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Pulmonary Embolism

Eno-Obong Essien, MDa, Parth Rali, MD

Stephen C. Mathai, MD, MHSc

 Pulmonary embolism (PE)  Pulmonary embolism response team
 Deep vein thrombosis (DVT)  Venous thromboembolism (VTE)

 Diagnostic work up of pulmonary embolism (PE) should be based on well-described clin-
ical prediction scores (Wells score, Geneva score, and so forth). Every patient with a high
likelihood of having PE should be started on prompt anticoagulation if there is no absolute
contraindication for it.
 Newer oral anticoagulants are the preferred agent of choice over vitamin K antago-
nists, except in cancer patients and patients with antiphospholipid antibody
 Patients with submassive or massive PE should ideally be managed in a multidisciplinary
setting and care of such patients should be individualized.


Venous thromboembolism (VTE) includes pulmonary embolism (PE) and deep vein
thrombosis (DVT). PE is third most common cause of cardiovascular death world-
wide after stroke and heart attack. Management of PE has evolved recently with
availability of local thrombolysis; mechanical extraction devices; hemodynamic
support devices like extracorporeal membrane oxygenation; and surgical embolec-
tomy. There has been development of multidisciplinary PE response teams (PERTs)
nationwide to optimize the care of patients with VTE. This review describes the
epidemiology of PE, discusses diagnostic strategies and current and emerging
treatments for VTE, and considers post-PE follow-up care.

Disclosure Statement: None of the listed authors have any commercial or financial conflicts of
interest and any funding sources pertaining to topic in discussion.
Division of Internal Medicine Residency Program, Temple University Hospital, 3401 North
Broad Street, Philadelphia, PA 19140, USA; b Division of Thoracic Surgery and Medicine, Pul-
monary Embolism Response Team (PERT), Temple University Hospital, 3401 North Broad Street,
Philadelphia, PA 19140, USA; c John Hopkins Hospital, 830 East Monument Street, 1830
Building 5th Floor Pulmonary, Baltimore, MD 21287, USA
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: parth.rali@tuhs.temple.edu

Med Clin N Am 103 (2019) 549–564

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mcna.2018.12.013 medical.theclinics.com
0025-7125/19/ª 2019 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
550 Essien et al

The exact prevalence of VTE is unknown due to absence of surveillance methods.1
Most PEs originate from DVTs of lower extremities, and approximately 50% of
DVTs may lead to silent PE.2 In the United States, the incidence is 300,000 to
600,000 annually, similar to the incidence in parts of Europe.3 Necroscopic review
shows PE accounts for death in approximately 5% to 10% of hospitalized patients.4
When untreated, VTE can have a mortality up to 25% but decreases to 1% to 5%
with treatment.5 Despite treatment of VTE, the short-term mortality at 3 months ranges
from 15% to 30%.6,7 This high mortality, however, is often attributed to patient comor-
bidities, such as underlying malignancy, heart failure, chronic obstructive pulmonary
disease (COPD), and older age.7 VTE incidence also varies with gender and race. A
recent Canadian study showed VTE may be more prevalent in men than in women
and that recurrence rate may also be higher in men.8 Black men also have a higher
likelihood of developing VTE than white men.9
VTE also has a significant economic burden, with $2 billion to $10 billion spent
annually.10 Patients with VTE often also have advanced cardiopulmonary disease
or malignancy that also may contribute to excessive health care resource utiliza-
tions. Costs are not just related to initial hospital encounters, because the rate of
VTE occurrence remains high in the immediate post–hospital discharge period.11
As such, there has been a focus not only on inpatient but also on postdischarge
VTE prophylaxis.12

