DOI 10.1007/s12665-011-1289-0
T. Petzoldt
Received: 22 November 2010 / Accepted: 2 August 2011 / Published online: 4 September 2011
Ó Springer-Verlag 2011
Abstract A pronounced pollution of surface water bodies pollution and to reveal dominant processes of matter
in the Western Bug River Basin, Ukraine, has been caused turnover. In addition, the occurrence of antibiotic resistant
by outdated or overloaded wastewater treatment plants, strains in isolates from stations along the Bug River was
agriculture, industry and coal mining. These pressures have investigated. Results clearly underpin the negative impact
led to a generally poor state of both chemical and micro- of the Poltva River as a major source of pollution for the
biological variables creating health risks of various kinds. Bug River and further outline an elevated potential health
The state of surface water quality for the Western Bug and risk from pathogenic bacteria originating from this source.
five main tributaries was assessed by measuring physical, Despite these devastating impacts, a high elimination
chemical and microbiological indicators during field cam- potential of the Bug River with respect to primary organic
paigns in autumn 2009 and spring 2010. Longitudinal loads as well as elimination of pathogenic bacteria was
profiles were sampled to identify major sources of observed particularly at Dobrotvir Reservoir. Further
downstream, pollution is kept high because of untreated
waste effluents and phytoplankton mass developments due
to high phosphorus concentrations.
A.-M. Ertel (&) A. Lupo N. Scheifhacken
T. U. Berendonk T. Petzoldt Keywords Ukraine Water quality Organic load
Institute of Hydrobiology, Technische Universität Dresden,
Eutrophication Indicator bacteria Antibiotic resistance
01062 Dresden, Germany
A. Lupo
e-mail: Introduction
N. Scheifhacken
e-mail: The poor state of surface water quality is an issue in many
countries, especially those with emerging market econo-
T. U. Berendonk
e-mail: mies (Chatterjee et al. 2009; Hanh et al. 2010; Qadir et al.
2010; Zambrano et al. 2009). In Ukraine, the Western Bug
T. Petzoldt
e-mail: is one example, where a pronounced and long-lasting
pollution of many surface waters is caused by obsolete or
T. Bodnarchuk overloaded wastewater treatment plants (WWTP), moni-
State Inspectorate of Environment Protection in Lviv Region,
toring deficits for industrial discharges, and also diffuse
Ministry for Environmental, Protection of Ukraine,
79026 Lviv, Ukraine sources from agriculture and mining activities may account
e-mail: for it (Dalton 2006). These pressures combined contribute
to a poor ecological state of the water body, which pri-
O. Manturova
marily results in degraded physical and chemical charac-
Institute of Hydrobiology, National Academy of Science,
04210 Kyiv, Ukraine teristics (Landsberg 2002; Tacis 2001). The situation is still
e-mail: comparable to many regions and, therefore, assessment of
1460 Environ Earth Sci (2012) 65:1459–1473
the water quality status in the Western Bug catchment can Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) is
be regarded as a case study stimulating related research in currently accepted and applied as the most efficient
the same (Blumensaat et al. 2011; Delfs et al. 2011; approach to the management of water resources in large
Kalbacher et al. 2011; Leidel et al. 2011; Pavlik et al. 2011; parts of the world (UN-Water 2008). Within this frame-
Tavares Wahren et al. 2011) as well as in other regions. work, state-of-the-art water quality assessment requires the
The most obvious effects of anthropogenic pollution are investigation of the ecological status of rivers in an inte-
oxygen depletion due to primary organic pollution and grated manner by considering physical, chemical, hydro-
eutrophication (Gücker et al. 2006). Additionally, organic morphological and biological indicators (EC 2000). Apart
pollution is often accompanied by increased heavy metal from the general understanding of river functioning, this
concentrations besides other toxic substances and, demanding approach relies on a dense monitoring scheme
increasingly recognised, the risk of pathogenic bacteria to evaluate the overall ecological status of a river or water
(Stevik et al. 2004). Thus, a combined investigation of body. However, in many emerging countries no sufficient
chemical and microbiological indicators to identify both, institutional monitoring has been established so far. This is
the state of water quality and potential health risks for often in contrast to the pressurising demands of the low or
humans, has been recommended (Marques Da Silva and poor water quality status. Therefore, it is sensible to con-
Bueno Sacomani 2001; Mazari-Hiriart et al. 2008; Dji- duct physical and chemical analyses as the first step of an
ukom et al. 2009; Ortega et al. 2009). On the one hand, overall integrating approach. To characterise health risks
heterotrophic bacteria are the main decomposers of organic for humans from the river’s water quality, it is an advan-
matter (Ward 2006). Their abundance depends on the tageous approach to combine the analysis of physical and
availability of degradable substrates, temperature (Berry chemical indicators with a microbiological assessment at
et al. 1991) and light (Pommepuy et al. 1992), but pollu- the same time.
