations: DVT ¼ deep venous thrombosis; PE ¼ pulmonary embolism; VTE ¼ venous
tial proximal venous ultrasound scan is normal, it is not necessary
thromboembolism. to repeat ultrasonography after 7 days, because the prevalence of
DVT is only about 2% (mostly distal). If the calf veins below the
level of the calf vein trifurcation are also examined and there is
no isolated distal DVT as well as no proximal DVT, then DVT
is excluded without the need for repeat ultrasonography after
7 days. However, examination of the calf veins has the disadvan-
TABLE 2 Wells Model for Determining Clinical Suspicion
tage of resulting in diagnosis and treatment of DVT in substantially
of Deep Venous Thrombosis (DVT)*
more patients than does serial examination of the proximal veins,
VARIABLE POINTS without further reducing the risk of VTE during follow-up
(approximately 1% over 3 months in both groups) in those who
Active cancer (treatment ongoing or within previous 6 mo 1
or palliative)
are not initially diagnosed with DVT. 843
Ultrasonography is less accurate when its results are discordant
Paralysis, paresis, or recent plaster immobilization of the 1 with clinical assessment. Therefore, if the clinical suspicion for
lower extremities DVT is low and the ultrasound study shows a localized abnormal-
Recently bedridden >3 d or major surgery within 4 wk 1 ity (i.e., less convincing findings), or if clinical suspicion is high and
the ultrasound is normal, further diagnostic testing (e.g., venogra-
Localized tenderness along the distribution of the deep 1 phy) should be considered.
venous system
Entire leg swollen 1 D-dimer Blood Testing
D-dimer is formed when cross-linked fibrin in thrombi is broken
Calf swelling 3 cm greater than on asymptomatic side 1 down by plasmin. Because it is usually increased in patients with
(measured 10 cm below tibial tuberosity) acute VTE, low levels of D-dimer can be used to exclude DVT
Pitting edema confined to the symptomatic leg 1 and PE. A variety of D-dimer assays are available, and they vary
markedly in their accuracy as diagnostic tests for VTE. All D-dimer
Dilated superficial veins (non-varicose) 1 assays have a low specificity for DVT; consequently, an abnormal
Previous documented DVT 1 result is associated with a low positive predictive value and cannot
be used to diagnose DVT.
Alternative diagnosis as likely or greater than that of DVT 2 D-dimer assays that are used for diagnosis of VTE can be divided
into two groups based on their sensitivity and specificity. Very
*Pretest probability of DVT is calculated from the total points: >2 points, high; 1 or 2,
moderate; <1, low. highly sensitive D-dimer assays (e.g., sensitivity >98%; specificity
40%) have a sufficiently high negative predictive value (>98%)
that a normal result can be used to exclude VTE without the need to
perform additional diagnostic testing. With moderate to highly
Venography sensitive D-dimer assays (sensitivity 85%–97%; specificity 50%–
Venography, which involves the injection of a radiocontrast agent 70%), a negative result needs to be combined with another assess-
into a distal vein, is the reference standard for the diagnosis of ment that identifies patients as having a lower prevalence of VTE in
DVT. Venography detects both proximal and isolated distal order to exclude DVT. Management studies have shown that it is
DVT. However, it is expensive and technically difficult to perform, safe to consider DVT excluded in patients who have a normal result
can be painful, and requires injection of radiographic contrast, on a moderately sensitive D-dimer test in combination with either a

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For personal use only. No other uses without permission. Copyright ©2018. Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Computed Tomographic and Magnetic Resonance
BOX 3 Test Results That Confirm or Exclude Deep
Imaging Venography
Venous Thrombosis (DVT)
Computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging
Diagnostic for First DVT
(MRI) have been reported to have high accuracy (sensitivity and
Venography: Intraluminal filling defect in proximal or distal
specificity >90%) for the diagnosis of DVT but are rarely used
deep veins
for this purpose, because CT requires the use of radiographic con-
Venous ultrasound: Noncompressible popliteal or common fem-
trast and is associated with high radiation exposure, and both CT
oral vein
and MRI are costly. CT and MRI are expected to be more accurate
than ultrasound for DVT that does not involve the limbs, such as
Excludes First DVT that confined to the pelvic veins or the inferior vena cava. Diagnosis
Venography: All deep veins seen, and no intraluminal filling of DVT on CT (or, less commonly, on MRI) is most commonly an
defects incidental finding in patients who undergo CT to stage a known
D-dimer: malignancy. In this situation, because the clinical suspicion for
• Normal result on a D-dimer test with a very high sensitivity DVT is low and the examination will not have been designed to
(i.e., 98%) and at least a moderate specificity (i.e., 40%) diagnose DVT, patients need to be carefully reviewed, often includ-
• Normal result on a D-dimer test with a moderately high sensi- ing further testing, before a diagnosis of DVT is accepted.
tivity (i.e., 85%) and specificity (i.e., 70%), plus low clinical
suspicion for DVT at presentation
Venous ultrasound: Fully compressible proximal veins and one or Diagnosis of Recurrent Deep Venous Thrombosis
more of the following: The diagnosis of recurrent DVT can be difficult. A negative
• Low clinical suspicion for DVT D-dimer test can exclude recurrent DVT, although the safety of this
• Normal result on a D-dimer test with a moderately high sensi- approach has been less well evaluated than for first episodes of
tivity (i.e., 85%) and specificity (i.e., 70%) at presentation DVT. If D-dimer testing is positive or has not been done, venous
• Fully compressible distal deep veins (whole leg ultrasound) ultrasonography is performed. If the result is normal (i.e., full com-
• Normal repeat ultrasound of the proximal veins after 7 days pressibility of the veins), treatment is withheld, and the test should
be repeated twice over the next 7 to 10 days. If the result is positive
Diagnostic for Recurrent DVT in the popliteal or common femoral vein segments and the result of
Venography: Intraluminal filling defect a previous test was negative at the same site, a recurrence is diag-
Venous ultrasound: nosed. Recurrence can also be diagnosed if venous ultrasonogra-
• A new, noncompressible common femoral or popliteal vein
11 The Respiratory System