Pulmonary Embolism Definition and Pathophysiology

Anything that obstructs the pulmonary arteries (clot, tumor, fat, or air) can be
considered PE. Most commonly in clinical practice, PE refers to a blood clot that
lodges into pulmonary circulation. The pathophysiology of VTE was described by
Virchow in the nineteenth century and still holds true. Stasis, endothelial disruption,
and hypercoagulability are the foundations of understanding the pathophysiology
of VTE.13
PE induces several pathophysiologic derangements that can lead to significant
hemodynamic compromise, particularly if the clot burden is high. The most impor-
tant determinant of outcomes in PE is the impact on and response of the right
ventricle (RV) to the PE. The RV is a thin-walled structure that, in the normal state,
pumps against a low-pressure and low-resistance pulmonary circulation. Pulmo-
nary vascular resistance is regulated by several factors, including oxygen-
sensing mechanisms. Thus, in the setting of a PE and obstruction of the vascula-
ture, RV afterload can be acutely increased not only by the mechanical obstruction
but also by hypoxic vasoconstriction.14–16 Additionally, inflammatory mediators,
such as thromboxane A2 and histamine, released in response to clot further in-
crease vasoconstriction.17 The ability of the RV to adapt to acute increases in pul-
monary vascular resistance is limited, particularly compared with the left ventricle
(LV).18 RV failure ensues not only as a result of increased pulmonary vascular resis-
tance but also as a consequence of decreased contractility from RV myocardial
ischemia and increased RV preload. These processes lead to RV dilation that cause
bowing of the interventricular septum into the LV, decreased LV filling, and obstruc-
tive shock.19

Genetic/Primary Risk Factors

There have been well-described genetic mutations that increase the risk of VTE.
These include factor V Leiden, activated protein C resistance, prothrombin (factor
Pulmonary Embolism 551

II) G20210A mutation, protein S deficiency, and antithrombin deficiency. Factor V

and protein C are the most common, occurring in approximately 5% of the popu-
lation; prothrombin gene mutation occurs in approximately 2% of the population.20
In patients diagnosed with VTE, one of these mutations can be found in up to 20%
to 52%.21,22 These mutations encode for factors involved in the coagulation
cascade. Inability to produce these factors results in a hypercoagulable state pre-
disposing to clot formation. These mutations occur more commonly in white pop-
ulations but overall incidence of VTE remains higher in blacks.23 Genetic mutation
increases the risk of first VTE occurrence but not necessarily subsequent epi-
sodes. Thus, hypercoagulable work-up is not recommended in every patient with
VTE.24–26 On the other hand, identifying a genetic mutation may help identify
relatives who are at increased VTE risk. Screening for the antiphospholipid anti-
body syndrome (APS) may be indicated in appropriate patients, such as young
female patients with history of arterial and venous thrombosis and/or recurrent

Acquired/Secondary Risk Factors

Major acquired or secondary risk factors include postoperative states, pregnancy,
malignancy, and age.22 In keeping with the Virchow triad, these states often result
from stasis and endothelial injury, creating a thrombophilic state. Comorbid conditions
play a significant role in determining patient-related outcomes in VTE and should be
addressed when deciding type of treatment of VTE. Approximately 85% of patients
who develop VTE have chronic comorbid conditions. Specific comorbidities may be
more commonly associated with PE. For example, PE should be in the differential
for repeated COPD exacerbations. In a recent meta-analysis, 16.1% of unexplained
acute COPD exacerbations were due to PE and may contribute to higher mortality
in this population.29 In comparison, patients without comorbid conditions have less
than 2% mortality at 12 months.30 Table 1 summarizes acquired and hereditary risk
factors for development of VTE.

Table 1
Risk factors for venous thromboembolism

Hereditary/genetic Family history

Factor V Leiden
Prothrombin G20210A
Protein C deficiency
Antithrombin deficiency
Sickle cell trait
Protein S deficiency
Acquired Pregnancy
Oral contraceptives pills or hormonal therapy
Antiphospholipid antibodies
Active malignancy
Chronic cardiopulmonary disease
Long travel (>4–6 h)
History of previous VTE
Advanced age
552 Essien et al