tants other than biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) can Within the presented study, the investigation of water
play a modifying role as well (Pathak and Bhattacherjee quality for the heavily polluted Western Bug River focused
1994). On the other hand, certain heterotrophic bacteria on two main tasks: the identification of main substances
appear in relation to faecal contamination and result in and processes dominating the matter transformation in the
health risks to humans by both the pathogenic bacteria river as well as an assessment of health risks for humans
themselves and cooccurrence of enteric viruses and pro- due to both chemical compounds and microbiological
tozoa (Leclerc et al. 2002). components. The purpose of this paper is to present the
The abundance of Escherichia coli is frequently used as main sources of pollution and dominant patterns of nutrient
a proxy to indicate faecal contamination, because it would loading along the investigated river stretches. As such, the
be too difficult and expensive to obtain a complete over- approach to analyse pollution sources and transformation
view of all potential pathogens during routine monitoring patterns may serve as a model for dealing with other
(Doyle and Erickson 2006). Furthermore, the faecal con- surface waters at risk.
tamination of water, in addition to potentially disseminat-
ing pathogenic microorganisms, is ascribed to create a
reservoir of antibiotic resistant bacteria (Baquero et al. Materials and methods
2008). Bacterial antibiotic resistance is a worldwide health
threat, especially because of the development of multi-drug Study site
resistance, i.e. resistance to three or more antibiotic classes,
which precludes the usage of antibiotics currently available The Western Bug is a transnational river with its spring in
in clinics. Examples of such antibiotics are beta-lactams, the Podolian Highlands, Ukraine. From there, the river
aminoglycosides and fluoroquinolones, which are used for flows north-westward constituting the border between
the effective cure of infectious diseases (Livermore 2004). Ukraine, Poland and Belarus before it enters Poland and
Human and animal related bacterial species, such as faecal discharges into the Vistula River near Warsaw. The total
microorganisms, are likely to be selected by antibiotic length of the river is 755 km, of which 184 km are
usage. It is assumed that the release of resistant strains in located on Ukrainian territory and further 185 km mark
the environment may promote the diffusion of genes the border between Ukraine and Poland (Tacis 2001). The
responsible for drug resistance (Martı́nez 2009). Indeed, Ukrainian part of the river basin consists of an area of
horizontal gene transfer between faecal related and 10,710 km2 (27% of the total catchment) and is mainly
autochthonous bacteria facilitates the establishment of a characterised by agricultural activities and one major
reservoir of antibiotic resistance in the environment (Kim urban agglomeration, the city of L’viv (Schanze et al.
and Aga 2007) and, therefore, forms a major public health 2011; Tacis 2001). In contrast to the poor water quality
risk (WHO 2000). status, the river’s hydromorphology is of mainly good
Environ Earth Sci (2012) 65:1459–1473 1461
quality for large stretches (Scheifhacken et al. 2011; grouped according to primary characteristics of the sub-
Zingstra et al. 2009). catchments. These groups are further referred to as agri-
Two field campaigns were conducted in September 2009 culture (station 1, 2, 3), urban (station 4, 5, 6, 7, 8), res-
and April 2010 producing three temporal replicates at each ervoir (station 9, 10) and mining (station 11, 12, 13, 14, 15,
campaign. Water quality data were collected at 17 sites 16, 17) regions (Fig. 2).
(Fig. 1). Station 1 was located at an upstream reference site
14.3 km from the spring (in the following, all river km Physical and chemical indicators
refer to the spring). Sites were partly located at the tribu-
taries, i.e. Zolochivka (station 3, 36.2 km), Poltva (station Measurements were conducted during daytime (approxi-
5, 44.9 km), Kamianka (station 8, 81.4 km), Rata (station mately 9 am to 5 pm) and the profile was split into two,
12, 120.4 km) and Solokija (station 14, 122.7 km), and with part 1 ranging from Sasiv (station 1) to upstream of
were also positioned at the Bug River before the inflow of Dobrotvir Reservoir (station 9) and part 2 from down-
those tributaries (station 2, 35.2 km; 4, 44.7 km; station 11, stream of the reservoir (station 10) to Sokal (station 17).
115.8 km; station 14, 122.7 km). Station 7 (81.6 km) was This procedure seemed appropriate as the reservoir dis-
positioned below the confluence of the Kamianka and the connected the river system into two distinct water bodies.