phy shows other convincing evidence of more extensive

segment thrombosis than was seen on a previous examination (e.g., an
• A 4.0-mm increase in diameter of the common femoral or pop- increase in compressed thrombus diameter of >4 mm in the com-
liteal vein compared with a previous test mon femoral or the popliteal segments; unequivocal extension
Excludes Recurrent DVT within the femoral vein of the thigh).
Venogram: All deep veins seen, and no intraluminal filling If a comparison between current and previous venous ultrasound
defects findings is equivocal, or if no previous ultrasound is available for com-
Venous ultrasound: Normal, or 1 mm increase in diameter of the parison, venography should be performed; however, many hospitals
common femoral or popliteal veins compared with a previous no longer perform venography. If the venogram shows an intralum-
test, which remains unchanged on repeat testing after 2 and inal filling defect, which is seen with acute rather than remote throm-
7 days bosis, recurrent DVT is diagnosed. If the venogram outlines all of the
D-dimer: deep veins and does not show an intraluminal filling defect, recurrent
• Normal result on a D-dimer test with a very high sensitivity DVT is excluded. If the venogram is nondiagnostic (i.e., nonfilling of
844 (i.e., 98%) and at least a moderate specificity (i.e., 40%) segments of the deep veins) or if venography is not performed in a
• Normal result on a D-dimer test with a moderately high sensi- patient with equivocal findings on ultrasound, the patient can be
tivity (i.e., 85%) and specificity (i.e., 70%), plus low clinical observed with repeat venous ultrasonography to detect extending
suspicion for DVT DVT or, less satisfactorily, recurrent DVT can be diagnosed based
on the results of all assessments, including clinical features. Clinical
assessment of the probability of recurrent DVT is less well standard-
ized than for a first episode of DVT; however, many of the factors that
are predictive of a first episode are also expected to be predictive of
recurrent DVT (Box 3).

low clinical suspicion for DVT or no proximal DVT on venous

ultrasonography (see Box 3). Diagnosis of Pulmonary Embolism
Traditionally, a single cut-off has been used to define a negative Clinical Features
D-dimer assay. Recently, it has been shown that the efficiency of D- Dyspnea is the most common symptom of PE. Chest pain is also
dimer testing can be improved by varying the D-dimer cut-off used common and is usually pleuritic but can be substernal and com-
to define a negative result according to clinical probability. Because pressive. Hemoptysis is less frequently present. Tachycardia and
the prevalence of DVT is low in patients with low clinical proba- tachypnea are common signs. Evidence of right heart failure is less
bility, a more liberal D-dimer threshold of 1000ug/L can be used common but of prognostic importance, and a pleural rub may be
to exclude DVT in these patients, whereas a cut-off of 500ug/L heard in association with pulmonary infarction. Although most
is required to exclude DVT in patients with moderate clinical patients with PE also have DVT, fewer than 25% have symptoms
probability. or signs. The clinical features of PE, like those of DVT, are nonspe-
D-dimer testing is much less specific (i.e., fewer negative tests cific, and PE is diagnosed in only about 20% of those in whom it is
among those without venous thrombosis), and therefore has less suspected.
clinical utility in postoperative and hospitalized patients and in Two groups have published explicit criteria for determining the
the elderly (>75 years). Also, D-dimer testing has less clinical util- clinical probability of PE. The model by Wells and colleagues
ity in patients with a high clinical suspicion of VTE because neg- incorporates an assessment of symptoms and signs, the presence
ative results are rarely obtained, and if a negative test is obtained, of an alternative diagnosis that could account for the patient’s con-
its predictive value is lower because of the high prevalence of dition, and the presence of risk factors for VTE. With this model, a
disease. patient’s clinical probability of PE can be categorized as low or