PE can be classified based on clot location or hemodynamic compromise. Saddle PE

refers to a clot located in the main PA or bifurcation. Saddle PE does not necessarily
translate into a massive PE (defined later). Mortality rate related to saddle PE is close
to 5%.31 Likewise, lobar, segmental, and subsegmental PE describe clot location in
the pulmonary arterial branches corresponding to the anatomic lung lobe, segment,
or subsegment respectively. Terms, such as nonmassive PE and major PE, are being
phased out and their use in scientific literature is no longer encouraged. Appropriate
classification of PE has implications in the management, such as selecting reperfusion
strategies or anticoagulation only.19
The following definitions are obtained from American Heart Association (AHA) and
American College of Chest Physicians (ACCP) guidelines19:
 Massive PE is defined as persistent hypotension of systolic blood pressure (SBP)
less than 90 mm Hg lasting more than 15 minutes or requiring inotropic support,
pulselessness, or bradycardia less than 40 beats per minutes.
 Submassive PE is a PE without systemic hypotension (SBP >90 mm Hg) but
with RV dysfunction. RV dysfunction is based on either imaging (CT pulmonary
angiogram [CTPA] or transthoracic echocardiogram) or elevated biomarkers
(brain natriuretic peptide [BNP], N-terminal pro-BPN [NT-proBNP], or elevated
 Low-risk PE is an acute PE without hemodynamic instability and without RV


Diagnosis of PE can be challenging because symptoms are nonspecific. Nonetheless,

the classic presenting symptoms are pleuritic chest pain (39%) and dyspnea at rest
(50%).29 Hemoptysis also is a common presenting complaint due to pulmonary infarc-
tion. Hemoptysis can be seen in up to 20% of patients with PE. Hemoptysis in setting
of PE is not an absolute indication to stop anticoagulation. Syncope can be an initial
presentation of hemodynamically significant PE. It is also important to elicit history for
the aforementioned risk factors in Table 1 because this assists in determination of the
pretest probability of PE.
The physical examination, in particular, the cardiovascular examination, is of utmost
importance. Patients with a PE may have tachycardia and/or hypoxia with a new or
increasing oxygen requirement from baseline. Low-grade fever and white blood cell
count also have been reported but are less common. Elevated jugular venous pres-
sure with a hepatojugular reflex, RV heave, or a loud P2 may be noted if there is sig-
nificant right heart failure. Lung sounds are often unremarkable; however, the patient
may appear to be in respiratory distress. Homans sign has been reported in the past
but is now widely accepted as having limited sensitivity and specificity for diagnosing

Risk Prediction Tools

Risk prediction tools have been developed to help clinicians both identify patients with
VTE and stratify the risk of short-term morbidity and mortality in patients with VTE. The
most common tools for prediction of VTE include Wells score, revised Geneva score,
and Pulmonary Embolism Rule-out Criterion (PERC) score. Each aims to provide an
objective method for estimating pretest probability of having PE into low, intermediate,
and high categories. These tools help encourage the practice of evidence-based
Pulmonary Embolism 553

medicine, rather than ordering unnecessary studies, such as a CTPA. Of these scores,
Wells is one of the most extensively studied and well validated and thus used more
frequently. Prevalence of PE was only 1.3% in low-risk category based on Wells
Prediction of short-term morbidity and mortality is also an important clinical
concern. The PE severity index (PESI) and simplified PESI (sPESI) are most commonly
use to predict short-term morbidity and mortality with PE. These scores were derived
from 11 patient factors associated with a 30-day mortality (Table 2). Based on these
scores, patients are risk stratified and management strategies are tailored to the risks
of adverse outcomes. These tools have been extensively validated33,34 and found to
have a high sensitivity and negative predictive value of 95% to 99% for predicting
short-term outcomes.35 Table 2 highlights the PESI and sPESI scores. Multiple
studies have demonstrated that patients with low PESI scores (group I) had mortality
less than 1% compared with high PESI group (group V) with 24% 30-day

D-dimer is a fibrin degradation product. It is used as a surrogate marker of fibrinolysis
and is expected to be elevated during a thrombotic event. Measured using ELISA, a
normal level is less than 500 ng/mL in most laboratories. D-dimer can be elevated
in various conditions, such as pregnancy, postoperative state, and malignancy, which
lowers its specificity. It is also known to have levels that increase with age and thus the
levels are adjusted for this parameter.36 In combination with a low pretest probability
for PE, a normal D-dimer has been shown to rule out PE due to its high sensitivity
(80%–100%) and negative predictive value up to 100%.19 Age adjusted D-dimer

