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1. Introduction

Wear debris analysis is well-known in condition monitoring of tribosystems. The

conditions of machine operation are related to the process of wear debris generation and
finally to their morphology. Thus, classification of debris in different morphological classes
provides valuable information on the current state of a tribosystem. Metallic wear debris are
differentiated by their morphology (shape, texture and colour) into several classes, e.g.
rubbing, cutting, spherical, laminar, fatigue chunk and severe sliding wear particles. It has
been found that each type has its own generation mechanism involving a specific wear
process. For instance, cutting wear particles are produced by the penetration, plowing or
cutting of mating bodies. The presence of severe sliding wear particles in a machine usually
indicates a lubrication problem, as a result of lubricant film breakdown. Initially, the
morphology of wear particles was examined visually by a trained expert. Nowadays,
advances in computers and image recognition make automatic evaluation of the particle
morphology possible. It may be characterized by a set of numerical features, and then
appropriate classification methods can be used for wear particle identification. There are
numerous papers that have considered wear debris morphology quantitatively is a good
review), but practically all of them deal with problems of shape and texture.
The reasons were that there were no simple techniques for colour quantitative
evaluation and no cost-efficient devices for colour image acquisition. Only in the last decade
colour CCD cameras and appropriate computer hardware and software became common.
Colour is an important feature in wear debris analysis. If the shape and texture allow one to
differentiate the wear particles according to their prehistory of formation, colour may help to
define debris composition. Composition of wear particles is determined by the materials of
the worn surfaces, contaminants and products of tribochemical reactions. In lubricated
metallic contacts we most often meet steel, copper, lead, tin, chromium, silver and titanium-
contained particles. Ferrous oxides found in the lubricants usually can be divided into two
groups: red or black oxides. Examination of colour allows one to define the source of particle
generation and the severity. This is a technique in use since 1970, it provides Microscopic
Examination and Analysis of Debris (particles) found in lubricating oils.
These particles consist of metallic and non-metallic matter. The metallic particle is a
wear condition that separates different size and shapes of metallic dust from components like

all type of bearings, gears or coupling (if lubricated in path). Analytical ferrography is among
the most powerful diagnostic tools in oil analysis in tribology. When implemented correctly it
provides tremendous information on machine under operation. Yet, it is frequently excluded
from oil analysis programs because of its comparatively high price and a general is
understanding of its value. The test procedure is lengthy and requires the skill of a trained
analyst. As such, there are significant costs in performing analytical ferrography not present
in other oil analysis tests. But, if time is taken to fully understand what analytical ferrography
uncovers, most agree that the benefits significantly outweigh the costs and elect to
automatically incorporate it when abnormal wear is encountered. Additionally, a lub system
performance may be improved through proper filtrations of oil. Clean oil lubrication is
always more effective. Adopting approach of oil replacement is expensive. A rapid
centrifuged and/ or magnetic separator cleaning system helps cost cutting and disposal of
used oil, as well. Ferrography also helps improving filtration efficiency and frequency for oil
cleaning systems.

1.1 Problem Statement & Methodology:

A. Problem Statement: A regular vibration-monitoring programme can capture higher

vibration at much later stage of damage condition. More is the damage; more is the release of
particles from component thereby, increasing the concentration of wear particles in
lubrication oil tank. The choking of filters is next stage when operator comes to know
impending failure of system. Regular monitoring of WPC (Wear Particle Concentration) thus
alerts an operator earlier than any other damage symptoms. This in fact helps a maintenance
engineer to schedule machine overhaul and / or be prepared for spares & replacement.

B. Methodology: Determination of oil is collected from a four stroke – two wheeler engine
(Honda CBZ). The condition of the oil is, it is used oil after running 1750km of bike after
putting a fresh oil Quantity taken 100 ml. Test performed in CHOKSI lab Indore.