Bug River due to the accessibility of the site. Other sites Water quality indicators such as temperature (Tw), dis-
were located downstream of the Poltva River (station 6, solved oxygen (DO), oxygen saturation (DOsat), pH and
46.21 km), up- and downstream of Dobrotvir Reservoir electrical conductivity (Cond) were measured in situ using
(station 9, 88.9 km, and station 10, 101.4 km), close to the a Hach-Lange HQd portable meter. Turbidity (Turb) was
mining area of Chervonohrad (station 13, 118.5 km) and at determined using the Hach-Lange 2100P ISO Turbidime-
Sokal (station 17, 135.1 km). The stations were also ter. Water samples were taken midstream as bucket
16 14
k ija
Solo Chervonohrad
15 VI
12 13
No data
Minor cities
10 Major cities
Ukraine Catchment
9 National border
6 4
Poltva 3
1 We
Sasiv ste
r nB
0 5 10 20
1462 Environ Earth Sci (2012) 65:1459–1473
samples and stored in 5 L plastic tanks. Except otherwise The water samples were collected in 5 L tanks sterilised
stated below, analyses were carried out according to with HCl 1 N (Merck) and analysed within 24 h. Total
Ukrainian standards that were proposed by the Ministry of bacterial cells (TC) were enumerated by epifluorescence
Environmental Protection of Ukraine: Methods of Mea- methodology as previously described (Porter and Feig
surement Performance (MVV), Methods of Photometric 1980; Kepner and Pratt 1994). The water samples were
Measurements (CPV) and Guidance Normative Document preserved with 4% of formaldehyde. An aliquot of 100 mL
(KND). Attestation of the methods was done by the State was stained with DAPI (40 ,6-diamino-2-phenylindole,
Committee of Standards of Ukraine (Ukrmetrteststandard Sigma-Aldrich, Hamburg, Germany) at a final concentra-
2006). The 5-day biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5) was tion of 1 lg L-1, and 1 mL was filtered on dark polycar-
measured by using an oximeter (MVV 081/12-0310-06) bonate filters (Sartorious) with pore size 0.22 lm. The
and the chemical oxygen demand (COD) using the volu- count was performed using an Axiophot microscope by
metric (titration) method with potassium dichromate (KND Zeiss with object magnification 1009. The fraction of Concentrations of sulphate (SO42-) were viable bacteria (total viable count, TVC) was measured
determined with a gravimetric method (MVV 081/12- plating 100 lL of three dilutions (10-3, 10-5, 10-7 mL) on
0007-01). Ammonium nitrogen (NH4?-N, MVV 081/12- the R2A medium (Roth, Nürtingen, Germany). The plates
0106-03), nitrate nitrogen (NO3--N, CPV, were incubated for 24 h at 37°C and CFU (colony forming
nitrite nitrogen (NO2--N, CPV, ortho- units) were counted after 24 h. Total coliforms (Tcol) and
phosphate phosphorus (PO43--P, MVV 081/12-0005-01) E. coli counts were obtained by filtration with acetate
and total dissolved phosphorus (TDP, MVV 081/12-0018- cellulose filters of 0.22 lm (Sartorious) and seeding on
01) were analysed photometrically using a WTW Photolab pads with the selective and differential medium m-Coli-
spectral photometer. Additionally, PO43--P, TDP and TP Blue24Ò Broth (Millipore, Schwalbach, Germany), which
(total phosphorus, unfiltered samples) analyses were car- allowed to distinguish between Tcol and E. coli according
ried out using the Hach-Lange quick test LCK349-1 with a to the colony pigmentation after 24 h of incubation at
photometer DR2800 during the spring campaign. Mea- 37°C.
surement of chloride concentrations (Cl-) was based on
deposition of chloride ions in a silver nitrate solution as Antibiotic susceptibility test
silver chloride (MVV 081/12-0004-01). For the determi-
nation of the dry matter content (DM), water samples were Nonredundant strains randomly isolated from the viable
filtered through pre-dried and pre-weighed glass fibre filters bacteria fraction were assayed for the susceptibility to
Environ Earth Sci (2012) 65:1459–1473 1463
clinically relevant aminoglycosides, beta-lactams and flu- was calculated of those samples that did not meet the
oroquinolones by the Kirby–Bauer method. Briefly, a SaNPiN and OBUV standards for individual indicators
bacterial suspension equivalent to 0.5 McFarland was from the subsets of in-town stations and out of town,
diluted 1:100 and plated on Mueller-Hinton agar medium respectively. Rather than setting specific limit values for
(Roth, Nürtingen, Germany). Discs, treated with each hydrochemical water quality indicators, the European
antibiotic, were placed on the plates and incubated for Water Framework Directive (WFD) encourages an
24 h. Inhibition zones were measured and interpreted assessment approach based on structural and habitat
according to CLSI breakpoints (Clinical and Laboratory quality. However, water quality criteria for surface waters
Standards Institute 2006). that are in concordance with the WFD have been published
in several EU countries (Premazzi et al. 2003; UKTAG
Water quality standards and classification 2008). In Germany, chemical limit values are given by the
German Chemical Water Quality Classification (Irmer
Mainly, two standards are used by the water quality et al. 1997; LAWA 1998) that was preceded by (and is
monitoring and controlling agencies in Ukraine. The partly based on) the General Quality Requirements
SaNPiN (transl.: Sanitary terms and rules for the protection (LAWA 1991). These criteria were used for comparative
of surface water bodies against pollution; Ministry of purposes and for the calculation of water quality classes
Health of the USSR 1988) guideline is applied within the for the stations. Additionally, the LAWA framework
district of towns, whereas the OBUV (transl.: Tentative concept for monitoring and the proposed distinction
safe levels of pollutants impact (OBUV) in water bodies between background and orientation limit values were
with fish industry; Moscow 1999) standard is applied out considered (LAWA-AO 2007). Microbiological water
of town (Table 1). These guidelines derive from Soviet quality and human health risks are mostly related to faecal
times and are used in occasionally modified versions by pollution and the presence of pathogens (Barrell et al.