Table 2
Original and simplified pulmonary embolism severity indexes

Original Pulmonary
Embolism Severity Simplified Pulmonary
Parameter Index Points Embolism Severity Index Points
Age Age in years 1 point (if aged >80 y)
Male gender 110 points N/A
History of cancer 130 points 1 point
History of chronic lung diseasea 110 points 1 point
History of heart failurea 110 points
HR >110 beats/min 120 points 1 point
SBP <100 mm Hg 130 points 1 point
Respiratory rate >30 breaths/min 120 points N/A
Temperature <36 C 120 points N/A
Altered mental status 160 points N/A
Oxygen saturation <90% 120 points 1 point

Abbreviations: HR, heart rate; N/A, not applicable.

In sPESl scoring, 1 point is given for history of chronic cardiopulmonary disease (history of
chronic lung disease, or history of heart failure, or history of both).
From Rali PM, Criner GJ. Submassive pulmonary embolism. Am J Respir Crit Care Med
2018;198(5):590; with permission.
554 Essien et al

(patient age [in years over 50])  10 mg/L (fibrinogen equivalent units) can further
reduce false-positive results, particularly in older patients.37
Cardiac Troponin
Elevated cardiac troponins suggest myocardial injury. During PE, the myocardium can
become ischemic and thus release troponins. In combination with the BNP, the
troponin has found a useful marker of RV dysfunction. Some studies have shown
elevated cardiac troponin associated with increased short-term mortality risk of 1%
to 10%.38 Using cardiac markers in combination with other imaging and clinical
assessment tools can be useful in risk stratification. Using them in isolation, however,
is not ideal because there may be other etiologies for elevated cardiac troponin.38,39

Brain Natriuretic Peptide

BNP is released by ventricular myocytes when they are stretched, which typically oc-
curs in volume overload. Both products of cleaved proBNP, BNP (active portion) and
NT-proBNP (inactive portion), can be used to measure ventricular stretch. Like cardiac
troponin, BNP can represent RV strain and also aid in stratification of PE. NT-proBNP
has been found to have a sensitivity and negative predictive value of nearly 100% for
detecting RV dysfunction whereas troponin has a sensitivity of 73%.40 BNP alone
cannot be used to diagnose PE but, used in conjunction with RV/LV measurements
on CTPA imaging, it has been found to increase diagnostic accuracy.40

Venous Ultrasound Duplexes
Ultrasound of the lower extremity is useful when evaluating a patient for PE. It is rela-
tively quick and does not require radiation. The goal is to find noncompressible veins,
suggesting vessel occlusion. Ultrasonography is not used alone, however; rather, it
supplements the diagnosis of PE by identifying a source. A negative venous ultra-
sound does not rule out the possibility of PE.
Transthoracic echocardiography is commonly used in evaluating a patient with sus-
pected PE. Echocardiography does not diagnose PE; rather, it aids risk stratification,
which in turn has an impact on urgent management decisions. McConnell sign
(decreased RV free wall function with apical sparing) is specific for PE.41 Tricuspid
annular plane systolic excursion less than 18 mm, lack of inferior vena cava (IVC)
collapsibility, and elevated RV systolic pressure have been associated with increased
mortality.42 RV free wall thickness may help differentiate acute or chronic RV failure.
Data suggest that RV hypokinesis on echocardiography correlates closely with RV
diameter/LV diameter dilatation seen on CTPA imaging, with a negative predictive
value of approximately 94%.43
CT Pulmonary Angiography
CTPA has largely replaced the tradition gold standard, pulmonary angiography. It is
less invasive and quick and readily available in most institutions. Even when it is nega-
tive, it can be helpful in identifying other etiologies responsible for hypoxic respiratory
failure, such as interstitial lung disease, pneumonia, or effusion. It is not without its
risks, however, which include contrast-induced nephropathy, particularly in patients
with chronic renal insufficiency, such as the elderly; anaphylaxis; and exposure to ra-
diation. The Prospective Investigation of Pulmonary Embolism Diagnosis study
showed sensitivity of CTPA of sensitivity of approximately 80% with a specificity of
Pulmonary Embolism 555

