Admix FXL
Admix FXL
Admix FXL
High range water reducer based on a blend of the latest generation of polycarboxylate technology
designed for high performance concrete - low water/cement ratio, high early strength, high slump,
flowable, pumpable, and self-consolidating concrete with good slump retention and no retardation.
Concrete manufactured with Admix FXL requires little vibration and produces concrete with minimal
imperfections and a superior surface finish. Meets ASTM C 494 Type F. Contains no added chlorides.
High Perfomance concrete Low water/cement ratios, high early
Precast concrete strength concrete
Prestressed concrete Ready mix concrete
Self consolidating concrete Pervious concrete
Pumpable concrete Architectural concrete
Gunite concrete
Reduced water to cement ratios, down to 0.30 or less reducing the demand for water in
Minimizes the need to vibrate concrete, speeding up pouring and placement reducing labor
Drastically improves the plastic properties of the concrete mix that remains workable for up to 90
minutes when combined with a retarder.
Less sensitive to cement compared to other polycarboxylate technology in the market.
Produces flowable concrete with high early strength, speeding up the project’s construction
process or reducing turnaround time at a precast plant.
Can be combined with Admix brand retarders. Contact your local Admix technical
representative for technical support.
Produces concrete with a controlled set time.
Mixing Instructions
Add Admix FXL to the concrete mix once at least 70% of the mix design’s water has been added to
the batch. Mix for at least 3-5 minutes.
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LLCMS73 rev02
Appearance: light amber liquid.
Density: 1.12 kg/liter (9.33 lbs/gallon)
Exceeds ASTM C-494, Type F
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