different agencies (Bodnarchuk, Kovalchuk, Bug River 2000). Escherichia coli has been recognised as usually
Authority, 2010, personal communication). The percentage present when pathogens occur (Gleeson and Gray 2002)
Table 1 Selected chemical water quality criteria as given by Ukrainian (SaNPiN, OBUV) and German (LAWA) guidelines
Indicator (unit) SaNPiN OBUV LAWA
LAWA values are derived from both (LAWA 1991) and (LAWA 1998). The limit values for E. coli derived from the bathing water directive
(Directive 2006/7/EC) are presented below the chemical criteria. The evaluation is based on the percentile values for the microbiological
enumerations. Bathing waters are classified as ‘poor’ if the percentile values are worse than the ‘sufficient’ value
These values refer to optimum summer (20°C) and winter (3°C) temperatures for summer cool streams (LAWA 1998)
95-percentile evaluation
90-percentile evaluation
1464 Environ Earth Sci (2012) 65:1459–1473
and, therefore, has recently become a major indicator for complete data set was analysed by means of multivariate
faecal contamination and health risks (Edberg et al. 2000; techniques to detect relationships between the variables. A
Szewzyk and Knobling 2007). In this study, counts of principal components analysis (PCA) was conducted with
E. coli were compared to the EU Bathing Water Directive 65 data sets of 17 variables. Relationships between physi-
2006/7/EC (Directive 2006/7/EC), which classifies water cal, chemical indicators (independent or predictor vari-
bodies according to excellent, good, sufficient or poor ables) and each of the microbiological cell counts
bathing water quality (Table 1). (dependent or response variables) were assessed by means
of correlation and linear regression models. The statistical
Statistical procedures and calculations tests were regarded significant if the p value was smaller
than 0.05. To assess the effect of Dobrotvir Reservoir, a
Data sets for each season were characterised by summary removal efficiency (RE) for the elimination of substances
statistics where the coefficients of variation (CV) were from the water column was calculated after Howard et al.
calculated for each season as well as the pooled data to (2004)
obtain information about variation within one and between Cup Cdw
the two sampling campaigns (cf. Håkanson et al. 2005). RE ½% ¼ 100
Data sets were plotted in a pooled manner as the CV values
of the pooled data were not considerably higher than the where Cup is the concentration of the upstream sample and
CV values of the seasonal data (Table 2), thus implying Cdw the concentration of the downstream sample. The R
little more variation in data (Håkanson et al. 2003, 2005). software for statistical computing was used for all calcu-
In addition to summary statistics of pooled data, the lations (R Development Core Team 2011).