95%.44 The sensitivity of CTPA can be impacted by appropriate timing of contrast in-
jection, motion artifact, and reader accuracy. When CTPA was compared with con-
ventional pulmonary angiography in a meta-analysis, the rate of VTE diagnosis after
a negative CTPA was no different from that of conventional pulmonary angiography.45
Thus, CTPA has adequately replaced the need for conventional pulmonary angiog-
raphy. CTPA not only is useful in diagnosing PE but also provides additional data
for prognostication and risk stratification. CTPA-based prognostication, including
septum position, RV/LV ratio, and IVC reflux contrast, correlates with echocardio-
graphic findings of RV strain. CTPA gives first insight into RV dysfunction due to acute
PE; echocardiography, in particular point-of-care echocardiography, can be used in
real time to assess the treatment responses. Both imaging modalities are complemen-
tary in risk stratification and managing patients with PE.

Ventilation-Perfusion Scintigraphy
Commonly known as a ventilation-perfusion (V/Q) scan, V/Q scintigraphy also can be
used to evaluate acute PE with a high sensitivity and high specificity. Its use is typically
reserved for patients with contraindication to CTPA. Sometimes indeterminate results
leave treating physicians in a dilemma as to whether or not to treat patients for acute
PE. V/Q scan remains, however, the imaging modality of choice for diagnosing chronic
thromboembolism in the evaluation of chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hyperten-
sion (CTEPH).46 V/Q scan is more sensitive in diagnosing chronic PE than CTA (97.4%
vs 51%).47 Other benefits of V/Q scan are less radiation exposure and avoidance of
contrast injections. Findings of chronic PE on CTA are subtle and need expertise,
making V/Q scan the imaging of choice for evaluating patients with CTEPH. A normal
or low-probability V/Q scan can effectively rule out CTEPH whereas a high-probability
and indeterminate scan requires further diagnostic work-up.48


All patients with high pretest probability or confirmed PE should be initiated on anti-
coagulation. Empiric early anticoagulation has been associated with decreased
mortality for patients with acute PE.49,50 Mainstay therapy for patients being
admitted is unfractionated heparin that is administered as an 80 U/kg bolus
followed by an infusion at 18 U/kg/h bolus or a weight-based dosing for low-
molecular-weight heparin (LMWH), such as enoxaparin. Studies have shown there
is no difference between using either of these, but LMWH is favored due to ease of
monitoring.51 In a patient who may require interventions beyond anticoagulation
and in patients with poor renal function (creatine clearance <30 mL/min), however,
unfractionated heparin is preferred. When initiating anticoagulation, the risks and
benefits should be weighed, particularly in those with high bleeding risk, such as
unexplained anemia, recent hemorrhagic stroke, advanced age, liver disease,
and severe thrombocytopenia.
Other supportive therapies may be provided. Supplemental oxygen is recommen-
ded when patients are hypoxic. If a patient is borderline hypotensive, caution must
be exercised with fluid resuscitation because excessive preload can worsen RV
dysfunction. If a patent is hypotensive, vasopressors or inotropic support can be initi-
ated promptly along with reperfusion therapies. Other RV support therapies, such as
inhaled nitric oxide, should be considered with expert consultation. Massive PE and
submassive PE patients with comorbidities should be managed in ICU setting.
Box 1 provides a list of conditions where expert pulmonary consultation should be ob-
tained in comanaging patients with PE.
556 Essien et al

Box 1
Triggers for pulmonary consultation

CTPA evidence of right heart strain

Unable to perform CTA but PE is highly likely
PE with
Complex medical problems (ie, CHF, COPD, and malignancy)
Contraindication to systemic lysis/anticoagulation
Echo evidence of right heart strain
Positive troponin/BNP
Risk of bleeding with A/C
Risk of decompensation
Recent surgery
Recurrent PE
Acute or chronic PE

Abbreviations: CHF, congestive heart failure; A/C, anticoagulation.