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For personal use only. No other uses without permission. Copyright ©2018. Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
TABLE 3 Wells Model for Determining Clinical Suspicion BOX 4 Test Results That Confirm or Exclude Pulmonary
of Pulmonary Embolism* Embolism (PE)
Clinical signs and symptoms of DVT (minimum leg swelling 3.0 Pulmonary angiography: Intraluminal filling defect
and pain with palpation of the deep veins) Computed tomographic pulmonary angiography (CTPA):
• Intraluminal filling defect in a lobar or main pulmonary artery
An alternative diagnosis is less likely than PE 3.0
• Intraluminal filling defect in a segmental pulmonary artery,
Heart rate >100 beats/min 1.5 plus moderate or high clinical suspicion
Ventilation/perfusion scan: High-probability scan, plus moderate
Immobilization or surgery in the previous 4 wk 1.5
to high clinical suspicion
Previous DVT/PE 1.5 Positive diagnostic test for deep venous thrombosis: With a non-
diagnostic ventilation/perfusion scan or CTPA
Hemoptysis 1.0
Excludes PE
Malignancy (treatment ongoing or within previous 1.0
6 months or palliative) CTPA: Negative good quality scan
Pulmonary angiogram: Normal
Abbreviations: DVT ¼ deep venous thrombosis; PE ¼ pulmonary embolism. Perfusion scan: Normal
*Pretest probability of PE is calculated from the total points: >6 points, high; 4 to 6, D-dimer:
moderate; <4, low. • Normal result on a D-dimer test with a very high sensitivity
(i.e., 98%) and at least a moderate specificity (i.e.,  40%)
unlikely (prevalence of PE <10%), moderate (25%), or high ( • Normal result on a D-dimer test with a moderately high sensi-
60%) (Table 3). tivity (i.e., 85%) and specificity (i.e., 70%), plus low clinical
suspicion for PE
Chest Radiography and Electrocardiography • In patients over 50 years, D-dimer level less than 10 times the
In patients with PE, chest radiographs show either normal or non- patient’s age and a low clinical suspicion for PE
specific findings. However, a chest radiograph is useful for exclu- Nondiagnostic ventilation/perfusion scan or suboptimal CTPA,
sion of pneumothorax and other conditions that can simulate PE plus normal venous ultrasound of the proximal veins and
(e.g., left ventricular failure). The electrocardiogram also fre- one or more of the following:

Venous Thromboembolism
quently shows normal or nonspecific findings but is valuable for • Low clinical suspicion for PE
excluding acute myocardial infarction. In the appropriate clinical • Normal result on a D-dimer test with at least a moderately
setting, right ventricular strain can suggest PE and a poorer high sensitivity (i.e., 85%) and specificity (i.e.,  70%)
short-term outcome among those with PE. • Normal repeat venous ultrasound of the proximal veins after 7
and 14 days
Ventilation/Perfusion Lung Scanning
Planar ventilation/perfusion lung scanning was the most impor-
tant test for diagnosing PE in the past. Computed tomographic
pulmonary angiography (CTPA) has now supplanted lung scan-
ning, although the latter is still used, particularly if CTPA is con- patients and that, among adequate examinations, sensitivity for
traindicated because of renal failure or associated radiation PE is 83%, specificity is 96%, positive predictive value is 86%
exposure to the chest (e.g., in young women). A normal perfusion and negative predictive value is 95%. Accuracy varies according
scan excludes PE but is obtained in only about 25% of patients; a to the size of the largest pulmonary artery involved: the positive pre-
higher proportion of normal scans is obtained in patients who are dictive value was 97% for defects in the main or lobar artery, 68% in 845
young, who do not have chronic lung disease, or who have a nor- segmental arteries, and 25% in subsegmental arteries (4% of PE in
mal chest radiograph. An abnormal perfusion scan is nonspecific. this study but over 10% with current higher resolution scanners).
Ventilation imaging improves the specificity of perfusion scan- Predictive values were also influenced by the clinical assessment of
ning. If the ventilation scan is normal at the site of two or more PE probability: the positive predictive value of CTPA was 96% in
large (>75% of a segment) perfusion defects, the lung scan is combination with high, 92% with intermediate, and 58% with
associated with a greater than 85% prevalence of PE and is low clinical probability (8% of patients); likewise, the negative pre-
termed a high-probability scan. About half of patients with PE dictive value was 96% with low, 89% with intermediate, and 60%
have a high-probability lung scan. Therefore, among consecutive with high clinical probability (3% of patients). Management studies,
patients who are investigated for PE, about 25% have a normal in which anticoagulant therapy was withheld in patients with a neg-
perfusion scan and can have the diagnosis excluded; about ative CTPA result suggested that fewer than 2% of patients with a
15% have a high-probability scan and can have PE diagnosed negative CTPA for PE will return with symptomatic VTE during
(provided that the clinical probability is moderate or high) 3 months of follow-up. Taken together, these observations suggest
(Box 4); and about 60% have a nondiagnostic lung scan that the following conclusions (see Box 4).
requires further diagnostic testing. • An intraluminal filling defect in a segmental or larger pulmo-
Three-dimensional SPECT (single-photon emission CT) is now nary artery is generally diagnostic for PE. However, if the clin-
used by many centers in place of planar ventilation-perfusion scan- ical probability is low and if there are additional findings that
ning. SPECT may be more accurate than planar ventilation/perfu- undermine a diagnosis of PE (e.g., technically suboptimal study,
sion scanning and, with current approaches to interpretation of negative D-dimer test), further diagnostic testing should be con-
SPECT, a much smaller proportion of ventilation/perfusion scans sidered (e.g., venous ultrasonography, ventilation/perfusion
are reported as non-diagnostic. However, there are no standard- scanning, repeat CTPA), particularly if the most proximal pul-
ized criteria for the interpretation of SPECT scans, and the accu- monary artery involved is at the segmental level.
racy and safety of using SPECT in patients with suspected PE • A good-quality negative CTPA finding excludes PE. If the CTPA
have not been evaluated in large prospective studies. does not show PE but is suboptimal, ultrasonography of the
proximal deep veins of the legs should be performed to supple-
Computed Tomographic Pulmonary Angiography ment the findings of the CTPA and exclude DVT.
CTPA is able to directly visualize the pulmonary arteries. Results of • Abnormalities suggestive of intraluminal defects that are con-
the Prospective Investigation of Pulmonary Embolism Diagnosis fined to subsegmental pulmonary arteries are generally non-
(PIOPED II) study suggested that CTPA is nondiagnostic in 6% of diagnostic and require further investigation.