Literature survey

There are six basics wear particle types generated through the wear process. These
include metallic particles that comprise of Normal Rubbing Wear, Cutting Wear Particles,
Spherical Particles, Severe Sliding particles, Bearing Wear Particle (Fatigue Spall Particles,
Laminar Particles) and Gear Wear (Pitch Line Fatigue Particles, Scuffing or Scoring
Particles) There do also exist sand and dirt particles responsible to generate wear particles in
the system. The particles are classified to determine the type of wear and its source. White
nonferrous particles, often aluminium or chromium, appear as bright white particles. They are
deposited randomly across the slide surface with larger particles getting collected against the
chains of ferrous particles. The chains of ferrous particles typically act as a filter, collecting
contaminants, copper particles and Babbitt. Copper particles usually appear as bright yellow
particles but the surface may change to verdigris after heat treatment. These also will be
randomly deposited across the slide surface with larger particles resting at the entry point of
the slide and gradually getting smaller towards the exit point of the slide. Babbitt particles
consisting of tin and lead, Babbitt particles appear gray, sometimes with speckling before the
heat treatment.

After heat treatment of the slide, these particles still appear mostly gray, but with
spots of blue and red on the mottled surface of the object. Also, after heat treatment these
particles tend to decrease in size. Again, these nonferrous particles appear randomly on the
slide, not in chains with ferrous particles. Contaminants are usually dirt (silica), and other
particulates which do not change in appearance after heat treatment. They can appear as
white crystals and are easily identified by the transmitted light source, that is, they are
somewhat transparent. Contaminants appear randomly on the slide and are commonly dyked
by the chains of ferrous particles. Fibres, typically from filters or outside contamination, they
are long strings that allow the transmitted light to shine through. Sometimes these particles
can act as a filter, collecting other particles. They can appear anywhere on the ferrogram,
however they tend to be washed towards the exit end. Ferrous particles can be broken down
to five different categories, high alloy, low alloy, dark metallic oxides, cast iron and red
oxides. Ferrous particles are identified using the reflected light source on the microscope.
Transmitted light will be totally blocked by the particle. High Alloy Steel - particles are

found in chains on the slide and appear gray-white. The distinguishing factor in the
identification between high alloy and white nonferrous is position on the slide. If it is white
and appears in a chain, it’s deemed to be high alloy. Otherwise, it’s considered white
nonferrous. Low Alloy Steel - particles are also found in chains and appear gray-white but
they change color after heat treatment. After heat treatment they usually appear as blue
particles but can also appear pink or red. Dark Metallic Oxides - deposit in chains and appear
dark gray to black. The degree of darkness is indicative of the amount of oxidation. Cast Iron
- particles appear gray before heat treatment and a straw yellow after the heat treatment. They
are incorporated in chains amongst the other ferrous particles. Red Oxides (Rust) - polarized
light readily identifies red oxides. Sometimes they can be found in chains with the other
ferrous particles and sometimes they are randomly deposited on the slide surface. A large
amount of small red oxides on the exit end of the slide is generally considered to be a sign of
corrosive wear. It usually appears to the analyst as a “beach” of red sand. Following are the
images of few wear particles.

2.1 Experiment

Analytical ferrography begins with separation of the wear particles by magnetic

separation from the lubricating oil containing the wear debris on a ferrogram slide maker.
The lubricating oil sample is diluted suitably with organic solvent to improved particle
precipitation and adhesion. The diluted sample is allowed to flow from a glass slide called a
ferrogram. The ferrogram rests on a magnetic bed, which attracts ferrous particles out of the
oil. Due to the magnetic field, the ferrous particles align themselves in chains along the
length of the slide with the largest particles being deposited at the entry point. Nonferrous or
nonmagnetic particles and contaminants, unaffected by the magnetic field, travel downstream
and are randomly deposited across the length of the slide. The deposited ferrous particles
serve as a dyke in the removal of nonferrous particles. The absence of ferrous particles
substantially reduces the effectiveness with which nonferrous particles are removed. After the
particles are deposited on the ferrogram, a wash is used to remove any remaining lubricant.
the wash quickly evaporates and the particles are permanently attached to the slide. The
ferrogram is now ready for optical examination using a bichromatic microscope. Samples are
examined under a microscope that combines the features of a biological and metallurgical
microscope. Such equipment utilizes reflected and/or transmitted light sources. Different
optical filters are deployed to classify sizing, composition, shape and texture of the particles.

After classifying the composition of particles the analyst then rates the size of the particles
using a micrometer scale on the microscope. Particles having size of 30 microns or greater
are given the rating of “severe” or “abnormal.” Severe wear is a definite sign of abnormal
running conditions with the equipment being studied.