Managing patients with acute PE requires physicians from varied specialties. It also
needs coordination of care in time sensitive manner. This has led to the concept of
development of institutionally based multidisciplinary PERT.52 A PERT team explores
all possible treatment options, weighs in against bleeding risk, and offers comprehen-
sive care of patients with acute PE in real time. As a multidisciplinary model, PERT can
make team-based decisions rather than individualized decisions that can take longer,
delaying appropriate care. Members of the PERT team also can follow patients in
outpatient setting once discharged, which may reduce short-term and long-term

Low-Risk Pulmonary Embolism

Choice of treatment of low-risk PE patients is anticoagulation only. Patients with low-risk
PE should be considered for early discharge and may not need admission. Decision
to admit or not should also rely on how immediately patient would have access to
newer oral anticoagulants or LMWH once discharged. Novel oral anticoagulants
(NOACs) are the preferred agent of choice over vitamin K antagonists (VKAs) in gen-
eral.53,54 In patients with extremes of weight or with the APS syndrome, VKA remains
the agent of choice. Rivaroxaban and apixaban do not require bridging whereas edox-
aban and dabigatran need bridging with unfractionated heparin or LMWH. In cancer-
associated VTE, LMWH remains the agent of choice, even though there has been a
growing role of NOACs in cancer-associated VTE. Edoxaban is currently approved for
treating cancer-related VTE and has been established to be noninferior to LMWH.55 In
patients with small segmental PE without DVT and no risk factors for recurrence, a de-
cision may be to hold anticoagulation based on recent ACCP 2016 VTE guidelines.54
The first provoked VTE should be treated for 3 months with anticoagulation. The first
unprovoked PE should be treated for at least 3 months if there is high risk of bleeding.
If a patient is deemed a low risk for bleeding, the duration should extend beyond
3 months. Longer duration of therapy should be considered in certain patients after
3 months of anticoagulation based on several studies demonstrating increased
risk of subsequent VTE in men56 and in patients with elevated D-dimer levels
after 3 months of anticoagulation.57–59 For a second VTE episode (provoked or
Pulmonary Embolism 557

unprovoked), long-term anticoagulation should be considered after weighing in risk of

bleeding on an ongoing basis. Bleeding risk should be evaluated annually to guide
dose, duration, and type of anticoagulation. The availability of andexanet alfa
(Andexxa, South San Francisco, California), a reversal agents for factor Xa inhibitors
(rivaroxaban, apixaban, and edoxaban), and of idarucizumab (Praxbind, Praxbind Bur-
lington, Ontario, Canada), a reversal agent for dabigatran, has added to safety profile
for NOACs, thus making them preferred options.
Submassive and Massive Pulmonary Embolism
For patients who present with cardiac arrest or hemodynamic instability, it is widely
accepted that reperfusion strategies should be initiated. Tissue plasminogen activator
(tPA) cleaves plasminogen to plasmin. Plasmin itself plays a role in causing thrombol-
ysis. Currently approved thrombolytics for PE include alteplase (tPA), urokinase, and
streptokinase. Systemic thrombolysis, however, is not without risk; the International
Cooperative Pulmonary Embolism Registry shows a 20% risk of major bleeding events
and a 3% risk of intracranial hemorrhage after receiving thrombolytics.7 The Food and
Drug Administration–approved dose of systemic tPA is 100 mg over 2 hours over pe-
ripheral infusion. Box 2 lists universally accepted absolute and relative contraindica-
tions for systemic thrombolysis.
After determining a patient has a submassive PE based on echocardiographic find-
ings, RV/LV changes on CTPA, and biomarkers, in addition to initiating anticoagulation
(discussed previously), further risk stratification for an adverse outcome should be
assessed using PESI or sPESI scores. According to European Society of Cardiology
(ESC) guidelines, patients can be categorized into low-intermediate risk and high-
intermediate risk based on clinical data.60 Low-intermediate risk is when RV strain
is established either by imaging or by the presence of biomarkers. High-
intermediate risk is when both RV stain and elevated biomarkers are present. One
of the main advantages of using ESC classification compared with AHA/ACCP is abil-
ity provide conservative approach in low-risk intermediate PE and aggressive
approach in high-risk intermediate PE.19,54,60 The decision to pursue reperfusion
strategies, which include half-dose systemic thrombolysis and catheter-directed
thrombolysis, currently remains controversial in these patients. A multicenter random-
ized controlled trial assessed 1005 patients with submassive PE treated with

