Ionia School Report May-June 2016

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May/June 2016

250 East Tuttle Road



Goodbye Message
Dear School Community,
Writing this final message to you as the
Superintendent, I am filled with sentimental
feelings and memories of my time working in
the Ionia Public Schools. Twenty-five years
Dr. Patricia L. Batista working as an administrator in one district is
a long time…and twelve years as the superintendent must be some
sort of record! I am excited about what the future may bring and at
the same time, sad to be leaving. Mostly, I am grateful.
It has been my honor to serve as your superintendent. I am so very
thankful for all of the staff that I have had the privilege to work with
at the Ionia Public Schools. This dedicated team of individuals care
deeply for children and have devoted their lives to improving every
aspect of our schools. Because of our “school family” of employees,
IPS continues to move forward in a positive direction!
Looking back, I have fond memories of the past 25 years and I will
cherish the enduring friendships that I have made. I am forever
“How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so
hard.”​–A.A. Milne, Winnie-the-Pooh
Wishing you all of the best! Go Bulldogs! Superintendent Dr. Patricia L. Batista and Finance Director, Donald
Dr. Patricia L. Batista G. Wilcox (left) pictured with Associate Superintendent Ben Kirby
Superintendent were honored at the Community Dinner for their years of service to
Ionia Public Schools.

Thank You To All Of Our Students For An

Awesome March Is Reading Month!!! A Lot Of
Reading Was Done And We All Had Fun!!!
A very special “Thank You” to
Superintendent Batista for visiting
Emerson Elementary to read to
our Kindergarten students.
Dr. Batista brought
lots of fun and
giggles and the
students enjoyed it
very much!!
Elementary School Jefferson Elementary News

Rather Elementary News

A huge thank you to Rather students and their families for their incredible generosity! 
The grand total raised for the Heifer International service learning project was
$3,252.24!  With matching funds during the month of March the grand total
contributed is $6,504.48!!!  Also, our students eclipsed their goal of 4,000 Accelerated
Reader points during the month of March by earning 4,912!!!  We are so very proud In March, Jefferson 5th Grade Teacher Johanna
of our students for all of their hard work! Pictured top left (left to right) holding their White participated in the #BestSchoolDay Cam-
collection banks are Seth Wood, Kaitlynn Mutschler, Molly Waterman, and Jonte paign organized by Late Show host Stephen Col-
Hovenden. bert. Mr. Colbert teamed up with DonorsChoose.
org, a site that uses crowdfunding to help public
schools, students and teachers. Mrs. White and
On Friday, March 18, Rath-
her students were the proud recipients of 22 new
er hosted a fun, exciting,
tablets to use in her classroom! Congratulations,
interactive assembly pro-
Mrs. White!
gram entitled “The Magic
Bookshelf ”.  Pictured at left
are presenter Doug Scheer,
second grader Matteo Van-
Beveren, and second grader
Lillian Croel.
Jefferson Teachers
Recognized by Wounded
Warrior Foundation
The first grade teachers (Mrs. Rozich and
Mrs. Basler) were recognized by the Wound-
ed Soldier Foundation for leading their
classes in a fundraiser that raised $350.00
for this worthwhile cause.  The classes sold
Parker Kirby pictured at right, an IHS 11th freezer pops for a quarter a piece and the
grader and a member of the Ionia County demand/response was amazing.  Mrs. Ro-
Intermediate School District Youth Advi- zich and Mrs. Basler were presented with a
sory Council, reads to students in Michelle plaque for their efforts and it now hangs in
Braun’s kindergarten classroom. On March the main Jefferson hallway.
17, YAC students visited Rather to read to the
elementary students.

Boyce Shower
of Stars

Talents abound as
Boyce Shower of Stars
Talent Show kicked-off
the start of spring break
on April 1st.

Twin Rivers Thanks

the Lyons-Muir
Lions Club!

Twin Rivers was very happy to

receive boxes of school supplies
from the Lyons-Muir Lions
Club to help finish out the
school year.  Supplies included
were paper, pencils, crayons,
folders, tissues, Clorox wipes,
hand sanitizer and more.  The Keep RUNNING!!
Lions Club also supports Twin Twin Rivers’ students started their annual Mileage bottle.   At the end of the program, trophies will
Rivers with school supplies in Club Walking/Running program the first day back be awarded to the boy and girl at each grade level
the fall.  Thank you Lions Club! from spring break.  This program is sponsored by that completed the most mileage.  Many past Twin
Sparrow Hospital and this is the 17th year that Rivers’ students have found their love for running
Twin Rivers has participated.   Students receive while participating in this program and have gone
little feet for every five miles they complete and on to excel at the middle and high school levels in
after 20 miles, they receive a Mileage Club water cross country and track. 