2.2 Advantage Of This Concept

Ferrography is a series of laboratory tests used to determine the condition of used

Lubricants and equipment components, over a period. A trend of Wear Particle Concentration
typically presents the opportunity for Maintenance programs from breakdown to be proactive.
This need better understanding. The wear particles are either generated or captured in system
through atmospheric dust/ dirt. The particles generating due to friction despite proper
lubrication is an indication of damage to the system component. For example wear on gear
teeth results in improper meshing, that means over a long period of such operation machine
tends to consume more power for same throughput. Further operation under same loading
condition leads to vibration, followed by noise radiation. A regular vibration-monitoring
programme can capture higher vibration at much later stage of damage condition. More is the
damage; more is the release of particles from component thereby, increasing the
concentration of wear particles in lubrication oil tank. The choking of filters is next stage
when operator comes to know impending failure of system. Regular monitoring of WPC
(Wear Particle Concentration) thus alerts an operator earlier than any other damage
symptoms. This in fact helps a maintenance engineer to schedule machine overhaul and / or
be prepared for spares & replacement.



3.1 Wear Debris Analysis

The primary reason for measuring the quantity of wear debris in used lubricants is
usually to determine the wear rates of various components of a machine and in the course of
time to measure changes in these parameters. However, an oil sample contains particles
which have been produced at various times and it is not obvious how the instantaneous wear
rate can be Determined or whether it is necessary to determine the instantaneous wear rate.
Various models of lubrication systems (e.g. those of Lotan and of Bendiksen) have been used
in the monitoring of aero plane engines using spectrometric oil analysis. Essentially these
models take into account the loss of wear particles with oil usage or by the drainage and
replacement of oil. These factors are of particular importance because of the high rate of oil
use in aircraft and the small particle size; this is the size to which spectrometers are most
sensitive. An alternative method is necessary for larger particle sizes and Anderson and
Driver have suggested an oil system model for ferrography which takes into account particle
loss by filtration and settling. The purpose of this paper is to present an oil system model
developed at the National Centre of Tribology primarily for use with ferrography. It is of use
in assessing instantaneous wear rates and in the comparison of debris analysis techniques.
The basic principle of operation is simple. A representative sample of oil is tested through the
following cycle.
1. Obtain an oil sample from a machine.
2. In the laboratory take a measured amount of the fluid and deposit into a clean beaker.
The sample is then diluted with a solvent
3. Draw the sample through a membrane filter or use a magnetic separation technique
such as the rotary particle depositor to separate the solids from the fluid.
4. The amount of ferrous wear is quantified by means of a debris analyzer such as the
PQ2000 manufactured by Swansea Tribology Centre.
5. Visually analyze the debris at 100x magnification under a reflected light microscope
quantifying the following parameters: These parameters are then trended in a custom
designed software package and the diagnostician awards the unit a Health Status.

The health status is a single parameter which gives the unit a level of threat. (Health
status is a parameter between 1 -5 with 1 being a healthy machine and 5 being a
machine which is imminently threatened with failure.)
6. Repeat the procedure at a decided time interval. Wear debris analysis is a relatively
simple procedure not requiring a high skills level to perform.

Since the early days of 1986 debris analysis has become a widespread and generally accepted
technique of condition monitoring. Examples of some of the successes achieved with debris
analysis are:
 Failure prevention in diesel engines used in haul trucks.
 Failure prevention in long wall mining and continuous miner gearboxes.
 Failure prediction on a large selection of both surface and underground mining
equipment used in the gold mining industry.
 Contamination control in surface gold mining process equipment.
 Grease and oil selection through comparative lubricant trials.
 Condition monitoring of critical coal milling gearboxes in the power generation industry.
 Failure investigations of critical bearings in ball mills used in the gold mining industry.

New Developments in Debris Analysis:- There have been two innovative local
developments of debris monitoring. These are Contamination Control. A simple technique for
monitoring and reporting on levels of solid contamination within a system has been
developed. Previously monitoring of contamination to the accepted codes has either been
time consuming or required an expensive investment in equipment. Now users are able to set
contamination limits for their equipment and simply monitor whether they are within these