Box 2
Contraindication of systemic thrombolysis

Absolute contraindications to thrombolysis

History of prior intracranial hemorrhage
Structural intracranial cerebrovascular disease (arteriovenous malformation)
Intracranial malignancy
Active bleeding or bleeding diathesis
Recent surgery in spinal canal or brain
Ischemic stroke within 3 mo
Recent Closed head injury or facial trauma with radiographic evidence of brain injury
Relative contraindications
Age >75 y
Puncture of a noncompressible vessel
Traumatic or prolonged cardiopulmonary resuscitation (>10 min)
Internal bleeding (within 2–4 wk)
History of chronic poorly controlled hypertension or severe uncontrolled hypertension on
History of ischemic stroke >3 mo
558 Essien et al

unfractionated heparin who were randomized to tenecteplase versus placebo. The

trial showed a decrease in the primary outcome of all-cause mortality or hemodynamic
decompensation in the tenecteplase arm. The observed difference between arms,
however, was attributed solely to improvement in hemodynamics because there
was no survival benefit.61 The incidence of extracranial bleeding was 6.3% in the
tPA group compared with 1.7% in the placebo group; similarly, the risk of stroke at
7 days was increased in the tPA group versus the placebo group (2.4% vs 0.2%).
Furthermore, a long-term 3-year follow-up study did not show a difference in mortality
or incidence of CTEPH between arms.62 There is enough evidence to recommend
against full-dose systemic thrombolysis in every patient with submassive PE.63 Never-
theless, current ACCP guidelines suggest consideration of systemic thrombolytics in
patients with clinical decline and low bleeding risk.54
ACCP 2016 VTE guidelines recommend considering bleeding risk in patients with
acute PE. Bleeding risk helps in determining type of treatment offered. Patients who
are deemed a high bleeding risk should be considered for a more conservative
approach. Total duration of anticoagulation and type of anticoagulation should be indi-
vidualized based on bleeding risk profile of a patient. Bleeding risk assessment should
be done annually, particularly in the elderly population, to determine the need for
ongoing anticoagulation.54
Due to the risks of major bleeding with systemic thrombolysis, catheter-based tech-
niques are quickly gaining popularity. Catheter-directed thrombolytic therapies (CDTs)
are indicated if urgent revascularization is warranted. Ideally, they should be ideally in
an experienced center.64 There are 2 categories of catheter interventions: Conventional
catheter-directed thrombolysis, which involves local application of thrombolytics via
catheters placed in pulmonary artery, and catheter thrombectomy, which involves me-
chanical clot removal. Pharmacomechanical ultrasound-facilitated CDT involves placing
a catheter directly in the thrombus, with administration of a thrombolytic and the use of
ultrasound to enhance clot fragmentation. An advantage of CDT that the dose of the
tPA administered is much lower and the duration of the tPA infusion is much longer.
Thus, this combination of modalities may lead to fewer bleeding complications.65 CDT
procedures are performed in interventional radiology or cardiac catheterization labora-
tory. Patient should be clinically stable for the transport when such modalities are consid-
ered. Ideal patient selection along with dose and duration for CDT remains controversial
and should be decided based on local expertise and multidisciplinary settings.11
A meta-analysis showed a pooled success rate of approximately 86% with CDT;
however, there are few randomized controlled trials comparing CDT to systemic
Surgical embolectomy should be considered in massive PE patients and selected
subgroup of submassive PE patients who are not candidates for systemic thrombol-
ysis. Patients who are considered for surgery, however, also need to be able to
tolerate systemic anticoagulation. Cumulative surgical mortality rates for patients
with massive PE have dropped significantly from 1968 to 2008 (35% vs 19%).67
Age greater than 80 years is associated with significant operative mortality compared
with age range 60 years to 80 years in hemodynamically stable patients undergoing
surgical embolectomy. The case fatality rate of unstable patients undergoing surgical
embolectomy, however, is approximately 40% compared with 24% in hemodynami-
cally stable patients.67,68