Table 2 Summary statistics of physical, chemical and microbiological water quality indicators. The minimum (Min) and maximum (Max)
values from both campaigns as well as mean values for the autumn ðxA Þ, the spring ðxS Þ campaigns and for both together ðxAS Þ are presented
Indicator, unit Min Max xA xS xAS CVA CVS CVAS
TC, mL-1 5.8 9 105 3.5 9 106 1.3 9 106 2.2 9 106 1.6 9 106 0.38 0.36 0.43
-1 3 6 5 5
TVC, 100 mL 8.0 9 10 8.6 9 10 4.7 9 10 3.3 9 10 3.9 9 105 1.68 0.8 1.75
Tcol, CFU, 100 mL-1 2.0 5200 123.2 504.0 275.5 0.94 1.13 1.62
E. coli, CFU, 100 mL 0.0 4400 7.0 441.0 113.5 1.57 1.17 1.78
Median values (MA, MS, MAS) are used for the bacterial concentrations. The coefficients of variation for data from the autumn (CVA), spring
(CVS) and both (CVAS) campaigns can be used as an indicator of relative variability between and within measurement campaigns
Environ Earth Sci (2012) 65:1459–1473 1465
BOD5 (mgL−1)
DOsat (%)
100 15
0 0
30 60 90 120 30 60 90 120
(c) (d)
15 80
NH4−N (mgL−1)
DM (mgL−1)
0 0
30 60 90 120 30 60 90 120
(e) (f)
NO3−N (mgL−1)
PO4−P (mgL−1)
0 0.0
30 60 90 120 30 60 90 120
(g) (h)
COD:DM (−)
Cond (mS cm−1)
0.2 0.2
0.0 0.0
30 60 90 120 30 60 90 120
River km River km
Fig. 3 Longitudinal profiles along the Bug River and five tributaries the limit values of the SaNPiN guideline (dashed) and the OBUV
close to their confluence for a DOsat (oxygen saturation), b BOD5 guideline (dotted), if available. h Ratio of COD (chemical oxygen
(5 day biochemical oxygen demand), c NH4?-N (ammonium nitro- demand) to DM. Error bars indicate the standard error and the
gen), d DM (dry matter), e NO3--N (nitrate nitrogen), f PO43--P horizontal line (dashed) marks the content of C in DM according to
(phosphate phosphorus) and g Cond (electrical conductivity). Error an average stoichiometric composition of biomass (Stumm 1964)
bars indicate minimum and maximum values. Horizontal lines denote
1466 Environ Earth Sci (2012) 65:1459–1473
BOD5 values up to 3 mg L-1 were observed in the (autumn: CVA, spring: CVS, Table 2). Coefficients for
upstream region, except for the Zolochivka River NH4?-N and NO3--N differed more distinctly (Table 2).
(6 mg L-1, Fig. 3b). A mean BOD5 of 26 mg L-1 was The PCA revealed three components that are explanatory
measured at the Poltva River causing an increase of BOD5 for 73.5% of the variation in the data. BOD5, Cl-, Cond,
mean values to 15 mg L-1 in the Bug River (46.2 km). NH4?-N, PO43--P and NO2--N carried high loadings for
BOD5 then slowly decreased in the downstream course and component 1 (PC1) explaining 38.3% of the variation
increased again slightly at Dobrotvir Reservoir (88.9 km). (Fig. 2). Component 2 (PC2) accounted for 24.4% of the
On average, BOD5 remained below 10 mg L-1 in the variation in the data and high loadings were observed for
mining region with an exception at 118.5 km (17 mg L-1). DM, POM, pH, DOsat, POC and SO42-. Component 3
NH4?-N concentrations ranged between 0.2 and explained 10.8% of the variation and was characterised by a
0.5 mg L-1 in the agricultural area, strongly increased to high loading for NO3--N and Tw (not shown). The arrows of
2.7 mg L-1 due to the inflow of the Poltva River and COD and BOD5 were nearly congruent and, due to its higher
remained high in the urban region (Fig. 3c). Concentra- loadings in the two first PCA axes, BOD5 was considered
tions then decreased in the reservoir region to below thenceforth. When comparing clusters of sampling stations,
0.5 mg L-1 and remained at this level in the mining area. the agricultural region possessed the smallest variation in
A mean concentration of 6.3 mg L-1 for NH4?-N was data, whereas the urban region showed the highest (Fig. 2).
observed at the Poltva River. Stations 1–3 showed highest concentrations of NO3--N,
The content of DM in the water column was found to whereas concentrations of TDP and PO43--P remained low.
continuously increase along the course of the river The urban region (especially the Poltva River) was char-
(Fig. 3d). A pronounced increase (47 mg L-1) was acterised by increased Cond values as well as high con-
observed at 118.5 km. centrations of NH4?-N and PO43--P. NO2--N was found
NO3--N was highest at 35 and 44.7 km (12.7– strongly increased for stations 5–9. The reservoir region
14.6 mg L-1, Fig. 3e). From 46.2 km on, concentrations showed a clear gradient of water quality. Station 9 showed
decreased below Ukrainian limit values (7.8 mg L-1) until distinct lower concentrations in DO as well as pH and higher
115.8 km. Further downstream, a slight increase above limit concentrations in NH4?-N compared to station 10. Stations
values occurred. Minimum concentrations (7.2 mg L-1) 11–17 showed increased values of DM.