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CTPA exposes patients to chest radiation and potentially nephro- more effective and, other than for the vitamin K antagonists, are
toxic contrast dye, and is costly. CTPA should be avoided in youn- easier to use.
ger women because of the associated increased risk of breast LMWH is also given subcutaneously, once or twice a day. It is
cancer, with ventilation/perfusion scanning often being preferred effective in high-risk patients undergoing elective hip surgery, major
if imaging is necessary. general surgery, or major knee surgery and in patients with hip frac-
MRI is less well evaluated than CTPA for the diagnosis of PE and ture, spinal injury, or acute medical illness. LMWH is more effective
appears to be less accurate. Both CTPA and MRI have the advan- than vitamin K antagonist therapy at preventing VTE after major
tage of identifying alternative pulmonary diagnoses. MRI does not orthopaedic surgery while patients are in hospital, but it is also asso-
expose the patient to radiation or radiographic contrast media. ciated with more frequent early postoperative bleeding; both of these
differences may be related to the more rapid onset of anticoagulation
D-Dimer Blood Testing with LMWH than with vitamin K antagonist therapy.
D-dimer testing is a valuable test for the exclusion of PE, either alone Graduated compression stockings (about 15 mm Hg pressure at
(very sensitive D-dimer assay) or in combination with other assess- the ankle) are thought to reduce the risk of venous thrombosis with-
ments that are associated with a reduced prevalence of PE (see Box 4 out increasing the risk of bleeding. On their own or in conjunction
and earlier discussion of D-dimer testing for suspected DVT). with IPC, they are indicated in patients who are at high risk for bleed-
ing and in those who are unable to tolerate any bleeding (e.g., neuro-
Compression Ultrasonography surgical patients). In surgical patients, the combined use of graduated
Compression ultrasonography, usually evaluating the proximal compression stockings and pharmacological agents (e.g., low-dose
deep veins of the legs, can aid in the diagnosis of PE. Demonstration heparin) is more effective than use of either alone. In the absence of
of DVT, which occurs in about 5% of patients with nondiagnostic a contraindication, pharmacologic prophylaxis is preferred to grad-
ventilation/perfusion lung scans, serves as indirect evidence of PE. uated compression stockings alone, because the evidence of efficacy is
Exclusion of proximal DVT does not rule out PE in a patient with a greater with the former. A recent controlled trial in 2500 patients with
nondiagnostic ventilation/perfusion scan, although it does reduce acute stroke found that graduated compression stockings did not
that probability somewhat. However, if there is no proximal reduce VTE; this has added to uncertainty about their efficacy.
DVT on the day of presentation and proximal DVT is not detected IPC of the legs enhances blood flow in the deep veins and may
on two subsequent examinations performed 1 and 2 weeks later increase blood fibrinolytic activity. IPC is more effective than grad-
(DVT is diagnosed during serial testing in approximately 2% of uated stockings alone, particularly after major orthopaedic sur-
patients), anticoagulant therapy can be withheld with a very low gery. A recent controlled trial in 2900 patients with acute stroke
risk that the patient will return with VTE (<2% during 3 months found that IPC reduced VTE by about one-third; this provides
11 The Respiratory System

of follow-up). direct support for IPC use in stroke patients and indirect support
As previously noted for patients with a nondiagnostic ventila- for IPC use in other populations.
tion/perfusion lung scan, withholding of anticoagulant therapy Vitamin K antagonist therapy (international normalized ratio
and performance of serial ultrasonography is a reasonable [INR], 2.0 to 3.0) is effective for preventing postoperative VTE,
approach to management in patients who have a CTPA result that including after major orthopaedic surgery, but it is difficult to
is nondiagnostic, including patients with isolated subsegmental use because of the need for laboratory monitoring.
abnormalities. Fondaparinux, the synthetic pentasaccharide that corresponds
to the active component of heparin that binds antithrombin and
Pulmonary Angiography inhibits factor Xa, has been shown to reduce the frequency of veno-
Although pulmonary angiography was considered to be the refer- graphically detected DVT by 50%, compared with LMWH, but is
ence standard for PE in the past, it is now very rarely performed, associated with an additional risk of bleeding.
because it is invasive and can usually be replaced by CTPA. Com- Nonvitamin K oral anticoagulants (NOACs) can also be used for
binations of test results that confirm and exclude PE are shown in the prevention of VTE. Dabigatran (Pradaxa)1 (oral direct throm-
846 Box 4. bin inhibitor) and apixaban (Eliquis) (oral factor Xa inhibitor) are
as effective as LMWH in preventing VTE after major orthopaedic
Prevention of Venous Thromboembolism surgery with a comparable risk of bleeding. Rivaroxaban (Xarelto)
The most effective way to reduce mortality from PE and morbidity (oral factor Xa inhibitor) appears to be more effective than LMWH
from the postthrombotic syndrome is to use primary prophylaxis in preventing VTE after major orthopaedic surgery but may be
in patients at risk for VTE, particularly during hospitalization. associated with a higher risk of bleeding.
On the basis of well-defined clinical criteria, patients can be classi-
fied as being at low, moderate, or high risk for VTE, and use of pro- General Surgery and Medicine
phylaxis can then be tailored to the patient’s risk (see Table 1). By Low-dose heparin or LMWH prophylaxis is the method of choice
reducing the need to diagnose and treat VTE, prophylaxis is cost- for moderate-risk general surgical and medical patients. It reduces
saving in many situations, rather than just being cost-effective. the risk of VTE by 50% to 70% and is simple, inexpensive, conve-
Prophylaxis is achieved by reducing blood coagulability or by nient, and safe. If anticoagulants are contraindicated because of an
preventing venous stasis. Anticoagulants, including subcutaneous unusually high risk of bleeding, graduated compression stockings,
heparin, low-molecular-weight-heparin (LMWH), and fondapari- IPC of the legs, or both, should be used.
nux (Arixtra), as well as oral vitamin K antagonists, oral direct
thrombin, and factor Xa inhibitors, reduce coagulability. Mechan- Major Orthopaedic Surgery
ical methods, including graduated compression stockings and Dabigatran (Pradaxa),1 rivaroxaban (Xarelto), apixaban (Eliquis),
intermittent pneumatic compression (IPC) devices, prevent venous LMWH, fondaparinux (Arixtra), or vitamin K antagonists provide
stasis. Antiplatelet agents, such as aspirin,1 also prevent VTE, but effective prophylaxis after major orthopaedic surgery. If pharma-
less effectively than the previously stated methods, and they are not cologic agents are contraindicated because of the risk of bleeding,
usually recommended for this purpose. IPC (with or without graduated compression stockings) is recom-
Heparin is given subcutaneously at a dose of 5000 U 2 hours mended until it becomes safe to use anticoagulant therapy. Aspirin
before surgery and 5000 U every 8 or 12 hours after surgery. has also been shown to reduce the frequency of symptomatic VTE
LMWH, fondaparinux, vitamin K antagonists and the newer and fatal PE after hip fracture; however, because aspirin is expected
non-vitamin K oral anticoagulants are preferred over low dose hep- to be much less effective than anticoagulant therapies, aspirin is not
arin in patients undergoing major orthopedic surgery as they are recommended as the sole agent for postoperative prophylaxis.