Role of Inferior Vena Cava Filters

Routine use of IVC filter in patients with PE who can tolerate anticoagulation is not rec-
ommended irrespective of whether they have concomitant DVT or not. IVC filters
Pulmonary Embolism 559

should only be considered when there is absolute contraindication to anticoagula-

tion.54 The Prevention du Risque d’Embolie Pulmonaire par Interruption Cave
(PREPIC) and PREPIC2 trials showed no benefit of IVC filters in patients with acute
PE or DVT to prevent future recurrent VTE events. The IVC filter itself can be thrombo-
genic if not removed. The current ACCP recommendation is to use retrievable filter
rather than permanent filters. Every attempt should be made to remove IVC filter
when no longer indicated.69,70


Every patient with VTE should have close outpatient follow-up.71 An attempt should be
made to determine the etiology of PE, which sometimes can be difficult in the inpatient
setting. Hypercoagulable work-up should be considered on individualized basis and
after discussing with patients. Age-appropriate cancer screening should be per-
formed. Modifiable risk factors for VTE like smoking cessation and weight reduction
can be addressed on outpatient follow-up visits.72 It is also of paramount importance
to determine if patients are adherent to prescribed regimen and are achieving thera-
peutic levels of anticoagulation. Interactions of anticoagulants with other coadminis-
tered medications and appropriate dose adjustments in overweight patients and in
those with renal impairment should be made. The duration of anticoagulation and
bleeding risk should be assessed annually, and regimens should be individualized
accordingly. Ultimately, patients with abnormal echocardiograms who remain symp-
tomatic after 3 months of uninterrupted anticoagulation should be screened for
CTEPH. A follow-up echocardiogram and V/Q scan should be obtained in such pa-
tients. If abnormal, patients should be referred to an expert CTEPH center for further
evaluation. CTEPH occurs in approximately 3.2% of patients after acute PE, but it is
believed underdiagnosed.73 It is also important to screen patients for CTEPH, because
it is the only potentially curable form of pulmonary hypertension (group IV).11,67,73


The authors conclude this review with the following salient points for readers:
1. The authors recommend using predictive score (Wells, Geneva, or PERC) for VTE
before ordering CTPA.
2. CTPA remains the gold standard for diagnosis of PE.
3. High pretest probabilities for PE and low bleeding risk should prompt empiric anti-
coagulation while waiting for confirmative testing.
4. Treatment decisions for PE should be based on hemodynamic impact, not merely
a clot location and risk stratification.
5. Echocardiography, troponin, BNP/proBNP, and PESI score should be used to
risk-stratify patients with PE. Low-risk PE patients should be considered for early
6. NOACs are preferred agent of choice over VKA, except in morbidly obese pa-
tients, patients with renal failure, or patients with APS syndrome.
7. In cancer-associated VTE, LMWH is still the preferred agent of choice. The role of
NOACs is still evolving.
8. Hypercoagulable work-up is not mandated in every patient with PE and should be
undertaken on an individual basis.
9. Catheter-directed thrombolysis seems safe and effective compared with sys-
temic thrombolysis, but candidacy of such therapy over simple anticoagulation
ideally should be assessed in a multidisciplinary setting.
560 Essien et al

10. Routine use of IVC filter is not recommended in patients with PE.
11. Abnormal echocardiogram and persistent symptoms after 3 months of uninter-
rupted anticoagulation after an acute PE should prompt screening and referral
to a CTEPH center for further evaluation.


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