HashimZ2017 CET139
HashimZ2017 CET139
HashimZ2017 CET139
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Palm oil is one of the important commodities of Malaysia and is superior for frying due to its high oxidative
stability and high content of unsaturated fatty acids. The quality of frying oil will decrease with time and
repeated cycles of frying, and may subsequently affect the safety of the food. Several parameters such as
peroxide value (PV) and conjugated diene value (CDV) have been used conventionally to monitor the quality
of edible oils. In this study, Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy was used to evaluate the quality of
palm oils after repeated cycles of frying. FTIR spectra were recorded from 4,000 to 400 cm , and analysed
using multivariate data analysis (MVA) to select important spectral regions and identify clustering pattern
among samples. FTIR frequencies at 1,744 and 2,922 cm were found to be the most discriminating variables
influencing the separation between fresh and used frying oils. The correlations between peak areas at 1,744
and 2,922 cm with PV and CDV values were also determined, yielding linear regression models with high
correlation coefficient, R . The results demonstrate that FTIR can be used as a rapid, reliable and accurate
analytical method for the quality assessment of frying oils.
1. Introduction
Palm oil is one of the most abundant oils used in the society and is a native of equatorial West Africa. Palm oil
is obtained directly from the flesh of the fruit which is making it easier to extract compared to other oils that are
obtained from the seeds. Evidence obtained from Egyptian tombs shows that palm oil was used in food for
over 5,000 years ago (Friedel, 1987). This already proves that palm oil has a long history of food use because
of its easy extraction and production. Palm oil also has the highest growth among vegetable oils especially in
Southeast Asia, because it has the highest productivity of all vegetable oils, at 5 t oil/ha, compared with 0.30
for soybean oil, 0.37 for rapeseed oil and 0.42 for sunflower oil (Gunstone, 2001).
Palm oil and its products belong to one of the most demanded oils used for the preparation of fried foods. This
is due to its relatively cheap price and it can be obtained in large amounts with high oxidative stability, and
hence results in high quality and tasty foods (Berger et al., 1991). Its high oxidative stability at high
temperatures is due to its natural antioxidants and its moderate content of polyunsaturated fatty acids
(Gunstone, 2001). The oil meets the requirements of the consumer and producer of fried food.
During frying process, the hot oil serves as a heat exchange medium at which the heat being transferred to
the food being fried. When the time passes, it leads to darkening of the oil. This is due to the oil degradation
which involves the heat, air and moisture to which the oil is exposed to, leading to oxidation, hydrolysis and
polymerisation (Gebhardt, 1996). It is very important to monitor the free fatty acids, peroxide value, iodine
value, conjugated diene and conjugated triene values which are linked to oil degradation process (Talpur et
al., 2014).
In this study, frying experiments of French fries in palm oils were conducted repeatedly and the oil parameters
were measured. Two of the oil parameters which are peroxide value and conjugated diene value were
selected as a representative conventional quality measurement in addition to spectral analysis using Fourier
Transform Infra-Red (FTIR) spectroscopy. FTIR has been proven to be fast, easy and environmental friendly
as the sample preparation is very easy and often no sample preparation is needed (van de Voort et al., 2001).
Please cite this article as: Hashim Z., Zaki S.S.A.M., Muhamad I.I., 2017, Quality assessment of fried palm oils using fourier transform infrared
spectroscopy and multivariate approach, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 56, 829-834 DOI:10.3303/CET1756139
FTIR used in combination with multivariate data analysis have allowed for a rapid evaluation of a large volume
of spectral data for quality control.
Figure 1: Representative FTIR spectra of fresh, 1-time and 10-times fried palm oil samples
Table 1: Major peaks observed from the FTIR spectra of palm oil samples
Peak no Wavelength (cm ) Functional group Reference
1 3,008 cis double bond of unsaturated fatty acids (Talpur et al., 2014)
2 2,922 C–H stretching band from fatty acid hydrocarbon (Silverstein et al., 1991)
3 2,853 C–H stretching band from fatty acid hydrocarbon (Silverstein et al., 1991)
4 1,744 C=O stretching (ester) band (Talpur et al., 2014)
5 1,461 bending vibrations of CH2 and CH3 aliphatic (Silverstein et al., 1991)
6 1,160 stretching vibrations of the C–O ester group (Talpur et al., 2014)
vegetable oils were reported to be lower than 4.42 mEq O2/kg-oil during the frying process and none of them
were above the limit of 10 mEq O2/kg-oil (Farhoosh and Moosavi, 2009).
3.3 Conjugated diene value
Conjugated diene (CDV) is formed as intermediates through a shift of double bond of polyunsaturated acids
(PUFA). It is a representative index that can be used during frying to characterise the status of oxidation of
edible oils (Houhoula et al., 2002). From Figure 2(b), it can be seen that CDV increased linearly with frying
times. While Farhoosh (2009) reported that the content founds for conjugated diene of vegetable oils during
the frying process ranged from 5 to 42 mmol L , this study showed that the CDV values for fried palm oils are
between 0.1 to 0.6 mmol L , possibly due to the difference in the types of oil.
(a) (b)
Figure 2: Changes in (a) peroxide values (PV) and (b) conjugated diene values (CDV) in palm oils during
frying process
(a) (b)
Figure 3: (a) Score plot of principal component analysis of full FTIR spectra from fresh and used palm oils;
-1 -1
Loading values of different oil samples at (b) 2,922 cm and (c) 1,744 cm
Table 2: Linear regression between peak areas at featured wavelength (x) and PV or CDV values (y)
Featured PV CDV
wavelength Individual Averaged Individual Averaged
(cm ) Linear R
Linear R
Linear R
Linear R
4. Conclusions
FTIR spectroscopy combined with multivariate data analysis was proven to be a fast and reliable alternative
evaluation method for the stability and quality monitoring of frying oils. The effects of using palm oil for up to
ten times were studied by comparing the peroxide and conjugated diene values with spectral analysis using
FTIR. Through PCA modelling, the parameters and clustering patterns with identifiable features were
obtained. FTIR frequencies at 2,922 and 1,744 cm were found to be the most discriminating variables
influencing the separation between fresh and used frying oils. The absorbance values for fresh oil at 2,922
and 1,744 cm are higher compared to those of used frying oils, with a decreasing trend in absorbance with
increasing frying times. Linear regression between peak areas at 2,922 and 1,744 cm with PV and CDV
showed good correlations, implying the potential use of FTIR as a single platform quality assessment method.
This study was financially supported by the Ministry of Higher Education Malaysia/ Universiti Teknologi
Malaysia (vot no.11J34).
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