1 1
Not FDA approved for this indication. Not FDA approved for this indication.

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A minimum of 10 days of prophylaxis is recommended after NOACs are associated with a lower risk of bleeding, and especially
major orthopaedic surgery, which usually includes treatment after intracranial bleeding, than VKA. All of the NOACs should not be
discharge from hospital. In addition, extended prophylaxis for used if the creatinine clearance is <30 mL/min.
another 10 to 30 days is generally recommended, particularly in
patients who have had hip surgery or have other risk factors for Long-Term Anticoagulant Therapy
thrombosis, such as previous VTE or active cancer. Whereas we During the last 2 decades, a series of well-designed studies using
favour anticoagulants as the primary means of prophylaxis after vitamin K antagonists have helped to define the optimal duration
major orthopaedic surgery, aspirin may be used to extend prophy- of anticoagulation for VTE. The findings of these studies can be
laxis after the first 10 days of treatment (e.g., for 30 days). summarized as follows:
• Shortening the duration of anticoagulation from 3 or 6 months
Endoscopic Genitourinary Surgery, Neurosurgery, to 4 or 6 weeks results in a doubling of the frequency of recur-
and Ocular Surgery rent VTE during 1 to 2 years of follow-up.
Anticoagulant therapies are avoided in patients undergoing endo- • Patients with VTE provoked by a transient risk factor have a
scopic genitourinary surgery, neurosurgery, or ocular surgery lower (about one third) risk of recurrence, compared to those
because of the associated risk of bleeding, particularly close to with an unprovoked VTE or a persistent risk factor. The greater
the time of surgery. Graduated stockings may be used, or IPC in the provoking transient risk factor (e.g., recent major surgery),
patients with additional risk factors for VTE. If hospitalization is the lower the expected risk of recurrence after stopping antico-
prolonged and the risk of bleeding recedes, patients can subse- agulant therapy.
quently be started on an anticoagulant. • Three months of anticoagulation is adequate treatment for VTE
provoked by a transient risk factor; in the first year after stop-
Treatment of Venous Thromboembolism ping therapy, the risk of recurrence is about 2% if VTE was pro-
Anticoagulation is the mainstay of therapy for acute DVT of the leg voked by a major transient risk factor (e.g., recent surgery) and
and PE. The main objectives of anticoagulant therapy are to pre- about 5% if there was a minor risk factor.
vent extension of DVT, early PE, and later recurrences of VTE. • The risk of recurrent VTE is similar if anticoagulant therapy is
stopped after 3 months of treatment compared to after 6 or
Acute Anticoagulant Therapy 12 months of treatment; this suggests that 3 months of treat-
Outpatient treatment of DVT is recommended in the absence of ment is sufficient to treat the acute episode of VTE.
very severe symptoms and signs (e.g., impending venous gangrene), • The risk of recurrence is about 10% in the first year, 30% in the
severe comorbidity, or marked renal failure. A recent randomized first 5 years, and 50% in the first 10 years after stopping anti-

