Securities Regulation Code ("SRC") : Republic Act No. 8799
Securities Regulation Code ("SRC") : Republic Act No. 8799
Securities Regulation Code ("SRC") : Republic Act No. 8799
I. Declaration of Policy.
II. Securities.
A. Securities, defined.
B. Investment Contract.
1. Investment in Money.
Section 2, SRC.
Section 3, SRC.
Section 26.3, 2015 Implementing Rules and Regulations (“IRR”) of SRC.
Power Homes Unlimited Corp. v. Securities and Exchange Commission, G.R. No. 164182, 26
February 2008.
2. Common Enterprise.
3. Expectation of Profits.
The application of Howey Test can be seen in the case of Securities and Exchange
Commission v. CJH Development Corporation8. In the said case, CJH
Development Corporation (“CJHDC”) and CJH Suites Corporation (“CJHSC”),
and a buyer of their residential unit enters into a Sale with accompanying
Leaseback Agreements. After payment of the purchase price for the residential
unit, the buyer cedes control and management over the same to CJHDC and
CJHSC who manages the said units together with all the other units under
leaseback agreements. Despite the non-participation of the buyers in the
management of his units, they derive profits therein in the form of share in the
annual rental income from CJHDC's and CJHSC's hotel operations. Hence, it was
ruled that the agreement of the buyer with CJHDC and CJHSC is an investment
Securities shall not be sold or offered for sale or distribution within the
Philippines, without a registration statement duly filed with and approved by the
Commission. Prior to such sale, information on the securities, in such form and
with such substance as the Commission may prescribe, shall be made available
to each prospective purchaser.9
The Commission may audit the financial statements, assets and other
information of a firm applying for registration of its securities whenever it deems
the same necessary to insure full disclosure or to protect the interest of the
investors and the public in general.10
In the Matter of Hyper Program International Direct Sales and Trading Corporation and HPI
Direct Sales and Trading Corporation, SEC CDO Case No. 06-15-020, 05 November 2015.
Section 26.3, IRR of SRC.
In the Matter of Jacama Sales and Marketing and Janus Carlo D. Manalang, SEC CDO Case
No. 03-16-030 (Cease and Desist Order), 05 April 2016.
G.R. No. 210316, 28 November 2016.
Section 8.1, SRC.
Section 8.5, SRC.
Securities required to be registered shall not be offered for sale or sold unless the
prospectus, or any information material which has been filed with the
registration statement, has been widely disseminated and sufficient copies have
been made available to interested parties. Further, the prospectus shall contain
the following statement:
The prospectus shall not be used unless all the information it contains are up to
date and accurately reflect the terms of the offering and the financial condition
of the Issuer.13
C. Exempt Securities.
The requirement of registration shall not as a general rule apply to any of the
following classes of securities:
The Commission may, by rule or regulation after public hearing, add to the
foregoing any class of securities if it finds that the enforcement of this Code with
Section 8.1.3, IRR of SRC.
D. Exempt Transactions.
The requirement of registration shall likewise not apply to the sale of any security
in any of the following transactions:
7. The issue and delivery of any security in exchange for any other security
of the same issuer pursuant to a right of conversion entitling the holder
of the security surrendered in exchange to make such conversion:
Provided, That the security so surrendered has been registered under
this Code or was, when sold, exempt from the provisions of this Code,
and that the security issued and delivered in exchange, if sold at the
conversion price, would at the time of such conversion fall within the
class of securities entitled to registration under this Code. Upon such
conversion the par value of the security surrendered in such exchange
shall be deemed the price at which the securities issued and delivered
in such exchange are sold.
Section 9, SRC.
10. The exchange of securities by the issuer with its existing security holders
exclusively, where no commission or other remuneration is paid or
given directly or indirectly for soliciting such exchange.
11. The sale of securities by an issuer to fewer than twenty (20) persons in
the Philippines during any twelve-month period.
12. The sale of securities to any number of the following qualified buyers:
a. Bank;
b. Registered investment house;
c. Insurance company;
d. Pension fund or retirement plan maintained by the Government of
the Philippines or any political subdivision thereof or managed by
a bank or other persons authorized by the Bangko Sentral to engage
in trust functions;
e. Investment company; or
f. Such other person as the Commission may by rule determine as
qualified buyers, on the basis of such factors as financial
sophistication, net worth, knowledge, and experience in financial
and business matters, or amount of assets under management.
The Commission may exempt other transactions, if it finds that the requirements
of registration under this Code is not necessary in the public interest or for the
protection of the investors such as by reason of the small amount involved or the
limited character of the public offering.
Any person applying for an exemption under this Section, shall file with the
Commission a notice identifying the exemption relied upon on such form and at
such time as the Commission by rule may prescribe and with such notice shall
pay to the Commission a fee equivalent to one-tenth (1/10) of one percent (1%)
of the maximum aggregate price or issued value of the securities.15
The Commission may reject a registration statement and refuse registration of the
security thereunder, or revoke the effectivity of a registration statement and the
registration of the security thereunder after due notice and hearing by issuing an
order to such effect, setting forth its findings in respect thereto, if it finds that:
1. The issuer:
Section 10. SRC.
A. Tender Offer.
Public company means any corporation (1) with a class of equity securities listed
on an Exchange, or (2) with assets in excess of Fifty Million Pesos
(PhP50,000,000.00) and has two hundred (200) or more holders each holding at
least one hundred (100) shares of a class of its equity securities.19
Section 13, SRC.
Cemco Holdings, Inc. v. National Life Insurance Co. of the Philippines, Inc., G.R. No.
171815, 7 August 2007.
Section 19.1.8, IRR of SRC.
Section 3.1.16, IRR of SRC.
i. Over more than fifty percent (50%) of the voting rights by virtue
of an agreement with other investors;
ii. To govern the financial and operating policies of the entity under
a statute or agreement;
iii. To appoint or remove the majority of the members of the board
of directors or equivalent governing body; or
iv. To cast the majority of votes at meetings of the board of directors
or equivalent governing body.22
Section 19.2, IRR of SRC.
Section 19.2, IRR of SRC.
Section 3.1.8, IRR of SRC.
Section 19.2, IRR of SRC.
The Offeror shall publish, send or give to security holders a report containing
the following information:
c. The amount of class of securities being sought and the type and amount
of consideration being offered;
d. The scheduled expiration date of the tender offer, whether the tender
offer may be extended and, if so, the procedures for extension of the
tender offer;
e. The exact dates when security holders who deposit their securities shall
have the right to withdraw their securities and the manner by which
shares will be accepted for payment and which withdrawal may be
f. If the tender offer is for less than all of the securities of the class and the
Offeror is not obligated to purchase all securities tendered, the exact
date of the period during which securities will be accepted on a pro rata
basis and the present intention or plan of the Offeror with respect to
the tender offer in the event of an oversubscription by security holders;
B. Proxy Solicitations.
Unless otherwise provided in the proxy, it shall be valid only for the meeting for
which it is intended. No proxy shall be valid and effective for a period longer than
five (5) years at one time.
Section 19.3, IRR of SRC.
Section 19.7, IRR of SRC.