3.2 Types Of Wear Particles
There are six basic particles type generated through the wear process. These include
ferrous and non-ferrous particles and comprise of:
1. Normal Rubbing Wear: Rubbing wear particles are generated because of normal
sliding wear in a machine and result from exploitation of particles of the shear mixed
layer. Rubbing wear particles consists of flat platelets, generally 5 microns or smaller,
although they might range up to 15 microns depending upon equipment associations.
There should be little or no visible texturing of the surface and thickness should be 1
micron or less
2. Cutting Wear Particles: Cutting wear particles are generated as result of one surface
penetrating another. There are two ways of generating this effect. A relatively hard
component can become misaligned or fractured resulting in hard, sharp edge penetrating
a soft surface. The particle generated this way is coarse and large, averaging 2-5 microns
wide and 25-100 microns long. Hard abrasive particles in the lubrication, either as
contaminants such as sand or wear debris from another part of this system, may become
embedded in soft wear surface (two body abrasion) such as Lead/Tin alloy bearing. The
abrasive particles protrude from the soft wear surface and penetrating the opposing wear
surface. The maximum size of cutting wear particles generated in this way is proportional
to the size of abrasive particles in the lubricant. Very fine wire-like particles can be
generated with thickness as low as 25 microns. Cutting wear particles are abnormal.
Their presence and quantity should be carefully monitored. If the majority of the cutting
particles in a system are a few micrometers long and a fraction of micrometers wide the
presence of particulate contaminants should be suspected. If a system shows increased
quantity of large (50 microns long) cutting wear particles, a component failure is
potentially imminent.
3. Spherical Particles: These particles are generated in the bearing cracks. If generates
their presence gives an improved warning of impending trouble as they are detectable
before any spalling occurs. Rolling fatigue generates few spheres over 5 microns in
diameter while the sphere generated by welding, grinding and corrosion are frequently
over 10 microns in diameter.

Fig 3 Spherical Particles
4. Severe Sliding: Severe sliding wear particles are identified by parallel on their surfaces.
They are generally larger than 15 microns, with the length-to-width thickness ratio falling
between 5-30 microns. Severe sliding wear particles sometimes show evidence of temper
colours, which may change the appearance of the particle after heat treatment.

Fig 4. Severe Sliding

5. Bearing Wear Particles: These distinct particle types have been associated with rolling
bearing fatigues. Fatigue spall particles constitute actual removal from the metal surface with
a pit or a crack is propagated. These particles reach a maximum size of 100 microns during
the microspalling process. Fatigues spalls are generally are flat with a major dimension-to-
thickness ratio of 10 to 1. Laminar particles are very thin free metal particles with frequent
occurrence of holes. They range between 20 to 50 microns in major diameter with a thickness
ratio of 30:1. These particles are formed by the passage of wear particles through a rolling
contact. Laminar particles may be generated throughout the life of a bearing. Rubbing,
Surface-Fatigue, Corrosion, Sliding, Cutting. The particle material will pin point to the source
and therefore deteriorating component-wearing race, rolling element or cage, rubbing scales,
gear teeth etc. Spherical particles can be heat generated if there is insufficient lubrication or
there is a depletion of extreme pressure additives in high load or high stress conditions.
Spheres are also produced by fatigue (cavitation erosion) of rolling element bearings.

Fatigue spherical particles formed within bearing fatigue cracks range in size from 1
to 10 microns. A marked increase in spherical particles indicates possible equipment distress.

3.3 Significant Oil Contaminants

Lubricating oil used in engine may possibly include concentration of such elements as
iron chromium, copper, lead, tin, antimony, borated silver, silicon.

1. Aluminium Pistons, bearings

2. Boron Coolant leak

3. Copper Bearings, bushings, washers etc.

4. Iron Piston rings, ball and roller bearings

5. Lead Bearings, bushings Iron concentration usually rises as a consequence of higher wear
rate of cylinder liners or piston rings (or of piston where these are of ferrous materials). A
common cause is that of piston rings stuck in their grooves with consequent blow-by of
combustion gases and burning of the oil film adding to scuffing and piston seizure. Iron and
silicon together in high concentration suggests linear and ring wear from dust in the intake
air. This could be caused by inefficient or chocked air filters. Air filter filled relatively low in
the body of a vehicle may choke and allow direct to enter.