Venous Thromboembolism
trial and many observational trials have shown that up to 50% of coagulant therapy in patients with a first unprovoked episode of
patients with PE—those who are without severe symptoms or car- proximal DVT or PE.
diorespiratory compromise and have good social supports—can • After 3 months of initial treatment of unprovoked VTE:
also safely be treated as outpatients. • Vitamin K antagonist therapy targeted to an INR of 2.5
Parenteral options for acute anticoagulant therapy include unfrac- reduces the risk of recurrent VTE by over 90%.
tionated heparin, LMWH and fondaparinux. Intravenous unfractio- • NOACs reduce the risk of recurrent VTE by over 80% and
nated heparin requires laboratory monitoring and admission to may be as effective as a vitamin K antagonist.
hospital and has largely been replaced with other options for acute • Aspirin reduces the risk of recurrent VTE by about one third.
anticoagulant therapy. Weight-adjusted LWMH (150-200 IU/kg per This reduction in VTE can be considered in the overall risks
day) by subcutaneous injection is at least as safe and effective as and benefits of aspirin therapy in patients who are not can-
intravenous heparin. Once-daily fixed-dose subcutaneous fondapar- didates for indefinite anticoagulation.
inux (7.5 mg for body weight 50–100 kg; 5 mg for <50 kg; 10 mg • A second episode of VTE suggests a higher risk of recurrence
for >100 kg) and twice-daily subcutaneous unfractionated heparin (increased by about 50%). If both episodes of VTE were pro-
(with or without laboratory monitoring) have also been shown to be voked by a transient risk factor, 3 months of anticoagulant ther- 847
as safe and as effective as treatment with LMWH. Danaparoid apy is expected to be adequate, with subsequent aggressive
(Orgaran),2 argatroban, lepirudin (Refludan),2 or fondaparinux1 prophylaxis during transient periods of high risk. A second epi-
should be used to treat heparin-induced thrombocytopenia with sode of unprovoked proximal DVT or PE is a strong argument
or without associated thrombosis. for indefinite anticoagulant therapy.
Vitamin K antagonist therapy is usually started on the same day • The risk of recurrence is lower (about half) after an isolated calf
as parenteral anticoagulant therapy. If warfarin (e.g., Coumadin) is (distal) DVT than after proximal DVT or PE. This argues
used, the initial dose is usually 2.5 to 10 mg, with a lower dose against treating unprovoked isolated calf DVT for longer than
being appropriate in older patients, women, and those with 3 months.
impaired nutrition, and a higher dose being appropriate in younger • The risk of recurrence is similar after an episode of proximal
(<60 years), otherwise healthy outpatients. Subsequent doses DVT or PE. However, recurrent VTE is about three times as
should be adjusted to maintain the INR at a target of 2.5 (range, likely to be a PE after an initial PE (about 60% of episodes) than
2.0–3.0). Parenteral anticoagulant therapy is continued until it after an initial DVT (about 20% of episodes). This effect is
has been given for 5 days and until the INR is at least 2.0 on expected to increase mortality from recurrent VTE about two-
two consecutive days. fold after a PE compared with a DVT.
Rivaroxaban and apixaban have been shown to be as effective as • The risk of recurrence is about threefold higher in patients with
heparin-vitamin K antagonist combinations for the acute treatment active cancer. The risk is higher in patients with metastatic
of VTE, and do not require initial parenteral (e.g., heparin) therapy. rather than localized disease, and it is expected to be lower if
Both are given at a higher dose initially (rivaroxaban 15 mg twice VTE occurred while the patient was receiving chemotherapy
daily for 20 days; apixaban 10 mg twice daily for 7 days), followed and the chemotherapy was subsequently stopped.
by a lower maintenance dose (rivaroxaban 20 mg daily; apixaban • Long-term treatment with LMWH, particularly for the first 3 or
5 mg twice daily). Dabigatran (150 mg twice daily) and edoxaban 6 months, is more effective than warfarin in patients with VTE
(Savaysa) (60 mg daily; 30 mg daily if creatinine clearance 30 to associated with cancer and is the preferred treatment for such
50 mL/min or 60 kg) are also very effective for the acute treatment patients.
of VTE but require an initial 5-day course of heparin. All of the • NOACs appear to be as effective as vitamin K antagonists in
patients with VTE associated with cancer, but have not been
well evaluated in this setting.
Not FDA approved for this indication. • Estrogen therapy is a risk factor for first and recurrent episodes
Not available in the United States. of VTE; consequently, the risk of recurrent VTE after stopping

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anticoagulants is expected to be lower in women who had VTE
while on estrogen therapy, provided that they have stopped tak- TABLE 4 Duration of Anticoagulant Therapy for Venous
ing estrogens, and estrogen therapy should be avoided in Thromboembolism
patients with a previous VTE who are not on anticoagulant DURATIONS OF TREATMENT
therapy. (TARGET INR 2.5, RANGE
• The presence of a hereditary predisposition to VTE does not CATEGORIES OF VTE 2.0–3.0)
appear to be a clinically important risk factor for recurrence Provoked by a transient risk factor* 3 mo
during or after anticoagulant therapy. Consequently, testing

