Iso Series DVL
Iso Series DVL
Iso Series DVL
Take IT easy – FNT’s Product Portfolio and Service Management solution makes
light work of meeting the requirements and requests of your internal customers.
FNT SOLUTION PAPER // Product Portfolio and Service Management
service catalog. Unless IT‘s services are defined, IT‘s contribution is implicit and
difficult to measure”
While companies have made tremendous strides over the crafting. Thousands of application silos exist, each with
last few years with regard to standardization of processes individually specified hardware and server configurations. As a
and technologies, there is now increasing focus on the result, sales and delivery processes require considerable human
standardization of business services, i.e., IT services that input and present a range of problems in terms of optimal
support business processes and are directly visible to customers. utilization and strategic planning of resources
The design of the IT Infrastructure Library (ITIL®) also addresses In order to boost the production efficiency of IT services, enable
these challenges. ITIL V3 is aligned with the so-called service reuse, and make optimal use of resources, it is necessary to
lifecycle. As with physical products, an IT service has a classic move away from the project-based build-to-order approach still
commercial lifecycle. The cycle starts when the service is followed in most IT organizations and to forge a new path.
launched and ends when it is retired from the portfolio.
While the focus is often on business services alone, it is actually
Accordingly, the service strategy and service design phases are the supply chain that offers the greatest potential for major
part of the five core ITIL disciplines as defined in ITIL V3. While improvements in efficiency, flexibility, and cost control. The aim
the service strategy phase ensures that the service portfolio of value-driven service management is to create transparency
is configured in accordance with market requirements and and structure at every stage in the process chain. This can then
aligned with corporate strategy, the service design phase is be used to produce competitive and standardized IT services
about developing solutions that meet the service requirements while exploiting the potential for economies of scale.
of the market. In addition to designing new services, existing
services need to be modified and improved to meet new market
demands. The result is a market-oriented service catalog that
is suited to the requirements of internal customers and the
business as a whole.
FNT SOLUTION PAPER // Product Portfolio and Service Management
Business Processes
(IT Service Management – Assurance – Fulfilment – Planning & Engineering – Lifecycle Management)
Data Center Information Technology Telecommunicaton
Application Discovery
Auto-Discovery &
Business Services
Virtualization FNT Data Model
In order to address these challenges, IT needs to switch from a infrastructure operation, and service operation. Seamless
project orientation to a product orientation. Of course, support functioning can only be assured if all three disciplines speak
for individual customer requirements still has to be possible the same “language” and interpret the defined IT services in
via configuration options, even with a standardized IT service the same way.
FNT SOLUTION PAPER // Product Portfolio and Service Management
Application of the key principles of industrial production to implement the IT factory model
Becoming Product-Oriented.
It is precisely here that businesses now find themselves facing the bE_Method® is the separation of the product offered and
major challenges: the service provided. In this context, “product” refers to an IT
service at the design level. The product is broken down into its
́́ Creating a standardized, market-oriented, business-fo- component parts, which can then be used to define product
cused service catalog is not easy. variants as well as other products. Having been defined as
́́ The build-to-order approach is still the norm; there is often a product, an IT service can thus be provided or sold multiple
no attempt to break IT services down into their component times in different configurations.
́́ Achieving economies of scale, resource optimization, and The FNT Product Portfolio and Service Management solution
market-oriented budget planning in IT service management offers the required functionality. It improves the efficiency
often fails to progress beyond PowerPoint presentations. of your IT and service management processes by enabling
́́ It is often difficult to map infrastructure resources to the you to model and deliver standardized products and services.
business services that depend on them. This unique solution provides a solid foundation for defining,
́́ Transparency of costs and price structures is often unsatis- managing, monitoring, and delivering business services and
factory. service assets over the entire service lifecycle. In turn, this makes
́́ Business operation, service operation, and infrastructure it possible to reuse service assets and products efficiently and
operation are poorly integrated and interlinking is thus provide services in a flexible manner and with consistently high
inefficient. quality, while also keeping costs under control.
FNT SOLUTION PAPER // Product Portfolio and Service Management
Overview of functional areas within the FNT Product Portfolio- and Service Management solution
The FNT Product Portfolio and Service Management solution ́́ Documentation and simulation of propagation rules for
is an innovative solution for defining, administering, and integrating a service monitor.
managing an organization’s IT product and service portfolio.
The solution is built around the FNT ServicePlanet software Service Management
suite, which is an SMDB based entirely on the bE_Method®.
́́ Rule-based instantiation and configuration of products as
FNT ServicePlanet was developed in close collaboration with IT services.
customers and partners, based on their requirements and the ́́ Definition and management of service catalogs.
latest market trends. The result is a user-friendly, Web-based ́́ Generation of infrastructure work orders.
solution with multilingual, multi-user, and multi-mandator ́́ Provision of metrics for service level reporting.
capability. As an integrative system, FNT ServicePlanet has a
modern, multi-tier software architecture that connects with Offer and Contract Management
CMDBs, ITSM tools, ERP systems, and monitoring systems.