Caring for Others at Twin Rivers

The students pictured left participated in the annual Math-a-thon,
raising $2,136 for St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital. These students
learned that St. Jude’s cares for children stricken by cancer, regard-
less of their ability to pay for these services. They also learned that
this hospital conducts extensive research in order to find a cure for
cancers of all kinds. This information motivated these students
and their parents to collect pledges in exchange for completing
many grade level math problems. Twin Rivers has participated in
the Math-a-thon for the past 17 years and has raised over $20,000
in donations for this life changing hospital. This year’s group of
students raised twice the amount of the set goal, resulting in a re-
cord donation from a group of caring and selfless children. We are
so proud of their efforts!

Middle School IMS Destination
Imagination Winners
Congratulations to the IMS Destination Imagi-
nation team, Music Matrix! The DI team,
coached by IMS teacher /Team Manager Chris-
tina Frost, earned first place in the engineering
challenge “Musical Mashup” at regional com-
petition. The team created a 25 gram structure
that was a fully-tuned guitar made only from
wood, rubber bands, and glue!! In addition, the
instrument plays a solo that is team-created!
Music Matrix DI Team earned 3rd place at state
competition and are now invited to the GLOB-
AL competition in May in Knoxville, Tennessee
to compete with over 1,400 teams from all over
the world!! Pictured Front Row (L-R) Olivia
Lee, Cooper Roberts, Dylan Tate, and Adam
Frost. Back Row (L-R) Anita Velasco, Lukas
Schafer and Kevin Pittman.


Class B GPA Coach IHS Basketball Champs
Ionia 3.613 Travis Hyde
Edwardsburg 3.606 Stephen Wright
Ludington 3.589 Thad Shank
Hudsonville 3.566 Scott Soodsma
Unity Christian
Otsego 3.560 Josh Holmes
Corunna 3.534 John Langstaff
Gladwin 3.531 Kirk Taylor
Shepherd 3.528 Ryan Huber
Chelsea 3.526 Josh Tropea
Three Rivers 3.523 Brian Burg
HONORABLE MENTION: Marysville (3.507),
Imlay City (3.503), Hamilton (3.482), Armada
(3.479), Hillsdale (3.472), Ada Forest Hills Eastern
(3.454), Cadillac (3.400), Onsted (3.384), Fremont
(3.348), Kalkaska (3.344), West Branch Ogemaw
Heights (3.340), Yale (3.332), Spring Lake (3.324),
St. Clair (3.315), Adrian (3.298), Benzonia Benzie
Central (3.296), Escanaba (3.282), Frankenmuth
(3.271), Wayland Union (3.258), Grayling (3.219),
Stanton Central Montcalm (3.210), Center Line
(3.209), Kingsley (3.200), Williamston (3.135),
Pontiac Notre Dame (3.126), Leslie (3.099),
Fennville (3.068).

The IHS Varsity Boys’ Basketball players pictured above were announced as the Basketball Coaches Association of Michigan (BCAM) Class
B 1st Place Academic All-State winners for 2015-2016, achieving a team cumulative GPA of 3.613. Winners of this award consist of the
highest (weighted) average GPA of their team’s players. Cumulative GPA must include GPA from 9th grade through the FIRST SEMES-
TER or SECOND TRIMESTER (of the current school year). BCAM will figure the average GPA for the team by multiplying each player’s
GPA by their total number of attempted credits. These totals for each of the players will be added together and then divided by the total
number of TEAM credits attempted.  The resulting number will be the Average Team GPA. Front Row (L-R) Mike Fuller, Jr., Jonah Barna,
Brady Swinehart, Cameron Sanicki, Parker Kirby, Chris Carpentier, and CoachTravis Hyde. Back Row (L-R) Jim VanSyckle, John McCord,
Bobby Eppler, Josh Magley, Patrick Hull, Ty Luginbuhl, Brandon Miller, Avery Baylis, Max Sharp, and C.J. Maynard. Congratulations!!