for hereditary thrombophilias is not required in selecting the Unprovoked VTE Minimum 3 mo, then reassess
duration of therapy. First unprovoked proximal DVT Indefinite therapy with annual
• The presence of an antiphospholipid antibody has uncertain sig- or PE; no risk factors for review
nificance as a predictor of recurrence independently of clinical bleeding**
presentation (e.g., provoked versus unprovoked). Absence of
an antiphospholipid antibody on routine testing is not a good Isolated distal DVT as a first 3 mo
reason to stop anticoagulant therapy at 3 months in a patient event
with unprovoked proximal DVT or PE, and presence of an anti- Second unprovoked VTE Indefinite therapy (unless high
phospholipid antibody is not a good reason to treat patients risk of bleeding) with annual
with VTE provoked by a transient risk factor for longer than review
3 months. Cancer-associated VTE Indefinite treatment‡
• In patients with a first unprovoked proximal DVT or a PE who
have completed 3 months of anticoagulant therapy, both male Abbreviations: DVT ¼ deep venous thrombosis; INR ¼ international normalized ratio;
sex and a positive D-dimer test 1 month after stopping antico- LMWH ¼ low-molecular-weight heparin; VTE ¼ venous thromboembolism.
agulant therapy are each associated with about a two-fold *Transient risk factors include surgery, hospitalization, or plaster cast immobilization
increased risk of recurrent VTE. There is emerging evidence that within 3 mo; estrogen therapy; pregnancy; prolonged travel (>8 hr); and lesser leg
injuries or immobilizations occurring more recently (6 wk). The greater the
the risk of recurrence in women with unprovoked VTE who provoking reversible risk factor (e.g., recent major surgery), the lower the
have a negative post-treatment D-dimer is low enough to justify expected risk of recurrence after stopping anticoagulant therapy.
not using indefinite anticoagulant therapy. **As noted in text, patient sex, with or without D-dimer testing, may be used to
• The presence of residual DVT on ultrasound may be a marker of further assess a patient’s risk of recurrence. D-dimer testing should not be done
unless it has first been established with the patient that the results will influence
a heightened risk of recurrence in patients with unprovoked the patient’s decision to stop or to continue treatment. For a man, this would
11 The Respiratory System

VTE. However, the strength of this relationship is uncertain, be a decision to stop anticoagulants with a risk of recurrence of 8% in the first
and further studies are needed to determine whether absence year (negative D-dimer) and a decision to remain on therapy indefinitely with a
of residual DVT on ultrasound justifies stopping anticoagulant risk of recurrence of 16% in the first year. For a woman, this would be a
decision to stop anticoagulants with a risk of recurrence of 5% in the first year
therapy in patients who have had an unprovoked (negative D dimer) and a decision to remain on therapy indefinitely with a risk
proximal DVT. of recurrence of 10% in the first year.

• The presence of an inferior vena caval filter increases the long- ‡
Absence of a transient risk factor or active cancer.
term risk of DVT, decreases the risk of PE, and has no net effect Indefinite therapy is suggested if there is a moderate risk of bleeding, and 3 months is
suggested if there is a high risk of bleeding; both of these decisions are sensitive to
on the risk of recurrent VTE. Consequently, the presence of an patient preference.
inferior vena caval filter need not influence the duration of anti-
coagulant therapy.
• The risk of anticoagulant-induced bleeding is highest during the
first 3 months of treatment and stabilizes after the first year.
• The risk of bleeding differs markedly among patients depending Catheter-directed therapy, with or without a thrombolytic agent
848 on the prevalence of risk factors such as advanced age (partic- administered in lower doses than are used systemically, may be
ularly >75 years), previous bleeding or stroke, renal failure, used in patients with severe PE who have failed or have a contra-
anemia, antiplatelet therapy (avoid unless there is a good indi- indication to thrombolysis (i.e., high risk of bleeding). Catheter-
cation for dual therapy), malignancy, and poor anticoagulant directed therapy also has the potential to reduce the risk of post-
control. thrombotic syndrome after DVT and, therefore, may be indicated
• The risk of major bleeding in younger patients (<60 years) with- for patients with extensive DVT and severe symptoms who do not
out risk factors for bleeding who have good anticoagulant con- have risk factors for bleeding.
trol (target INR, 2.0–3.0) is about 1% per year, and in those
aged 60 to 75 years it is about 2% per year. Inferior Vena Cava Filters
Whether anticoagulant therapy is recommended for 3 months or Inferior vena caval filters reduce the risk of PE at the expense of
for an indefinite period (with annual review) depends primarily on increasing the risk of DVT. Their use is usually confined to patients
the presence of a provoking risk factor for VTE (i.e., major or with acute DVT or PE, or both, who cannot be anticoagulated
minor transient risk factor, no risk factor, or cancer), risk factors because of a high risk of bleeding. Removable filters can be used
for bleeding, and patient preference (i.e., burden associated with for patients with acute VTE who have a temporary contraindica-
treatment) (Table 4). tion to anticoagulation. Patients who have an inferior vena caval
filter inserted should receive anticoagulant therapy if it becomes
Thrombolytic Therapy safe to do so.
Systemic thrombolytic therapy (e.g., with tissue plasminogen acti-
vator) accelerates the rate of resolution of DVT and PE at the cost Graduated Compression Stockings
of an approximately fourfold increase in frequency of major bleed- Routine early use of graduated compression stockings was previ-
ing, and a 10-fold increase in intracranial bleeding, in the short ously recommended after acute DVT. A large recent trial, however,
term. Such therapy can be lifesaving for those who have PE with failed to show that stockings reduced the postthrombotic syn-
hypotension, and regimens that are administered over 2 hours or drome. In patients with acute DVT, and in those who have devel-
less are recommended in this situation. Most patients with PE, oped the postthrombotic syndrome, stockings may help to reduce
including those with right ventricular dysfunction or an increase symptoms.
in cardiac biomarkers, do not require thrombolytic therapy in
the absence of hypotension. However, thrombolysis should be con- Acknowledgment
sidered in patients with severe PE and without risk factors for Dr. Kearon is supported by the Heart and Stroke Foundation of
bleeding who fail to improve or deteriorate on anticoagulation Ontario and holds the Jack Hirsh Professorship in
therapy. Thromboembolism.