were observed at Kamianka (81.4 km) and Rata (120.4 km) Dobrotvir Reservoir marked a discontinuity within the
rivers. river and considerably changed the characteristics of the
Concentrations of PO43--P were below 0.05 mg L-1 up water body. The estimated removal efficiency showed a
to 44.7 km and increased to 1 mg L-1 as far as 88.9 km high removal of dissolved inorganic nutrients from the
(Fig. 3f). Concentrations then decreased in the downstream water column, e.g. NH4?-N was reduced by 84.4%, NO3--
reaches. Maximum values occurred at 44.9 km and values N by 18.7% and PO43--P by 45.3%. However, removal for
below the detection limit were observed at 14.3 and organic pollution indicators such as BOD5, DM and
118.5 km. POC showed negative values of -42.4%, -59.7% and
Cond remained around 0.6 mS cm-1 until 44.7 km, then -135.6%, respectively, and thus indicated an increase in
increased to 0.8 mS cm-1 and remained at this level until
88.9 km (Fig. 3g). Highest mean values of Cond were
observed at the Poltva River (0.95 mS cm-1, 44.9 km) and 80
lowest at the Rata River (0.56 mS cm-1, 120.4 km). Cryptophyta
The ratio of COD to DM was used to assess whether 60 Cyanobacteria
Chlorophyll (µg L−1)
Environ Earth Sci (2012) 65:1459–1473 1467
their concentration. For the microbiological counts, cal- than in autumn (mean: TC = 1.3 9 106 cells mL-1,
culated removal rates were again positive. Escherichia coli TVC = 1 9 105 CFU 100 mL-1, Tcol = 123 CFU 100
were removed from the water column by 85.4%, Tcol by mL-1, E. coli = 46 CFU 100 mL-1). However, the patterns
71.9%, TVC by 37.9% and TC by 20.2%. An enormous of the profiles were similar for both campaigns.
amount of phytoplankton is produced in the reservoir At the Bug River, TVC was the smallest at station 1,
because inorganic nutrients are largely available (Fig. 4). gradually increased as far as station 7 and then gradually
Where Bacillariophyceae (diatoms) were dominant during decreased again from station 10 to 16 (Fig. 5a). A maxi-
the spring campaign, large abundances of cyanobacteria mum value of 8.6 9 106 CFU 100 mL-1 was observed at
were observed in autumn. the Poltva River (station 5), which was 2.9-fold higher than
the maximum observed TVC within the Bug River.
Microbiological indicators Total coliforms counts up to 500 CFU 100 mL-1 were
observed until station 4 (Fig. 5b). The Poltva River (station
Bacterial counts were higher in spring (mean: TC = 5) carried with up to 3470 CFU 100 mL-1 a nearly sev-
1.9 9 106 cells mL-1, TVC = 4 9 105 CFU 100 mL-1, enfold higher load than the upstream Bug River stations.
Tcol = 1131 CFU 100 mL-1, E. coli = 928 CFU 100 mL-1) The maximum range in total coliform counts was observed
(a) Bug River (d)
TVC · 106, CFU (100mL−1)
6 Ecoli:Tcol (−)
0 0.0
1 2 4 5 6 7 10 13 14 16 1 2 4 5 6 7 10 13 14 16
Resistant Isolates (%)
4 Aminoglycosides
4 Fluoroquinolones
2 2
1 1
0 0
1 2 4 5 6 7 10 13 14 16 1 2 4 5 6 7 10 13 14 16
(c) (f)
E. coli · 10 3 , CFU (100mL−1)
4 Bug River
RI · TVC · 10 4 (100mL−1)
1 4
0 0
1 2 4 5 6 7 10 13 14 16 1 2 4 5 6 7 10 13 14 16
Station Station
Fig. 5 Bar plots of a total vital counts, b total coliforms and c E. coli groups of antibiotics. f Extrapolated number of antibiotic resistances
along the sampling stations. Error bars denote minimum and by using total vital counts. Nonmeasured sampling points are marked
maximum concentrations. d The ratio of E. coli to total coliforms. with NA (not available)
Error bars indicate the standard error. e Resistances of isolates to
1468 Environ Earth Sci (2012) 65:1459–1473
at station 6 just downstream of the inflow of the Poltva resistance to fluoroquinolones was detected in the ana-
River, where 2–5200 CFU 100 mL-1 were counted. lysed isolates, but a decreased level of susceptibility was
Counts observed at downstream Bug River stations observed for six isolates, two at stations 2 and 10, and
remained at a much lower level of up to 1500 CFU one at stations 5 and 6, respectively. An extrapolation of
100 mL-1. This level, however, was two to threefold the resistant fraction by multiplication with the total vital
higher compared to upstream Bug River stations. With count (TVC) showed that the concentration at station 5
2–245 CFU 100 mL-1, the by far lowest abundance of may be at least five times higher than at the other stations
total coliforms was observed just downstream of the (Fig. 5f).
Dobrotvir Reservoir (station 10).