Powerlifting Champion
Band News
On February 4, two bands attended the Ionia High School Jazz En-
sembles competing at Central Michigan University. The Achieve
and Zero Hour groups both played very well. The Zero Hour Jazz
received 2nd Runner up Outstanding Band Award and Ryan Egeler
received 2nd Runner up Best Solo Award. This is only the 2nd year
that the Achieve Hour group has attended, while the Zero Hour
group has gone the past 12 years. Of those 12 years the band has
received two Outstanding Band Awards, two 1st Runner up awards
and two 2nd runner up Outstanding Band awards. The jazz pro-
gram is up and running well with 2 Jazz Bands and 2 Jazz Com-
bos. The bands consist of some very good players. Most notably
are Owen Sweeney who was runner up for All State Jazz Band on
the Alto Saxophone and Ryan Egeler who was chosen for 1st Trum-
pet in the All State Band for the second year in a row. Mr. Beyer
and Mr. Brill will be coming to all Ionia 5th Grade Classes in a few
weeks to begin the testing process for 6th Grade Instrumental Mu- IHS Sophomore Shane Nutt competed in the 165 pound weight class
sic. Ryan Egeler was also chosen for the MYAF (Michigan Youth at the USA Powerlifting National Competition in Orlando, Florida
Arts Festival) Jazz Ensemble. The 14th Annual Jazz Cabaret is May on March 31st. He placed 3rd at this event. Shane lifted a total of
6th at Shadow Ridge Golf Course. This year the guest artist is Walter 1184 pounds including a 440 pound squat, a 226 pound bench, and
White on Trumpet. Tickets are $20 /person and include appetizers a 518 pound deadlift. All 3 of those lifts were personal bests. Shane
and desserts. For tickets, call Amy Fuller at 616-902-3396 or e-mail was only 5 pounds away from second place.
Scott Beyer at . Congratulations, Shane and Coach Holes!

Swim Team Chromebooks Impact Learning

IHS English teacher Jennifer Ward and her

students put together a short video and com-
pleted a number of essay questions about the
impact a class set of Chromebooks would
have on their learning. They submitted their
materials to the EdTechTeam, a group that
works closely with Google for Education.
Mrs. Ward’s classroom was selected, and
over spring break they received 36 Chromebooks which they will
Congratulations to IHS Senior Riese Penn! (second from right) use to connect, collaborate, and create! On March 29th, Mrs. Ward
Riese placed 3rd at state swim competition and was awarded Dream was selected as one of 30 teachers globally to be a TED-Ed Innova-
Team “Diver of the Year” by the Lansing State Journal. tive teacher. Technology, Entertainment and Design (TED) is a non
profit devoted to spreading ideas in the form of short, powerful talks
covering topics from science to business. Mrs. Ward will fly to Banff,
Alberta, at the end of June to participate in the first TED Summit.
Congratulations, Mrs. Ward!

IONIA HIGH SCHOOL Science Olympiad

Congratulations to the IHS Science Olympiad team! The students competed at the Regional Pictured above testing a project are IHS
meet held in March and placed 3rd overall, qualifying for state competition. The students Senior Riley Mercer and IHS Sophomore
will compete at state competition held at MSU on April 30th. Pictured above: Front Noah Sanford.
Row - Kaitlyn Hikock, Kelsey Merrifield, Joe Draher, Justin Rickert Second Row - Matt
Felice, Noah Sanford, Riley Mercer, Owen Sweeney Third Row - Kayley Zamarron, Logan
Stiles, Xavier Begerow, Bobby Eppler, Clarice Cantu Back Row - Coach Ondersma, Emily
Alexander, Mr. Merrifield​​ and (not pictured) Alexis Knoblock.

State Standardized WHAT’S HAPPENING? Senior Citizen
Tests STEAM Camp: Science, Technology,
Students across the state will partic- Engineering, Art and Mathematics!
ipate in the State Standardized Tests For 5th Graders in Ionia & Montcalm
this spring. Ionia Public School stu- Counties! Please join us for the
dents started this past week with M- There are 2 sessions; each runs 2 weeks,
Step, the New SAT, and ACT Work 4 days a week 9 AM – 4 PM. Students End of Year
Keys. The results are supposed to be are welcome to attend both sessions.
shared with schools sooner this year
Session 1: June 13th through 16th &
Senior Citizen Luncheon
and we look forward to that change.
Please support the success of our June 20th through 23rd.
Friday, May 13, 2016
students by exercising good eating Session 2: July 25th through 28th &
and sleeping habits during the test-
ing window. The results reflect on
August 1st through 4th. 12:00 NOON
the students, school district, and
Held at HO Steele Education Center,
Fenwick, MI.
Watt Auditorium The cost is $20 for each session. Luncheon Cost is $3.20
Register at by
Call 527-9280 for
May 27, 2016 Reservations
31st Annual Community Dinner
A Night to Remember On March 29th, Ionia Public Schools
held its 31st Annual Community
Dinner with the theme of “A Night to
Remember.”  Over 100 students were
recognized, starting with students
and staff from Jefferson Elementary,
to our most academically prestigious
students of Ionia High School.  Multi-
ple student-athletes were recognized,
as well as all National Honor Society
students from IHS.  Senior Lauren
Curtis performed the “Trolley Song”
(made famous by Judy Garland)
while dancing through a life-sized
trolley built by Albert Mayer, father
of IHS choir student, Joseph Mayer. 
Mrs. Rose Scheller and her choir
IMS Principal James Matice-Left, Boyce Princi- students masterfully performed mul-
pal Scott Yenchar-Center and Emerson Principal tiple choral numbers and Mr. Beyer’s
Mitch Mercer–Right, ready to serve delicious Hot Jazz Band closed out the evening
Fudge Sundaes! with several toe-tapping, upbeat jazz IPS Board Member Jamie Meyer is served
numbers. A grateful thank-you to all by Finance Director Don Wilcox and
who helped to make our 31st Annual Rather Principal Darin Magley.
Community Dinner “A Night to Re-