3.4 Wear Process Monitoring Techniques:

The method of wear process can be classified into three main types, which are shown
in fig.
1. Direct detection method: Wear debris in the lubricant is detected in the machine by
arranging for the oil flow through a device, which is sensitive to the presence of debris.
2. Debris collection methods: Wear debris is collected in a device, fitted to the machine
which is convenient to remove, so that the debris can be extracted for examination.
3. Lubricant Sample Analysis: A sample of lubricant is extracted from the machine and
analyzed for wear debris contamination. These methods are normally used to monitor the
conditions of components lubricated by a circulatory oil system. When applying a wear
debris monitoring method to any machine for the first time there is an initial learning period
required, partly to gain experience in using the equipment, but mainly to establish wear debris
characteristic levels which indicate normal and incipient failure conditions. This learning
period can take up to 2 Yrs. During this time it will also be necessary to establish the

Inspection and sampling intervals for intermittent monitoring methods such as debris
collection and lubricant sampling. This time interval will depend on the application but
fortnightly or monthly is probably a reasonable choice for an industrial application in the
absence of more precise guidance. Debris collection and lubricant sampling can also indicate
the nature of the wear problem and engineers carrying out monitoring need to be given a
regular feedback of information on the accuracy of their diagnosis. A scattering of black
particle fragments (whiskers) is seen. An unacceptable coating is visible. This indicates
abnormal wear. A sample of lubricant is extracted from a machine and analyzed for wear
debris contamination.

There are two most widely used methods and they are:
1. Spectrometric oil analysis program (SOAP)
2. Ferrography

These methods are normally used to monitor the conditions of components lubricated
by a circulating oil system. Two main lubricating sample analysis methods are:
1. Analysis of the sample to determine the concentration of the chemical elements it
2. Analysis of the sample to determine the amount, size and shape of contaminant
particles contained in it.

It is a maintenance tool which is used to check the condition of the oil lubricated
mechanical systems (Examples: Motors, Gear boxes, Hydraulic systems). The systems can be
kept under surveillance without dismantling them. Abnormally worn compounds can be
localized and replaced before a catastrophic failure occurs. The quantity and type of wear
metals in sample of lubricating oil is determined. The quantity can indicate something about
the magnitude of the wear and the type of wear metals can reveal which component is
wearing out.
 Emission Spectroscopy An emission spectrometer is an optical instrument where the
sample is burned is in a spark between two electrodes. The energy is absorbed by the
metal in the sample, and they emit light with wavelengths, which are characteristic

For each element in the sample. The intensity of light is proportional to the
concentration of the metal in the sample.
 Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy In this, the sample is burned in a gas flame, where
the metal compounds are transferred into atoms that can absorb light at wavelengths,
which can characteristic for each metal. If one wishes e.g. to determine the quantity
of fuel copper, then light with a wavelength characteristic for copper is send through
the flame, where the copper atoms absorb a part of light . The quantity of absorbed
light is proportional with the quantity of copper in the sample. Only particle under
certain size can be measured, which is of the order of 0-10Â Âμm. With emission
spectroscopy somewhat larger particles can be measured.

Users of the SOAP claim that they find that a large proportion of the defects which
would lead to the breakdown. This method provides no indication of: Large particles (E.g.
bearings can breakdown due to few large particles) Defects which occurs quickly (E.g. due to
the lack of lubricating oil or due to bearings which burn up) Defects where no wear metals
are formed.(E.g. breakdown due to metal fatigue).

3.5 Ferrography:
It is a technique which is based upon the systematic collection of oil samples from oil-
lubricated machines. The method identifies, isolate and classify wear particles from machine
parts. A magnetic field is used to sort the wear particles in the flowing oil. This technique
was used successfully to monitor the condition of military aircraft engines, gear boxes and
transmissions. Three of the major types of equipments used in wear particle analysis are the
Direct Reading (DR) ferrography, the analytical ferrograph system and Ferrogram scanner.
Registration of the quantity of large and small wear particles is used to monitor the
development of process between checks. Abnormal wear is revealed when there is a change
in distribution of the particles called wear index of the oil.

Ferrograph Analysis Apparatus:

Here the particles are separated on a treated object glass where due to its displacement in a
special magnetic field (with a very high field gradation) causes the particle should be sorted
according to size. The largest particles are deposited first while smaller ones travel farther