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For personal use only. No other uses without permission. Copyright ©2018. Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
References syncytial virus, and enteroviruses predominate in summer months.
Bates SM, Jaeschke R, Stevens SM, Goodacre S, Wells PS, Stevenson MD, et al: Diag- The parainfluenza viruses also commonly cause respiratory infec-
nosis of DVT: antithrombotic therapy and prevention of thrombosis, 9th ed: Amer- tion, particularly in autumn (type 1) and late spring or summer
ican College of Chest Physicians evidence-based clinical practice guidelines, Chest
141:e351S–e418S, 2012. (type 3). Coronaviruses, metapneumoviruses, adenoviruses, and
Beyer-Westendorf J, Ageno W: Benefit-risk profile of non-vitamin K antagonist oral other agents are identified less often.
anticoagulants in the management of venous thromboembolism, Thromb Haemost Although each of these agents can cause a common cold, some
113:231–246, 2015. viral infections are associated with characteristic patterns of respira-
Castellucci LA, Cameron C, Le Gal G, Rodger MA, Coyle D, Wells P, et al. Efficacy
and safety outcomes of oral anticoagulants and antiplatelet drugs in the secondary tory disease. Most of these viruses can also exacerbate asthma, cystic
prevention of venous thromboembolism: a systematic review and meta-analysis. fibrosis, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).
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safety and outcomes associated with treatment of acute venous thromboembolism:
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Chattergee S, Chakraborty A, Weinberg I, et al: Thrombolysis for pulmonary embo- yngitis is usually the earliest sign of a cold, beginning a few days
lism and risk of all-cause mortality, major bleeding, and intracranial hemorrhage, after infection has taken place. Nasal congestion and clear or
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Viral Respiratory Infections

Maccallum P, Bowles L, Keeling D: Diagnosis and management of heritable thrombo- inflammatory agents (NSAIDs) such as ibuprofen (Motrin). They
philias, Br Med J 349:g4387, 2014. are effective in reducing fever and, perhaps more importantly in
Takach Lapner S, Kearon C: Diagnosis and management of pulmonary embolism, Br
Med J 346:f757, 2013. most colds, reducing malaise, headache, and pharyngitis.
Nasal congestion and some rhinorrhea during colds are related
to dilation of blood vessels in the nose and sinuses. Vasoconstric-
VIRAL RESPIRATORY INFECTIONS tors have therefore been used extensively to attempt to reverse these
symptoms. Oral decongestants such as pseudoephedrine (Sudafed)
Method of have minimal effect on nasal congestion, and can result in systemic
Robert C. Welliver, Sr., MD hypertension, anxiety, and difficulty sleeping. The propensity for
these compounds to cause cardiac arrhythmias in the very young
child has led to recommendations against their use in the first year
or two of life. Nasal sprays containing vasoconstricting agents such
CURRENT DIAGNOSIS as oxymetazoline (Afrin) can result in mild temporary relief of
nasal obstruction. However, the use of these compounds for more 849
• Rapid diagnostic kits are available for many common respiratory than 3 or 4 days can result in rebound vasodilation and paradox-
viruses. These tests are used increasingly to establish that anti- ically increased rhinorrhea.
biotic therapy is not necessary in many patients with febrile Numerous investigations have evaluated the role of antihista-
respiratory illnesses or with lower respiratory tract infections. mines in colds. The release of histamine itself is not associated with
• The presence of wheezing on physical examination virtually fever, cough, or malaise, so effects on these symptoms would not be
excludes bacterial infection from consideration in subjects with expected. Furthermore, nasal congestion and discharge may be
lower respiratory disease. more related to the release of kinins, and not histamine. Indeed,
the administration of antihistamines in adults and, particularly,
in children has not demonstrated strikingly positive results. As
many as 40% of subjects treated with placebo report beneficial
CURRENT THERAPY effects. Side effects of histamine use, primarily sedation and dry
mouth, are commonly encountered.
• The management of most viral respiratory infections consists of Cough can be one of the most irritating symptoms during colds.
rest, adequate caloric and fluid intake, and management of Cough during colds is principally caused by secretions entering the
fever and malaise. airway (postnasal drip) and not by inflammation of the airway
• Corticosteroids are essential in the management of croup. itself. Therefore, it is not surprising that cough suppressants, espe-
• Specific antiviral therapy is available only for influenza virus cially codeine, have little effect on cough induced by colds. Antihis-
infection, and beneficial effects have been more readily tamines have also been found to be ineffective in relief of cough
achieved in prevention rather than treatment. during colds.

Influenza-Like Illness
Viral infections of the respiratory tract are among the most com- The influenza syndrome is defined as the abrupt onset of fever,
mon infections in humans, and they account for significant morbid- headache, and striking degrees of malaise and prostration, often
ity at all ages. Infants and young children can sustain six to eight with intense myalgia. Respiratory symptoms can occur concur-
such infections annually, and adults have an average of nearly rently, but they might not be prominent features. The principal
two such infections per year. cause is, of course, influenza virus, although infection with many
Rhinoviruses are the most commonly identified etiologic agents other viruses can cause similar (although not as intense) symptoms.
and cause illness year-round. Other common causative agents dur- The illness is generally self-limited, and most symptoms resolve
ing winter months include influenza viruses and respiratory over 4 or 5 days. Lassitude can persist for up to 2 weeks.

Downloaded for Ram Narayan (ram7676@gmail.com) at Artemis Health Institute from ClinicalKey.com by Elsevier on June 19, 2018.
For personal use only. No other uses without permission. Copyright ©2018. Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

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