Avery Baylis Recently Recognized on

“State Champs Sports Network”

This year’s Silver Slate Awards were presented to

four outstanding and deserving individuals for
their dedication to our schools and community.
IPS would like to thank Cathy Hoppough,
Fran Rowland, Sally Wilcox and Walt Downes. 
(Pictured (L-R) IPS Board President Roger Hull,
Silver Slate Award Winner Walter Downes, and
IPS Superintendent Dr. Patricia L. Batista.) Other
Silver Slate Award winners were not present at markowski/avery-baylis-accepts-life-s-challenges-sets-an-example-for-everyone/#.
time this picture was taken. VuV3Q4PJsrA.facebook

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
High School High School
Theatre Presents Cinco de Mayo Theatre Presents
‘Salem’s Daughter’ Chicken Quesadilla ‘Salem’s Daughter’
3:00 pm @ Watt Aud Asian Bowl Dippin’ Chicken Nuggets Mac & Cheese, Please! Mini Churro / Ice Cream Cup Cheesefilled Bread Sticks 7:00 pm @ Watt Aud

8 9 10 11 12 13 14
High School 6th Grade Spring Band 7th & 8th Grade & M.S. Jazz IHS Spring Band Concert Senior Citizen Lunch
Theatre Presents Concert 7:00 pm Spring Band Concert 12:00 pm @ Watt Aud.
‘Salem’s Daughter’
3:00 pm @ Watt Aud Chef Salad Dippin’ Chicken Nuggets French Toast Stix / Sausage Hot Diggity Dog/ Bun

15 16 17 18 19 20 21
Board of Education Meeting Vocal Music Final Awards D.R. Welch High School
Concert 7:30 pm
7:00 pm Graduation @ 6:00 pm

Burrito Dippin’ Chicken Nuggets Chicken Patty / Bun Chicken Quesadilla Cheesefilled Bread Sticks

22 23 24 25 26 27 28
Baccalaureate Kindergarten Round-Up IMS Choir Concert 7:30 pm
By appointment ONLY
7:00 pm @ Watt
Asian Bowl / Fortune Cookie Dippin’ Chicken Nuggets Sloppy Joe / Bun Cheeseburger on a Bun is Fun! Cheesefilled Bread Sticks

29 30 31

Memorial Day—NO School Dippin’ Chicken Nuggets

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
1 Kindergarten Round-Up 2 3 4
By appointment ONLY IHS Graduation Ceremony
Class Night—IHS Gym 7:00 pm in High School Gym
7:00 pm
Burrito Hot Diggity Dog/ Bun

5 6 7 8 9 10 11
8th Grade Class Night LAST Day for Students
6:30 pm in Middle School Gym
1/2 Day
Chef Salad Dippin’ Chicken Nuggets Meat Sauce on Spaghetti Mt. Cheeseburger on a Bun is Fun! Attend A.M. ONLY

12 13 14 15 16 18
Pizza, taco, hamburger /bun and low fat grilled chicken/bun are the four main choices available every day. Fifth choice offerings are listed above. In addition17to the main dish; and the daily fruit/vegetable,
the following items will be available: Romaine Lettuce, Fresh baby carrots, Fresh Fruit, ff Salad Dressings, and bread and butter. A 1/2 pint of 1% white or fat free chocolate milk is included with lunch. Prices:
19 22 23
Elementary Students,
20 $2.20; Jr. High & Sr. High (buffet line)
21 Students, $2.45; Staff and Adults, $3.20. Program prohibits discrimination on the basis of race,24
color, national origin, sex, age, and/or
25 handicap. Any
26 person who believes27he/she has been discriminated 28
against should write to USDA, 29
Director, Office of Civil Rights, 1400 30
Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, D.C. 20250-9410 or call 800-795-3272 or 202-
720-6382 (TTY). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer.”

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