With the flowing oil. The density i.e. the concentration of particles at a single location on the
ferrogram is measured with a optical densitometer by allowing light to pass through it.
1. DR Ferrography This is a quick method for which direct reading of the index SD
can be achieved in about 5 minutes. In this apparatus, a controlled flow of oil passes through
a calibrated glass tube which is mounted in a specially designed magnetic field. The
separation causes the particles to be sorted by the size of the bottom of the tube. The
apparatus uses photocells to convert the measured light intensities attained by passing light to
the tube to electric signals. The measured region of the apparatus is 0 -190 DR units, where
maximum value is 190 DR corresponding to the cases where the bottom of the tube is
completely covered with metal particles.
2. The Analytical Ferrograph additional information about a wear sample can be
obtained with the Analytical Ferrograph system, instruments that can provide a permanent
record of the sample, as well as analytical information. The Ferrogram is an important
predictive tool, since it provides an identification of the characteristic wear pattern of specific
pieces of equipment. After the particles have deposited on the Ferrogram, a wash is used to
flush away the oil or water-based lubricant. After the wash fluid evaporates, the wear
particles remain permanently attached to the glass substrate and are ready for microscopic
examination. Ferrogram Maker Instrument Wear-Debris analysis made easy The EDAX
Eagle Micro-Probe EDXRF system provides a fast and simple method for the component
identification of wear-debris particles .

Fig 5 Copper particles

Fig 6 Babbitt particle
High alloy steel EDAX has led the way in the development and supply of elemental
analysis instrumentation based on the method of energy-dispersive (X-ray) spectrometry
(EDS). The EDS method utilizes the simple spectral information produced as a result of
electron transitions deep within an atom. These X-ray spectra (so called because of their
energy/ wavelength) obtained from a sample under investigation within a suitable analysis
instrument, provide unique information about the type and quantity of the elements present.
EDAX introduced the first commercially available EDS system for electron
microscopy applications The EDS technique is a familiar elemental analysis attachment to a
scanning electron microscope (SEM) where electrons are used as the primary energy source
to excite the X-ray spectra. SEM-EDS methods are used for wear-particle analysis for both
their morphological and compositional properties, and are particularly useful where the study
of very small particles (approximately five microns or less) is necessary. On the other hand,
the radiation output from an X-ray tube may also be employed as an energy source. The
resultant benefits for systems using an X-ray energy source include greatly simplified
specimen handling/presentation needs, less sophisticated instrumentation, simpler and faster
operation and lower cost. Such a standalone system is called an energy-dispersive X-ray
fluorescence spectrometer (EDXRF), of which the EDAX Eagle is a specialized example. the
EDS technique is a familiar elemental analysis attachment to a scanning electron microscope
Ease of analysis:- The magnetic plugs are degreased prior to the transfer of the debris on to a
clear sticky tape (the traditional method used for debris archiving and/or optical examination)
Without the need for any further sample preparation, the tape/debris is presented to the
spectrometer for analysis where, in typically less than two minutes, its analysis may be

Obtained. Also the measured spectrum can be compared (using spectral pattern-recognition
methods) to stored reference spectra of the monitored assembly's component parts and hence
to identify the component that has worn or been damaged.

4. Applications
1. It is used in situation s where breakdowns are catastrophic or expensive.
2. It is widely used in the military services.
3. In US, it is used by the Air force, Navy and the Army.
4. It is used for many civil aviation companies.


The Result of this analysis is found that the wear debris in oil is dark brown in colour
which shows the presence of Dark metallic oxides.

5. Conclusion

 The wear debris monitoring method access the nature of the particles generated when
components wear. They can
 indicate exact nature of the machine problem
 indicate the amount of debris present
 indicate the size distribution of debris
 indicate the physical form of debris
 application of chemical analysis of debris

6. References

[1] Moreton, G and Yardley, E D - The Use Of Wear Debris Analysis to Monitor Gear
Transmissions Under ground. Proc. of the Conf. on Condition Monitoring, 1984, p491.

[2] Lester M F and Brooks A - Debris Testing Progress and Further Developments. Proc. of
the Conf. on Condition Monitoring 1987

[3] Fogel A G and Wright G J - Case Study: The Application of wear Debris Analysis for
Monitoring Under ground Continuous Coal Miners. Conf. Proc. of “Tribology 86".

[4] Fogel A G and Wright G J - Refining Wear Debris Monitoring as a useful Applied
Technology in Maintenance Management. Conf. Proc. of “Tribology 88".

[5] Venkatraman.a, senthilvelan.t, winter school on recent trends in diagnostic maintenance..

[6] Prabhu.b.s, workshop on plant engineering and industrial tribology..

[7] Reference:http://seminarprojects.com/thread-wear-debris-analysis-full-


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