Counts of E. coli followed a very similar behaviour Water quality standards and classification
compared to the total coliforms (Fig. 5c). Upstream Bug
River stations showed abundances up to 494 CFU Comparing the two Ukrainian water quality guidelines for
100 mL-1, the Poltva River again carried a fivefold specific indicators, OBUV limit values are stricter than
higher load and, downstream of the confluence, maximum SaNPiN limits for DO, BOD5, NH4?-N, NO3--N and
values of up to 4400 CFU 100 mL-1 were observed. Fur- NO2--N. The SanPiN guideline is more restrictive than the
ther downstream, E. coli remained at a much lower level of OBUV for PO43--P and SO42-. Whilst values for DO fell
up to 1460 CFU 100 mL-1, which, nevertheless, was below the SaNPiN guideline by 14.2%, values for BOD5
higher than the upstream Bug stations. The distinctly exceeded the guideline by 27.4%, COD by 5.7%, NH4?-N
smallest counts (\60 CFU 100 mL-1) were observed at by 14.2%, NO3--N by 44.3% and PO43--P by 6.6%.
station 10. Although TDP is a fraction of TP and thus smaller, values
E. coli made up approximately 50% of the total coli- of TDP exceeded the limit value for TP by 23.6%. The
forms and this mean ratio was already observed in the actual percentage is assumed to be higher. DO concentra-
upstream parts of the river (Fig. 5d). The highest mean tions fell below the OBUV limit values by 5.6% and BOD5
fraction was found at station 5 (70%) and the by far lowest exceeded the OBUV guideline by 21.7% and NH4?-N by
at station 10 (20%). Downstream of station 10, the ratio 17%. The latter guideline did not give any limit values for
increased again up to 60% (Fig. 5d). COD or TP, and the PO43--P limit was more than three
Escherichia coli were found to be significantly corre- times as high as the respective SaNPiN value and therefore
lated to NO2--N, BOD5, SO24-, COD, NO3--N, POM, could always be met. The results of the German water
DM and POC (all p values \ 0.05). Tcol showed signifi- quality classification showed moderate to considerable
cant correlations to NO2--N, NO3--N, BOD5, SO24-, pollution for stations 1–3 and very high pollution (worst
COD, TDP, Tw, PO43--P, POM and DM (all p val- class) for stations 5, 6, 7 and 9 (Fig. 1). The reservoir
ues \ 0.05). For TVC, significant predictor variables were showed improvement by two classes for station 10. Further
PO34--P, Cond, Tw, TDP and DO (all p values \ 0.05). downstream, water quality classes remained between V and
However, no significant correlation of TC was found for VI with exceptions for station 12 and 15, which were
any indicators. Log-linear regression showed a clear posi- classified as IV.
tive relationship between organic pollution and bacterial The new LAWA-AO guideline’s rigorous limit values
abundance. Small E. coli and total coliform abundance was (LAWA-AO 2007) resulted in limit exceedance for most
observed at sampling stations with low concentrations of stations. For example, the background limit value for
BOD5 or DM. NH4?-N was exceeded by measured concentrations at all
stations (to 100%), whereas the orientation limit value
Antibiotic susceptibility test was exceeded at 14 stations (to 82%). The limit values
for TP were exceeded at 16 stations (to 94%) for the
A total number of 86 isolates were tested for antibiotic background value and at 13 stations (to 77%) for the
resistance, of which 21% showed resistance to at least one orientation limit. The guideline could therefore not yet
class of antibiotic. The highest occurrence of resistant be used for detailed classification of the water quality
strains was observed at station 5 (5.8% of the isolates), status.
station 2 (4.7% of the isolates) and station 14 (3.5%). No Regarding the EU Bathing Water Directive and the
antibiotic resistances were detected at stations 1, 4 and classification of E. coli, an excellent water quality was
10. A co-resistance to beta-lactams and aminoglycosides observed at stations 1, 2, 4, 7 and 10, whereas stations 5,
was frequently observed, i.e. most of the isolates that 6, 14 and 16 were classified as poor in water quality. No
demonstrated resistance to aminoglycosides were also station was classified as good or sufficient in water
resistant to beta-lactams at the same time (Fig. 5e). No quality.
Environ Earth Sci (2012) 65:1459–1473 1469
1470 Environ Earth Sci (2012) 65:1459–1473
autumn, which seemed to rely on higher discharges inferred that either cross-resistance may be caused by
occurring in spring in the present study. High discharges impermeability and/or multi-drug efflux pumps, which are
may have caused flooding of the combined sewer system of able to extrude more than one kind of antibiotic outside the
the WWTP in L’viv and, therefore, an increased number of cells, or by co-resistance due to the simultaneous presence
microorganisms were transported into the river (ten Vel- of different resistance genes in the same isolate (Yazdan-
dhuis et al. 2010). Also, an increase in bacterial load was khah et al. 2006). This study provided preliminary results
reported in connection to erosion and resuspension of river on antibiotic resistance in the Western Bug and calls for a
bottom and bank sediments during high discharge periods more detailed investigation focusing on the antibiotic
(Kistemann et al. 2002). Total vital counts were signifi- resistance prevalence in the river ecosystem. However, the
cantly correlated to abiotic variables such PO43--P, Tw or results of the present study already highlight the risk of
DO. These indicators are known to enhance conditions for spread of antibiotic resistant isolates and provide a broad
environmental bacteria and positive correlations were spectrum approach for future water quality evaluations.