́́ Offer creation via IT services, including automatic price
The FNT Product Portfolio and Service Management solution calculation.
supports you in the following tasks: ́́ Converting offers into contracts.
́́ Managing offers and contracts over the entire lifecycle.
Product Portfolio Management
Reporting and Dashboarding
́́ Creation, definition, and management of product portfolios
and product catalogs. ́́ Evaluating the repository with regard to various different
́́ Definition and management of products/IT services based aspects, such as products sold, services per customer, or
on the modularization principle over the entire lifecycle and pending offers.
for multiple versions, with the aid of modeling components. ́́ ntegration of best-practice dashboards for detailed service
́́ Definition and management of prices and costs. and portfolio analysis.
́́ End-to-end mapping from business service through to CI. ́́ Generating PDF documents, such as catalogs, work orders,
́́ Definition of default configurations and product variations. and product profiles.
́́ Definition and management of service level agreements
(SLAs), operational level agreements (OLAs), and
underpinning contracts (UCs)
́́ Provision of product catalogs in integrated order portal;
optional integration of self-service portal based on product
FNT SOLUTION PAPER // Product Portfolio and Service Management
The FNT Product Portfolio and Service Management solution Service and Contract Area: Rule-Based Instantiation and
enables better communication with your customers via a Service Catalog Management
clearly defined and structured service offering. There is no It is important to be able to configure and vary the services
need to define services from scratch for each customer and to you want to provide quickly and efficiently. All service-related
discuss details of the infrastructure level. Rather, the relevant information must be documented and updated over the
SLAs are used. Customers select the desired service from a entire lifecycle. When creating a service, the configuration of
standard product portfolio in a modular manner. After ordering, marketing and end customer-related attributes at the service
they receive a customized service assembled from the various level should also automatically ripple through to the underlying
options and featuring their chosen level of quality of service. infrastructure components. Specifically, it is necessary to select
and provide different IT infrastructure resources based on
The FNT Product Portfolio and Service Management solution service configuration in order to be able to provide the proper
includes a range of functional areas. The main core functions of product or service to the customer.
FNT ServicePlanet are presented and discussed in greater detail
below. With FNT ServicePlanet, it is easy to configure services based
on a product specification and to define the product’s explicit
Product Area: Product Modeling and Product Catalog attributes. Dependencies defined on the product side are
Management reflected in the selection of attributes, enabling automated
FNT ServicePlanet can help improve the efficiency of your instantiation of the service. Customized service variations can
service management with the help of product-modeling be mapped flexibly and directly, without prior product definition.
methodologies, such as standardization and reuse of product This allows maximum freedom when providing services while
elements. The ability to break down products into standardized ensuring transparency into the underlying IT resources.
components enables cost-efficient production as well as rapid
rollout and marketing of new products. A status-driven workflow supports the service manager when
maintaining services, thus ensuring that all important process
steps are followed when creating a service. It is also possible
to detect service delivery problems with the aid of predefined
analysis templates and metrics that connect with service level
reporting systems.
FNT SOLUTION PAPER // Product Portfolio and Service Management
they want. All service variants and configuration options are of functions, it also allows simple customization of the user
generated on the basis of a predefined product catalog. A interface, icons, texts, and object names.
sophisticated rights system makes it possible to control the
availability of services by customer group.
Fig.: Integration of FNT ServicePlanet and FNT Command into the service
management environment
FNT SOLUTION PAPER // Product Portfolio and Service Management
The unique FNT Product Portfolio and Service Management interface. Services can then be instantiated, offered, and
solution acts as the control center for the IT service managed on a product basis, along with the related customer
organization and as a central hub between IT, business, and details and contract information. The resulting service trees
service operations. The FNT ServicePlanet software suite forms provide the foundation for service billing, monitoring, work
the heart of the solution, is based entirely on the bE_Method®, orders, and controlling.
and allows definition, administration, and management of the
IT product and service portfolio. IT services are broken down For example, a work order generated by an order in FNT
into their individual components and the individual modules ServicePlanet can thus form the basis for planning and
are reassembled into new products using a special modeling provisioning the required IT infrastructure in FNT Command.
© Copyright (C) FNT GmbH, 2015. All rights reserved. The content of this document is subject to copyright law. Changes, abridgments, and additions require the prior
written consent of FNT GmbH, Ellwangen, Germany. Reproduction is only permitted provided that this copyright notice is retained on the reproduced document. Any
publication or translation requires the prior written consent of FNT GmbH, Ellwangen, Germany.
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