reported before (Mallin et al. 2000). The total coliform
group primarily consisted of E. coli (Fig. 5b) and, conse- Water quality standards and classification
quently, both were significantly correlated to the same
abiotic variables such NO2--N and BOD5. The observed The Ukrainian water quality standards differ in their
bacterial abundances longitudinal to the Bug River formed strictness. The OBUV guideline, valid out of town, is
a spatial pattern similar to the measured physical and stricter for most variables compared to the SaNPiN
chemical profiles. High abundances of total coliforms, guideline, e.g. DO, BOD5, ammonium, nitrate (Table 1).
particularly of faecal coliforms as the high E. coli counts Therefore, pronounced differences in the number of ex-
suggested, were observed at the tributaries, but a decrease ceedances occurred particularly for ammonium and BOD5.
in abundance occurred along the Bug River. The Poltva This hints towards inhomogeneity in the reasonability of
River released a dramatically high charge of bacteria and the chosen limit values, especially since in-town limits are
antibiotic-resistant strains. The increase in abundance was softer than out of town, although here generally higher
caused by a large input of poorly treated wastewater pollution loads occur. The Ukrainian water quality criteria
originating from the WWTP in L’viv and the town of Busk. for nutrients generally lie above the German LAWA limits.
Domestic discharges have been found as a major source for In comparison to international or EU-wide standards, both
faecal coliforms in other river ecosystems as well (Mitch Ukrainian standards are not strict enough as eutrophication
et al. 2010). Dobrotvir Reservoir served as a major sink for is very likely to occur at the given limit value and, even
bacteria due to sedimentation, and possibly elimination by more, is detectable in water bodies of the region. Thus, a
zooplankton. The positive effect of reservoirs in reducing critical re-evaluation and, if necessary, an amendment of
microbial contamination and pathogen risk for humans was the criteria is recommended. Looking at the EU Bathing
documented for a variety of pathogens throughout the Water Directive and the strong division of the sampling
world (van Breemen et al. 1998; Brookes et al. 2004). sites into excellent and poor water quality, the impact of
faecal pollution is huge and treatment of domestic waste-
Antibiotic susceptibility test waters by flocculation, filtration and disinfection using
chlorine and ozone is recommended (Wricke 2006). The
The antibiotic resistance screening showed that resistant introduction of a Ukrainian-wide microbiological surface/
bacteria belonged to several species. The prevalence of bathing water quality guideline may be a measure to
drug resistance was surprisingly high at sampling site 2 smoothen these differences in microbiological water qual-
compared to other parts of the longitudinal profile (refer- ity as it is also proposed by others (EUWI 2008).
ence site upstream, Fig. 1). However, no point source However, some intercalibration effort of Ukrainian
pollution has been recognised at this site so far. It would be standards towards a WFD-based classification was
advisable to consider this during future monitoring activi- accomplished recently (EuropeAid/114957/C/SV/UA
ties. As suspected, the urban region and especially the 2006). This effort should receive much credit and the
Poltva River showed an alarmingly high prevalence of drug implementation and application of this classification should
resistance, which further highlights the large human impact be supported internationally. Also, people of the Western
on those river stretches. Similar to the numbers of bacteria, Bug region are certainly aware of the precarious state of
the reservoir seemed to reduce the number of antibiotic- surface water bodies and the need to protect or restore
resistant strains as well. Although so far no multi-drug them. A positive example is the attempt to establish a
resistant isolates according to a strict definition (Tenover Polish–Ukrainian biosphere reserve, the ‘Upper Bug’,
2006) were observed, resistance to both aminoglycosides which includes selected rivers as well as flood land ele-
and beta-lactams was recurrent. In this case, it can be ments from the Ukrainian part of the Bug catchment
Environ Earth Sci (2012) 65:1459–1473 1471
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Reducing the emission of pollutants from this tributary will standards for antimicrobial susceptibility testing; 16th informa-
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Acknowledgments This research was funded by the Federal Min- Directive 2006/7/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council
istry of Education and Research (BMBF, Grant No.: FKZ of 15 February (2006) concerning the management of bathing
02WM1028). The authors wish to thank Lesya Gram-Radu, Susanne water quality and repealing Directive 76/160/EEC: Official
Rolinski and Claudia Seiler for their support and project involvement. Journal of the European Union, 4.3.2006, L64/37
Further thanks go to our student assistants Igor Abramyuk, Kristin Djiukom E, Jugnia LB, Nola M, Foto S, Sikati V (2009) Physico-
Berg, Felix Gutte, Sabine Hacker and Alexander Schellenberg who chemical water quality of the Mfoundi River watershed at
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thorough and useful comments on this work. Doyle MP, Erickson MC (2006) Closing the door on the fecal
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